1 | /*
2 | * Core Audio device topology definitions
3 | *
4 | * Copyright 2009 Maarten Lankhorst
5 | *
6 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 | *
11 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 | *
16 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 | *
20 | */
21 |
22 | interface IPart;
23 | interface IControlInterface;
24 | interface IDeviceTopology;
25 | interface IControlChangeNotify;
26 |
27 | import "oaidl.idl";
28 | import "ocidl.idl";
29 | import "propidl.idl";
30 |
31 | cpp_quote("#ifndef E_NOTFOUND")
32 | cpp_quote("#define E_NOTFOUND HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)")
33 | cpp_quote("#endif")
34 |
35 | cpp_quote("#define DEVTOPO_HARDWARE_INITIATED_EVENTCONTEXT 0x64726148 /* 'draH' */")
36 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(EVENTCONTEXT_VOLUMESLIDER, 0xe2c2e9de, 0x09b1, 0x4b04,0x84,0xe5, 0x07, 0x93, 0x12, 0x25, 0xee, 0x04);")
37 |
38 | cpp_quote("#define _IKsControl_")
39 | cpp_quote("#include <ks.h>")
40 | cpp_quote("#include <ksmedia.h>")
41 | cpp_quote("#ifndef _KS_")
42 |
43 | typedef struct {
44 | ULONG FormatSize;
45 | ULONG Flags;
46 | ULONG SampleSize;
47 | ULONG Reserved;
48 | GUID MajorFormat;
49 | GUID SubFormat;
50 | GUID Specifier;
52 |
54 |
55 | typedef struct
56 | {
57 | union
58 | {
59 | struct {
60 | GUID Set;
61 | ULONG Id;
62 | ULONG Flags;
63 | };
64 | LONGLONG Alignment;
65 | };
67 |
71 |
72 | typedef enum
73 | {
74 | eConnTypeUnknown = 0,
75 | eConnType3Point5mm,
76 | eConnTypeQuarter,
77 | eConnTypeAtapiInternal,
78 | eConnTypeRCA,
79 | eConnTypeOptical,
80 | eConnTypeOtherDigital,
81 | eConnTypeOtherAnalog,
82 | eConnTypeMultichannelAnalogDIN,
83 | eConnTypeXlrProfessional,
84 | eConnTypeRj11Modem,
85 | eConnTypeCombination
86 | } EPcxConnectionType;
87 |
88 | typedef enum
89 | {
90 | eGeoLocRear = 1,
91 | eGeoLocFront,
92 | eGeoLocLeft,
93 | eGeoLocRight,
94 | eGeoLocTop,
95 | eGeoLocBottom,
96 | eGeoLocRearPanel,
97 | eGeoLocRiser,
98 | eGeoLocInsideMobileLid,
99 | eGeoLocDrivebay,
100 | eGeoLocHDMI,
101 | eGeoLocOutsideMobileLid,
102 | eGeoLocATAPI,
103 | eGeoLocReserved5,
104 | eGeoLocReserved6
105 | } EPcxGeoLocation;
106 |
107 | typedef enum
108 | {
109 | eGenLocPrimaryBox = 0,
110 | eGenLocInternal,
111 | eGenLocSeparate,
112 | eGenLocOther
113 | } EPcxGenLocation;
114 |
115 | typedef enum
116 | {
117 | ePortConnJack = 0,
118 | ePortConnIntegratedDevice,
119 | ePortConnBothIntegratedAndJack,
120 | ePortConnUnknown
121 | } EPxcPortConnection;
122 |
123 | typedef struct
124 | {
125 | DWORD ChannelMapping;
126 | COLORREF Color;
127 | EPcxConnectionType ConnectionType;
128 | EPcxGeoLocation GeoLocation;
129 | EPcxGenLocation GenLocation;
130 | EPxcPortConnection PortConnection;
131 | BOOL IsConnected;
133 |
135 |
136 | typedef struct _LUID
137 | {
138 | DWORD LowPart;
139 | LONG HighPart;
140 | } LUID;
141 |
142 | typedef struct _LUID *PLUID;
143 |
144 | typedef enum
145 | {
149 |
150 | typedef struct _tagKSJACK_SINK_INFORMATION
151 | {
153 | WORD ManufacturerId;
154 | WORD ProductId;
155 | WORD AudioLatency;
156 | BOOL HDCPCapable;
157 | BOOL AICapable;
158 | UCHAR SinkDescriptionLength;
159 | WCHAR SinkDescription[32];
160 | LUID PortId;
162 |
163 | typedef struct _tagKSJACK_DESCRIPTION2
164 | {
165 | DWORD DeviceStateInfo;
166 | DWORD JackCapabilities;
168 |
170 |
171 | cpp_quote("#endif")
172 |
173 | typedef enum
174 | {
175 | In = 0,
176 | Out
177 | } DataFlow;
178 |
179 | typedef enum
180 | {
181 | Connector = 0,
182 | Subunit
183 | } PartType;
184 |
185 | typedef enum
186 | {
187 | Unknown_Connector = 0,
188 | Physical_Internal,
189 | Physical_External,
190 | Software_IO,
191 | Software_Fixed,
192 | Network
193 | } ConnectorType;
194 |
195 | [
196 | pointer_default(unique),
197 | nonextensible,
198 | uuid(28f54685-06fd-11d2-b27a-00a0c9223196),
199 | local,
200 | object
201 | ]
202 | interface IKsControl : IUnknown
203 | {
204 | HRESULT KsProperty(
205 | [in] PKSPROPERTY Property,
206 | [in] ULONG PropertyLength,
207 | [in,out] void *PropertyData,
208 | [in] ULONG DataLength,
209 | [out] ULONG *BytesReturned
210 | );
211 | HRESULT KsMethod(
212 | [in] PKSMETHOD Method,
213 | [in] ULONG MethodLength,
214 | [in,out] void *MethodData,
215 | [in] ULONG DataLength,
216 | [out] ULONG *BytesReturned
217 | );
218 | HRESULT KsEvent(
219 | [in] PKSEVENT Event,
220 | [in] ULONG EventLength,
221 | [in,out] void *EventData,
222 | [in] ULONG DataLength,
223 | [out] ULONG *BytesReturned
224 | );
225 | }
226 |
227 | [
228 | pointer_default(unique),
229 | nonextensible,
230 | uuid(c2f8e001-f205-4bc9-99bc-c13b1e048ccb),
231 | local,
232 | object
233 | ]
234 | interface IPerChannelDbLevel : IUnknown
235 | {
236 | HRESULT GetChannelCount(
237 | [out] UINT *pcChannels
238 | );
239 | HRESULT GetLevelRange(
240 | [in] UINT nChannel,
241 | [out] float *pfMinLevelDB,
242 | [out] float *pfMaxLevelDB,
243 | [out] float *pfStepping
244 | );
245 | HRESULT GetLevel(
246 | [in] UINT nChannel,
247 | [out] float *pfLevelDB
248 | );
249 | HRESULT SetLevel(
250 | [in] UINT nChannel,
251 | [in] float fLevelDB,
252 | [in,unique] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
253 | );
254 | HRESULT SetLevelUniform(
255 | [in] float fLevelDB,
256 | [in,unique] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
257 | );
258 | HRESULT SetLevelAllChannels(
259 | [size_is(cChannels),in] float *aLevelsDB,
260 | [in] ULONG cChannels,
261 | [in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
262 | );
263 | }
264 |
265 | [
266 | pointer_default(unique),
267 | nonextensible,
268 | uuid(7fb7b48f-531d-44a2-bcb3-5ad5a134b3dc),
269 | local,
270 | object
271 | ]
272 | interface IAudioVolumeLevel : IPerChannelDbLevel
273 | {
274 | /* Empty */
275 | }
276 |
277 | [
278 | pointer_default(unique),
279 | nonextensible,
280 | uuid(bb11c46f-ec28-493c-b88a-5db88062ce98),
281 | local,
282 | object
283 | ]
284 | interface IAudioChannelConfig : IUnknown
285 | {
286 | HRESULT SetChannelConfig(
287 | [in] DWORD dwConfig,
288 | [in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
289 | );
290 | HRESULT GetChannelConfig(
291 | [in] DWORD dwConfig,
292 | [retval,out] DWORD *pdwConfig
293 | );
294 | }
295 |
296 | [
297 | pointer_default(unique),
298 | nonextensible,
299 | uuid(7d8b1437-dd53-4350-9c1b-1ee2890bf938),
300 | local,
301 | object
302 | ]
303 | interface IAudioLoudness : IUnknown
304 | {
305 | HRESULT GetEnabled(
306 | [out] BOOL *pbEnabled
307 | );
308 | HRESULT SetEnabled(
309 | [in] BOOL bEnabled,
310 | [in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
311 | );
312 | }
313 |
314 | [
315 | pointer_default(unique),
316 | nonextensible,
317 | uuid(4f03dc02-5e6e-4653-8f72-a030c123d598),
318 | local,
319 | object
320 | ]
321 | interface IAudioInputSelector : IUnknown
322 | {
323 | HRESULT GetSelection(
324 | [out] UINT *pnIdSelected
325 | );
326 | HRESULT SetSelection(
327 | [in] UINT nIdSelect,
328 | [unique,in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
329 | );
330 | }
331 |
332 | [
333 | pointer_default(unique),
334 | nonextensible,
335 | uuid(bb515f69-94a7-429e-8b9c-271b3f11a3ab),
336 | local,
337 | object
338 | ]
339 | interface IAudioOutputSelector : IUnknown
340 | {
341 | HRESULT GetSelection(
342 | [out] UINT *pnIdSelected
343 | );
344 | HRESULT SetSelection(
345 | [in] UINT nIdSelect,
346 | [unique,in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
347 | );
348 | }
349 |
350 | [
351 | pointer_default(unique),
352 | nonextensible,
353 | uuid(bb515f69-94a7-429e-8b9c-271b3f11a3ab),
354 | local,
355 | object
356 | ]
357 | interface IAudioMute : IUnknown
358 | {
359 | HRESULT SetMute(
360 | [in] BOOL bMute,
361 | [unique,in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
362 | );
363 | HRESULT GetMute(
364 | [out] BOOL *pbMute
365 | );
366 | }
367 |
368 | [
369 | pointer_default(unique),
370 | nonextensible,
371 | uuid(a2b1a1d9-4db3-425d-a2b2-bd335cb3e2e5),
372 | local,
373 | object
374 | ]
375 | interface IAudioBass : IPerChannelDbLevel
376 | {
377 | /* Empty */
378 | }
379 |
380 | [
381 | pointer_default(unique),
382 | nonextensible,
383 | uuid(5e54b6d7-b44b-40d9-9a9e-e691d9ce6edf),
384 | local,
385 | object
386 | ]
387 | interface IAudioMidRange : IPerChannelDbLevel
388 | {
389 | /* Empty */
390 | }
391 |
392 | [
393 | pointer_default(unique),
394 | nonextensible,
395 | uuid(0a717812-694e-4907-b74b-bafa5cfdca7b),
396 | local,
397 | object
398 | ]
399 | interface IAudioTreble : IPerChannelDbLevel
400 | {
401 | /* Empty */
402 | }
403 |
404 | [
405 | pointer_default(unique),
406 | nonextensible,
407 | uuid(bb515f69-94a7-429e-8b9c-271b3f11a3ab),
408 | local,
409 | object
410 | ]
411 | interface IAudioAutoGainControl : IUnknown
412 | {
413 | HRESULT GetEnabled(
414 | [in] BOOL bEnabled,
415 | [unique,in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
416 | );
417 | HRESULT GetMute(
418 | [out] BOOL *pbEnabled
419 | );
420 | }
421 |
422 | [
423 | pointer_default(unique),
424 | nonextensible,
425 | uuid(dd79923c-0599-45e0-b8b6-c8df7db6e796),
426 | local,
427 | object
428 | ]
429 | interface IAudioPeakMeter : IUnknown
430 | {
431 | HRESULT GetChannelCount(
432 | [out] UINT *pcChannels
433 | );
434 | HRESULT GetLevel(
435 | [in] UINT nChannel,
436 | [out] float *pfLevel
437 | );
438 | }
439 |
440 | [
441 | pointer_default(unique),
442 | nonextensible,
443 | uuid(3b22bcbf-2586-4af0-8583-205d391b807c),
444 | local,
445 | object
446 | ]
447 | interface IDeviceSpecificProperty : IUnknown
448 | {
449 | HRESULT GetType(
450 | [out] VARTYPE *pVType
451 | );
452 | HRESULT GetValue(
453 | [out] VARTYPE *pvType,
454 | [out,in] DWORD *pcbValue
455 | );
456 | HRESULT SetValue(
457 | [in] void *pvValue,
458 | [in] DWORD cbValue,
459 | [in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext
460 | );
461 | HRESULT Get4BRange(
462 | [out] LONG *plMin,
463 | [out] LONG *plMax,
464 | [out] LONG *plStepping
465 | );
466 | }
467 |
468 | [
469 | pointer_default(unique),
470 | nonextensible,
471 | uuid(3cb4a69d-bb6f-4d2b-95b7-452d2c155db5),
472 | local,
473 | object
474 | ]
475 | interface IKsFormatSupport : IUnknown
476 | {
477 | HRESULT IsFormatSupported(
478 | [size_is(cbFormat),in] PKSDATAFORMAT pKsFormat,
479 | [in] DWORD cbFormat,
480 | [out] BOOL *pbSupported
481 | );
482 | HRESULT GetDevicePreferredFormat(
483 | [out] PKSDATAFORMAT *ppKsFormat
484 | );
485 | }
486 |
487 | [
488 | pointer_default(unique),
489 | nonextensible,
490 | uuid(4509f757-2d46-4637-8e62-ce7db944f57b),
491 | local,
492 | object
493 | ]
494 | interface IKsJackDescription : IUnknown
495 | {
496 | HRESULT GetJackCount(
497 | [out] UINT *pcJacks
498 | );
499 | HRESULT GetJackDescription(
500 | [in] UINT nJack,
501 | [out] KSJACK_DESCRIPTION *pDescription
502 | );
503 | }
504 |
505 | [
506 | pointer_default(unique),
507 | nonextensible,
508 | uuid(478f3a9b-e0c9-4827-9228-6f5505ffe76a),
509 | local,
510 | object
511 | ]
512 | interface IKsJackDescription2 : IUnknown
513 | {
514 | HRESULT GetJackCount(
515 | [out] UINT *pcJacks
516 | );
517 | HRESULT GetJackDescription2(
518 | [in] UINT nJack,
519 | [out] KSJACK_DESCRIPTION2 *pDescription2
520 | );
521 | }
522 |
523 | [
524 | pointer_default(unique),
525 | nonextensible,
526 | uuid(d9bd72ed-290f-4581-9ff3-61027a8fe532),
527 | local,
528 | object
529 | ]
530 | interface IKsJackSinkInformation : IUnknown
531 | {
532 | HRESULT GetJackSinkInformation(
533 | [out] KSJACK_SINK_INFORMATION *pJackSinkInformation
534 | );
535 | }
536 |
537 | [
538 | pointer_default(unique),
539 | nonextensible,
540 | uuid(6daa848c-5eb0-45cc-aea5-998a2cda1ffb),
541 | local,
542 | object
543 | ]
544 | interface IPartsList : IUnknown
545 | {
546 | HRESULT GetCount(
547 | [out] UINT *pCount
548 | );
549 | HRESULT GetPart(
550 | [in] UINT nIndex,
551 | [out] IPart **ppPart
552 | );
553 | }
554 |
555 | [
556 | pointer_default(unique),
557 | nonextensible,
558 | uuid(ae2de0e4-5bca-4f2d-aa46-5d13f8fdb3a9),
559 | local,
560 | object
561 | ]
562 | interface IPart : IUnknown
563 | {
564 | HRESULT GetName(
565 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrName
566 | );
567 | HRESULT GetLocalId(
568 | [out] UINT *pnId
569 | );
570 | HRESULT GetGlobalId(
571 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrGlobalId
572 | );
573 | HRESULT GetPartType(
574 | [out] PartType *pPartType
575 | );
576 | HRESULT GetSubType(
577 | [out] GUID *pSubType
578 | );
579 | HRESULT GetControlInterfaceCount(
580 | [out] UINT *pCount
581 | );
582 | HRESULT GetControlInterface(
583 | [in] UINT nIndex,
584 | [out] IControlInterface **ppInterfaceDesc
585 | );
586 | HRESULT EnumPartsIncoming(
587 | [out] IPartsList **ppParts
588 | );
589 | HRESULT EnumPartsOutgoing(
590 | [out] IPartsList **ppParts
591 | );
592 | HRESULT GetTopologyObjects(
593 | [out] IDeviceTopology **ppTopology
594 | );
595 | HRESULT Activate(
596 | [in] DWORD dwClsContext,
597 | [in] REFIID refiid,
598 | [iid_is(refiid),out] void **ppvObject
599 | );
600 | HRESULT RegisterControlChangeCallback(
601 | [in] REFGUID riid,
602 | [in] IControlChangeNotify *pNotify
603 | );
604 | HRESULT UnregisterControlChangeCallback(
605 | [in] IControlChangeNotify *pNotify
606 | );
607 | };
608 |
609 | [
610 | pointer_default(unique),
611 | nonextensible,
612 | uuid(9c2c4058-23f5-41de-877a-df3af236a09e),
613 | local,
614 | object
615 | ]
616 | interface IConnector : IUnknown
617 | {
618 | HRESULT GetType(
619 | [out] ConnectorType *pType
620 | );
621 | HRESULT GetDataFlow(
622 | [out] DataFlow *pFlow
623 | );
624 | HRESULT ConnectTo(
625 | [in] IConnector *pConnectTo
626 | );
627 | HRESULT Disconnect(void);
628 | HRESULT IsConnected(
629 | [out] BOOL *pbConnected
630 | );
631 | HRESULT GetConnectedTo(
632 | [out] IConnector **ppConTo
633 | );
634 | HRESULT GetConnectorIdConnectedTo(
635 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrConnectorId
636 | );
637 | HRESULT GetDeviceIdConnectedTo(
638 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrDeviceId
639 | );
640 | }
641 |
642 | [
643 | pointer_default(unique),
644 | nonextensible,
645 | uuid(82149a85-dba6-4487-86bb-ea8f7fefcc71),
646 | local,
647 | object
648 | ]
649 | interface ISubUnit: IUnknown
650 | {
651 | /* Empty IUnknown interface.. */
652 | }
653 |
654 | [
655 | pointer_default(unique),
656 | nonextensible,
657 | uuid(45d37c3f-5140-444a-ae24-400789f3cbf3),
658 | local,
659 | object
660 | ]
661 | interface IControlInterface : IUnknown
662 | {
663 | HRESULT GetName(
664 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrName
665 | );
667 | [out] GUID *pIID
668 | );
669 | }
670 |
671 | [
672 | pointer_default(unique),
673 | nonextensible,
674 | uuid(a09513ed-c709-4d21-bd7b-5f34c47f3947),
675 | local,
676 | object
677 | ]
678 | interface IControlChangeNotify : IUnknown
679 | {
680 | HRESULT OnNotify(
681 | [in] DWORD dwSenderProcessId,
682 | [in] LPCGUID ppguidEventContext
683 | );
684 | }
685 |
686 | [
687 | pointer_default(unique),
688 | nonextensible,
689 | uuid(2a07407e-6497-4a18-9787-32f79bd0d98f),
690 | local,
691 | object
692 | ]
693 | interface IDeviceTopology : IUnknown
694 | {
695 | HRESULT GetConnectorCount(
696 | [out] UINT *pCount
697 | );
698 | HRESULT GetConnector(
699 | [in] UINT nIndex,
700 | [out] IConnector **ppConnector
701 | );
702 | HRESULT GetSubunitCount(
703 | [out] UINT *pCount
704 | );
705 | HRESULT GetSubunit(
706 | [in] UINT nIndex,
707 | [out] ISubUnit **ppConnector
708 | );
709 | HRESULT GetPartById(
710 | [in] UINT nId,
711 | [out] IPart **ppPart
712 | );
713 | HRESULT GetDeviceId(
714 | [out] LPWSTR *ppwstrDeviceId
715 | );
716 | HRESULT GetSignalPath(
717 | [in] IPart *pIPartFrom,
718 | [in] IPart *pIPartTo,
719 | [in] BOOL bRejectMixedPaths,
720 | [out] IPartsList **ppParts
721 | );
722 | }
723 |
724 | [
725 | version(1.0)
726 | ]
727 | library DevTopologyLib
728 | {
729 | [
730 | uuid(1df639d0-5ec1-47aa-9379-828dc1aa8c59),
731 | ]
732 | coclass DeviceTopology
733 | {
734 | interface IDeviceTopology;
735 | }
736 | }