1 | ## @file
2 | # Check a patch for various format issues
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (c) 2015 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | # Copyright (C) 2020, Red Hat, Inc.<BR>
6 | # Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 | #
8 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 | #
10 |
11 | from __future__ import print_function
12 |
13 | VersionNumber = '0.1'
14 | __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Intel Corporation All rights reserved."
15 |
16 | import email
17 | import argparse
18 | import os
19 | import re
20 | import subprocess
21 | import sys
22 |
23 | import email.header
24 |
25 | class Verbose:
26 | SILENT, ONELINE, NORMAL = range(3)
27 | level = NORMAL
28 |
29 | class EmailAddressCheck:
30 | """Checks an email address."""
31 |
32 | def __init__(self, email, description):
33 | self.ok = True
34 |
35 | if email is None:
36 | self.error('Email address is missing!')
37 | return
38 | if description is None:
39 | self.error('Email description is missing!')
40 | return
41 |
42 | self.description = "'" + description + "'"
43 | self.check_email_address(email)
44 |
45 | def error(self, *err):
46 | if self.ok and Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
47 | print('The ' + self.description + ' email address is not valid:')
48 | self.ok = False
49 | if Verbose.level < Verbose.NORMAL:
50 | return
51 | count = 0
52 | for line in err:
53 | prefix = (' *', ' ')[count > 0]
54 | print(prefix, line)
55 | count += 1
56 |
57 | email_re1 = re.compile(r'(?:\s*)(.*?)(\s*)<(.+)>\s*$',
59 |
60 | def check_email_address(self, email):
61 | email = email.strip()
62 | mo = self.email_re1.match(email)
63 | if mo is None:
64 | self.error("Email format is invalid: " + email.strip())
65 | return
66 |
67 | name = mo.group(1).strip()
68 | if name == '':
69 | self.error("Name is not provided with email address: " +
70 | email)
71 | else:
72 | quoted = len(name) > 2 and name[0] == '"' and name[-1] == '"'
73 | if name.find(',') >= 0 and not quoted:
74 | self.error('Add quotes (") around name with a comma: ' +
75 | name)
76 |
77 | if mo.group(2) == '':
78 | self.error("There should be a space between the name and " +
79 | "email address: " + email)
80 |
81 | if mo.group(3).find(' ') >= 0:
82 | self.error("The email address cannot contain a space: " +
83 | mo.group(3))
84 |
85 | if ' via Groups.Io' in name and mo.group(3).endswith('@groups.io'):
86 | self.error("Email rewritten by lists DMARC / DKIM / SPF: " +
87 | email)
88 |
89 | class CommitMessageCheck:
90 | """Checks the contents of a git commit message."""
91 |
92 | def __init__(self, subject, message, author_email):
93 | self.ok = True
94 |
95 | if subject is None and message is None:
96 | self.error('Commit message is missing!')
97 | return
98 |
99 | MergifyMerge = False
100 | if "mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com" in author_email:
101 | if "Merge branch" in subject:
102 | MergifyMerge = True
103 |
104 | self.subject = subject
105 | self.msg = message
106 |
107 | print (subject)
108 |
109 | self.check_contributed_under()
110 | if not MergifyMerge:
111 | self.check_signed_off_by()
112 | self.check_misc_signatures()
113 | self.check_overall_format()
114 | self.report_message_result()
115 |
116 | url = 'https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Commit-Message-Format'
117 |
118 | def report_message_result(self):
119 | if Verbose.level < Verbose.NORMAL:
120 | return
121 | if self.ok:
122 | # All checks passed
123 | return_code = 0
124 | print('The commit message format passed all checks.')
125 | else:
126 | return_code = 1
127 | if not self.ok:
128 | print(self.url)
129 |
130 | def error(self, *err):
131 | if self.ok and Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
132 | print('The commit message format is not valid:')
133 | self.ok = False
134 | if Verbose.level < Verbose.NORMAL:
135 | return
136 | count = 0
137 | for line in err:
138 | prefix = (' *', ' ')[count > 0]
139 | print(prefix, line)
140 | count += 1
141 |
142 | # Find 'contributed-under:' at the start of a line ignoring case and
143 | # requires ':' to be present. Matches if there is white space before
144 | # the tag or between the tag and the ':'.
