1 | /** @file
2 | The header files of Http Utilities functions for HttpUtilities driver.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
6 |
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | **/
10 |
11 | #ifndef __EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_DXE_H__
12 | #define __EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_DXE_H__
13 |
14 | #include <Uefi.h>
15 |
16 | //
17 | // Libraries
18 | //
19 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
21 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
22 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
23 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
24 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
25 | #include <Library/HttpLib.h>
26 |
27 | //
28 | // Consumed Protocols
29 | //
30 | #include <Protocol/HttpUtilities.h>
31 | #include <Protocol/Http.h>
32 |
33 | //
34 | // Protocol instances
35 | //
36 | extern EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL mHttpUtilitiesProtocol;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | Create HTTP header based on a combination of seed header, fields
40 | to delete, and fields to append.
41 |
42 | The Build() function is used to manage the headers portion of an
43 | HTTP message by providing the ability to add, remove, or replace
44 | HTTP headers.
45 |
46 | @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL instance.
47 | @param[in] SeedMessageSize Size of the initial HTTP header. This can be zero.
48 | @param[in] SeedMessage Initial HTTP header to be used as a base for
49 | building a new HTTP header. If NULL,
50 | SeedMessageSize is ignored.
51 | @param[in] DeleteCount Number of null-terminated HTTP header field names
52 | in DeleteList.
53 | @param[in] DeleteList List of null-terminated HTTP header field names to
54 | remove from SeedMessage. Only the field names are
55 | in this list because the field values are irrelevant
56 | to this operation.
57 | @param[in] AppendCount Number of header fields in AppendList.
58 | @param[in] AppendList List of HTTP headers to populate NewMessage with.
59 | If SeedMessage is not NULL, AppendList will be
60 | appended to the existing list from SeedMessage in
61 | NewMessage.
62 | @param[out] NewMessageSize Pointer to number of header fields in NewMessage.
63 | @param[out] NewMessage Pointer to a new list of HTTP headers based on.
64 |
65 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Add, remove, and replace operations succeeded.
66 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not allocate memory for NewMessage.
67 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
68 | This is NULL.
69 | **/
72 | HttpUtilitiesBuild (
74 | IN UINTN SeedMessageSize,
75 | IN VOID *SeedMessage OPTIONAL,
76 | IN UINTN DeleteCount,
77 | IN CHAR8 *DeleteList[] OPTIONAL,
78 | IN UINTN AppendCount,
80 | OUT UINTN *NewMessageSize,
81 | OUT VOID **NewMessage
82 | );
83 |
84 | /**
85 | Parses HTTP header and produces an array of key/value pairs.
86 |
87 | The Parse() function is used to transform data stored in HttpHeader
88 | into a list of fields paired with their corresponding values.
89 |
90 | @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_HTTP_UTILITIES_PROTOCOL instance.
91 | @param[in] HttpMessage Contains raw unformatted HTTP header string.
92 | @param[in] HttpMessageSize Size of HTTP header.
93 | @param[out] HeaderFields Array of key/value header pairs.
94 | @param[out] FieldCount Number of headers in HeaderFields.
95 |
96 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Allocation succeeded.
97 | @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This EFI HTTP Protocol instance has not been
98 | initialized.
99 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
100 | This is NULL.
101 | HttpMessage is NULL.
102 | HeaderFields is NULL.
103 | FieldCount is NULL.
104 | **/
106 | EFIAPI
107 | HttpUtilitiesParse (
109 | IN CHAR8 *HttpMessage,
110 | IN UINTN HttpMessageSize,
111 | OUT EFI_HTTP_HEADER **HeaderFields,
112 | OUT UINTN *FieldCount
113 | );
114 |
115 | #endif