/* $Id: DrvHostValidationKit.cpp 73877 2018-08-24 16:10:09Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * ValidationKit audio driver - host backend for dumping and injecting audio data * from/to the device emulation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include /* For PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV. */ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_HOST_AUDIO #include #include #include "DrvAudio.h" #include "VBoxDD.h" /** * Structure for keeping a VAKIT input/output stream. */ typedef struct VAKITAUDIOSTREAM { /** The stream's acquired configuration. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg; /** Audio file to dump output to or read input from. */ PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile; /** Text file to store timing of audio buffers submittions**/ RTFILE hFileTiming; /** Timestamp of the first play or record request**/ uint64_t tsStarted; /** Total number of samples played or recorded so far**/ uint32_t uSamplesSinceStarted; union { struct { /** Timestamp of last captured samples. */ uint64_t tsLastCaptured; } In; struct { /** Timestamp of last played samples. */ uint64_t tsLastPlayed; uint8_t *pu8PlayBuffer; uint32_t cbPlayBuffer; } Out; }; } VAKITAUDIOSTREAM, *PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM; /** * VAKIT audio driver instance data. * @implements PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR */ typedef struct DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO { /** Pointer to the driver instance structure. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Pointer to host audio interface. */ PDMIHOSTAUDIO IHostAudio; } DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO, *PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO; /*******************************************PDM_AUDIO_DRIVER******************************/ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetConfig} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioGetConfig(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDCFG pBackendCfg) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pBackendCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RTStrPrintf2(pBackendCfg->szName, sizeof(pBackendCfg->szName), "Validation Kit audio driver"); pBackendCfg->cbStreamOut = sizeof(VAKITAUDIOSTREAM); pBackendCfg->cbStreamIn = sizeof(VAKITAUDIOSTREAM); pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsOut = 1; /* Output */ pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsIn = 0; /* No input supported yet. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnInit} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioInit(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(VINF_SUCCESS); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnShutdown} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvHostVaKitAudioShutdown(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetStatus} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS) drvHostVaKitAudioGetStatus(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PDMAUDIODIR enmDir) { RT_NOREF(enmDir); AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_UNKNOWN); return PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_RUNNING; } static int debugCreateStreamIn(PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv, PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq) { RT_NOREF(pDrv, pStreamDbg, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int debugCreateStreamOut(PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv, PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq) { RT_NOREF(pDrv, pCfgAcq); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; pStreamDbg->tsStarted = 0; pStreamDbg->uSamplesSinceStarted = 0; pStreamDbg->Out.tsLastPlayed = 0; pStreamDbg->Out.cbPlayBuffer = DrvAudioHlpFramesToBytes(pCfgReq->Backend.cfBufferSize, &pCfgReq->Props); pStreamDbg->Out.pu8PlayBuffer = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(pStreamDbg->Out.cbPlayBuffer); if (!pStreamDbg->Out.pu8PlayBuffer) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char szTemp[RTPATH_MAX]; rc = RTPathTemp(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); RTPathAppend(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), "VBoxTestTmp\\VBoxAudioValKit"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char szFile[RTPATH_MAX + 1]; rc = DrvAudioHlpFileNameGet(szFile, RT_ELEMENTS(szFile), szTemp, "VaKit", 0 /* Instance */, PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV, PDMAUDIOFILENAME_FLAG_NONE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = DrvAudioHlpFileCreate(PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV, szFile, PDMAUDIOFILE_FLAG_NONE, &pStreamDbg->pFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = DrvAudioHlpFileOpen(pStreamDbg->pFile, PDMAUDIOFILE_DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS, &pCfgReq->Props); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("VaKitAudio: Creating output file '%s' failed with %Rrc\n", szFile, rc)); } else { size_t cch; char szTimingInfo[128]; cch = RTStrPrintf(szTimingInfo, sizeof(szTimingInfo), "# %dHz %dch %dbit\n", pCfgReq->Props.uHz, pCfgReq->Props.cChannels, pCfgReq->Props.cBytes * 8); RTFileWrite(pStreamDbg->hFileTiming, szTimingInfo, cch, NULL); } } else LogRel(("VaKitAudio: Unable to retrieve temp dir: %Rrc\n", rc)); } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCreate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamCreate(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgReq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgAcq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg = (PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM)pStream; int rc; if (pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) rc = debugCreateStreamIn( pDrv, pStreamDbg, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq); else rc = debugCreateStreamOut(pDrv, pStreamDbg, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pStreamDbg->pCfg = DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgDup(pCfgAcq); if (!pStreamDbg->pCfg) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamPlay} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamPlay(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cxBuf, uint32_t *pcxWritten) { PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg = (PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM)pStream; RT_NOREF(pDrv); uint64_t tsSinceStart; size_t cch; char szTimingInfo[128]; if (pStreamDbg->tsStarted == 0) { pStreamDbg->tsStarted = RTTimeNanoTS(); tsSinceStart = 0; } else { tsSinceStart = RTTimeNanoTS() - pStreamDbg->tsStarted; } // Microseconds are used everythere below uint32_t sBuf = cxBuf >> pStreamDbg->pCfg->Props.cShift; cch = RTStrPrintf(szTimingInfo, sizeof(szTimingInfo), "%d %d %d %d\n", (uint32_t)(tsSinceStart / 1000), // Host time elapsed since Guest submitted the first buffer for playback (uint32_t)(pStreamDbg->uSamplesSinceStarted * 1.0E6 / pStreamDbg->pCfg->Props.uHz), // how long all the samples submitted previously were played (uint32_t)(sBuf * 1.0E6 / pStreamDbg->pCfg->Props.uHz), // how long a new uSamplesReady samples should\will be played sBuf); RTFileWrite(pStreamDbg->hFileTiming, szTimingInfo, cch, NULL); pStreamDbg->uSamplesSinceStarted += sBuf; /* Remember when samples were consumed. */ // pStreamDbg->Out.tsLastPlayed = PDMDrvHlpTMGetVirtualTime(pDrv->pDrvIns);; int rc2 = DrvAudioHlpFileWrite(pStreamDbg->pFile, pvBuf, cxBuf, 0 /* fFlags */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) LogRel(("DebugAudio: Writing output failed with %Rrc\n", rc2)); *pcxWritten = cxBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCapture} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamCapture(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cxBuf, uint32_t *pcxRead) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream, pvBuf, cxBuf); /* Never capture anything. */ if (pcxRead) *pcxRead = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int debugDestroyStreamIn(PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv, PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg) { RT_NOREF(pDrv, pStreamDbg); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int debugDestroyStreamOut(PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv, PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg) { RT_NOREF(pDrv); if (pStreamDbg->Out.pu8PlayBuffer) { RTMemFree(pStreamDbg->Out.pu8PlayBuffer); pStreamDbg->Out.pu8PlayBuffer = NULL; } if (pStreamDbg->pFile) { size_t cbDataSize = DrvAudioHlpFileGetDataSize(pStreamDbg->pFile); if (cbDataSize) LogRel(("VaKitAudio: Created output file '%s' (%zu bytes)\n", pStreamDbg->pFile->szName, cbDataSize)); DrvAudioHlpFileDestroy(pStreamDbg->pFile); pStreamDbg->pFile = NULL; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamDestroy(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pDrv = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg = (PVAKITAUDIOSTREAM)pStream; if (!pStreamDbg->pCfg) /* Not (yet) configured? Skip. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; int rc; if (pStreamDbg->pCfg->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) rc = debugDestroyStreamIn (pDrv, pStreamDbg); else rc = debugDestroyStreamOut(pDrv, pStreamDbg); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgFree(pStreamDbg->pCfg); pStreamDbg->pCfg = NULL; } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamControl(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmStreamCmd) { RT_NOREF(enmStreamCmd); AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetReadable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamGetReadable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return UINT32_MAX; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetWritable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamGetWritable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return UINT32_MAX; } static DECLCALLBACK(PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamGetStatus(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return (PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAG_INITIALIZED | PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAG_ENABLED); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioStreamIterate(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvHostVaKitAudioQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIHOSTAUDIO, &pThis->IHostAudio); return NULL; } /** * Constructs a VaKit audio driver instance. * * @copydoc FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostVaKitAudioConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { RT_NOREF(pCfg, fFlags); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO); LogRel(("Audio: Initializing VAKIT driver\n")); /* * Init the static parts. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvHostVaKitAudioQueryInterface; /* IHostAudio */ PDMAUDIO_IHOSTAUDIO_CALLBACKS(drvHostVaKitAudio); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Char driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvHostValidationKitAudio = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "ValidationKitAudio", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "ValidationKitAudio audio host driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVHOSTVAKITAUDIO), /* pfnConstruct */ drvHostVaKitAudioConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ NULL, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };