1 | /* $Id: display-drm.cpp 93469 2022-01-27 21:25:39Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Guest Additions - VMSVGA guest screen resize service.
4 | *
5 | * A user space daemon which communicates with VirtualBox host interface
6 | * and performs VMSVGA-specific guest screen resize and communicates with
7 | * Desktop Environment helper daemon over IPC.
8 | */
9 |
10 | /*
11 | * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Oracle Corporation
12 | *
13 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
15 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 | */
21 |
22 | /** @page pg_vboxdrmcliet VBoxDRMClient - The VMSVGA Guest Screen Resize Service
23 | *
24 | * The VMSVGA Guest Screen Resize Service is a service which communicates with a
25 | * guest VMSVGA driver and triggers it to perform screen resize on a guest side.
26 | *
27 | * This service supposed to be started on early boot. On start it will try to find
28 | * compatible VMSVGA graphics card and terminate immediately if not found.
29 | * VMSVGA functionality implemented here is only supported starting from vmgfx
30 | * driver version 2.10 which was introduced in Linux kernel 4.6. When compatible
31 | * graphics card is found, service will start a worker loop in order to receive screen
32 | * update data from host and apply it to local DRM stack.
33 | *
34 | * In addition, it will start a local IPC server in order to communicate with Desktop
35 | * Environment specific service(s). Currently, it will propagate to IPC client information regarding to
36 | * which display should be set as primary on Desktop Environment level. As well as
37 | * receive screen layout change events obtained on Desktop Environment level and send it
38 | * back to host, so host and guest will have the same screen layout representation.
39 | *
40 | * By default, access to IPC server socket is granted to all users. It can be restricted to
41 | * only root and users from group 'vboxdrmipc' if '/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/DRMIpcRestricted' guest
42 | * property is set and READ-ONLY for guest. User group 'vboxdrmipc' is created during Guest
43 | * Additions installation. If this group is removed (or not found due to any reason) prior to
44 | * service start, access to IPC server socket will be granted to root only regardless
45 | * if '/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/DRMIpcRestricted' guest property is set or not. If guest property
46 | * is set, but is not READ-ONLY for guest, property is ignored and IPC socket access is granted
47 | * to all users.
48 | *
49 | * Logging is implemented in a way that errors are always printed out, VBClLogVerbose(1) and
50 | * VBClLogVerbose(2) are used for debugging purposes. Verbosity level 1 is for messages related
51 | * to service itself (excluding IPC), level 2 is for IPC communication debugging. In order to see
52 | * logging on a host side it is enough to do:
53 | *
54 | * echo 1 > /sys/module/vboxguest/parameters/r3_log_to_host.
55 | *
56 | *
57 | * Service is running the following threads:
58 | *
59 | * DrmResizeThread - this thread listens for display layout update events from host.
60 | * Once event is received, it either injects new screen layout data into DRM stack,
61 | * and/or asks IPC client(s) to set primary display. This thread is accessing IPC
62 | * client connection list when it needs to sent new primary display data to all the
63 | * connected clients.
64 | *
65 | * DrmIpcSRV - this thread is a main loop for IPC server. It accepts new connection(s),
66 | * authenticates it and starts new client thread IpcCLT-XXX for processing client
67 | * requests. This thread is accessing IPC client connection list by adding a new
68 | * connection data into it.
69 | *
70 | * IpcCLT-%u - this thread processes all the client data. Suffix '-%u' in thread name is PID
71 | * of a remote client process. Typical name for client thread would be IpcCLT-1234. This
72 | * thread is accessing IPC client connection list when it removes connection data from it
73 | * when actual IPC connection is closed. Due to IPRT thread name limitation, actual thread
74 | * name will be cropped by 15 characters.
75 | *
76 | *
77 | * The following locks are utilized:
78 | *
79 | * #g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect - protects access to list of IPC client connections.
80 | * It is used by each thread - DrmResizeThread, DrmIpcSRV and IpcCLT-XXX.
81 | *
82 | * #g_monitorPositionsCritSect - serializes access to host interface when guest Desktop
83 | * Environment reports display layout changes.
84 | */
85 |
86 | #include "VBoxClient.h"
87 | #include "display-ipc.h"
88 |
89 | #include <VBox/VBoxGuestLib.h>
90 | #include <VBox/HostServices/GuestPropertySvc.h>
91 |
92 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
93 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
94 | #include <iprt/file.h>
95 | #include <iprt/err.h>
96 | #include <iprt/string.h>
97 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
98 | #include <iprt/message.h>
99 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
100 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
101 | #include <iprt/localipc.h>
102 |
103 | #include <unistd.h>
104 | #include <stdio.h>
105 | #include <limits.h>
106 | #include <signal.h>
107 | #include <grp.h>
108 | #include <errno.h>
109 |
110 | #ifdef RT_OS_LINUX
111 | # include <sys/ioctl.h>
112 | #else /* Solaris and BSDs, in case they ever adopt the DRM driver. */
113 | # include <sys/ioccom.h>
114 | #endif
115 |
116 | /** Ioctl command to query vmwgfx version information. */
117 | #define DRM_IOCTL_VERSION _IOWR('d', 0x00, struct DRMVERSION)
118 | /** Ioctl command to set new screen layout. */
119 | #define DRM_IOCTL_VMW_UPDATE_LAYOUT _IOW('d', 0x40 + 20, struct DRMVMWUPDATELAYOUT)
120 | /** A driver name which identifies VMWare driver. */
121 | #define DRM_DRIVER_NAME "vmwgfx"
122 | /** VMWare driver compatible version number. On previous versions resizing does not seem work. */
125 |
126 | /** VMWare char device driver minor numbers range. */
129 | #define VMW_RENDER_DEVICE_MINOR_END (192)
130 |
131 | /** Name of DRM resize thread. */
132 | #define DRM_RESIZE_THREAD_NAME "DrmResizeThread"
133 |
134 | /** Name of DRM IPC server thread. */
136 | /** Maximum length of thread name. */
137 | #define DRM_IPC_THREAD_NAME_MAX (16)
138 | /** Name pattern of DRM IPC client thread. */
140 | /** Maximum number of simultaneous IPC client connections. */
142 |
143 | /** IPC client connections counter. */
144 | static volatile uint32_t g_cDrmIpcConnections = 0;
145 | /* A flag which indicates whether access to IPC socket should be restricted.
146 | * This flag caches '/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/DRMIpcRestricted' guest property
147 | * in order to prevent its retrieving from the host side each time a new IPC
148 | * client connects to server. This flag is updated each time when property is
149 | * changed on the host side. */
150 | static volatile bool g_fDrmIpcRestricted;
151 |
152 | /** DRM version structure. */
153 | struct DRMVERSION
154 | {
155 | int cMajor;
156 | int cMinor;
157 | int cPatchLevel;
158 | size_t cbName;
159 | char *pszName;
160 | size_t cbDate;
161 | char *pszDate;
162 | size_t cbDescription;
163 | char *pszDescription;
164 | };
165 | AssertCompileSize(struct DRMVERSION, 8 + 7 * sizeof(void *));
166 |
167 | /** Preferred screen layout information for DRM_VMW_UPDATE_LAYOUT IoCtl. The
168 | * rects argument is a cast pointer to an array of drm_vmw_rect. */
170 | {
171 | uint32_t cOutputs;
172 | uint32_t u32Pad;
173 | uint64_t ptrRects;
174 | };
175 | AssertCompileSize(struct DRMVMWUPDATELAYOUT, 16);
176 |
177 | /** A node of IPC client connections list. */
179 | {
180 | /** The list node. */
181 | RTLISTNODE Node;
182 | /** List node payload. */
185 |
188 |
189 | /** IPC client connections list. */
190 | static VBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE g_ipcClientConnectionsList;
191 |
192 | /** IPC client connections list critical section. */
193 | static RTCRITSECT g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect;
194 |
195 | /** Critical section used for reporting monitors position back to host. */
196 | static RTCRITSECT g_monitorPositionsCritSect;
197 |
198 | /** Counter of how often our daemon has been re-spawned. */
199 | unsigned g_cRespawn = 0;
200 | /** Logging verbosity level. */
201 | unsigned g_cVerbosity = 0;
202 |
203 | /** Path to the PID file. */
204 | static const char *g_pszPidFile = "/var/run/VBoxDRMClient";
205 |
206 | /** Global flag which is triggered when service requested to shutdown. */
207 | static bool volatile g_fShutdown;
208 |
209 | /**
210 | * Go over all existing IPC client connection and put set-primary-screen request
211 | * data into TX queue of each of them .
212 | *
213 | * @return IPRT status code.
214 | * @param u32PrimaryDisplay Primary display ID.
215 | */
216 | static int vbDrmIpcBroadcastPrimaryDisplay(uint32_t u32PrimaryDisplay);
217 |
218 | /**
219 | * Attempts to open DRM device by given path and check if it is
220 | * capable for screen resize.
221 | *
222 | * @return DRM device handle on success, NIL_RTFILE otherwise.
223 | * @param szPathPattern Path name pattern to the DRM device.
224 | * @param uInstance Driver / device instance.
225 | */
226 | static RTFILE vbDrmTryDevice(const char *szPathPattern, uint8_t uInstance)
227 | {
228 | int rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
229 | char szPath[PATH_MAX];
230 | struct DRMVERSION vmwgfxVersion;
231 | RTFILE hDevice = NIL_RTFILE;
232 |
233 | RT_ZERO(szPath);
234 | RT_ZERO(vmwgfxVersion);
235 |
236 | rc = RTStrPrintf(szPath, sizeof(szPath), szPathPattern, uInstance);
237 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
238 | {
239 | rc = RTFileOpen(&hDevice, szPath, RTFILE_O_READWRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE);
240 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
241 | {
242 | char szVmwgfxDriverName[sizeof(DRM_DRIVER_NAME)];
243 | RT_ZERO(szVmwgfxDriverName);
244 |
245 | vmwgfxVersion.cbName = sizeof(szVmwgfxDriverName);
246 | vmwgfxVersion.pszName = szVmwgfxDriverName;
247 |
248 | /* Query driver version information and check if it can be used for screen resizing. */
249 | rc = RTFileIoCtl(hDevice, DRM_IOCTL_VERSION, &vmwgfxVersion, sizeof(vmwgfxVersion), NULL);
250 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
251 | && strncmp(szVmwgfxDriverName, DRM_DRIVER_NAME, sizeof(DRM_DRIVER_NAME) - 1) == 0
252 | && ( vmwgfxVersion.cMajor >= DRM_DRIVER_VERSION_MAJOR_MIN
253 | || ( vmwgfxVersion.cMajor == DRM_DRIVER_VERSION_MAJOR_MIN
254 | && vmwgfxVersion.cMinor >= DRM_DRIVER_VERSION_MINOR_MIN)))
255 | {
256 | VBClLogInfo("found compatible device: %s\n", szPath);
257 | }
258 | else
259 | {
260 | RTFileClose(hDevice);
261 | hDevice = NIL_RTFILE;
262 | rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
263 | }
264 | }
265 | }
266 | else
267 | {
268 | VBClLogError("unable to construct path to DRM device: %Rrc\n", rc);
269 | }
270 |
271 | return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? hDevice : NIL_RTFILE;
272 | }
273 |
274 | /**
275 | * Attempts to find and open DRM device to be used for screen resize.
276 | *
277 | * @return DRM device handle on success, NIL_RTFILE otherwise.
278 | */
279 | static RTFILE vbDrmOpenVmwgfx(void)
280 | {
281 | /* Control devices for drm graphics driver control devices go from
282 | * controlD64 to controlD127. Render node devices go from renderD128
283 | * to renderD192. The driver takes resize hints via the control device
284 | * on pre-4.10 (???) kernels and on the render device on newer ones.
285 | * At first, try to find control device and render one if not found.
