1 | /* $Id: tstAudioMixBuffer.cpp 87990 2021-03-07 14:29:40Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Audio testcase - Mixing buffer.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
22 | #include <iprt/errcore.h>
23 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
24 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
25 | #include <iprt/rand.h>
26 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
27 | #include <iprt/string.h>
28 | #include <iprt/test.h>
29 |
30 |
31 | #include "../AudioMixBuffer.h"
32 | #include "../DrvAudio.h"
33 |
34 |
35 | static void tstBasics(RTTEST hTest)
36 | {
37 | RTTestSubF(hTest, "Single buffer");
38 |
40 | /* a_cb: */ 2,
41 | /* a_fSigned: */ true,
42 | /* a_cChannels: */ 2,
43 | /* a_uHz: */ 44100,
44 | /* a_cShift: */ PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* cb */, 2 /* cChannels */),
45 | /* a_fSwapEndian: */ false
46 | );
47 |
48 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(&s_Cfg441StereoS16, 1) == 4,
49 | ("got %x, expected 4\n", PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(&s_Cfg441StereoS16, 1)));
50 |
51 | uint32_t u32;
52 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((u32 = DrvAudioHlpFramesToBytes(44100, &s_Cfg441StereoS16)) == 44100 * 2 * 2,
53 | ("cb=%RU32\n", u32));
54 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((u32 = DrvAudioHlpFramesToBytes(2, &s_Cfg441StereoS16)) == 2 * 2 * 2,
55 | ("cb=%RU32\n", u32));
56 |
57 | uint64_t u64;
58 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((u64 = DrvAudioHlpBytesToNano(&s_Cfg441StereoS16, 44100 * 2 * 2)) == RT_NS_1SEC,
59 | ("ns=%RU64\n", u64));
60 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((u64 = DrvAudioHlpBytesToMicro(&s_Cfg441StereoS16, 44100 * 2 * 2)) == RT_US_1SEC,
61 | ("us=%RU64\n", u64));
62 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG((u64 = DrvAudioHlpBytesToMilli(44100 * 2 * 2, &s_Cfg441StereoS16)) == RT_MS_1SEC,
63 | ("ms=%RU64\n", u64));
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 | }
68 |
69 |
70 | static int tstSingle(RTTEST hTest)
71 | {
72 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Single buffer");
73 |
74 | /* 44100Hz, 2 Channels, S16 */
76 | 2, /* Bytes */
77 | true, /* Signed */
78 | 2, /* Channels */
79 | 44100, /* Hz */
80 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 2 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
81 | false /* Swap Endian */
82 | );
83 |
84 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&config));
85 |
86 | uint32_t cBufSize = _1K;
87 |
88 | /*
89 | * General stuff.
90 | */
92 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&mb, "Single", &config, cBufSize));
93 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufSize(&mb) == cBufSize);
94 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AUDIOMIXBUF_B2F(&mb, AudioMixBufSizeBytes(&mb)) == cBufSize);
95 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, AudioMixBufSize(&mb)) == AudioMixBufSizeBytes(&mb));
96 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFree(&mb) == cBufSize);
97 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, AudioMixBufFree(&mb)) == AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&mb));
98 |
99 | /*
100 | * Absolute writes.
101 | */
102 | uint32_t cFramesRead = 0, cFramesWritten = 0, cFramesWrittenAbs = 0;
103 | int8_t aFrames8 [2] = { 0x12, 0x34 };
104 | int16_t aFrames16[2] = { 0xAA, 0xBB };
105 | int32_t aFrames32[2] = { 0xCC, 0xDD };
106 |
107 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, 0 /* Offset */, &aFrames8, sizeof(aFrames8), &cFramesWritten));
108 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 0 /* Frames */);
109 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == 0);
110 |
111 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, 0 /* Offset */, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesWritten));
112 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 1 /* Frames */);
113 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == 1);
114 |
115 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, 2 /* Offset */, &aFrames32, sizeof(aFrames32), &cFramesWritten));
116 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 2 /* Frames */);
117 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == 2);
118 |
119 | /* Beyond buffer. */
120 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, AudioMixBufSize(&mb) + 1, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16),
121 | &cFramesWritten), VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
122 |
123 | /* Offset wrap-around: When writing as much (or more) frames the mixing buffer can hold. */
124 | uint32_t cbSamples = cBufSize * sizeof(int16_t) * 2 /* Channels */;
125 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cbSamples);
126 | uint16_t *paSamples = (uint16_t *)RTMemAlloc(cbSamples);
127 | RTTESTI_CHECK(paSamples);
128 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, 0 /* Offset */, paSamples, cbSamples, &cFramesWritten));
129 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == cBufSize /* Frames */);
130 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == cBufSize);
131 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufReadPos(&mb) == 0);
132 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufWritePos(&mb) == 0);
133 | RTMemFree(paSamples);
134 | cbSamples = 0;
135 |
136 | /*
137 | * Circular writes.
