1 | /** @file
2 | Capsule Runtime Driver produces two UEFI capsule runtime services.
3 | (UpdateCapsule, QueryCapsuleCapabilities)
4 | It installs the Capsule Architectural Protocol defined in PI1.0a to signify
5 | the capsule runtime services are ready.
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | #include "CapsuleService.h"
13 |
14 | //
15 | // Handle for the installation of Capsule Architecture Protocol.
16 | //
17 | EFI_HANDLE mNewHandle = NULL;
18 |
19 | //
20 | // The times of calling UpdateCapsule ()
21 | //
22 | UINTN mTimes = 0;
23 |
24 | UINT32 mMaxSizePopulateCapsule = 0;
25 | UINT32 mMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule = 0;
26 |
27 | /**
28 | Passes capsules to the firmware with both virtual and physical mapping. Depending on the intended
29 | consumption, the firmware may process the capsule immediately. If the payload should persist
30 | across a system reset, the reset value returned from EFI_QueryCapsuleCapabilities must
31 | be passed into ResetSystem() and will cause the capsule to be processed by the firmware as
32 | part of the reset process.
33 |
34 | @param CapsuleHeaderArray Virtual pointer to an array of virtual pointers to the capsules
35 | being passed into update capsule.
36 | @param CapsuleCount Number of pointers to EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER in
37 | CaspuleHeaderArray.
38 | @param ScatterGatherList Physical pointer to a set of
39 | EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR that describes the
40 | location in physical memory of a set of capsules.
41 |
42 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Valid capsule was passed. If
44 | capsule has been successfully processed by the firmware.
45 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The capsule update was started, but failed due to a device error.
46 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER CapsuleSize is NULL, or an incompatible set of flags were
47 | set in the capsule header.
48 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER CapsuleCount is Zero.
49 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER For across reset capsule image, ScatterGatherList is NULL.
50 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED CapsuleImage is not recognized by the firmware.
51 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES When ExitBootServices() has been previously called this error indicates the capsule
52 | is compatible with this platform but is not capable of being submitted or processed
53 | in runtime. The caller may resubmit the capsule prior to ExitBootServices().
54 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES When ExitBootServices() has not been previously called then this error indicates
55 | the capsule is compatible with this platform but there are insufficient resources to process.
56 |
57 | **/
60 | UpdateCapsule (
61 | IN EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER **CapsuleHeaderArray,
62 | IN UINTN CapsuleCount,
64 | )
65 | {
66 | UINTN ArrayNumber;
67 | EFI_STATUS Status;
68 | EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeader;
69 | BOOLEAN NeedReset;
70 | BOOLEAN InitiateReset;
71 | CHAR16 CapsuleVarName[30];
72 | CHAR16 *TempVarName;
73 |
74 | //
75 | // Check if platform support Capsule In RAM or not.
76 | // Platform could choose to drop CapsulePei/CapsuleX64 and do not support Capsule In RAM.
77 | //
78 | if (!PcdGetBool(PcdCapsuleInRamSupport)) {
79 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
80 | }
81 |
82 | //
83 | // Capsule Count can't be less than one.
84 | //
85 | if (CapsuleCount < 1) {
87 | }
88 |
89 | NeedReset = FALSE;
90 | InitiateReset = FALSE;
91 | CapsuleHeader = NULL;
92 | CapsuleVarName[0] = 0;
93 |
94 | for (ArrayNumber = 0; ArrayNumber < CapsuleCount; ArrayNumber++) {
95 | //
96 | // A capsule which has the CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE flag must have
97 | // CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET set in its header as well.
98 | //
99 | CapsuleHeader = CapsuleHeaderArray[ArrayNumber];
102 | }
103 | //
104 | // A capsule which has the CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET flag must have
105 | // CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET set in its header as well.
106 | //
109 | }
110 |
111 | //
112 | // Check FMP capsule flag
113 | //
114 | if (CompareGuid(&CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid, &gEfiFmpCapsuleGuid)
115 | && (CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) != 0 ) {
117 | }
118 |
119 | //
120 | // Check Capsule image without populate flag by firmware support capsule function
121 | //
122 | if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) == 0) {
123 | Status = SupportCapsuleImage (CapsuleHeader);
124 | if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
125 | return Status;
126 | }
127 | }
128 | }
129 |
130 | //
131 | // Walk through all capsules, record whether there is a capsule needs reset
132 | // or initiate reset. And then process capsules which has no reset flag directly.
