/* $Id: AudioTestServiceClient.cpp 91999 2021-10-22 11:43:28Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * AudioTestServiceClient - Audio Test Service (ATS), Client helpers. * * Note: Only does TCP/IP as transport layer for now. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_AUDIO_TEST #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AudioTestService.h" #include "AudioTestServiceInternal.h" #include "AudioTestServiceClient.h" /** @todo Use common defines between server protocol and this client. */ /** * A generic ATS reply, used by the client * to process the incoming packets. */ typedef struct ATSSRVREPLY { char szOp[ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN]; /** Pointer to payload data. * This does *not* include the header! */ void *pvPayload; /** Size (in bytes) of the payload data. * This does *not* include the header! */ size_t cbPayload; } ATSSRVREPLY; /** Pointer to a generic ATS reply. */ typedef struct ATSSRVREPLY *PATSSRVREPLY; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Prototypes * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static int audioTestSvcClientDisconnectInternal(PATSCLIENT pClient); /** * Initializes an ATS client, internal version. * * @param pClient Client to initialize. */ static void audioTestSvcClientInit(PATSCLIENT pClient) { RT_BZERO(pClient, sizeof(ATSCLIENT)); } /** * Destroys an ATS server reply. * * @param pReply Reply to destroy. */ static void audioTestSvcClientReplyDestroy(PATSSRVREPLY pReply) { if (!pReply) return; if (pReply->pvPayload) { Assert(pReply->cbPayload); RTMemFree(pReply->pvPayload); pReply->pvPayload = NULL; } pReply->cbPayload = 0; } /** * Receives a reply from an ATS server. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to receive reply for. * @param pReply Where to store the reply. * The reply must be destroyed with audioTestSvcClientReplyDestroy() then. * @param fNoDataOk If it's okay that the reply is not expected to have any payload. */ static int audioTestSvcClientRecvReply(PATSCLIENT pClient, PATSSRVREPLY pReply, bool fNoDataOk) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); PATSPKTHDR pPktHdr; int rc = pClient->pTransport->pfnRecvPkt(pClient->pTransportInst, pClient->pTransportClient, &pPktHdr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertReleaseMsgReturn(pPktHdr->cb >= sizeof(ATSPKTHDR), ("audioTestSvcClientRecvReply: Received invalid packet size (%RU32)\n", pPktHdr->cb), VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR); pReply->cbPayload = pPktHdr->cb - sizeof(ATSPKTHDR); Log3Func(("szOp=%.8s, cb=%RU32\n", pPktHdr->achOpcode, pPktHdr->cb)); if (pReply->cbPayload) { pReply->pvPayload = RTMemDup((uint8_t *)pPktHdr + sizeof(ATSPKTHDR), pReply->cbPayload); } else pReply->pvPayload = NULL; if ( !pReply->cbPayload && !fNoDataOk) { LogRelFunc(("Payload is empty (%zu), but caller expected data\n", pReply->cbPayload)); rc = VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } else { memcpy(&pReply->szOp, &pPktHdr->achOpcode, sizeof(pReply->szOp)); } RTMemFree(pPktHdr); pPktHdr = NULL; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRelFunc(("Receiving reply from server failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Receives a reply for an ATS server and checks if it is an acknowledge (success) one. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR if the reply indicates a failure. * @param pClient Client to receive reply for. */ static int audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(PATSCLIENT pClient) { ATSSRVREPLY Reply; RT_ZERO(Reply); int rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvReply(pClient, &Reply, true /* fNoDataOk */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Most likely cases first. */ if ( RTStrNCmp(Reply.szOp, "ACK ", ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN) == 0) { /* Nothing to do here. */ } else if (RTStrNCmp(Reply.szOp, "FAILED ", ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN) == 0) { LogRelFunc(("Received error from server (cbPayload=%zu)\n", Reply.cbPayload)); if (Reply.cbPayload) { if ( Reply.cbPayload >= sizeof(int) /* At least the rc must be present. */ && Reply.cbPayload <= sizeof(ATSPKTREPFAIL) - sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)) { rc = *(int *)Reply.pvPayload; /* Reach error code back to caller. */ const char *pcszMsg = (char *)Reply.pvPayload + sizeof(int); /** @todo Check NULL termination of pcszMsg? */ LogRelFunc(("Error message: %s (%Rrc)\n", pcszMsg, rc)); } else { LogRelFunc(("Received invalid failure payload (cb=%zu)\n", Reply.cbPayload)); rc = VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } } else { LogRelFunc(("Received invalid opcode ('%.8s')\n", Reply.szOp)); rc = VERR_NET_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } audioTestSvcClientReplyDestroy(&Reply); } LogRelFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Sends a message plus optional payload to an ATS server. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to send message for. * @param pvHdr Pointer to header data to send. * @param cbHdr Size (in bytes) of \a pvHdr to send. */ static int audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(PATSCLIENT pClient, void *pvHdr, size_t cbHdr) { RT_NOREF(cbHdr); AssertPtrReturn(pClient->pTransport, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pClient->pTransportInst, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pClient->pTransportClient, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); return pClient->pTransport->pfnSendPkt(pClient->pTransportInst, pClient->pTransportClient, (PCATSPKTHDR)pvHdr); } /** * Initializes a client request header. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pReqHdr Request header to initialize. * @param cbReq Size (in bytes) the request will have (does *not* include payload). * @param pszOp Operation to perform with the request. * @param cbPayload Size (in bytes) of payload that will follow the header. Optional and can be 0. */ DECLINLINE (void) audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(PATSPKTHDR pReqHdr, size_t cbReq, const char *pszOp, size_t cbPayload) { AssertReturnVoid(strlen(pszOp) >= 2); AssertReturnVoid(strlen(pszOp) <= ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN); /** @todo Validate opcode. */ RT_BZERO(pReqHdr, sizeof(ATSPKTHDR)); memcpy(pReqHdr->achOpcode, pszOp, strlen(pszOp)); pReqHdr->uCrc32 = 0; /** @todo Do CRC-32 calculation. */ pReqHdr->cb = (uint32_t)cbReq + (uint32_t)cbPayload; Assert(pReqHdr->cb <= ATSPKT_MAX_SIZE); } /** * Sends an acknowledege response back to the server. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to send command for. */ static int audioTestSvcClientSendAck(PATSCLIENT pClient) { ATSPKTHDR Req; audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req, sizeof(Req), "ACK ", 0); return audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); } /** * Sends a greeting command (handshake) to an ATS server. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to send command for. */ static int audioTestSvcClientDoGreet(PATSCLIENT pClient) { ATSPKTREQHOWDY Req; Req.uVersion = ATS_PROTOCOL_VS; audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_HOWDY, 0); int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Tells the ATS server that we want to disconnect. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to disconnect. */ static int audioTestSvcClientDoBye(PATSCLIENT pClient) { ATSPKTHDR Req; audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_BYE, 0); int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Creates an ATS client. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to create. */ int AudioTestSvcClientCreate(PATSCLIENT pClient) { audioTestSvcClientInit(pClient); /* * The default transporter is the first one. */ pClient->pTransport = g_apTransports[0]; /** @todo Make this dynamic. */ return pClient->pTransport->pfnCreate(&pClient->pTransportInst); } /** * Destroys an ATS client. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to destroy. */ void AudioTestSvcClientDestroy(PATSCLIENT pClient) { if (!pClient) return; /* ignore rc */ audioTestSvcClientDisconnectInternal(pClient); if (pClient->pTransport) { pClient->pTransport->pfnDestroy(pClient->pTransportInst); pClient->pTransportInst = NULL; /* Invalidate pointer. */ } } /** * Handles a command line option. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to handle option for. * @param ch Option (short) to handle. * @param pVal Option union to store the result in on success. */ int AudioTestSvcClientHandleOption(PATSCLIENT pClient, int ch, PCRTGETOPTUNION pVal) { AssertPtrReturn(pClient->pTransport, VERR_WRONG_ORDER); /* Must be created first via AudioTestSvcClientCreate(). */ if (!pClient->pTransport->pfnOption) return VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION; return pClient->pTransport->pfnOption(pClient->pTransportInst, ch, pVal); } /** * Connects to an ATS peer, extended version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to connect. * @param msTimeout Timeout (in ms) waiting for a connection to be established. * Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait indefinitely. */ int AudioTestSvcClientConnectEx(PATSCLIENT pClient, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout) { if (pClient->pTransportClient) return VERR_NET_ALREADY_CONNECTED; int rc = pClient->pTransport->pfnStart(pClient->pTransportInst); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = pClient->pTransport->pfnWaitForConnect(pClient->pTransportInst, msTimeout, NULL /* pfFromServer */, &pClient->pTransportClient); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = audioTestSvcClientDoGreet(pClient); } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRelFunc(("Connecting to server (%RU32ms timeout) failed with %Rrc\n", msTimeout, rc)); return rc; } /** * Connects to an ATS peer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to connect. */ int AudioTestSvcClientConnect(PATSCLIENT pClient) { return AudioTestSvcClientConnectEx(pClient, 30 * 1000 /* msTimeout */); } /** * Tells the server to begin a new test set. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to issue command for. * @param pszTag Tag to use for the test set to begin. */ int AudioTestSvcClientTestSetBegin(PATSCLIENT pClient, const char *pszTag) { ATSPKTREQTSETBEG Req; int rc = RTStrCopy(Req.szTag, sizeof(Req.szTag), pszTag); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TESTSET_BEGIN, 0); rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Tells the server to end a runing test set. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to issue command for. * @param pszTag Tag of test set to end. */ int AudioTestSvcClientTestSetEnd(PATSCLIENT pClient, const char *pszTag) { ATSPKTREQTSETEND Req; int rc = RTStrCopy(Req.szTag, sizeof(Req.szTag), pszTag); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TESTSET_END, 0); rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Tells the server to play a (test) tone. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to issue command for. * @param pToneParms Tone parameters to use. * @note How (and if) the server plays a tone depends on the actual implementation side. */ int AudioTestSvcClientTonePlay(PATSCLIENT pClient, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms) { ATSPKTREQTONEPLAY Req; memcpy(&Req.ToneParms, pToneParms, sizeof(AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS)); audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TONE_PLAY, 0); int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Tells the server to record a (test) tone. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to issue command for. * @param pToneParms Tone parameters to use. * @note How (and if) the server plays a tone depends on the actual implementation side. */ int AudioTestSvcClientToneRecord(PATSCLIENT pClient, PAUDIOTESTTONEPARMS pToneParms) { ATSPKTREQTONEREC Req; memcpy(&Req.ToneParms, pToneParms, sizeof(AUDIOTESTTONEPARMS)); audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TONE_RECORD, 0); int rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvAck(pClient); return rc; } /** * Tells the server to send (download) a (packed up) test set archive. * The test set must not be running / open anymore. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to issue command for. * @param pszTag Tag of test set to send. * @param pszPathOutAbs Absolute path where to store the downloaded test set archive. */ int AudioTestSvcClientTestSetDownload(PATSCLIENT pClient, const char *pszTag, const char *pszPathOutAbs) { ATSPKTREQTSETSND Req; int rc = RTStrCopy(Req.szTag, sizeof(Req.szTag), pszTag); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); audioTestSvcClientReqHdrInit(&Req.Hdr, sizeof(Req), ATSPKT_OPCODE_TESTSET_SEND, 0); RTFILE hFile; rc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszPathOutAbs, RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = audioTestSvcClientSendMsg(pClient, &Req, sizeof(Req)); while (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ATSSRVREPLY Reply; RT_ZERO(Reply); rc = audioTestSvcClientRecvReply(pClient, &Reply, false /* fNoDataOk */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Extract received CRC32 checksum. */ const size_t cbCrc32 = sizeof(uint32_t); /* Skip CRC32 in payload for actual CRC verification. */ uint32_t uSrcCrc32; memcpy(&uSrcCrc32, Reply.pvPayload, cbCrc32); if (uSrcCrc32) { const uint32_t uDstCrc32 = RTCrc32((uint8_t *)Reply.pvPayload + cbCrc32, Reply.cbPayload - cbCrc32); Log2Func(("uSrcCrc32=%#x, cbRead=%zu -> uDstCrc32=%#x\n" "%.*Rhxd\n", uSrcCrc32, Reply.cbPayload - cbCrc32, uDstCrc32, RT_MIN(64, Reply.cbPayload - cbCrc32), (uint8_t *)Reply.pvPayload + cbCrc32)); if (uSrcCrc32 != uDstCrc32) rc = VERR_TAR_CHKSUM_MISMATCH; /** @todo Fudge! */ } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( RTStrNCmp(Reply.szOp, "DATA ", ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN) == 0 && Reply.pvPayload && Reply.cbPayload) { rc = RTFileWrite(hFile, (uint8_t *)Reply.pvPayload + cbCrc32, Reply.cbPayload - cbCrc32, NULL); } else if (RTStrNCmp(Reply.szOp, "DATA EOF", ATSPKT_OPCODE_MAX_LEN) == 0) { rc = VINF_EOF; } else { AssertMsgFailed(("Got unexpected reply '%s'", Reply.szOp)); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } } audioTestSvcClientReplyDestroy(&Reply); int rc2 = audioTestSvcClientSendAck(pClient); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) /* Might be VINF_EOF already. */ rc = rc2; if (rc == VINF_EOF) break; } int rc2 = RTFileClose(hFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; return rc; } /** * Disconnects from an ATS server, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to disconnect. */ static int audioTestSvcClientDisconnectInternal(PATSCLIENT pClient) { if (!pClient->pTransportClient) /* Not connected (yet)? Bail out early. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; int rc = audioTestSvcClientDoBye(pClient); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pClient->pTransport->pfnNotifyBye) pClient->pTransport->pfnNotifyBye(pClient->pTransportInst, pClient->pTransportClient); pClient->pTransport->pfnDisconnect(pClient->pTransportInst, pClient->pTransportClient); pClient->pTransportClient = NULL; pClient->pTransport->pfnStop(pClient->pTransportInst); } return rc; } /** * Disconnects from an ATS server. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pClient Client to disconnect. */ int AudioTestSvcClientDisconnect(PATSCLIENT pClient) { return audioTestSvcClientDisconnectInternal(pClient); }