1 | /* $Id: DBGConsole.cpp 35346 2010-12-27 16:13:13Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * DBGC - Debugger Console.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /** @page pg_dbgc DBGC - The Debug Console
20 | *
21 | * The debugger console is an early attempt to make some interactive
22 | * debugging facilities for the VirtualBox VMM. It was initially only
23 | * accessible thru a telnet session on debug builds. Later it was hastily
24 | * built into the VBoxDbg module with a very simple Qt wrapper around it.
25 | *
26 | * The debugger is optional and presently not built into release builds
27 | * of VirtualBox. It is therefore necessary to enclose code related to it
28 | * in \#ifdef VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER blocks. This is mandatory for components
29 | * that register extenral commands.
30 | *
31 | *
32 | * @section sec_dbgc_op Operation (intentions)
33 | *
34 | * The console will process commands in a manner similar to the OS/2 and
35 | * windows kernel debuggers. This means ';' is a command separator and
36 | * that when possible we'll use the same command names as these two uses.
37 | *
38 | *
39 | * @subsection sec_dbg_op_numbers Numbers
40 | *
41 | * Numbers are hexadecimal unless specified with a prefix indicating
42 | * elsewise. Prefixes:
43 | * - '0x' - hexadecimal.
44 | * - '0i' - decimal
45 | * - '0t' - octal.
46 | * - '0y' - binary.
47 | *
48 | * Some of the prefixes are a bit uncommon, the reason for this that
49 | * the typical binary prefix '0b' can also be a hexadecimal value since
50 | * no prefix or suffix is required for such values. Ditto for '0d' and
51 | * '0' for decimal and octal.
52 | *
53 | *
54 | * @subsection sec_dbg_op_address Addressing modes
55 | *
56 | * - Default is flat. For compatibility '%' also means flat.
57 | * - Segmented addresses are specified selector:offset.
58 | * - Physical addresses are specified using '%%'.
59 | * - The default target for the addressing is the guest context, the '#'
60 | * will override this and set it to the host.
61 | * Note that several operations won't work on host addresses.
62 | *
63 | * The '%', '%%' and '#' prefixes is implemented as unary operators, while ':'
64 | * is a binary operator. Operator precedence takes care of evaluation order.
65 | *
66 | *
67 | * @subsection sec_dbg_op_evalution Evaluation
68 | *
69 | * Most unary and binary C operators are supported, check the help text for
70 | * details. However, some of these are not yet implemented because this is
71 | * tiresome and annoying work. So, if something is missing and you need it
72 | * you implement it or complain to bird. (Ditto for missing functions.)
73 | *
74 | * Simple variable support is provided thru the 'set' and 'unset' commands and
75 | * the unary '$' operator.
76 | *
77 | * The unary '@' operator will indicate function calls. Commands and functions
78 | * are the same thing, except that functions has a return type.
79 | *
80 | *
81 | * @subsection sec_dbg_op_registers Registers
82 | *
83 | * Registers are addressed using their name. Some registers which have several fields
84 | * (like gdtr) will have separate names indicating the different fields. The default
85 | * register set is the guest one. To access the hypervisor register one have to
86 | * prefix the register names with '.'.
87 | *
88 | * The registers are implemented as built-in symbols. For making gdb guys more at
89 | * home it is possible to access them with the '$' operator, i.e. as a variable.
90 | *
91 | *
92 | * @subsection sec_dbg_op_commands Commands and Functions
93 | *
94 | * Commands and functions are the same thing, except that functions may return a
95 | * value. So, functions may be used as commands. The command/function handlers
96 | * can detect whether they are invoked as a command or function by checking whether
97 | * there is a return variable or not.
98 | *
99 | * The command/function names are all lowercase, case sensitive, and starting
100 | * with a letter. Operator characters are not permitted in the names of course.
101 | * Space is allowed, but must be flagged so the parser can check for multiple
102 | * spaces and tabs. (This feature is for 'dump xyz' and for emulating the
103 | * gdb 'info abc'.)
104 | *
105 | * The '.' prefix indicates the set of external commands. External commands are
106 | * command registered by VMM components.
107 | *
108 | *
109 | * @section sec_dbgc_logging Logging
110 | *
111 | * The idea is to be able to pass thru debug and release logs to the console
112 | * if the user so wishes. This feature requires some kind of hook into the
113 | * logger instance and while this was sketched it hasn't yet been implemented
114 | * (dbgcProcessLog and DBGC::fLog).
115 | *
116 | *
117 | *
118 | * @section sec_dbgc_linking Linking and API
119 | *
120 | * The DBGC code is linked into the VBoxVMM module. (At present it is also
121 | * linked into VBoxDbg, but this is obviously very wrong.)
122 | *
123 | * A COM object will be created for the DBGC so it can be operated remotely
124 | * without using TCP. VBoxDbg is the intended audience for this usage. Some
125 | * questions about callbacks (for output) and security (you may wish to
126 | * restrict users from debugging a VM) needs to be answered first though.
127 | */
128 |
129 |
130 | /*******************************************************************************
131 | * Header Files *
132 | *******************************************************************************/
134 | #include <VBox/dbg.h>
135 | #include <VBox/vmm/dbgf.h>
136 | #include <VBox/vmm/vm.h>
137 | #include <VBox/vmm/vmm.h>
138 | #include <VBox/vmm/mm.h>
139 | #include <VBox/vmm/pgm.h>
140 | #include <VBox/vmm/selm.h>
141 | #include <VBox/dis.h>
142 | #include <VBox/param.h>
143 | #include <VBox/err.h>
144 | #include <VBox/log.h>
145 |
146 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
147 | #include <iprt/alloca.h>
148 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
149 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
150 | #include <iprt/string.h>
151 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
152 |
153 | #include <stdlib.h>
154 | #include <stdio.h>
155 |
156 | #include "DBGCInternal.h"
157 | #include "DBGPlugIns.h"
158 |
159 |
160 | /*******************************************************************************
161 | * Global Variables *
162 | *******************************************************************************/
163 | /** Bitmap where set bits indicates the characters the may start an operator name. */
164 | static uint32_t g_bmOperatorChars[256 / (4*8)];
165 |
166 |
167 | /*******************************************************************************
168 | * Internal Functions *
169 | *******************************************************************************/
170 | static int dbgcProcessLog(PDBGC pDbgc);
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 | /**
175 | * Initializes g_bmOperatorChars.
176 | */
177 | static void dbgcInitOpCharBitMap(void)
178 | {
179 | memset(g_bmOperatorChars, 0, sizeof(g_bmOperatorChars));
180 | for (unsigned iOp = 0; iOp < g_cOps; iOp++)
181 | ASMBitSet(&g_bmOperatorChars[0], (uint8_t)g_aOps[iOp].szName[0]);
182 | }
183 |
184 |
185 | /**
186 | * Checks whether the character may be the start of an operator.
187 | *
188 | * @returns true/false.
189 | * @param ch The character.
190 | */
191 | DECLINLINE(bool) dbgcIsOpChar(char ch)
192 | {
193 | return ASMBitTest(&g_bmOperatorChars[0], (uint8_t)ch);
194 | }
195 |
196 |
197 | /**
198 | * Resolves a symbol (or tries to do so at least).
199 | *
200 | * @returns 0 on success.
201 | * @returns VBox status on failure.
202 | * @param pDbgc The debug console instance.
203 | * @param pszSymbol The symbol name.
204 | * @param enmType The result type.
205 | * @param pResult Where to store the result.
206 | */
207 | int dbgcSymbolGet(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pszSymbol, DBGCVARTYPE enmType, PDBGCVAR pResult)
208 | {
209 | /*
210 | * Builtin?
211 | */
212 | PCDBGCSYM pSymDesc = dbgcLookupRegisterSymbol(pDbgc, pszSymbol);
213 | if (pSymDesc)
214 | {
215 | if (!pSymDesc->pfnGet)
217 | return pSymDesc->pfnGet(pSymDesc, &pDbgc->CmdHlp, enmType, pResult);
218 | }
219 |
220 |
221 | /*
222 | * Ask PDM.
223 | */
224 | /** @todo resolve symbols using PDM. */
225 |
226 |
227 | /*
228 | * Ask the debug info manager.
229 | */
230 | RTDBGSYMBOL Symbol;
231 | int rc = DBGFR3AsSymbolByName(pDbgc->pVM, pDbgc->hDbgAs, pszSymbol, &Symbol, NULL);
232 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
233 | {
234 | /*
235 | * Default return is a flat gc address.
