/* $Id: DevIchIntelHDA.cpp 31955 2010-08-25 12:07:34Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DevIchIntelHD - VBox ICH Intel HD Audio Controller. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEV_AUDIO #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Builtins.h" extern "C" { #include "audio.h" } #include "DevCodec.h" #undef LOG_VOICES #ifndef VBOX //#define USE_MIXER #else #define USE_MIXER #endif #define HDA_SSM_VERSION 1 PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hdaMMIORead(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hdaMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); static DECLCALLBACK(void) hdaReset (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns); /* Registers */ #define HDA_REG_IND_NAME(x) ICH6_HDA_REG_##x #define HDA_REG_FIELD_NAME(reg, x) ICH6_HDA_##reg##_##x #define HDA_REG_FIELD_MASK(reg, x) ICH6_HDA_##reg##_##x##_MASK #define HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(reg, x) RT_BIT(ICH6_HDA_##reg##_##x##_SHIFT) #define HDA_REG_FIELD_SHIFT(reg, x) ICH6_HDA_##reg##_##x##_SHIFT #define HDA_REG_IND(pState, x) ((pState)->au32Regs[(x)]) #define HDA_REG(pState, x) (HDA_REG_IND((pState), HDA_REG_IND_NAME(x))) #define HDA_REG_VALUE(pState, reg, val) (HDA_REG((pState),reg) & (((HDA_REG_FIELD_MASK(reg, val))) << (HDA_REG_FIELD_SHIFT(reg, val)))) #define HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, reg, val) (HDA_REG((pState),reg) & (((HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(reg, val))))) #define HDA_REG_SVALUE(pState, reg, val) (HDA_REG_VALUE(pState, reg, val) >> (HDA_REG_FIELD_SHIFT(reg, val))) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_GCAP 0 /* range 0x00-0x01*/ #define GCAP(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), GCAP)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_VMIN 1 /* range 0x02 */ #define VMIN(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), VMIN)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_VMAJ 2 /* range 0x03 */ #define VMAJ(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), VMAJ)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_OUTPAY 3 /* range 0x04-0x05 */ #define OUTPAY(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), OUTPAY)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_INPAY 4 /* range 0x06-0x07 */ #define INPAY(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), INPAY)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_GCTL (5) #define ICH6_HDA_GCTL_RST_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_GCTL_FSH_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_GCTL_UR_SHIFT (8) #define GCTL(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), GCTL)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_WAKEEN 6 /* 0x0C */ #define WAKEEN(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), WAKEEN)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_STATESTS 7 /* range 0x0E */ #define STATESTS(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), STATESTS)) #define ICH6_HDA_STATES_SCSF 0x7 #define ICH6_HDA_REG_GSTS 8 /* range 0x10-0x11*/ #define ICH6_HDA_GSTS_FSH_SHIFT (1) #define GSTS(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, GSTS)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_INTCTL 9 /* 0x20 */ #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_GIE_SHIFT 31 #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_CIE_SHIFT 30 #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S0_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S1_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S2_SHIFT (2) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S3_SHIFT (3) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S4_SHIFT (4) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S5_SHIFT (5) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S6_SHIFT (6) #define ICH6_HDA_INTCTL_S7_SHIFT (7) #define INTCTL(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), INTCTL)) #define INTCTL_GIE(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, INTCTL, GIE)) #define INTCTL_CIE(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, INTCTL, CIE)) #define INTCTL_SX(pState, X) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE((pState), INTCTL, S##X)) #define INTCTL_SALL(pState) (INTCTL((pState)) & 0xFF) /* Note: The HDA specification defines a SSYNC register at offset 0x38. The * ICH6/ICH9 datahseet defines SSYNC at offset 0x34. The Linux HDA driver matches * the datasheet. */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SSYNC 12 /* 0x34 */ #define SSYNC(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), SSYNC)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_INTSTS 10 /* 0x24 */ #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_GIS_SHIFT (31) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_CIS_SHIFT (30) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S0_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S1_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S2_SHIFT (2) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S3_SHIFT (3) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S4_SHIFT (4) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S5_SHIFT (5) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S6_SHIFT (6) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S7_SHIFT (7) #define ICH6_HDA_INTSTS_S_MASK(num) RT_BIT(HDA_REG_FIELD_SHIFT(S##num)) #define INTSTS(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), INTSTS)) #define INTSTS_GIS(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE((pState), INTSTS, GIS) #define INTSTS_CIS(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE((pState), INTSTS, CIS) #define INTSTS_SX(pState, X) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState), INTSTS, S##X) #define INTSTS_SANY(pState) (INTSTS((pState)) & 0xFF) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBLBASE 13 /* 0x40 */ #define CORBLBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), CORBLBASE)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBUBASE 14 /* 0x44 */ #define CORBUBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), CORBUBASE)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBWP 15 /* 48 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBRP 16 /* 4A */ #define ICH6_HDA_CORBRP_RST_SHIFT 15 #define ICH6_HDA_CORBRP_WP_SHIFT 0 #define ICH6_HDA_CORBRP_WP_MASK 0xFF #define CORBRP(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, CORBRP)) #define CORBWP(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, CORBWP)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBCTL 17 /* 0x4C */ #define ICH6_HDA_CORBCTL_DMA_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_CORBCTL_CMEIE_SHIFT (0) #define CORBCTL(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, CORBCTL)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBSTS 18 /* 0x4D */ #define CORBSTS(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, CORBSTS)) #define ICH6_HDA_CORBSTS_CMEI_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBSIZE 19 /* 0x4E */ #define ICH6_HDA_CORBSIZE_SZ_CAP 0xF0 #define ICH6_HDA_CORBSIZE_SZ 0x3 #define CORBSIZE_SZ(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBSIZE) & ICH6_HDA_CORBSIZE_SZ) #define CORBSIZE_SZ_CAP(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBSIZE) & ICH6_HDA_CORBSIZE_SZ_CAP) /* till ich 10 sizes of CORB and RIRB are harcoded to 256 in real hw */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRLBASE 20 /* 0x50 */ #define RIRLBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), RIRLBASE)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRUBASE 21 /* 0x54 */ #define RIRUBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), RIRUBASE)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBWP 22 /* 0x58 */ #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBWP_RST_SHIFT (15) #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBWP_WP_MASK 0xFF #define RIRBWP(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, RIRBWP)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RINTCNT 23 /* 0x5A */ #define RINTCNT(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), RINTCNT)) #define RINTCNT_N(pState) (RINTCNT((pState)) & 0xff) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBCTL 24 /* 0x5C */ #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBCTL_RIC_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBCTL_DMA_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_ROI_DMA_SHIFT (2) #define RIRBCTL(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), RIRBCTL)) #define RIRBCTL_RIRB_RIC(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBCTL, RIC)) #define RIRBCTL_RIRB_DMA(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE((pState), RIRBCTL, DMA) #define RIRBCTL_ROI(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE((pState), RIRBCTL, ROI)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBSTS 25 /* 0x5D */ #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBSTS_RINTFL_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBSTS_RIRBOIS_SHIFT (2) #define RIRBSTS(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, RIRBSTS)) #define RIRBSTS_RINTFL(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBSTS, RINTFL)) #define RIRBSTS_RIRBOIS(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBSTS, RIRBOIS)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE 26 /* 0x5E */ #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBSIZE_SZ_CAP 