1 | /** @file
2 | Cache Maintenance Functions for LoongArch.
3 | LoongArch cache maintenance functions has not yet been completed, and will added in later.
4 | Functions are null functions now.
5 |
6 | Copyright (c) 2022, Loongson Technology Corporation Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 |
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | //
13 | // Include common header file for this module.
14 | //
15 | #include <Base.h>
16 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
18 |
19 | /**
20 | LoongArch data barrier operation.
21 | **/
22 | VOID
24 | AsmDataBarrierLoongArch (
25 | VOID
26 | );
27 |
28 | /**
29 | LoongArch instruction barrier operation.
30 | **/
31 | VOID
33 | AsmInstructionBarrierLoongArch (
34 | VOID
35 | );
36 |
37 | /**
38 | Invalidates the entire instruction cache in cache coherency domain of the
39 | calling CPU.
40 |
41 | **/
42 | VOID
44 | InvalidateInstructionCache (
45 | VOID
46 | )
47 | {
48 | AsmInstructionBarrierLoongArch ();
49 | }
50 |
51 | /**
52 | Invalidates a range of instruction cache lines in the cache coherency domain
53 | of the calling CPU.
54 |
55 | Invalidates the instruction cache lines specified by Address and Length. If
56 | Address is not aligned on a cache line boundary, then entire instruction
57 | cache line containing Address is invalidated. If Address + Length is not
58 | aligned on a cache line boundary, then the entire instruction cache line
59 | containing Address + Length -1 is invalidated. This function may choose to
60 | invalidate the entire instruction cache if that is more efficient than
61 | invalidating the specified range. If Length is 0, the no instruction cache
62 | lines are invalidated. Address is returned.
63 |
64 | If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS - Address + 1), then ASSERT().
65 |
66 | @param[in] Address The base address of the instruction cache lines to
67 | invalidate. If the CPU is in a physical addressing mode, then
68 | Address is a physical address. If the CPU is in a virtual
69 | addressing mode, then Address is a virtual address.
70 |
71 | @param[in] Length The number of bytes to invalidate from the instruction cache.
72 |
73 | @return Address.
74 |
75 | **/
76 | VOID *
78 | InvalidateInstructionCacheRange (
79 | IN VOID *Address,
80 | IN UINTN Length
81 | )
82 | {
83 | AsmInstructionBarrierLoongArch ();
84 | return Address;
85 | }
86 |
87 | /**
88 | Writes Back and Invalidates the entire data cache in cache coherency domain
89 | of the calling CPU.
90 |
91 | Writes Back and Invalidates the entire data cache in cache coherency domain
92 | of the calling CPU. This function guarantees that all dirty cache lines are
93 | written back to system memory, and also invalidates all the data cache lines
94 | in the cache coherency domain of the calling CPU.
95 |
96 | **/
97 | VOID
99 | WriteBackInvalidateDataCache (
100 | VOID
101 | )
102 | {
103 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Not currently implemented on LoongArch.\n", __func__));
104 | }
105 |
106 | /**
107 | Writes Back and Invalidates a range of data cache lines in the cache
108 | coherency domain of the calling CPU.
109 |
110 | Writes Back and Invalidate the data cache lines specified by Address and
111 | Length. If Address is not aligned on a cache line boundary, then entire data
112 | cache line containing Address is written back and invalidated. If Address +
113 | Length is not aligned on a cache line boundary, then the entire data cache
114 | line containing Address + Length -1 is written back and invalidated. This
115 | function may choose to write back and invalidate the entire data cache if
116 | that is more efficient than writing back and invalidating the specified
117 | range. If Length is 0, the no data cache lines are written back and
118 | invalidated. Address is returned.
119 |
120 | If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS - Address + 1), then ASSERT().
121 |
122 | @param[in] Address The base address of the data cache lines to write back and
123 | invalidate. If the CPU is in a physical addressing mode, then
124 | Address is a physical address. If the CPU is in a virtual
125 | addressing mode, then Address is a virtual address.
126 | @param[in] Length The number of bytes to write back and invalidate from the
127 | data cache.
128 |
129 | @return Address of cache invalidation.
