1 | /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/xf86OSmouse.h,v 1.20 2002/12/17 20:55:23 dawes Exp $ */
2 |
3 | /*
4 | * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
5 | */
6 |
7 | /* Public interface to OS-specific mouse support. */
8 |
9 | #ifndef _XF86OSMOUSE_H_
10 | #define _XF86OSMOUSE_H_
11 |
12 | #include "xf86Xinput.h"
13 |
14 | /* Mouse interface classes */
15 | #define MSE_NONE 0x00
16 | #define MSE_SERIAL 0x01 /* serial port */
17 | #define MSE_BUS 0x02 /* old bus mouse */
18 | #define MSE_PS2 0x04 /* standard read-only PS/2 */
19 | #define MSE_XPS2 0x08 /* extended PS/2 */
20 | #define MSE_AUTO 0x10 /* auto-detect (PnP) */
21 | #define MSE_MISC 0x20 /* The OS layer will identify the
22 | * specific protocol names that are
23 | * supported for this class. */
24 |
25 | struct _MouseDevRec;
26 |
27 | typedef int (*GetInterfaceTypesProc)(void);
28 | typedef const char **(*BuiltinNamesProc)(void);
29 | typedef Bool (*CheckProtocolProc)(const char *protocol);
30 | typedef Bool (*BuiltinPreInitProc)(InputInfoPtr pInfo, const char *protocol,
31 | int flags);
32 | typedef const char *(*DefaultProtocolProc)(void);
33 | typedef const char *(*SetupAutoProc)(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int *protoPara);
34 | typedef void (*SetResProc)(InputInfoPtr pInfo, const char* protocol, int rate,
35 | int res);
36 | typedef void (*checkMovementsProc)(InputInfoPtr,int, int);
37 | typedef void (*autoProbeProc)(InputInfoPtr, Bool, Bool);
38 | typedef Bool (*collectDataProc)(struct _MouseDevRec *, unsigned char);
39 | typedef Bool (*dataGoodProc)(struct _MouseDevRec *);
40 |
41 | /*
42 | * OSMouseInfoRec is used to pass information from the OSMouse layer to the
43 | * OS-independent mouse driver.
44 | */
45 | typedef struct {
46 | GetInterfaceTypesProc SupportedInterfaces;
47 | BuiltinNamesProc BuiltinNames;
48 | CheckProtocolProc CheckProtocol;
49 | BuiltinPreInitProc PreInit;
50 | DefaultProtocolProc DefaultProtocol;
51 | SetupAutoProc SetupAuto;
52 | SetResProc SetPS2Res;
53 | SetResProc SetBMRes;
54 | SetResProc SetMiscRes;
55 | } OSMouseInfoRec, *OSMouseInfoPtr;
56 |
57 | /*
58 | * SupportedInterfaces: Returns the mouse interface types that the OS support.
59 | * If MSE_MISC is returned, then the BuiltinNames and
60 | * CheckProtocol should be set.
61 | *
62 | * BuiltinNames: Returns the names of the protocols that are fully handled
63 | * in the OS-specific code. These are names that don't appear
64 | * directly in the main "mouse" driver.
65 | *
66 | * CheckProtocol: Checks if the protocol name given is supported by the
67 | * OS. It should return TRUE for both "builtin" protocols and
68 | * protocols of type MSE_MISC that are supported by the OS.
69 | *
70 | * PreInit: The PreInit function for protocols that are builtin. This
71 | * function is passed the protocol name.
72 | *
73 | * DefaultProtocol: Returns the name of a default protocol that should be used
74 | * for the OS when none has been supplied in the config file.
75 | * This should only be set when there is a reasonable default.
76 | *
77 | * SetupAuto: This function can be used to do OS-specific protocol
78 | * auto-detection. It returns the name of the detected protocol,
79 | * or NULL when detection fails. It may also adjust one or more
80 | * of the "protoPara" values for the detected protocol by setting
81 | * then to something other than -1.
82 | *
83 | * SetPS2Res: Set the resolution and sample rate for MSE_PS2 and MSE_XPS2
84 | * protocol types.
85 | *
86 | * SetBMRes: Set the resolution and sample rate for MSE_BM protocol types.
87 | *
88 | * SetMiscRes: Set the resolution and sample rate for MSE_MISC protocol types.
89 | */
90 |
91 | extern OSMouseInfoPtr xf86OSMouseInit(int flags);
92 |
93 | /*
94 | * Mouse device record. This is shared by the mouse driver and the OSMouse
95 | * layer.
96 | */
97 |
98 | typedef void (*PostMseEventProc)(InputInfoPtr pInfo, int buttons,
99 | int dx, int dy, int dz, int dw);
100 | typedef void (*MouseCommonOptProc)(InputInfoPtr pInfo);
101 |
102 | typedef struct _MouseDevRec {
103 | PtrCtrlProcPtr Ctrl;
104 | PostMseEventProc PostEvent;
105 | MouseCommonOptProc CommonOptions;
106 | DeviceIntPtr device;
107 | const char * mseDevice;
108 | const char * protocol;
109 | int protocolID;
110 | int oldProtocolID; /* hack */
111 | int class;
112 | int mseModel;
113 | int baudRate;
114 | int oldBaudRate;
115 | int sampleRate;
116 | int lastButtons;
117 | int threshold; /* acceleration */
118 | int num;
119 | int den;
120 | int buttons; /* # of buttons */
121 | int emulateState; /* automata state for 2 button mode */
122 | Bool emulate3Buttons;
123 | Bool emulate3ButtonsSoft;
124 | int emulate3Timeout;/* Timeout for 3 button emulation */
125 | Bool chordMiddle;
126 | Bool flipXY;
127 | int invX;
128 | int invY;
129 | int mouseFlags; /* Flags to Clear after opening
130 | * mouse dev */
131 | int truebuttons; /* (not used)
132 | * Arg to maintain before
133 | * emulate3buttons timer callback */
134 | int resolution;
135 | int negativeZ; /* button mask */
136 | int positiveZ; /* button mask */
137 | int negativeW; /* button mask */
138 | int positiveW; /* button mask */
139 | pointer buffer; /* usually an XISBuffer* */
140 | int protoBufTail;
141 | unsigned char protoBuf[8];
142 | unsigned char protoPara[8];
143 | unsigned char inSync; /* driver in sync with datastream */
144 | pointer mousePriv; /* private area */
145 | InputInfoPtr pInfo;
146 | int origProtocolID;
147 | const char * origProtocol;
148 | Bool emulate3Pending;/* timer waiting */
149 | CARD32 emulate3Expires;/* time to fire emulation code */
150 | Bool emulateWheel;
151 | int wheelInertia;
152 | int wheelButtonMask;
153 | int negativeX; /* Button values. Unlike the Z and */
154 | int positiveX; /* W equivalents, these are button */
155 | int negativeY; /* values rather than button masks. */
156 | int positiveY;
157 | int wheelYDistance;
158 | int wheelXDistance;
159 | Bool autoProbe;
160 | checkMovementsProc checkMovements;
161 | autoProbeProc autoProbeMouse;
162 | collectDataProc collectData;
163 | dataGoodProc dataGood;
164 | int angleOffset;
165 | pointer pDragLock; /* drag lock area */
166 | } MouseDevRec, *MouseDevPtr;
167 |
168 | /* Z axis mapping */
169 | #define MSE_NOZMAP 0
170 | #define MSE_MAPTOX -1
171 | #define MSE_MAPTOY -2
172 | #define MSE_MAPTOZ -3
173 | #define MSE_MAPTOW -4
174 |
175 | /* Generalize for other axes. */
177 |
178 | #define MSE_MAXBUTTONS 12
179 | #define MSE_DFLTBUTTONS 3
180 |
181 | #endif /* _XF86OSMOUSE_H_ */