
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Firmware/CryptoPkg/ 107675

最後變更 在這個檔案從107675是 105670,由 vboxsync 提交於 8 月 前

Devices/EFI/FirmwareNew: Merge edk2-stable-202405 and make it build on aarch64, bugref:4643

  • 屬性 svn:eol-style 設為 native
檔案大小: 32.0 KB
1# Crypto Package
3This package provides cryptographic services that are used to implement firmware
4features such as UEFI Secure Boot, Measured Boot, firmware image authentication,
5and network boot. The cryptographic service implementation in this package uses
6services from the [OpenSSL]( project and
7[MbedTLS]( project.
9EDK II firmware modules/libraries that requires the use of cryptographic
10services can either statically link all the required services, or the EDK II
11firmware module/library can use a dynamic Protocol/PPI service to call
12cryptographic services. The dynamic Protocol/PPI services are only available to
13PEIMs, DXE Drivers, UEFI Drivers, and SMM Drivers, and only if the cryptographic
14modules are included in the platform firmware image.
16There may be firmware image size differences between the static and dynamic
17options. Some experimentation may be required to find the solution that
18provides the smallest overall firmware overhead.
20# Public Library Classes
22* **BaseCryptLib** - Provides library functions based on OpenSSL for
23 cryptographic primitives.
24* **BaseCryptLibMbedTls** - Provides library functions based on MbedTLS for
25 cryptographic primitives.
26* **TlsLib** - Provides TLS library functions for EFI TLS protocol.
27* **HashApiLib** - Provides Unified API for different hash implementations.
29# Private Library Classes
31* **OpensslLib** - Provides library functions from the openssl project.
32* **MbedTlsLib** - Provides library functions from the mbedtls project.
33* **IntrinsicLib** - Provides C runtime library (CRT) required by openssl
34 and mbedtls.
36# Private Protocols and PPIs
38* **EDK II Crypto PPI** - PPI that provides all the services from
39 the BaseCryptLib and TlsLib library classes.
40* **EDK II Crypto Protocol** - Protocol that provides all the services from
41 the BaseCryptLib and TlsLib library classes.
42* **EDK II SMM Crypto Protocol** - SMM Protocol that provides all the services
43 from the BaseCryptLib and TlsLib library
44 classes.
46## Statically Linking Cryptographic Services
48The figure below shows an example of a firmware module that requires the use of
49cryptographic services. The cryptographic services are provided by three library
50classes called BaseCryptLib, TlsLib, and HashApiLib. These library classes are
51implemented using APIs from the OpenSSL project that are abstracted by the
52private library class called OpensslLib. The OpenSSL project implementation
53depends on C runtime library services. The EDK II project does not provide a
54full C runtime library for firmware components. Instead, the CryptoPkg includes
55the smallest subset of services required to build the OpenSSL project in the
56private library class called IntrinsicLib.
58The CryptoPkg provides several instances of the BaseCryptLib and OpensslLib with
59different cryptographic service features and performance optimizations. The
60platform developer must select the correct instances based on cryptographic
61service requirements in each UEFI/PI firmware phase (SEC, PEI, DXE, UEFI,
62UEFI RT, and SMM), firmware image size requirements, and firmware boot
63performance requirements.
67| EDK II Firmware Module/Library |
69 ^ ^ ^
70 | | |
71 | | v
72 | | +============+
73 | | | HashApiLib |
74 | | +============+
75 | | ^
76 | | |
77 v v v
78+========+ +====================+
79| TlsLib | | BaseCryptLib |
80+========+ +====================+
81 ^ ^
82 | |
83 v v
85| OpensslLib (Private) |
87 ^
88 |
89 v
91| IntrinsicLib (Private) |
95## Dynamically Linking Cryptographic Services
97The figure below shows the entire stack when dynamic linking is used with
98cryptographic services produced by the CryptoPei, CryptoDxe, or CryptoSmm module
99through a PPI/Protocol. This solution requires the CryptoPei, CryptoDxe, and
100CryptoSmm modules to be configured with the set of cryptographic services
101required by all the PEIMs, DXE Drivers, UEFI Drivers, and SMM Drivers. Dynamic
102linking is not available for SEC or UEFI RT modules.
