1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | # $Id: postinstall.sh 69496 2017-10-28 14:55:58Z vboxsync $
3 | ## @file
4 | # VirtualBox postinstall script for Solaris Guest Additions.
5 | #
6 |
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Oracle Corporation
9 | #
10 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | # available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | #
18 | # The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
19 | # of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
20 | # (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
21 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
22 | # CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
23 | #
24 | # You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
25 | # terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
26 | #
27 |
28 | # LC_ALL should take precedence over LC_* and LANG but whatever...
29 | LC_ALL=C
30 | export LC_ALL
31 |
32 | LANG=C
33 | export LANG
34 |
35 | # uncompress(directory, file)
36 | # Updates package metadata and uncompresses the file.
37 | uncompress_file()
38 | {
39 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
40 | echo "missing argument to uncompress_file()"
41 | return 1
42 | fi
43 |
44 | # Remove compressed path from the pkg
45 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST "$1/$2.Z" 1>/dev/null
46 |
47 | # Add uncompressed path to the pkg
48 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST "$1/$2" f
49 |
50 | # Uncompress the file (removes compressed file when done)
51 | uncompress -f "$1/$2.Z" > /dev/null 2>&1
52 | }
53 |
54 | # uncompress_files(directory_with_*.Z_files)
55 | uncompress_files()
56 | {
57 | for i in "${1}/"*.Z; do
58 | uncompress_file "${1}" "`basename \"${i}\" .Z`"
59 | done
60 | }
61 |
62 | solaris64dir="amd64"
63 | solaris32dir="i386"
64 | vboxadditions_path="$BASEDIR/opt/VirtualBoxAdditions"
65 | vboxadditions32_path=$vboxadditions_path/$solaris32dir
66 | vboxadditions64_path=$vboxadditions_path/$solaris64dir
67 |
68 | # get the current zone
69 | currentzone=`zonename`
70 | # get what ISA the guest is running
71 | cputype=`isainfo -k`
72 | if test "$cputype" = "amd64"; then
73 | isadir=$solaris64dir
74 | else
75 | isadir=""
76 | fi
77 |
78 | vboxadditionsisa_path=$vboxadditions_path/$isadir
79 |
80 |
81 | # uncompress if necessary
82 | if test -f "$vboxadditions32_path/VBoxClient.Z" || test -f "$vboxadditions64_path/VBoxClient.Z"; then
83 | echo "Uncompressing files..."
84 | if test -f "$vboxadditions32_path/VBoxClient.Z"; then
85 | uncompress_files "$vboxadditions32_path"
86 | fi
87 | if test -f "$vboxadditions64_path/VBoxClient.Z"; then
88 | uncompress_files "$vboxadditions64_path"
89 | fi
90 | fi
91 |
92 |
93 | if test "$currentzone" = "global"; then
94 | # vboxguest.sh would've been installed, we just need to call it.
95 | echo "Configuring VirtualBox guest kernel module..."
96 | # stop all previous modules (vboxguest, vboxfs) and start only starts vboxguest
97 | $vboxadditions_path/vboxguest.sh stopall silentunload
98 | $vboxadditions_path/vboxguest.sh start
99 |
100 | sed -e '/name=vboxguest/d' /etc/devlink.tab > /etc/devlink.vbox
101 | echo "type=ddi_pseudo;name=vboxguest \D" >> /etc/devlink.vbox
102 | mv -f /etc/devlink.vbox /etc/devlink.tab
103 |
104 | # create the device link
105 | /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i vboxguest
106 | fi
107 |
108 |
109 | # check if X.Org exists (snv_130 and higher have /usr/X11/* as /usr/*)
110 | if test -f "/usr/bin/Xorg"; then
111 | xorgbin="/usr/bin/Xorg"
112 | elif test -f "/usr/X11/bin/Xorg"; then
113 | xorgbin="/usr/X11/bin/Xorg"
114 | else
115 | xorgbin=""
116 | retval=0
117 | fi
118 |
119 | # create links
120 | echo "Creating links..."