0xF0 #define ICH6_HDA_RIRBSIZE_SZ 0x3 #define RIRBSIZE_SZ(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE) & ICH6_HDA_RIRBSIZE_SZ) #define RIRBSIZE_SZ_CAP(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE) & ICH6_HDA_RIRBSIZE_SZ_CAP) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_IC 27 /* 0x60 */ #define IC(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, IC)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_IR 28 /* 0x64 */ #define IR(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, IR)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_IRS 29 /* 0x68 */ #define ICH6_HDA_IRS_ICB_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_IRS_IRV_SHIFT (1) #define IRS(pState) (HDA_REG(pState, IRS)) #define IRS_ICB(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, IRS, ICB)) #define IRS_IRV(pState) (HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, IRS, IRV)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_DPLBASE 30 /* 0x70 */ #define DPLBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), DPLBASE)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_DPUBASE 31 /* 0x74 */ #define DPUBASE(pState) (HDA_REG((pState), DPUBASE)) #define HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(name, num) (ICH6_HDA_REG_SD##num##name) #define HDA_STREAM_REG(pState, name, num) (HDA_REG((pState), N_(HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(name, num)))) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0CTL 32 /* 0x80 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 10) /* 0xA0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 20) /* 0xC0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 30) /* 0xE0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 40) /* 0x100 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 50) /* 0x120 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 60) /* 0x140 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7CTL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CTL, 0) + 70) /* 0x160 */ #define SD(func, num) SD##num##func #define SDCTL(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(CTL, num)) #define SDCTL_NUM(pState, num) ((SDCTL((pState), num) & HDA_REG_FIELD_MASK(SDCTL,NUM)) >> HDA_REG_FIELD_SHIFT(SDCTL, NUM)) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_NUM_MASK (0xF) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_NUM_SHIFT (20) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_DEIE_SHIFT (4) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_FEIE_SHIFT (3) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_ICE_SHIFT (2) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_RUN_SHIFT (1) #define ICH6_HDA_SDCTL_SRST_SHIFT (0) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0STS 33 /* 0x83 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 10) /* 0xA3 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 20) /* 0xC3 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 30) /* 0xE3 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 40) /* 0x103 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 50) /* 0x123 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 60) /* 0x143 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7STS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(STS, 0) + 70) /* 0x163 */ #define SDSTS(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(STS, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_SDSTS_FIFORDY_SHIFT (5) #define ICH6_HDA_SDSTS_DE_SHIFT (4) #define ICH6_HDA_SDSTS_FE_SHIFT (3) #define ICH6_HDA_SDSTS_BCIS_SHIFT (2) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0LPIB 34 /* 0x84 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 10) /* 0xA4 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 20) /* 0xC4 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 30) /* 0xE4 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 40) /* 0x104 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 50) /* 0x124 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 60) /* 0x144 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7LPIB (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LPIB, 0) + 70) /* 0x164 */ #define SDLPIB(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(LPIB, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0CBL 35 /* 0x88 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 10) /* 0xA8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 20) /* 0xC8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 30) /* 0xE8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 40) /* 0x108 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 50) /* 0x128 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 60) /* 0x148 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7CBL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(CBL, 0) + 70) /* 0x168 */ #define SDLCBL(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(CBL, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0LVI 36 /* 0x8C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 10) /* 0xAC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 20) /* 0xCC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 30) /* 0xEC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 40) /* 0x10C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 50) /* 0x12C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 60) /* 0x14C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7LVI (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(LVI, 0) + 70) /* 0x16C */ #define SDLVI(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(LVI, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0FIFOW 37 /* 0x8E */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 10) /* 0xAE */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 20) /* 0xCE */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 30) /* 0xEE */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 40) /* 0x10E */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 50) /* 0x12E */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 60) /* 0x14E */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7FIFOW (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOW, 0) + 70) /* 0x16E */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0FIFOS 38 /* 0x90 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 10) /* 0xB0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 20) /* 0xD0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 30) /* 0xF0 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 40) /* 0x110 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 50) /* 0x130 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 60) /* 0x150 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7FIFOS (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FIFOS, 0) + 70) /* 0x170 */ #define SDFIFOS(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(FIFOS, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0FMT 39 /* 0x92 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 10) /* 0xB2 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 20) /* 0xD2 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 30) /* 0xF2 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 40) /* 0x112 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 50) /* 0x132 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 60) /* 0x152 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7FMT (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(FMT, 0) + 70) /* 0x172 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0BDPL 40 /* 0x98 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 10) /* 0xB8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 20) /* 0xD8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 30) /* 0xF8 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 40) /* 0x118 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 50) /* 0x138 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 60) /* 0x158 */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7BDPL (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPL, 0) + 70) /* 0x178 */ #define SDBDPL(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(BDPL, num)) #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD0BDPU 41 /* 0x9C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD1BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 10) /* 0xBC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD2BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 20) /* 0xDC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD3BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 30) /* 0xFC */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD4BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 40) /* 0x11C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD5BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 50) /* 0x13C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD6BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 60) /* 0x15C */ #define ICH6_HDA_REG_SD7BDPU (HDA_STREAM_REG_DEF(BDPU, 0) + 70) /* 0x17C */ #define SDBDPU(pState, num) HDA_REG((pState), SD(BDPU, num)) /* Predicates */ typedef struct HDABDLEDESC { uint64_t u64BdleCviAddr; uint32_t u32BdleMaxCvi; uint32_t u32BdleCvi; uint32_t u32BdleCviLen; uint32_t u32BdleCviPos; bool fBdleCviIoc; } HDABDLEDESC, *PHDABDLEDESC; typedef struct INTELHDLinkState { /** Pointer to the device instance. */ PPDMDEVINSR3 pDevIns; /** Pointer to the connector of the attached audio driver. */ PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pDrv; /** Pointer to the attached audio driver. */ PPDMIBASE pDrvBase; /** The base interface for LUN\#0. */ PDMIBASE IBase; RTGCPHYS addrMMReg; uint32_t au32Regs[113]; HDABDLEDESC stInBdle; HDABDLEDESC stOutBdle; HDABDLEDESC stMicBdle; /* Interrupt on completition */ bool fCviIoc; uint64_t u64CORBBase; uint64_t u64RIRBBase; uint64_t u64DPBase; /* pointer on CORB buf */ uint32_t *pu32CorbBuf; /* size in bytes of CORB buf */ uint32_t cbCorbBuf; /* pointer on RIRB buf */ uint64_t *pu64RirbBuf; /* size in bytes of RIRB buf */ uint32_t cbRirbBuf; /* indicates if HDA in reset. */ bool fInReset; CODECState Codec; uint8_t u8Counter; uint8_t u8StreamsInReset; } INTELHDLinkState; #define ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pINTELHD) ((pINTELHD)->pDevIns) #define PCIDEV_2_ICH6_HDASTATE(pPciDev) ((PCIINTELHDLinkState *)(pPciDev)) typedef struct PCIINTELHDLinkState { PCIDevice dev; INTELHDLinkState hda; } PCIINTELHDLinkState; DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadUnimplemented(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteUnimplemented(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadGCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteGCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadSTATESTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSTATESTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadGCAP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadINTSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteINTSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBWP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBRP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteRIRBWP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteRIRBSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteIRS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadSDCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDLVI(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDBDPL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDBDPU(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteBase(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU32(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU32(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU24(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU24(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU16(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU16(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU8(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU8(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t pu32Value); static int hdaLookup(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t u32Offset); static void fetch_bd(INTELHDLinkState *pState, PHDABDLEDESC pBdle, uint64_t u64BaseDMA); /* see 302349 p 6.2*/ const static struct stIchIntelHDRegMap { /** Register offset in the register space. */ uint32_t offset; /** Size in bytes. Registers of size > 4 are in fact tables. */ uint32_t size; /** Readable bits. */ uint32_t readable; /** Writable bits. */ uint32_t writable; /** Read callback. */ int (*pfnRead)(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value); /** Write callback. */ int (*pfnWrite)(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value); /** Abbreviated name. */ const char *abbrev; /** Full name. */ const char *name; } s_ichIntelHDRegMap[] = { /* offset size read mask write mask read callback write callback abbrev full name */ /*------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------*/ { 0x00000, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFB, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadGCAP , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "GCAP" , "Global Capabilities" }, { 0x00002, 0x00001, 0x000000FF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "VMIN" , "Minor Version" }, { 0x00003, 0x00001, 0x000000FF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "VMAJ" , "Major Version" }, { 0x00004, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "OUTPAY" , "Output Payload Capabilities" }, { 0x00006, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "INPAY" , "Input Payload Capabilities" }, { 0x00008, 0x00004, 0x00000103, 0x00000103, hdaRegReadGCTL , hdaRegWriteGCTL , "GCTL" , "Global Control" }, { 0x0000c, 0x00002, 0x00007FFF, 0x00007FFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "WAKEEN" , "Wake Enable" }, { 0x0000e, 0x00002, 0x00000007, 0x00000007, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSTATESTS , "STATESTS" , "State Change Status" }, { 0x00010, 0x00002, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadUnimplemented, hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "GSTS" , "Global Status" }, { 0x00020, 0x00004, 0xC00000FF, 0xC00000FF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "INTCTL" , "Interrupt Control" }, { 0x00024, 0x00004, 0xC00000FF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadINTSTS , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "INTSTS" , "Interrupt Status" }, //** @todo r=michaln: Are guests really not reading the WALCLK register at all? { 0x00030, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadUnimplemented, hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "WALCLK" , "Wall Clock Counter" }, //** @todo r=michaln: Doesn't the SSYNC register need to actually stop the stream(s)? { 0x00034, 0x00004, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "SSYNC" , "Stream Synchronization" }, { 0x00040, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "CORBLBASE" , "CORB Lower Base Address" }, { 0x00044, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "CORBUBASE" , "CORB Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00048, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteCORBWP , "CORBWP" , "CORB Write Pointer" }, { 0x0004A, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000080FF, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteCORBRP , "CORBRP" , "CORB Read Pointer" }, { 0x0004C, 0x00001, 0x00000003, 0x00000003, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteCORBCTL , "CORBCTL" , "CORB Control" }, { 0x0004D, 0x00001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteCORBSTS , "CORBSTS" , "CORB Status" }, { 0x0004E, 0x00001, 0x000000F3, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "CORBSIZE" , "CORB Size" }, { 0x00050, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "RIRBLBASE" , "RIRB Lower Base Address" }, { 0x00054, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "RIRBUBASE" , "RIRB Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00058, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x00008000, hdaRegReadU8, hdaRegWriteRIRBWP , "RIRBWP" , "RIRB Write Pointer" }, { 0x0005A, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "RINTCNT" , "Response Interrupt Count" }, { 0x0005C, 0x00001, 0x00000007, 0x00000007, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteU8 , "RIRBCTL" , "RIRB Control" }, { 0x0005D, 0x00001, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteRIRBSTS , "RIRBSTS" , "RIRB Status" }, { 0x0005E, 0x00001, 0x000000F3, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "RIRBSIZE" , "RIRB Size" }, { 0x00060, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "IC" , "Immediate Command" }, { 0x00064, 0x00004, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteUnimplemented, "IR" , "Immediate Response" }, { 0x00068, 0x00004, 0x00000002, 0x00000002, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteIRS , "IRS" , "Immediate Command Status" }, { 0x00070, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF81, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "DPLBASE" , "DMA Position Lower Base" }, { 0x00074, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteBase , "DPUBASE" , "DMA Position Upper Base" }, { 0x00080, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "ISD0CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 0 (ICD0) Control" }, { 0x00083, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "ISD0STS" , "ISD0 Status" }, { 0x00084, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD0LPIB" , "ISD0 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x00088, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD0CBL" , "ISD0 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x0008C, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "ISD0LVI" , "ISD0 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x0008E, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD0FIFOW", "ISD0 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x00090, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD0FIFOS", "ISD0 FIFO Size" }, { 0x00092, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD0FMT" , "ISD0 Format" }, { 0x00098, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "ISD0BDPL" , "ISD0 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x0009C, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "ISD0BDPU" , "ISD0 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x000A0, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "ISD1CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 1 (ISD1) Control" }, { 0x000A3, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "ISD1STS" , "ISD1 Status" }, { 0x000A4, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD1LPIB" , "ISD1 