1 | /*
2 | * _stat() definitions
3 | *
4 | * Derived from the mingw header written by Colin Peters.
5 | * Modified for Wine use by Jon Griffiths and Francois Gouget.
6 | * This file is in the public domain.
7 | */
8 | #ifndef __WINE_SYS_STAT_H
9 | #define __WINE_SYS_STAT_H
10 |
11 | #include <crtdefs.h>
12 | #include <sys/types.h>
13 |
14 | #include <pshpack8.h>
15 |
16 | #ifndef _DEV_T_DEFINED
17 | typedef unsigned int _dev_t;
18 | #define _DEV_T_DEFINED
19 | #endif
20 |
21 | #ifndef _INO_T_DEFINED
22 | typedef unsigned short _ino_t;
23 | #define _INO_T_DEFINED
24 | #endif
25 |
26 | #ifndef _OFF_T_DEFINED
27 | typedef int _off_t;
28 | #define _OFF_T_DEFINED
29 | #endif
30 |
31 | #ifndef DECLSPEC_ALIGN
32 | # if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && !defined(MIDL_PASS)
33 | # define DECLSPEC_ALIGN(x) __declspec(align(x))
34 | # elif defined(__GNUC__)
35 | # define DECLSPEC_ALIGN(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
36 | # else
37 | # define DECLSPEC_ALIGN(x)
38 | # endif
39 | #endif
40 |
41 | #define _S_IEXEC 0x0040
42 | #define _S_IWRITE 0x0080
43 | #define _S_IREAD 0x0100
44 | #define _S_IFIFO 0x1000
45 | #define _S_IFCHR 0x2000
46 | #define _S_IFDIR 0x4000
47 | #define _S_IFREG 0x8000
48 | #define _S_IFMT 0xF000
49 |
50 | /* for FreeBSD */
51 | #undef st_atime
52 | #undef st_ctime
53 | #undef st_mtime
54 |
55 | #ifndef _STAT_DEFINED
56 | #define _STAT_DEFINED
57 |
58 | struct _stat {
59 | _dev_t st_dev;
60 | _ino_t st_ino;
61 | unsigned short st_mode;
62 | short st_nlink;
63 | short st_uid;
64 | short st_gid;
65 | _dev_t st_rdev;
66 | _off_t st_size;
67 | time_t st_atime;
68 | time_t st_mtime;
69 | time_t st_ctime;
70 | };
71 |
72 | struct stat {
73 | _dev_t st_dev;
74 | _ino_t st_ino;
75 | unsigned short st_mode;
76 | short st_nlink;
77 | short st_uid;
78 | short st_gid;
79 | _dev_t st_rdev;
80 | _off_t st_size;
81 | time_t st_atime;
82 | time_t st_mtime;
83 | time_t st_ctime;
84 | };
85 |
86 | struct _stat32 {
87 | _dev_t st_dev;
88 | _ino_t st_ino;
89 | unsigned short st_mode;
90 | short st_nlink;
91 | short st_uid;
92 | short st_gid;
93 | _dev_t st_rdev;
94 | _off_t st_size;
95 | __time32_t st_atime;
96 | __time32_t st_mtime;
97 | __time32_t st_ctime;
98 | };
99 |
100 | struct _stat32i64 {
101 | _dev_t st_dev;
102 | _ino_t st_ino;
103 | unsigned short st_mode;
104 | short st_nlink;
105 | short st_uid;
106 | short st_gid;
107 | _dev_t st_rdev;
108 | __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
109 | time_t st_atime;
110 | time_t st_mtime;
111 | time_t st_ctime;
112 | };
113 |
114 | struct _stat64i32 {
115 | _dev_t st_dev;
116 | _ino_t st_ino;
117 | unsigned short st_mode;
118 | short st_nlink;
119 | short st_uid;
120 | short st_gid;
121 | _dev_t st_rdev;
122 | _off_t st_size;
123 | __time64_t st_atime;
124 | __time64_t st_mtime;
125 | __time64_t st_ctime;
126 | };
127 |
128 | struct _stati64 {
129 | _dev_t st_dev;
130 | _ino_t st_ino;
131 | unsigned short st_mode;
132 | short st_nlink;
133 | short st_uid;
134 | short st_gid;
135 | _dev_t st_rdev;
136 | __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
137 | time_t st_atime;
138 | time_t st_mtime;
139 | time_t st_ctime;
140 | };
141 |
142 | struct _stat64 {
143 | _dev_t st_dev;
144 | _ino_t st_ino;
145 | unsigned short st_mode;
146 | short st_nlink;
147 | short st_uid;
148 | short st_gid;
149 | _dev_t st_rdev;
150 | __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
151 | __time64_t st_atime;
152 | __time64_t st_mtime;
153 | __time64_t st_ctime;
154 | };
155 | #endif /* _STAT_DEFINED */
156 |
157 | #ifdef __cplusplus
158 | extern "C" {
159 | #endif
160 |
161 | int __cdecl _fstat(int,struct _stat*);
162 | int __cdecl _stat(const char*,struct _stat*);
163 | int __cdecl _fstat32(int, struct _stat32*);
164 | int __cdecl _stat32(const char*, struct _stat32*);
165 | int __cdecl _fstati64(int,struct _stati64*);
166 | int __cdecl _stati64(const char*,struct _stati64*);
167 | int __cdecl _fstat64(int,struct _stat64*);
168 | int __cdecl _stat64(const char*,struct _stat64*);
169 | int __cdecl _umask(int);
170 |
171 | #ifndef _WSTAT_DEFINED
172 | #define _WSTAT_DEFINED
173 | int __cdecl _wstat(const wchar_t*,struct _stat*);
174 | int __cdecl _wstat32(const wchar_t*, struct _stat32*);
175 | int __cdecl _wstati64(const wchar_t*,struct _stati64*);
176 | int __cdecl _wstat64(const wchar_t*,struct _stat64*);
177 | #endif /* _WSTAT_DEFINED */
178 |
179 | #ifdef __cplusplus
180 | }
181 | #endif
182 |
183 |
184 | #define S_IFMT _S_IFMT
185 | #define S_IFDIR _S_IFDIR
186 | #define S_IFCHR _S_IFCHR
187 | #define S_IFREG _S_IFREG
188 | #define S_IREAD _S_IREAD
189 | #define S_IWRITE _S_IWRITE
190 | #define S_IEXEC _S_IEXEC
191 |
192 | static inline int fstat(int fd, struct stat* ptr) { return _fstat(fd, (struct _stat*)ptr); }
193 | static inline int stat(const char* path, struct stat* ptr) { return _stat(path, (struct _stat*)ptr); }
194 | #ifndef _UMASK_DEFINED
195 | static inline int umask(int fd) { return _umask(fd); }
196 | #define _UMASK_DEFINED
197 | #endif
198 |
199 | #include <poppack.h>
200 |
201 | #endif /* __WINE_SYS_STAT_H */