/* $Id: DrvAudioCommon.cpp 82255 2019-11-27 23:20:26Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Intermedia audio driver, common routines. * * These are also used in the drivers which are bound to Main, e.g. the VRDE * or the video audio recording drivers. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_AUDIO #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DrvAudio.h" #include "AudioMixBuffer.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Structure for building up a .WAV file header. */ typedef struct AUDIOWAVFILEHDR { uint32_t u32RIFF; uint32_t u32Size; uint32_t u32WAVE; uint32_t u32Fmt; uint32_t u32Size1; uint16_t u16AudioFormat; uint16_t u16NumChannels; uint32_t u32SampleRate; uint32_t u32ByteRate; uint16_t u16BlockAlign; uint16_t u16BitsPerSample; uint32_t u32ID2; uint32_t u32Size2; } AUDIOWAVFILEHDR, *PAUDIOWAVFILEHDR; AssertCompileSize(AUDIOWAVFILEHDR, 11*4); /** * Structure for keeeping the internal .WAV file data */ typedef struct AUDIOWAVFILEDATA { /** The file header/footer. */ AUDIOWAVFILEHDR Hdr; } AUDIOWAVFILEDATA, *PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA; /** * Retrieves the matching PDMAUDIOFMT for given bits + signing flag. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return PDMAUDIOFMT Resulting audio format or PDMAUDIOFMT_INVALID if invalid. * @param cBits Bits to retrieve audio format for. * @param fSigned Signed flag for bits to retrieve audio format for. */ PDMAUDIOFMT DrvAudioAudFmtBitsToAudFmt(uint8_t cBits, bool fSigned) { if (fSigned) { switch (cBits) { case 8: return PDMAUDIOFMT_S8; case 16: return PDMAUDIOFMT_S16; case 32: return PDMAUDIOFMT_S32; default: break; } } else { switch (cBits) { case 8: return PDMAUDIOFMT_U8; case 16: return PDMAUDIOFMT_U16; case 32: return PDMAUDIOFMT_U32; default: break; } } AssertMsgFailed(("Bogus audio bits %RU8\n", cBits)); return PDMAUDIOFMT_INVALID; } /** * Clears a sample buffer by the given amount of audio frames with silence (according to the format * given by the PCM properties). * * @param pPCMProps PCM properties to use for the buffer to clear. * @param pvBuf Buffer to clear. * @param cbBuf Size (in bytes) of the buffer. * @param cFrames Number of audio frames to clear in the buffer. */ void DrvAudioHlpClearBuf(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pPCMProps, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, uint32_t cFrames) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPCMProps); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pvBuf); if (!cbBuf || !cFrames) return; Assert(pPCMProps->cbSample); size_t cbToClear = DrvAudioHlpFramesToBytes(cFrames, pPCMProps); Assert(cbBuf >= cbToClear); if (cbBuf < cbToClear) cbToClear = cbBuf; Log2Func(("pPCMProps=%p, pvBuf=%p, cFrames=%RU32, fSigned=%RTbool, cBytes=%RU8\n", pPCMProps, pvBuf, cFrames, pPCMProps->fSigned, pPCMProps->cbSample)); Assert(pPCMProps->fSwapEndian == false); /** @todo Swapping Endianness is not supported yet. */ if (pPCMProps->fSigned) { RT_BZERO(pvBuf, cbToClear); } else /* Unsigned formats. */ { switch (pPCMProps->cbSample) { case 1: /* 8 bit */ { memset(pvBuf, 0x80, cbToClear); break; } case 2: /* 16 bit */ { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)pvBuf; uint16_t s = 0x0080; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DrvAudioHlpBytesToFrames((uint32_t)cbToClear, pPCMProps); i++) p[i] = s; break; } /** @todo Add 24 bit? */ case 4: /* 32 bit */ { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)pvBuf; uint32_t s = 0x00000080; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DrvAudioHlpBytesToFrames((uint32_t)cbToClear, pPCMProps); i++) p[i] = s; break; } default: { AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid bytes per sample: %RU8\n", pPCMProps->cbSample)); break; } } } } /** * Returns an unique file name for this given audio connector instance. * * @return Allocated file name. Must be free'd using RTStrFree(). * @param uInstance Driver / device instance. * @param pszPath Path name of the file to delete. The path must exist. * @param pszSuffix File name suffix to use. */ char *DrvAudioDbgGetFileNameA(uint8_t uInstance, const char *pszPath, const char *pszSuffix) { char szFileName[64]; RTStrPrintf(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "drvAudio%RU8-%s", uInstance, pszSuffix); char szFilePath[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc2 = RTStrCopy(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath), pszPath); AssertRC(rc2); rc2 = RTPathAppend(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath), szFileName); AssertRC(rc2); return RTStrDup(szFilePath); } /** * Allocates an audio device. * * @returns Newly allocated audio device, or NULL if failed. * @param cbData How much additional data (in bytes) should be allocated to provide * a (backend) specific area to store additional data. * Optional, can be 0. */ PPDMAUDIODEVICE DrvAudioHlpDeviceAlloc(size_t cbData) { PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev = (PPDMAUDIODEVICE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(PDMAUDIODEVICE)); if (!pDev) return NULL; if (cbData) { pDev->pvData = RTMemAllocZ(cbData); if (!pDev->pvData) { RTMemFree(pDev); return NULL; } } pDev->cbData = cbData; pDev->cMaxInputChannels = 0; pDev->cMaxOutputChannels = 0; return pDev; } /** * Frees an audio device. * * @param pDev Device to free. */ void DrvAudioHlpDeviceFree(PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev) { if (!pDev) return; Assert(pDev->cRefCount == 0); if (pDev->pvData) { Assert(pDev->cbData); RTMemFree(pDev->pvData); pDev->pvData = NULL; } RTMemFree(pDev); pDev = NULL; } /** * Duplicates an audio device entry. * * @returns Duplicated audio device entry on success, or NULL on failure. * @param pDev Audio device entry to duplicate. * @param fCopyUserData Whether to also copy the user data portion or not. */ PPDMAUDIODEVICE DrvAudioHlpDeviceDup(const PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev, bool fCopyUserData) { AssertPtrReturn(pDev, NULL); PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDevDup = DrvAudioHlpDeviceAlloc(fCopyUserData ? pDev->cbData : 0); if (pDevDup) { memcpy(pDevDup, pDev, sizeof(PDMAUDIODEVICE)); if ( fCopyUserData && pDevDup->cbData) { memcpy(pDevDup->pvData, pDev->pvData, pDevDup->cbData); } else { pDevDup->cbData = 0; pDevDup->pvData = NULL; } } return pDevDup; } /** * Initializes an audio device enumeration structure. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to initialize. */ int DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumInit(PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RTListInit(&pDevEnm->lstDevices); pDevEnm->cDevices = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Frees audio device enumeration data. * * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to destroy. */ void DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumFree(PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm) { if (!pDevEnm) return; PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev, pDevNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, pDev, pDevNext, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { RTListNodeRemove(&pDev->Node); DrvAudioHlpDeviceFree(pDev); pDevEnm->cDevices--; } /* Sanity. */ Assert(RTListIsEmpty(&pDevEnm->lstDevices)); Assert(pDevEnm->cDevices == 0); } /** * Adds an audio device to a device enumeration. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to add device to. * @param pDev Device to add. The pointer will be owned by the device enumeration then. */ int DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumAdd(PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm, PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pDev, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RTListAppend(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, &pDev->Node); pDevEnm->cDevices++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Duplicates a device enumeration. * * @returns Duplicated device enumeration, or NULL on failure. * Must be free'd with DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumFree(). * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to duplicate. */ PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumDup(const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, NULL); PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnmDup = (PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(PDMAUDIODEVICEENUM)); if (!pDevEnmDup) return NULL; int rc2 = DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumInit(pDevEnmDup); AssertRC(rc2); PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev; RTListForEach(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, pDev, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDevDup = DrvAudioHlpDeviceDup(pDev, true /* fCopyUserData */); if (!pDevDup) { rc2 = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc2 = DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumAdd(pDevEnmDup, pDevDup); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { DrvAudioHlpDeviceFree(pDevDup); break; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumFree(pDevEnmDup); pDevEnmDup = NULL; } return pDevEnmDup; } /** * Copies device enumeration entries from the source to the destination enumeration. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pDstDevEnm Destination enumeration to store enumeration entries into. * @param pSrcDevEnm Source enumeration to use. * @param enmUsage Which entries to copy. Specify PDMAUDIODIR_ANY to copy all entries. * @param fCopyUserData Whether to also copy the user data portion or not. */ int DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumCopyEx(PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDstDevEnm, const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pSrcDevEnm, PDMAUDIODIR enmUsage, bool fCopyUserData) { AssertPtrReturn(pDstDevEnm, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSrcDevEnm, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PPDMAUDIODEVICE pSrcDev; RTListForEach(&pSrcDevEnm->lstDevices, pSrcDev, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { if ( enmUsage != PDMAUDIODIR_ANY && enmUsage != pSrcDev->enmUsage) { continue; } PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDstDev = DrvAudioHlpDeviceDup(pSrcDev, fCopyUserData); if (!pDstDev) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc = DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumAdd(pDstDevEnm, pDstDev); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } return rc; } /** * Copies all device enumeration entries from the source to the destination enumeration. * * Note: Does *not* copy the user-specific data assigned to a device enumeration entry. * To do so, use DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumCopyEx(). * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pDstDevEnm Destination enumeration to store enumeration entries into. * @param pSrcDevEnm Source enumeration to use. */ int DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumCopy(PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDstDevEnm, const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pSrcDevEnm) { return DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumCopyEx(pDstDevEnm, pSrcDevEnm, PDMAUDIODIR_ANY, false /* fCopyUserData */); } /** * Returns the default device of a given device enumeration. * This assumes that only one default device per usage is set. * * @returns Default device if found, or NULL if none found. * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to get default device for. * @param enmUsage Usage to get default device for. */ PPDMAUDIODEVICE DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumGetDefaultDevice(const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm, PDMAUDIODIR enmUsage) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, NULL); PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev; RTListForEach(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, pDev, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { if (enmUsage != PDMAUDIODIR_ANY) { if (enmUsage != pDev->enmUsage) /* Wrong usage? Skip. */ continue; } if (pDev->fFlags & PDMAUDIODEV_FLAGS_DEFAULT) return pDev; } return NULL; } /** * Returns the number of enumerated devices of a given device enumeration. * * @returns Number of devices if found, or 0 if none found. * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to get default device for. * @param enmUsage Usage to get default device for. */ uint16_t DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumGetDeviceCount(const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm, PDMAUDIODIR enmUsage) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, 0); if (enmUsage == PDMAUDIODIR_ANY) return pDevEnm->cDevices; uint32_t cDevs = 0; PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev; RTListForEach(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, pDev, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { if (enmUsage == pDev->enmUsage) cDevs++; } return cDevs; } /** * Logs an audio device enumeration. * * @param pszDesc Logging description. * @param pDevEnm Device enumeration to log. */ void DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumPrint(const char *pszDesc, const PPDMAUDIODEVICEENUM