236 | */
237 | memset(pResult, 0, sizeof(*pResult));
238 | pResult->enmRangeType = Symbol.cb ? DBGCVAR_RANGE_BYTES : DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE;
239 | pResult->u64Range = Symbol.cb;
240 | pResult->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT;
241 | pResult->u.GCFlat = Symbol.Value;
242 | DBGCVAR VarTmp;
243 | switch (enmType)
244 | {
245 | /* nothing to do. */
248 | case DBGCVAR_TYPE_ANY:
249 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
250 |
251 | /* simply make it numeric. */
253 | pResult->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER;
254 | pResult->u.u64Number = Symbol.Value;
255 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
256 |
257 | /* cast it. */
258 |
260 | VarTmp = *pResult;
261 | return dbgcOpAddrPhys(pDbgc, &VarTmp, pResult);
262 |
265 | VarTmp = *pResult;
266 | return dbgcOpAddrHost(pDbgc, &VarTmp, pResult);
267 |
269 | VarTmp = *pResult;
270 | return dbgcOpAddrHostPhys(pDbgc, &VarTmp, pResult);
271 |
272 | default:
273 | AssertMsgFailed(("Internal error enmType=%d\n", enmType));
275 | }
276 | }
277 |
279 | }
280 |
281 |
282 | static int dbgcEvalSubString(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszExpr, size_t cchExpr, PDBGCVAR pArg)
283 | {
284 | Log2(("dbgcEvalSubString: cchExpr=%d pszExpr=%s\n", cchExpr, pszExpr));
285 |
286 | /*
287 | * Removing any quoting and escapings.
288 | */
289 | char ch = *pszExpr;
290 | if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'' || ch == '`')
291 | {
292 | if (pszExpr[--cchExpr] != ch)
294 | cchExpr--;
295 | pszExpr++;
296 |
297 | /** @todo string unescaping. */
298 | }
299 | pszExpr[cchExpr] = '\0';
300 |
301 | /*
302 | * Make the argument.
303 | */
304 | pArg->pDesc = NULL;
305 | pArg->pNext = NULL;
306 | pArg->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING;
307 | pArg->u.pszString = pszExpr;
308 | pArg->enmRangeType = DBGCVAR_RANGE_BYTES;
309 | pArg->u64Range = cchExpr;
310 |
311 | NOREF(pDbgc);
312 | return 0;
313 | }
314 |
315 |
316 | static int dbgcEvalSubNum(char *pszExpr, unsigned uBase, PDBGCVAR pArg)
317 | {
318 | Log2(("dbgcEvalSubNum: uBase=%d pszExpr=%s\n", uBase, pszExpr));
319 | /*
320 | * Convert to number.
321 | */
322 | uint64_t u64 = 0;
323 | char ch;
324 | while ((ch = *pszExpr) != '\0')
325 | {
326 | uint64_t u64Prev = u64;
327 | unsigned u = ch - '0';
328 | if (u < 10 && u < uBase)
329 | u64 = u64 * uBase + u;
330 | else if (ch >= 'a' && (u = ch - ('a' - 10)) < uBase)
331 | u64 = u64 * uBase + u;
332 | else if (ch >= 'A' && (u = ch - ('A' - 10)) < uBase)
333 | u64 = u64 * uBase + u;
334 | else
336 |
337 | /* check for overflow - ARG!!! How to detect overflow correctly!?!?!? */
338 | if (u64Prev != u64 / uBase)
340 |
341 | /* next */
342 | pszExpr++;
343 | }
344 |
345 | /*
346 | * Initialize the argument.
347 | */
348 | pArg->pDesc = NULL;
349 | pArg->pNext = NULL;
350 | pArg->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER;
351 | pArg->u.u64Number = u64;
352 | pArg->enmRangeType = DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE;
353 | pArg->u64Range = 0;
354 |
355 | return 0;
356 | }
357 |
358 |
359 | /**
360 | * Match variable and variable descriptor, promoting the variable if necessary.
361 | *
362 | * @returns VBox status code.
363 | * @param pDbgc Debug console instanace.
364 | * @param pVar Variable.
365 | * @param pVarDesc Variable descriptor.
366 | */
367 | static int dbgcEvalSubMatchVar(PDBGC pDbgc, PDBGCVAR pVar, PCDBGCVARDESC pVarDesc)
368 | {
369 | /*
370 | * (If match or promoted to match, return, else break.)
371 | */
372 | switch (pVarDesc->enmCategory)
373 | {
374 | /*
375 | * Anything goes
376 | */
377 | case DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY:
378 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
379 |
380 | /*
381 | * Pointer with and without range.
382 | * We can try resolve strings and symbols as symbols and
383 | * promote numbers to flat GC pointers.
384 | */
386 | if (pVar->enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE)
388 | /* fallthru */
390 | switch (pVar->enmType)
391 | {
398 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
399 |
402 | {
403 | DBGCVAR Var;
404 | int rc = dbgcSymbolGet(pDbgc, pVar->u.pszString, DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT, &Var);
405 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
406 | {
407 | /* deal with range */
408 | if (pVar->enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE)
409 | {
410 | Var.enmRangeType = pVar->enmRangeType;
411 | Var.u64Range = pVar->u64Range;
412 | }
413 | else if (pVarDesc->enmCategory == DBGCVAR_CAT_POINTER_NO_RANGE)
414 | Var.enmRangeType = DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE;
415 | *pVar = Var;
416 | return rc;
417 | }
418 | break;
419 | }
420 |
422 | {
423 | RTGCPTR GCPtr = (RTGCPTR)pVar->u.u64Number;
424 | pVar->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT;
425 | pVar->u.GCFlat = GCPtr;
426 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
427 | }
428 |
429 | default:
430 | break;
431 | }
432 | break;
433 |
434 | /*
435 | * GC pointer with and without range.
436 | * We can try resolve strings and symbols as symbols and
437 | * promote numbers to flat GC pointers.
438 | */
440 | if (pVar->enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE)
442 | /* fallthru */
444 | switch (pVar->enmType)
445 | {
449 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
450 |
455 |
458 | {
459 | DBGCVAR Var;
460 | int rc = dbgcSymbolGet(pDbgc, pVar->u.pszString, DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT, &Var);
461 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
462 | {
463 | /* deal with range */
464 | if (pVar->enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE)
465 | {
466 | Var.enmRangeType = pVar->enmRangeType;
467 | Var.u64Range = pVar->u64Range;
468 | }
469 | else if (pVarDesc->enmCategory == DBGCVAR_CAT_POINTER_NO_RANGE)
470 | Var.enmRangeType = DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE;
471 | *pVar = Var;
472 | return rc;
473 | }
474 | break;
475 | }
476 |
478 | {
479 | RTGCPTR GCPtr = (RTGCPTR)pVar->u.u64Number;
480 | pVar->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_GC_FLAT;
481 | pVar->u.GCFlat = GCPtr;
482 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
483 | }
484 |
485 | default:
486 | break;
487 | }
488 | break;
489 |
490 | /*
491 | * Number with or without a range.
492 | * Numbers can be resolved from symbols, but we cannot demote a pointer
493 | * to a number.
494 | */
496 | if (pVar->enmRangeType != DBGCVAR_RANGE_NONE)
498 | /* fallthru */
500 | switch (pVar->enmType)
501 | {
503 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
504 |
507 | {
508 | DBGCVAR Var;
509 | int rc = dbgcSymbolGet(pDbgc, pVar->u.pszString, DBGCVAR_TYPE_NUMBER, &Var);
510 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
511 | {
512 | *pVar = Var;
513 | return rc;
514 | }
515 | break;
516 | }
517 | default:
518 | break;
519 | }
520 | break;
521 |
522 | /*
523 | * Strings can easily be made from symbols (and of course strings).
524 | * We could consider reformatting the addresses and numbers into strings later...
525 | */
527 | switch (pVar->enmType)
528 | {
530 | pVar->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_STRING;
531 | /* fallthru */
533 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
534 | default:
535 | break;
536 | }
537 | break;
538 |
539 | /*
540 | * Symol is pretty much the same thing as a string (at least until we actually implement it).
541 | */
543 | switch (pVar->enmType)
544 | {
546 | pVar->enmType = DBGCVAR_TYPE_SYMBOL;
547 | /* fallthru */
549 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
550 | default:
551 | break;
552 | }
553 | break;
554 |
555 | /*
556 | * Anything else is illegal.
557 | */
558 | default:
559 | AssertMsgFailed(("enmCategory=%d\n", pVar->enmType));
560 | break;
561 | }
562 |
564 | }
565 |
566 |
567 | /**
568 | * Matches a set of variables with a description set.
569 | *
570 | * This is typically used for routine arguments before a call. The effects in
571 | * addition to the validation, is that some variables might be propagated to
572 | * other types in order to match the description. The following transformations
573 | * are supported:
574 | * - String reinterpreted as a symbol and resolved to a number or pointer.
575 | * - Number to a pointer.
576 | * - Pointer to a number.
577 | * @returns 0 on success with paVars.
578 | * @returns VBox error code for match errors.
579 | */
580 | static int dbgcEvalSubMatchVars(PDBGC pDbgc, unsigned cVarsMin, unsigned cVarsMax,
581 | PCDBGCVARDESC paVarDescs, unsigned cVarDescs,
582 | PDBGCVAR paVars, unsigned cVars)
583 | {
584 | /*
585 | * Just do basic min / max checks first.
586 | */
587 | if (cVars < cVarsMin)
589 | if (cVars > cVarsMax)
591 |
592 | /*
593 | * Match the descriptors and actual variables.
594 | */
596 | unsigned cCurDesc = 0;
597 | unsigned iVar = 0;
598 | unsigned iVarDesc = 0;
599 | while (iVar < cVars)
600 | {
601 | /* walk the descriptors */
602 | if (iVarDesc >= cVarDescs)
604 | if ( ( paVarDescs[iVarDesc].fFlags & DBGCVD_FLAGS_DEP_PREV
605 | && &paVarDescs[iVarDesc - 1] != pPrevDesc)
606 | || cCurDesc >= paVarDescs[iVarDesc].cTimesMax)
607 | {
608 | iVarDesc++;
609 | if (iVarDesc >= cVarDescs)
611 | cCurDesc = 0;
612 | }
613 |
614 | /*
615 | * Skip thru optional arguments until we find something which matches
616 | * or can easily be promoted to what the descriptor want.
617 | */
618 | for (;;)
619 | {
620 | int rc = dbgcEvalSubMatchVar(pDbgc, &paVars[iVar], &paVarDescs[iVarDesc]);
621 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
622 | {
623 | paVars[iVar].pDesc = &paVarDescs[iVarDesc];
624 | cCurDesc++;
625 | break;
626 | }
627 |
628 | /* can we advance? */
629 | if (paVarDescs[iVarDesc].cTimesMin > cCurDesc)
631 | if (++iVarDesc >= cVarDescs)
633 | cCurDesc = 0;
634 | }
635 |
636 | /* next var */
637 | iVar++;
638 | }
639 |
640 | /*
641 | * Check that the rest of the descriptors are optional.
642 | */
643 | while (iVarDesc < cVarDescs)
644 | {
645 | if (paVarDescs[iVarDesc].cTimesMin > cCurDesc)
647 | cCurDesc = 0;
648 |
649 | /* next */
650 | iVarDesc++;
651 | }
652 |
653 | return 0;
654 | }
655 |
656 |
657 | /**
658 | * Evaluates one argument with respect to unary operators.
659 | *
660 | * @returns 0 on success. pResult contains the result.
661 | * @returns VBox error code on parse or other evaluation error.
662 | *
663 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
664 | * @param pszExpr The expression string.
665 | * @param pResult Where to store the result of the expression evaluation.
666 | */
667 | static int dbgcEvalSubUnary(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszExpr, size_t cchExpr, PDBGCVAR pResult)
668 | {
669 | Log2(("dbgcEvalSubUnary: cchExpr=%d pszExpr=%s\n", cchExpr, pszExpr));
670 |
671 | /*
672 | * The state of the expression is now such that it will start by zero or more
673 | * unary operators and being followed by an expression of some kind.
674 | * The expression is either plain or in parenthesis.
675 | *
676 | * Being in a lazy, recursive mode today, the parsing is done as simple as possible. :-)
677 | * ASSUME: unary operators are all of equal precedence.
678 | */
679 | int rc = 0;
680 | PCDBGCOP pOp = dbgcOperatorLookup(pDbgc, pszExpr, false, ' ');
681 | if (pOp)
682 | {
683 | /* binary operators means syntax error. */
684 | if (pOp->fBinary)
686 |
687 | /*
688 | * If the next expression (the one following the unary operator) is in a
689 | * parenthesis a full eval is needed. If not the unary eval will suffice.
690 | */
691 | /* calc and strip next expr. */
692 | char *pszExpr2 = pszExpr + pOp->cchName;
693 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszExpr2))
694 | pszExpr2++;
695 |
696 | if (!*pszExpr2)
698 | else
699 | {
700 | DBGCVAR Arg;
701 | if (*pszExpr2 == '(')
702 | rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, pszExpr2, cchExpr - (pszExpr2 - pszExpr), &Arg);
703 | else
704 | rc = dbgcEvalSubUnary(pDbgc, pszExpr2, cchExpr - (pszExpr2 - pszExpr), &Arg);
705 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
706 | rc = pOp->pfnHandlerUnary(pDbgc, &Arg, pResult);
707 | }
708 | }
709 | else
710 | {
711 | /*
712 | * Didn't find any operators, so it we have to check if this can be an
713 | * function call before assuming numeric or string expression.
714 | *
715 | * (ASSUMPTIONS:)
716 | * A function name only contains alphanumerical chars and it can not start
717 | * with a numerical character.
718 | * Immediately following the name is a parenthesis which must over
719 | * the remaining part of the expression.
720 | */
721 | bool fExternal = *pszExpr == '.';
722 | char *pszFun = fExternal ? pszExpr + 1 : pszExpr;
723 | char *pszFunEnd = NULL;
724 | if (pszExpr[cchExpr - 1] == ')' && RT_C_IS_ALPHA(*pszFun))
725 | {
726 | pszFunEnd = pszExpr + 1;
727 | while (*pszFunEnd != '(' && RT_C_IS_ALNUM(*pszFunEnd))
728 | pszFunEnd++;
729 | if (*pszFunEnd != '(')
730 | pszFunEnd = NULL;
731 | }
732 |
733 | if (pszFunEnd)
734 | {
735 | /*
736 | * Ok, it's a function call.
737 | */
738 | if (fExternal)
739 | pszExpr++, cchExpr--;
740 | PCDBGCCMD pFun = dbgcRoutineLookup(pDbgc, pszExpr, pszFunEnd - pszExpr, fExternal);
741 | if (!pFun)
743 | if (!pFun->pResultDesc)
745 |
746 | /*
747 | * Parse the expression in parenthesis.
748 | */
749 | cchExpr -= pszFunEnd - pszExpr;
750 | pszExpr = pszFunEnd;
751 | /** @todo implement multiple arguments. */
752 | DBGCVAR Arg;
753 | rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, pszExpr, cchExpr, &Arg);
754 | if (!rc)
755 | {
756 | rc = dbgcEvalSubMatchVars(pDbgc, pFun->cArgsMin, pFun->cArgsMax, pFun->paArgDescs, pFun->cArgDescs, &Arg, 1);
757 | if (!rc)
758 | rc = pFun->pfnHandler(pFun, &pDbgc->CmdHlp, pDbgc->pVM, &Arg, 1, pResult);
759 | }
760 | else if (rc == VERR_PARSE_EMPTY_ARGUMENT && pFun->cArgsMin == 0)
761 | rc = pFun->pfnHandler(pFun, &pDbgc->CmdHlp, pDbgc->pVM, NULL, 0, pResult);
762 | }
763 | else
764 | {
765 | /*
766 | * Didn't find any operators, so it must be a plain expression.
767 | * This might be numeric or a string expression.
768 | */
769 | char ch = pszExpr[0];
770 | char ch2 = pszExpr[1];
771 | if (ch == '0' && (ch2 == 'x' || ch2 == 'X'))
772 | rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr + 2, 16, pResult);
773 | else if (ch == '0' && (ch2 == 'i' || ch2 == 'i'))
774 | rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr + 2, 10, pResult);
775 | else if (ch == '0' && (ch2 == 't' || ch2 == 'T'))
776 | rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr + 2, 8, pResult);
777 | /// @todo 0b doesn't work as a binary prefix, we confuse it with 0bf8:0123 and stuff.
778 | //else if (ch == '0' && (ch2 == 'b' || ch2 == 'b'))
779 | // rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr + 2, 2, pResult);
780 | else
781 | {
782 | /*
783 | * Hexadecimal number or a string?
784 | */
785 | char *psz = pszExpr;
786 | while (RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(*psz))
787 | psz++;
788 | if (!*psz)
789 | rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr, 16, pResult);
790 | else if ((*psz == 'h' || *psz == 'H') && !psz[1])
791 | {
792 | *psz = '\0';
793 | rc = dbgcEvalSubNum(pszExpr, 16, pResult);
794 | }
795 | else
796 | rc = dbgcEvalSubString(pDbgc, pszExpr, cchExpr, pResult);
797 | }
798 | }
799 | }
800 |
801 | return rc;
802 | }
803 |
804 |
805 | /**
806 | * Evaluates one argument.
807 | *
808 | * @returns 0 on success. pResult contains the result.
809 | * @returns VBox error code on parse or other evaluation error.
810 | *
811 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
812 | * @param pszExpr The expression string.
813 | * @param pResult Where to store the result of the expression evaluation.
814 | */
815 | int dbgcEvalSub(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszExpr, size_t cchExpr, PDBGCVAR pResult)
816 | {
817 | Log2(("dbgcEvalSub: cchExpr=%d pszExpr=%s\n", cchExpr, pszExpr));
818 | /*
819 | * First we need to remove blanks in both ends.
820 | * ASSUMES: There is no quoting unless the entire expression is a string.
821 | */
822 |
823 | /* stripping. */
824 | while (cchExpr > 0 && RT_C_IS_BLANK(pszExpr[cchExpr - 1]))
825 | pszExpr[--cchExpr] = '\0';
826 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszExpr))
827 | pszExpr++, cchExpr--;
828 | if (!*pszExpr)
830 |
831 | /* it there is any kind of quoting in the expression, it's string meat. */
832 | if (strpbrk(pszExpr, "\"'`"))
833 | return dbgcEvalSubString(pDbgc, pszExpr, cchExpr, pResult);
834 |
835 | /*
836 | * Check if there are any parenthesis which needs removing.
837 | */
838 | if (pszExpr[0] == '(' && pszExpr[cchExpr - 1] == ')')
839 | {
840 | do
841 | {
842 | unsigned cPar = 1;
843 | char *psz = pszExpr + 1;
844 | char ch;
845 | while ((ch = *psz) != '\0')
846 | {
847 | if (ch == '(')
848 | cPar++;
849 | else if (ch == ')')
850 | {
851 | if (cPar <= 0)
853 | cPar--;
854 | if (cPar == 0 && psz[1]) /* If not at end, there's nothing to do. */
855 | break;
856 | }
857 | /* next */
858 | psz++;
859 | }
860 | if (ch)
861 | break;
862 |
863 | /* remove the parenthesis. */
864 | pszExpr++;
865 | cchExpr -= 2;
866 | pszExpr[cchExpr] = '\0';
867 |
868 | /* strip blanks. */
869 | while (cchExpr > 0 && RT_C_IS_BLANK(pszExpr[cchExpr - 1]))
870 | pszExpr[--cchExpr] = '\0';
871 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszExpr))
872 | pszExpr++, cchExpr--;
873 | if (!*pszExpr)
875 | } while (pszExpr[0] == '(' && pszExpr[cchExpr - 1] == ')');
876 | }
877 |
878 | /* tabs to spaces. */
879 | char *psz = pszExpr;
880 | while ((psz = strchr(psz, '\t')) != NULL)
881 | *psz = ' ';
882 |
883 | /*
884 | * Now, we need to look for the binary operator with the lowest precedence.
885 | *
886 | * If there are no operators we're left with a simple expression which we
887 | * evaluate with respect to unary operators
888 | */
889 | char *pszOpSplit = NULL;
890 | PCDBGCOP pOpSplit = NULL;
891 | unsigned cBinaryOps = 0;
892 | unsigned cPar = 0;
893 | char ch;
894 | char chPrev = ' ';
895 | bool fBinary = false;
896 | psz = pszExpr;
897 |
898 | while ((ch = *psz) != '\0')
899 | {
900 | //Log2(("ch=%c cPar=%d fBinary=%d\n", ch, cPar, fBinary));
901 | /*
902 | * Parenthesis.
903 | */
904 | if (ch == '(')
905 | {
906 | cPar++;
907 | fBinary = false;
908 | }
909 | else if (ch == ')')
910 | {
911 | if (cPar <= 0)
913 | cPar--;
914 | fBinary = true;
915 | }
916 | /*
917 | * Potential operator.
918 | */
919 | else if (cPar == 0 && !RT_C_IS_BLANK(ch))
920 | {
921 | PCDBGCOP pOp = dbgcIsOpChar(ch)
922 | ? dbgcOperatorLookup(pDbgc, psz, fBinary, chPrev)
923 | : NULL;
924 | if (pOp)
925 | {
926 | /* If not the right kind of operator we've got a syntax error. */
927 | if (pOp->fBinary != fBinary)
929 |
930 | /*
931 | * Update the parse state and skip the operator.
932 | */
933 | if (!pOpSplit)
934 | {
935 | pOpSplit = pOp;
936 | pszOpSplit = psz;
937 | cBinaryOps = fBinary;
938 | }
939 | else if (fBinary)
940 | {
941 | cBinaryOps++;
942 | if (pOp->iPrecedence >= pOpSplit->iPrecedence)
943 | {
944 | pOpSplit = pOp;
945 | pszOpSplit = psz;
946 | }
947 | }
948 |
949 | psz += pOp->cchName - 1;
950 | fBinary = false;
951 | }
952 | else
953 | fBinary = true;
954 | }
955 |
956 | /* next */
957 | psz++;
958 | chPrev = ch;
959 | } /* parse loop. */
960 |
961 |
962 | /*
963 | * Either we found an operator to divide the expression by
964 | * or we didn't find any. In the first case it's divide and
965 | * conquer. In the latter it's a single expression which
966 | * needs dealing with its unary operators if any.
967 | */
968 | int rc;
969 | if ( cBinaryOps
970 | && pOpSplit->fBinary)
971 | {
972 | /* process 1st sub expression. */
973 | *pszOpSplit = '\0';
974 | DBGCVAR Arg1;
975 | rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, pszExpr, pszOpSplit - pszExpr, &Arg1);
976 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
977 | {
978 | /* process 2nd sub expression. */
979 | char *psz2 = pszOpSplit + pOpSplit->cchName;
980 | DBGCVAR Arg2;
981 | rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, psz2, cchExpr - (psz2 - pszExpr), &Arg2);
982 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
983 | /* apply the operator. */
984 | rc = pOpSplit->pfnHandlerBinary(pDbgc, &Arg1, &Arg2, pResult);
985 | }
986 | }
987 | else if (cBinaryOps)
988 | {
989 | /* process sub expression. */
990 | pszOpSplit += pOpSplit->cchName;
991 | DBGCVAR Arg;
992 | rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, pszOpSplit, cchExpr - (pszOpSplit - pszExpr), &Arg);
993 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
994 | /* apply the operator. */
995 | rc = pOpSplit->pfnHandlerUnary(pDbgc, &Arg, pResult);
996 | }
997 | else
998 | /* plain expression or using unary operators perhaps with parentheses. */
999 | rc = dbgcEvalSubUnary(pDbgc, pszExpr, cchExpr, pResult);
1000 |
1001 | return rc;
1002 | }
1003 |
1004 |
1005 | /**
1006 | * Parses the arguments of one command.
1007 | *
1008 | * @returns 0 on success.
1009 | * @returns VBox error code on parse error with *pcArg containing the argument causing trouble.
1010 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1011 | * @param pCmd Pointer to the command descriptor.
1012 | * @param pszArg Pointer to the arguments to parse.
1013 | * @param paArgs Where to store the parsed arguments.
1014 | * @param cArgs Size of the paArgs array.
1015 | * @param pcArgs Where to store the number of arguments.
1016 | * In the event of an error this is used to store the index of the offending argument.
1017 | */
1018 | static int dbgcProcessArguments(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCCMD pCmd, char *pszArgs, PDBGCVAR paArgs, unsigned cArgs, unsigned *pcArgs)
1019 | {
1020 | Log2(("dbgcProcessArguments: pCmd=%s pszArgs='%s'\n", pCmd->pszCmd, pszArgs));
1021 | /*
1022 | * Check if we have any argument and if the command takes any.
1023 | */
1024 | *pcArgs = 0;
1025 | /* strip leading blanks. */
1026 | while (*pszArgs && RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszArgs))
1027 | pszArgs++;
1028 | if (!*pszArgs)
1029 | {
1030 | if (!pCmd->cArgsMin)
1031 | return 0;
1033 | }
1034 | /** @todo fixme - foo() doesn't work. */
1035 | if (!pCmd->cArgsMax)
1037 |
1038 | /*
1039 | * This is a hack, it's "temporary" and should go away "when" the parser is
1040 | * modified to match arguments while parsing.
