/* $Id: AudioTestServiceTcp.cpp 90048 2021-07-06 09:10:25Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * AudioTestServiceTcp - Audio test execution server, TCP/IP Transport Layer. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_AUDIO_TEST #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AudioTestService.h" #include "AudioTestServiceInternal.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * TCP specific client data. */ typedef struct ATSTRANSPORTCLIENT { /** Socket of the current client. */ RTSOCKET hTcpClient; /** Indicates whether \a hTcpClient comes from the server or from a client * connect (relevant when closing it). */ bool fFromServer; /** The size of the stashed data. */ size_t cbTcpStashed; /** The size of the stashed data allocation. */ size_t cbTcpStashedAlloced; /** The stashed data. */ uint8_t *pbTcpStashed; } ATSTRANSPORTCLIENT; /** * Enumeration for the TCP/IP connection mode. */ typedef enum ATSTCPMODE { /** Both: Uses parallel client and server connection methods (via threads). */ ATSTCPMODE_BOTH = 0, /** Client only: Connects to a server. */ ATSTCPMODE_CLIENT, /** Server only: Listens for new incoming client connections. */ ATSTCPMODE_SERVER } ATSTCPMODE; /** * Structure for keeping Audio Test Service (ATS) transport instance-specific data. */ typedef struct ATSTRANSPORTINST { /** Critical section for serializing access. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Connection mode to use. */ ATSTCPMODE enmMode; /** The addresses to bind to. Empty string means any. */ char szBindAddr[256]; /** The TCP port to listen to. */ uint32_t uBindPort; /** The addresses to connect to if running in reversed (VM NATed) mode. */ char szConnectAddr[256]; /** The TCP port to connect to if running in reversed (VM NATed) mode. */ uint32_t uConnectPort; /** Pointer to the TCP server instance. */ PRTTCPSERVER pTcpServer; /** Thread calling RTTcpServerListen2. */ RTTHREAD hThreadServer; /** Thread calling RTTcpClientConnect. */ RTTHREAD hThreadConnect; /** The main thread handle (for signalling). */ RTTHREAD hThreadMain; /** Stop connecting attempts when set. */ bool fStopConnecting; /** Connect cancel cookie. */ PRTTCPCLIENTCONNECTCANCEL volatile pConnectCancelCookie; } ATSTRANSPORTINST; /** Pointer to an Audio Test Service (ATS) TCP/IP transport instance. */ typedef ATSTRANSPORTINST *PATSTRANSPORTINST; /** * Structure holding an ATS connection context, which is * required when connecting a client via server (listening) or client (connecting). */ typedef struct ATSCONNCTX { /** Pointer to transport instance to use. */ PATSTRANSPORTINST pInst; /** Pointer to transport client to connect. */ PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient; } ATSCONNCTX; /** Pointer to an Audio Test Service (ATS) TCP/IP connection context. */ typedef ATSCONNCTX *PATSCONNCTX; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Disconnects the current client and frees all stashed data. */ static void atsTcpDisconnectClient(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient) { RT_NOREF(pThis); if (pClient->hTcpClient != NIL_RTSOCKET) { int rc; if (pClient->fFromServer) rc = RTTcpServerDisconnectClient2(pClient->hTcpClient); else rc = RTTcpClientClose(pClient->hTcpClient); pClient->hTcpClient = NIL_RTSOCKET; AssertRCSuccess(rc); } if (pClient->pbTcpStashed) { RTMemFree(pClient->pbTcpStashed); pClient->pbTcpStashed = NULL; } } /** * Sets the current client socket in a safe manner. * * @returns NIL_RTSOCKET if consumed, other wise hTcpClient. * @param pThis Transport instance. * @param pClient Client to set the socket for. * @param fFromServer Whether the socket is from a server (listening) or client (connecting) call. * Important when closing / disconnecting. * @param hTcpClient The client socket. */ static RTSOCKET atsTcpSetClient(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, bool fFromServer, RTSOCKET hTcpClient) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); if ( pClient->hTcpClient == NIL_RTSOCKET && !pThis->fStopConnecting) { LogFunc(("New