104The EDK II modules/libraries that require cryptographic services use the same
105BaseCryptLib/TlsLib/HashApiLib APIs. This means no source changes are required
106to use static linking or dynamic linking. It is a platform configuration option
107to select static linking or dynamic linking. This choice can be made globally,
108per firmware module type, or for individual modules.
111+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
113| Module/Library | | Module/Library | | Module/Library |
114+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
115 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
116 | | | | | | | | |
117 | | v | | v | | v
118 | | +==========+ | | +==========+ | | +==========+
119 | | |HashApiLib| | | |HashApiLib| | | |HashApiLib|
120 | | +==========+ | | +==========+ | | +==========+
121 | | ^ | | ^ | | ^
122 | | | | | | | | |
123 v v v v v v v v v
124+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
125|TlsLib|BaseCryptLib| |TlsLib|BaseCryptLib| |TlsLib|BaseCryptLib|
126+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------+
127| BaseCryptLib | | BaseCryptLib | | BaseCryptLib |
128| OnPpiProtocol/ | | OnPpiProtocol/ | | OnPpiProtocol/ |
129| PeiCryptLib.inf | | DxeCryptLib.inf | | SmmCryptLib.inf |
130+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
131 ^ ^ ^
132 ||| (Dynamic) ||| (Dynamic) ||| (Dynamic)
133 v v v
134+===================+ +===================+ +=====================+
135| Crypto PPI | | Crypto Protocol | | Crypto SMM Protocol |
136+-------------------| |-------------------| |---------------------|
137| CryptoPei | | CryptoDxe | | CryptoSmm |
138+===================+ +===================+ +=====================+
139 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
140 | | | | | |
141 v | v | v |
142+========+ | +========+ | +========+ |
143| TlsLib | | | TlsLib | | | TlsLib | |
144+========+ v +========+ v +========+ v
145 ^ +==============+ ^ +==============+ ^ +==============+
146 | | BaseCryptLib | | | BaseCryptLib | | | BaseCryptLib |
147 | +==============+ | +==============+ | +==============+
148 | ^ | ^ | ^
149 | | | | | |
150 v v v v v v
151+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
152| OpensslLib | | OpensslLib | | OpensslLib |
153+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
154 ^ ^ ^
155 | | |
156 v v v
157+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
158| IntrinsicLib | | IntrinsicLib | | IntrinsicLib |
159+===================+ +===================+ +===================+
162## Supported Cryptographic Families and Services
164The table below provides a summary of the supported cryptographic services. It
165indicates if the family or service is deprecated or recommended to not be used.
166It also shows which *CryptLib library instances support the family or service.
167If a cell is blank then the service or family is always disabled and the
168`PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable` setting for that family or service is ignored.
169If the cell is not blank, then the service or family is configurable using
170`PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable` as long as the correct OpensslLib or TlsLib is
171also configured.
