1 | @echo off
2 |
3 | REM $Id $
4 | REM /*
5 | REM * Environment Setup Script for VBoxPkg + EDK2.
6 | REM */
7 |
8 | REM /*
9 | REM Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
10 | REM
11 | REM This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | REM available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | REM you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | REM General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | REM Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | REM VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | REM hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | REM
19 | REM */
20 |
21 | rem
22 | rem Figure where the VBox tools are, i.e. that tools/env.cmd has been execute.
23 | rem
24 | if not "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%"=="" goto kbuild_devtools_set
25 | if "%PATH_DEVTOOLS%"=="" goto error_devtools
27 | :kbuild_devtools_set
28 |
29 | rem
30 | rem Check that all the tools we need are there.
31 | rem
32 | set MY_MISSING=
33 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\vcc\v8sp1\bin\cl.exe" echo env.cmd: missing v8sp1.
34 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\vcc\v8sp1\bin\cl.exe" set MY_MISSING=1
35 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\vcc\v8sp1\env-x86.cmd" set MY_MISSING=1
36 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\ddk\6000\bin\x86\nmake.exe" echo env.cmd: missing ddk/6001.
37 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\ddk\6000\bin\x86\nmake.exe" set MY_MISSING=1
38 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\sdk\200504\env-x86.cmd" echo env.cmd: missing sdk/200504.
39 | if not exist "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\sdk\200504\env-x86.cmd" set MY_MISSING=1
40 | if "%MY_MISSING%"=="" goto devtools_ok
41 | echo env.cmd: Please run kmk -C %KBUILD_DEVTOOLS% KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH=amd64 to fetch the missing tools
42 | set MY_MISSING=
43 | exit /b1
44 | :devtools_ok
45 |
46 | rem
47 | rem Figure out where the EDK2 checkout is.
48 | rem
49 | if "%CD%"=="" goto error_cd_not_set
50 | pushd .
51 | cd %~dp0
52 | cd ..
53 | set WORKSPACE=%CD%
54 | popd
55 | if exist "%WORKSPACE%\VBoxPkg\VBoxPkg.dsc" goto found_edk2
56 | set WORKSPACE=%CD%
57 | if exist "%WORKSPACE%\VBoxPkg\VBoxPkg.dsc" goto found_edk2
58 | set WORKSPACE=%CD%\..
59 | if exist "%WORKSPACE%\VBoxPkg\VBoxPkg.dsc" goto found_edk2
60 | set WORKSPACE=%CD%\..\..
61 | if exist "%WORKSPACE%\VBoxPkg\VBoxPkg.dsc" goto found_edk2
62 | set WORKSPACE=
63 | echo env.cmd: Cannot find EDK2. Please enter the VBoxPkg directory in your EDK2 checkout and re-run this script.
64 | exit /b 1
65 | :found_edk2
66 |
67 | rem
68 | rem Config the workspace.
69 | rem
70 | if exist "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt" goto reconfig
71 | echo env.cmd: Configuring the workspace...
72 |
73 | echo # Edited by VBoxPkg/env.cmd (%DATE% %TIME%)> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt"
74 | echo # > tmp_vbox_env.sed
75 | echo s,C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio \.NET 2003\\Vc7,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v7,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
76 | echo s,C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio \.NET 2003\\Common7\\IDE,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v7/bin,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
77 | echo s,C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Vc,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v8sp1,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
78 | echo s,C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Common7\\IDE,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v8sp1/bin,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
79 | echo s,C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Vc,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v8sp1,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
80 | echo s,C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Common7\\IDE,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/vcc/v8sp1/bin,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
81 | echo s,C:\\WINDDK\\3790.1830,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/ddk/6001,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
82 | echo s,C:\ASL,%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%/win.x86/bin,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
83 | echo s,c:/cygwin,c:/no-cygwin-please,>> tmp_vbox_env.sed
84 | kmk_sed -f tmp_vbox_env.sed --append "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt" "%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools\Conf\tools_def.template"
85 | if not errorlevel 0 goto error_sed
86 | del tmp_vbox_env.sed
87 |
88 | copy "%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools\Conf\build_rule.template" "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\build_rule.txt"
89 | if not errorlevel 0 goto error_copy
90 |
91 | rem must come last
92 | echo # Generated by VBoxPkg/env.cmd (%DATE% %TIME%)> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
93 | echo ACTIVE_PLATFORM=VBoxPkg/VBoxPkg.dsc>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
94 | echo TARGET=DEBUG>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
95 | echo TARGET_ARCH=IA32>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
96 | echo TOOL_CHAIN_CONF=Conf/tools_def.txt>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
97 | echo TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=MYTOOLS>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
99 | echo BUID_RULE_CONF=Conf/build_rule.txt>> "%WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt"
100 |
101 | goto configured
102 | :reconfig
103 | echo env.cmd: Already configured.
104 | echo env.cmd: If you want to reconfigure delete the following files and
105 | echo env.cmd: re-run VBoxPkg\env.cmd:
106 | echo env.cmd: %WORKSPACE%\Conf\target.txt
107 | echo env.cmd: %WORKSPACE%\Conf\tools_def.txt
108 | echo env.cmd: %WORKSPACE%\Conf\build_rule.txt
109 | :configured
110 |
111 | rem
112 | rem Make sure ComSpec is pointing to the standard Windows shell.
113 | rem 4NT and other replacements may cause trouble.
114 | rem
115 | if "%ComSpec%"=="%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto comspec_ok
116 | echo env.cmd: ComSpec does not seem to point at %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe, fixing.
117 | echo env.cmd: (ComSpec=%ComSpec%)
118 | if not exist "%ComSpec%" echo env.cmd: Huh?? %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe does not exist!
119 | if not exist "%ComSpec%" exit /b 1
120 | set ComSpec=%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe
121 | :comspec_ok
122 |
123 | rem
124 | rem Load the environment.
125 | rem
126 | echo env.cmd: Loading the environment...
127 | call "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\sdk\200504\env-x86.cmd"
128 | if not errorlevel 0 goto error_sdk_env
129 |
130 | call "%KBUILD_DEVTOOLS%\win.x86\vcc\v8sp1\env-x86.cmd"
131 | if not errorlevel 0 goto error_vcc_env
132 |
133 | set EDK_TOOLS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools
134 | call "%WORKSPACE%\BaseTools\toolsetup.bat"
135 | if not errorlevel 0 goto error_edk2_toolsetup
136 |
137 | echo env.cmd: Done.
138 | exit /b 0
139 |
140 |
141 | rem
142 | rem Error messages.
143 | rem
144 | :error_devtools
145 | echo env.cmd: Cannot find the VirtualBox devtools. Did you remember run tools/env.cmd in the VirtualBox tree first?
146 | exit /b 1
147 |
148 | :error_sdk_env
149 | echo env.cmd: the SDK env script failed.
150 | exit /b 1
151 |
152 | :error_vcc_env
153 | echo env.cmd: the Visual C++ env script failed.
154 | exit /b 1
155 |
156 | :error_edk2_toolsetup
157 | echo env.cmd: the EDK2 env script failed.
158 | exit /b 1
159 |
160 | :error_cd_not_set
161 | echo env.cmd: the internal CD variable isn't set. Complain to bird.
162 | exit /b 1
163 |
164 | :error_sed
165 | echo env.cmd: kmk_sed failed, see above error messages(s).
166 | exit /b 1
167 |
168 | :error_copy
169 | echo env.cmd: copy fails, see above error message(s).
170 | del tmp_vbox_env.sed
171 | exit /b 1