/* $Id: DrvHostAudioValidationKit.cpp 89890 2021-06-24 15:56:05Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Host audio driver - ValidationKit - For dumping and injecting audio data from/to the device emulation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_HOST_AUDIO #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV. */ #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" #include "AudioHlp.h" #include "AudioTest.h" #include "AudioTestService.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Structure for keeping a Validation Kit input/output stream. */ typedef struct VALKITAUDIOSTREAM { /** Common part. */ PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM Core; /** The stream's acquired configuration. */ PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG Cfg; } VALKITAUDIOSTREAM; /** Pointer to a Validation Kit stream. */ typedef VALKITAUDIOSTREAM *PVALKITAUDIOSTREAM; /** * Test tone-specific instance data. */ typedef struct VALKITTESTTONEDATA { union { struct { /** How many bytes to write. */ uint64_t cbToWrite; /** How many bytes already written. */ uint64_t cbWritten; } Rec; struct { /** How many bytes to read. */ uint64_t cbToRead; /** How many bytes already read. */ uint64_t cbRead; } Play; } u; /** The test tone instance to use. */ AUDIOTESTTONE Tone; /** The test tone parameters to use. */ AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS Parms; } VALKITTESTTONEDATA; /** * Structure keeping a single Validation Kit test. */ typedef struct VALKITTESTDATA { /** The list node. */ RTLISTNODE Node; /** Index in test sequence (0-based). */ uint32_t idxTest; /** Current test set entry to process. */ PAUDIOTESTENTRY pEntry; /** Current test object to process. */ PAUDIOTESTOBJ pObj; /** Stream configuration to use for this test. */ PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG StreamCfg; union { /** Test tone-specific data. */ VALKITTESTTONEDATA TestTone; } t; /** Time stamp (real, in ms) when test started. */ uint64_t msStartedTS; } VALKITTESTDATA; /** Pointer to Validation Kit test data. */ typedef VALKITTESTDATA *PVALKITTESTDATA; /** * Validation Kit audio driver instance data. * @implements PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR */ typedef struct DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO { /** Pointer to the driver instance structure. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Pointer to host audio interface. */ PDMIHOSTAUDIO IHostAudio; /** Temporary path to use. */ char szPathTemp[RTPATH_MAX]; /** Output path to use. */ char szPathOut[RTPATH_MAX]; /** Current test set being handled. */ AUDIOTESTSET Set; /** Number of total tests created. */ uint32_t cTestsTotal; /** Number of tests in \a lstTestsRec. */ uint32_t cTestsRec; /** List keeping the recording tests (FIFO). */ RTLISTANCHOR lstTestsRec; /** Number of tests in \a lstTestsPlay. */ uint32_t cTestsPlay; /** List keeping the recording tests (FIFO). */ RTLISTANCHOR lstTestsPlay; /** Pointer to current test being processed. */ PVALKITTESTDATA pTestCur; /** Critical section for serializing access across threads. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; bool fTestSetEnded; RTSEMEVENT EventSemEnded; /** The Audio Test Service (ATS) instance. */ ATSSERVER Srv; /** Absolute path to the packed up test set archive. * Keep it simple for now and only support one (open) archive at a time. */ char szTestSetArchive[RTPATH_MAX]; /** File handle to the (opened) test set archive for reading. */ RTFILE hTestSetArchive; } DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO; /** Pointer to a Validation Kit host audio driver instance. */ typedef DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO *PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal test handling code * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Unregisters a ValKit test, common code. * * @param pTst Test to unregister. * The pointer will be invalid afterwards. */ static void drvHostValKiUnregisterTest(PVALKITTESTDATA pTst) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pTst); RTListNodeRemove(&pTst->Node); AudioTestSetObjClose(pTst->pObj); pTst->pObj = NULL; if (pTst->pEntry) /* Set set entry assign? Mark as done. */ { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pTst->pEntry); pTst->pEntry = NULL; } RTMemFree(pTst); pTst = NULL; } /** * Unregisters a ValKit recording test. * * @param pThis ValKit audio driver instance. * @param pTst Test to unregister. * The pointer will be invalid afterwards. */ static void drvHostValKiUnregisterRecTest(PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis, PVALKITTESTDATA pTst) { drvHostValKiUnregisterTest(pTst); Assert(pThis->cTestsRec); pThis->cTestsRec--; } /** * Unregisters a ValKit playback test. * * @param pThis ValKit audio driver instance. * @param pTst Test to unregister. * The pointer will be invalid afterwards. */ static void drvHostValKiUnregisterPlayTest(PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis, PVALKITTESTDATA pTst) { drvHostValKiUnregisterTest(pTst); Assert(pThis->cTestsPlay); pThis->cTestsPlay--; } /** * Performs some internal cleanup / housekeeping of all registered tests. * * @param pThis ValKit audio driver instance. */ static void drvHostValKitCleanup(PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis) { LogRel(("ValKit: Cleaning up ...