173|Key | Description |
175| <blank> | Family or service is always disabled. |
176| C | Configurable using PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable. |
177| C-Tls | Configurable using PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable. Requires TlsLib.inf. |
178| C-Full | Configurable using PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable. Requires OpensslLibFull*.inf. |
180|Family/Service | Deprecated | Don't Use | SecCryptLib | PeiCryptLib | BaseCryptLib | SmmCryptLib | RuntimeCryptLib |
182| HmacMd5 | Y | Y | | | | | |
183| HmacSha1 | Y | Y | | | | | |
184| HmacSha256 | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
185| HmacSha384 | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
186| Md4 | Y | Y | | | | | |
187| Md5 | Y | Y | | C | C | C | C |
188| Pkcs.Pkcs1v2Encrypt | N | N | | | C | C | |
189| Pkcs.Pkcs5HashPassword | N | N | | | C | C | |
190| Pkcs.Pkcs7Verify | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
191| Pkcs.VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature | N | N | | C | C | C | |
192| Pkcs.Pkcs7GetSigners | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
193| Pkcs.Pkcs7FreeSigners | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
194| Pkcs.Pkcs7Sign | N | N | | | C | | |
195| Pkcs.Pkcs7GetAttachedContent | N | N | | C | C | C | |
196| Pkcs.Pkcs7GetCertificatesList | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
197| Pkcs.AuthenticodeVerify | N | N | | | C | | |
198| Pkcs.ImageTimestampVerify | N | N | | | C | | |
199| Dh | N | N | | | C | | |
200| Random | N | N | | | C | C | C |
201| Rsa.VerifyPkcs1 | Y | Y | | | | | |
202| Rsa.New | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
203| Rsa.Free | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
204| Rsa.SetKey | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
205| Rsa.GetKey | N | N | | | C | | |
206| Rsa.GenerateKey | N | N | | | C | | |
207| Rsa.CheckKey | N | N | | | C | | |
208| Rsa.Pkcs1Sign | N | N | | | C | | |
209| Rsa.Pkcs1Verify | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
210| Sha1 | N | Y | | C | C | C | C |
211| Sha256 | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
212| Sha384 | N | N | C | C | C | C | C |
213| Sha512 | N | N | C | C | C | C | C |
214| X509 | N | N | | | C | C | C |
215| Tdes | Y | Y | | | | | |
216| Aes.GetContextSize | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
217| Aes.Init | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
218| Aes.EcbEncrypt | Y | Y | | | | | |
219| Aes.EcbDecrypt | Y | Y | | | | | |
220| Aes.CbcEncrypt | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
221| Aes.CbcDecrypt | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
222| Arc4 | Y | Y | | | | | |
223| Sm3 | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
224| Hkdf | N | N | | C | C | C | C |
225| Tls | N | N | | | C-Tls | | |
226| TlsSet | N | N | | | C-Tls | | |
227| TlsGet | N | N | | | C-Tls | | |
228| RsaPss.Sign | N | N | | | C | | |
229| RsaPss.Verify | N | N | | C | C | C | |
230| ParallelHash | N | N | | | | C | |
231| AeadAesGcm | N | N | | | C | | |
232| Bn | N | N | | | C | | |
233| Ec | N | N | | | C-Full | | |
235## Platform Configuration of Cryptographic Services
237Configuring the cryptographic services requires library mappings and PCD
238settings in a platform DSC file. This must be done for each of the firmware
239phases (SEC, PEI, DXE, UEFI, SMM, UEFI RT).
241The following table can be used to help select the best OpensslLib instance for
242each phase. The Size column only shows the estimated size increase for a
243compressed IA32/X64 module that uses the cryptographic services with
244`OpensslLib.inf` as the baseline size. The actual size increase depends on the
245specific set of enabled cryptographic services. If ECC services are not
246required, then the size can be reduced by using OpensslLib.inf instead of
247`OpensslLibFull.inf`. Performance optimization requires a size increase.
249| OpensslLib Instance | SSL | ECC | Perf Opt | CPU Arch | Size |
251| OpensslLibCrypto.inf | N | N | N | All | +0K |
252| OpensslLib.inf | Y | N | N | All | +0K |
253| OpensslLibAccel.inf | Y | N | Y | IA32/X64 | +20K |
254| OpensslLibFull.inf | Y | Y | N | All | +115K |
255| OpensslLibFullAccel.inf | Y | Y | Y | IA32/X64 | +135K |
257### SEC Phase Library Mappings
259The SEC Phase only supports static linking of cryptographic services. The
260following library mappings are recommended for the SEC Phase. It uses the SEC
261specific version of the BaseCryptLib and the null version of the TlsLib because
262TLS services are not typically used in SEC.
266 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
267 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/SecCryptLib.inf
268 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
269 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
270 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
273### PEI Phase Library Mappings
275The PEI Phase supports either static or dynamic linking of cryptographic
276services. The following library mappings are recommended for the PEI Phase. It
277uses the PEI specific version of the BaseCryptLib and the null version of the
278TlsLib because TLS services are not typically used in PEI.
282 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
283 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/PeiCryptLib.inf
284 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
285 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
286 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
289If dynamic linking is used, then all PEIMs except CryptoPei use the following
290library mappings. The CryptoPei module uses the static linking settings.
294 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
295 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/PeiCryptLib.inf
298 CryptoPkg/Driver/CryptoPei.inf {
299 <LibraryClasses>
300 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/PeiCryptLib.inf
301 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
302 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
303 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
304 }
307### DXE Phase, UEFI Driver, UEFI Application Library Mappings
309The DXE/UEFI Phase supports either static or dynamic linking of cryptographic
310services. The following library mappings are recommended for the DXE/UEFI Phase.
311It uses the DXE specific version of the BaseCryptLib and the full version of the
312OpensslLib and TlsLib. If ECC services are not required then a smaller
313OpensslLib instance can be used.
316[LibraryClasses.common.DXE_DRIVER, LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_DRIVER, LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_APPLICATION]
317 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
318 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/BaseCryptLib.inf
319 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLib/TlsLib.inf
320 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibFull.inf
321 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
324If dynamic linking is used, then all DXE Drivers except CryptoDxe use the
325following library mappings. The CryptoDxe module uses the static linking
329[LibraryClasses.common.DXE_DRIVER, LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_DRIVER, LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_APPLICATION]
330 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
331 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/DxeCryptLib.inf
334 CryptoPkg/Driver/CryptoDxe.inf {
335 <LibraryClasses>
336 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/BaseCryptLib.inf
337 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLib/TlsLib.inf
338 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLibFull.inf
339 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
340 }
343### SMM Phase Library Mappings
345The SMM Phase supports either static or dynamic linking of cryptographic
346services. The following library mappings are recommended for the SMM Phase. It
347uses the SMM specific version of the BaseCryptLib and the null version of the
352 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
353 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/SmmCryptLib.inf
354 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
355 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
356 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
359If dynamic linking is used, then all SMM Drivers except CryptoSmm use the
360following library mappings. The CryptoDxe module uses the static linking
365 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
366 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/SmmCryptLib.inf
369 CryptoPkg/Driver/CryptoSmm.inf {
370 <LibraryClasses>
371 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/SmmCryptLib.inf
372 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
373 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
374 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
375 }
378### UEFI Runtime Driver Library Mappings
380UEFI Runtime Drivers only support static linking of cryptographic services.
381The following library mappings are recommended for UEFI Runtime Drivers. They
382use the runtime specific version of the BaseCryptLib and the null version of the
383TlsLib because TLS services are not typically used at runtime.
387 HashApiLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseHashApiLib/BaseHashApiLib.inf
388 BaseCryptLib|CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLib/RuntimeCryptLib.inf
389 TlsLib|CryptoPkg/Library/TlsLibNull/TlsLibNull.inf
390 OpensslLib|CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf
391 IntrinsicLib|CryptoPkg/Library/IntrinsicLib/IntrinsicLib.inf
394### PCD Configuration Settings
396There are 2 PCD settings that are used to configure cryptographic services.
397`PcdHashApiLibPolicy` is used to configure the hash algorithm provided by the
398BaseHashApiLib library instance. `PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable` is used to
399configure the cryptographic services supported by the CryptoPei, CryptoDxe,
400and CryptoSmm modules.
402* `gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdHashApiLibPolicy` - This PCD indicates the
403 HASH algorithm to use in the BaseHashApiLib to calculate hash of data. The
404 default hashing algorithm for BaseHashApiLib is set to HASH_ALG_SHA256.
405 | Setting | Algorithm |
406 |------------|------------------|
407 | 0x00000001 | HASH_ALG_SHA1 |
408 | 0x00000002 | HASH_ALG_SHA256 |
409 | 0x00000004 | HASH_ALG_SHA384 |
410 | 0x00000008 | HASH_ALG_SHA512 |
411 | 0x00000010 | HASH_ALG_SM3_256 |
413* `gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable` - Enable/Disable
414 the families and individual services produced by the EDK II Crypto
415 Protocols/PPIs. The default is all services disabled. This Structured PCD is
416 associated with the `PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_FAMILY_ENABLE` structure that is
417 defined in `Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h`.