pDevEnm) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pszDesc); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pDevEnm); LogFunc(("%s: %RU16 devices\n", pszDesc, pDevEnm->cDevices)); PPDMAUDIODEVICE pDev; RTListForEach(&pDevEnm->lstDevices, pDev, PDMAUDIODEVICE, Node) { char *pszFlags = DrvAudioHlpAudDevFlagsToStrA(pDev->fFlags); LogFunc(("Device '%s':\n", pDev->szName)); LogFunc(("\tUsage = %s\n", DrvAudioHlpAudDirToStr(pDev->enmUsage))); LogFunc(("\tFlags = %s\n", pszFlags ? pszFlags : "")); LogFunc(("\tInput channels = %RU8\n", pDev->cMaxInputChannels)); LogFunc(("\tOutput channels = %RU8\n", pDev->cMaxOutputChannels)); LogFunc(("\tData = %p (%zu bytes)\n", pDev->pvData, pDev->cbData)); if (pszFlags) RTStrFree(pszFlags); } } /** * Converts an audio direction to a string. * * @returns Stringified audio direction, or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmDir Audio direction to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpAudDirToStr(PDMAUDIODIR enmDir) { switch (enmDir) { case PDMAUDIODIR_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown"; case PDMAUDIODIR_IN: return "Input"; case PDMAUDIODIR_OUT: return "Output"; case PDMAUDIODIR_ANY: return "Duplex"; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid audio direction %ld\n", enmDir)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Converts an audio mixer control to a string. * * @returns Stringified audio mixer control or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmMixerCtl Audio mixer control to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpAudMixerCtlToStr(PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL enmMixerCtl) { switch (enmMixerCtl) { case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_VOLUME_MASTER: return "Master Volume"; case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_FRONT: return "Front"; case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_CENTER_LFE: return "Center / LFE"; case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_REAR: return "Rear"; case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_LINE_IN: return "Line-In"; case PDMAUDIOMIXERCTL_MIC_IN: return "Microphone-In"; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid mixer control %ld\n", enmMixerCtl)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Converts an audio device flags to a string. * * @returns Stringified audio flags. Must be free'd with RTStrFree(). * NULL if no flags set. * @param fFlags Audio flags (PDMAUDIODEV_FLAGS_XXX) to convert. */ char *DrvAudioHlpAudDevFlagsToStrA(uint32_t fFlags) { #define APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(_aFlag) \ if (fFlags & PDMAUDIODEV_FLAGS_##_aFlag) \ { \ if (pszFlags) \ { \ rc2 = RTStrAAppend(&pszFlags, " "); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) \ break; \ } \ \ rc2 = RTStrAAppend(&pszFlags, #_aFlag); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) \ break; \ } \ char *pszFlags = NULL; int rc2 = VINF_SUCCESS; do { APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(DEFAULT); APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(HOTPLUG); APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(BUGGY); APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(IGNORE); APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(LOCKED); APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR(DEAD); } while (0); if (!pszFlags) rc2 = RTStrAAppend(&pszFlags, "NONE"); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc2) && pszFlags) { RTStrFree(pszFlags); pszFlags = NULL; } #undef APPEND_FLAG_TO_STR return pszFlags; } /** * Converts a playback destination enumeration to a string. * * @returns Stringified playback destination, or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmPlaybackDst Playback destination to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpPlaybackDstToStr(const PDMAUDIOPLAYBACKDST enmPlaybackDst) { switch (enmPlaybackDst) { case PDMAUDIOPLAYBACKDST_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown"; case PDMAUDIOPLAYBACKDST_FRONT: return "Front"; case PDMAUDIOPLAYBACKDST_CENTER_LFE: return "Center / LFE"; case PDMAUDIOPLAYBACKDST_REAR: return "Rear"; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid playback destination %ld\n", enmPlaybackDst)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Converts a recording source enumeration to a string. * * @returns Stringified recording source, or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmRecSrc Recording source to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpRecSrcToStr(const PDMAUDIORECSRC enmRecSrc) { switch (enmRecSrc) { case PDMAUDIORECSRC_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_MIC: return "Microphone In"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_CD: return "CD"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_VIDEO: return "Video"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_AUX: return "AUX"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_LINE: return "Line In"; case PDMAUDIORECSRC_PHONE: return "Phone"; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid recording source %ld\n", enmRecSrc)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Returns wether the given audio format has signed bits or not. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return bool @c true for signed bits, @c false for unsigned. * @param enmFmt Audio format to retrieve value for. */ bool DrvAudioHlpAudFmtIsSigned(PDMAUDIOFMT enmFmt) { switch (enmFmt) { case PDMAUDIOFMT_S8: case PDMAUDIOFMT_S16: case PDMAUDIOFMT_S32: return true; case PDMAUDIOFMT_U8: case PDMAUDIOFMT_U16: case PDMAUDIOFMT_U32: return false; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Bogus audio format %ld\n", enmFmt)); return false; } /** * Returns the bits of a given audio format. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return uint8_t Bits of audio format. * @param enmFmt Audio format to retrieve value for. */ uint8_t DrvAudioHlpAudFmtToBits(PDMAUDIOFMT enmFmt) { switch (enmFmt) { case PDMAUDIOFMT_S8: case PDMAUDIOFMT_U8: return 8; case PDMAUDIOFMT_U16: case PDMAUDIOFMT_S16: return 16; case PDMAUDIOFMT_U32: case PDMAUDIOFMT_S32: return 32; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Bogus audio format %ld\n", enmFmt)); return 0; } /** * Converts an audio format to a string. * * @returns Stringified audio format, or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmFmt Audio format to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpAudFmtToStr(PDMAUDIOFMT enmFmt) { switch (enmFmt) { case PDMAUDIOFMT_U8: return "U8"; case PDMAUDIOFMT_U16: return "U16"; case PDMAUDIOFMT_U32: return "U32"; case PDMAUDIOFMT_S8: return "S8"; case PDMAUDIOFMT_S16: return "S16"; case PDMAUDIOFMT_S32: return "S32"; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Bogus audio format %ld\n", enmFmt)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Converts a given string to an audio format. * * @returns Audio format for the given string, or PDMAUDIOFMT_INVALID if not found. * @param pszFmt String to convert to an audio format. */ PDMAUDIOFMT DrvAudioHlpStrToAudFmt(const char *pszFmt) { AssertPtrReturn(pszFmt, PDMAUDIOFMT_INVALID); if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "u8")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_U8; else if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "u16")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_U16; else if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "u32")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_U32; else if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "s8")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_S8; else if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "s16")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_S16; else if (!RTStrICmp(pszFmt, "s32")) return PDMAUDIOFMT_S32; AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid audio format '%s'\n", pszFmt)); return PDMAUDIOFMT_INVALID; } /** * Checks whether two given PCM properties are equal. * * @returns @c true if equal, @c false if not. * @param pProps1 First properties to compare. * @param pProps2 Second properties to compare. */ bool DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreEqual(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps1, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps2) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps1, false); AssertPtrReturn(pProps2, false); if (pProps1 == pProps2) /* If the pointers match, take a shortcut. */ return true; return pProps1->uHz == pProps2->uHz && pProps1->cChannels == pProps2->cChannels && pProps1->cbSample == pProps2->cbSample && pProps1->fSigned == pProps2->fSigned && pProps1->fSwapEndian == pProps2->fSwapEndian; } /** * Checks whether given PCM properties are valid or not. * * Returns @c true if properties are valid, @c false if not. * @param pProps PCM properties to check. */ bool DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, false); /* Minimum 1 channel (mono), maximum 7.1 (= 8) channels. */ bool fValid = ( pProps->cChannels >= 1 && pProps->cChannels <= 8); if (fValid) { switch (pProps->cbSample) { case 1: /* 8 bit */ if (pProps->fSigned) fValid = false; break; case 2: /* 16 bit */ if (!pProps->fSigned) fValid = false; break; /** @todo Do we need support for 24 bit samples? */ case 4: /* 32 bit */ if (!pProps->fSigned) fValid = false; break; default: fValid = false; break; } } if (!fValid) return false; fValid &= pProps->uHz > 0; fValid &= pProps->cShift == PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_MAKE_SHIFT_PARMS(pProps->cbSample, pProps->cChannels); fValid &= pProps->fSwapEndian == false; /** @todo Handling Big Endian audio data is not supported yet. */ return fValid; } /** * Checks whether the given PCM properties are equal with the given * stream configuration. * * @returns @c true if equal, @c false if not. * @param pProps PCM properties to compare. * @param pCfg Stream configuration to compare. */ bool DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreEqual(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps, const PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, false); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, false); return DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreEqual(pProps, &pCfg->Props); } /** * Returns the bytes per frame for given PCM properties. * * @return Bytes per (audio) frame. * @param pProps PCM properties to retrieve bytes per frame for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsBytesPerFrame(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { return PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); } /** * Prints PCM properties to the debug log. * * @param pProps Stream configuration to log. */ void DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsPrint(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pProps); Log(("uHz=%RU32, cChannels=%RU8, cBits=%RU8%s", pProps->uHz, pProps->cChannels, pProps->cbSample * 8, pProps->fSigned ? "S" : "U")); } /** * Converts PCM properties to a audio stream configuration. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pProps PCM properties to convert. * @param pCfg Stream configuration to store result into. */ int DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsToStreamCfg(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgInit(pCfg); memcpy(&pCfg->Props, pProps, sizeof(PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Initializes a stream configuration with its default values. * * @param pCfg Stream configuration to initialize. */ void DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgInit(PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pCfg); RT_BZERO(pCfg, sizeof(PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG)); pCfg->Backend.cFramesPreBuffering = UINT32_MAX; /* Explicitly set to "undefined". */ } /** * Checks whether a given stream configuration is valid or not. * * Returns @c true if configuration is valid, @c false if not. * @param pCfg Stream configuration to check. */ bool DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgIsValid(const PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, false); bool fValid = ( pCfg->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN || pCfg->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); fValid &= ( pCfg->enmLayout == PDMAUDIOSTREAMLAYOUT_NON_INTERLEAVED || pCfg->enmLayout == PDMAUDIOSTREAMLAYOUT_RAW); if (fValid) fValid = DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsAreValid(&pCfg->Props); return fValid; } /** * Frees an allocated audio stream configuration. * * @param pCfg Audio stream configuration to free. */ void DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgFree(PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { if (pCfg) { RTMemFree(pCfg); pCfg = NULL; } } /** * Copies a source stream configuration to a destination stream configuration. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pDstCfg Destination stream configuration to copy source to. * @param pSrcCfg Source stream configuration to copy to destination. */ int DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgCopy(PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pDstCfg, const PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pSrcCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pDstCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSrcCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT if (!DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgIsValid(pSrcCfg)) { AssertMsgFailed(("Stream config '%s' (%p) is invalid\n", pSrcCfg->szName, pSrcCfg)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #endif memcpy(pDstCfg, pSrcCfg, sizeof(PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Duplicates an audio stream configuration. * Must be free'd with DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgFree(). * * @return Duplicates audio stream configuration on success, or NULL on failure. * @param pCfg Audio stream configuration to duplicate. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgDup(const PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, NULL); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT if (!DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgIsValid(pCfg)) { AssertMsgFailed(("Stream config '%s' (%p) is invalid\n", pCfg->szName, pCfg)); return NULL; } #endif PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pDst = (PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG)); if (!pDst) return NULL; int rc2 = DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgCopy(pDst, pCfg); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgFree(pDst); pDst = NULL; } AssertPtr(pDst); return pDst; } /** * Prints an audio stream configuration to the debug log. * * @param pCfg Stream configuration to log. */ void DrvAudioHlpStreamCfgPrint(const PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { if (!pCfg) return; LogFunc(("szName=%s, enmDir=%RU32 (uHz=%RU32, cBits=%RU8%s, cChannels=%RU8)\n", pCfg->szName, pCfg->enmDir, pCfg->Props.uHz, pCfg->Props.cbSample * 8, pCfg->Props.fSigned ? "S" : "U", pCfg->Props.cChannels)); } /** * Converts a stream command to a string. * * @returns Stringified stream command, or "Unknown", if not found. * @param enmCmd Stream command to convert. */ const char *DrvAudioHlpStreamCmdToStr(PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd) { switch (enmCmd) { case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_INVALID: return "Invalid"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE: return "Enable"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE: return "Disable"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_PAUSE: return "Pause"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_RESUME: return "Resume"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DRAIN: return "Drain"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DROP: return "Drop"; case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_32BIT_HACK: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid stream command %d\n", enmCmd)); return "Unknown"; } /** * Returns @c true if the given stream status indicates a can-be-read-from stream, * @c false if not. * * @returns @c true if ready to be read from, @c if not. * @param fStatus Stream status to evaluate, PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_XXX. */ bool DrvAudioHlpStreamStatusCanRead(PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS fStatus) { AssertReturn(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_VALID_MASK, false); return fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_INITIALIZED && fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PAUSED) && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_REINIT); } /** * Returns @c true if the given stream status indicates a can-be-written-to stream, * @c false if not. * * @returns @c true if ready to be written to, @c if not. * @param fStatus Stream status to evaluate, PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_XXX. */ bool DrvAudioHlpStreamStatusCanWrite(PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS fStatus) { AssertReturn(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_VALID_MASK, false); return fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_INITIALIZED && fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PAUSED) && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_DISABLE) && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_REINIT); } /** * Returns @c true if the given stream status indicates a ready-to-operate stream, * @c false if not. * * @returns @c true if ready to operate, @c if not. * @param enmStatus Stream status to evaluate. */ bool DrvAudioHlpStreamStatusIsReady(PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS fStatus) { AssertReturn(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_VALID_MASK, false); return fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_INITIALIZED && fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED && !(fStatus & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_REINIT); } /** * Calculates the audio bit rate of the given bits per sample, the Hz and the number * of audio channels. * * Divide the result by 8 to get the byte rate. * * @returns The calculated bit rate. * @param cBits Number of bits per sample. * @param uHz Hz (Hertz) rate. * @param cChannels Number of audio channels. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpCalcBitrate(uint8_t cBits, uint32_t uHz, uint8_t cChannels) { return (cBits * uHz * cChannels); } /** * Calculates the audio bit rate out of a given audio stream configuration. * * Divide the result by 8 to get the byte rate. * * @returns The calculated bit rate. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate bitrate for. * * @remark */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpCalcBitrate(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { return DrvAudioHlpCalcBitrate(pProps->cbSample * 8, pProps->uHz, pProps->cChannels); } /** * Aligns the given byte amount to the given PCM properties and returns the aligned * size. * * @return Aligned size (in bytes). * @param cbSize Size (in bytes) to align. * @param pProps PCM properties to align size to. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpBytesAlign(uint32_t cbSize, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!cbSize) return 0; return PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(pProps, cbSize) * PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); } /** * Returns if the the given size is properly aligned to the given PCM properties. * * @return @c true if properly aligned, @c false if not. * @param cbSize Size (in bytes) to check alignment for. * @param pProps PCM properties to use for checking the alignment. */ bool DrvAudioHlpBytesIsAligned(uint32_t cbSize, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!cbSize) return true; return (cbSize % PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */) == 0); } /** * Returns the bytes per second for given PCM properties. * * @returns Bytes per second. * @param pProps PCM properties to retrieve size for. */ DECLINLINE(uint64_t) drvAudioHlpBytesPerSec(const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { return PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */) * pProps->uHz; } /** * Returns the number of audio frames for a given amount of bytes. * * @return Calculated audio frames for given bytes. * @param cbBytes Bytes to convert to audio frames. * @param pProps PCM properties to calulate frames for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpBytesToFrames(uint32_t cbBytes, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); return PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(pProps, cbBytes); } /** * Returns the time (in ms) for given byte amount and PCM properties. * * @return uint64_t Calculated time (in ms). * @param cbBytes Amount of bytes to calculate time for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of bytes for. * * @note Does rounding up the result. */ uint64_t DrvAudioHlpBytesToMilli(uint32_t cbBytes, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!pProps->uHz) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; const unsigned cbFrame = PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); if (!cbFrame) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; uint64_t uTimeMs = ((cbBytes + cbFrame - 1) / cbFrame) * RT_MS_1SEC; return (uTimeMs + pProps->uHz - 1) / pProps->uHz; } /** * Returns the time (in us) for given byte amount and PCM properties. * * @return uint64_t Calculated time (in us). * @param cbBytes Amount of bytes to calculate time for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of bytes for. * * @note Does rounding up the result. */ uint64_t DrvAudioHlpBytesToMicro(uint32_t cbBytes, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!pProps->uHz) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; const unsigned cbFrame = PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); if (!cbFrame) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; uint64_t uTimeUs = ((cbBytes + cbFrame - 1) / cbFrame) * RT_US_1SEC; return (uTimeUs + pProps->uHz - 1) / pProps->uHz; } /** * Returns the time (in ns) for given byte amount and PCM properties. * * @return uint64_t Calculated time (in ns). * @param cbBytes Amount of bytes to calculate time for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of bytes for. * * @note Does rounding up the result. */ uint64_t DrvAudioHlpBytesToNano(uint32_t cbBytes, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!pProps->uHz) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; const unsigned cbFrame = PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); if (!cbFrame) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; uint64_t uTimeNs = ((cbBytes + cbFrame - 1) / cbFrame) * RT_NS_1SEC; return (uTimeNs + pProps->uHz - 1) / pProps->uHz; } /** * Returns the bytes for a given audio frames amount and PCM properties. * * @return Calculated bytes for given audio frames. * @param cFrames Amount of audio frames to calculate bytes for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate bytes for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpFramesToBytes(uint32_t cFrames, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!cFrames) return 0; return cFrames * PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); } /** * Returns the time (in ms) for given audio frames amount and PCM properties. * * @return uint64_t Calculated time (in ms). * @param cFrames Amount of audio frames to calculate time for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate time (in ms) for. */ uint64_t DrvAudioHlpFramesToMilli(uint32_t cFrames, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!cFrames) return 0; if (!pProps->uHz) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; return cFrames / ((double)pProps->uHz / (double)RT_MS_1SEC); } /** * Returns the time (in ns) for given audio frames amount and PCM properties. * * @return uint64_t Calculated time (in ns). * @param cFrames Amount of audio frames to calculate time for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate time (in ns) for. */ uint64_t DrvAudioHlpFramesToNano(uint32_t cFrames, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!cFrames) return 0; if (!pProps->uHz) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; return cFrames / ((double)pProps->uHz / (double)RT_NS_1SEC); } /** * Returns the amount of bytes for a given time (in ms) and PCM properties. * * Note: The result will return an amount of bytes which is aligned to the audio frame size. * * @return uint32_t Calculated amount of bytes. * @param uMs Time (in ms) to calculate amount of bytes for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of bytes for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpMilliToBytes(uint64_t uMs, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!uMs) return 0; const uint32_t uBytesPerFrame = DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsBytesPerFrame(pProps); uint32_t uBytes = ((double)drvAudioHlpBytesPerSec(pProps) / (double)RT_MS_1SEC) * uMs; if (uBytes % uBytesPerFrame) /* Any remainder? Make the returned bytes an integral number to the given frames. */ uBytes = uBytes + (uBytesPerFrame - uBytes % uBytesPerFrame); Assert(uBytes % uBytesPerFrame == 0); /* Paranoia. */ return uBytes; } /** * Returns the amount of bytes for a given time (in ns) and PCM properties. * * Note: The result will return an amount of bytes which is aligned to the audio frame size. * * @return uint32_t Calculated amount of bytes. * @param uNs Time (in ns) to calculate amount of bytes for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of bytes for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpNanoToBytes(uint64_t uNs, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); if (!uNs) return 0; const uint32_t uBytesPerFrame = DrvAudioHlpPCMPropsBytesPerFrame(pProps); uint32_t uBytes = ((double)drvAudioHlpBytesPerSec(pProps) / (double)RT_NS_1SEC) * uNs; if (uBytes % uBytesPerFrame) /* Any remainder? Make the returned bytes an integral number to the given frames. */ uBytes = uBytes + (uBytesPerFrame - uBytes % uBytesPerFrame); Assert(uBytes % uBytesPerFrame == 0); /* Paranoia. */ return uBytes; } /** * Returns the amount of audio frames for a given time (in ms) and PCM properties. * * @return uint32_t Calculated amount of audio frames. * @param uMs Time (in ms) to calculate