121 | if test "$currentzone" = "global"; then
122 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST /dev/vboxguest=../devices/pci@0,0/pci80ee,cafe@4:vboxguest s
123 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST /dev/vboxms=../devices/pseudo/vboxms@0:vboxms s
124 | fi
125 |
126 | # Install Xorg components to the required places
127 | if test ! -z "$xorgbin"; then
128 | xorgversion_long=`$xorgbin -version 2>&1 | grep "X Window System Version"`
129 | xorgversion=`/usr/bin/expr "${xorgversion_long}" : 'X Window System Version \([^ ]*\)'`
130 | if test -z "$xorgversion_long"; then
131 | xorgversion_long=`$xorgbin -version 2>&1 | grep "X.Org X Server"`
132 | xorgversion=`/usr/bin/expr "${xorgversion_long}" : 'X.Org X Server \([^ ]*\)'`
133 | fi
134 |
135 | # "X.Y.Z" - strip off all numerics after the 2nd '.' character, e.g. "1.11.3" -> "1.11"
136 | # Then the next sed, strips of all '.' characters, "1.11" -> "111".
137 | fileversion=`echo $xorgversion | sed "s/\.[0-9]*//2" | sed "s/\.//"`
138 | vboxvideo_src="vboxvideo_drv_$fileversion.so"
139 |
140 | # Handle exceptions now where the X.org version does not exactly match the file-version.
141 | case "$xorgversion" in
142 | 1.5.99 )
143 | vboxvideo_src="vboxvideo_drv_16.so"
144 | ;;
145 | 7.2.* )
146 | vboxvideo_src="vboxvideo_drv_71.so"
147 | ;;
148 | 6.9.* )
149 | vboxvideo_src="vboxvideo_drv_70.so"
150 | ;;
151 | esac
152 |
153 | retval=0
154 | if test -z "$vboxvideo_src"; then
155 | echo "*** Unknown version of the X Window System installed."
156 | echo "*** Failed to install the VirtualBox X Window System drivers."
157 |
158 | # Exit as partially failed installation
159 | retval=2
160 | elif test ! -f "$vboxadditions32_path/$vboxvideo_src" && test ! -f "$vboxadditions64_path/$vboxvideo_src"; then
161 | echo "*** $vboxadditions32_path/$vboxvideo_src or $vboxadditions64_path/$vboxvideo_src not found!"
162 | echo "*** X.org $xorgversion not supported by this package!"
163 | echo "*** Failed to install the VirtualBox X.org drivers."
164 |
165 | # Exit as partially failed installation
166 | retval=2
167 | else
168 | echo "Installing video driver for X.Org $xorgversion..."
169 |
170 | # Determine destination paths (snv_130 and above use "/usr/lib/xorg", older use "/usr/X11/lib"
171 | vboxvideo32_dest_base="/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers"
172 | if test ! -d $vboxvideo32_dest_base; then
173 | vboxvideo32_dest_base="/usr/X11/lib/modules/drivers"
174 | fi
175 |
176 | vboxvideo64_dest_base=$vboxvideo32_dest_base/$solaris64dir
177 |
178 | # snv_163 drops 32-bit support completely, and uses 32-bit locations for the 64-bit stuff. Ugly.
179 | # We try to detect this by looking at bitness of "vesa_drv.so", and adjust our destination paths accordingly.
180 | # We do not rely on using Xorg -version's ABI output because some builds (snv_162 iirc) have 64-bit ABI with
181 | # 32-bit file locations.
182 | if test -f "$vboxvideo32_dest_base/vesa_drv.so"; then
183 | bitsize=`file "$vboxvideo32_dest_base/vesa_drv.so" | grep -i "32-bit"`
184 | skip32="no"
185 | else
186 | echo "* Warning vesa_drv.so missing. Assuming Xorg ABI is 64-bit..."
187 | fi
188 |
189 | if test -z "$bitsize"; then
190 | skip32="yes"
191 | vboxvideo64_dest_base=$vboxvideo32_dest_base
192 | fi
193 |
194 | # Make sure destination path exists
195 | if test ! -d $vboxvideo64_dest_base; then
196 | echo "*** Missing destination paths for video module. Aborting."
197 | echo "*** Failed to install the VirtualBox X Window System driver."
198 |
199 | # Exit as partially failed installation
200 | retval=2
201 | else
202 | # 32-bit x11 drivers
203 | if test "$skip32" = "no" && test -f "$vboxadditions32_path/$vboxvideo_src"; then
204 | vboxvideo_dest="$vboxvideo32_dest_base/vboxvideo_drv.so"
205 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST "$vboxvideo_dest" f
206 | cp "$vboxadditions32_path/$vboxvideo_src" "$vboxvideo_dest"
207 |
208 | # Removing redundant names from pkg and files from disk
209 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions32_path/vboxvideo_drv_* 1>/dev/null
210 | rm -f $vboxadditions32_path/vboxvideo_drv_*
211 | fi
212 |
213 | # 64-bit x11 drivers
214 | if test -f "$vboxadditions64_path/$vboxvideo_src"; then
215 | vboxvideo_dest="$vboxvideo64_dest_base/vboxvideo_drv.so"
216 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST "$vboxvideo_dest" f
217 | cp "$vboxadditions64_path/$vboxvideo_src" "$vboxvideo_dest"
218 |
219 | # Removing redundant names from pkg and files from disk
220 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions64_path/vboxvideo_drv_* 1>/dev/null
221 | rm -f $vboxadditions64_path/vboxvideo_drv_*
222 | fi
223 |
224 | # Some distros like Indiana have no xorg.conf, deal with this
225 | if test ! -f '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' && test ! -f '/etc/X11/.xorg.conf'; then
226 |
227 | # Xorg 1.3.x+ should use the modeline less Xorg confs while older should
228 | # use ones with all the video modelines in place. Argh.
229 | xorgconf_file="solaris_xorg_modeless.conf"
230 | xorgconf_unfit="solaris_xorg.conf"
231 | case "$xorgversion" in
232 | 7.1.* | 7.2.* | 6.9.* | 7.0.* )
233 | xorgconf_file="solaris_xorg.conf"
234 | xorgconf_unfit="solaris_xorg_modeless.conf"
235 | ;;
236 | esac
237 |
238 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions_path/$xorgconf_file 1>/dev/null
239 | mv -f $vboxadditions_path/$xorgconf_file /etc/X11/.xorg.conf
240 |
241 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions_path/$xorgconf_unfit 1>/dev/null
242 | rm -f $vboxadditions_path/$xorgconf_unfit
243 | fi
244 |
245 | # Check for VirtualBox graphics card
246 | # S10u10's prtconf doesn't support the '-d' option, so let's use -v even though it's slower.
247 | is_vboxgraphics=`prtconf -v | grep -i pci80ee,beef`
248 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
249 | drivername="vboxvideo"
250 | else
251 | # Check for VMware graphics card
252 | is_vmwaregraphics=`prtconf -v | grep -i pci15ad,405`
253 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
254 | echo "Configuring X.Org to use VMware SVGA graphics driver..."
255 | drivername="vmware"
256 | fi
257 | fi
258 |
259 | # Adjust xorg.conf with video driver sections if a supported graphics card is found
260 | if test ! -z "$drivername"; then
261 | $vboxadditions_path/x11config15sol.pl "$drivername"
262 | else
263 | # No supported graphics card found, do nothing.
264 | echo "## No supported graphics card found. Skipped configuring of X.org drivers."
265 | fi
266 | fi
267 | fi
268 |
269 |
270 | # Setup our VBoxClient
271 | echo "Configuring client..."
272 | vboxclient_src=$vboxadditions_path
273 | vboxclient_dest="/usr/share/gnome/autostart"
274 | clientinstalled=0
275 | if test -d "$vboxclient_dest"; then
276 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST $vboxclient_dest/vboxclient.desktop=$vboxadditions_path/vboxclient.desktop s
277 | clientinstalled=1
278 | fi
279 | vboxclient_dest="/usr/dt/config/Xsession.d"
280 | if test -d "$vboxclient_dest"; then
281 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST $vboxclient_dest/1099.vboxclient=$vboxadditions_path/1099.vboxclient s
282 | clientinstalled=1
283 | fi
284 |
285 | # Try other autostart locations if none of the above ones work
286 | if test $clientinstalled -eq 0; then
287 | vboxclient_dest="/etc/xdg/autostart"
288 | if test -d "$vboxclient_dest"; then
289 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST $vboxclient_dest/1099.vboxclient=$vboxadditions_path/1099.vboxclient s
290 | clientinstalled=1
291 | else
292 | echo "*** Failed to configure client, couldn't find any autostart directory!"
293 | # Exit as partially failed installation
294 | retval=2
295 | fi
296 | fi
297 | else
298 | echo "(*) X.Org not found, skipped configuring X.Org guest additions."
299 | fi
300 |
301 |
302 | # Shared Folder kernel module (different for S10 & Nevada)
303 | osverstr=`uname -r`
304 | vboxfsmod="vboxfs"
305 | vboxfsunused="vboxfs_s10"
306 | if test "$osverstr" = "5.10"; then
307 | vboxfsmod="vboxfs_s10"
308 | vboxfsunused="vboxfs"
309 | fi
310 |
311 | # Move the appropriate module to kernel/fs & remove the unused module name from pkg and file from disk
312 | # 64-bit shared folder module
313 | if test -f "$vboxadditions64_path/$vboxfsmod"; then
314 | echo "Installing 64-bit shared folders module..."
315 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST "/usr/kernel/fs/$solaris64dir/vboxfs" f
316 | mv -f $vboxadditions64_path/$vboxfsmod /usr/kernel/fs/$solaris64dir/vboxfs
317 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions64_path/$vboxfsmod 1>/dev/null
318 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions64_path/$vboxfsunused 1>/dev/null
319 | rm -f $vboxadditions64_path/$vboxfsunused
320 | fi
321 |
322 | # 32-bit shared folder module
323 | if test -f "$vboxadditions32_path/$vboxfsmod"; then
324 | echo "Installing 32-bit shared folders module..."
325 | /usr/sbin/installf -c none $PKGINST "/usr/kernel/fs/vboxfs" f
326 | mv -f $vboxadditions32_path/$vboxfsmod /usr/kernel/fs/vboxfs
327 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions32_path/$vboxfsmod 1>/dev/null
328 | /usr/sbin/removef $PKGINST $vboxadditions32_path/$vboxfsunused 1>/dev/null
329 | rm -f $vboxadditions32_path/$vboxfsunused
330 | fi
331 |
332 | # Add a group "vboxsf" for Shared Folders access
333 | # All users which want to access the auto-mounted Shared Folders have to
334 | # be added to this group.
335 | groupadd vboxsf >/dev/null 2>&1
336 |
337 | # Move the pointer integration module to kernel/drv & remove the unused module name from pkg and file from disk
338 |
339 | # Finalize
340 | /usr/sbin/removef -f $PKGINST
341 | /usr/sbin/installf -f $PKGINST
342 |
343 |
344 | if test "$currentzone" = "global"; then
345 | /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i vboxguest
346 |
347 | # Setup VBoxService and vboxmslnk and start the services automatically
348 | echo "Configuring services (this might take a while)..."
349 | cmax=32
350 | cslept=0
351 | success=0
352 | sync
353 |
354 | # Since S11 the way to import a manifest is via restarting manifest-import which is asynchronous and can
355 | # take a while to complete, using disable/enable -s doesn't work either. So we restart it, and poll in
356 | # 1 second intervals to see if our service has been successfully imported and timeout after 'cmax' seconds.
357 | /usr/sbin/svcadm restart svc:system/manifest-import:default
358 | /usr/bin/svcs virtualbox/vboxservice virtualbox/vboxmslnk >/dev/null 2>&1
359 | while test "$?" -ne 0;
360 | do
361 | sleep 1
362 | cslept=`expr $cslept + 1`
363 | if test "$cslept" -eq "$cmax"; then
364 | success=1
365 | break
366 | fi
367 | /usr/bin/svcs virtualbox/vboxservice virtualbox/vboxmslnk >/dev/null 2>&1
368 | done
369 | if test "$success" -eq 0; then
370 | echo "Enabling services..."
371 | /usr/sbin/svcadm enable -s virtualbox/vboxservice
372 | /usr/sbin/svcadm enable -s virtualbox/vboxmslnk
373 | else
374 | echo "## Service import failed."
375 | echo "## See /var/svc/log/system-manifest-import:default.log for details."
376 | # Exit as partially failed installation
377 | retval=2
378 | fi
379 |
380 | # Update boot archive
381 | BOOTADMBIN=/sbin/bootadm
382 | if test -x "$BOOTADMBIN"; then
383 | if test -h "/dev/vboxguest"; then
384 | echo "Updating boot archive..."
385 | $BOOTADMBIN update-archive > /dev/null
386 | else
387 | echo "## Guest kernel module doesn't seem to be up. Skipped explicit boot-archive update."
388 | fi
389 | else
390 | echo "## $BOOTADMBIN not found/executable. Skipped explicit boot-archive update."
391 | fi
392 | fi
393 |
394 | # Set up our OpenGL pass-through library.
395 | ln -sf $vboxadditions_path/vbox_vendor_select /lib/opengl/ogl_select
396 | test "$currentzone" = "global" && /lib/svc/method/ogl-select start
397 |
398 | echo "Done."
399 | if test $retval -eq 0; then
400 | if test ! -z "$xorgbin"; then
401 | echo "Please re-login to activate the X11 guest additions."
402 | fi
403 | echo "If you have just un-installed the previous guest additions a REBOOT is required."
404 | fi
405 | exit $retval
406 |