130 |
131 | **/
132 | VOID *
133 | EFIAPI
134 | WriteBackInvalidateDataCacheRange (
135 | IN VOID *Address,
136 | IN UINTN Length
137 | )
138 | {
139 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Not currently implemented on LoongArch.\n", __func__));
140 | return Address;
141 | }
142 |
143 | /**
144 | Writes Back the entire data cache in cache coherency domain of the calling
145 | CPU.
146 |
147 | Writes Back the entire data cache in cache coherency domain of the calling
148 | CPU. This function guarantees that all dirty cache lines are written back to
149 | system memory. This function may also invalidate all the data cache lines in
150 | the cache coherency domain of the calling CPU.
151 |
152 | **/
153 | VOID
154 | EFIAPI
155 | WriteBackDataCache (
156 | VOID
157 | )
158 | {
159 | WriteBackInvalidateDataCache ();
160 | }
161 |
162 | /**
163 | Writes Back a range of data cache lines in the cache coherency domain of the
164 | calling CPU.
165 |
166 | Writes Back the data cache lines specified by Address and Length. If Address
167 | is not aligned on a cache line boundary, then entire data cache line
168 | containing Address is written back. If Address + Length is not aligned on a
169 | cache line boundary, then the entire data cache line containing Address +
170 | Length -1 is written back. This function may choose to write back the entire
171 | data cache if that is more efficient than writing back the specified range.
172 | If Length is 0, the no data cache lines are written back. This function may
173 | also invalidate all the data cache lines in the specified range of the cache
174 | coherency domain of the calling CPU. Address is returned.
175 |
176 | If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS - Address + 1), then ASSERT().
177 |
178 | @param[in] Address The base address of the data cache lines to write back. If
179 | the CPU is in a physical addressing mode, then Address is a
180 | physical address. If the CPU is in a virtual addressing
181 | mode, then Address is a virtual address.
182 | @param[in] Length The number of bytes to write back from the data cache.
183 |
184 | @return Address of cache written in main memory.
185 |
186 | **/
187 | VOID *
188 | EFIAPI
189 | WriteBackDataCacheRange (
190 | IN VOID *Address,
191 | IN UINTN Length
192 | )
193 | {
194 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Not currently implemented on LoongArch.\n", __func__));
195 | return Address;
196 | }
197 |
198 | /**
199 | Invalidates the entire data cache in cache coherency domain of the calling
200 | CPU.
201 |
202 | Invalidates the entire data cache in cache coherency domain of the calling
203 | CPU. This function must be used with care because dirty cache lines are not
204 | written back to system memory. It is typically used for cache diagnostics. If
205 | the CPU does not support invalidation of the entire data cache, then a write
206 | back and invalidate operation should be performed on the entire data cache.
207 |
208 | **/
209 | VOID
210 | EFIAPI
211 | InvalidateDataCache (
212 | VOID
213 | )
214 | {
215 | AsmDataBarrierLoongArch ();
216 | }
217 |
218 | /**
219 | Invalidates a range of data cache lines in the cache coherency domain of the
220 | calling CPU.
221 |
222 | Invalidates the data cache lines specified by Address and Length. If Address
223 | is not aligned on a cache line boundary, then entire data cache line
224 | containing Address is invalidated. If Address + Length is not aligned on a
225 | cache line boundary, then the entire data cache line containing Address +
226 | Length -1 is invalidated. This function must never invalidate any cache lines
227 | outside the specified range. If Length is 0, the no data cache lines are
228 | invalidated. Address is returned. This function must be used with care
229 | because dirty cache lines are not written back to system memory. It is
230 | typically used for cache diagnostics. If the CPU does not support
231 | invalidation of a data cache range, then a write back and invalidate
232 | operation should be performed on the data cache range.
233 |
234 | If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS - Address + 1), then ASSERT().
235 |
236 | @param[in] Address The base address of the data cache lines to invalidate. If
237 | the CPU is in a physical addressing mode, then Address is a
238 | physical address. If the CPU is in a virtual addressing mode,
239 | then Address is a virtual address.
240 | @param[in] Length The number of bytes to invalidate from the data cache.
241 |
242 | @return Address.
243 |
244 | **/
245 | VOID *
246 | EFIAPI
247 | InvalidateDataCacheRange (
248 | IN VOID *Address,
249 | IN UINTN Length
250 | )
251 | {
252 | AsmDataBarrierLoongArch ();
253 | return Address;
254 | }