amount of frames for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of frames for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpMilliToFrames(uint64_t uMs, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); const uint32_t cbFrame = PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); if (!cbFrame) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; return DrvAudioHlpMilliToBytes(uMs, pProps) / cbFrame; } /** * Returns the amount of audio frames for a given time (in ns) and PCM properties. * * @return uint32_t Calculated amount of audio frames. * @param uNs Time (in ns) to calculate amount of frames for. * @param pProps PCM properties to calculate amount of frames for. */ uint32_t DrvAudioHlpNanoToFrames(uint64_t uNs, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pProps, 0); const uint32_t cbFrame = PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_F2B(pProps, 1 /* Frame */); if (!cbFrame) /* Prevent division by zero. */ return 0; return DrvAudioHlpNanoToBytes(uNs, pProps) / cbFrame; } /** * Sanitizes the file name component so that unsupported characters * will be replaced by an underscore ("_"). * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pszPath Path to sanitize. * @param cbPath Size (in bytes) of path to sanitize. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileNameSanitize(char *pszPath, size_t cbPath) { RT_NOREF(cbPath); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* Filter out characters not allowed on Windows platforms, put in by RTTimeSpecToString(). */ /** @todo Use something like RTPathSanitize() if available later some time. */ static RTUNICP const s_uszValidRangePairs[] = { ' ', ' ', '(', ')', '-', '.', '0', '9', 'A', 'Z', 'a', 'z', '_', '_', 0xa0, 0xd7af, '\0' }; ssize_t cReplaced = RTStrPurgeComplementSet(pszPath, s_uszValidRangePairs, '_' /* Replacement */); if (cReplaced < 0) rc = VERR_INVALID_UTF8_ENCODING; #else RT_NOREF(pszPath); #endif return rc; } /** * Constructs an unique file name, based on the given path and the audio file type. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pszFile Where to store the constructed file name. * @param cchFile Size (in characters) of the file name buffer. * @param pszPath Base path to use. * @param pszName A name for better identifying the file. * @param uInstance Device / driver instance which is using this file. * @param enmType Audio file type to construct file name for. * @param fFlags File naming flags, PDMAUDIOFILENAME_FLAGS_XXX. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileNameGet(char *pszFile, size_t cchFile, const char *pszPath, const char *pszName, uint32_t uInstance, PDMAUDIOFILETYPE enmType, uint32_t fFlags) { AssertPtrReturn(pszFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cchFile, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Validate fFlags. */ int rc; do { char szFilePath[RTPATH_MAX + 1]; RTStrPrintf2(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath), "%s", pszPath); /* Create it when necessary. */ if (!RTDirExists(szFilePath)) { rc = RTDirCreateFullPath(szFilePath, RTFS_UNIX_IRWXU); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } char szFileName[RTPATH_MAX + 1]; szFileName[0] = '\0'; if (fFlags & PDMAUDIOFILENAME_FLAGS_TS) { RTTIMESPEC time; if (!RTTimeSpecToString(RTTimeNow(&time), szFileName, sizeof(szFileName))) { rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; break; } rc = DrvAudioHlpFileNameSanitize(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "-"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), pszName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "-"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; char szInst[16]; RTStrPrintf2(szInst, sizeof(szInst), "%RU32", uInstance); rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), szInst); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; switch (enmType) { case PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW: rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), ".pcm"); break; case PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV: rc = RTStrCat(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), ".wav"); break; default: AssertFailedStmt(rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); break; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = RTPathAppend(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath), szFileName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; RTStrPrintf2(pszFile, cchFile, "%s", szFilePath); } while (0); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Creates an audio file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param enmType Audio file type to open / create. * @param pszFile File path of file to open or create. * @param fFlags Audio file flags, PDMAUDIOFILE_FLAGS_XXX. * @param ppFile Where to store the created audio file handle. * Needs to be destroyed with DrvAudioHlpFileDestroy(). */ int DrvAudioHlpFileCreate(PDMAUDIOFILETYPE enmType, const char *pszFile, uint32_t fFlags, PPDMAUDIOFILE *ppFile) { AssertPtrReturn(pszFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Validate fFlags. */ PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile = (PPDMAUDIOFILE)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(PDMAUDIOFILE)); if (!pFile) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (enmType) { case PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW: case PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV: pFile->enmType = enmType; break; default: rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTStrPrintf(pFile->szName, RT_ELEMENTS(pFile->szName), "%s", pszFile); pFile->hFile = NIL_RTFILE; pFile->fFlags = fFlags; pFile->pvData = NULL; pFile->cbData = 0; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMemFree(pFile); pFile = NULL; } else *ppFile = pFile; return rc; } /** * Destroys a formerly created audio file. * * @param pFile Audio file (object) to destroy. */ void DrvAudioHlpFileDestroy(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile) { if (!pFile) return; DrvAudioHlpFileClose(pFile); RTMemFree(pFile); pFile = NULL; } /** * Opens or creates an audio file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pFile Pointer to audio file handle to use. * @param fOpen Open flags. * Use PDMAUDIOFILE_DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS for the default open flags. * @param pProps PCM properties to use. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileOpen(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile, uint32_t fOpen, const PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Validate fOpen flags. */ AssertPtrReturn(pProps, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc; if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW) { rc = RTFileOpen(&pFile->hFile, pFile->szName, fOpen); } else if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV) { Assert(pProps->cChannels); Assert(pProps->uHz); Assert(pProps->cbSample); pFile->pvData = (PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(AUDIOWAVFILEDATA)); if (pFile->pvData) { pFile->cbData = sizeof(PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA); PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA pData = (PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA)pFile->pvData; AssertPtr(pData); /* Header. */ pData->Hdr.u32RIFF = AUDIO_MAKE_FOURCC('R','I','F','F'); pData->Hdr.u32Size = 36; pData->Hdr.u32WAVE = AUDIO_MAKE_FOURCC('W','A','V','E'); pData->Hdr.u32Fmt = AUDIO_MAKE_FOURCC('f','m','t',' '); pData->Hdr.u32Size1 = 16; /* Means PCM. */ pData->Hdr.u16AudioFormat = 1; /* PCM, linear quantization. */ pData->Hdr.u16NumChannels = pProps->cChannels; pData->Hdr.u32SampleRate = pProps->uHz; pData->Hdr.u32ByteRate = DrvAudioHlpCalcBitrate(pProps) / 8; pData->Hdr.u16BlockAlign = pProps->cChannels * pProps->cbSample; pData->Hdr.u16BitsPerSample = pProps->cbSample * 8; /* Data chunk. */ pData->Hdr.u32ID2 = AUDIO_MAKE_FOURCC('d','a','t','a'); pData->Hdr.u32Size2 = 0; rc = RTFileOpen(&pFile->hFile, pFile->szName, fOpen); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTFileWrite(pFile->hFile, &pData->Hdr, sizeof(pData->Hdr), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTFileClose(pFile->hFile); pFile->hFile = NIL_RTFILE; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMemFree(pFile->pvData); pFile->pvData = NULL; pFile->cbData = 0; } } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel2(("Audio: Opened file '%s'\n", pFile->szName)); } else LogRel(("Audio: Failed opening file '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pFile->szName, rc)); return rc; } /** * Closes an audio file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pFile Audio file handle to close. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileClose(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile) { if (!pFile) return VINF_SUCCESS; size_t cbSize = DrvAudioHlpFileGetDataSize(pFile); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW) { if (RTFileIsValid(pFile->hFile)) rc = RTFileClose(pFile->hFile); } else if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV) { if (RTFileIsValid(pFile->hFile)) { PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA pData = (PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA)pFile->pvData; if (pData) /* The .WAV file data only is valid when a file actually has been created. */ { /* Update the header with the current data size. */ RTFileWriteAt(pFile->hFile, 0, &pData->Hdr, sizeof(pData->Hdr), NULL); } rc = RTFileClose(pFile->hFile); } if (pFile->pvData) { RTMemFree(pFile->pvData); pFile->pvData = NULL; } } else AssertFailedStmt(rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !cbSize && !(pFile->fFlags & PDMAUDIOFILE_FLAGS_KEEP_IF_EMPTY)) { rc = DrvAudioHlpFileDelete(pFile); } pFile->cbData = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pFile->hFile = NIL_RTFILE; LogRel2(("Audio: Closed file '%s' (%zu bytes)\n", pFile->szName, cbSize)); } else LogRel(("Audio: Failed closing file '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pFile->szName, rc)); return rc; } /** * Deletes an audio file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pFile Audio file handle to delete. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileDelete(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile) { AssertPtrReturn(pFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTFileDelete(pFile->szName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel2(("Audio: Deleted file '%s'\n", pFile->szName)); } else if (rc == VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) /* Don't bitch if the file is not around (anymore). */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("Audio: Failed deleting file '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pFile->szName, rc)); return rc; } /** * Returns the raw audio data size of an audio file. * * Note: This does *not* include file headers and other data which does * not belong to the actual PCM audio data. * * @returns Size (in bytes) of the raw PCM audio data. * @param pFile Audio file handle to retrieve the audio data size for. */ size_t DrvAudioHlpFileGetDataSize(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile) { AssertPtrReturn(pFile, 0); size_t cbSize = 0; if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW) { cbSize = RTFileTell(pFile->hFile); } else if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV) { PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA pData = (PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA)pFile->pvData; if (pData) /* The .WAV file data only is valid when a file actually has been created. */ cbSize = pData->Hdr.u32Size2; } return cbSize; } /** * Returns whether the given audio file is open and in use or not. * * @return bool True if open, false if not. * @param pFile Audio file handle to check open status for. */ bool DrvAudioHlpFileIsOpen(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile) { if (!pFile) return false; return RTFileIsValid(pFile->hFile); } /** * Write PCM data to a wave (.WAV) file. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pFile Audio file handle to write PCM data to. * @param pvBuf Audio data to write. * @param cbBuf Size (in bytes) of audio data to write. * @param fFlags Additional write flags. Not being used at the moment and must be 0. */ int DrvAudioHlpFileWrite(PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, uint32_t fFlags) { AssertPtrReturn(pFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(fFlags == 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /** @todo fFlags are currently not implemented. */ if (!cbBuf) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertReturn(RTFileIsValid(pFile->hFile), VERR_WRONG_ORDER); int rc; if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_RAW) { rc = RTFileWrite(pFile->hFile, pvBuf, cbBuf, NULL); } else if (pFile->enmType == PDMAUDIOFILETYPE_WAV) { PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA pData = (PAUDIOWAVFILEDATA)pFile->pvData; AssertPtr(pData); rc = RTFileWrite(pFile->hFile, pvBuf, cbBuf, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pData->Hdr.u32Size += (uint32_t)cbBuf; pData->Hdr.u32Size2 += (uint32_t)cbBuf; } } else rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; return rc; }