138 | */
139 | AudioMixBufReset(&mb);
140 |
141 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&mb, 2 /* Offset */, &aFrames32, sizeof(aFrames32), &cFramesWritten));
142 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 2 /* Frames */);
143 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == 2);
144 |
145 | cFramesWrittenAbs = AudioMixBufUsed(&mb);
146 |
147 | uint32_t cToWrite = AudioMixBufSize(&mb) - cFramesWrittenAbs - 1; /* -1 as padding plus -2 frames for above. */
148 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cToWrite; i++)
149 | {
150 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&mb, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesWritten));
151 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 1);
152 | }
153 | RTTESTI_CHECK(!AudioMixBufIsEmpty(&mb));
154 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFree(&mb) == 1);
155 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&mb) == AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, 1U));
156 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == cToWrite + cFramesWrittenAbs /* + last absolute write */);
157 |
158 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&mb, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesWritten));
159 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesWritten == 1);
160 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFree(&mb) == 0);
161 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&mb) == AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, 0U));
162 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == cBufSize);
163 |
164 | /* Circular reads. */
165 | uint32_t cToRead = AudioMixBufSize(&mb) - cFramesWrittenAbs - 1;
166 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cToRead; i++)
167 | {
168 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&mb, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesRead));
169 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesRead == 1);
170 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&mb, cFramesRead);
171 | AudioMixBufFinish(&mb, cFramesRead);
172 | }
173 | RTTESTI_CHECK(!AudioMixBufIsEmpty(&mb));
174 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFree(&mb) == AudioMixBufSize(&mb) - cFramesWrittenAbs - 1);
175 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&mb) == AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, cBufSize - cFramesWrittenAbs - 1));
176 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == cBufSize - cToRead);
177 |
178 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&mb, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesRead));
179 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cFramesRead == 1);
180 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&mb, cFramesRead);
181 | AudioMixBufFinish(&mb, cFramesRead);
182 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFree(&mb) == cBufSize - cFramesWrittenAbs);
183 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&mb) == AUDIOMIXBUF_F2B(&mb, cBufSize - cFramesWrittenAbs));
184 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&mb) == cFramesWrittenAbs);
185 |
186 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&mb);
187 |
188 | return RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest) ? VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE : VINF_SUCCESS;
189 | }
190 |
191 | static int tstParentChild(RTTEST hTest)
192 | {
193 | uint32_t cParentBufSize = RTRandU32Ex(_1K /* Min */, _16K /* Max */); /* Enough room for random sizes */
194 |
195 | /* 44100Hz, 2 Channels, S16 */
197 | 2, /* Bytes */
198 | true, /* Signed */
199 | 2, /* Channels */
200 | 44100, /* Hz */
201 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 2 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
202 | false /* Swap Endian */
203 | );
204 |
205 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_p));
206 |
207 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF parent;
208 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&parent, "Parent", &cfg_p, cParentBufSize));
209 |
210 | /* 22050Hz, 2 Channels, S16 */
212 | 2, /* Bytes */
213 | true, /* Signed */
214 | 2, /* Channels */
215 | 22050, /* Hz */
216 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 2 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
217 | false /* Swap Endian */
218 | );
219 |
220 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_c1));
221 |
222 | uint32_t cFrames = 16;
223 | uint32_t cChildBufSize = RTRandU32Ex(cFrames /* Min */, 64 /* Max */);
224 |
225 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF child1;
226 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&child1, "Child1", &cfg_c1, cChildBufSize));
227 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufLinkTo(&child1, &parent));
228 |
229 | /* 48000Hz, 2 Channels, S16 */
231 | 2, /* Bytes */
232 | true, /* Signed */
233 | 2, /* Channels */
234 | 48000, /* Hz */
235 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 2 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
236 | false /* Swap Endian */
237 | );
238 |
239 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_c2));
240 |
241 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF child2;
242 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&child2, "Child2", &cfg_c2, cChildBufSize));
243 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufLinkTo(&child2, &parent));
244 |
245 | /*
246 | * Writing + mixing from child/children -> parent, sequential.