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x000A8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD1CBL" , "ISD1 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x000AC, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "ISD1LVI" , "ISD1 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x000AE, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD1FIFOW", "ISD1 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x000B0, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD1FIFOS", "ISD1 FIFO Size" }, { 0x000B2, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD1FMT" , "ISD1 Format" }, { 0x000B8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "ISD1BDPL" , "ISD1 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x000BC, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "ISD1BDPU" , "ISD1 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x000C0, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "ISD2CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 2 (ISD2) Control" }, { 0x000C3, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "ISD2STS" , "ISD2 Status" }, { 0x000C4, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD2LPIB" , "ISD2 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x000C8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD2CBL" , "ISD2 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x000CC, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "ISD2LVI" , "ISD2 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x000CE, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD2FIFOW", "ISD2 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x000D0, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD2FIFOS", "ISD2 FIFO Size" }, { 0x000D2, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD2FMT" , "ISD2 Format" }, { 0x000D8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "ISD2BDPL" , "ISD2 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x000DC, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "ISD2BDPU" , "ISD2 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x000E0, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "ISD3CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 3 (ISD3) Control" }, { 0x000E3, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "ISD3STS" , "ISD3 Status" }, { 0x000E4, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD3LPIB" , "ISD3 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x000E8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "ISD3CBL" , "ISD3 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x000EC, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "ISD3LVI" , "ISD3 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x000EE, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD3FIFOW", "ISD3 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x000F0, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD3FIFOS", "ISD3 FIFO Size" }, { 0x000F2, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "ISD3FMT" , "ISD3 Format" }, { 0x000F8, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "ISD3BDPL" , "ISD3 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x000FC, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "ISD3BDPU" , "ISD3 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00100, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadSDCTL , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "OSD0CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 0 (OSD0) Control" }, { 0x00103, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "OSD0STS" , "OSD0 Status" }, { 0x00104, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD0LPIB" , "OSD0 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x00108, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD0CBL" , "OSD0 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x0010C, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "OSD0LVI" , "OSD0 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x0010E, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD0FIFOW", "OSD0 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x00110, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD0FIFOS", "OSD0 FIFO Size" }, { 0x00112, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD0FMT" , "OSD0 Format" }, { 0x00118, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "OSD0BDPL" , "OSD0 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x0011C, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "OSD0BDPU" , "OSD0 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00120, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "OSD1CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 0 (OSD1) Control" }, { 0x00123, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "OSD1STS" , "OSD1 Status" }, { 0x00124, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD1LPIB" , "OSD1 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x00128, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD1CBL" , "OSD1 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x0012C, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "OSD1LVI" , "OSD1 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x0012E, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD1FIFOW", "OSD1 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x00130, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD1FIFOS", "OSD1 FIFO Size" }, { 0x00132, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD1FMT" , "OSD1 Format" }, { 0x00138, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "OSD1BDPL" , "OSD1 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x0013C, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "OSD1BDPU" , "OSD1 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00140, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "OSD2CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 0 (OSD2) Control" }, { 0x00143, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "OSD2STS" , "OSD2 Status" }, { 0x00144, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD2LPIB" , "OSD2 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x00148, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD2CBL" , "OSD2 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x0014C, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "OSD2LVI" , "OSD2 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x0014E, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD2FIFOW", "OSD2 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x00150, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD2FIFOS", "OSD2 FIFO Size" }, { 0x00152, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD2FMT" , "OSD2 Format" }, { 0x00158, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "OSD2BDPL" , "OSD2 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x0015C, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "OSD2BDPU" , "OSD2 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, { 0x00160, 0x00003, 0x00FF001F, 0x00F0001F, hdaRegReadU24 , hdaRegWriteSDCTL , "OSD3CTL" , "Input Stream Descriptor 0 (OSD3) Control" }, { 0x00163, 0x00001, 0x0000001C, 0x0000003C, hdaRegReadU8 , hdaRegWriteSDSTS , "OSD3STS" , "OSD3 Status" }, { 0x00164, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD3LPIB" , "OSD3 Link Position In Buffer" }, { 0x00168, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteU32 , "OSD3CBL" , "OSD3 Cyclic Buffer Length" }, { 0x0016C, 0x00002, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteSDLVI , "OSD3LVI" , "OSD3 Last Valid Index" }, { 0x0016E, 0x00002, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD3FIFOW", "OSD3 FIFO Watermark" }, { 0x00170, 0x00002, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD3FIFOS", "OSD3 FIFO Size" }, { 0x00172, 0x00002, 0x00007F7F, 0x00007F7F, hdaRegReadU16 , hdaRegWriteU16 , "OSD3FMT" , "OSD3 Format" }, { 0x00178, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFF80, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPL , "OSD3BDPL" , "OSD3 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Lower Base Address" }, { 0x0017C, 0x00004, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, hdaRegReadU32 , hdaRegWriteSDBDPU , "OSD3BDPU" , "OSD3 Buffer Descriptor List Pointer-Upper Base Address" }, }; static int hdaProcessInterrupt(INTELHDLinkState* pState) { #define IS_INTERRUPT_OCCURED_AND_ENABLED(pState, num) \ ( INTCTL_SX((pState), num) \ && (SDSTS(pState, num) & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDSTS, BCIS))) bool fIrq = false; if( INTCTL_CIE(pState) && ( RIRBSTS_RINTFL(pState) || RIRBSTS_RIRBOIS(pState) || STATESTS(pState))) { fIrq = true; } if ( IS_INTERRUPT_OCCURED_AND_ENABLED(pState, 0) || IS_INTERRUPT_OCCURED_AND_ENABLED(pState, 4)) { fIrq = true; } if (INTCTL_GIE(pState)) { Log(("hda: irq %s\n", fIrq ? "asserted" : "deasserted")); PDMDevHlpPCISetIrq(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), 0 , fIrq); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int hdaLookup(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t u32Offset) { int index = 0; //** @todo r=michaln: A linear search of an array with over 100 elements is very inefficient. for (;index < (int)(sizeof(s_ichIntelHDRegMap)/sizeof(s_ichIntelHDRegMap[0])); ++index) { if ( u32Offset >= s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].offset && u32Offset < s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].offset + s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].size) { return