1 | ## @file
2 | # Debug Communication Library instance based on usb debug port.
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | #
6 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 | #
8 | #
9 | ##
10 |
11 | [Defines]
12 | INF_VERSION = 0x00010005
13 | BASE_NAME = DebugCommunicationLibUsb
14 | MODULE_UNI_FILE = DebugCommunicationLibUsb.uni
15 | FILE_GUID = 87438836-AD8D-4e3e-9249-895120A67240
18 | LIBRARY_CLASS = DebugCommunicationLib
19 |
20 | #
22 | #
23 |
24 | [Sources.common]
25 | DebugCommunicationLibUsb.c
26 |
27 | [Packages]
28 | MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
29 | SourceLevelDebugPkg/SourceLevelDebugPkg.dec
30 |
31 | [Pcd]
32 | # The memory BAR of usb debug port, it may be different with the memory bar of ehci host controller.
33 | # Note that the memory BAR address is only used before Pci bus resource allocation.
34 | gEfiSourceLevelDebugPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUsbDebugPortMemorySpaceBase ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
35 | # The memory BAR of ehci host controller, in which usb debug feature is enabled.
36 | # Note that the memory BAR address is only used before Pci bus resource allocation.
37 | gEfiSourceLevelDebugPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUsbEhciMemorySpaceBase ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
38 | # The pci address of ehci host controller, in which usb debug feature is enabled.
39 | # The format of pci address please refer to SourceLevelDebugPkg.dec
40 | gEfiSourceLevelDebugPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUsbEhciPciAddress ## CONSUMES
41 | # The value of data buffer size used for USB debug port handle.
42 | # It should be equal to sizeof (USB_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE).
43 | gEfiSourceLevelDebugPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPortHandleBufferSize|25 ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
44 |
45 | [LibraryClasses]
46 | TimerLib
47 | IoLib
48 | PciLib
49 | PcdLib
50 | DebugLib
51 |