286 | */
287 | uint8_t i;
288 | RTFILE hDevice = NIL_RTFILE;
289 |
290 | /* Lookup control device. */
292 | {
293 | hDevice = vbDrmTryDevice("/dev/dri/controlD%u", i);
294 | if (hDevice != NIL_RTFILE)
295 | return hDevice;
296 | }
297 |
298 | /* Lookup render device. */
300 | {
301 | hDevice = vbDrmTryDevice("/dev/dri/renderD%u", i);
302 | if (hDevice != NIL_RTFILE)
303 | return hDevice;
304 | }
305 |
306 | VBClLogError("unable to find DRM device\n");
307 |
308 | return hDevice;
309 | }
310 |
311 | /**
312 | * This function converts input monitors layout array passed from DevVMM
313 | * into monitors layout array to be passed to DRM stack.
314 | *
315 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS on success, VERR_DUPLICATE if monitors layout was not changed, IPRT error code otherwise.
316 | * @param aDisplaysIn Input displays array.
317 | * @param cDisplaysIn Number of elements in input displays array.
318 | * @param aDisplaysOut Output displays array.
319 | * @param cDisplaysOutMax Number of elements in output displays array.
320 | * @param pu32PrimaryDisplay ID of a display which marked as primary.
321 | * @param pcActualDisplays Number of displays to report to DRM stack (number of enabled displays).
322 | */
323 | static int vbDrmValidateLayout(VMMDevDisplayDef *aDisplaysIn, uint32_t cDisplaysIn,
324 | struct VBOX_DRMIPC_VMWRECT *aDisplaysOut, uint32_t *pu32PrimaryDisplay,
325 | uint32_t cDisplaysOutMax, uint32_t *pcActualDisplays)
326 | {
327 | /* This array is a cache of what was received from DevVMM so far.
328 | * DevVMM may send to us partial information bout scree layout. This
329 | * cache remembers entire picture. */
330 | static struct VMMDevDisplayDef aVmMonitorsCache[VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX];
331 | /* Number of valid (enabled) displays in output array. */
332 | uint32_t cDisplaysOut = 0;
333 | /* Flag indicates that current layout cache is consistent and can be passed to DRM stack. */
334 | bool fValid = true;
335 |
336 | /* Make sure input array fits cache size. */
337 | if (cDisplaysIn > VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX)
338 | {
339 | VBClLogError("unable to validate screen layout: input (%u) array does not fit to cache size (%u)\n",
342 | }
343 |
344 | /* Make sure there is enough space in output array. */
345 | if (cDisplaysIn > cDisplaysOutMax)
346 | {
347 | VBClLogError("unable to validate screen layout: input array (%u) is bigger than output one (%u)\n",
348 | cDisplaysIn, cDisplaysOut);
350 | }
351 |
352 | /* Make sure input and output arrays are of non-zero size. */
353 | if (!(cDisplaysIn > 0 && cDisplaysOutMax > 0))
354 | {
355 | VBClLogError("unable to validate screen layout: invalid size of either input (%u) or output display array\n",
356 | cDisplaysIn, cDisplaysOutMax);
358 | }
359 |
360 | /* Update cache. */
361 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDisplaysIn; i++)
362 | {
363 | uint32_t idDisplay = aDisplaysIn[i].idDisplay;
364 | if (idDisplay < VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX)
365 | {
366 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].idDisplay = idDisplay;
367 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].fDisplayFlags = aDisplaysIn[i].fDisplayFlags;
368 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].cBitsPerPixel = aDisplaysIn[i].cBitsPerPixel;
369 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].cx = aDisplaysIn[i].cx;
370 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].cy = aDisplaysIn[i].cy;
371 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].xOrigin = aDisplaysIn[i].xOrigin;
372 | aVmMonitorsCache[idDisplay].yOrigin = aDisplaysIn[i].yOrigin;
373 | }
374 | else
375 | {
376 | VBClLogError("received display ID (0x%x, position %u) is invalid\n", idDisplay, i);
377 | /* If monitor configuration cannot be placed into cache, consider entire cache is invalid. */
378 | fValid = false;
379 | }
380 | }
381 |
382 | /* Now, go though complete cache and check if it is valid. */
383 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX; i++)
384 | {
385 | if (i == 0)
386 | {
387 | if (aVmMonitorsCache[i].fDisplayFlags & VMMDEV_DISPLAY_DISABLED)
388 | {
389 | VBClLogError("unable to validate screen layout: first monitor is not allowed to be disabled\n");
390 | fValid = false;
391 | }
392 | else
393 | cDisplaysOut++;
394 | }
395 | else
396 | {
397 | /* Check if there is no hole in between monitors (i.e., if current monitor is enabled, but previous one does not). */
398 | if ( !(aVmMonitorsCache[i].fDisplayFlags & VMMDEV_DISPLAY_DISABLED)
399 | && aVmMonitorsCache[i - 1].fDisplayFlags & VMMDEV_DISPLAY_DISABLED)
400 | {
401 | VBClLogError("unable to validate screen layout: there is a hole in displays layout config, "
402 | "monitor (%u) is ENABLED while (%u) does not\n", i, i - 1);
403 | fValid = false;
404 | }
405 | else
406 | {
407 | /* Always align screens since unaligned layout will result in disaster. */
408 | aVmMonitorsCache[i].xOrigin = aVmMonitorsCache[i - 1].xOrigin + aVmMonitorsCache[i - 1].cx;
409 | aVmMonitorsCache[i].yOrigin = aVmMonitorsCache[i - 1].yOrigin;
410 |
411 | /* Only count enabled monitors. */
412 | if (!(aVmMonitorsCache[i].fDisplayFlags & VMMDEV_DISPLAY_DISABLED))
413 | cDisplaysOut++;
414 | }
415 | }
416 | }
417 |
418 | /* Copy out layout data. */
419 | if (fValid)
420 | {
421 | /* Start with invalid display ID. */
422 | uint32_t u32PrimaryDisplay = VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX;
423 |
424 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDisplaysOut; i++)
425 | {
426 | aDisplaysOut[i].x = aVmMonitorsCache[i].xOrigin;
427 | aDisplaysOut[i].y = aVmMonitorsCache[i].yOrigin;
428 | aDisplaysOut[i].w = aVmMonitorsCache[i].cx;
429 | aDisplaysOut[i].h = aVmMonitorsCache[i].cy;
430 |
431 | if (aVmMonitorsCache[i].fDisplayFlags & VMMDEV_DISPLAY_PRIMARY)
432 | {
433 | /* Make sure display layout has only one primary display
434 | * set (for display 0, host side sets primary flag, so exclude it). */
435 | Assert(u32PrimaryDisplay == 0 || u32PrimaryDisplay == VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX);
436 | u32PrimaryDisplay = i;
437 | }
438 |
439 | VBClLogVerbose(1, "update monitor %u parameters: %dx%d, (%d, %d)\n",
440 | i, aDisplaysOut[i].w, aDisplaysOut[i].h, aDisplaysOut[i].x, aDisplaysOut[i].y);
441 | }
442 |
443 | *pu32PrimaryDisplay = u32PrimaryDisplay;
444 | *pcActualDisplays = cDisplaysOut;
445 | }
446 |
447 | return (fValid && cDisplaysOut > 0) ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
448 | }
449 |
450 | /**
451 | * This function sends screen layout data to DRM stack.
452 | *
453 | * @return VINF_SUCCESS on success, IPRT error code otherwise.
454 | * @param hDevice Handle to opened DRM device.
455 | * @param paRects Array of screen configuration data.
456 | * @param cRects Number of elements in screen configuration array.
457 | */
458 | static int vbDrmSendHints(RTFILE hDevice, struct VBOX_DRMIPC_VMWRECT *paRects, uint32_t cRects)
459 | {
460 | int rc = 0;
461 | uid_t curuid;
462 |
463 | /* Store real user id. */
464 | curuid = getuid();
465 |
466 | /* Change effective user id. */
467 | if (setreuid(0, 0) == 0)
468 | {
469 | struct DRMVMWUPDATELAYOUT ioctlLayout;
470 |
471 | RT_ZERO(ioctlLayout);
472 | ioctlLayout.cOutputs = cRects;
473 | ioctlLayout.ptrRects = (uint64_t)paRects;
474 |
475 | rc = RTFileIoCtl(hDevice, DRM_IOCTL_VMW_UPDATE_LAYOUT,
476 | &ioctlLayout, sizeof(ioctlLayout), NULL);
477 |
478 | if (setreuid(curuid, 0) != 0)
479 | {
480 | VBClLogError("reset of setreuid failed after drm ioctl");
482 | }
483 | }
484 | else
485 | {
486 | VBClLogError("setreuid failed during drm ioctl\n");
488 | }
489 |
490 | return rc;
491 | }
492 |
493 | /**
494 | * Send monitor positions to host (thread safe).
495 | *
496 | * This function is accessed from DRMResize thread and from IPC Client thread.
497 | *
498 | * @return IPRT status code.
499 | * @param cDisplays Number of displays (elements in pDisplays).
500 | * @param pDisplays Displays parameters as it was sent to vmwgfx driver.
501 | */
502 | static int vbDrmSendMonitorPositionsSync(uint32_t cDisplays, struct RTPOINT *pDisplays)
503 | {
504 | int rc;
505 |
506 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&g_monitorPositionsCritSect);
507 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
508 | {
509 | rc = VbglR3SeamlessSendMonitorPositions(cDisplays, pDisplays);
510 | int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&g_monitorPositionsCritSect);
511 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
512 | VBClLogError("vbDrmSendMonitorPositionsSync: unable to leave critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
513 | }
514 | else
515 | VBClLogError("vbDrmSendMonitorPositionsSync: unable to enter critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
516 |
517 | return rc;
518 | }
519 |
520 | /**
521 | * This function converts vmwgfx monitors layout data into an array of monitor offsets
522 | * and sends it back to the host in order to ensure that host and guest have the same
523 | * monitors layout representation.
524 | *
525 | * @return IPRT status code.
526 | * @param cDisplays Number of displays (elements in pDisplays).
527 | * @param pDisplays Displays parameters as it was sent to vmwgfx driver.
528 | */
529 | static int drmSendMonitorPositions(uint32_t cDisplays, struct VBOX_DRMIPC_VMWRECT *pDisplays)
530 | {
531 | static RTPOINT aPositions[VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX];
532 |
533 | if (!pDisplays || !cDisplays || cDisplays > VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX)
534 | {
536 | }
537 |
538 | /* Prepare monitor offsets list to be sent to the host. */
539 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cDisplays; i++)
540 | {
541 | aPositions[i].x = pDisplays[i].x;
542 | aPositions[i].y = pDisplays[i].y;
543 | }
544 |
545 | return vbDrmSendMonitorPositionsSync(cDisplays, aPositions);
546 | }
547 |
548 | /** Worker thread for resize task. */
549 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vbDrmResizeWorker(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser)
550 | {
551 | int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
552 | RTFILE hDevice = (RTFILE)pvUser;
553 |
554 | RT_NOREF1(ThreadSelf);
555 |
556 | AssertReturn(hDevice, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
557 |
558 | for (;;)
559 | {
560 | /* Do not acknowledge the first event we query for to pick up old events,
561 | * e.g. from before a guest reboot. */
562 | bool fAck = false;
563 |
564 | uint32_t events;
565 |
566 | VMMDevDisplayDef aDisplaysIn[VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX];
567 | uint32_t cDisplaysIn = 0;
568 |
570 | uint32_t cDisplaysOut = 0;
571 |
572 | RT_ZERO(aDisplaysIn);
573 | RT_ZERO(aDisplaysOut);
574 |
575 | /* Query the first size without waiting. This lets us e.g. pick up
576 | * the last event before a guest reboot when we start again after. */
577 | rc = VbglR3GetDisplayChangeRequestMulti(VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX, &cDisplaysIn, aDisplaysIn, fAck);
578 | fAck = true;
579 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
580 | {
581 | uint32_t u32PrimaryDisplay = VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX;
582 | static uint32_t u32PrimaryDisplayLast = VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX;
583 |
584 | /* Validate displays layout and push it to DRM stack if valid. */
585 | rc = vbDrmValidateLayout(aDisplaysIn, cDisplaysIn, aDisplaysOut, &u32PrimaryDisplay, sizeof(aDisplaysOut), &cDisplaysOut);
586 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
587 | {
588 | rc = vbDrmSendHints(hDevice, aDisplaysOut, cDisplaysOut);
589 | VBClLogInfo("push screen layout data of %u display(s) to DRM stack has %s (%Rrc)\n",
590 | cDisplaysOut, RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? "succeeded" : "failed", rc);
591 | /* In addition, notify host that configuration was successfully applied to the guest vmwgfx driver. */
592 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
593 | {
594 | rc = drmSendMonitorPositions(cDisplaysOut, aDisplaysOut);
595 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
596 | VBClLogError("cannot send host notification: %Rrc\n", rc);
597 |
598 | /* If information about primary display is present in display layout, send it to DE over IPC. */
599 | if (u32PrimaryDisplay != VBOX_DRMIPC_MONITORS_MAX
600 | && u32PrimaryDisplayLast != u32PrimaryDisplay)
601 | {
602 | rc = vbDrmIpcBroadcastPrimaryDisplay(u32PrimaryDisplay);
603 |
604 | /* Cache last value in order to avoid sending duplicate data over IPC. */
605 | u32PrimaryDisplayLast = u32PrimaryDisplay;
606 |
607 | VBClLogVerbose(2, "DE was notified that display %u is now primary, rc=%Rrc\n", u32PrimaryDisplay, rc);
608 | }
609 | else
610 | VBClLogVerbose(2, "do not notify DE that display %u is now primary, rc=%Rrc\n", u32PrimaryDisplay, rc);
611 | }
612 | }
613 | else if (rc == VERR_DUPLICATE)
614 | VBClLogVerbose(2, "do not notify DRM stack about monitors layout change, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
615 | else
616 | VBClLogError("displays layout is invalid, will not notify guest driver, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
617 | }
618 | else
619 | VBClLogError("Failed to get display change request, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
620 |
621 | do
622 | {
624 | } while (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT && !ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown));
625 |
626 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown))
627 | {
628 | VBClLogInfo("exiting resize thread: shutdown requested\n");
629 | /* This is a case when we should return positive status. */
630 | rc = (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT) ? VINF_SUCCESS : rc;
631 | break;
632 | }
633 | else if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
634 | VBClLogFatalError("VBoxDRMClient: resize thread: failure waiting for event, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
635 | }
636 |
637 | return rc;
638 | }
639 |
640 | /**
641 | * Go over all existing IPC client connection and put set-primary-screen request
642 | * data into TX queue of each of them .
643 | *
644 | * @return IPRT status code.
645 | * @param u32PrimaryDisplay Primary display ID.
646 | */
647 | static int vbDrmIpcBroadcastPrimaryDisplay(uint32_t u32PrimaryDisplay)
648 | {
649 | int rc;
650 |
651 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
652 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
653 | {
654 | if (!RTListIsEmpty(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node))
655 | {
657 | RTListForEach(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node, pEntry, VBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE, Node)
658 | {
659 | AssertReturn(pEntry, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
660 | AssertReturn(pEntry->pClient, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
661 | AssertReturn(pEntry->pClient->hThread, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
662 |
663 | rc = vbDrmIpcSetPrimaryDisplay(pEntry->pClient, u32PrimaryDisplay);
664 |
665 | VBClLogInfo("thread %s notified IPC Client that display %u is now primary, rc=%Rrc\n",
666 | RTThreadGetName(pEntry->pClient->hThread), u32PrimaryDisplay, rc);
667 | }
668 | }
669 |
670 | int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
671 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
672 | VBClLogError("notify DE: unable to leave critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
673 | }
674 | else
675 | VBClLogError("notify DE: unable to enter critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
676 |
677 | return rc;
678 | }
679 |
680 | /**
681 | * Main loop for IPC client connection handling.
682 | *
683 | * @return IPRT status code.
684 | * @param pClient Pointer to IPC client data.
685 | */
686 | static int vbDrmIpcConnectionProc(PVBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT pClient)
687 | {
688 | int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
689 |
690 | AssertReturn(pClient, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
691 |
692 | /* This loop handles incoming messages. */
693 | for (;;)
694 | {
695 | rc = vbDrmIpcConnectionHandler(pClient);
696 |
697 | /* Try to detect if we should shutdown as early as we can. */
698 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown))
699 | break;
700 |
701 | /* Normal case. No data received within short interval. */
702 | if (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT)
703 | {
704 | continue;
705 | }
706 | else if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
707 | {
708 | /* Terminate connection handling in case of error. */
709 | VBClLogError("unable to handle IPC session, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
710 | break;
711 | }
712 | }
713 |
714 | return rc;
715 | }
716 |
717 | /**
718 | * Add IPC client connection data into list of connections.
719 | *
720 | * List size is limited indirectly by DRM_IPC_SERVER_CONNECTIONS_MAX value.
721 | * This function should only be invoked from client thread context
722 | * (from vbDrmIpcClientWorker() in particular).
723 | *
724 | * @return IPRT status code.
725 | * @param pClientNode Client connection information to add to the list.
726 | */
727 | static int vbDrmIpcClientsListAdd(PVBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE pClientNode)
728 | {
729 | int rc;
730 |
731 | AssertReturn(pClientNode, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
732 |
733 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
734 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
735 | {
736 | RTListAppend(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node, &pClientNode->Node);
737 |
738 | int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
739 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
740 | VBClLogError("add client connection: unable to leave critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
741 | }
742 | else
743 | VBClLogError("add client connection: unable to enter critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
744 |
745 | return rc;
746 | }
747 |
748 | /**
749 | * Remove IPC client connection data from list of connections.
750 | *
751 | * This function should only be invoked from client thread context
752 | * (from vbDrmIpcClientWorker() in particular).
753 | *
754 | * @return IPRT status code.
755 | * @param pClientNode Client connection information to remove from the list.
756 | */
757 | static int vbDrmIpcClientsListRemove(PVBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE pClientNode)
758 | {
759 | int rc;
761 |
762 | AssertReturn(pClientNode, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
763 |
764 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
765 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
766 | {
767 |
768 | if (!RTListIsEmpty(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node))
769 | {
770 | RTListForEachSafe(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node, pEntry, pNextEntry, VBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE, Node)
771 | {
772 | if (pEntry == pClientNode)
773 | pFound = (PVBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE)RTListNodeRemoveRet(&pEntry->Node);
774 | }
775 | }
776 | else
777 | VBClLogError("remove client connection: connections list empty, node %p not there\n", pClientNode);
778 |
779 | int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
780 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
781 | VBClLogError("remove client connection: unable to leave critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
782 | }
783 | else
784 | VBClLogError("remove client connection: unable to enter critical section, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
785 |
786 | if (!pFound)
787 | VBClLogError("remove client connection: node not found\n");
788 |
789 | return !rc && pFound ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
790 | }
791 |
792 | /**
793 | * @interface_method_impl{VBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT,pfnRxCb}
794 | */
795 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vbDrmIpcClientRxCallBack(uint8_t idCmd, void *pvData, uint32_t cbData)
796 | {
798 |
799 | AssertReturn(pvData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
800 | AssertReturn(cbData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
801 |
802 | switch (idCmd)
803 | {
805 | {
808 | rc = vbDrmSendMonitorPositionsSync(pCmd->cOffsets, pCmd->paOffsets);
809 | break;
810 | }
811 |
812 | default:
813 | {
814 | VBClLogError("received unknown IPC command 0x%x\n", idCmd);
815 | break;
816 | }
817 | }
818 |
819 | return rc;
820 | }
821 |
822 | /** Worker thread for IPC client task. */
823 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vbDrmIpcClientWorker(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser)
824 | {
827 | int rc;
828 |
829 | AssertReturn(RT_VALID_PTR(hSession), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
830 |
831 | /* Initialize client session resources. */
832 | rc = vbDrmIpcClientInit(&hClient, ThreadSelf, hSession, VBOX_DRMIPC_TX_QUEUE_SIZE, vbDrmIpcClientRxCallBack);
833 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
834 | {
835 | /* Add IPC client connection data into clients list. */
836 | VBOX_DRMIPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_LIST_NODE hClientNode = { { 0, 0 } , &hClient };
837 |
838 | rc = vbDrmIpcClientsListAdd(&hClientNode);
839 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
840 | {
841 | rc = RTThreadUserSignal(ThreadSelf);
842 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
843 | {
844 | /* Start spinning the connection. */
845 | VBClLogInfo("IPC client connection started\n", rc);
846 | rc = vbDrmIpcConnectionProc(&hClient);
847 | VBClLogInfo("IPC client connection ended, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
848 | }
849 | else
850 | VBClLogError("unable to report IPC client connection handler start, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
851 |
852 | /* Remove IPC client connection data from clients list. */
853 | rc = vbDrmIpcClientsListRemove(&hClientNode);
854 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
855 | VBClLogError("unable to remove IPC client session from list of connections, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
856 | }
857 | else
858 | VBClLogError("unable to add IPC client connection to the list, rc=%Rrc\n");
859 |
860 | /* Disconnect remote peer if still connected. */
861 | if (RT_VALID_PTR(hSession))
862 | {
863 | rc = RTLocalIpcSessionClose(hSession);
864 | VBClLogInfo("IPC session closed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
865 | }
866 |
867 | /* Connection handler loop has ended, release session resources. */
868 | rc = vbDrmIpcClientReleaseResources(&hClient);
869 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
870 | VBClLogError("unable to release IPC client session, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
871 |
872 | ASMAtomicDecU32(&g_cDrmIpcConnections);
873 | }
874 | else
875 | VBClLogError("unable to initialize IPC client session, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
876 |
877 | VBClLogInfo("closing IPC client session, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
878 |
879 | return rc;
880 | }
881 |
882 | /**
883 | * Start processing thread for IPC client requests handling.
884 | *
885 | * @returns IPRT status code.
886 | * @param hSession IPC client connection handle.
887 | */
888 | static int vbDrmIpcClientStart(RTLOCALIPCSESSION hSession)
889 | {
890 | int rc;
891 | RTTHREAD hThread = 0;
892 | RTPROCESS hProcess = 0;
893 |
894 | rc = RTLocalIpcSessionQueryProcess(hSession, &hProcess);
895 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
896 | {
897 | char pszThreadName[DRM_IPC_THREAD_NAME_MAX];
898 | RT_ZERO(pszThreadName);
899 |
901 |
902 | /* Attempt to start IPC client connection handler task. */
903 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread, vbDrmIpcClientWorker, (void *)hSession, 0,
905 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
906 | {
907 | rc = RTThreadUserWait(hThread, RT_MS_5SEC);
908 | }
909 | }
910 |
911 | return rc;
912 | }
913 |
914 | /** Worker thread for IPC server task. */
915 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) vbDrmIpcServerWorker(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser)
916 | {
917 | int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
919 |
920 | RT_NOREF1(ThreadSelf);
921 |
922 | AssertReturn(hIpcServer, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
923 |
924 | /* This loop accepts incoming connections. */
925 | for (;;)
926 | {
927 | RTLOCALIPCSESSION hClientSession;
928 |
929 | /* Wait for incoming connection. */
930 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerListen(hIpcServer, &hClientSession);
931 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
932 | {
933 | VBClLogVerbose(2, "new IPC session\n");
934 |
935 | if (ASMAtomicIncU32(&g_cDrmIpcConnections) <= DRM_IPC_SERVER_CONNECTIONS_MAX)
936 | {
937 | /* Authenticate remote peer. */
938 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fDrmIpcRestricted))
939 | rc = vbDrmIpcAuth(hClientSession);
940 |
941 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
942 | {
943 | /* Start incoming connection handler thread. */
944 | rc = vbDrmIpcClientStart(hClientSession);
945 | VBClLogVerbose(2, "connection processing ended, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
946 | }
947 | else
948 | VBClLogError("IPC authentication failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
949 | }
950 | else
952 |
953 | /* Release resources in case of error. */
954 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
955 | {
956 | VBClLogError("maximum amount of IPC client connections reached, dropping connection\n");
957 |
958 | int rc2 = RTLocalIpcSessionClose(hClientSession);
959 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
960 | VBClLogError("unable to close IPC session, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
961 |
962 | ASMAtomicDecU32(&g_cDrmIpcConnections);
963 | }
964 | }
965 | else
966 | VBClLogError("IPC authentication failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
967 |
968 | /* Check shutdown was requested. */
969 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown))
970 | {
971 | VBClLogInfo("exiting IPC thread: shutdown requested\n");
972 | break;
973 | }
974 |
975 | /* Wait a bit before spinning a loop if something went wrong. */
976 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
978 | }
979 |
980 | return rc;
981 | }
982 |
983 | /** A signal handler. */
984 | static void vbDrmRequestShutdown(int sig)
985 | {
986 | RT_NOREF(sig);
987 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fShutdown, true);
988 | }
989 |
990 | /**
991 | * Grant access to DRM IPC server socket depending on VM configuration.
992 | *
993 | * If VM has '/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/DRMIpcRestricted' guest property set
994 | * and this property is READ-ONLY for the guest side, access will be
995 | * granted to root and users from 'vboxdrmipc' group only. If group does
996 | * not exists, only root will have access to the socket. When property is
997 | * not set or not READ-ONLY, all users will have access to the socket.
998 | *
999 | * @param hIpcServer IPC server handle.
1000 | */
1001 | static void vbDrmSetIpcServerAccessPermissions(RTLOCALIPCSERVER hIpcServer)
1002 | {
1003 | int rc;
1004 |
1005 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fDrmIpcRestricted, VbglR3DrmRestrictedIpcAccessIsNeeded());
1006 |
1007 | if (g_fDrmIpcRestricted)
1008 | {
1009 | struct group *pGrp;
1010 | pGrp = getgrnam(VBOX_DRMIPC_USER_GROUP);
1011 | if (pGrp)
1012 | {
1013 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerGrantGroupAccess(hIpcServer, pGrp->gr_gid);
1014 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1015 | VBClLogInfo("IPC server socket access granted to '" VBOX_DRMIPC_USER_GROUP "' users\n");
1016 | else
1017 | VBClLogError("unable to grant IPC server socket access to '" VBOX_DRMIPC_USER_GROUP "' users, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1018 |
1019 | }
1020 | else
1021 | VBClLogError("unable to grant IPC server socket access to '" VBOX_DRMIPC_USER_GROUP "', group does not exist\n");
1022 | }
1023 | else
1024 | {
1025 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerSetAccessMode(hIpcServer,
1029 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1030 | VBClLogInfo("IPC server socket access granted to all users\n");
1031 | else
1032 | VBClLogError("unable to grant IPC server socket access to all users, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1033 | }
1034 | }
1035 |
1036 | /**
1037 | * Wait and handle '/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/DRMIpcRestricted' guest property change.
1038 | *
1039 | * This function is executed in context of main().
1040 | *
1041 | * @param hIpcServer IPC server handle.
1042 | */
1043 | static void vbDrmPollIpcServerAccessMode(RTLOCALIPCSERVER hIpcServer)
1044 | {
1045 | HGCMCLIENTID idClient;
1046 | int rc;
1047 |
1048 | rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&idClient);
1049 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1050 | {
1051 | do
1052 | {
1053 | /* Buffer should be big enough to fit guest property data layout: Name\0Value\0Flags\0. */
1054 | static char achBuf[GUEST_PROP_MAX_NAME_LEN];
1055 | uint64_t u64Timestamp = 0;
1056 |
1057 | rc = VbglR3GuestPropWait(idClient, VBGLR3DRMIPCPROPRESTRICT, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), u64Timestamp,
1059 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1060 | vbDrmSetIpcServerAccessPermissions(hIpcServer);
1061 | else if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT)
1062 | {
1063 | VBClLogError("error on waiting guest property notification, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1064 | RTThreadSleep(VBOX_DRMIPC_RX_RELAX_MS);
1065 | }
1066 |
1067 | } while (!ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fShutdown));
1068 |
1069 | VbglR3GuestPropDisconnect(idClient);
1070 | }
1071 | else
1072 | VBClLogError("cannot connect to VM guest properties service, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1073 | }
1074 |
1075 | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1076 | {
1077 | /** Custom log prefix to be used for logger instance of this process. */
1078 | static const char *pszLogPrefix = "VBoxDRMClient:";
1079 |
1080 | static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--verbose", 'v', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, };
1081 | RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion;
1082 | RTGETOPTSTATE GetState;
1083 | int ch;
1084 |
1085 | RTFILE hDevice = NIL_RTFILE;
1086 | RTFILE hPidFile;
1087 |
1089 | RTTHREAD vbDrmIpcThread;
1090 | int rcDrmIpcThread = 0;
1091 |
1092 | RTTHREAD drmResizeThread;
1093 | int rcDrmResizeThread = 0;
1094 | int rc, rc2 = 0;
1095 |
1096 | rc = RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
1097 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1098 | return RTMsgInitFailure(rc);
1099 |
1100 | rc = VbglR3InitUser();
1101 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1102 | VBClLogFatalError("VBoxDRMClient: VbglR3InitUser failed: %Rrc", rc);
1103 |
1104 | /* Process command line options. */
1105 | rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 0, 0 /* fFlags */);
1106 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1107 | VBClLogFatalError("VBoxDRMClient: unable to process command line options, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1108 | while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0)
1109 | {
1110 | switch (ch)
1111 | {
1112 | case 'v':
1113 | {
1114 | g_cVerbosity++;
1115 | break;
1116 | }
1117 |
1119 | {
1120 | VBClLogFatalError("unknown command line option '%s'\n", ValueUnion.psz);
1121 | return RTEXITCODE_SYNTAX;
1122 |
1123 | }
1124 |
1125 | default:
1126 | break;
1127 | }
1128 | }
1129 |
1130 | rc = VBClLogCreate("");
1131 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1132 | VBClLogFatalError("VBoxDRMClient: failed to setup logging, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1133 | VBClLogSetLogPrefix(pszLogPrefix);
1134 |
1135 | /* Check PID file before attempting to initialize anything. */
1136 | rc = VbglR3PidFile(g_pszPidFile, &hPidFile);
1137 | if (rc == VERR_FILE_LOCK_VIOLATION)
1138 | {
1139 | VBClLogInfo("already running, exiting\n");
1141 | }
1142 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1143 | {
1144 | VBClLogError("unable to lock PID file (%Rrc), exiting\n", rc);
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | hDevice = vbDrmOpenVmwgfx();
1149 | if (hDevice == NIL_RTFILE)
1151 |
1152 | rc = VbglR3CtlFilterMask(VMMDEV_EVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_REQUEST, 0);
1153 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1154 | {
1155 | VBClLogFatalError("Failed to request display change events, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1157 | }
1158 | rc = VbglR3AcquireGuestCaps(VMMDEV_GUEST_SUPPORTS_GRAPHICS, 0, false);
1159 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1160 | {
1161 | VBClLogFatalError("Failed to register resizing support, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1163 | }
1164 |
1165 | /* Setup signals: gracefully terminate on SIGINT, SIGTERM. */
1166 | if ( signal(SIGINT, vbDrmRequestShutdown) == SIG_ERR
1167 | || signal(SIGTERM, vbDrmRequestShutdown) == SIG_ERR)
1168 | {
1169 | VBClLogError("unable to setup signals\n");
1171 | }
1172 |
1173 | /* Init IPC client connection list. */
1174 | RTListInit(&g_ipcClientConnectionsList.Node);
1175 | rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
1176 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1177 | {
1178 | VBClLogError("unable to initialize IPC client connection list critical section\n");
1180 | }
1181 |
1182 | /* Init critical section which is used for reporting monitors offset back to host. */
1183 | rc = RTCritSectInit(&g_monitorPositionsCritSect);
1184 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1185 | {
1186 | VBClLogError("unable to initialize monitors position critical section\n");
1188 | }
1189 |
1190 | /* Instantiate IPC server for VBoxClient service communication. */
1191 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerCreate(&hIpcServer, VBOX_DRMIPC_SERVER_NAME, 0);
1192 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1193 | {
1194 | VBClLogError("unable to setup IPC server, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1196 | }
1197 |
1198 | /* Set IPC server socket access permissions according to VM configuration. */
1199 | vbDrmSetIpcServerAccessPermissions(hIpcServer);
1200 |
1201 | /* Attempt to start DRM resize task. */
1202 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&drmResizeThread, vbDrmResizeWorker, (void *)hDevice, 0,
1204 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1205 | {
1206 | /* Attempt to start IPC task. */
1207 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&vbDrmIpcThread, vbDrmIpcServerWorker, (void *)hIpcServer, 0,
1209 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1210 | {
1211 | /* Poll for host notification about IPC server socket access mode change. */
1212 | vbDrmPollIpcServerAccessMode(hIpcServer);
1213 |
1214 | /* HACK ALERT!
1215 | * The sequence of RTThreadWait(drmResizeThread) -> RTLocalIpcServerDestroy() -> RTThreadWait(vbDrmIpcThread)
1216 | * is intentional! Once process received a signal, it will pull g_fShutdown flag, which in turn will cause
1217 | * drmResizeThread to quit. The vbDrmIpcThread might hang on accept() call, so we terminate IPC server to
1218 | * release it and then wait for its termination. */
1219 |
1220 | rc = RTThreadWait(drmResizeThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, &rcDrmResizeThread);
1221 | VBClLogInfo("%s thread exited with status, rc=%Rrc\n", DRM_RESIZE_THREAD_NAME, rcDrmResizeThread);
1222 |
1223 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerCancel(hIpcServer);
1224 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1225 | VBClLogError("unable to notify IPC server about shutdown, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1226 |
1227 | /* Wait for threads to terminate gracefully. */
1228 | rc = RTThreadWait(vbDrmIpcThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, &rcDrmIpcThread);
1229 | VBClLogInfo("%s thread exited with status, rc=%Rrc\n", DRM_IPC_SERVER_THREAD_NAME, rcDrmResizeThread);
1230 |
1231 | }
1232 | else
1233 | VBClLogError("unable to start IPC thread, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1234 | }
1235 | else
1236 | VBClLogError("unable to start resize thread, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1237 |
1238 | rc = RTLocalIpcServerDestroy(hIpcServer);
1239 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1240 | VBClLogError("unable to stop IPC server, rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
1241 |
1242 | rc2 = RTCritSectDelete(&g_monitorPositionsCritSect);
1243 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
1244 | VBClLogError("unable to destroy g_monitorPositionsCritSect critsect, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
1245 |
1246 | rc2 = RTCritSectDelete(&g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect);
1247 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc2))
1248 | VBClLogError("unable to destroy g_ipcClientConnectionsListCritSect critsect, rc=%Rrc\n", rc2);
1249 |
1250 | RTFileClose(hDevice);
1251 |
1252 | VBClLogInfo("releasing PID file lock\n");
1253 | VbglR3ClosePidFile(g_pszPidFile, hPidFile);
1254 |
1255 | VBClLogDestroy();
1256 |
1258 | }