247 | */
248 | uint32_t cbBuf = _1K;
249 | char pvBuf[_1K];
250 | int16_t aFrames16[32] = { 0xAA, 0xBB };
251 | uint32_t cFramesRead, cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed;
252 |
253 | uint32_t cFramesChild1 = cFrames;
254 | uint32_t cFramesChild2 = cFrames;
255 |
256 | uint32_t t = RTRandU32() % 32;
257 |
258 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_DEBUG,
259 | "cParentBufSize=%RU32, cChildBufSize=%RU32, %RU32 frames -> %RU32 iterations total\n",
260 | cParentBufSize, cChildBufSize, cFrames, t);
261 |
262 | /*
263 | * Using AudioMixBufWriteAt for writing to children.
264 | */
265 | RTTestSub(hTest, "2 Children -> Parent (AudioMixBufWriteAt)");
266 |
267 | uint32_t cChildrenSamplesMixedTotal = 0;
268 |
269 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t; i++)
270 | {
271 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_DEBUG, "i=%RU32\n", i);
272 |
273 | uint32_t cChild1Writes = RTRandU32() % 8;
274 |
275 | for (uint32_t c1 = 0; c1 < cChild1Writes; c1++)
276 | {
277 | /* Child 1. */
278 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&child1, 0, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesWritten));
279 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild1, ("Child1: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild1, cFramesWritten));
280 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child1, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
281 |
282 | cChildrenSamplesMixedTotal += cFramesMixed;
283 |
284 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(cFramesWritten == cFramesMixed, ("Child1: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed));
285 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(AudioMixBufUsed(&child1) == 0, ("Child1: Expected %RU32 used frames, got %RU32\n", 0, AudioMixBufUsed(&child1)));
286 | }
287 |
288 | uint32_t cChild2Writes = RTRandU32() % 8;
289 |
290 | for (uint32_t c2 = 0; c2 < cChild2Writes; c2++)
291 | {
292 | /* Child 2. */
293 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufWriteAt(&child2, 0, &aFrames16, sizeof(aFrames16), &cFramesWritten));
294 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild2, ("Child2: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild2, cFramesWritten));
295 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child2, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
296 |
297 | cChildrenSamplesMixedTotal += cFramesMixed;
298 |
299 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(cFramesWritten == cFramesMixed, ("Child2: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed));
300 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(AudioMixBufUsed(&child2) == 0, ("Child2: Expected %RU32 used frames, got %RU32\n", 0, AudioMixBufUsed(&child2)));
301 | }
302 |
303 | /*
304 | * Read out all frames from the parent buffer and also mark the just-read frames as finished
305 | * so that both connected children buffers can keep track of their stuff.
306 | */
307 | uint32_t cParentSamples = AudioMixBufUsed(&parent);
308 | while (cParentSamples)
309 | {
310 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&parent, pvBuf, cbBuf, &cFramesRead));
311 | if (!cFramesRead)
312 | break;
313 |
314 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&parent, cFramesRead);
315 | AudioMixBufFinish(&parent, cFramesRead);
316 |
317 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cParentSamples >= cFramesRead);
318 | cParentSamples -= cFramesRead;
319 | }
320 |
321 | RTTESTI_CHECK(cParentSamples == 0);
322 | }
323 |
324 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&parent) == 0);
325 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufLive(&child1) == 0);
326 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufLive(&child2) == 0);
327 |
328 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&parent);
329 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&child1);
330 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&child2);
331 |
332 | return RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest) ? VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE : VINF_SUCCESS;
333 | }
334 |
335 | /* Test 8-bit sample conversion (8-bit -> internal -> 8-bit). */
336 | static int tstConversion8(RTTEST hTest)
337 | {
338 | unsigned i;
339 | uint32_t cBufSize = 256;
340 |
341 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Sample conversion (U8)");
342 |
343 | /* 44100Hz, 1 Channel, U8 */
345 | 1, /* Bytes */
346 | false, /* Signed */
347 | 1, /* Channels */
348 | 44100, /* Hz */
349 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(1 /* Bytes */, 1 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
350 | false /* Swap Endian */
351 | );
352 |
353 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_p));
354 |
355 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF parent;
356 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&parent, "Parent", &cfg_p, cBufSize));
357 |
358 | /* Child uses half the sample rate; that ensures the mixing engine can't
359 | * take shortcuts and performs conversion. Because conversion to double
360 | * the sample rate effectively inserts one additional sample between every
361 | * two source frames, N source frames will be converted to N * 2 - 1
362 | * frames. However, the last source sample will be saved for later
363 | * interpolation and not immediately output.
364 | */
365 |
366 | /* 22050Hz, 1 Channel, U8 */
368 | 1, /* Bytes */
369 | false, /* Signed */
370 | 1, /* Channels */
371 | 22050, /* Hz */
372 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(1 /* Bytes */, 1 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
373 | false /* Swap Endian */
374 | );
375 |
376 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_c));
377 |
379 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&child, "Child", &cfg_c, cBufSize));
380 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufLinkTo(&child, &parent));
381 |
382 | /* 8-bit unsigned frames. Often used with SB16 device. */
383 | uint8_t aFrames8U[16] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0, 1, 43, 125, 126, 127,
384 | 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, UINT8_MAX - 1, UINT8_MAX, 0 };
385 |
386 | /*
387 | * Writing + mixing from child -> parent, sequential.
388 | */
389 | uint32_t cbBuf = 256;
390 | char achBuf[256];
391 | uint32_t cFramesRead, cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed;
392 |
393 | uint32_t cFramesChild = 16;
394 | uint32_t cFramesParent = cFramesChild * 2 - 2;
395 | uint32_t cFramesTotalRead = 0;
396 |
397 | /**** 8-bit unsigned samples ****/
398 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_DEBUG, "Conversion test %uHz %uch 8-bit\n", cfg_c.uHz, cfg_c.cChannels);
399 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&child, &aFrames8U, sizeof(aFrames8U), &cFramesWritten));
400 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild, ("Child: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild, cFramesWritten));
401 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
402 | uint32_t cFrames = AudioMixBufUsed(&parent);
403 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(AudioMixBufLive(&child) == cFrames, ("Child: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", AudioMixBufLive(&child), cFrames));
404 |
405 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&parent) == AudioMixBufLive(&child));
406 |
407 | for (;;)
408 | {
409 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&parent, achBuf, cbBuf, &cFramesRead));
410 | if (!cFramesRead)
411 | break;
412 | cFramesTotalRead += cFramesRead;
413 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&parent, cFramesRead);
414 | AudioMixBufFinish(&parent, cFramesRead);
415 | }
416 |
417 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesTotalRead == cFramesParent, ("Parent: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesParent, cFramesTotalRead));
418 |
419 | /* Check that the frames came out unharmed. Every other sample is interpolated and we ignore it. */
420 | /* NB: This also checks that the default volume setting is 0dB attenuation. */
421 | uint8_t *pSrc8 = &aFrames8U[0];
422 | uint8_t *pDst8 = (uint8_t *)achBuf;
423 |
424 | for (i = 0; i < cFramesChild - 1; ++i)
425 | {
426 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(*pSrc8 == *pDst8, ("index %u: Dst=%d, Src=%d\n", i, *pDst8, *pSrc8));
427 | pSrc8 += 1;
428 | pDst8 += 2;
429 | }
430 |
431 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&parent) == 0);
432 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufLive(&child) == 0);
433 |
434 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&parent);
435 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&child);
436 |
437 | return RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest) ? VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE : VINF_SUCCESS;
438 | }
439 |
440 | /* Test 16-bit sample conversion (16-bit -> internal -> 16-bit). */
441 | static int tstConversion16(RTTEST hTest)
442 | {
443 | unsigned i;
444 | uint32_t cBufSize = 256;
445 |
446 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Sample conversion (S16)");
447 |
448 | /* 44100Hz, 1 Channel, S16 */
450 | 2, /* Bytes */
451 | true, /* Signed */
452 | 1, /* Channels */
453 | 44100, /* Hz */
454 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 1 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
455 | false /* Swap Endian */
456 | );
457 |
458 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_p));
459 |
460 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF parent;
461 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&parent, "Parent", &cfg_p, cBufSize));
462 |
463 | /* 22050Hz, 1 Channel, S16 */
465 | 2, /* Bytes */
466 | true, /* Signed */
467 | 1, /* Channels */
468 | 22050, /* Hz */
469 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 1 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
470 | false /* Swap Endian */
471 | );
472 |
473 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg_c));
474 |
476 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&child, "Child", &cfg_c, cBufSize));
477 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufLinkTo(&child, &parent));
478 |
479 | /* 16-bit signed. More or less exclusively used as output, and usually as input, too. */
480 | int16_t aFrames16S[16] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, INT16_MIN, INT16_MIN + 1, INT16_MIN / 2, -3, -2, -1,
481 | 0, 1, 2, 3, INT16_MAX / 2, INT16_MAX - 1, INT16_MAX, 0 };
482 |
483 | /*
484 | * Writing + mixing from child -> parent, sequential.
485 | */
486 | uint32_t cbBuf = 256;
487 | char achBuf[256];
488 | uint32_t cFramesRead, cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed;
489 |
490 | uint32_t cFramesChild = 16;
491 | uint32_t cFramesParent = cFramesChild * 2 - 2;
492 | uint32_t cFramesTotalRead = 0;
493 |
494 | /**** 16-bit signed samples ****/
495 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_DEBUG, "Conversion test %uHz %uch 16-bit\n", cfg_c.uHz, cfg_c.cChannels);
496 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&child, &aFrames16S, sizeof(aFrames16S), &cFramesWritten));
497 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild, ("Child: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild, cFramesWritten));
498 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
499 | uint32_t cFrames = AudioMixBufUsed(&parent);
500 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(AudioMixBufLive(&child) == cFrames, ("Child: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", AudioMixBufLive(&child), cFrames));
501 |
502 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&parent) == AudioMixBufLive(&child));
503 |
504 | for (;;)
505 | {
506 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&parent, achBuf, cbBuf, &cFramesRead));
507 | if (!cFramesRead)
508 | break;
509 | cFramesTotalRead += cFramesRead;
510 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&parent, cFramesRead);
511 | AudioMixBufFinish(&parent, cFramesRead);
512 | }
513 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesTotalRead == cFramesParent, ("Parent: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesParent, cFramesTotalRead));
514 |
515 | /* Check that the frames came out unharmed. Every other sample is interpolated and we ignore it. */
516 | /* NB: This also checks that the default volume setting is 0dB attenuation. */
517 | int16_t *pSrc16 = &aFrames16S[0];
518 | int16_t *pDst16 = (int16_t *)achBuf;
519 |
520 | for (i = 0; i < cFramesChild - 1; ++i)
521 | {
522 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(*pSrc16 == *pDst16, ("index %u: Dst=%d, Src=%d\n", i, *pDst16, *pSrc16));
523 | pSrc16 += 1;
524 | pDst16 += 2;
525 | }
526 |
527 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufUsed(&parent) == 0);
528 | RTTESTI_CHECK(AudioMixBufLive(&child) == 0);
529 |
530 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&parent);
531 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&child);
532 |
533 | return RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest) ? VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE : VINF_SUCCESS;
534 | }
535 |
536 | /* Test volume control. */
537 | static int tstVolume(RTTEST hTest)
538 | {
539 | unsigned i;
540 | uint32_t cBufSize = 256;
541 |
542 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Volume control");
543 |
544 | /* Same for parent/child. */
545 | /* 44100Hz, 2 Channels, S16 */
547 | 2, /* Bytes */
548 | true, /* Signed */
549 | 2, /* Channels */
550 | 44100, /* Hz */
551 | PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(2 /* Bytes */, 2 /* Channels */), /* Shift */
552 | false /* Swap Endian */
553 | );
554 |
555 | RTTESTI_CHECK(DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&cfg));
556 |
557 | PDMAUDIOVOLUME vol = { false, 0, 0 }; /* Not muted. */
558 | PDMAUDIOMIXBUF parent;
559 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&parent, "Parent", &cfg, cBufSize));
560 |
562 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufInit(&child, "Child", &cfg, cBufSize));
563 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufLinkTo(&child, &parent));
564 |
565 | /* A few 16-bit signed samples. */
566 | int16_t aFrames16S[16] = { INT16_MIN, INT16_MIN + 1, -128, -64, -4, -1, 0, 1,
567 | 2, 255, 256, INT16_MAX / 2, INT16_MAX - 2, INT16_MAX - 1, INT16_MAX, 0 };
568 |
569 | /*
570 | * Writing + mixing from child -> parent.
571 | */
572 | uint32_t cbBuf = 256;
573 | char achBuf[256];
574 | uint32_t cFramesRead, cFramesWritten, cFramesMixed;
575 |
576 | uint32_t cFramesChild = 8;
577 | uint32_t cFramesParent = cFramesChild;
578 | uint32_t cFramesTotalRead;
579 | int16_t *pSrc16;
580 | int16_t *pDst16;
581 |
582 | /**** Volume control test ****/
583 | RTTestPrintf(hTest, RTTESTLVL_DEBUG, "Volume control test %uHz %uch \n", cfg.uHz, cfg.cChannels);
584 |
585 | /* 1) Full volume/0dB attenuation (255). */
586 | vol.uLeft = vol.uRight = 255;
587 | AudioMixBufSetVolume(&child, &vol);
588 |
589 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&child, &aFrames16S, sizeof(aFrames16S), &cFramesWritten));
590 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild, ("Child: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild, cFramesWritten));
591 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
592 |
593 | cFramesTotalRead = 0;
594 | for (;;)
595 | {
596 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&parent, achBuf, cbBuf, &cFramesRead));
597 | if (!cFramesRead)
598 | break;
599 | cFramesTotalRead += cFramesRead;
600 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&parent, cFramesRead);
601 | AudioMixBufFinish(&parent, cFramesRead);
602 | }
603 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesTotalRead == cFramesParent, ("Parent: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesParent, cFramesTotalRead));
604 |
605 | /* Check that at 0dB the frames came out unharmed. */
606 | pSrc16 = &aFrames16S[0];
607 | pDst16 = (int16_t *)achBuf;
608 |
609 | for (i = 0; i < cFramesParent * 2 /* stereo */; ++i)
610 | {
611 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(*pSrc16 == *pDst16, ("index %u: Dst=%d, Src=%d\n", i, *pDst16, *pSrc16));
612 | ++pSrc16;
613 | ++pDst16;
614 | }
615 | AudioMixBufReset(&child);
616 |
617 | /* 2) Half volume/-6dB attenuation (16 steps down). */
618 | vol.uLeft = vol.uRight = 255 - 16;
619 | AudioMixBufSetVolume(&child, &vol);
620 |
621 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&child, &aFrames16S, sizeof(aFrames16S), &cFramesWritten));
622 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesWritten == cFramesChild, ("Child: Expected %RU32 written frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesChild, cFramesWritten));
623 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK(AudioMixBufMixToParent(&child, cFramesWritten, &cFramesMixed));
624 |
625 | cFramesTotalRead = 0;
626 | for (;;)
627 | {
628 | RTTESTI_CHECK_RC_OK_BREAK(AudioMixBufAcquireReadBlock(&parent, achBuf, cbBuf, &cFramesRead));
629 | if (!cFramesRead)
630 | break;
631 | cFramesTotalRead += cFramesRead;
632 | AudioMixBufReleaseReadBlock(&parent, cFramesRead);
633 | AudioMixBufFinish(&parent, cFramesRead);
634 | }
635 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(cFramesTotalRead == cFramesParent, ("Parent: Expected %RU32 mixed frames, got %RU32\n", cFramesParent, cFramesTotalRead));
636 |
637 | /* Check that at -6dB the sample values are halved. */
638 | pSrc16 = &aFrames16S[0];
639 | pDst16 = (int16_t *)achBuf;
640 |
641 | for (i = 0; i < cFramesParent * 2 /* stereo */; ++i)
642 | {
643 | /* Watch out! For negative values, x >> 1 is not the same as x / 2. */
644 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(*pSrc16 >> 1 == *pDst16, ("index %u: Dst=%d, Src=%d\n", i, *pDst16, *pSrc16));
645 | ++pSrc16;
646 | ++pDst16;
647 | }
648 |
649 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&parent);
650 | AudioMixBufDestroy(&child);
651 |
652 | return RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest) ? VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE : VINF_SUCCESS;
653 | }
654 |
655 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
656 | {
657 | RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
658 |
659 | /*
660 | * Initialize IPRT and create the test.
661 | */
662 | RTTEST hTest;
663 | int rc = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstAudioMixBuffer", &hTest);
664 | if (rc)
665 | return rc;
666 | RTTestBanner(hTest);
667 |
668 | tstBasics(hTest);
669 | tstSingle(hTest);
670 | tstParentChild(hTest);
671 | tstConversion8(hTest);
672 | tstConversion16(hTest);
673 | tstVolume(hTest);
674 |
675 | /*
676 | * Summary
677 | */
678 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
679 | }