1041 | */
1042 | if ( pCmd->cArgsMax == 1
1043 | && pCmd->cArgsMin == 1
1044 | && pCmd->cArgDescs == 1
1045 | && pCmd->paArgDescs[0].enmCategory == DBGCVAR_CAT_STRING
1046 | && cArgs >= 1)
1047 | {
1048 | *pcArgs = 1;
1049 | RTStrStripR(pszArgs);
1050 | return dbgcEvalSubString(pDbgc, pszArgs, strlen(pszArgs), &paArgs[0]);
1051 | }
1052 |
1053 |
1054 | /*
1055 | * The parse loop.
1056 | */
1057 | PDBGCVAR pArg0 = &paArgs[0];
1058 | PDBGCVAR pArg = pArg0;
1059 | *pcArgs = 0;
1060 | do
1061 | {
1062 | /*
1063 | * Can we have another argument?
1064 | */
1065 | if (*pcArgs >= pCmd->cArgsMax)
1067 | if (pArg >= &paArgs[cArgs])
1069 |
1070 | /*
1071 | * Find the end of the argument.
1072 | */
1073 | int cPar = 0;
1074 | char chQuote = '\0';
1075 | char *pszEnd = NULL;
1076 | char *psz = pszArgs;
1077 | char ch;
1078 | bool fBinary = false;
1079 | for (;;)
1080 | {
1081 | /*
1082 | * Check for the end.
1083 | */
1084 | if ((ch = *psz) == '\0')
1085 | {
1086 | if (chQuote)
1088 | if (cPar)
1090 | pszEnd = psz;
1091 | break;
1092 | }
1093 | /*
1094 | * When quoted we ignore everything but the quotation char.
1095 | * We use the REXX way of escaping the quotation char, i.e. double occurrence.
1096 | */
1097 | else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"' || ch == '`')
1098 | {
1099 | if (chQuote)
1100 | {
1101 | /* end quote? */
1102 | if (ch == chQuote)
1103 | {
1104 | if (psz[1] == ch)
1105 | psz++; /* skip the escaped quote char */
1106 | else
1107 | chQuote = '\0'; /* end of quoted string. */
1108 | }
1109 | }
1110 | else
1111 | chQuote = ch; /* open new quote */
1112 | }
1113 | /*
1114 | * Parenthesis can of course be nested.
1115 | */
1116 | else if (ch == '(')
1117 | {
1118 | cPar++;
1119 | fBinary = false;
1120 | }
1121 | else if (ch == ')')
1122 | {
1123 | if (!cPar)
1125 | cPar--;
1126 | fBinary = true;
1127 | }
1128 | else if (!chQuote && !cPar)
1129 | {
1130 | /*
1131 | * Encountering blanks may mean the end of it all. A binary operator
1132 | * will force continued parsing.
1133 | */
1134 | if (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*psz))
1135 | {
1136 | pszEnd = psz++; /* just in case. */
1137 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*psz))
1138 | psz++;
1139 | PCDBGCOP pOp = dbgcOperatorLookup(pDbgc, psz, fBinary, ' ');
1140 | if (!pOp || pOp->fBinary != fBinary)
1141 | break; /* the end. */
1142 | psz += pOp->cchName;
1143 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*psz)) /* skip blanks so we don't get here again */
1144 | psz++;
1145 | fBinary = false;
1146 | continue;
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 | /*
1150 | * Look for operators without a space up front.
1151 | */
1152 | if (dbgcIsOpChar(*psz))
1153 | {
1154 | PCDBGCOP pOp = dbgcOperatorLookup(pDbgc, psz, fBinary, ' ');
1155 | if (pOp)
1156 | {
1157 | if (pOp->fBinary != fBinary)
1158 | {
1159 | pszEnd = psz;
1160 | /** @todo this is a parsing error really. */
1161 | break; /* the end. */
1162 | }
1163 | psz += pOp->cchName;
1164 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*psz)) /* skip blanks so we don't get here again */
1165 | psz++;
1166 | fBinary = false;
1167 | continue;
1168 | }
1169 | }
1170 | fBinary = true;
1171 | }
1172 |
1173 | /* next char */
1174 | psz++;
1175 | }
1176 | *pszEnd = '\0';
1177 | /* (psz = next char to process) */
1178 |
1179 | /*
1180 | * Parse and evaluate the argument.
1181 | */
1182 | int rc = dbgcEvalSub(pDbgc, pszArgs, strlen(pszArgs), pArg);
1183 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1184 | return rc;
1185 |
1186 | /*
1187 | * Next.
1188 | */
1189 | pArg++;
1190 | (*pcArgs)++;
1191 | pszArgs = psz;
1192 | while (*pszArgs && RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszArgs))
1193 | pszArgs++;
1194 | } while (*pszArgs);
1195 |
1196 | /*
1197 | * Match the arguments.
1198 | */
1199 | return dbgcEvalSubMatchVars(pDbgc, pCmd->cArgsMin, pCmd->cArgsMax, pCmd->paArgDescs, pCmd->cArgDescs, pArg0, pArg - pArg0);
1200 | }
1201 |
1202 |
1203 | /**
1204 | * Process one command.
1205 | *
1206 | * @returns VBox status code. Any error indicates the termination of the console session.
1207 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1208 | * @param pszCmd Pointer to the command.
1209 | * @param cchCmd Length of the command.
1210 | * @param fNoExecute Indicates that no commands should actually be executed.
1211 | */
1212 | int dbgcProcessCommand(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszCmd, size_t cchCmd, bool fNoExecute)
1213 | {
1214 | char *pszCmdInput = pszCmd;
1215 |
1216 | /*
1217 | * Skip blanks.
1218 | */
1219 | while (RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszCmd))
1220 | pszCmd++, cchCmd--;
1221 |
1222 | /* external command? */
1223 | bool fExternal = *pszCmd == '.';
1224 | if (fExternal)
1225 | pszCmd++, cchCmd--;
1226 |
1227 | /*
1228 | * Find arguments.
1229 | */
1230 | char *pszArgs = pszCmd;
1231 | while (RT_C_IS_ALNUM(*pszArgs))
1232 | pszArgs++;
1233 | if (*pszArgs && (!RT_C_IS_BLANK(*pszArgs) || pszArgs == pszCmd))
1234 | {
1236 | pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "Syntax error in command '%s'!\n", pszCmdInput);
1237 | return 0;
1238 | }
1239 |
1240 | /*
1241 | * Find the command.
1242 | */
1243 | PCDBGCCMD pCmd = dbgcRoutineLookup(pDbgc, pszCmd, pszArgs - pszCmd, fExternal);
1244 | if (!pCmd || (pCmd->fFlags & DBGCCMD_FLAGS_FUNCTION))
1245 | {
1247 | return pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "Unknown command '%s'!\n", pszCmdInput);
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | /*
1251 | * Parse arguments (if any).
1252 | */
1253 | unsigned cArgs;
1254 | int rc = dbgcProcessArguments(pDbgc, pCmd, pszArgs, &pDbgc->aArgs[pDbgc->iArg], RT_ELEMENTS(pDbgc->aArgs) - pDbgc->iArg, &cArgs);
1255 |
1256 | /*
1257 | * Execute the command.
1258 | */
1259 | if (!rc)
1260 | {
1261 | if (!fNoExecute)
1262 | rc = pCmd->pfnHandler(pCmd, &pDbgc->CmdHlp, pDbgc->pVM, &pDbgc->aArgs[0], cArgs, NULL);
1263 | pDbgc->rcCmd = rc;
1264 | if (rc == VERR_DBGC_COMMAND_FAILED)
1265 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1266 | }
1267 | else
1268 | {
1269 | pDbgc->rcCmd = rc;
1270 |
1271 | /* report parse / eval error. */
1272 | switch (rc)
1273 | {
1275 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1276 | "Syntax error: Too few arguments. Minimum is %d for command '%s'.\n", pCmd->cArgsMin, pCmd->pszCmd);
1277 | break;
1279 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1280 | "Syntax error: Too many arguments. Maximum is %d for command '%s'.\n", pCmd->cArgsMax, pCmd->pszCmd);
1281 | break;
1283 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1284 | "Syntax error: Too many arguments.\n");
1285 | break;
1287 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1288 | "Syntax error: Unbalanced quote (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1289 | break;
1291 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1292 | "Syntax error: Unbalanced parenthesis (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1293 | break;
1295 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1296 | "Syntax error: An argument or subargument contains nothing useful (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1297 | break;
1299 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1300 | "Syntax error: Invalid operator usage (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1301 | break;
1303 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1304 | "Syntax error: Ivalid numeric value (argument %d). If a string was the intention, then quote it.\n", cArgs);
1305 | break;
1307 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1308 | "Error: Numeric overflow (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1309 | break;
1311 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1312 | "Error: Invalid operation attempted (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1313 | break;
1315 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1316 | "Error: Function not found (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1317 | break;
1319 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1320 | "Error: The function specified is not a function (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1321 | break;
1323 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1324 | "Error: Out memory in the regular heap! Expect odd stuff to happen...\n", cArgs);
1325 | break;
1327 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1328 | "Error: Incorrect argument type (argument %d?).\n", cArgs);
1329 | break;
1331 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1332 | "Error: An undefined variable was referenced (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1333 | break;
1335 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1336 | "Error: A conversion between two types failed (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1337 | break;
1339 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1340 | "Error: You hit a debugger feature which isn't implemented yet (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1341 | break;
1343 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1344 | "Error: Couldn't satisfy a request for a specific result type (argument %d). (Usually applies to symbols)\n", cArgs);
1345 | break;
1347 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1348 | "Error: Cannot get symbol, it's set only (argument %d).\n", cArgs);
1349 | break;
1350 |
1352 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1353 | break;
1354 |
1355 | default:
1356 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1357 | "Error: Unknown error %d!\n", rc);
1358 | return rc;
1359 | }
1360 |
1361 | /*
1362 | * Parse errors are non fatal.
