1 | /*
2 | * Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Jeliński
3 | *
4 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 | *
9 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 | *
14 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
17 | */
18 |
19 | import "transact.idl";
20 | import "objidl.idl";
21 |
22 | interface ITransactionResourceAsync;
23 | interface ITransactionLastResourceAsync;
24 | interface ITransactionResource;
25 | interface ITransactionEnlistmentAsync;
26 | interface ITransactionLastEnlistmentAsync;
27 | interface ITransactionExportFactory;
28 | interface ITransactionImportWhereabouts;
29 | interface ITransactionExport;
30 | interface ITransactionImport;
31 | interface ITipTransaction;
32 | interface ITipHelper;
33 | interface ITipPullSink;
34 | interface IDtcNetworkAccessConfig;
35 | interface IDtcNetworkAccessConfig2;
36 |
37 | [
38 | object,
39 | uuid(69e971f0-23ce-11cf-ad60-00aa00a74ccd)
40 | ]
41 | interface ITransactionResourceAsync : IUnknown {
42 | HRESULT PrepareRequest([in]BOOL fRetaining,[in]DWORD grfRM,[in]BOOL fWantMoniker,[in]BOOL fSinglePhase);
43 | HRESULT CommitRequest([in]DWORD grfRM,[in]XACTUOW *pNewUOW);
44 | HRESULT AbortRequest([in]BOID *pboidReason,[in]BOOL fRetaining,[in]XACTUOW *pNewUOW);
45 | HRESULT TMDown(void);
46 | };
47 |
48 | [
49 | object,
50 | uuid(c82bd532-5b30-11d3-8a91-00c04f79eb6d)
51 | ]
52 | interface ITransactionLastResourceAsync : IUnknown {
53 | HRESULT DelegateCommit([in]DWORD grfRM);
54 | HRESULT ForgetRequest([in]XACTUOW *pNewUOW);
55 | };
56 |
57 | [
58 | object,
59 | uuid(ee5ff7b3-4572-11d0-9452-00a0c905416e)
60 | ]
61 | interface ITransactionResource : IUnknown {
62 | HRESULT PrepareRequest([in]BOOL fRetaining,[in]DWORD grfRM,[in]BOOL fWantMoniker,[in]BOOL fSinglePhase);
63 | HRESULT CommitRequest([in]DWORD grfRM,[in]XACTUOW *pNewUOW);
64 | HRESULT AbortRequest([in]BOID *pboidReason,[in]BOOL fRetaining,[in]XACTUOW *pNewUOW);
65 | HRESULT TMDown(void);
66 | };
67 |
68 | [
69 | object,
70 | uuid(0fb15081-af41-11ce-bd2b-204c4f4f5020)
71 | ]
72 | interface ITransactionEnlistmentAsync : IUnknown {
73 | HRESULT PrepareRequestDone([in]HRESULT hr,[in]IMoniker *pmk,[in]BOID *pboidReason);
74 | HRESULT CommitRequestDone([in]HRESULT hr);
75 | HRESULT AbortRequestDone([in]HRESULT hr);
76 | };
77 |
78 | [
79 | object,
80 | uuid(c82bd533-5b30-11d3-8a91-00c04f79eb6d)
81 | ]
82 | interface ITransactionLastEnlistmentAsync : IUnknown {
83 | HRESULT TransactionOutcome([in]XACTSTAT XactStat,[in]BOID *pboidReason);
84 | };
85 |
86 | [
87 | object,
88 | uuid(e1cf9b53-8745-11ce-a9ba-00aa006c3706)
89 | ]
90 | interface ITransactionExportFactory : IUnknown {
91 | HRESULT GetRemoteClassId([in]CLSID *pclsid);
92 | HRESULT Create([in]ULONG cbWhereabouts,[in]byte *rgbWhereabouts,[out]ITransactionExport **ppExport);
93 | };
94 |
95 | [
96 | object,
97 | uuid(0141fda4-8fc0-11ce-bd18-204c4f4f5020)
98 | ]
99 | interface ITransactionImportWhereabouts : IUnknown {
100 | HRESULT GetWhereaboutsSize([out]ULONG *pcbWhereabouts);
101 | HRESULT GetWhereabouts([in]ULONG cbWhereabouts,[out]byte *rgbWhereabouts,[out]ULONG *pcbUsed);
102 | };
103 |
104 | [
105 | object,
106 | uuid(0141fda5-8fc0-11ce-bd18-204c4f4f5020)
107 | ]
108 | interface ITransactionExport : IUnknown {
109 | HRESULT Export([in]IUnknown *punkTransaction,[out]ULONG *pcbTransactionCookie);
110 | HRESULT GetTransactionCookie([in]IUnknown *punkTransaction,[in]ULONG cbTransactionCookie,[out]byte *rgbTransactionCookie,[out]ULONG *pcbUsed);
111 | };
112 |
113 | [
114 | object,
115 | uuid(e1cf9b5a-8745-11ce-a9ba-00aa006c3706)
116 | ]
117 | interface ITransactionImport : IUnknown {
118 | HRESULT Import([in]ULONG cbTransactionCookie,[in]byte *rgbTransactionCookie,[in]IID *piid,[out,iid_is(piid)]void **ppvTransaction);
119 | };
120 | [
121 | object,
122 | uuid(17cf72d0-bac5-11d1-b1bf-00c04fc2f3ef)
123 | ]
124 | interface ITipTransaction : IUnknown {
125 | HRESULT Push([in]char *i_pszRemoteTmUrl,[out]char **o_ppszRemoteTxUrl);
126 | HRESULT GetTransactionUrl([out]char **o_ppszLocalTxUrl);
127 | };
128 | [
129 | object,
130 | uuid(17cf72d1-bac5-11d1-b1bf-00c04fc2f3ef)
131 | ]
132 | interface ITipHelper : IUnknown {
133 | HRESULT Pull([in]char *i_pszTxUrl,[out]ITransaction **o_ppITransaction);
134 | HRESULT PullAsync([in]char *i_pszTxUrl,[in]ITipPullSink *i_pTipPullSink,[out]ITransaction **o_ppITransaction);
135 | HRESULT GetLocalTmUrl([out]char **o_ppszLocalTmUrl);
136 | };
137 | [
138 | object,
139 | uuid(17cf72d2-bac5-11d1-b1bf-00c04fc2f3ef)
140 | ]
141 | interface ITipPullSink : IUnknown {
142 | HRESULT PullComplete([in]HRESULT i_hrPull);
143 | };
144 | [
145 | object,
146 | uuid(9797c15d-a428-4291-87b6-0995031a678d)
147 | ]
148 | interface IDtcNetworkAccessConfig : IUnknown {
149 | HRESULT GetAnyNetworkAccess([out]BOOL *pbAnyNetworkAccess);
150 | HRESULT SetAnyNetworkAccess([in]BOOL bAnyNetworkAccess);
151 | HRESULT GetNetworkAdministrationAccess([out]BOOL *pbNetworkAdministrationAccess);
152 | HRESULT SetNetworkAdministrationAccess([in]BOOL bNetworkAdministrationAccess);
153 | HRESULT GetNetworkTransactionAccess([out]BOOL *pbNetworkTransactionAccess);
154 | HRESULT SetNetworkTransactionAccess([in]BOOL bNetworkTransactionAccess);
155 | HRESULT GetNetworkClientAccess([out]BOOL *pbNetworkClientAccess);
156 | HRESULT SetNetworkClientAccess([in]BOOL bNetworkClientAccess);
157 | HRESULT GetNetworkTIPAccess([out]BOOL *pbNetworkTIPAccess);
158 | HRESULT SetNetworkTIPAccess([in]BOOL bNetworkTIPAccess);
159 | HRESULT GetXAAccess([out]BOOL *pbXAAccess);
160 | HRESULT SetXAAccess([in]BOOL bXAAccess);
161 | HRESULT RestartDtcService(void);
162 | };
163 |
164 | typedef enum AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL {
169 |
170 | [
171 | object,
172 | uuid(a7aa013b-eb7d-4f42-b41c-b2dec09ae034)
173 | ]
174 | interface IDtcNetworkAccessConfig2 : IDtcNetworkAccessConfig {
175 | HRESULT GetNetworkInboundAccess([out]BOOL *pbInbound);
176 | HRESULT GetNetworkOutboundAccess([out]BOOL *pbOutbound);
177 | HRESULT SetNetworkInboundAccess([in]BOOL bInbound);
178 | HRESULT SetNetworkOutboundAccess([in]BOOL bOutbound);
179 | HRESULT GetAuthenticationLevel([out]AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL *pAuthLevel);
180 | HRESULT SetAuthenticationLevel([in]AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL AuthLevel);
181 | };