133 | //
134 | for (ArrayNumber = 0; ArrayNumber < CapsuleCount ; ArrayNumber++) {
135 | CapsuleHeader = CapsuleHeaderArray[ArrayNumber];
136 | //
137 | // Here should be in the boot-time for non-reset capsule image
138 | // Platform specific update for the non-reset capsule image.
139 | //
140 | if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET) == 0) {
141 | if (EfiAtRuntime () && !FeaturePcdGet (PcdSupportProcessCapsuleAtRuntime)) {
142 | Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
143 | } else {
144 | Status = ProcessCapsuleImage(CapsuleHeader);
145 | }
146 | if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
147 | return Status;
148 | }
149 | } else {
150 | NeedReset = TRUE;
151 | if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET) != 0) {
152 | InitiateReset = TRUE;
153 | }
154 | }
155 | }
156 |
157 | //
158 | // After launching all capsules who has no reset flag, if no more capsules claims
159 | // for a system reset just return.
160 | //
161 | if (!NeedReset) {
162 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
163 | }
164 |
165 | //
166 | // ScatterGatherList is only referenced if the capsules are defined to persist across
167 | // system reset.
168 | //
169 | if (ScatterGatherList == (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) NULL) {
171 | }
172 |
173 | //
174 | // Check if the platform supports update capsule across a system reset
175 | //
176 | if (!IsPersistAcrossResetCapsuleSupported ()) {
177 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
178 | }
179 |
180 | CapsuleCacheWriteBack (ScatterGatherList);
181 |
182 | //
183 | // Construct variable name CapsuleUpdateData, CapsuleUpdateData1, CapsuleUpdateData2...
184 | // if user calls UpdateCapsule multiple times.
185 | //
186 | StrCpyS (CapsuleVarName, sizeof(CapsuleVarName)/sizeof(CHAR16), EFI_CAPSULE_VARIABLE_NAME);
187 | TempVarName = CapsuleVarName + StrLen (CapsuleVarName);
188 | if (mTimes > 0) {
189 | UnicodeValueToStringS (
190 | TempVarName,
191 | sizeof (CapsuleVarName) - ((UINTN)TempVarName - (UINTN)CapsuleVarName),
192 | 0,
193 | mTimes,
194 | 0
195 | );
196 | }
197 |
198 | //
199 | // ScatterGatherList is only referenced if the capsules are defined to persist across
200 | // system reset. Set its value into NV storage to let pre-boot driver to pick it up
201 | // after coming through a system reset.
202 | //
203 | Status = EfiSetVariable (
204 | CapsuleVarName,
205 | &gEfiCapsuleVendorGuid,
207 | sizeof (UINTN),
208 | (VOID *) &ScatterGatherList
209 | );
210 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
211 | //
212 | // Variable has been set successfully, increase variable index.
213 | //
214 | mTimes++;
215 | if(InitiateReset) {
216 | //
217 | // Firmware that encounters a capsule which has the CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET Flag set in its header
218 | // will initiate a reset of the platform which is compatible with the passed-in capsule request and will
219 | // not return back to the caller.
220 | //
221 | EfiResetSystem (EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL);
222 | }
223 | }
224 | return Status;
225 | }
226 |
227 | /**
228 | Returns if the capsule can be supported via UpdateCapsule().
229 | Notice: When PcdCapsuleInRamSupport is unsupported, even this routine returns a valid answer,
230 | the capsule still is unsupported via UpdateCapsule().
231 |
232 | @param CapsuleHeaderArray Virtual pointer to an array of virtual pointers to the capsules
233 | being passed into update capsule.
234 | @param CapsuleCount Number of pointers to EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER in
235 | CaspuleHeaderArray.
236 | @param MaxiumCapsuleSize On output the maximum size that UpdateCapsule() can
237 | support as an argument to UpdateCapsule() via
238 | CapsuleHeaderArray and ScatterGatherList.
239 | @param ResetType Returns the type of reset required for the capsule update.
240 |
241 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Valid answer returned.
242 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The capsule image is not supported on this platform, and
243 | MaximumCapsuleSize and ResetType are undefined.
244 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER MaximumCapsuleSize is NULL, or ResetTyep is NULL,
245 | Or CapsuleCount is Zero, or CapsuleImage is not valid.