1363 | */
1364 | if (rc >= VERR_PARSE_FIRST && rc < VERR_PARSE_LAST)
1365 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1366 | }
1367 |
1368 | return rc;
1369 | }
1370 |
1371 |
1372 | /**
1373 | * Process all commands currently in the buffer.
1374 | *
1375 | * @returns VBox status code. Any error indicates the termination of the console session.
1376 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1377 | * @param fNoExecute Indicates that no commands should actually be executed.
1378 | */
1379 | static int dbgcProcessCommands(PDBGC pDbgc, bool fNoExecute)
1380 | {
1381 | int rc = 0;
1382 | while (pDbgc->cInputLines)
1383 | {
1384 | /*
1385 | * Empty the log buffer if we're hooking the log.
1386 | */
1387 | if (pDbgc->fLog)
1388 | {
1389 | rc = dbgcProcessLog(pDbgc);
1390 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1391 | break;
1392 | }
1393 |
1394 | if (pDbgc->iRead == pDbgc->iWrite)
1395 | {
1396 | AssertMsgFailed(("The input buffer is empty while cInputLines=%d!\n", pDbgc->cInputLines));
1397 | pDbgc->cInputLines = 0;
1398 | return 0;
1399 | }
1400 |
1401 | /*
1402 | * Copy the command to the parse buffer.
1403 | */
1404 | char ch;
1405 | char *psz = &pDbgc->achInput[pDbgc->iRead];
1406 | char *pszTrg = &pDbgc->achScratch[0];
1407 | while ((*pszTrg = ch = *psz++) != ';' && ch != '\n' )
1408 | {
1409 | if (psz == &pDbgc->achInput[sizeof(pDbgc->achInput)])
1410 | psz = &pDbgc->achInput[0];
1411 |
1412 | if (psz == &pDbgc->achInput[pDbgc->iWrite])
1413 | {
1414 | AssertMsgFailed(("The buffer contains no commands while cInputLines=%d!\n", pDbgc->cInputLines));
1415 | pDbgc->cInputLines = 0;
1416 | return 0;
1417 | }
1418 |
1419 | pszTrg++;
1420 | }
1421 | *pszTrg = '\0';
1422 |
1423 | /*
1424 | * Advance the buffer.
1425 | */
1426 | pDbgc->iRead = psz - &pDbgc->achInput[0];
1427 | if (ch == '\n')
1428 | pDbgc->cInputLines--;
1429 |
1430 | /*
1431 | * Parse and execute this command.
1432 | */
1433 | pDbgc->pszScratch = psz;
1434 | pDbgc->iArg = 0;
1435 | rc = dbgcProcessCommand(pDbgc, &pDbgc->achScratch[0], psz - &pDbgc->achScratch[0] - 1, fNoExecute);
1436 | if (rc)
1437 | break;
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | return rc;
1441 | }
1442 |
1443 |
1444 | /**
1445 | * Handle input buffer overflow.
1446 | *
1447 | * Will read any available input looking for a '\n' to reset the buffer on.
1448 | *
1449 | * @returns VBox status.
1450 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1451 | */
1452 | static int dbgcInputOverflow(PDBGC pDbgc)
1453 | {
1454 | /*
1455 | * Assert overflow status and reset the input buffer.
1456 | */
1457 | if (!pDbgc->fInputOverflow)
1458 | {
1459 | pDbgc->fInputOverflow = true;
1460 | pDbgc->iRead = pDbgc->iWrite = 0;
1461 | pDbgc->cInputLines = 0;
1462 | pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "Input overflow!!\n");
1463 | }
1464 |
1465 | /*
1466 | * Eat input till no more or there is a '\n'.
1467 | * When finding a '\n' we'll continue normal processing.
1468 | */
1469 | while (pDbgc->pBack->pfnInput(pDbgc->pBack, 0))
1470 | {
1471 | size_t cbRead;
1472 | int rc = pDbgc->pBack->pfnRead(pDbgc->pBack, &pDbgc->achInput[0], sizeof(pDbgc->achInput) - 1, &cbRead);
1473 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1474 | return rc;
1475 | char *psz = (char *)memchr(&pDbgc->achInput[0], '\n', cbRead);
1476 | if (psz)
1477 | {
1478 | pDbgc->fInputOverflow = false;
1479 | pDbgc->iRead = psz - &pDbgc->achInput[0] + 1;
1480 | pDbgc->iWrite = (unsigned)cbRead;
1481 | pDbgc->cInputLines = 0;
1482 | break;
1483 | }
1484 | }
1485 |
1486 | return 0;
1487 | }
1488 |
1489 |
1490 | /**
1491 | * Read input and do some preprocessing.
1492 | *
1493 | * @returns VBox status.
1494 | * In addition to the iWrite and achInput, cInputLines is maintained.
1495 | * In case of an input overflow the fInputOverflow flag will be set.
1496 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1497 | */
1498 | static int dbgcInputRead(PDBGC pDbgc)
1499 | {
1500 | /*
1501 | * We have ready input.
1502 | * Read it till we don't have any or we have a full input buffer.
1503 | */
1504 | int rc = 0;
1505 | do
1506 | {
1507 | /*
1508 | * More available buffer space?
1509 | */
1510 | size_t cbLeft;
1511 | if (pDbgc->iWrite > pDbgc->iRead)
1512 | cbLeft = sizeof(pDbgc->achInput) - pDbgc->iWrite - (pDbgc->iRead == 0);
1513 | else
1514 | cbLeft = pDbgc->iRead - pDbgc->iWrite - 1;
1515 | if (!cbLeft)
1516 | {
1517 | /* overflow? */
1518 | if (!pDbgc->cInputLines)
1519 | rc = dbgcInputOverflow(pDbgc);
1520 | break;
1521 | }
1522 |
1523 | /*
1524 | * Read one char and interpret it.
1525 | */
1526 | char achRead[128];
1527 | size_t cbRead;
1528 | rc = pDbgc->pBack->pfnRead(pDbgc->pBack, &achRead[0], RT_MIN(cbLeft, sizeof(achRead)), &cbRead);
1529 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1530 | return rc;
1531 | char *psz = &achRead[0];
1532 | while (cbRead-- > 0)
1533 | {
1534 | char ch = *psz++;
1535 | switch (ch)
1536 | {
1537 | /*
1538 | * Ignore.
1539 | */
1540 | case '\0':
1541 | case '\r':
1542 | case '\a':
1543 | break;
1544 |
1545 | /*
1546 | * Backspace.
1547 | */
1548 | case '\b':
1549 | Log2(("DBGC: backspace\n"));
1550 | if (pDbgc->iRead != pDbgc->iWrite)
1551 | {
1552 | unsigned iWriteUndo = pDbgc->iWrite;
1553 | if (pDbgc->iWrite)
1554 | pDbgc->iWrite--;
1555 | else
1556 | pDbgc->iWrite = sizeof(pDbgc->achInput) - 1;
1557 |
1558 | if (pDbgc->achInput[pDbgc->iWrite] == '\n')
1559 | pDbgc->iWrite = iWriteUndo;
1560 | }
1561 | break;
1562 |
1563 | /*
1564 | * Add char to buffer.
