1 | /**@file
2 | Memory Detection for Virtual Machines.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | Copyright (c) 2019, Citrix Systems, Inc.
6 |
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | Module Name:
10 |
11 | MemDetect.c
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | //
16 | // The package level header files this module uses
17 | //
18 | #include <IndustryStandard/Q35MchIch9.h>
19 | #include <PiPei.h>
20 |
21 | //
22 | // The Library classes this module consumes
23 | //
24 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
25 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
26 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
27 | #include <Library/HobLib.h>
28 | #include <Library/IoLib.h>
29 | #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
30 | #include <Library/PciLib.h>
31 | #include <Library/PeimEntryPoint.h>
32 | #include <Library/ResourcePublicationLib.h>
33 |
34 | #include "Platform.h"
35 | #include "Cmos.h"
36 |
37 | UINT8 mPhysMemAddressWidth;
38 |
39 | STATIC UINT32 mS3AcpiReservedMemoryBase;
40 | STATIC UINT32 mS3AcpiReservedMemorySize;
41 |
42 | STATIC UINT16 mQ35TsegMbytes;
43 |
44 | VOID
45 | Q35TsegMbytesInitialization (
46 | VOID
47 | )
48 | {
49 | UINT16 ExtendedTsegMbytes;
50 | RETURN_STATUS PcdStatus;
51 |
52 | if (mHostBridgeDevId != INTEL_Q35_MCH_DEVICE_ID) {
53 | DEBUG ((
55 | "%a: no TSEG (SMRAM) on host bridge DID=0x%04x; "
56 | "only DID=0x%04x (Q35) is supported\n",
57 | __func__,
58 | mHostBridgeDevId,
60 | ));
62 | CpuDeadLoop ();
63 | }
64 |
65 | //
66 | // Check if QEMU offers an extended TSEG.
67 | //
68 | // This can be seen from writing MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB_QUERY to the MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB
69 | // register, and reading back the register.
70 | //
71 | // On a QEMU machine type that does not offer an extended TSEG, the initial
72 | // write overwrites whatever value a malicious guest OS may have placed in
73 | // the (unimplemented) register, before entering S3 or rebooting.
74 | // Subsequently, the read returns MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB_QUERY unchanged.
75 | //
76 | // On a QEMU machine type that offers an extended TSEG, the initial write
77 | // triggers an update to the register. Subsequently, the value read back
78 | // (which is guaranteed to differ from MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB_QUERY) tells us the
79 | // number of megabytes.
80 | //
82 | ExtendedTsegMbytes = PciRead16 (DRAMC_REGISTER_Q35 (MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB));
83 | if (ExtendedTsegMbytes == MCH_EXT_TSEG_MB_QUERY) {
84 | mQ35TsegMbytes = PcdGet16 (PcdQ35TsegMbytes);
85 | return;
86 | }
87 |
88 | DEBUG ((
90 | "%a: QEMU offers an extended TSEG (%d MB)\n",
91 | __func__,
92 | ExtendedTsegMbytes
93 | ));
94 | PcdStatus = PcdSet16S (PcdQ35TsegMbytes, ExtendedTsegMbytes);
96 | mQ35TsegMbytes = ExtendedTsegMbytes;
97 | }
98 |
100 | UINT64
101 | GetHighestSystemMemoryAddress (
102 | BOOLEAN Below4gb
103 | )
104 | {
105 | EFI_E820_ENTRY64 *E820Map;
106 | UINT32 E820EntriesCount;
107 | EFI_E820_ENTRY64 *Entry;
108 | EFI_STATUS Status;
109 | UINT32 Loop;
110 | UINT64 HighestAddress;
111 | UINT64 EntryEnd;
112 |
113 | HighestAddress = 0;
114 |
115 | Status = XenGetE820Map (&E820Map, &E820EntriesCount);
116 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
117 |
118 | for (Loop = 0; Loop < E820EntriesCount; Loop++) {
119 | Entry = E820Map + Loop;
120 | EntryEnd = Entry->BaseAddr + Entry->Length;
121 |
122 | if ((Entry->Type == EfiAcpiAddressRangeMemory) &&
123 | (EntryEnd > HighestAddress))
124 | {
125 | if (Below4gb && (EntryEnd <= BASE_4GB)) {
126 | HighestAddress = EntryEnd;
127 | } else if (!Below4gb && (EntryEnd >= BASE_4GB)) {
128 | HighestAddress = EntryEnd;
129 | }
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | //
134 | // Round down the end address.
135 | //
136 | return HighestAddress & ~(UINT64)EFI_PAGE_MASK;
137 | }
138 |
139 | UINT32
140 | GetSystemMemorySizeBelow4gb (
141 | VOID
142 | )
143 | {
144 | UINT8 Cmos0x34;
145 | UINT8 Cmos0x35;
146 |
147 | //
148 | // In PVH case, there is no CMOS, we have to calculate the memory size
149 | // from parsing the E820
150 | //
151 | if (XenPvhDetected ()) {
152 | UINT64 HighestAddress;
153 |
154 | HighestAddress = GetHighestSystemMemoryAddress (TRUE);
155 | ASSERT (HighestAddress > 0 && HighestAddress <= BASE_4GB);
156 |
157 | return (UINT32)HighestAddress;
158 | }
159 |
160 | //
161 | // CMOS 0x34/0x35 specifies the system memory above 16 MB.
162 | // * CMOS(0x35) is the high byte
163 | // * CMOS(0x34) is the low byte
164 | // * The size is specified in 64kb chunks
165 | // * Since this is memory above 16MB, the 16MB must be added
166 | // into the calculation to get the total memory size.
167 | //
168 |
169 | Cmos0x34 = (UINT8)CmosRead8 (0x34);
170 | Cmos0x35 = (UINT8)CmosRead8 (0x35);
171 |
172 | return (UINT32)(((UINTN)((Cmos0x35 << 8) + Cmos0x34) << 16) + SIZE_16MB);
173 | }
174 |
175 | /**
176 | Initialize the mPhysMemAddressWidth variable, based on CPUID data.
177 | **/
178 | VOID
179 | AddressWidthInitialization (
180 | VOID
181 | )
182 | {
183 | UINT32 RegEax;
184 |
185 | AsmCpuid (0x80000000, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL);
186 | if (RegEax >= 0x80000008) {
187 | AsmCpuid (0x80000008, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL);
188 | mPhysMemAddressWidth = (UINT8)RegEax;
189 | } else {
190 | mPhysMemAddressWidth = 36;
191 | }
192 |
193 | //
194 | // IA-32e paging translates 48-bit linear addresses to 52-bit physical addresses.
195 | //
196 | ASSERT (mPhysMemAddressWidth <= 52);
197 | if (mPhysMemAddressWidth > 48) {
198 | mPhysMemAddressWidth = 48;
199 | }
200 | }
201 |
202 | /**
203 | Calculate the cap for the permanent PEI memory.
204 | **/
205 | STATIC
206 | UINT32
207 | GetPeiMemoryCap (
208 | VOID
209 | )
210 | {
211 | BOOLEAN Page1GSupport;
212 | UINT32 RegEax;
213 | UINT32 RegEdx;
214 | UINT32 Pml4Entries;
215 | UINT32 PdpEntries;
216 | UINTN TotalPages;
217 |
218 | //
219 | // If DXE is 32-bit, then just return the traditional 64 MB cap.
220 | //
221 | #ifdef MDE_CPU_IA32
222 | if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdDxeIplSwitchToLongMode)) {
223 | return SIZE_64MB;
224 | }
225 |
226 | #endif
227 |
228 | //
229 | // Dependent on physical address width, PEI memory allocations can be
230 | // dominated by the page tables built for 64-bit DXE. So we key the cap off
231 | // of those. The code below is based on CreateIdentityMappingPageTables() in
232 | // "MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/X64/VirtualMemory.c".
233 | //
234 | Page1GSupport = FALSE;
235 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdUse1GPageTable)) {
236 | AsmCpuid (0x80000000, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL);
237 | if (RegEax >= 0x80000001) {
238 | AsmCpuid (0x80000001, NULL, NULL, NULL, &RegEdx);
239 | if ((RegEdx & BIT26) != 0) {
240 | Page1GSupport = TRUE;
241 | }
242 | }
243 | }
244 |
245 | if (mPhysMemAddressWidth <= 39) {
246 | Pml4Entries = 1;
247 | PdpEntries = 1 << (mPhysMemAddressWidth - 30);
248 | ASSERT (PdpEntries <= 0x200);
249 | } else {
250 | Pml4Entries = 1 << (mPhysMemAddressWidth - 39);
251 | ASSERT (Pml4Entries <= 0x200);
252 | PdpEntries = 512;
253 | }
254 |
255 | TotalPages = Page1GSupport ? Pml4Entries + 1 :
256 | (PdpEntries + 1) * Pml4Entries + 1;
257 | ASSERT (TotalPages <= 0x40201);
258 |
259 | //
260 | // Add 64 MB for miscellaneous allocations. Note that for
261 | // mPhysMemAddressWidth values close to 36, the cap will actually be
262 | // dominated by this increment.
263 | //
264 | return (UINT32)(EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (TotalPages) + SIZE_64MB);
265 | }
266 |
267 | /**
268 | Publish PEI core memory
269 |
270 | @return EFI_SUCCESS The PEIM initialized successfully.
271 |
272 | **/
274 | PublishPeiMemory (
275 | VOID
276 | )
277 | {
278 | EFI_STATUS Status;
280 | UINT64 MemorySize;
281 | UINT32 LowerMemorySize;
282 | UINT32 PeiMemoryCap;
283 |
284 | LowerMemorySize = GetSystemMemorySizeBelow4gb ();
285 |
286 | if (mBootMode == BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) {
287 | MemoryBase = mS3AcpiReservedMemoryBase;
288 | MemorySize = mS3AcpiReservedMemorySize;
289 | } else {
290 | PeiMemoryCap = GetPeiMemoryCap ();
291 | DEBUG ((
293 | "%a: mPhysMemAddressWidth=%d PeiMemoryCap=%u KB\n",
294 | __func__,
295 | mPhysMemAddressWidth,
296 | PeiMemoryCap >> 10
297 | ));
298 |
299 | //
300 | // Determine the range of memory to use during PEI
301 | //
302 | MemoryBase =
303 | PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfDxeMemFvBase) + PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfDxeMemFvSize);
304 | MemorySize = LowerMemorySize - MemoryBase;
305 | if (MemorySize > PeiMemoryCap) {
306 | MemoryBase = LowerMemorySize - PeiMemoryCap;
307 | MemorySize = PeiMemoryCap;
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | //
312 | // Publish this memory to the PEI Core
313 | //
314 | Status = PublishSystemMemory (MemoryBase, MemorySize);
315 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
316 |
317 | return Status;
318 | }
319 |
320 | /**
321 | Publish system RAM and reserve memory regions
322 |
323 | **/
324 | VOID
325 | InitializeRamRegions (
326 | VOID
327 | )
328 | {
329 | XenPublishRamRegions ();
330 |
331 | if (mBootMode != BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) {
332 | //
333 | // Reserve the lock box storage area
334 | //
335 | // Since this memory range will be used on S3 resume, it must be
336 | // reserved as ACPI NVS.
337 | //
338 | // If S3 is unsupported, then various drivers might still write to the
339 | // LockBox area. We ought to prevent DXE from serving allocation requests
340 | // such that they would overlap the LockBox storage.
341 | //
342 | ZeroMem (
343 | (VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfLockBoxStorageBase),
344 | (UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfLockBoxStorageSize)
345 | );
346 | BuildMemoryAllocationHob (
347 | (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfLockBoxStorageBase),
348 | (UINT64)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdOvmfLockBoxStorageSize),
349 | EfiBootServicesData
350 | );
351 | }
352 | }