246 |
247 | **/
249 | EFIAPI
250 | QueryCapsuleCapabilities (
251 | IN EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER **CapsuleHeaderArray,
252 | IN UINTN CapsuleCount,
253 | OUT UINT64 *MaxiumCapsuleSize,
254 | OUT EFI_RESET_TYPE *ResetType
255 | )
256 | {
257 | EFI_STATUS Status;
258 | UINTN ArrayNumber;
259 | EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeader;
260 | BOOLEAN NeedReset;
261 |
262 | //
263 | // Capsule Count can't be less than one.
264 | //
265 | if (CapsuleCount < 1) {
267 | }
268 |
269 | //
270 | // Check whether input parameter is valid
271 | //
272 | if ((MaxiumCapsuleSize == NULL) ||(ResetType == NULL)) {
274 | }
275 |
276 | CapsuleHeader = NULL;
277 | NeedReset = FALSE;
278 |
279 | for (ArrayNumber = 0; ArrayNumber < CapsuleCount; ArrayNumber++) {
280 | CapsuleHeader = CapsuleHeaderArray[ArrayNumber];
281 | //
282 | // A capsule which has the CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE flag must have
283 | // CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET set in its header as well.
284 | //
287 | }
288 | //
289 | // A capsule which has the CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET flag must have
290 | // CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET set in its header as well.
291 | //
294 | }
295 |
296 | //
297 | // Check FMP capsule flag
298 | //
299 | if (CompareGuid(&CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid, &gEfiFmpCapsuleGuid)
300 | && (CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) != 0 ) {
302 | }
303 |
304 | //
305 | // Check Capsule image without populate flag is supported by firmware
306 | //
307 | if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) == 0) {
308 | Status = SupportCapsuleImage (CapsuleHeader);
309 | if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
310 | return Status;
311 | }
312 | }
313 | }
314 |
315 | //
316 | // Find out whether there is any capsule defined to persist across system reset.
317 | //
318 | for (ArrayNumber = 0; ArrayNumber < CapsuleCount ; ArrayNumber++) {
319 | CapsuleHeader = CapsuleHeaderArray[ArrayNumber];
320 | if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET) != 0) {
321 | NeedReset = TRUE;
322 | break;
323 | }
324 | }
325 |
326 | if (NeedReset) {
327 | //
328 | //Check if the platform supports update capsule across a system reset
329 | //
330 | if (!IsPersistAcrossResetCapsuleSupported ()) {
331 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
332 | }
333 | *ResetType = EfiResetWarm;
334 | *MaxiumCapsuleSize = (UINT64) mMaxSizePopulateCapsule;
335 | } else {
336 | //
337 | // For non-reset capsule image.
338 | //
339 | *ResetType = EfiResetCold;
340 | *MaxiumCapsuleSize = (UINT64) mMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule;
341 | }
342 |
343 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
344 | }
345 |
346 |
347 | /**
348 |
349 | This code installs UEFI capsule runtime service.
350 |
351 | @param ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
352 | @param SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
353 |
354 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS UEFI Capsule Runtime Services are installed successfully.
355 |
356 | **/
358 | EFIAPI
359 | CapsuleServiceInitialize (
360 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
361 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
362 | )
363 | {
364 | EFI_STATUS Status;
365 |
366 | mMaxSizePopulateCapsule = PcdGet32(PcdMaxSizePopulateCapsule);
367 | mMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule = PcdGet32(PcdMaxSizeNonPopulateCapsule);
368 |
369 | //
370 | // When PEI phase is IA32, DXE phase is X64, it is possible that capsule data are
371 | // put above 4GB, so capsule PEI will transfer to long mode to get capsule data.
372 | // The page table and stack is used to transfer processor mode from IA32 to long mode.
373 | // Create the base address of page table and stack, and save them into variable.
374 | // This is not needed when capsule with reset type is not supported.
375 | //
376 | SaveLongModeContext ();
377 |
378 | //
379 | // Install capsule runtime services into UEFI runtime service tables.
380 | //
381 | gRT->UpdateCapsule = UpdateCapsule;
382 | gRT->QueryCapsuleCapabilities = QueryCapsuleCapabilities;
383 |
384 | //
385 | // Install the Capsule Architectural Protocol on a new handle
386 | // to signify the capsule runtime services are ready.
387 | //
388 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
389 | &mNewHandle,
390 | &gEfiCapsuleArchProtocolGuid,
391 | NULL,
392 | NULL
393 | );
394 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
395 |
396 | return Status;
397 | }