1565 | */
1566 | case '\t':
1567 | case '\n':
1568 | case ';':
1569 | switch (ch)
1570 | {
1571 | case '\t': ch = ' '; break;
1572 | case '\n': pDbgc->cInputLines++; break;
1573 | }
1574 | default:
1575 | Log2(("DBGC: ch=%02x\n", (unsigned char)ch));
1576 | pDbgc->achInput[pDbgc->iWrite] = ch;
1577 | if (++pDbgc->iWrite >= sizeof(pDbgc->achInput))
1578 | pDbgc->iWrite = 0;
1579 | break;
1580 | }
1581 | }
1582 |
1583 | /* Terminate it to make it easier to read in the debugger. */
1584 | pDbgc->achInput[pDbgc->iWrite] = '\0';
1585 | } while (pDbgc->pBack->pfnInput(pDbgc->pBack, 0));
1586 |
1587 | return rc;
1588 | }
1589 |
1590 |
1591 | /**
1592 | * Reads input, parses it and executes commands on '\n'.
1593 | *
1594 | * @returns VBox status.
1595 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1596 | * @param fNoExecute Indicates that no commands should actually be executed.
1597 | */
1598 | int dbgcProcessInput(PDBGC pDbgc, bool fNoExecute)
1599 | {
1600 | /*
1601 | * We know there's input ready, so let's read it first.
1602 | */
1603 | int rc = dbgcInputRead(pDbgc);
1604 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1605 | return rc;
1606 |
1607 | /*
1608 | * Now execute any ready commands.
1609 | */
1610 | if (pDbgc->cInputLines)
1611 | {
1612 | pDbgc->pBack->pfnSetReady(pDbgc->pBack, false);
1613 | pDbgc->fReady = false;
1614 | rc = dbgcProcessCommands(pDbgc, fNoExecute);
1615 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && rc != VWRN_DBGC_CMD_PENDING)
1616 | pDbgc->fReady = true;
1617 |
1618 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
1619 | && pDbgc->iRead == pDbgc->iWrite
1620 | && pDbgc->fReady)
1621 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "VBoxDbg> ");
1622 |
1623 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
1624 | && pDbgc->fReady)
1625 | pDbgc->pBack->pfnSetReady(pDbgc->pBack, true);
1626 | }
1627 | else
1628 | /* Received nonsense; just skip it. */
1629 | pDbgc->iRead = pDbgc->iWrite;
1630 |
1631 | return rc;
1632 | }
1633 |
1634 |
1635 | /**
1636 | * Gets the event context identifier string.
1637 | * @returns Read only string.
1638 | * @param enmCtx The context.
1639 | */
1640 | static const char *dbgcGetEventCtx(DBGFEVENTCTX enmCtx)
1641 | {
1642 | switch (enmCtx)
1643 | {
1644 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_RAW: return "raw";
1645 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_REM: return "rem";
1646 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_HWACCL: return "hwaccl";
1647 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_HYPER: return "hyper";
1648 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_OTHER: return "other";
1649 |
1650 | case DBGFEVENTCTX_INVALID: return "!Invalid Event Ctx!";
1651 | default:
1652 | AssertMsgFailed(("enmCtx=%d\n", enmCtx));
1653 | return "!Unknown Event Ctx!";
1654 | }
1655 | }
1656 |
1657 |
1658 | /**
1659 | * Processes debugger events.
1660 | *
1661 | * @returns VBox status.
1662 | * @param pDbgc DBGC Instance data.
1663 | * @param pEvent Pointer to event data.
1664 | */
1665 | static int dbgcProcessEvent(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGFEVENT pEvent)
1666 | {
1667 | /*
1668 | * Flush log first.
1669 | */
1670 | if (pDbgc->fLog)
1671 | {
1672 | int rc = dbgcProcessLog(pDbgc);
1673 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1674 | return rc;
1675 | }
1676 |
1677 | /*
1678 | * Process the event.
1679 | */
1680 | pDbgc->pszScratch = &pDbgc->achInput[0];
1681 | pDbgc->iArg = 0;
1682 | bool fPrintPrompt = true;
1683 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1684 | switch (pEvent->enmType)
1685 | {
1686 | /*
1687 | * The first part is events we have initiated with commands.
1688 | */
1690 | {
1691 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf event: VM %p is halted! (%s)\n",
1692 | pDbgc->pVM, dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1693 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = true; /* we're always in guest context when halted. */
1694 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1695 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1696 | break;
1697 | }
1698 |
1699 |
1700 | /*
1701 | * The second part is events which can occur at any time.
1702 | */
1704 | {
1705 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbf event: Fatal error! (%s)\n",
1706 | dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1707 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = false; /* fatal errors are always in hypervisor. */
1708 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1709 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1710 | break;
1711 | }
1712 |
1715 | {
1716 | bool fRegCtxGuest = pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest;
1717 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = pEvent->enmType == DBGFEVENT_BREAKPOINT;
1718 |
1719 | rc = dbgcBpExec(pDbgc, pEvent->u.Bp.iBp);
1720 | switch (rc)
1721 | {
1723 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf event: Unknown breakpoint %u! (%s)\n",
1724 | pEvent->u.Bp.iBp, dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1725 | break;
1726 |
1728 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf event: Breakpoint %u! (%s)\n",
1729 | pEvent->u.Bp.iBp, dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1730 | break;
1731 |
1733 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf event: Breakpoint %u! Command too long to execute! (%s)\n",
1734 | pEvent->u.Bp.iBp, dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1735 | break;
1736 |
1737 | default:
1738 | break;
1739 | }
1740 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && DBGFR3IsHalted(pDbgc->pVM))
1741 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1742 | else
1743 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = fRegCtxGuest;
1744 | break;
1745 | }
1746 |
1749 | {
1750 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = pEvent->enmType == DBGFEVENT_STEPPED;
1751 |
1752 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf event: Single step! (%s)\n", dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx));
1753 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1754 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1755 | break;
1756 | }
1757 |
1759 | {
1760 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = false;
1761 |
1762 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1763 | "\ndbgf event: Hypervisor Assertion! (%s)\n"
1764 | "%s"
1765 | "%s"
1766 | "\n",
1767 | dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx),
1768 | pEvent->u.Assert.pszMsg1,
1769 | pEvent->u.Assert.pszMsg2);
1770 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1771 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1772 | break;
1773 | }
1774 |
1776 | {
1777 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1778 | "\n"
1779 | "dbgf event: DBGFSTOP (%s)\n"
1780 | "File: %s\n"
1781 | "Line: %d\n"
1782 | "Function: %s\n",
1783 | dbgcGetEventCtx(pEvent->enmCtx),
1784 | pEvent->u.Src.pszFile,
1785 | pEvent->u.Src.uLine,
1786 | pEvent->u.Src.pszFunction);
1787 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pEvent->u.Src.pszMessage && *pEvent->u.Src.pszMessage)
1788 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
1789 | "Message: %s\n",
1790 | pEvent->u.Src.pszMessage);
1791 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1792 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnExec(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, "r");
1793 | break;
1794 | }
1795 |
1796 |
1798 | {
1799 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf/dbgc error: Invalid command event!\n");
1800 | break;
1801 | }
1802 |
1804 | {
1805 | pDbgc->fReady = false;
1806 | pDbgc->pBack->pfnSetReady(pDbgc->pBack, false);
1807 | pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\nVM is terminating!\n");
1808 | fPrintPrompt = false;
1810 | break;
1811 | }
1812 |
1813 |
1814 | default:
1815 | {
1816 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\ndbgf/dbgc error: Unknown event %d!\n", pEvent->enmType);
1817 | break;
1818 | }
1819 | }
1820 |
1821 | /*
1822 | * Prompt, anyone?
1823 | */
1824 | if (fPrintPrompt && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1825 | {
1826 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "VBoxDbg> ");
1827 | pDbgc->fReady = true;
1828 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1829 | pDbgc->pBack->pfnSetReady(pDbgc->pBack, true);
1830 | }
1831 |
1832 | return rc;
1833 | }
1834 |
1835 |
1836 | /**
1837 | * Prints any log lines from the log buffer.
1838 | *
1839 | * The caller must not call function this unless pDbgc->fLog is set.
1840 | *
1841 | * @returns VBox status. (output related)
1842 | * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data.
1843 | */
1844 | static int dbgcProcessLog(PDBGC pDbgc)
1845 | {
1846 | /** @todo */
1847 | NOREF(pDbgc);
1848 | return 0;
1849 | }
1850 |
1851 |
1852 | /**
1853 | * Run the debugger console.
1854 | *
1855 | * @returns VBox status.
1856 | * @param pDbgc Pointer to the debugger console instance data.
1857 | */
1858 | int dbgcRun(PDBGC pDbgc)
1859 | {
1860 | /*
1861 | * We're ready for commands now.
1862 | */
1863 | pDbgc->fReady = true;
1864 | pDbgc->pBack->pfnSetReady(pDbgc->pBack, true);
1865 |
1866 | /*
1867 | * Main Debugger Loop.
1868 | *
1869 | * This loop will either block on waiting for input or on waiting on
1870 | * debug events. If we're forwarding the log we cannot wait for long
1871 | * before we must flush the log.
1872 | */
1873 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1874 | for (;;)
1875 | {
1876 | if ( pDbgc->pVM
1877 | && DBGFR3CanWait(pDbgc->pVM))
1878 | {
1879 | /*
1880 | * Wait for a debug event.
1881 | */
1882 | PCDBGFEVENT pEvent;
1883 | rc = DBGFR3EventWait(pDbgc->pVM, pDbgc->fLog ? 1 : 32, &pEvent);
1884 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1885 | {
1886 | rc = dbgcProcessEvent(pDbgc, pEvent);
1887 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1888 | break;
1889 | }
1890 | else if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT)
1891 | break;
1892 |
1893 | /*
1894 | * Check for input.
1895 | */
1896 | if (pDbgc->pBack->pfnInput(pDbgc->pBack, 0))
1897 | {
1898 | rc = dbgcProcessInput(pDbgc, false /* fNoExecute */);
1899 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1900 | break;
1901 | }
1902 | }
1903 | else
1904 | {
1905 | /*
1906 | * Wait for input. If Logging is enabled we'll only wait very briefly.
1907 | */
1908 | if (pDbgc->pBack->pfnInput(pDbgc->pBack, pDbgc->fLog ? 1 : 1000))
1909 | {
1910 | rc = dbgcProcessInput(pDbgc, false /* fNoExecute */);
1911 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1912 | break;
1913 | }
1914 | }
1915 |
1916 | /*
1917 | * Forward log output.
1918 | */
1919 | if (pDbgc->fLog)
1920 | {
1921 | rc = dbgcProcessLog(pDbgc);
1922 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1923 | break;
1924 | }
1925 | }
1926 |
1927 | return rc;
1928 | }
1929 |
1930 |
1931 | /**
1932 | * Creates a a new instance.
1933 | *
1934 | * @returns VBox status code.
1935 | * @param ppDbgc Where to store the pointer to the instance data.
1936 | * @param pBack Pointer to the backend.
1937 | * @param fFlags The flags.
1938 | */
1939 | int dbgcCreate(PDBGC *ppDbgc, PDBGCBACK pBack, unsigned fFlags)
1940 | {
1941 | /*
1942 | * Validate input.
1943 | */
1944 | AssertPtrReturn(pBack, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1945 | AssertMsgReturn(!fFlags, ("%#x", fFlags), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1946 |
1947 | /*
1948 | * Allocate and initialize.
1949 | */
1950 | PDBGC pDbgc = (PDBGC)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pDbgc));
1951 | if (!pDbgc)
1952 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
1953 |
1954 | dbgcInitCmdHlp(pDbgc);
1955 | pDbgc->pBack = pBack;
1956 | pDbgc->pVM = NULL;
1957 | pDbgc->idCpu = NIL_VMCPUID;
1958 | pDbgc->hDbgAs = DBGF_AS_GLOBAL;
1959 | pDbgc->pszEmulation = "CodeView/WinDbg";
1960 | pDbgc->paEmulationCmds = &g_aCmdsCodeView[0];
1961 | pDbgc->cEmulationCmds = g_cCmdsCodeView;
1962 | //pDbgc->fLog = false;
1963 | pDbgc->fRegCtxGuest = true;
1964 | pDbgc->fRegTerse = true;
1965 | //pDbgc->cPagingHierarchyDumps = 0;
1966 | //pDbgc->DisasmPos = {0};
1967 | //pDbgc->SourcePos = {0};
1968 | //pDbgc->DumpPos = {0};
1969 | pDbgc->pLastPos = &pDbgc->DisasmPos;
1970 | //pDbgc->cbDumpElement = 0;
1971 | //pDbgc->cVars = 0;
1972 | //pDbgc->paVars = NULL;
1973 | //pDbgc->pPlugInHead = NULL;
1974 | //pDbgc->pFirstBp = NULL;
1975 | //pDbgc->abSearch = {0};
1976 | //pDbgc->cbSearch = 0;
1977 | pDbgc->cbSearchUnit = 1;
1978 | pDbgc->cMaxSearchHits = 1;
1979 | //pDbgc->SearchAddr = {0};
1980 | //pDbgc->cbSearchRange = 0;
1981 |
1982 | //pDbgc->uInputZero = 0;
1983 | //pDbgc->iRead = 0;
1984 | //pDbgc->iWrite = 0;
1985 | //pDbgc->cInputLines = 0;
1986 | //pDbgc->fInputOverflow = false;
1987 | pDbgc->fReady = true;
1988 | pDbgc->pszScratch = &pDbgc->achScratch[0];
1989 | //pDbgc->iArg = 0;
1990 | //pDbgc->rcOutput = 0;
1991 | //pDbgc->rcCmd = 0;
1992 |
1993 | dbgcInitOpCharBitMap();
1994 |
1995 | *ppDbgc = pDbgc;
1996 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1997 | }
1998 |
1999 | /**
2000 | * Destroys a DBGC instance created by dbgcCreate.
2001 | *
2002 | * @param pDbgc Pointer to the debugger console instance data.
2003 | */
2004 | void dbgcDestroy(PDBGC pDbgc)
2005 | {
2006 | AssertPtr(pDbgc);
2007 |
2008 | /* Disable log hook. */
2009 | if (pDbgc->fLog)
2010 | {
2011 |
2012 | }
2013 |
2014 | /* Unload all plug-ins. */
2015 | dbgcPlugInUnloadAll(pDbgc);
2016 |
2017 | /* Detach from the VM. */
2018 | if (pDbgc->pVM)
2019 | DBGFR3Detach(pDbgc->pVM);
2020 |
2021 | /* finally, free the instance memory. */
2022 | RTMemFree(pDbgc);
2023 | }
2024 |
2025 |
2026 | /**
2027 | * Make a console instance.
2028 | *
2029 | * This will not return until either an 'exit' command is issued or a error code
2030 | * indicating connection loss is encountered.
2031 | *
2032 | * @returns VINF_SUCCESS if console termination caused by the 'exit' command.
2033 | * @returns The VBox status code causing the console termination.
2034 | *
2035 | * @param pVM VM Handle.
2036 | * @param pBack Pointer to the backend structure. This must contain
2037 | * a full set of function pointers to service the console.
2038 | * @param fFlags Reserved, must be zero.
2039 | * @remark A forced termination of the console is easiest done by forcing the
2040 | * callbacks to return fatal failures.
2041 | */
2042 | DBGDECL(int) DBGCCreate(PVM pVM, PDBGCBACK pBack, unsigned fFlags)
2043 | {
2044 | /*
2045 | * Validate input.
2046 | */
2047 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
2048 |
2049 | /*
2050 | * Allocate and initialize instance data
2051 | */
2052 | PDBGC pDbgc;
2053 | int rc = dbgcCreate(&pDbgc, pBack, fFlags);
2054 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2055 | return rc;
2056 |
2057 | /*
2058 | * Print welcome message.
2059 | */
2060 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
2061 | "Welcome to the VirtualBox Debugger!\n");
2062 |
2063 | /*
2064 | * Attach to the specified VM.
2065 | */
2066 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pVM)
2067 | {
2068 | rc = DBGFR3Attach(pVM);
2069 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2070 | {
2071 | pDbgc->pVM = pVM;
2072 | pDbgc->idCpu = 0;
2073 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL,
2074 | "Current VM is %08x, CPU #%u\n" /** @todo get and print the VM name! */
2075 | , pDbgc->pVM, pDbgc->idCpu);
2076 | }
2077 | else
2078 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnVBoxError(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, rc, "When trying to attach to VM %p\n", pDbgc->pVM);
2079 | }
2080 |
2081 | /*
2082 | * Load plugins.
2083 | */
2084 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2085 | {
2086 | if (pVM)
2087 | dbgcPlugInAutoLoad(pDbgc);
2088 | rc = pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "VBoxDbg> ");
2089 | }
2090 | else
2091 | pDbgc->CmdHlp.pfnPrintf(&pDbgc->CmdHlp, NULL, "\nDBGCCreate error: %Rrc\n", rc);
2092 |
2093 | /*
2094 | * Run the debugger main loop.
2095 | */
2096 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2097 | rc = dbgcRun(pDbgc);
2098 |
2099 | /*
2100 | * Cleanup console debugger session.
2101 | */
2102 | dbgcDestroy(pDbgc);
2103 | return rc == VERR_DBGC_QUIT ? VINF_SUCCESS : rc;
2104 | }
2105 |