145 | contributed_under_re = \
146 | re.compile(r'^\s*contributed-under\s*:', re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)
147 |
148 | def check_contributed_under(self):
149 | match = self.contributed_under_re.search(self.msg)
150 | if match is not None:
151 | self.error('Contributed-under! (Note: this must be ' +
152 | 'removed by the code contributor!)')
153 |
154 | @staticmethod
155 | def make_signature_re(sig, re_input=False):
156 | if re_input:
157 | sub_re = sig
158 | else:
159 | sub_re = sig.replace('-', r'[-\s]+')
160 | re_str = (r'^(?P<tag>' + sub_re +
161 | r')(\s*):(\s*)(?P<value>\S.*?)(?:\s*)$')
162 | try:
163 | return re.compile(re_str, re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)
164 | except Exception:
165 | print("Tried to compile re:", re_str)
166 | raise
167 |
168 | sig_block_re = \
169 | re.compile(r'''^
170 | (?: (?P<tag>[^:]+) \s* : \s*
171 | (?P<value>\S.*?) )
172 | |
173 | (?: \[ (?P<updater>[^:]+) \s* : \s*
174 | (?P<note>.+?) \s* \] )
175 | \s* $''',
176 | re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE)
177 |
178 | def find_signatures(self, sig):
179 | if not sig.endswith('-by') and sig != 'Cc':
180 | sig += '-by'
181 | regex = self.make_signature_re(sig)
182 |
183 | sigs = regex.findall(self.msg)
184 |
185 | bad_case_sigs = filter(lambda m: m[0] != sig, sigs)
186 | for s in bad_case_sigs:
187 | self.error("'" +s[0] + "' should be '" + sig + "'")
188 |
189 | for s in sigs:
190 | if s[1] != '':
191 | self.error('There should be no spaces between ' + sig +
192 | " and the ':'")
193 | if s[2] != ' ':
194 | self.error("There should be a space after '" + sig + ":'")
195 |
196 | EmailAddressCheck(s[3], sig)
197 |
198 | return sigs
199 |
200 | def check_signed_off_by(self):
201 | sob='Signed-off-by'
202 | if self.msg.find(sob) < 0:
203 | self.error('Missing Signed-off-by! (Note: this must be ' +
204 | 'added by the code contributor!)')
205 | return
206 |
207 | sobs = self.find_signatures('Signed-off')
208 |
209 | if len(sobs) == 0:
210 | self.error('Invalid Signed-off-by format!')
211 | return
212 |
213 | sig_types = (
214 | 'Reviewed',
215 | 'Reported',
216 | 'Tested',
217 | 'Suggested',
218 | 'Acked',
219 | 'Cc'
220 | )
221 |
222 | def check_misc_signatures(self):
223 | for sig in self.sig_types:
224 | self.find_signatures(sig)
225 |
226 | cve_re = re.compile('CVE-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{5}[^0-9]')
227 |
228 | def check_overall_format(self):
229 | lines = self.msg.splitlines()
230 |
231 | if len(lines) >= 1 and lines[0].endswith('\r\n'):
232 | empty_line = '\r\n'
233 | else:
234 | empty_line = '\n'
235 |
236 | lines.insert(0, empty_line)
237 | lines.insert(0, self.subject + empty_line)
238 |
239 | count = len(lines)
240 |
241 | if count <= 0:
242 | self.error('Empty commit message!')
243 | return
244 |
245 | if count >= 1 and re.search(self.cve_re, lines[0]):
246 | #
247 | # If CVE-xxxx-xxxxx is present in subject line, then limit length of
248 | # subject line to 92 characters
249 | #
250 | if len(lines[0].rstrip()) >= 93:
251 | self.error(
252 | 'First line of commit message (subject line) is too long (%d >= 93).' %
253 | (len(lines[0].rstrip()))
254 | )
255 | else:
256 | #
257 | # If CVE-xxxx-xxxxx is not present in subject line, then limit
258 | # length of subject line to 75 characters
259 | #
260 | if len(lines[0].rstrip()) >= 76:
261 | self.error(
262 | 'First line of commit message (subject line) is too long (%d >= 76).' %
263 | (len(lines[0].rstrip()))
264 | )
265 |
266 | if count >= 1 and len(lines[0].strip()) == 0:
267 | self.error('First line of commit message (subject line) ' +
268 | 'is empty.')
269 |
270 | if count >= 2 and lines[1].strip() != '':
271 | self.error('Second line of commit message should be ' +
272 | 'empty.')
