1 | /** @file
2 | A shell application that triggers capsule update process.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 |
10 | #ifndef _CAPSULE_APP_H_
11 | #define _CAPSULE_APP_H_
12 |
13 | #include <Uefi.h>
14 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
21 | #include <Library/PrintLib.h>
22 | #include <Library/BmpSupportLib.h>
23 | #include <Library/FileHandleLib.h>
24 | #include <Library/SortLib.h>
25 | #include <Library/UefiBootManagerLib.h>
26 | #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
27 | #include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h>
28 | #include <Protocol/SimpleFileSystem.h>
29 | #include <Protocol/ShellParameters.h>
30 | #include <Protocol/Shell.h>
31 | #include <Protocol/FirmwareManagement.h>
32 | #include <Guid/GlobalVariable.h>
33 | #include <Guid/CapsuleReport.h>
34 | #include <Guid/SystemResourceTable.h>
35 | #include <Guid/FmpCapsule.h>
36 | #include <Guid/FileInfo.h>
37 | #include <Guid/ImageAuthentication.h>
38 | #include <Guid/CapsuleVendor.h>
39 | #include <Guid/Gpt.h>
40 | #include <IndustryStandard/WindowsUxCapsule.h>
41 |
42 | #define CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE 0x20
43 |
45 | #define SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_FLAG 0x50000
46 | #define DEVICE_FIRMWARE_FLAG 0x78010
47 |
48 | #define MAJOR_VERSION 1
49 | #define MINOR_VERSION 0
50 |
51 | #define MAX_CAPSULE_NUM 10
52 |
53 | //
54 | // (20 * (6+5+2))+1) unicode characters from EFI FAT spec (doubled for bytes)
55 | //
56 | #define MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE 522
57 | #define MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN (MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE / sizeof(CHAR16))
58 |
59 | extern UINTN Argc;
60 | extern CHAR16 **Argv;
61 |
62 | /**
63 |
64 | This function parse application ARG.
65 |
66 | @return Status
67 | **/
69 | GetArg (
70 | VOID
71 | );
72 |
73 | /**
74 | Get shell protocol.
75 |
76 | @return Pointer to shell protocol.
77 |
78 | **/
80 | GetShellProtocol (
81 | VOID
82 | );
83 |
84 |
85 | /**
86 | Read a file.
87 |
88 | @param[in] FileName The file to be read.
89 | @param[out] BufferSize The file buffer size
90 | @param[out] Buffer The file buffer
91 |
92 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read file successfully
93 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Shell protocol or file not found
94 | @retval others Read file failed
95 | **/
97 | ReadFileToBuffer (
98 | IN CHAR16 *FileName,
99 | OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
100 | OUT VOID **Buffer
101 | );
102 |
103 | /**
104 | Write a file.
105 |
106 | @param[in] FileName The file to be written.
107 | @param[in] BufferSize The file buffer size
108 | @param[in] Buffer The file buffer
109 |
110 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Write file successfully
111 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Shell protocol not found
112 | @retval others Write file failed
113 | **/
115 | WriteFileFromBuffer (
116 | IN CHAR16 *FileName,
117 | IN UINTN BufferSize,
118 | IN VOID *Buffer
119 | );
120 |
121 |
122 | /**
123 | Dump capsule information
124 |
125 | @param[in] CapsuleName The name of the capsule image.
126 |
127 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule information is dumped.
128 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid.
129 | **/
131 | DumpCapsule (
132 | IN CHAR16 *CapsuleName
133 | );
134 |
135 | /**
136 | Dump capsule status variable.
137 |
138 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule status variable is dumped.
139 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid.
140 | **/
142 | DumpCapsuleStatusVariable (
143 | VOID
144 | );
145 |
146 | /**
147 | Dump FMP protocol info.
148 | **/
149 | VOID
150 | DumpFmpData (
151 | VOID
152 | );
153 |
154 | /**
155 | Dump FMP image data.
156 |
157 | @param[in] ImageTypeId The ImageTypeId of the FMP image.
158 | It is used to identify the FMP protocol.
159 | @param[in] ImageIndex The ImageIndex of the FMP image.
160 | It is the input parameter for FMP->GetImage().
161 | @param[in] ImageName The file name to hold the output FMP image.
162 | **/
163 | VOID
164 | DumpFmpImage (
165 | IN EFI_GUID *ImageTypeId,
166 | IN UINTN ImageIndex,
167 | IN CHAR16 *ImageName
168 | );
169 |
170 | /**
171 | Dump ESRT info.
172 | **/
173 | VOID
174 | DumpEsrtData (
175 | VOID
176 | );
177 |
178 | /**
179 | Dump Provisioned Capsule.
180 |
181 | @param[in] DumpCapsuleInfo The flag to indicate whether to dump the capsule inforomation.
182 | **/
183 | VOID
184 | DumpProvisionedCapsule (
185 | IN BOOLEAN DumpCapsuleInfo
186 | );
187 |
188 | /**
189 | Dump all EFI System Partition.
190 | **/
191 | VOID
192 | DumpAllEfiSysPartition (
193 | VOID
194 | );
195 |
196 |
197 | /**
198 | Get SimpleFileSystem from boot option file path.
199 |
200 | @param[in] DevicePath The file path of boot option
201 | @param[out] FullPath The full device path of boot device
202 | @param[out] Fs The file system within EfiSysPartition
203 |
204 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get file system successfully
205 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No valid file system found
206 | @retval others Get file system failed
207 |
208 | **/
210 | GetEfiSysPartitionFromBootOptionFilePath (
214 | );
215 |
216 |
217 | /**
218 | Process Capsule On Disk.
219 |
220 | @param[in] CapsuleBuffer An array of pointer to capsule images
221 | @param[in] CapsuleBufferSize An array of UINTN to capsule images size
222 | @param[in] FilePath An array of capsule images file path
223 | @param[in] Map File system mapping string
224 | @param[in] CapsuleNum The count of capsule images
225 |
226 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Capsule on disk success.
227 | @retval others Capsule on disk fail.
228 |
229 | **/
231 | ProcessCapsuleOnDisk (
232 | IN VOID **CapsuleBuffer,
233 | IN UINTN *CapsuleBufferSize,
234 | IN CHAR16 **FilePath,
235 | IN CHAR16 *Map,
236 | IN UINTN CapsuleNum
237 | );
238 |
239 | #endif
240 |