1 | /* $Id: display-helper-generic.cpp 93375 2022-01-20 18:11:54Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * A generic helper for X11 Client which performs Desktop Environment
4 | * specific actions.
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Oracle Corporation
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #include "VBoxClient.h"
20 | #include "display-helper.h"
21 |
22 | #include <stdio.h>
23 | #include <stdlib.h>
24 |
25 | #include <VBox/log.h>
26 | #include <VBox/xrandr.h>
27 |
28 | #include <iprt/errcore.h>
29 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
30 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
31 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
32 | #include <iprt/list.h>
33 |
34 | /** Load */
35 | #include <VBox/xrandr.h>
36 | /* Declarations of the functions that we need from libXrandr. */
38 | #include <VBox/xrandr-calls.h>
39 |
40 | #include <X11/Xlibint.h>
41 |
42 | /* A log prefix which is specific for this source file. */
43 | #define VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "display-helper-generic "
44 |
45 | /** Name of Display Change Monitor thread. */
46 | #define VBCL_HLP_DCM_THREAD_NAME "dcm-task"
47 |
48 | /** Display Change Monitor thread. */
49 | static RTTHREAD vbclHlpGenericDcmThread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
50 |
51 | /** Global flag which is triggered when service requested to shutdown. */
52 | static bool volatile g_fShutdown;
53 |
54 | /** Node of monitors info list. */
55 | typedef struct vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t
56 | {
57 | /** List node. */
59 | /** Pointer to xRandr monitor info. */
60 | XRRMonitorInfo *pMonitorInfo;
61 | } vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t;
62 |
63 | /** Pointer to display change event notification callback (set by external function call). */
64 | static FNDISPLAYOFFSETCHANGE *g_pfnDisplayOffsetChangeCb;
65 |
66 | /**
67 | * Determine monitor name strings order in a list of monitors which is sorted in ascending way.
68 | *
69 | * @return TRUE if first name should go first in a list, FALSE otherwise.
70 | * @param pszName1 First monitor name.
71 | * @param pszName1 Second monitor name.
72 | */
73 | static bool vbcl_hlp_generic_order_names(char *pszName1, char *pszName2)
74 | {
75 | AssertReturn(pszName1, false);
76 | AssertReturn(pszName2, false);
77 |
78 | char *pszFirst = pszName1;
79 | char *pszSecond = pszName2;
80 |
81 | while (*pszFirst && *pszSecond)
82 | {
83 | if (*pszFirst < *pszSecond)
84 | return true;
85 |
86 | pszFirst++;
87 | pszSecond++;
88 | }
89 |
90 | return false;
91 | }
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Insert monitor info into the list sorted ascending.
95 | *
96 | * @return IPRT status code.
97 | * @param pDisplay X11 display handle to fetch monitor name string from.
98 | * @param pListHead Head of monitors info list.
99 | * @param pMonitorInfo Monitor info ti be inserted into the list.
100 | */
101 | static int vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_insert_sorted(
102 | Display *pDisplay, vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *pListHead, XRRMonitorInfo *pMonitorInfo)
103 | {
104 | vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *pNode = (vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t));
105 | vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *pNodeIter;
106 | char *pszMonitorName;
107 |
108 | AssertReturn(pNode, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
109 |
110 | pNode->pMonitorInfo = pMonitorInfo;
111 |
112 | if (RTListIsEmpty(&pListHead->Node))
113 | {
114 | RTListNodeInsertAfter(&pListHead->Node, &pNode->Node);
115 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
116 | }
117 |
118 | pszMonitorName = XGetAtomName(pDisplay, pMonitorInfo->name);
119 | AssertReturn(pszMonitorName, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
120 |
121 | RTListForEach(&pListHead->Node, pNodeIter, vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t, Node)
122 | {
123 | char *pszIterMonitorName = XGetAtomName(pDisplay, pNodeIter->pMonitorInfo->name);
124 |
125 | if (vbcl_hlp_generic_order_names(pszMonitorName, pszIterMonitorName))
126 | {
127 | RTListNodeInsertBefore(&pNodeIter->Node, &pNode->Node);
128 | XFree((void *)pszIterMonitorName);
129 | XFree((void *)pszMonitorName);
130 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
131 | }
132 |
133 | XFree((void *)pszIterMonitorName);
134 | }
135 |
136 | XFree((void *)pszMonitorName);
137 |
138 | /* If we reached the end of the list, it means that monitor
139 | * should be placed in the end (according to alphabetical sorting). */
140 | RTListNodeInsertBefore(&pNodeIter->Node, &pNode->Node);
141 |
142 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
143 | }
144 |
145 | /**
146 | * Release monitors info list resources.
147 | *
148 | * @param pListHead List head.
149 | */
150 | static void vbcl_hlp_generic_free_monitor_list(vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *pListHead)
151 | {
152 | vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t *pEntry, *pNextEntry;
153 |
154 | RTListForEachSafe(&pListHead->Node, pEntry, pNextEntry, vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t, Node)
155 | {
156 | RTListNodeRemove(&pEntry->Node);
157 | RTMemFree(pEntry);
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | /**
162 | * Handle received RRScreenChangeNotify event.
163 | *
164 | * @param pDisplay X11 display handle.
165 | */
166 | static void vbcl_hlp_generic_process_display_change_event(Display *pDisplay)
167 | {
168 | int iCount, idxDisplay = 0;
169 | XRRMonitorInfo *pMonitorsInfo = XRRGetMonitors(pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pDisplay), true, &iCount);
170 | if (pMonitorsInfo && iCount && iCount < VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX)
171 | {
172 | int rc;
173 | vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t pMonitorsInfoList, *pIter;
174 | static RTPOINT aDisplayOffsets[VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX];
175 |
176 | RTListInit(&pMonitorsInfoList.Node);
177 |
178 | /* Put monitors info into sorted (by monitor name) list. */
179 | for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
180 | {
181 | rc = vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_insert_sorted(pDisplay, &pMonitorsInfoList, &pMonitorsInfo[i]);
182 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
183 | {
184 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "unable to fill monitors info list, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
185 | break;
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | /* Now iterate over sorted list of monitor configurations. */
190 | RTListForEach(&pMonitorsInfoList.Node, pIter, vbcl_hlp_generic_monitor_list_t, Node)
191 | {
192 | char *pszMonitorName = XGetAtomName(pDisplay, pIter->pMonitorInfo->name);
193 |
194 | VBClLogVerbose(1, VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "reporting monitor %s offset: (%d, %d)\n",
195 | pszMonitorName, pIter->pMonitorInfo->x, pIter->pMonitorInfo->y);
196 |
197 | XFree((void *)pszMonitorName);
198 |
199 | aDisplayOffsets[idxDisplay].x = pIter->pMonitorInfo->x;
200 | aDisplayOffsets[idxDisplay].y = pIter->pMonitorInfo->y;
201 | idxDisplay++;
202 | }
203 |
204 | vbcl_hlp_generic_free_monitor_list(&pMonitorsInfoList);
205 |
206 | XRRFreeMonitors(pMonitorsInfo);
207 |
208 | if (g_pfnDisplayOffsetChangeCb)
209 | {
210 | rc = g_pfnDisplayOffsetChangeCb(iCount, aDisplayOffsets);
211 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
212 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "unable to notify subscriber about monitors info change, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
213 | }
214 | }
215 | else
216 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "cannot get monitors info\n");
217 | }
218 |
219 | /** Worker thread for display change events monitoring. */
220 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vbcl_hlp_generic_display_change_event_monitor_worker(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser)
221 | {
222 | int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
223 |
224 | RT_NOREF(pvUser);
225 |
226 | VBClLogVerbose(1, "vbcl_hlp_generic_display_change_event_monitor_worker started\n");
227 |
228 | Display *pDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
229 | if (pDisplay)
230 | {
231 | bool fSuccess;
232 | int iEventBase, iErrorBase /* unused */, iMajor, iMinor;
233 |
234 | fSuccess = XRRQueryExtension(pDisplay, &iEventBase, &iErrorBase);
235 | fSuccess &= XRRQueryVersion(pDisplay, &iMajor, &iMinor);
236 |
237 | if (fSuccess && iMajor >= 1 && iMinor > 3)
238 | {
239 | /* All required checks are now passed. Notify parent thread that we started. */
240 | RTThreadUserSignal(ThreadSelf);
241 |
242 | /* Only receive events we need. */
243 | XRRSelectInput(pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pDisplay), RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);
244 |
245 | /* Monitor main loop. */
246 | while (!ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown))
247 | {
248 | XEvent Event;
249 |
250 | if (XPending(pDisplay) > 0)
251 | {
252 | XNextEvent(pDisplay, &Event);
253 | switch (Event.type - iEventBase)
254 | {
255 | case RRScreenChangeNotify:
256 | {
257 | vbcl_hlp_generic_process_display_change_event(pDisplay);
258 | break;
259 | }
260 |
261 | default:
262 | break;
263 | }
264 | }
265 | else
266 | RTThreadSleep(RT_MS_1SEC / 2);
267 | }
268 | }
269 | else
270 | {
271 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "dcm monitor cannot find XRandr 1.3+ extension\n");
273 | }
274 |
275 | XCloseDisplay(pDisplay);
276 | }
277 | else
278 | {
279 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "dcm monitor cannot open X Display\n");
281 | }
282 |
283 | VBClLogVerbose(1, "vbcl_hlp_generic_display_change_event_monitor_worker ended\n");
284 |
285 | return rc;
286 | }
287 |
288 | RTDECL(int) vbcl_hlp_generic_start_display_change_monitor()
289 | {
290 | int rc;
291 |
292 | rc = RTXrandrLoadLib();
293 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
294 | {
295 | /* Start thread which will monitor display change events. */
296 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&vbclHlpGenericDcmThread, vbcl_hlp_generic_display_change_event_monitor_worker, (void *)NULL, 0,
298 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
299 | {
300 | rc = RTThreadUserWait(vbclHlpGenericDcmThread, RT_MS_5SEC);
301 | }
302 | else
303 | vbclHlpGenericDcmThread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
304 |
305 | VBClLogInfo(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "attempt to start display change monitor thread, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
306 |
307 | }
308 | else
309 | VBClLogInfo(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "libXrandr not available, will not monitor display change events, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
310 |
311 | return rc;
312 | }
313 |
314 | /**
315 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnSetPrimaryDisplay}
316 | */
317 | static int vbcl_hlp_generic_set_primary_display(uint32_t idDisplay)
318 | {
319 | XRRScreenResources *pScreenResources;
320 | Display *pDisplay;
321 |
323 |
324 | pDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
325 | if (pDisplay)
326 | {
327 | pScreenResources = XRRGetScreenResources(pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pDisplay));
328 | if (pScreenResources)
329 | {
330 | if ((int)idDisplay < pScreenResources->noutput)
331 | {
332 | XRRSetOutputPrimary(pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pDisplay), pScreenResources->outputs[idDisplay]);
333 | VBClLogInfo(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "display %u has been set as primary\n", idDisplay);
334 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
335 | }
336 | else
337 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "cannot set display %u as primary: index out of range\n", idDisplay);
338 |
339 | XRRFreeScreenResources(pScreenResources);
340 | }
341 | else
342 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "cannot set display %u as primary: libXrandr can not get screen resources\n", idDisplay);
343 |
344 | XCloseDisplay(pDisplay);
345 | }
346 | else
347 | VBClLogError(VBCL_HLP_LOG_PREFIX "cannot set display %u as primary: cannot connect to X11\n", idDisplay);
348 |
349 | return rc;
350 | }
351 |
352 | /**
353 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnProbe}
354 | */
355 | static int vbcl_hlp_generic_probe(void)
356 | {
357 | /* Generic helper always supposed to return positive status on probe(). This
358 | * helper is a fallback one in case all the other helpers were failed to detect
359 | * their environments. */
360 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
361 | }
362 |
363 | /**
364 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnInit}
365 | */
366 | RTDECL(int) vbcl_hlp_generic_init(void)
367 | {
368 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fShutdown, false);
369 |
370 | /* Attempt to start display change events monitor. Ignore rc,
371 | * error will be printed inside function anyway. */
372 | (void)vbcl_hlp_generic_start_display_change_monitor();
373 |
374 | /* Always return positive status for generic (fallback, last resort) helper. */
375 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
376 | }
377 |
378 | /**
379 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnTerm}
380 | */
381 | RTDECL(int) vbcl_hlp_generic_term(void)
382 | {
383 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
384 |
385 | if (vbclHlpGenericDcmThread != NIL_RTTHREAD)
386 | {
387 | /* Signal thread we are going to shutdown. */
388 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fShutdown, true);
389 |
390 | /* Wait for thread to terminate gracefully. */
391 | rc = RTThreadWait(vbclHlpGenericDcmThread, RT_MS_5SEC, NULL);
392 | }
393 |
394 | return rc;
395 | }
396 |
397 | /**
398 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnSubscribeDisplayOffsetChangeNotification}
399 | */
400 | RTDECL(void) vbcl_hlp_generic_subscribe_display_offset_changed(FNDISPLAYOFFSETCHANGE *pfnCb)
401 | {
402 | g_pfnDisplayOffsetChangeCb = pfnCb;
403 | }
404 |
405 | /**
406 | * @interface_method_impl{VBCLDISPLAYHELPER,pfnUnsubscribeDisplayOffsetChangeNotification}
407 | */
408 | RTDECL(void) vbcl_hlp_generic_unsubscribe_display_offset_changed(void)
409 | {
410 | g_pfnDisplayOffsetChangeCb = NULL;
411 | }
412 |
413 | /* Helper callbacks. */
414 | const VBCLDISPLAYHELPER g_DisplayHelperGeneric =
415 | {
416 | "GENERIC", /* .pszName */
417 | vbcl_hlp_generic_probe, /* .pfnProbe */
418 | vbcl_hlp_generic_init, /* .pfnInit */
419 | vbcl_hlp_generic_term, /* .pfnTerm */
420 | vbcl_hlp_generic_set_primary_display, /* .pfnSetPrimaryDisplay */
421 | vbcl_hlp_generic_subscribe_display_offset_changed, /* .pfnSubscribeDisplayOffsetChangeNotification */
422 | vbcl_hlp_generic_unsubscribe_display_offset_changed, /* .pfnUnsubscribeDisplayOffsetChangeNotification */
423 | };