419 There are three layers of priority that determine if a specific family or
420 individual cryptographic service is actually enabled in the CryptoPei,
421 CryptoDxe, and CryptoSmm modules.
423 1) OpensslLib instance selection. When the CryptoPei, CryptoDxe, or CryptoSmm
424 drivers are built, they are statically linked to an OpensslLib library
425 instance. If the required cryptographic service is not enabled in the
426 OpensslLib instance linked, then the service is always disabled.
427 2) BaseCryptLib instance selection.
428 * CryptoPei is always linked with the PeiCryptLib instance of the
429 BaseCryptLib library class. The table above has a column for the
430 PeiCryptLib. If the family or service is blank, then that family or
431 service is always disabled.
432 * CryptoDxe is always linked with the BaseCryptLib instance of the
433 BaseCryptLib library class. The table above has a column for the
434 BaseCryptLib. If the family or service is blank, then that family or
435 service is always disabled.
436 * CryptoSmm is always linked with the SmmCryptLib instance of the
437 BaseCryptLib library class. The table above has a column for the
438 SmmCryptLib. If the family or service is blank, then that family or
439 service is always disabled.
440 3) If a family or service is enabled in the OpensslLib instance and it is
441 enabled in the BaseCryptLib instance, then it can be enabled/disabled
442 using `PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable`. This structured PCD is associated
443 with the `PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_FAMILY_ENABLE` data structure that contains
444 bit fields for each family of services. All of the families are disabled
445 by default. An entire family of services can be enabled by setting the
446 family field to the value `PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY`. Individual
447 services can be enabled by setting a single service name (bit) to `TRUE`.
448 Settings listed later in the DSC file have priority over settings listed
449 earlier in the DSC file, so it is valid for an entire family to be enabled
450 first and then for a few individual services to be disabled by setting
451 those service names to `FALSE`.
453#### Common PEI PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable Settings
456 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha256.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
457 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha384.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
458 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha1.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
459 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha256.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
460 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha384.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
461 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha512.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
462 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sm3.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
463 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Aes.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
464 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.Pkcs1Verify | TRUE
465 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.New | TRUE
466 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.Free | TRUE
467 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.SetKey | TRUE
468 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs5HashPassword | TRUE
469 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Hkdf.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
472#### Common DXE and SMM PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable Settings
475 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha256.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
476 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha384.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
477 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Hkdf.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
478 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs1v2Encrypt | TRUE
479 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs5HashPassword | TRUE
480 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs7Verify | TRUE
481 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature | TRUE
482 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs7GetSigners | TRUE
483 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs7FreeSigners | TRUE
484 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.AuthenticodeVerify | TRUE
485 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Random.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
486 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.Pkcs1Verify | TRUE
487 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.New | TRUE
488 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.Free | TRUE
489 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.SetKey | TRUE
490 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Rsa.Services.GetPublicKeyFromX509 | TRUE
491 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha1.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
492 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha256.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
493 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha256.Services.HashAll | FALSE
494 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.X509.Services.GetSubjectName | TRUE
495 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.X509.Services.GetCommonName | TRUE
496 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.X509.Services.GetOrganizationName | TRUE
497 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.X509.Services.GetTBSCert | TRUE
498 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Tls.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
499 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.TlsSet.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
500 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.TlsGet.Family | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
501 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Aes.Services.GetContextSize | TRUE
502 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Aes.Services.Init | TRUE
503 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Aes.Services.CbcEncrypt | TRUE
504 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Aes.Services.CbcDecrypt | TRUE
505 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.AeadAesGcm.Services.Encrypt | TRUE
506 gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.AeadAesGcm.Services.Decrypt | TRUE
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