/* $Id: vboxwl.cpp 106808 2024-10-31 14:20:11Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Guest Additions - Helper tool for grabbing input focus and perform * drag-n-drop and clipboard sharing in Wayland. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "product-generated.h" #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxClient.h" #include "wayland-helper-ipc.h" #include "vbox-gtk.h" #include "wayland-helper.h" #include "clipboard.h" /** Gtk App window default width. */ #define VBOXWL_WINDOW_WIDTH (100) /** Gtk App window default height. */ #define VBOXWL_WINDOW_HEIGHT (100) /** Gtk App window default transparency level. */ #define VBOXWL_WINDOW_ALPHA (.1) /** Gtk App watchdog callback triggering interval. */ #define VBOXWL_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL_MS (50) /** Gtk App exit timeout. */ #define VBOXWL_EXIT_TIMEOUT_MS (500) #define VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY_BIT RT_BIT(0) #define VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE_BIT RT_BIT(1) #define VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY_BIT RT_BIT(2) /** Program name. */ static char *g_pszProgName; /** Unused: just for linking purposes. */ unsigned g_cRespawn = 0; /** A session ID which will be specified in communication messages * with VBoxClient instance. */ static uint32_t g_uSessionId = 0; /** One-shot session type. */ static vbcl_wl_session_type_t g_enmSessionType = VBCL_WL_SESSION_TYPE_INVALID; /** Logging verbosity level. */ unsigned g_cVerbosity = 0; /** Global flag to tell Gtk app to quit. */ static uint64_t g_tsGtkQuit = 0; /** Gtk app thread. */ static RTTHREAD g_AppThread; /** Gtk App window. */ static GtkWidget *g_pWindow; /** Clipboard IPC flow object. */ vbcl::ipc::data::DataIpc *g_oDataIpc; /************************************************************************************************ * Copy from guest clipboard. ***********************************************************************************************/ /** * A callback to read guest clipboard data. * * @param pClipboard Pointer to Gtk clipboard object. * @param pSelectionData Pointer to Gtk selection object. * @param pvUser User data. */ static void vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_read(GtkClipboard* pClipboard, GtkSelectionData* pSelectionData, gpointer pvUser) { guchar *pData; gint cbData = -1; int rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; RT_NOREF(pClipboard, pvUser); VBCL_LOG_CALLBACK; /* Read data from guest clipboard. */ pData = (guchar *)gtk_selection_data_get_data_with_length(pSelectionData, &cbData); if ( RT_VALID_PTR(pData) && cbData > 0) { char *pcszMimeType = gdk_atom_name(gtk_selection_data_get_data_type(pSelectionData)); if (RT_VALID_PTR(pcszMimeType)) { void *pvBufOut = NULL; size_t cbBufOut = 0; /* Convert guest clipboard into VBox representation. */ rc = VBoxMimeConvNativeToVBox(pcszMimeType, pData, cbData, &pvBufOut, &cbBufOut); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { g_oDataIpc->m_pvDataBuf.set((uint64_t)pvBufOut); g_oDataIpc->m_cbDataBuf.set((uint64_t)cbBufOut); g_tsGtkQuit = RTTimeMilliTS(); } else VBClLogError("session %u: cannot convert guest clipboard: rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc); g_free(pcszMimeType); } else VBClLogError("session %u: guest provided no target type\n", g_uSessionId); } } /** * Find first matching VBox format for given Gtk target. * * @returns VBox clipboard format or VBOX_SHCL_FMT_NONE if no match found.. * @param pTargets List of Gtk targets to match. * @param cTargets Number of targets. */ static SHCLFORMATS vboxwl_gtk_match_formats(GdkAtom *pTargets, gint cTargets) { SHCLFORMATS fFmts = VBOX_SHCL_FMT_NONE; for (int i = 0; i < cTargets; i++) { gchar *sTargetName = gdk_atom_name(pTargets[i]); if (RT_VALID_PTR(sTargetName)) { fFmts |= VBoxMimeConvGetIdByMime(sTargetName); g_free(sTargetName); } } return fFmts; } /** * Find matching Gtk target for given VBox format. * * @returns Gtk target or GDK_NONE if no match found. * @param pTargets List of Gtk targets to match. * @param cTargets Number of targets. * @param uFmt VBox formats to match. */ static GdkAtom vboxwl_gtk_match_target(GdkAtom *pTargets, gint cTargets, SHCLFORMAT uFmt) { GdkAtom match = GDK_NONE; for (int i = 0; i < cTargets; i++) { gchar *sTargetName = gdk_atom_name(pTargets[i]); if (RT_VALID_PTR(sTargetName)) { if (uFmt == VBoxMimeConvGetIdByMime(sTargetName)) match = pTargets[i]; g_free(sTargetName); } } return match; } /** * Gtk callback to read guest clipboard content. * * @param pClipboard Pointer to Gtk clipboard object. * @param pEvent Pointer to Gtk clipboard event. * @param pvUser User data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_get(GtkClipboard *pClipboard, GdkEvent *pEvent, gpointer pvUser) { GdkAtom *pTargets; gint cTargets; gboolean fRc; RT_NOREF(pEvent, pvUser); VBCL_LOG_CALLBACK; /* Wait for Gtk to offer available clipboard content. */ fRc = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_targets(pClipboard, &pTargets, &cTargets); if (fRc) { /* Convert guest clipboard targets list into VBox representation. */ SHCLFORMATS fFormats = vboxwl_gtk_match_formats(pTargets, cTargets); SHCLFORMAT uFmt; /* Set formats to be sent to the host. */ g_oDataIpc->m_fFmts.set(fFormats); /* Wait for host to send clipboard format it wants to copy from guest. */ uFmt = g_oDataIpc->m_uFmt.wait(); if (uFmt != g_oDataIpc->m_uFmt.defaults()) { /* Find target which matches to host format among reported by guest. */ GdkAtom gtkFmt = vboxwl_gtk_match_target(pTargets, cTargets, uFmt); if (gtkFmt != GDK_NONE) gtk_clipboard_request_contents(pClipboard, gtkFmt, &vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_read, pvUser); else VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: will not send format 0x%x to host, not known to the guest\n", g_uSessionId, uFmt); } else VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: host did not send desired clipboard format in time\n", g_uSessionId); g_free(pTargets); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Paste into the guest clipboard. ***********************************************************************************************/ /** * A callback to write data to the guest clipboard. * * @param pClipboard Pointer to Gtk clipboard object. * @param pSelectionData Pointer to Gtk selection object. * @param info Ignored. * @param pvUser User data. */ static void vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_write(GtkClipboard *pClipboard, GtkSelectionData *pSelectionData, guint info, gpointer pvUser) { GdkAtom target = gtk_selection_data_get_target(pSelectionData); gchar *sTargetName = gdk_atom_name(target); SHCLFORMAT uFmt = VBoxMimeConvGetIdByMime(sTargetName); int rc; RT_NOREF(info, pvUser); VBCL_LOG_CALLBACK; /* Set clipboard format which guest wants to send it to the host. */ g_oDataIpc->m_uFmt.set(uFmt); /* Wait for the host to send clipboard data in requested format. */ uint32_t cbBuf = g_oDataIpc->m_cbDataBuf.wait(); void *pvBuf = (void *)g_oDataIpc->m_pvDataBuf.wait(); if ( cbBuf != g_oDataIpc->m_cbDataBuf.defaults() && pvBuf != (void *)g_oDataIpc->m_pvDataBuf.defaults()) { void *pBufOut; size_t cbOut; /* Convert clipboard data from VBox representation into guest format. */ rc = VBoxMimeConvVBoxToNative(sTargetName, pvBuf, cbBuf, &pBufOut, &cbOut); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { gtk_selection_data_set(pSelectionData, target, 8, (const guchar *)pBufOut, cbOut); gtk_clipboard_store(pClipboard); gtk_window_iconify(GTK_WINDOW(g_pWindow)); /* Ask Gtk to quit on the next event loop iteration. */ g_tsGtkQuit = RTTimeMilliTS(); VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: paste %u bytes of mime-type '%s' into Gtk\n", g_uSessionId, cbOut, sTargetName); } else VBClLogError("session %u: cannot convert '%s' (%u bytes) into native representation, rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, sTargetName, cbBuf, rc); } else VBClLogError("session %u: cannot paste '%s' into Gtk: no data\n", g_uSessionId, sTargetName); g_free(sTargetName); } /** * Dummy Gtk callback. * * @param pClipboard Pointer to Gtk clipboard object. * @param pvUser User data. */ static void vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_write_fini(GtkClipboard *pClipboard, gpointer pvUser) { VBCL_LOG_CALLBACK; RT_NOREF(pClipboard, pvUser); } /** * Gtk clipboard target list builder, * * Triggered by VBoxMimeConvEnumerateMimeById() when matching VBox * clipboard formats into Gtk representation. * * @param pcszMimeType Mime-type in Gtk representation. * @param pvUser Output buffer. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) vboxwl_gtk_build_target_list(const char *pcszMimeType, void *pvUser) { GtkTargetList *aTargetList = (GtkTargetList *)pvUser; VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: mime-type '%s' -> guest\n", g_uSessionId, pcszMimeType); gtk_target_list_add(aTargetList, gdk_atom_intern(pcszMimeType, FALSE), 0, 0); } /** * Gtk callback to paste into clipboard. * * Wait for host to announce its clipboard formats and advertise * them to guest. * * @returns TRUE to stop other Gtk handlers from being invoked for the * event. FALSE to propagate the event further. * @param pSelf Pointer to Gtk widget object. * @param event Gtk event structure. * @param pvUser User data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(gboolean) vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_set(GtkWidget* pSelf, GdkEventWindowState event, gpointer pvUser) { SHCLFORMATS fFmts; GtkClipboard *pClipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); RT_NOREF(pSelf, event, pvUser); VBCL_LOG_CALLBACK; /* Wait for host to report available clipboard formats from its buffer. */ fFmts = g_oDataIpc->m_fFmts.wait(); if (fFmts != g_oDataIpc->m_fFmts.defaults()) { GtkTargetList *aTargetList = gtk_target_list_new(0, 0); GtkTargetEntry *aTargets; int cTargets = 0; /* Convert host clipboard formats bitmask into Gtk mime-types list. */ VBoxMimeConvEnumerateMimeById(fFmts, vboxwl_gtk_build_target_list, aTargetList); aTargets = gtk_target_table_new_from_list(aTargetList, &cTargets); if (RT_VALID_PTR(aTargets)) { gboolean fRc; /* Announce clipboard content to the guest. */ fRc = gtk_clipboard_set_with_data(pClipboard, aTargets, cTargets, &vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_write, &vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_write_fini, NULL); if (!fRc) VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: cannot announce clipboard to Gtk\n", g_uSessionId); gtk_target_table_free(aTargets, cTargets); } } return TRUE; } /************************************************************************************************ * Gtk App. ***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Gtk App watchdog. * * Responsible for quitting the app in the end of Gtk event loop cycle. * * @returns FALSE to stop watchdog, TRUE otherwise. * @param pvUser User data. */ static gboolean vboxwl_gtk_watchdog(gpointer pvUser) { RT_NOREF(pvUser); if ( g_tsGtkQuit > 0 && (RTTimeMilliTS() - g_tsGtkQuit) > VBOXWL_EXIT_TIMEOUT_MS) { g_application_quit(G_APPLICATION(g_application_get_default())); } return TRUE; } /** * Construct visible Gtk app window. * * @param pApp Application object. * @param pvUser User data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) vboxwl_gtk_app_start(GtkApplication* pApp, gpointer pvUser) { GtkWidget *pButton, *pBox; /* Construct a simple window with a single button element. */ g_pWindow = gtk_application_window_new(pApp); if (RT_VALID_PTR(g_pWindow)) { g_signal_connect(g_pWindow, "delete_event", gtk_main_quit, NULL); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(g_pWindow), VBOXWL_WINDOW_WIDTH, VBOXWL_WINDOW_HEIGHT); gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(g_pWindow), VBOXWL_WINDOW_WIDTH, VBOXWL_WINDOW_HEIGHT); pBox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); pButton = gtk_button_new(); if ( RT_VALID_PTR(pBox) && RT_VALID_PTR(pButton)) { /* Add button to the window. */ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(g_pWindow), pBox); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(pBox), pButton, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* Set elements opacity. */ gtk_widget_set_opacity(g_pWindow, VBOXWL_WINDOW_ALPHA); gtk_widget_set_opacity(pButton, VBOXWL_WINDOW_ALPHA); /* Setup watchdog handler. */ gdk_threads_add_timeout(VBOXWL_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL_MS, &vboxwl_gtk_watchdog, NULL); /* Subscribe to Gtk events depending on session type. */ if (g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_GUEST) { g_signal_connect_after(g_pWindow, "window-state-event", G_CALLBACK(vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_set), pvUser); } else if ( g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_ANNOUNCE_TO_HOST || g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_HOST) { GtkClipboard *pClipboard = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); g_signal_connect(pClipboard, "owner-change", G_CALLBACK(vboxwl_gtk_clipboard_get), pvUser); } else { VBClLogError("unknown session type, requesting app quit\n"); g_tsGtkQuit = RTTimeMilliTS(); } gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(g_pWindow)); gtk_widget_show_all(g_pWindow); } } } /** * Gtk App event loop handler. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hThreadSelf Running thread handle. * @param pvUser User data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxwl_gtk_worker(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; GtkApplication *pApp; /* Tell parent we are ready. */ RTThreadUserSignal(hThreadSelf); pApp = gtk_application_new("org.virtualbox.vboxwl", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); if (RT_VALID_PTR(pApp)) { /* Create app visual instance when ready. */ g_signal_connect(pApp, "activate", G_CALLBACK(vboxwl_gtk_app_start), pvUser); /* Run gtk main loop. */ rc = g_application_run(G_APPLICATION (pApp), 0, NULL); g_object_unref(pApp); } return rc; } /************************************************************************************************ * IPC handling. ***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Process IPC commands flow for session type. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param hIpcSession IPC connection handle. */ static int vboxwl_ipc_flow(RTLOCALIPCSESSION hIpcSession) { int rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_GUEST) rc = g_oDataIpc->flow(vbcl::ipc::data::HGCopyFlow, hIpcSession); else if (g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_ANNOUNCE_TO_HOST) rc = g_oDataIpc->flow(vbcl::ipc::data::GHAnnounceAndCopyFlow, hIpcSession); else if (g_enmSessionType == VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_HOST) rc = g_oDataIpc->flow(vbcl::ipc::data::GHCopyFlow, hIpcSession); return rc; } /** * Get IPC server socket name prefix depending on session type. * * @returns Prefix name or NULL if session type is unknown. */ static const char *vboxwl_ipc_srv_name_prefix(void) { const char *pcszPrefix; switch (g_enmSessionType) { case VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_GUEST: case VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_ANNOUNCE_TO_HOST: case VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_HOST: { pcszPrefix = VBOXWL_SRV_NAME_PREFIX_CLIP; break; } default: pcszPrefix = NULL; } return pcszPrefix; } /** * Connect to VBoxClient service. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param phIpcSession Pointer to IPC connection handle (out). */ static int vboxwl_connect_ipc(PRTLOCALIPCSESSION phIpcSession) { int rc; char szIpcServerName[128]; const char *pcszPrefix = vboxwl_ipc_srv_name_prefix(); AssertPtrReturn(phIpcSession, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcszPrefix, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); rc = vbcl_wayland_hlp_gtk_ipc_srv_name(pcszPrefix, szIpcServerName, sizeof(szIpcServerName)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTLocalIpcSessionConnect(phIpcSession, szIpcServerName, 0); VBClLogInfo("session %u: ipc connect: rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc); return rc; } /************************************************************************************************ * Generic initialization. ***********************************************************************************************/ /** * Execute requested command. * * @returns IPRT status code. */ static int vboxwl_run_command(void) { int rc; int rcThread = -1; RTLOCALIPCSESSION hIpcSession; rc = vbcl_wayland_thread_start(&g_AppThread, vboxwl_gtk_worker, "gtk-app", NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = vboxwl_connect_ipc(&hIpcSession); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { g_oDataIpc = new vbcl::ipc::data::DataIpc(); if (RT_VALID_PTR(g_oDataIpc)) { g_oDataIpc->init(vbcl::ipc::FLOW_DIRECTION_CLIENT, g_uSessionId); rc = vboxwl_ipc_flow(hIpcSession); VBClLogVerbose(2, "session %u: ended with rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc); /* Ask Gtk app to quit if IPC task has failed. */ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) g_tsGtkQuit = RTTimeMilliTS(); /* Wait for app thread termination first, it uses resources we just created. */ rc = RTThreadWait(g_AppThread, RT_MS_30SEC, &rcThread); VBClLogInfo("session %u: gtk app exited: rc=%Rrc, rcThread=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc, rcThread); g_oDataIpc->reset(); delete g_oDataIpc; } else VBClLogError("session %u: unable to create ipc clipboard object\n", g_uSessionId); rc = RTLocalIpcSessionClose(hIpcSession); VBClLogVerbose(1, "session %u: ipc disconnected: rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc); } } else VBClLogError("session %u: gtk app start: rc=%Rrc\n", g_uSessionId, rc); return rc; } /** * Print command line usage and exit. */ static void vboxwl_usage(void) { RTPrintf(VBOX_PRODUCT " %s " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\n" "Copyright (C) 2005-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\n\n", g_pszProgName); RTPrintf("Usage: %s [ %s %s|%s|%s ] | [--help|-h] [--version|-V] [--verbose|-v]\n\n", g_pszProgName, VBOXWL_ARG_SESSION_ID, VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY, VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE, VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY); /* Using '%-20s' if pretty much hardcoded here to make output look accurate. Please * feel free to adjust if needed later on. */ RTPrintf("Options:\n"); RTPrintf(" %-20s Required with --clipboad-paste or --clipboad-copy \n", VBOXWL_ARG_SESSION_ID); RTPrintf(" command, used for communication with VBoxClient instance\n"); RTPrintf(" %-20s Paste content into clipboard\n", VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY); RTPrintf(" %-20s Announce clipboard content to the host\n", VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE); RTPrintf(" %-20s Copy content from clipboard\n", VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY); RTPrintf(" --check Check if active Wayland session is running\n"); RTPrintf(" --verbose Increase verbosity level\n"); RTPrintf(" --version Print version number and exit\n"); RTPrintf(" --help Print this message\n"); RTPrintf("\n"); exit(1); } /** * Check if active Wayland session is running. * * This check is used in order to detect whether X11 or Wayland * version of VBoxClient should be started when user logs-in. * It will print out either WL or X11 and exit. Startup script(s) * should rely on this output. */ static void vboxwl_check(void) { VBGHDISPLAYSERVERTYPE enmType = VBGHDisplayServerTypeDetect(); bool fWayland = false; /* In pure Wayland environment X11 version of VBoxClient will not * work, so fallback on Wayland version. */ if (enmType == VBGHDISPLAYSERVERTYPE_PURE_WAYLAND) fWayland = true; else if (enmType == VBGHDISPLAYSERVERTYPE_XWAYLAND) { /* In case of XWayland, X11 version of VBoxClient still can * work, however with some DEs, such as Plasma on Wayland, * this will no longer work. Detect such DEs here. */ /* Try to detect Plasma. */ const char *pcszDesktopSession = RTEnvGet(VBGH_ENV_DESKTOP_SESSION); if (RT_VALID_PTR(pcszDesktopSession) && RTStrIStr(pcszDesktopSession, "plasmawayland")) fWayland = true; } RTPrintf("%s\n", fWayland ? "WL" : "X11"); exit (0); } /** * Print version and exit. */ static void vboxwl_version(void) { RTPrintf("%sr%s\n", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr()); exit(0); } /** * Parse command line options. * * @param argc Number of command line arguments. * @param argv List of command line arguments. */ static void vboxwl_parse_params(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Parse our option(s). */ static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY, 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE, 'a', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY, 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { VBOXWL_ARG_SESSION_ID, 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--check", 'C', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--help", 'h', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--version", 'V', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; int ch; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; int rc; uint8_t fArgsMask = 0; rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 0, 0 /* fFlags */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { while ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0)) { switch (ch) { case 'p': { fArgsMask |= VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY_BIT; break; } case 'a': { fArgsMask |= VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE_BIT; break; } case 'c': { fArgsMask |= VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY_BIT; break; } case 's': { g_uSessionId = ValueUnion.u32; break; } case 'C': { vboxwl_check(); break; } case 'h': { vboxwl_usage(); break; } case 'V': { vboxwl_version(); break; } case 'v': { g_cVerbosity++; break; } case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: break; case VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION: RT_FALL_THROUGH(); default: { RTPrintf("\n"); RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); RTPrintf("\n"); } } } } /* Check if session ID was specified and command line has * no syntax errors. */ if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || !g_uSessionId) { vboxwl_usage(); } /* Make sure only one action was specified in command line, * print usage and exit otherwise. */ if (fArgsMask == VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_HG_COPY_BIT) g_enmSessionType = VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_GUEST; else if (fArgsMask == VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_ANNOUNCE_BIT) g_enmSessionType = VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_ANNOUNCE_TO_HOST; else if (fArgsMask == VBOXWL_ARG_CLIP_GH_COPY_BIT) g_enmSessionType = VBCL_WL_CLIPBOARD_SESSION_TYPE_COPY_TO_HOST; else vboxwl_usage(); } /** Initialization step shortcut macro. * * Try to run initialization function if previous step was successful and print error if it occurs. * * @param _fn A function to call. * @param _error Error message to print if function fails. */ #define VBOXWL_INIT(_fn, _error) \ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) \ { \ rc = _fn; \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ RTPrintf("%s, rc=%Rrc\n", _error, rc); \ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /** Custom log prefix to be used for logger instance of this process. */ static const char *pszLogPrefix = "vboxwl:"; /* Set program name. */ g_pszProgName = argv[0]; /* Initialize runtime. */ VBOXWL_INIT(RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0), "cannot initialize runtime"); /* Go through command line parameters. */ vboxwl_parse_params(argc, argv); if (!VBGHDisplayServerTypeIsGtkAvailable()) { RTPrintf("Gtk3 library is required to run this tool, but can not be found\n"); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } /* Initialize runtime before all else. */ VBOXWL_INIT(VbglR3InitUser(), "cannot to communicate with vboxguest kernel module"); VBOXWL_INIT(VBClLogCreateEx("", false), "cannot create logger instance"); VBOXWL_INIT(VBClLogModify("stdout", g_cVerbosity), "cannot setup log"); /* Set custom log prefix. */ VBClLogSetLogPrefix(pszLogPrefix); VBOXWL_INIT(vboxwl_run_command(), "cannot run command"); return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS : RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; }