index; } } /* Aliases HDA spec 3.3.45 */ switch(u32Offset) { case 0x2084: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD0LPIB); case 0x20A4: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD1LPIB); case 0x20C4: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD2LPIB); case 0x20E4: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD3LPIB); case 0x2104: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD4LPIB); case 0x2124: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD5LPIB); case 0x2144: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD6LPIB); case 0x2164: return HDA_REG_IND_NAME(SD7LPIB); } return -1; } static int hdaCmdSync(INTELHDLinkState *pState, bool fLocal) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (fLocal) { Assert((HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBCTL, DMA))); rc = PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), pState->u64CORBBase, pState->pu32CorbBuf, pState->cbCorbBuf); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); uint8_t i = 0; do { Log(("hda: corb%02x: ", i)); uint8_t j = 0; do { const char *prefix; if ((i + j) == CORBRP(pState)) prefix = "[R]"; else if ((i + j) == CORBWP(pState)) prefix = "[W]"; else prefix = " "; /* three spaces */ Log(("%s%08x", prefix, pState->pu32CorbBuf[i + j])); j++; } while (j < 8); Log(("\n")); i += 8; } while(i != 0); } else { Assert((HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBCTL, DMA))); rc = PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), pState->u64RIRBBase, pState->pu64RirbBuf, pState->cbRirbBuf); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); uint8_t i = 0; do { Log(("hda: rirb%02x: ", i)); uint8_t j = 0; do { const char *prefix; if ((i + j) == RIRBWP(pState)) prefix = "[W]"; else prefix = " "; Log((" %s%016lx", prefix, pState->pu64RirbBuf[i + j])); } while (++j < 8); Log(("\n")); i += 8; } while (i != 0); } return rc; } #if 0 static int hdaUnsolictedResponse(INTELHDLinkState *pState, uint64_t pu64UnsolictedResponse) { uint8_t rirbWp; if (!HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, GCTL, UR)) { Log(("hda: unsolicited response %016lx is ignored\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } } #endif static int hdaCORBCmdProcess(INTELHDLinkState *pState) { int rc; uint8_t corbRp; uint8_t corbWp; uint8_t rirbWp; PFNCODECVERBPROCESSOR pfn = (PFNCODECVERBPROCESSOR)NULL; rc = hdaCmdSync(pState, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); corbRp = CORBRP(pState); corbWp = CORBWP(pState); rirbWp = RIRBWP(pState); Assert((corbWp != corbRp)); Log(("hda: CORB(RP:%x, WP:%x) RIRBWP:%x\n", CORBRP(pState), CORBWP(pState), RIRBWP(pState))); while (corbRp != corbWp) { uint32_t cmd; uint64_t resp; corbRp++; cmd = pState->pu32CorbBuf[corbRp]; rc = (pState)->Codec.pfnLookup(&pState->Codec, cmd, &pfn); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); Assert(pfn); (rirbWp)++; rc = pfn(&pState->Codec, cmd, &resp); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); Log(("hda: verb:%08x->%016lx\n", cmd, resp)); if ( (resp & CODEC_RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED) && !HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, GCTL, UR)) { Log(("hda: unexpected unsolicited response.\n")); pState->au32Regs[ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBRP] = corbRp; return rc; } pState->pu64RirbBuf[rirbWp] = resp; pState->u8Counter++; if (pState->u8Counter == RINTCNT_N(pState)) break; } pState->au32Regs[ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBRP] = corbRp; pState->au32Regs[ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBWP] = rirbWp; rc = hdaCmdSync(pState, false); Log(("hda: CORB(RP:%x, WP:%x) RIRBWP:%x\n", CORBRP(pState), CORBWP(pState), RIRBWP(pState))); if (RIRBCTL_RIRB_RIC(pState)) { RIRBSTS((pState)) |= HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(RIRBSTS,RINTFL); pState->u8Counter = 0; rc = hdaProcessInterrupt(pState); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); return rc; } static void hdaStreamReset(INTELHDLinkState *pState, uint32_t u32Offset) { Log(("hda: reset of stream (%x) started\n", u32Offset)); Log(("hda: reset of stream (%x) finished\n", u32Offset)); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadUnimplemented(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { *pu32Value = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteUnimplemented(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* U8 */ DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU8(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { Assert(((pState->au32Regs[index] & s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].readable) & 0xffffff00) == 0); return hdaRegReadU32(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU8(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { Assert(((u32Value & 0xffffff00) == 0)); return hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); } /* U16 */ DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU16(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { Assert(((pState->au32Regs[index] & s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].readable) & 0xffff0000) == 0); return hdaRegReadU32(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU16(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { Assert(((u32Value & 0xffff0000) == 0)); return hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); } /* U24 */ DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU24(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { Assert(((pState->au32Regs[index] & s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].readable) & 0xff000000) == 0); return hdaRegReadU32(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU24(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { Assert(((u32Value & 0xff000000) == 0)); return hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); } /* U32 */ DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadU32(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { *pu32Value = pState->au32Regs[index] & s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].readable; return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteU32(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { pState->au32Regs[index] = (u32Value & s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].writable) | (pState->au32Regs[index] & ~s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].writable); return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadGCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { return hdaRegReadU32(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteGCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { if (u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(GCTL, RST)) { /* exit reset state */ GCTL(pState) |= HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(GCTL, RST); pState->fInReset = false; } else { /* enter reset state*/ if ( HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBCTL, DMA) || HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBCTL, DMA)) { Log(("hda: HDA enters in reset with DMA(RIRB:%s, CORB:%s)\n", HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBCTL, DMA) ? "on" : "off", HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, RIRBCTL, DMA) ? "on" : "off")); } hdaReset(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState)); GCTL(pState) &= ~HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(GCTL, RST); pState->fInReset = true; } if (u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(GCTL, FSH)) { /* Flush: GSTS:1 set, see 6.2.6*/ GSTS(pState) |= HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(GSTS, FSH); /* set the flush state */ /* DPLBASE and DPUBASE, should be initialized with initial value (see 6.2.6)*/ } return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSTATESTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { uint32_t v = pState->au32Regs[index]; uint32_t nv = u32Value & ICH6_HDA_STATES_SCSF; pState->au32Regs[index] = (v ^ nv) & v; /* write of 1 clears corresponding bit */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadINTSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { uint32_t v = 0; if ( RIRBSTS_RIRBOIS(pState) || RIRBSTS_RINTFL(pState) || HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBSTS, CMEI) || STATESTS(pState)) v |= RT_BIT(30); #define HDA_IS_STREAM_EVENT(pState, stream) \ ( (SDSTS((pState),stream) & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDSTS, DE)) \ || (SDSTS((pState),stream) & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDSTS, FE)) \ || (SDSTS((pState),stream) & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDSTS, BCIS))) #define MARK_STREAM(pState, stream, v) do {(v) |= HDA_IS_STREAM_EVENT((pState),stream) ? RT_BIT((stream)) : 0;}while(0) MARK_STREAM(pState, 0, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 1, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 2, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 3, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 4, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 5, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 6, v); MARK_STREAM(pState, 7, v); v |= v ? RT_BIT(31) : 0; *pu32Value = v; return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadGCAP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { return hdaRegReadU16(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBRP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { if (u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(CORBRP, RST)) CORBRP(pState) = 0; else return hdaRegWriteU8(pState, offset, index, u32Value); return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = hdaRegWriteU8(pState, offset, index, u32Value); AssertRC(rc); if ( CORBWP(pState) != CORBRP(pState) && HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBCTL, DMA) != 0) return hdaCORBCmdProcess(pState); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { uint32_t v = CORBSTS(pState); v = (v ^ u32Value) & v; CORBSTS(pState) = v; return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteCORBWP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc; rc = hdaRegWriteU16(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (CORBWP(pState) == CORBRP(pState)) return VINF_SUCCESS; if (!HDA_REG_FLAG_VALUE(pState, CORBCTL, DMA)) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = hdaCORBCmdProcess(pState); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegReadSDCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t *pu32Value) { return hdaRegReadU24(pState, offset, index, pu32Value); } #define HDA_STREAM_BITMASK(offset) (1 << (((offset) - 0x80) >> 5)) #define HDA_IS_STREAM_IN_RESET(pState, offset) ((pState)->u8StreamsInReset & HDA_STREAM_BITMASK((offset))) DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDCTL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { if(u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, SRST)) { LogRel(("hda: guest has iniated hw stream reset\n")); pState->u8StreamsInReset |= HDA_STREAM_BITMASK(offset); hdaStreamReset(pState, offset); HDA_REG_IND(pState, index) &= ~HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, SRST); } else if (HDA_IS_STREAM_IN_RESET(pState, offset)) { LogRel(("hda: guest has iniated exit of stream reset\n")); pState->u8StreamsInReset &= ~HDA_STREAM_BITMASK(offset); HDA_REG_IND(pState, index) &= ~HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, SRST); } /* @todo: use right offsets for right streams */ if (u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, RUN)) { Log(("hda: DMA(%x) switched on\n", offset)); if (offset == 0x80) { AUD_set_active_in(pState->Codec.voice_pi, 1); //AUD_set_active_in(pState->Codec.voice_mc, 1); } if (offset == 0x100) { uint64_t u64BaseDMA = SDBDPL(pState, 4); u64BaseDMA |= (((uint64_t)SDBDPU(pState, 4)) << 32); if (u64BaseDMA) { //fetch_bd(pState, u64BaseDMA); AUD_set_active_out(pState->Codec.voice_po, 1); } //SDSTS(pState, 4) |= (1<<5); } } else { Log(("hda: DMA(%x) switched off\n", offset)); if (offset == 0x80) { AUD_set_active_in(pState->Codec.voice_pi, 0); //AUD_set_active_in(pState->Codec.voice_mc, 0); } if (offset == 0x100) { SDSTS(pState, 4) &= ~(1<<5); AUD_set_active_out(pState->Codec.voice_po, 0); } //SSYNC(pState) &= ~(1<< (offset - 0x80)); } int rc = hdaRegWriteU24(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, VINF_SUCCESS); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { uint32_t v = HDA_REG_IND(pState, index); v ^= (u32Value & v); HDA_REG_IND(pState, index) = v; hdaProcessInterrupt(pState); #if 0 if ( v != u32Value && (INTCTL_SALL(pState) & (1 << ((offset - 0x83) >> 5)))) { int rc; rc = hdaProcessInterrupt(pState); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDLVI(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, VINF_SUCCESS); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDBDPL(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, VINF_SUCCESS); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteSDBDPU(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, VINF_SUCCESS); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteIRS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint64_t resp; PFNCODECVERBPROCESSOR pfn = (PFNCODECVERBPROCESSOR)NULL; if ( u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(IRS, ICB) && !IRS_ICB(pState)) { uint32_t cmd = IC(pState); IRS(pState) = HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(IRS, ICB); /* busy */ Log(("hda: IC:%x\n", cmd)); rc = pState->Codec.pfnLookup(&pState->Codec, cmd, &pfn); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = pfn(&pState->Codec, cmd, &resp); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); IR(pState) = (uint32_t)resp; Log(("hda: IR:%x\n", IR(pState))); IRS(pState) = HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(IRS, IRV); /* clear busy, result is ready */ return rc; } if ( u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(IRS, IRV) && IRS_IRV(pState)) IRS(pState) ^= HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(IRS, IRV); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteRIRBWP(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { if (u32Value & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(RIRBWP, RST)) { RIRBWP(pState) = 0; } /*The rest of bits are O, see 6.2.22 */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteBase(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { int rc = hdaRegWriteU32(pState, offset, index, u32Value); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); switch(index) { case ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBLBASE: pState->u64CORBBase &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL; pState->u64CORBBase |= pState->au32Regs[index]; break; case ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBUBASE: pState->u64CORBBase &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL; pState->u64CORBBase |= ((uint64_t)pState->au32Regs[index] << 32); break; case ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRLBASE: pState->u64RIRBBase &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL; pState->u64RIRBBase |= pState->au32Regs[index]; break; case ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRUBASE: pState->u64RIRBBase &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL; pState->u64RIRBBase |= ((uint64_t)pState->au32Regs[index] << 32); break; case ICH6_HDA_REG_DPLBASE: /* @todo: first bit has special meaning */ pState->u64DPBase &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL; pState->u64DPBase |= pState->au32Regs[index]; break; case ICH6_HDA_REG_DPUBASE: pState->u64DPBase &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL; pState->u64DPBase |= ((uint64_t)pState->au32Regs[index] << 32); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid index")); } Log(("hda: CORB base:%llx RIRB base: %llx DP base: %llx\n", pState->u64CORBBase, pState->u64RIRBBase, pState->u64DPBase)); return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int)hdaRegWriteRIRBSTS(INTELHDLinkState* pState, uint32_t offset, uint32_t index, uint32_t u32Value) { uint8_t nv = u32Value; uint8_t v = RIRBSTS(pState); RIRBSTS(pState) = (v ^ nv) & v; return hdaProcessInterrupt(pState); } static void dump_bd(INTELHDLinkState *pState, PHDABDLEDESC pBdle, uint64_t u64BaseDMA) { uint64_t addr; uint32_t len; uint32_t ioc; uint8_t bdle[16]; uint32_t counter; uint32_t i; uint32_t sum = 0; Assert(pBdle && pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi); for (i = 0; i <= pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi; ++i) { PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), u64BaseDMA + i*16, bdle, 16); addr = *(uint64_t *)bdle; len = *(uint32_t *)&bdle[8]; ioc = *(uint32_t *)&bdle[12]; Log(("hda: %s bdle[%d] a:%lx, len:%x, ioc:%d\n", (i == pBdle->u32BdleCvi? "[C]": " "), i, addr, len, ioc)); sum += len; } Log(("hda: sum: %d\n", sum)); for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), pState->u64DPBase + i*8, &counter, 4); Log(("hda: %s stream[%d] counter=%x\n", i == SDCTL_NUM(pState, 4) || i == SDCTL_NUM(pState, 0)? "[C]": " ", i , counter)); } } static void fetch_bd(INTELHDLinkState *pState, PHDABDLEDESC pBdle, uint64_t u64BaseDMA) { uint8_t bdle[16]; Assert((u64BaseDMA && pBdle && pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi)); PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), u64BaseDMA + pBdle->u32BdleCvi*16, bdle, 16); pBdle->u64BdleCviAddr = *(uint64_t *)bdle; pBdle->u32BdleCviLen = *(uint32_t *)&bdle[8]; pBdle->fBdleCviIoc = (*(uint32_t *)&bdle[12]) & 0x1; dump_bd(pState, pBdle, u64BaseDMA); } static uint32_t read_audio(INTELHDLinkState *pState, int avail, bool *fStop) { uint8_t tmpbuf[4096]; uint32_t temp; uint32_t u32Rest = 0; uint32_t cbRead = 0; uint32_t to_copy = 0; /* todo: add input line detection */ PHDABDLEDESC pBdle = &pState->stInBdle; SWVoiceIn *voice = pState->Codec.voice_pi; u32Rest = pBdle->u32BdleCviLen - pBdle->u32BdleCviPos; temp = audio_MIN(u32Rest, (uint32_t)avail); if (!temp) { *fStop = true; return cbRead; } while (temp) { int copied; to_copy = audio_MIN(temp, 4096U); copied = AUD_read (voice, tmpbuf, to_copy); Log (("hda: read_audio max=%x to_copy=%x copied=%x\n", avail, to_copy, copied)); if (!copied) { *fStop = true; break; } PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), pBdle->u64BdleCviAddr + pBdle->u32BdleCviPos, tmpbuf, copied); temp -= copied; cbRead += copied; pBdle->u32BdleCviPos += copied; } return cbRead; } static uint32_t write_audio(INTELHDLinkState *pState, int avail, bool *fStop) { uint8_t tmpbuf[4096]; uint32_t temp; uint32_t u32Rest; uint32_t written = 0; int to_copy = 0; PHDABDLEDESC pBdle = &pState->stOutBdle; u32Rest = pBdle->u32BdleCviLen - pBdle->u32BdleCviPos; temp = audio_MIN(u32Rest, (uint32_t)avail); if (!temp) { *fStop = true; return written; } while (temp) { int copied; to_copy = audio_MIN(temp, 4096U); PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), pBdle->u64BdleCviAddr + pBdle->u32BdleCviPos, tmpbuf, to_copy); copied = AUD_write (pState->Codec.voice_po, tmpbuf, to_copy); Log (("hda: write_audio max=%x to_copy=%x copied=%x\n", avail, to_copy, copied)); Assert((copied)); if (!copied) { *fStop = true; break; } temp -= copied; written += copied; pBdle->u32BdleCviPos += copied; } return written; } DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaCodecReset(CODECState *pCodecState) { INTELHDLinkState *pState = (INTELHDLinkState *)pCodecState->pHDAState; return VINF_SUCCESS; } DECLCALLBACK(void) hdaTransfer(CODECState *pCodecState, ENMSOUNDSOURCE src, int avail) { bool fStop = false; uint64_t u64BaseDMA = 0; PHDABDLEDESC pBdle = NULL; INTELHDLinkState *pState = (INTELHDLinkState *)pCodecState->pHDAState; uint32_t u32Counter; uint32_t nBytes; uint32_t u32Ctl; uint32_t *pu32Sts; uint8_t u8Strm; uint32_t *pu32Lpib; uint32_t u32Lcbl; switch (src) { case PO_INDEX: { u8Strm = 4; u32Ctl = SDCTL(pState, 4); u64BaseDMA = SDBDPL(pState, 4); u64BaseDMA |= (((uint64_t)SDBDPU(pState, 4)) << 32); pu32Lpib = &SDLPIB(pState, 4); pu32Sts = &SDSTS(pState, 4); u32Lcbl = SDLCBL(pState, 4); pBdle = &pState->stOutBdle; pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi = SDLVI(pState, 4); break; } case PI_INDEX: { u8Strm = 0; u32Ctl = SDCTL(pState, 0); pu32Lpib = &SDLPIB(pState, 0); pu32Sts = &SDSTS(pState, 0); u32Lcbl = SDLCBL(pState, 0); u64BaseDMA = SDBDPL(pState, 0); u64BaseDMA |= (((uint64_t)SDBDPU(pState, 0)) << 32); pBdle = &pState->stInBdle; pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi = SDLVI(pState, 0); break; } default: return; } if ( !(u32Ctl & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, RUN)) || !avail || !u64BaseDMA) return; fetch_bd(pState, pBdle, u64BaseDMA); while( avail && !fStop) { PDMDevHlpPhysRead(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), (pState->u64DPBase & ~0x1) + u8Strm*8, &u32Counter, 4); switch (src) { case PO_INDEX: nBytes = write_audio(pState, avail, &fStop); break; case PI_INDEX: nBytes = read_audio(pState, avail, &fStop); break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("Unsupported")); } if ( fStop && pBdle->u32BdleCviLen != pBdle->u32BdleCviPos) break; *pu32Lpib += nBytes; avail -= nBytes; u32Counter += nBytes; PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), (pState->u64DPBase & ~0x1) + u8Strm*8, &u32Counter, 4); if ( pBdle->u32BdleCviPos == pBdle->u32BdleCviLen || *pu32Lpib == u32Lcbl) { if ( u32Ctl & HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDCTL, ICE) && ( ( pBdle->u32BdleCviPos == pBdle->u32BdleCviLen && pBdle->fBdleCviIoc ) || *pu32Lpib == u32Lcbl)) { *pu32Sts |= HDA_REG_FIELD_FLAG_MASK(SDSTS, BCIS); hdaProcessInterrupt(pState); if (*pu32Lpib == u32Lcbl) { *pu32Lpib = 0; u32Counter = 0; PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(ICH6_HDASTATE_2_DEVINS(pState), (pState->u64DPBase & ~0x1) + u8Strm*8, &u32Counter, 4); } } if (pBdle->u32BdleCviPos == pBdle->u32BdleCviLen) { pBdle->u32BdleCviPos = 0; pBdle->u32BdleCvi++; if (pBdle->u32BdleCvi == pBdle->u32BdleMaxCvi + 1) pBdle->u32BdleCvi = 0; } fStop = false; fetch_bd(pState, pBdle, u64BaseDMA); } } } /** * Handle register read operation. * * Looks up and calls appropriate handler. * * @note: while implementation was detected so called "forgotten" or "hole" registers * which description is missed in RPM, datasheet or spec. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pState The device state structure. * @param uOffset Register offset in memory-mapped frame. * @param pv Where to fetch the value. * @param cb Number of bytes to write. * @thread EMT */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hdaMMIORead(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); uint32_t u32Offset = GCPhysAddr - pThis->hda.addrMMReg; int index = hdaLookup(&pThis->hda, u32Offset); if (pThis->hda.fInReset && index != ICH6_HDA_REG_GCTL) { Log(("hda: access to registers except GCTL is blocked while reset\n")); } Assert( index != -1 && cb <= 4); if (index != -1) { uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t shift = (u32Offset - s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].offset) % sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; uint32_t v = 0; switch(cb) { case 1: mask = 0x000000ff; break; case 2: mask = 0x0000ffff; break; case 3: mask = 0x00ffffff; break; case 4: mask = 0xffffffff; break; } mask <<= shift; rc = s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].pfnRead(&pThis->hda, u32Offset, index, &v); *(uint32_t *)pv = (v & mask) >> shift; Log(("hda: read %s[%x/%x]\n", s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].abbrev, v, *(uint32_t *)pv)); return rc; } *(uint32_t *)pv = 0xFF; Log(("hda: hole at %X is accessed for read\n", u32Offset)); return rc; } /** * Handle register write operation. * * Looks up and calls appropriate handler. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pState The device state structure. * @param uOffset Register offset in memory-mapped frame. * @param pv Where to fetch the value. * @param cb Number of bytes to write. * @thread EMT */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hdaMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); uint32_t u32Offset = GCPhysAddr - pThis->hda.addrMMReg; int index = hdaLookup(&pThis->hda, u32Offset); if (pThis->hda.fInReset && index != ICH6_HDA_REG_GCTL) { Log(("hda: access to registers except GCTL is blocked while reset\n")); } Assert( index != -1 && cb <= 4); if (index != -1) { uint32_t v = pThis->hda.au32Regs[index]; uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t shift = (u32Offset - s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].offset) % sizeof(uint32_t) * 8; switch(cb) { case 1: mask = 0xffffff00; break; case 2: mask = 0xffff0000; break; case 3: mask = 0xff000000; break; case 4: mask = 0x00000000; break; } mask <<= shift; *(uint32_t *)pv = ((v & mask) | (*(uint32_t *)pv & ~mask)) >> shift; rc = s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].pfnWrite(&pThis->hda, u32Offset, index, *(uint32_t *)pv); Log(("hda: write %s:(%x) %x => %x\n", s_ichIntelHDRegMap[index].abbrev, *(uint32_t *)pv, v, pThis->hda.au32Regs[index])); return rc; } Log(("hda: hole at %X is accessed for write\n", u32Offset)); return rc; } /** * Callback function for mapping a PCI I/O region. * * @return VBox status code. * @param pPciDev Pointer to PCI device. * Use pPciDev->pDevIns to get the device instance. * @param iRegion The region number. * @param GCPhysAddress Physical address of the region. * If iType is PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, this is an * I/O port, else it's a physical address. * This address is *NOT* relative * to pci_mem_base like earlier! * @param enmType One of the PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_* values. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaMap (PPCIDEVICE pPciDev, int iRegion, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddress, uint32_t cb, PCIADDRESSSPACE enmType) { int rc; PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pPciDev->pDevIns; RTIOPORT Port = (RTIOPORT)GCPhysAddress; PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PCIDEV_2_ICH6_HDASTATE(pPciDev); Assert(enmType == PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM); rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegister(pPciDev->pDevIns, GCPhysAddress, cb, 0, hdaMMIOWrite, hdaMMIORead, NULL, "ICH6_HDA"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->hda.addrMMReg = GCPhysAddress; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Saves a state of the HDA device. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pSSMHandle The handle to save the state to. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaSaveExec (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSMHandle) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); /* Save Codec nodes states */ stac9220SaveState(&pThis->hda.Codec, pSSMHandle); /* Save MMIO registers */ SSMR3PutMem (pSSMHandle, pThis->hda.au32Regs, sizeof (pThis->hda.au32Regs)); /* Save HDA dma counters */ SSMR3PutMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stOutBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); SSMR3PutMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stMicBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); SSMR3PutMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stInBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); uint8_t voices = AUD_is_active_in(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_pi)? RT_BIT(0):0; voices |= AUD_is_active_in(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_mc)? RT_BIT(1):0; voices |= AUD_is_active_out(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_po)? RT_BIT(2):0; SSMR3PutU8(pSSMHandle, voices); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Loads a saved HDA device state. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pSSMHandle The handle to the saved state. * @param uVersion The data unit version number. * @param uPass The data pass. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaLoadExec (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSMHandle, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); /* Load Codec nodes states */ stac9220LoadState(&pThis->hda.Codec, pSSMHandle); /* Load MMIO registers */ SSMR3GetMem (pSSMHandle, pThis->hda.au32Regs, sizeof (pThis->hda.au32Regs)); /* Load HDA dma counters */ SSMR3GetMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stOutBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); SSMR3GetMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stMicBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); SSMR3GetMem (pSSMHandle, &pThis->hda.stInBdle, sizeof (HDABDLEDESC)); uint8_t voices; SSMR3GetU8(pSSMHandle, &voices); AUD_set_active_in(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_pi, voices & RT_BIT(0)); AUD_set_active_in(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_mc, voices & RT_BIT(1)); AUD_set_active_out(pThis->hda.Codec.voice_po, voices & RT_BIT(2)); pThis->hda.u64CORBBase = CORBLBASE(&pThis->hda); pThis->hda.u64CORBBase |= ((uint64_t)CORBUBASE(&pThis->hda)) << 32; pThis->hda.u64RIRBBase = RIRLBASE(&pThis->hda); pThis->hda.u64RIRBBase |= ((uint64_t)RIRUBASE(&pThis->hda)) << 32; pThis->hda.u64DPBase = DPLBASE(&pThis->hda); pThis->hda.u64DPBase |= ((uint64_t)DPUBASE(&pThis->hda)) << 32; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Reset notification. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pDevIns The device instance data. * * @remark The original sources didn't install a reset handler, but it seems to * make sense to me so we'll do it. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) hdaReset (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); GCAP(&pThis->hda) = 0x4401; /* see 6.2.1 */ VMIN(&pThis->hda) = 0x00; /* see 6.2.2 */ VMAJ(&pThis->hda) = 0x01; /* see 6.2.3 */ VMAJ(&pThis->hda) = 0x01; /* see 6.2.3 */ OUTPAY(&pThis->hda) = 0x003C; /* see 6.2.4 */ INPAY(&pThis->hda) = 0x001D; /* see 6.2.5 */ pThis->hda.au32Regs[ICH6_HDA_REG_CORBSIZE] = 0x42; /* see 6.2.1 */ pThis->hda.au32Regs[ICH6_HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE] = 0x42; /* see 6.2.1 */ CORBRP(&pThis->hda) = 0x0; RIRBWP(&pThis->hda) = 0x0; LogRel(("hda: inter HDA reset.\n")); //** @todo r=michaln: There should be LogRel statements when the guest initializes // or resets the HDA chip, and possibly also when opening the PCM streams. pThis->hda.cbCorbBuf = 256 * sizeof(uint32_t); if (pThis->hda.pu32CorbBuf) memset(pThis->hda.pu32CorbBuf, 0, pThis->hda.cbCorbBuf); else pThis->hda.pu32CorbBuf = (uint32_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->hda.cbCorbBuf); pThis->hda.cbRirbBuf = 256 * sizeof(uint64_t); if (pThis->hda.pu64RirbBuf) memset(pThis->hda.pu64RirbBuf, 0, pThis->hda.cbRirbBuf); else pThis->hda.pu64RirbBuf = (uint64_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->hda.cbRirbBuf); /* Accoding to ICH6 datasheet, 0x40000 is default value for stream descriptor register 23:20 * bits are reserved for stream number 18.2.33 */ SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 0) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 1) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 2) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 3) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 4) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 5) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 6) = 0x40000; SDCTL(&pThis->hda, 7) = 0x40000; /* ICH6 defines default values (0x77 for input and 0xBF for output descriptors) of FIFO size. 18.2.39 */ SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 0) = 0x77; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 1) = 0x77; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 2) = 0x77; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 3) = 0x77; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 4) = 0xBF; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 5) = 0xBF; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 6) = 0xBF; SDFIFOS(&pThis->hda, 7) = 0xBF; /* emulateion of codec "wake up" HDA spec (5.5.1 and 6.5)*/ STATESTS(&pThis->hda) = 0x1; Log(("hda: reset finished\n")); } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) hdaQueryInterface (struct PDMIBASE *pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, PCIINTELHDLinkState, hda.IBase); Assert(&pThis->hda.IBase == pInterface); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pThis->hda.IBase); return NULL; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnConstruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaConstruct (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); INTELHDLinkState *s = &pThis->hda; int rc; Assert(iInstance == 0); PDMDEV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDevIns); /* * Validations. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid (pCfgHandle, "\0")) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR (pDevIns, VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES, N_ ("Invalid configuration for the INTELHD device")); // ** @todo r=michaln: This device may need R0/RC enabling, especially if guests // poll some register(s). /* * Initialize data (most of it anyway). */ s->pDevIns = pDevIns; /* IBase */ s->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = hdaQueryInterface; /* PCI Device (the assertions will be removed later) */ PCIDevSetVendorId (&pThis->dev, 0x8086); /* 00 ro - intel. */ PCIDevSetDeviceId (&pThis->dev, 0x2668); /* 02 ro - 82801 / 82801aa(?). */ PCIDevSetCommand (&pThis->dev, 0x0000); /* 04 rw,ro - pcicmd. */ PCIDevSetStatus (&pThis->dev, 0x0010); /* 06 rwc?,ro? - pcists. */ PCIDevSetRevisionId (&pThis->dev, 0x01); /* 08 ro - rid. */ PCIDevSetClassProg (&pThis->dev, 0x00); /* 09 ro - pi. */ PCIDevSetClassSub (&pThis->dev, 0x03); /* 0a ro - scc; 03 == HDA. */ PCIDevSetClassBase (&pThis->dev, 0x04); /* 0b ro - bcc; 04 == multimedia. */ PCIDevSetHeaderType (&pThis->dev, 0x00); /* 0e ro - headtyp. */ PCIDevSetBaseAddress (&pThis->dev, 0, /* 10 rw - MMIO */ false /* fIoSpace */, false /* fPrefetchable */, true /* f64Bit */, 0x00000000); /* ICH6 datasheet defines 0 values for SVID and SID (18.1.14-15), which together with values returned for verb F20 should provide device/codec recognition. */ PCIDevSetSubSystemVendorId (&pThis->dev, 0x0000); /* 2c ro - intel.) */ PCIDevSetSubSystemId (&pThis->dev, 0x0000); /* 2e ro. */ PCIDevSetInterruptLine (&pThis->dev, 0x00); /* 3c rw. */ PCIDevSetInterruptPin (&pThis->dev, 0x01); /* 3d ro - INTA#. */ Assert (pThis->dev.config[0x3d] == 0x01); PCIDevSetCapabilityList(&pThis->dev, 0x50); /* ICH6 datasheet 18.1.16 */ //** @todo r=michaln: If there are really no PCIDevSetXx for these, the meaning // of these values needs to be properly documented! /* HDCTL off 0x40 bit 0 selects signaling mode (1-HDA, 0 - Ac97) 18.1.19 */ pThis->dev.config[0x40] = 0x01; pThis->dev.config[0x50] = 0x01; pThis->dev.config[0x51] = 0x60; /* next */ pThis->dev.config[0x52] = 0x22; pThis->dev.config[0x53] = 0x00; /* PM - disabled, */ #if 0 pThis->dev.config[0x60] = 0x05; pThis->dev.config[0x61] = 0x70; /* next */ pThis->dev.config[0x62] = 0x00; pThis->dev.config[0x63] = 0x80; #endif /* * Register the PCI device. */ rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegister (pDevIns, &pThis->dev); if (RT_FAILURE (rc)) return rc; rc = PDMDevHlpPCIIORegionRegister (pDevIns, 0, 0x4000, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM, hdaMap); if (RT_FAILURE (rc)) return rc; rc = PDMDevHlpSSMRegister (pDevIns, HDA_SSM_VERSION, sizeof(*pThis), hdaSaveExec, hdaLoadExec); if (RT_FAILURE (rc)) return rc; /* * Attach driver. */ rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach (pDevIns, 0, &s->IBase, &s->pDrvBase, "Audio Driver Port"); if (rc == VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER) Log (("hda: No attached driver!\n")); else if (RT_FAILURE (rc)) { AssertMsgFailed (("Failed to attach INTELHD LUN #0! rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } pThis->hda.Codec.pHDAState = (void *)&pThis->hda; rc = stac9220Construct(&pThis->hda.Codec); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); hdaReset (pDevIns); pThis->hda.Codec.id = 0; pThis->hda.Codec.pfnTransfer = hdaTransfer; pThis->hda.Codec.pfnReset = hdaCodecReset; /* * 18.2.6,7 defines that values of this registers might be cleared on power on/reset * hdaReset shouldn't affects these registers. */ WAKEEN(&pThis->hda) = 0x0; STATESTS(&pThis->hda) = 0x0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hdaDestruct (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PCIINTELHDLinkState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PCIINTELHDLinkState *); int rc = stac9220Destruct(&pThis->hda.Codec); AssertRC(rc); if (pThis->hda.pu32CorbBuf) RTMemFree(pThis->hda.pu32CorbBuf); if (pThis->hda.pu64RirbBuf) RTMemFree(pThis->hda.pu64RirbBuf); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * The device registration structure. */ const PDMDEVREG g_DeviceICH6_HDA = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "hda", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "ICH IntelHD Audio Controller", /* fFlags */ PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_DEFAULT_BITS, /* fClass */ PDM_DEVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ 1, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(PCIINTELHDLinkState), /* pfnConstruct */ hdaConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ hdaDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ hdaReset, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnQueryInterface. */ NULL, /* pfnInitComplete */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32VersionEnd */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION };