1 | /* $Id: AudioTestServiceClient.cpp 89226 2021-05-21 15:02:10Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * AudioTestServiceClient - Audio test execution server, Client helpers.
4 | *
5 | * Note: Only does TCP/IP as transport layer for now.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2021 Oracle Corporation
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | */
19 |
20 |
21 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
22 | * Header Files *
23 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
25 | #include <iprt/crc.h>
26 | #include <iprt/err.h>
27 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
28 | #include <iprt/string.h>
29 | #include <iprt/tcp.h>
30 |
31 | #include "AudioTestServiceProtocol.h"
32 | #include "AudioTestServiceClient.h"
33 |
34 | /** @todo Use common defines between server protocol and this client. */
35 |
36 | typedef struct ATSSRVREPLY
37 | {
38 | char szOp[8];
39 | void *pvPayload;
40 | size_t cbPayload;
41 |
43 | typedef struct ATSSRVREPLY *PATSSRVREPLY;
44 |
45 |
46 | static void audioTestSvcClientConnInit(PATSCLIENT pClient)
47 | {
48 | pClient->cbHdr = 0;
49 | pClient->hSock = NIL_RTSOCKET;
50 | }
51 |
52 | static void audioTestSvcClientReplyFree(PATSSRVREPLY pReply)
53 | {
54 | if (!pReply)
55 | return;
56 |
57 | if (pReply->pvPayload)
58 | {
59 | Assert(pReply->cbPayload);
60 | RTMemFree(pReply->pvPayload);
61 | pReply->pvPayload = NULL;
62 | }
63 |
64 | pReply->cbPayload = 0;
65 | }
66 |
67 | static int audioTestSvcClientRecvReply(PATSCLIENT pClient, PATSSRVREPLY pReply, bool fNoDataOk)
68 | {
69 | int rc;
70 |
72 | size_t cbHdr = 0;
73 | if (pClient->cbHdr)
74 | {
75 | memcpy(&Hdr, &pClient->abHdr, sizeof(Hdr));
76 | cbHdr = pClient->cbHdr;
77 | pClient->cbHdr = 0;
78 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
79 | }
80 | else
81 | rc = RTTcpRead(pClient->hSock, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), &cbHdr);
82 |
83 | /** @todo Use defines for all those numbers below. */
84 |
85 | if (cbHdr != 16)
87 |
88 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
89 | {
90 | if (Hdr.cb < 16)
92 |
93 | if (Hdr.cb > 1024 * 1024)
95 |
96 | /** @todo Check opcode encoding. */
97 |
98 | if (Hdr.cb > 16)
99 | {
100 | uint32_t cbPadding;
101 | if (Hdr.cb % 16)
102 | cbPadding = 16 - (Hdr.cb % 16);
103 | else
104 | cbPadding = 0;
105 |
106 | pReply->pvPayload = RTMemAlloc(Hdr.cb - 16);
107 | pReply->cbPayload = Hdr.cb - 16;
108 |
109 | size_t cbRead = 0;
110 | rc = RTTcpRead(pClient->hSock, pReply->pvPayload, RT_MIN(Hdr.cb - 16 + cbPadding, pReply->cbPayload), &cbRead);
111 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
112 | {
113 | if (!cbRead)
114 | {
115 | memcpy(&pClient->abHdr, &Hdr, sizeof(pClient->abHdr));
116 | if (!fNoDataOk)
118 | }
119 | else
120 | {
121 | while (cbPadding--)
122 | {
123 | Assert(cbRead);
124 | cbRead--;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
129 | {
130 | /** @todo Check CRC-32. */
131 |
132 | memcpy(pReply->szOp, Hdr.achOpcode, sizeof(pReply->szOp));
133 | pReply->cbPayload = cbRead;
134 |
135 | /** @todo Re-allocate pvPayload to not store padding? */
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
140 | audioTestSvcClientReplyFree(pReply);
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 | return rc;
145 | }
146 |
147 | static int audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(PATSCLIENT pClient)
148 | {
149 | ATSSRVREPLY Reply;
150 | RT_ZERO(Reply);
151 |
152 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvReply(pClient, &Reply, true /* fNoDataOk */);
153 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
154 | {
155 | if (RTStrNCmp(Reply.szOp, "ACK ", 8) != 0) /** @todo Use protocol define. */
157 |
158 | audioTestSvcClientReplyFree(&Reply);
159 | }
160 |
161 | return rc;
162 | }
163 |
164 | static int audioTestSvcClientSend(PATSCLIENT pClient, const void *pvData, size_t cbData)
165 | {
166 | return RTTcpWrite(pClient->hSock, pvData, cbData);
167 | }
168 |
169 | static int audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(PATSCLIENT pClient,
170 | void *pvHdr, size_t cbHdr, const void *pvPayload, size_t cbPayload)
171 | {
172 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientSend(pClient, pvHdr, cbHdr);
173 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
174 | && cbPayload)
175 | {
176 | rc = audioTestSvcClientSend(pClient, (uint8_t *)pvPayload, cbPayload);
177 | }
178 |
179 | return rc;
180 | }
181 |
182 | DECLINLINE (void) audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(PATSPKTHDR pReqHdr, size_t cbReq, const char *pszOp, size_t cbPayload)
183 | {
184 | AssertReturnVoid(strlen(pszOp) >= 2);
185 |
186 | /** @todo Validate opcode. */
187 |
188 | memcpy(pReqHdr->achOpcode, pszOp, sizeof(pReqHdr->achOpcode));
189 | pReqHdr->uCrc32 = 0; /** @todo Do CRC-32 calculation. */
190 | pReqHdr->cb = (uint32_t)cbReq + (uint32_t)cbPayload;
191 | }
192 |
193 | static int audioTestSvcClientDoGreet(PATSCLIENT pClient)
194 | {
196 | Req.uVersion = ATS_PROTOCOL_VS;
197 | audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_HOWDY, 0);
198 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req), NULL, 0);
199 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
200 | rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient);
201 | return rc;
202 | }
203 |
204 | static int audioTestSvcClientDoBye(PATSCLIENT pClient)
205 | {
206 | ATSPKTHDR Hdr;
207 | audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), ATSPKT_OPCODE_BYE, 0);
208 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), NULL, 0);
209 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
210 | rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient);
211 |
212 | return rc;
213 | }
214 |
215 | int AudioTestSvcClientConnect(PATSCLIENT pClient, const char *pszAddr)
216 | {
217 | audioTestSvcClientConnInit(pClient);
218 |
219 | /* For simplicity we always run on the same port, localhost only. */
220 | int rc = RTTcpClientConnect(pszAddr ? pszAddr : "", 6052, &pClient->hSock);
221 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
222 | {
223 | rc = audioTestSvcClientDoGreet(pClient);
224 | }
225 |
226 | return rc;
227 | }
228 |
229 | int AudioTestSvcClientTonePlay(PATSCLIENT pClient, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pStreamCfg, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms)
230 | {
232 |
233 | memcpy(&Req.StreamCfg, pStreamCfg, sizeof(PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG));
234 | memcpy(&Req.ToneParms, pToneParms, sizeof(AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS));
235 |
236 | audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TONE_PLAY, 0);
237 |
238 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req), NULL, 0);
239 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
240 | rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient);
241 |
242 | return rc;
243 | }
244 |
245 | int AudioTestSvcClientClose(PATSCLIENT pClient)
246 | {
247 | int rc = audioTestSvcClientDoBye(pClient);
248 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
249 | rc = RTTcpClientClose(pClient->hSock);
250 |
251 | return rc;
252 | }
253 |