client connected\n")); pClient->fFromServer = fFromServer; pClient->hTcpClient = hTcpClient; hTcpClient = NIL_RTSOCKET; /* Invalidate, as pClient has now ownership. */ } RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); return hTcpClient; } /** * Checks if it's a fatal RTTcpClientConnect return code. * * @returns true / false. * @param rc The IPRT status code. */ static bool atsTcpIsFatalClientConnectStatus(int rc) { return rc != VERR_NET_UNREACHABLE && rc != VERR_NET_HOST_DOWN && rc != VERR_NET_HOST_UNREACHABLE && rc != VERR_NET_CONNECTION_REFUSED && rc != VERR_TIMEOUT && rc != VERR_NET_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT; } /** * Server mode connection thread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param hSelf Thread handle. Ignored. * @param pvUser Pointer to ATSTRANSPORTINST the thread is bound to. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpServerConnectThread(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(hSelf); PATSCONNCTX pConnCtx = (PATSCONNCTX)pvUser; PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis = pConnCtx->pInst; PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient = pConnCtx->pClient; RTSOCKET hTcpClient; int rc = RTTcpServerListen2(pThis->pTcpServer, &hTcpClient); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { hTcpClient = atsTcpSetClient(pThis, pClient, true /* fFromServer */, hTcpClient); RTTcpServerDisconnectClient2(hTcpClient); } return rc; } /** * Client mode connection thread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param hSelf Thread handle. Use to sleep on. The main thread will * signal it to speed up thread shutdown. * @param pvUser Pointer to a connection context (PATSCONNCTX) the thread is bound to. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpClientConnectThread(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser) { PATSCONNCTX pConnCtx = (PATSCONNCTX)pvUser; PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis = pConnCtx->pInst; PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient = pConnCtx->pClient; for (;;) { /* Stop? */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); bool fStop = pThis->fStopConnecting; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (fStop) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Try connect. */ /** @todo make cancelable! */ RTSOCKET hTcpClient; int rc = RTTcpClientConnectEx(pThis->szConnectAddr, pThis->uConnectPort, &hTcpClient, RT_SOCKETCONNECT_DEFAULT_WAIT, &pThis->pConnectCancelCookie); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { hTcpClient = atsTcpSetClient(pThis, pClient, false /* fFromServer */, hTcpClient); RTTcpClientCloseEx(hTcpClient, true /* fGracefulShutdown*/); break; } if (atsTcpIsFatalClientConnectStatus(rc)) return rc; /* Delay a wee bit before retrying. */ RTThreadUserWait(hSelf, 1536); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Wait on the threads to complete. * * @returns Thread status (if collected), otherwise VINF_SUCCESS. * @param pThis Transport instance. * @param cMillies The period to wait on each thread. */ static int atsTcpConnectWaitOnThreads(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies) { int rcRet = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pThis->hThreadConnect != NIL_RTTHREAD) { int rcThread; int rc2 = RTThreadWait(pThis->hThreadConnect, cMillies, &rcThread); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { pThis->hThreadConnect = NIL_RTTHREAD; rcRet = rcThread; } } if (pThis->hThreadServer != NIL_RTTHREAD) { int rcThread; int rc2 = RTThreadWait(pThis->hThreadServer, cMillies, &rcThread); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { pThis->hThreadServer = NIL_RTTHREAD; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) rcRet = rcThread; } } return rcRet; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnWaitForConnect} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpWaitForConnect(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PPATSTRANSPORTCLIENT ppClientNew) { PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient = (PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(ATSTRANSPORTCLIENT)); AssertPtrReturn(pClient, VERR_NO_MEMORY); int rc; if (pThis->enmMode == ATSTCPMODE_SERVER) { pClient->fFromServer = true; rc = RTTcpServerListen2(pThis->pTcpServer, &pClient->hTcpClient); LogFunc(("RTTcpServerListen2 -> %Rrc\n", rc)); } else if (pThis->enmMode == ATSTCPMODE_CLIENT) { pClient->fFromServer = false; for (;;) { Log2Func(("Calling RTTcpClientConnect(%s, %u,)...\n", pThis->szConnectAddr, pThis->uConnectPort)); rc = RTTcpClientConnect(pThis->szConnectAddr, pThis->uConnectPort, &pClient->hTcpClient); LogFunc(("RTTcpClientConnect -> %Rrc\n", rc)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || atsTcpIsFatalClientConnectStatus(rc)) break; /* Delay a wee bit before retrying. */ RTThreadSleep(1536); } } else { Assert(pThis->enmMode == ATSTCPMODE_BOTH); /* * Create client threads. */ RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->fStopConnecting = false; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); atsTcpConnectWaitOnThreads(pThis, 32 /* cMillies */); ATSCONNCTX ConnCtx; RT_ZERO(ConnCtx); ConnCtx.pInst = pThis; ConnCtx.pClient = pClient; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pThis->hThreadConnect == NIL_RTTHREAD) { pThis->pConnectCancelCookie = NULL; rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->hThreadConnect, atsTcpClientConnectThread, &ConnCtx, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "tcpconn"); } if (pThis->hThreadServer == NIL_RTTHREAD && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->hThreadServer, atsTcpServerConnectThread, &ConnCtx, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "tcpserv"); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); /* * Wait for connection to be established. */ while ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pClient->hTcpClient == NIL_RTSOCKET) { RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); rc = atsTcpConnectWaitOnThreads(pThis, 10 /* cMillies */); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); } /* * Cancel the threads. */ pThis->fStopConnecting = true; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); RTTcpClientCancelConnect(&pThis->pConnectCancelCookie); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *ppClientNew = pClient; } else { if (pClient) { RTTcpServerDisconnectClient2(pClient->hTcpClient); RTMemFree(pClient); pClient = NULL; } } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnNotifyReboot} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpNotifyReboot(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis) { LogFunc(("RTTcpServerDestroy(%p)\n", pThis->pTcpServer)); if (pThis->pTcpServer) { int rc = RTTcpServerDestroy(pThis->pTcpServer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMsgInfo("RTTcpServerDestroy failed in atsTcpNotifyReboot: %Rrc", rc); pThis->pTcpServer = NULL; } } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnNotifyBye} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpNotifyBye(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient) { LogFunc(("atsTcpDisconnectClient %RTsock\n", pClient->hTcpClient)); atsTcpDisconnectClient(pThis, pClient); RTMemFree(pClient); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnNotifyHowdy} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpNotifyHowdy(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient) { /* nothing to do here */ RT_NOREF(pThis, pClient); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnBabble} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpBabble(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, PCATSPKTHDR pPktHdr, RTMSINTERVAL cMsSendTimeout) { /* * Try send the babble reply. */ NOREF(cMsSendTimeout); /** @todo implement the timeout here; non-blocking write + select-on-write. */ int rc; size_t cbToSend = RT_ALIGN_Z(pPktHdr->cb, ATSPKT_ALIGNMENT); do rc = RTTcpWrite(pClient->hTcpClient, pPktHdr, cbToSend); while (rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED); /* * Disconnect the client. */ LogFunc(("atsTcpDisconnectClient(%RTsock) (RTTcpWrite rc=%Rrc)\n", pClient->hTcpClient, rc)); atsTcpDisconnectClient(pThis, pClient); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnSendPkt} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpSendPkt(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, PCATSPKTHDR pPktHdr) { AssertReturn(pPktHdr->cb >= sizeof(ATSPKTHDR), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Write it. */ size_t cbToSend = RT_ALIGN_Z(pPktHdr->cb, ATSPKT_ALIGNMENT); Log3Func(("%RU32 -> %zu\n", pPktHdr->cb, cbToSend)); Log3Func(("Header:\n" "%.*Rhxd\n", RT_MIN(sizeof(ATSPKTHDR), cbToSend), pPktHdr)); if (cbToSend > sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)) Log3Func(("Payload:\n" "%.*Rhxd\n", RT_MIN(64, cbToSend - sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)), (uint8_t *)pPktHdr + sizeof(ATSPKTHDR))); int rc = RTTcpWrite(pClient->hTcpClient, pPktHdr, cbToSend); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_INTERRUPTED) { /* assume fatal connection error. */ LogFunc(("RTTcpWrite -> %Rrc -> atsTcpDisconnectClient(%RTsock)\n", rc, pClient->hTcpClient)); atsTcpDisconnectClient(pThis, pClient); } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnRecvPkt} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpRecvPkt(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, PPATSPKTHDR ppPktHdr) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; *ppPktHdr = NULL; /* * Read state. */ size_t offData = 0; size_t cbData = 0; size_t cbDataAlloced; uint8_t *pbData = NULL; /* * Any stashed data? */ if (pClient->cbTcpStashedAlloced) { offData = pClient->cbTcpStashed; cbDataAlloced = pClient->cbTcpStashedAlloced; pbData = pClient->pbTcpStashed; pClient->cbTcpStashed = 0; pClient->cbTcpStashedAlloced = 0; pClient->pbTcpStashed = NULL; } else { cbDataAlloced = RT_ALIGN_Z(64, ATSPKT_ALIGNMENT); pbData = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(cbDataAlloced); if (!pbData) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } /* * Read and validate the length. */ while (offData < sizeof(uint32_t)) { size_t cbRead; rc = RTTcpRead(pClient->hTcpClient, pbData + offData, sizeof(uint32_t) - offData, &cbRead); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if (cbRead == 0) { LogFunc(("RTTcpRead -> %Rrc / cbRead=0 -> VERR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED (#1)\n", rc)); rc = VERR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED; break; } offData += cbRead; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ASMCompilerBarrier(); /* paranoia^3 */ cbData = *(uint32_t volatile *)pbData; if (cbData >= sizeof(ATSPKTHDR) && cbData <= ATSPKT_MAX_SIZE) { /* * Align the length and reallocate the return packet it necessary. */ cbData = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbData, ATSPKT_ALIGNMENT); if (cbData > cbDataAlloced) { void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pbData, cbData); if (pvNew) { pbData = (uint8_t *)pvNew; cbDataAlloced = cbData; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Read the remainder of the data. */ while (offData < cbData) { size_t cbRead; rc = RTTcpRead(pClient->hTcpClient, pbData + offData, cbData - offData, &cbRead); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if (cbRead == 0) { LogFunc(("RTTcpRead -> %Rrc / cbRead=0 -> VERR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED (#2)\n", rc)); rc = VERR_NET_NOT_CONNECTED; break; } offData += cbRead; } Log3Func(("Header:\n" "%.*Rhxd\n", sizeof(ATSPKTHDR), pbData)); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbData > sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)) Log3Func(("Payload:\n" "%.*Rhxd\n", RT_MIN(64, cbData - sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)), (uint8_t *)pbData + sizeof(ATSPKTHDR))); } } else rc = VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppPktHdr = (PATSPKTHDR)pbData; else { /* * Deal with errors. */ if (rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED) { /* stash it away for the next call. */ pClient->cbTcpStashed = cbData; pClient->cbTcpStashedAlloced = cbDataAlloced; pClient->pbTcpStashed = pbData; } else { RTMemFree(pbData); /* assume fatal connection error. */ LogFunc(("RTTcpRead -> %Rrc -> atsTcpDisconnectClient(%RTsock)\n", rc, pClient->hTcpClient)); atsTcpDisconnectClient(pThis, pClient); } } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnPollSetAdd} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpPollSetAdd(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, uint32_t idStart) { RT_NOREF(pThis); return RTPollSetAddSocket(hPollSet, pClient->hTcpClient, RTPOLL_EVT_READ | RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR, idStart); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnPollSetRemove} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpPollSetRemove(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient, uint32_t idStart) { RT_NOREF(pThis, pClient); return RTPollSetRemove(hPollSet, idStart); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnPollIn} */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) atsTcpPollIn(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, PATSTRANSPORTCLIENT pClient) { RT_NOREF(pThis); int rc = RTTcpSelectOne(pClient->hTcpClient, 0/*cMillies*/); return RT_SUCCESS(rc); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnTerm} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpTerm(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis) { /* Signal thread */ if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->CritSect)) { RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); pThis->fStopConnecting = true; RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); } if (pThis->hThreadConnect != NIL_RTTHREAD) { RTThreadUserSignal(pThis->hThreadConnect); RTTcpClientCancelConnect(&pThis->pConnectCancelCookie); } /* Shut down the server (will wake up thread). */ if (pThis->pTcpServer) { LogFunc(("Destroying server...\n")); int rc = RTTcpServerDestroy(pThis->pTcpServer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMsgInfo("RTTcpServerDestroy failed in atsTcpTerm: %Rrc", rc); pThis->pTcpServer = NULL; } /* Wait for the thread (they should've had some time to quit by now). */ atsTcpConnectWaitOnThreads(pThis, 15000); /* Finally, clean up the critical section. */ if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pThis->CritSect)) RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSect); LogFunc(("Done\n")); } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnCreate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpCreate(PATSTRANSPORTINST *ppThis) { PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis = (PATSTRANSPORTINST)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(ATSTRANSPORTINST)); AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_NO_MEMORY); *ppThis = pThis; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnDestroy} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpDestroy(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis) { /** @todo Anything else to do here? */ RTMemFree(pThis); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnStart} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpStart(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis) { int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pThis->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pThis->enmMode != ATSTCPMODE_CLIENT) { rc = RTTcpServerCreateEx(pThis->szBindAddr[0] ? pThis->szBindAddr : NULL, pThis->uBindPort, &pThis->pTcpServer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_NET_DOWN) { RTMsgInfo("RTTcpServerCreateEx(%s, %u,) failed: %Rrc, retrying for 20 seconds...\n", pThis->szBindAddr[0] ? pThis->szBindAddr : NULL, pThis->uBindPort, rc); uint64_t StartMs = RTTimeMilliTS(); do { RTThreadSleep(1000); rc = RTTcpServerCreateEx(pThis->szBindAddr[0] ? pThis->szBindAddr : NULL, pThis->uBindPort, &pThis->pTcpServer); } while ( rc == VERR_NET_DOWN && RTTimeMilliTS() - StartMs < 20000); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) RTMsgInfo("RTTcpServerCreateEx succceeded.\n"); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTMsgError("RTTcpServerCreateEx(%s, %u,) failed: %Rrc\n", pThis->szBindAddr[0] ? pThis->szBindAddr : NULL, pThis->uBindPort, rc); } } } return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnOption} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) atsTcpOption(PATSTRANSPORTINST pThis, int ch, PCRTGETOPTUNION pVal) { int rc; switch (ch) { case ATSTCPOPT_MODE: if (!strcmp(pVal->psz, "both")) pThis->enmMode = ATSTCPMODE_BOTH; else if (!strcmp(pVal->psz, "client")) pThis->enmMode = ATSTCPMODE_CLIENT; else if (!strcmp(pVal->psz, "server")) pThis->enmMode = ATSTCPMODE_SERVER; else return RTMsgErrorRc(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid TCP mode: '%s'\n", pVal->psz); return VINF_SUCCESS; case ATSTCPOPT_BIND_ADDRESS: rc = RTStrCopy(pThis->szBindAddr, sizeof(pThis->szBindAddr), pVal->psz); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorRc(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "TCP bind address is too long (%Rrc)", rc); return VINF_SUCCESS; case ATSTCPOPT_BIND_PORT: pThis->uBindPort = pVal->u16 == 0 ? ATS_TCP_DEF_BIND_PORT_GUEST : pVal->u16; return VINF_SUCCESS; case ATSTCPOPT_CONNECT_ADDRESS: rc = RTStrCopy(pThis->szConnectAddr, sizeof(pThis->szConnectAddr), pVal->psz); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTMsgErrorRc(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "TCP connect address is too long (%Rrc)", rc); if (!pThis->szConnectAddr[0]) strcpy(pThis->szConnectAddr, ATS_TCP_DEF_CONNECT_GUEST_STR); return VINF_SUCCESS; case ATSTCPOPT_CONNECT_PORT: pThis->uConnectPort = pVal->u16 == 0 ? ATS_TCP_DEF_BIND_PORT_GUEST : pVal->u16; return VINF_SUCCESS; default: break; } return VERR_TRY_AGAIN; } /** * @interface_method_impl{ATSTRANSPORT,pfnUsage} */ DECLCALLBACK(void) atsTcpUsage(PRTSTREAM pStream) { RTStrmPrintf(pStream, " --tcp-mode \n" " Selects the mode of operation.\n" " Default: both\n" " --tcp-bind-address
\n" " The address(es) to listen to TCP connection on. Empty string\n" " means any address, this is the default.\n" " --tcp-bind-port \n" " The port to listen to TCP connections on.\n" " Default: %u\n" " --tcp-connect-address
\n" " The address of the server to try connect to in client mode.\n" " Default: " ATS_TCP_DEF_CONNECT_GUEST_STR "\n" " --tcp-connect-port \n" " The port on the server to connect to in client mode.\n" " Default: %u\n" , ATS_TCP_DEF_BIND_PORT_GUEST, ATS_TCP_DEF_CONNECT_PORT_GUEST); } /** Command line options for the TCP/IP transport layer. */ static const RTGETOPTDEF g_TcpOpts[] = { { "--tcp-mode", ATSTCPOPT_MODE, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--tcp-bind-address", ATSTCPOPT_BIND_ADDRESS, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--tcp-bind-port", ATSTCPOPT_BIND_PORT, RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT16 }, { "--tcp-connect-address", ATSTCPOPT_CONNECT_ADDRESS, RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--tcp-connect-port", ATSTCPOPT_CONNECT_PORT, RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT16 } }; /** TCP/IP transport layer. */ const ATSTRANSPORT g_TcpTransport = { /* .szName = */ "tcp", /* .pszDesc = */ "TCP/IP", /* .cOpts = */ &g_TcpOpts[0], /* .paOpts = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_TcpOpts), /* .pfnUsage = */ atsTcpUsage, /* .pfnCreate = */ atsTcpCreate, /* .pfnDestroy = */ atsTcpDestroy, /* .pfnOption = */ atsTcpOption, /* .pfnStart = */ atsTcpStart, /* .pfnTerm = */ atsTcpTerm, /* .pfnWaitForConnect = */ atsTcpWaitForConnect, /* .pfnPollIn = */ atsTcpPollIn, /* .pfnPollSetAdd = */ atsTcpPollSetAdd, /* .pfnPollSetRemove = */ atsTcpPollSetRemove, /* .pfnRecvPkt = */ atsTcpRecvPkt, /* .pfnSendPkt = */ atsTcpSendPkt, /* .pfnBabble = */ atsTcpBabble, /* .pfnNotifyHowdy = */ atsTcpNotifyHowdy, /* .pfnNotifyBye = */ atsTcpNotifyBye, /* .pfnNotifyReboot = */ atsTcpNotifyReboot, /* .u32EndMarker = */ UINT32_C(0x12345678) };