273 |
274 | for i in range(2, count):
275 | if (len(lines[i]) >= 76 and
276 | len(lines[i].split()) > 1 and
277 | not lines[i].startswith('git-svn-id:') and
278 | not lines[i].startswith('Reviewed-by') and
279 | not lines[i].startswith('Acked-by:') and
280 | not lines[i].startswith('Tested-by:') and
281 | not lines[i].startswith('Reported-by:') and
282 | not lines[i].startswith('Suggested-by:') and
283 | not lines[i].startswith('Signed-off-by:') and
284 | not lines[i].startswith('Cc:')):
285 | #
286 | # Print a warning if body line is longer than 75 characters
287 | #
288 | print(
289 | 'WARNING - Line %d of commit message is too long (%d >= 76).' %
290 | (i + 1, len(lines[i]))
291 | )
292 | print(lines[i])
293 |
294 | last_sig_line = None
295 | for i in range(count - 1, 0, -1):
296 | line = lines[i]
297 | mo = self.sig_block_re.match(line)
298 | if mo is None:
299 | if line.strip() == '':
300 | break
301 | elif last_sig_line is not None:
302 | err2 = 'Add empty line before "%s"?' % last_sig_line
303 | self.error('The line before the signature block ' +
304 | 'should be empty', err2)
305 | else:
306 | self.error('The signature block was not found')
307 | break
308 | last_sig_line = line.strip()
309 |
310 | (START, PRE_PATCH, PATCH) = range(3)
311 |
312 | class GitDiffCheck:
313 | """Checks the contents of a git diff."""
314 |
315 | def __init__(self, diff):
316 | self.ok = True
317 | self.format_ok = True
318 | self.lines = diff.splitlines(True)
319 | self.count = len(self.lines)
320 | self.line_num = 0
321 | self.state = START
322 | self.new_bin = []
323 | while self.line_num < self.count and self.format_ok:
324 | line_num = self.line_num
325 | self.run()
326 | assert(self.line_num > line_num)
327 | self.report_message_result()
328 |
329 | def report_message_result(self):
330 | if Verbose.level < Verbose.NORMAL:
331 | return
332 | if self.ok:
333 | print('The code passed all checks.')
334 | if self.new_bin:
335 | print('\nWARNING - The following binary files will be added ' +
336 | 'into the repository:')
337 | for binary in self.new_bin:
338 | print(' ' + binary)
339 |
340 | def run(self):
341 | line = self.lines[self.line_num]
342 |
343 | if self.state in (PRE_PATCH, PATCH):
344 | if line.startswith('diff --git'):
345 | self.state = START
346 | if self.state == PATCH:
347 | if line.startswith('@@ '):
348 | self.state = PRE_PATCH
349 | elif len(line) >= 1 and line[0] not in ' -+' and \
350 | not line.startswith('\r\n') and \
351 | not line.startswith(r'\ No newline ') and not self.binary:
352 | for line in self.lines[self.line_num + 1:]:
353 | if line.startswith('diff --git'):
354 | self.format_error('diff found after end of patch')
355 | break
356 | self.line_num = self.count
357 | return
358 |
359 | if self.state == START:
360 | if line.startswith('diff --git'):
361 | self.state = PRE_PATCH
362 | self.filename = line[13:].split(' ', 1)[0]
363 | self.is_newfile = False
364 | self.force_crlf = True
365 | self.force_notabs = True
366 | if self.filename.endswith('.sh') or \
367 | self.filename.startswith('BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/') or \
368 | self.filename.startswith('BaseTools/BinPipWrappers/PosixLike/') or \
369 | self.filename == 'BaseTools/BuildEnv':
370 | #
371 | # Do not enforce CR/LF line endings for linux shell scripts.
372 | # Some linux shell scripts don't end with the ".sh" extension,
373 | # they are identified by their path.
374 | #
375 | self.force_crlf = False
376 | if self.filename == '.gitmodules' or \
377 | self.filename == 'BaseTools/Conf/diff.order':
378 | #
379 | # .gitmodules and diff orderfiles are used internally by git
380 | # use tabs and LF line endings. Do not enforce no tabs and
381 | # do not enforce CR/LF line endings.
382 | #
383 | self.force_crlf = False
384 | self.force_notabs = False
385 | if os.path.basename(self.filename) == 'GNUmakefile' or \
386 | os.path.basename(self.filename) == 'Makefile':
387 | self.force_notabs = False
388 | elif len(line.rstrip()) != 0:
389 | self.format_error("didn't find diff command")
390 | self.line_num += 1
391 | elif self.state == PRE_PATCH:
392 | if line.startswith('@@ '):
393 | self.state = PATCH
394 | self.binary = False
395 | elif line.startswith('GIT binary patch') or \
396 | line.startswith('Binary files'):
397 | self.state = PATCH
398 | self.binary = True
399 | if self.is_newfile:
400 | self.new_bin.append(self.filename)
401 | elif line.startswith('new file mode 160000'):
402 | #
403 | # New submodule. Do not enforce CR/LF line endings
404 | #
405 | self.force_crlf = False
406 | else:
407 | ok = False
408 | self.is_newfile = self.newfile_prefix_re.match(line)
409 | for pfx in self.pre_patch_prefixes:
410 | if line.startswith(pfx):
411 | ok = True
412 | if not ok:
413 | self.format_error("didn't find diff hunk marker (@@)")
414 | self.line_num += 1
415 | elif self.state == PATCH:
416 | if self.binary:
417 | pass
418 | elif line.startswith('-'):
419 | pass
420 | elif line.startswith('+'):
421 | self.check_added_line(line[1:])
422 | elif line.startswith('\r\n'):
423 | pass
424 | elif line.startswith(r'\ No newline '):
425 | pass
426 | elif not line.startswith(' '):
427 | self.format_error("unexpected patch line")
428 | self.line_num += 1
429 |
430 | pre_patch_prefixes = (
431 | '--- ',
432 | '+++ ',
433 | 'index ',
434 | 'new file ',
435 | 'deleted file ',
436 | 'old mode ',
437 | 'new mode ',
438 | 'similarity index ',
439 | 'copy from ',
440 | 'copy to ',
441 | 'rename ',
442 | )
443 |
444 | line_endings = ('\r\n', '\n\r', '\n', '\r')
445 |
446 | newfile_prefix_re = \
447 | re.compile(r'''^
448 | index\ 0+\.\.
449 | ''',
450 | re.VERBOSE)
451 |
452 | def added_line_error(self, msg, line):
453 | lines = [ msg ]
454 | if self.filename is not None:
455 | lines.append('File: ' + self.filename)
456 | lines.append('Line: ' + line)
457 |
458 | self.error(*lines)
459 |
460 | old_debug_re = \
461 | re.compile(r'''
462 | DEBUG \s* \( \s* \( \s*
463 | (?: DEBUG_[A-Z_]+ \s* \| \s*)*
464 | EFI_D_ ([A-Z_]+)
465 | ''',
466 | re.VERBOSE)
467 |
468 | def check_added_line(self, line):
469 | eol = ''
470 | for an_eol in self.line_endings:
471 | if line.endswith(an_eol):
472 | eol = an_eol
473 | line = line[:-len(eol)]
474 |
475 | stripped = line.rstrip()
476 |
477 | if self.force_crlf and eol != '\r\n' and (line.find('Subproject commit') == -1):
478 | self.added_line_error('Line ending (%s) is not CRLF' % repr(eol),
479 | line)
480 | if self.force_notabs and '\t' in line:
481 | self.added_line_error('Tab character used', line)
482 | if len(stripped) < len(line):
483 | self.added_line_error('Trailing whitespace found', line)
484 |
485 | mo = self.old_debug_re.search(line)
486 | if mo is not None:
487 | self.added_line_error('EFI_D_' + mo.group(1) + ' was used, '
488 | 'but DEBUG_' + mo.group(1) +
489 | ' is now recommended', line)
490 |
491 | split_diff_re = re.compile(r'''
492 | (?P<cmd>
493 | ^ diff \s+ --git \s+ a/.+ \s+ b/.+ $
494 | )
495 | (?P<index>
496 | ^ index \s+ .+ $
497 | )
498 | ''',
500 |
501 | def format_error(self, err):
502 | self.format_ok = False
503 | err = 'Patch format error: ' + err
504 | err2 = 'Line: ' + self.lines[self.line_num].rstrip()
505 | self.error(err, err2)
506 |
507 | def error(self, *err):
508 | if self.ok and Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
509 | print('Code format is not valid:')
510 | self.ok = False
511 | if Verbose.level < Verbose.NORMAL:
512 | return
513 | count = 0
514 | for line in err:
515 | prefix = (' *', ' ')[count > 0]
516 | print(prefix, line)
517 | count += 1
518 |
519 | class CheckOnePatch:
520 | """Checks the contents of a git email formatted patch.
521 |
522 | Various checks are performed on both the commit message and the
523 | patch content.
524 | """
525 |
526 | def __init__(self, name, patch):
527 | self.patch = patch
528 | self.find_patch_pieces()
529 |
530 | email_check = EmailAddressCheck(self.author_email, 'Author')
531 | email_ok = email_check.ok
532 |
533 | msg_check = CommitMessageCheck(self.commit_subject, self.commit_msg, self.author_email)
534 | msg_ok = msg_check.ok
535 |
536 | diff_ok = True
537 | if self.diff is not None:
538 | diff_check = GitDiffCheck(self.diff)
539 | diff_ok = diff_check.ok
540 |
541 | self.ok = email_ok and msg_ok and diff_ok
542 |
543 | if Verbose.level == Verbose.ONELINE:
544 | if self.ok:
545 | result = 'ok'
546 | else:
547 | result = list()
548 | if not msg_ok:
549 | result.append('commit message')
550 | if not diff_ok:
551 | result.append('diff content')
552 | result = 'bad ' + ' and '.join(result)
553 | print(name, result)
554 |
555 |
556 | git_diff_re = re.compile(r'''
557 | ^ diff \s+ --git \s+ a/.+ \s+ b/.+ $
558 | ''',
560 |
561 | stat_re = \
562 | re.compile(r'''
563 | (?P<commit_message> [\s\S\r\n]* )
564 | (?P<stat>
565 | ^ --- $ [\r\n]+
566 | (?: ^ \s+ .+ \s+ \| \s+ \d+ \s+ \+* \-*
567 | $ [\r\n]+ )+
568 | [\s\S\r\n]+
569 | )
570 | ''',
572 |
573 | subject_prefix_re = \
574 | re.compile(r'''^
575 | \s* (\[
576 | [^\[\]]* # Allow all non-brackets
577 | \])* \s*
578 | ''',
579 | re.VERBOSE)
580 |
581 | def find_patch_pieces(self):
582 | if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
583 | patch = self.patch.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
584 | else:
585 | patch = self.patch
586 |
587 | self.commit_msg = None
588 | self.stat = None
589 | self.commit_subject = None
590 | self.commit_prefix = None
591 | self.diff = None
592 |
593 | if patch.startswith('diff --git'):
594 | self.diff = patch
595 | return
596 |
597 | pmail = email.message_from_string(patch)
598 | parts = list(pmail.walk())
599 | assert(len(parts) == 1)
600 | assert(parts[0].get_content_type() == 'text/plain')
601 | content = parts[0].get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
602 |
603 | mo = self.git_diff_re.search(content)
604 | if mo is not None:
605 | self.diff = content[mo.start():]
606 | content = content[:mo.start()]
607 |
608 | mo = self.stat_re.search(content)
609 | if mo is None:
610 | self.commit_msg = content
611 | else:
612 | self.stat = mo.group('stat')
613 | self.commit_msg = mo.group('commit_message')
614 | #
615 | # Parse subject line from email header. The subject line may be
616 | # composed of multiple parts with different encodings. Decode and
617 | # combine all the parts to produce a single string with the contents of
618 | # the decoded subject line.
619 | #
620 | parts = email.header.decode_header(pmail.get('subject'))
621 | subject = ''
622 | for (part, encoding) in parts:
623 | if encoding:
624 | part = part.decode(encoding)
625 | else:
626 | try:
627 | part = part.decode()
628 | except:
629 | pass
630 | subject = subject + part
631 |
632 | self.commit_subject = subject.replace('\r\n', '')
633 | self.commit_subject = self.commit_subject.replace('\n', '')
634 | self.commit_subject = self.subject_prefix_re.sub('', self.commit_subject, 1)
635 |
636 | self.author_email = pmail['from']
637 |
638 | class CheckGitCommits:
639 | """Reads patches from git based on the specified git revision range.
640 |
641 | The patches are read from git, and then checked.
642 | """
643 |
644 | def __init__(self, rev_spec, max_count):
645 | commits = self.read_commit_list_from_git(rev_spec, max_count)
646 | if len(commits) == 1 and Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
647 | commits = [ rev_spec ]
648 | self.ok = True
649 | blank_line = False
650 | for commit in commits:
651 | if Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
652 | if blank_line:
653 | print()
654 | else:
655 | blank_line = True
656 | print('Checking git commit:', commit)
657 | email = self.read_committer_email_address_from_git(commit)
658 | self.ok &= EmailAddressCheck(email, 'Committer').ok
659 | patch = self.read_patch_from_git(commit)
660 | self.ok &= CheckOnePatch(commit, patch).ok
661 | if not commits:
662 | print("Couldn't find commit matching: '{}'".format(rev_spec))
663 |
664 | def read_commit_list_from_git(self, rev_spec, max_count):
665 | # Run git to get the commit patch
666 | cmd = [ 'rev-list', '--abbrev-commit', '--no-walk' ]
667 | if max_count is not None:
668 | cmd.append('--max-count=' + str(max_count))
669 | cmd.append(rev_spec)
670 | out = self.run_git(*cmd)
671 | return out.split() if out else []
672 |
673 | def read_patch_from_git(self, commit):
674 | # Run git to get the commit patch
675 | return self.run_git('show', '--pretty=email', '--no-textconv',
676 | '--no-use-mailmap', commit)
677 |
678 | def read_committer_email_address_from_git(self, commit):
679 | # Run git to get the committer email
680 | return self.run_git('show', '--pretty=%cn <%ce>', '--no-patch',
681 | '--no-use-mailmap', commit)
682 |
683 | def run_git(self, *args):
684 | cmd = [ 'git' ]
685 | cmd += args
686 | p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
687 | stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
688 | stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
689 | Result = p.communicate()
690 | return Result[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if Result[0] and Result[0].find(b"fatal")!=0 else None
691 |
692 | class CheckOnePatchFile:
693 | """Performs a patch check for a single file.
694 |
695 | stdin is used when the filename is '-'.
696 | """
697 |
698 | def __init__(self, patch_filename):
699 | if patch_filename == '-':
700 | patch = sys.stdin.read()
701 | patch_filename = 'stdin'
702 | else:
703 | f = open(patch_filename, 'rb')
704 | patch = f.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
705 | f.close()
706 | if Verbose.level > Verbose.ONELINE:
707 | print('Checking patch file:', patch_filename)
708 | self.ok = CheckOnePatch(patch_filename, patch).ok
709 |
710 | class CheckOneArg:
711 | """Performs a patch check for a single command line argument.
712 |
713 | The argument will be handed off to a file or git-commit based
714 | checker.
715 | """
716 |
717 | def __init__(self, param, max_count=None):
718 | self.ok = True
719 | if param == '-' or os.path.exists(param):
720 | checker = CheckOnePatchFile(param)
721 | else:
722 | checker = CheckGitCommits(param, max_count)
723 | self.ok = checker.ok
724 |
725 | class PatchCheckApp:
726 | """Checks patches based on the command line arguments."""
727 |
728 | def __init__(self):
729 | self.parse_options()
730 | patches = self.args.patches
731 |
732 | if len(patches) == 0:
733 | patches = [ 'HEAD' ]
734 |
735 | self.ok = True
736 | self.count = None
737 | for patch in patches:
738 | self.process_one_arg(patch)
739 |
740 | if self.count is not None:
741 | self.process_one_arg('HEAD')
742 |
743 | if self.ok:
744 | self.retval = 0
745 | else:
746 | self.retval = -1
747 |
748 | def process_one_arg(self, arg):
749 | if len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == '-':
750 | try:
751 | self.count = int(arg[1:])
752 | return
753 | except ValueError:
754 | pass
755 | self.ok &= CheckOneArg(arg, self.count).ok
756 | self.count = None
757 |
758 | def parse_options(self):
759 | parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__copyright__)
760 | parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
761 | version='%(prog)s ' + VersionNumber)
762 | parser.add_argument('patches', nargs='*',
763 | help='[patch file | git rev list]')
764 | group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
765 | group.add_argument("--oneline",
766 | action="store_true",
767 | help="Print one result per line")
768 | group.add_argument("--silent",
769 | action="store_true",
770 | help="Print nothing")
771 | self.args = parser.parse_args()
772 | if self.args.oneline:
773 | Verbose.level = Verbose.ONELINE
774 | if self.args.silent:
775 | Verbose.level = Verbose.SILENT
776 |
777 | if __name__ == "__main__":
778 | sys.exit(PatchCheckApp().retval)