\n")); if (pThis->cTestsRec) LogRel(("ValKit: Warning: %RU32 guest recording tests still outstanding:\n", pThis->cTestsRec)); PVALKITTESTDATA pTst, pTstNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pThis->lstTestsRec, pTst, pTstNext, VALKITTESTDATA, Node) { size_t const cbOutstanding = pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten; if (cbOutstanding) LogRel(("ValKit: \tRecording test #%RU32 has %RU64 bytes (%RU32ms) outstanding\n", pTst->idxTest, cbOutstanding, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pTst->t.TestTone.Parms.Props, (uint32_t)cbOutstanding))); drvHostValKiUnregisterRecTest(pThis, pTst); } if (pThis->cTestsPlay) LogRel(("ValKit: Warning: %RU32 guest playback tests still outstanding:\n", pThis->cTestsPlay)); RTListForEachSafe(&pThis->lstTestsPlay, pTst, pTstNext, VALKITTESTDATA, Node) { size_t const cbOutstanding = pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead; if (cbOutstanding) LogRel(("ValKit: \tPlayback test #%RU32 has %RU64 bytes (%RU32ms) outstanding\n", pTst->idxTest, cbOutstanding, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pTst->t.TestTone.Parms.Props, (uint32_t)cbOutstanding))); drvHostValKiUnregisterPlayTest(pThis, pTst); } Assert(pThis->cTestsRec == 0); Assert(pThis->cTestsPlay == 0); } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * ATS callback implementations * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTestSetBegin */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitTestSetBegin(void const *pvUser, const char *pszTag) { PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Beginning test set '%s'\n", pszTag)); rc = AudioTestSetCreate(&pThis->Set, pThis->szPathTemp, pszTag); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Beginning test set failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTestSetEnd */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitTestSetEnd(void const *pvUser, const char *pszTag) { PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { const PAUDIOTESTSET pSet = &pThis->Set; if (AudioTestSetIsRunning(pSet)) { pThis->fTestSetEnded = true; rc = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Waiting for runnig test set '%s' to end ...\n", pszTag)); rc = RTSemEventWait(pThis->EventSemEnded, RT_MS_30SEC); int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Ending test set '%s'\n", pszTag)); /* Close the test set first. */ rc = AudioTestSetClose(pSet); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Before destroying the test environment, pack up the test set so * that it's ready for transmission. */ rc = AudioTestSetPack(pSet, pThis->szPathOut, pThis->szTestSetArchive, sizeof(pThis->szTestSetArchive)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Packed up to '%s'\n", pThis->szTestSetArchive)); /* Do some internal housekeeping. */ drvHostValKitCleanup(pThis); #ifndef DEBUG_andy int rc2 = AudioTestSetWipe(pSet); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; #endif } AudioTestSetDestroy(pSet); } int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Ending test set failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTonePlay * * Creates and registers a new test tone guest recording test. * This backend will play (inject) input data to the guest. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitRegisterGuestRecTest(void const *pvUser, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms) { PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; PVALKITTESTDATA pTestData = (PVALKITTESTDATA)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(VALKITTESTDATA)); AssertPtrReturn(pTestData, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms, pToneParms, sizeof(AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS)); AssertReturn(pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(PDMAudioPropsAreValid(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.Props), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AudioTestToneInit(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Tone, &pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.Props, pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.dbFreqHz); pTestData->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite = PDMAudioPropsMilliToBytes(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.Props, pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Registered guest recording test #%RU32 (%RU32ms, %RU64 bytes)\n", pThis->cTestsTotal, pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration, pTestData->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite)); RTListAppend(&pThis->lstTestsRec, &pTestData->Node); pTestData->idxTest = pThis->cTestsTotal++; pThis->cTestsRec++; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnToneRecord * * Creates and registers a new test tone guest playback test. * This backend will record the guest output data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitRegisterGuestPlayTest(void const *pvUser, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms) { PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; PVALKITTESTDATA pTestData = (PVALKITTESTDATA)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(VALKITTESTDATA)); AssertPtrReturn(pTestData, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms, pToneParms, sizeof(AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS)); AssertReturn(pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(PDMAudioPropsAreValid(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.Props), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pTestData->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead = PDMAudioPropsMilliToBytes(&pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.Props, pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Registered guest playback test #%RU32 (%RU32ms, %RU64 bytes)\n", pThis->cTestsTotal, pTestData->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration, pTestData->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead)); RTListAppend(&pThis->lstTestsPlay, &pTestData->Node); pTestData->idxTest = pThis->cTestsTotal++; pThis->cTestsPlay++; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTestSetSendBegin */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitTestSetSendBeginCallback(void const *pvUser, const char *pszTag) { RT_NOREF(pszTag); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTFileExists(pThis->szTestSetArchive)) /* Has the archive successfully been created yet? */ { rc = RTFileOpen(&pThis->hTestSetArchive, pThis->szTestSetArchive, RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint64_t uSize; rc = RTFileQuerySize(pThis->hTestSetArchive, &uSize); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Sending test set '%s' (%zu bytes)\n", pThis->szTestSetArchive, uSize)); } } else rc = VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Beginning to send test set failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTestSetSendRead */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitTestSetSendReadCallback(void const *pvUser, const char *pszTag, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbRead) { RT_NOREF(pszTag); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTFileIsValid(pThis->hTestSetArchive)) { rc = RTFileRead(pThis->hTestSetArchive, pvBuf, cbBuf, pcbRead); } else rc = VERR_WRONG_ORDER; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Reading from test set failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc ATSCALLBACKS::pfnTestSetSendEnd */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitTestSetSendEndCallback(void const *pvUser, const char *pszTag) { RT_NOREF(pszTag); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = (PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO)pvUser; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTFileIsValid(pThis->hTestSetArchive)) { rc = RTFileClose(pThis->hTestSetArchive); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pThis->hTestSetArchive = NIL_RTFILE; } int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Ending to send test set failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * PDMIHOSTAUDIO interface implementation * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetConfig} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_GetConfig(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDCFG pBackendCfg) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pBackendCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Fill in the config structure. */ RTStrCopy(pBackendCfg->szName, sizeof(pBackendCfg->szName), "Validation Kit"); pBackendCfg->cbStream = sizeof(VALKITAUDIOSTREAM); pBackendCfg->fFlags = 0; pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsOut = 1; /* Output (Playback). */ pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsIn = 1; /* Input (Recording). */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetStatus} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS) drvHostValKitAudioHA_GetStatus(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PDMAUDIODIR enmDir) { RT_NOREF(enmDir); AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_UNKNOWN); return PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_RUNNING; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCreate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamCreate(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq) { PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); PVALKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg = (PVALKITAUDIOSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDbg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgReq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgAcq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RT_NOREF(pThis); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDMAudioStrmCfgCopy(&pStreamDbg->Cfg, pCfgAcq); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDestroy} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDestroy(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, bool fImmediate) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, fImmediate); PVALKITAUDIOSTREAM pStreamDbg = (PVALKITAUDIOSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDbg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamEnable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamEnable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDisable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDisable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamPause} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamPause(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamResume} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamResume(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDrain} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDrain(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pStream); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PVALKITTESTDATA pTst = pThis->pTestCur; if (pTst) { LogRel(("ValKit: Test #%RU32: Recording audio data ended (took %RU32ms)\n", pTst->idxTest, RTTimeMilliTS() - pTst->msStartedTS)); if (pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead > pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead) LogRel(("ValKit: Warning: Test #%RU32 read %RU32 bytes more than announced\n", pTst->idxTest, pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead)); AudioTestSetTestDone(pTst->pEntry); pThis->pTestCur = NULL; pTst = NULL; if (pThis->fTestSetEnded) rc = RTSemEventSignal(pThis->EventSemEnded); } int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetReadable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetReadable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pStream); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pThis->pTestCur = RTListGetFirst(&pThis->lstTestsPlay, VALKITTESTDATA, Node); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->pTestCur == NULL) /* Empty list? */ return 0; PVALKITTESTDATA const pTst = pThis->pTestCur; Assert(pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite >= pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten); return pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetWritable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetWritable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, pStream); return UINT32_MAX; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetState} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetState(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pStream, PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE_INVALID); return PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE_OKAY; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamPlay} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamPlay(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { RT_NOREF(pStream); if (cbBuf == 0) { /* Fend off draining calls. */ *pcbWritten = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); PVALKITTESTDATA pTst = NULL; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pThis->pTestCur == NULL) pThis->pTestCur = RTListGetFirst(&pThis->lstTestsPlay, VALKITTESTDATA, Node); pTst = pThis->pTestCur; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pTst == NULL) /* Empty list? */ { LogRel(("ValKit: Warning: Guest is playing back data when no playback test is active\n")); *pcbWritten = cbBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #if 1 if (PDMAudioPropsIsBufferSilence(&pStream->pStream->Cfg.Props, pvBuf, cbBuf)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Skipping %RU32 bytes of silence\n", cbBuf)); *pcbWritten = cbBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif if (pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead == 0) { AUDIOTESTPARMS Parms; RT_ZERO(Parms); Parms.enmDir = PDMAUDIODIR_IN; Parms.enmType = AUDIOTESTTYPE_TESTTONE_RECORD; Parms.TestTone = pTst->t.TestTone.Parms; Assert(pTst->pEntry == NULL); rc = AudioTestSetTestBegin(&pThis->Set, "Recording audio data from guest", &Parms, &pTst->pEntry); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioTestSetObjCreateAndRegister(&pThis->Set, "host-tone-rec.pcm", &pTst->pObj); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pTst->msStartedTS = RTTimeMilliTS(); LogRel(("ValKit: Test #%RU32: Recording audio data (%RU16Hz, %RU32ms) started\n", pTst->idxTest, (uint16_t)Parms.TestTone.dbFreqHz, Parms.TestTone.msDuration)); } } uint32_t cbWritten = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = AudioTestSetObjWrite(pTst->pObj, pvBuf, cbBuf); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead += cbBuf; #if 0 const bool fComplete = pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead >= pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead; if (fComplete) { LogRel(("ValKit: Test #%RU32: Recording audio data ended (took %RU32ms)\n", pTst->idxTest, RTTimeMilliTS() - pTst->msStartedTS)); if (pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead > pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead) LogRel(("ValKit: Warning: Test #%RU32 read %RU32 bytes more than announced\n", pTst->idxTest, pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbRead - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Play.cbToRead)); rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AudioTestSetTestDone(pTst->pEntry); pThis->pTestCur = NULL; pTst = NULL; if (pThis->fTestSetEnded) rc = RTSemEventSignal(pThis->EventSemEnded); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } } #endif cbWritten = cbBuf; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if ( pTst && pTst->pEntry) AudioTestSetTestFailed(pTst->pEntry, rc, "Recording audio data failed"); LogRel(("ValKit: Recording audio data failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); } *pcbWritten = cbWritten; return VINF_SUCCESS; /** @todo Return rc here? */ } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCapture} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamCapture(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbRead) { RT_NOREF(pStream); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO, IHostAudio); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pThis->pTestCur == NULL) pThis->pTestCur = RTListGetFirst(&pThis->lstTestsRec, VALKITTESTDATA, Node); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->pTestCur == NULL) /* Empty list? */ { LogRelMax(64, ("ValKit: Warning: Guest is recording audio data when no recording test is active\n")); *pcbRead = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } PVALKITTESTDATA pTst = pThis->pTestCur; if (pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten == 0) { AUDIOTESTPARMS Parms; RT_ZERO(Parms); Parms.enmDir = PDMAUDIODIR_OUT; Parms.enmType = AUDIOTESTTYPE_TESTTONE_PLAY; Parms.TestTone = pTst->t.TestTone.Parms; Assert(pTst->pEntry == NULL); rc = AudioTestSetTestBegin(&pThis->Set, "Injecting audio input data to guest", &Parms, &pTst->pEntry); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioTestSetObjCreateAndRegister(&pThis->Set, "host-tone-play.pcm", &pTst->pObj); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pTst->msStartedTS = RTTimeMilliTS(); LogRel(("ValKit: Injecting audio input data (%RU16Hz, %RU32ms) started\n", (uint16_t)pTst->t.TestTone.Tone.rdFreqHz, pTst->t.TestTone.Parms.msDuration)); } } uint32_t cbRead = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint32_t cbToWrite = pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite - pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten; if (cbToWrite) rc = AudioTestToneGenerate(&pTst->t.TestTone.Tone, pvBuf, RT_MIN(cbToWrite, cbBuf), &cbRead); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbRead) { rc = AudioTestSetObjWrite(pTst->pObj, pvBuf, cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten += cbRead; Assert(pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten <= pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite); const bool fComplete = pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbToWrite == pTst->t.TestTone.u.Rec.cbWritten; if (fComplete) { LogRel(("ValKit: Injecting audio input data done (took %RU32ms)\n", RTTimeMilliTS() - pTst->msStartedTS)); rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { drvHostValKiUnregisterRecTest(pThis, pTst); pThis->pTestCur = NULL; pTst = NULL; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } } } } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if ( pTst && pTst->pEntry) AudioTestSetTestFailed(pTst->pEntry, rc, "Injecting audio input data failed"); LogRel(("ValKit: Injecting audio input data failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); } *pcbRead = cbRead; return VINF_SUCCESS; /** @todo Return rc here? */ } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvHostValKitAudioQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIHOSTAUDIO, &pThis->IHostAudio); return NULL; } /** * Constructs a VaKit audio driver instance. * * @copydoc FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostValKitAudioConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { RT_NOREF(pCfg, fFlags); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO); LogRel(("Audio: Initializing VALKIT driver\n")); /* * Init the static parts. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvHostValKitAudioQueryInterface; /* IHostAudio */ pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetConfig = drvHostValKitAudioHA_GetConfig; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetDevices = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetStatus = drvHostValKitAudioHA_GetStatus; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnDoOnWorkerThread = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamConfigHint = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamCreate = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamCreate; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamInitAsync = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDestroy = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDestroy; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamNotifyDeviceChanged = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamEnable = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamEnable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDisable = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDisable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamPause = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamPause; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamResume = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamResume; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDrain = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamDrain; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetReadable = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetReadable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetWritable = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetWritable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetPending = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetState = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamGetState; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamPlay = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamPlay; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamCapture = drvHostValKitAudioHA_StreamCapture; int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pThis->EventSemEnded); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pThis->fTestSetEnded = false; RTListInit(&pThis->lstTestsRec); pThis->cTestsRec = 0; RTListInit(&pThis->lstTestsPlay); pThis->cTestsPlay = 0; ATSCALLBACKS Callbacks; RT_ZERO(Callbacks); Callbacks.pfnTestSetBegin = drvHostValKitTestSetBegin; Callbacks.pfnTestSetEnd = drvHostValKitTestSetEnd; Callbacks.pfnTonePlay = drvHostValKitRegisterGuestRecTest; Callbacks.pfnToneRecord = drvHostValKitRegisterGuestPlayTest; Callbacks.pfnTestSetSendBegin = drvHostValKitTestSetSendBeginCallback; Callbacks.pfnTestSetSendRead = drvHostValKitTestSetSendReadCallback; Callbacks.pfnTestSetSendEnd = drvHostValKitTestSetSendEndCallback; Callbacks.pvUser = pThis; /** @todo Make this configurable via CFGM. */ const char *pszTcpAddr = ATS_TCP_HOST_DEFAULT_ADDR_STR; uint32_t uTcpPort = ATS_TCP_HOST_DEFAULT_PORT; LogRel(("ValKit: Starting Audio Test Service (ATS) at %s:%RU32...\n", pszTcpAddr, uTcpPort)); rc = AudioTestSvcInit(&pThis->Srv, /* We only allow connections from localhost for now. */ pszTcpAddr, uTcpPort, &Callbacks); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioTestSvcStart(&pThis->Srv); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Audio Test Service (ATS) running\n")); /** @todo Let the following be customizable by CFGM later. */ rc = AudioTestPathCreateTemp(pThis->szPathTemp, sizeof(pThis->szPathTemp), "ValKitAudio"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Using temp dir '%s'\n", pThis->szPathTemp)); rc = AudioTestPathGetTemp(pThis->szPathOut, sizeof(pThis->szPathOut)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Using output dir '%s'\n", pThis->szPathOut)); } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Initialization failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvHostValKitAudioDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pDrvIns); PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO); LogRel(("ValKit: Shutting down Audio Test Service (ATS) ...\n")); int rc = AudioTestSvcShutdown(&pThis->Srv); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioTestSvcDestroy(&pThis->Srv); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("ValKit: Shutdown of Audio Test Service (ATS) complete\n")); drvHostValKitCleanup(pThis); } else LogRel(("ValKit: Shutdown of Audio Test Service (ATS) failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); /* Try cleaning up a bit. */ RTDirRemove(pThis->szPathTemp); RTDirRemove(pThis->szPathOut); RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->EventSemEnded); if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->CritSect)) { int rc2 = RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("ValKit: Destruction failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } /** * Char driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvHostValidationKitAudio = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "ValidationKitAudio", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "ValidationKitAudio audio host driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVHOSTVALKITAUDIO), /* pfnConstruct */ drvHostValKitAudioConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvHostValKitAudioDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };