1 | /** $Id: VBoxOs2AdditionsInstall.cpp 93145 2022-01-08 03:07:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxOs2AdditionsInstall - Barebone OS/2 Guest Additions Installer.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
20 | * Header Files *
21 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
22 | #define INCL_BASE
23 | #include <os2.h>
24 | #include <VBox/version.h>
25 |
26 | #include <string.h>
27 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
28 | #include <iprt/path.h>
29 |
30 |
31 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
32 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
33 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
34 | #define SKIP_CONFIG_SYS 0x01
35 | #define SKIP_STARTUP_CMD 0x02
36 | #define SKIP_SERVICE 0x04
37 | #define SKIP_SHARED_FOLDERS 0x08
38 | #define SKIP_GRAPHICS 0x10
39 | #define SKIP_MOUSE 0x20
40 | #define SKIP_LIBC_DLLS 0x40
41 |
42 | /** NIL HFILE value. */
43 | #define MY_NIL_HFILE (~(HFILE)0)
44 |
45 | #if defined(DOXYGEN_RUNNING)
46 | /** Enabled extra debug output in the matching functions. */
47 | # define DEBUG_MATCHING
48 | #endif
49 |
50 |
51 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
52 | * Structures and Typedefs *
53 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
54 | typedef struct FILEEDITOR
55 | {
56 | size_t cbOrg;
57 | char *pszOrg;
58 | size_t cbNew;
59 | size_t cbNewAlloc;
60 | char *pszNew;
61 | bool fAppendEof;
62 | bool fOverflowed;
63 | size_t cBogusChars;
65 |
66 |
67 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
68 | * Global Variables *
69 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
70 | /** Where the files to install (default: same dir as this program). */
71 | static CHAR g_szSrcPath[CCHMAXPATH];
72 | /** The length of g_szSrcPath, including a trailing slash. */
73 | static size_t g_cchSrcPath = 0;
74 | /** The boot drive path, i.e. where Config.kmk & Startup.cmd lives. */
75 | static CHAR g_szBootDrivePath[CCHMAXPATH] = "C:\\";
76 | /** The size of the bootdrive path, including a trailing slash. */
77 | static size_t g_cchBootDrivePath = sizeof("C:\\") - 1;
78 | /** Where to install the guest additions files. */
79 | static CHAR g_szDstPath[CCHMAXPATH] = "C:\\VBoxAdd\\";
80 | /** The length of g_szDstPath, including a trailing slash. */
81 | static size_t g_cchDstPath = sizeof("C:\\VBoxAdd\\") - 1;
82 | /** Mask of SKIP_XXX flags of components/tasks to skip. */
83 | static uint8_t g_fSkipMask = 0;
84 | /** Verbose or quiet. */
85 | static bool g_fVerbose = true;
86 | /** Whether this is a real run (true) or just a trial. */
87 | static bool g_fRealRun = false;
88 |
89 | /** The standard output handle. */
90 | static HFILE const g_hStdOut = (HFILE)1;
91 | /** The standard error handle. */
92 | static HFILE const g_hStdErr = (HFILE)2;
93 |
94 |
95 | /** File editor for Config.sys. */
96 | static FILEEDITOR g_ConfigSys;
97 | /** File editor for Startup.cmd. */
98 | static FILEEDITOR g_StartupCmd;
99 |
100 |
101 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
102 | * Messaging. *
103 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
104 |
105 | static void DoWriteNStr(HFILE hFile, const char *psz, size_t cch)
106 | {
107 | ULONG cbIgnore;
108 | while (DosWrite(hFile, (void *)psz, cch, &cbIgnore) == ERROR_INTERRUPT)
109 | ;
110 | }
111 |
112 |
113 | static void DoWriteStr(HFILE hFile, const char *psz)
114 | {
115 | DoWriteNStr(hFile, psz, strlen(psz));
116 | }
117 |
118 |
119 | /** Writes a variable number of strings to @a hFile, stopping at NULL. */
120 | static void WriteStrings(HFILE hFile, ...)
121 | {
122 | va_list va;
123 | va_start(va, hFile);
124 | for (;;)
125 | {
126 | const char *psz = va_arg(va, const char *);
127 | if (psz)
128 | DoWriteStr(hFile, psz);
129 | else
130 | break;
131 | }
132 | va_end(va);
133 | }
134 |
135 |
136 | /** Writes a variable number of length/strings pairs to @a hFile, stopping at
137 | * 0/NULL. */
138 | static void WriteNStrings(HFILE hFile, ...)
139 | {
140 | va_list va;
141 | va_start(va, hFile);
142 | for (;;)
143 | {
144 | const char *psz = va_arg(va, const char *);
145 | int cch = va_arg(va, int);
146 | if (psz)
147 | {
148 | if (cch < 0)
149 | DoWriteStr(hFile, psz);
150 | else
151 | DoWriteNStr(hFile, psz, cch);
152 | }
153 | else
154 | break;
155 | }
156 | va_end(va);
157 | }
158 |
159 |
160 | static RTEXITCODE ErrorNStrings(const char *pszMsg, ssize_t cchMsg, ...)
161 | {
162 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxOs2AdditionsInstall: error: "));
163 | va_list va;
164 | va_start(va, cchMsg);
165 | do
166 | {
167 | if (cchMsg < 0)
168 | DoWriteStr(g_hStdErr, pszMsg);
169 | else
170 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, pszMsg, cchMsg);
171 | pszMsg = va_arg(va, const char *);
172 | cchMsg = va_arg(va, int);
173 | } while (pszMsg != NULL);
174 | va_end(va);
175 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"));
177 | }
178 |
179 |
180 | static char *MyNumToString(char *pszBuf, unsigned uNum)
181 | {
182 | char *pszRet = pszBuf;
183 |
184 | /* Convert to decimal and inverted digit order: */
185 | char szTmp[32];
186 | unsigned off = 0;
187 | do
188 | {
189 | szTmp[off++] = uNum % 10 + '0';
190 | uNum /= 10;
191 | } while (uNum);
192 |
193 | /* Copy it out to the destination buffer in the right order and add a terminator: */
194 | while (off-- > 0)
195 | *pszBuf++ = szTmp[off];
196 | *pszBuf = '\0';
197 |
198 | return pszRet;
199 | }
200 |
201 |
202 | static void DoWriteNumber(HFILE hFile, unsigned uNum)
203 | {
204 | char szTmp[32];
205 | MyNumToString(szTmp, uNum);
206 | DoWriteStr(hFile, szTmp);
207 | }
208 |
209 |
210 | static RTEXITCODE ApiErrorN(APIRET rc, unsigned cMsgs, ...)
211 | {
212 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxOs2AdditionsInstall: error: "));
213 | va_list va;
214 | va_start(va, cMsgs);
215 | while (cMsgs-- > 0)
216 | {
217 | const char *pszMsg = va_arg(va, const char *);
218 | DoWriteStr(g_hStdErr, pszMsg);
219 | }
220 | va_end(va);
221 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE(": "));
222 | DoWriteNumber(g_hStdErr, rc);
223 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"));
225 | }
226 |
227 |
228 | DECLINLINE(RTEXITCODE) ApiError(const char *pszMsg, APIRET rc)
229 | {
230 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 1, pszMsg);
231 | }
232 |
233 |
234 | static RTEXITCODE SyntaxError(const char *pszMsg, const char *pszArg)
235 | {
236 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxOs2AdditionsInstall: syntax error: "));
237 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, pszMsg, strlen(pszMsg));
238 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdErr, RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"));
240 | }
241 |
242 |
243 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
244 | * Editor. *
245 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
246 |
247 | /**
248 | * Reads a file into the editor.
249 | */
250 | static RTEXITCODE EditorReadInFile(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pszFilename, size_t cbExtraEdit, bool fMustExist)
251 | {
252 | FILESTATUS3 FileSts;
253 |
254 | if (g_fVerbose)
255 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Preparing \"", pszFilename, "\" modifications...\r\n", NULL);
256 |
257 | /*
258 | * Open the file.
259 | */
260 | HFILE hFile = MY_NIL_HFILE;
261 | ULONG uAction = ~0U;
262 | APIRET rc = DosOpen(pszFilename, &hFile, &uAction, 0, FILE_NORMAL,
265 | NULL /*pEaOp2*/);
266 | if (rc == ERROR_OPEN_FAILED)
267 | rc = DosQueryPathInfo(pszFilename, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts));
268 | if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
269 | hFile = MY_NIL_HFILE;
270 | else if (rc != NO_ERROR)
271 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosOpen(\"", pszFilename, "\",READONLY)");
272 |
273 | /*
274 | * Get it's size and check that it's sane.
275 | */
276 | if (hFile != MY_NIL_HFILE)
277 | {
278 | rc = DosQueryFileInfo(hFile, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts));
279 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
280 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosQueryFileInfo(\"", pszFilename, "\",FIL_STANDARD,,)");
281 |
282 | if (FileSts.cbFile > _2M)
283 | return ApiErrorN(rc, FileSts.cbFile, "File \"", pszFilename, "\" is too large");
284 | }
285 | else
286 | FileSts.cbFile = 0;
287 |
288 | /*
289 | * Allocate buffers.
290 | */
291 | PVOID pvAlloc = NULL;
292 | size_t cbAlloc = FileSts.cbFile * 2 + cbExtraEdit + 16;
293 | rc = DosAllocMem(&pvAlloc, cbAlloc, PAG_COMMIT | PAG_WRITE | PAG_READ);
294 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
295 | return ApiError("DosAllocMem", rc);
296 |
297 | memset(pvAlloc, 0, cbAlloc);
298 | pEditor->cbOrg = FileSts.cbFile;
299 | pEditor->pszOrg = (char *)pvAlloc;
300 | pEditor->pszNew = (char *)pvAlloc + FileSts.cbFile + 1;
301 | pEditor->cbNew = 0;
302 | pEditor->cbNewAlloc = cbAlloc - FileSts.cbFile - 2;
303 | pEditor->fAppendEof = false;
304 | pEditor->fOverflowed = false;
305 | pEditor->cBogusChars = 0;
306 |
307 | /*
308 | * Read in the file content.
309 | */
310 | if (hFile != MY_NIL_HFILE)
311 | {
312 | ULONG cbRead = 0;
313 | rc = DosRead(hFile, pEditor->pszOrg, FileSts.cbFile, &cbRead);
314 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
315 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosRead(\"", pszFilename, "\")");
316 | if (cbRead != FileSts.cbFile)
317 | return ApiErrorN(cbRead < FileSts.cbFile ? ERROR_MORE_DATA : ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW,
318 | 3, "DosRead(\"", pszFilename, "\")");
319 | DosClose(hFile);
320 |
321 | /*
322 | * Check for EOF/SUB character.
323 | */
324 | char *pchEof = (char *)memchr(pEditor->pszOrg, 0x1a, FileSts.cbFile);
325 | if (pchEof)
326 | {
327 | size_t offEof = pchEof - pEditor->pszOrg;
328 | for (size_t off = offEof + 1; off < FileSts.cbFile; off++)
329 | if (!RT_C_IS_SPACE(pEditor->pszOrg[off]))
330 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Refusing to modify \""), pszFilename, -1,
331 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\" because of EOF character followed by text!"));
332 | pEditor->cbOrg = offEof;
333 | pEditor->fAppendEof = true;
334 | }
335 | }
336 |
338 | }
339 |
340 |
341 | /**
342 | * Writes out a modified file, backing up the original.
343 | */
344 | static RTEXITCODE EditorWriteOutFile(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pszFilename)
345 | {
346 | if (g_fVerbose)
347 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Writing out \"", pszFilename, "\" modifications...\r\n", NULL);
348 |
349 | /*
350 | * Skip if no change was made.
351 | */
352 | if ( pEditor->cbNew == 0
353 | || ( pEditor->cbNew == pEditor->cbOrg
354 | && memcmp(pEditor->pszNew, pEditor->pszOrg, pEditor->cbNew) == 0))
355 | {
356 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: No changes to \"", pszFilename, "\".\r\n", NULL);
358 | }
359 |
360 | /*
361 | * Back up the original.
362 | * ASSUMES that the input is CCHMAXPATH or less.
363 | */
364 | if (pEditor->cbOrg != 0)
365 | {
366 | CHAR szBackup[CCHMAXPATH + 16];
367 | size_t const cchFilename = strlen(pszFilename);
368 | memcpy(szBackup, pszFilename, cchFilename + 1);
369 | char *pszExt = (char *)memrchr(szBackup, '.', cchFilename);
370 | if (!pszExt || strchr(pszExt, '\\') || strchr(pszExt, '/'))
371 | pszExt = &szBackup[cchFilename];
372 | strcpy(pszExt, ".BAK");
373 | for (unsigned short i = 0; ; i++)
374 | {
375 | HFILE hFile = MY_NIL_HFILE;
376 | ULONG uAction = ~0U;
377 | APIRET rc = DosOpen(szBackup, &hFile, &uAction, 0, FILE_NORMAL,
380 | NULL /*pEaOp2*/);
381 | if (rc == NO_ERROR)
382 | {
383 | ULONG cbWritten = 0;
384 | do
385 | rc = DosWrite(hFile, pEditor->pszOrg, pEditor->cbOrg + (pEditor->fAppendEof ? 1 : 0), &cbWritten);
386 | while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT);
387 | DosClose(hFile);
388 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
389 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 5, "Failed backing up \"", pszFilename, "\" as \"", szBackup, "\"");
390 | break;
391 | }
392 |
393 | /* try next extension variation */
394 | if (i >= 1000)
395 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 5, "Failed backing up \"", pszFilename, "\" as \"", szBackup, "\"");
396 | if (i >= 100)
397 | pszExt[1] = '0' + (i / 100);
398 | if (i >= 10)
399 | pszExt[2] = '0' + (i / 100 % 10);
400 | pszExt[3] = '0' + (i % 10);
401 | }
402 | }
403 |
404 | /*
405 | * Write out the new copy.
406 | */
407 | HFILE hFile = MY_NIL_HFILE;
408 | ULONG uAction = ~0U;
409 | APIRET rc = DosOpen(pszFilename, &hFile, &uAction, 0, FILE_NORMAL,
412 | NULL /*pEaOp2*/);
413 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
414 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "Opening \"", pszFilename, "\" for writing");
415 |
416 | ULONG cbToWrite = pEditor->cbNew;
417 | if (pEditor->fAppendEof)
418 | {
419 | pEditor->pszNew[cbToWrite] = 0x1a; /* replacing terminator */
420 | cbToWrite++;
421 | }
422 |
423 | ULONG cbWritten = 0;
424 | do
425 | rc = DosWrite(hFile, pEditor->pszNew, cbToWrite, &cbWritten);
426 | while (rc == ERROR_INTERRUPT);
428 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
429 | rcExit = ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "Failed writing \"", pszFilename, "\"");
430 | else if (cbWritten != cbToWrite)
431 | {
432 | char szNum1[32], szNum2[32];
433 | rcExit = ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Failed writing \""), pszFilename, -1, RT_STR_TUPLE("\" - incomplete write: "),
434 | MyNumToString(szNum1, cbWritten), -1, RT_STR_TUPLE(" written, requested "),
435 | MyNumToString(szNum2, cbToWrite), NULL, 0);
436 | }
437 |
438 | rc = DosClose(hFile);
439 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
440 | rcExit = ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "Failed closing \"", pszFilename, "\"");
441 |
442 | pEditor->pszNew[pEditor->cbNew - 1] = '\0'; /* replacing EOF */
443 |
444 | return rcExit;
445 | }
446 |
447 |
448 | /**
449 | * Gets the next line.
450 | *
451 | * @returns The offset to pass to the next EditorGetLine call.
452 | * @retval 0 if no further lines in the input file.
453 | *
454 | * @param pEditor Pointer to the editor.
455 | * @param offSrc The current source offset. Initialize to zero before
456 | * first calls and pass return value for subsequent calls
457 | * @param ppchLine Where to return the pointer to the start of the line.
458 | * @param pcchLine Where to return the length of the line (sans EOL).
459 | */
460 | static size_t EditorGetLine(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, size_t offSrc, const char **ppchLine, size_t *pcchLine)
461 | {
462 | if (offSrc < pEditor->cbOrg)
463 | {
464 | const char *pchLine = &pEditor->pszOrg[offSrc];
465 | *ppchLine = pchLine;
466 |
467 | size_t cchMax = pEditor->cbOrg - offSrc;
468 | const char *pchCr = (const char *)memchr(pchLine, '\r', cchMax);
469 | const char *pchNl = (const char *)memchr(pchLine, '\n', pchCr ? pchCr - pchLine : cchMax);
470 | size_t cchLine;
471 | size_t cchEol;
472 | if (pchCr && !pchNl)
473 | {
474 | cchLine = pchCr - pchLine;
475 | cchEol = 1 + (pchCr[1] == '\n');
476 | }
477 | else if (pchNl)
478 | {
479 | cchLine = pchNl - pchLine;
480 | cchEol = 1;
481 | }
482 | else
483 | {
484 | cchLine = cchMax;
485 | cchEol = 0;
486 | }
487 | *pcchLine = cchLine;
488 | return offSrc + cchLine + cchEol;
489 | }
490 |
491 | *ppchLine = "";
492 | *pcchLine = 0;
493 | return 0;
494 | }
495 |
496 |
497 | /**
498 | * Checks that a string doesn't contain any funny control characters.
499 | *
500 | * These bogus characters are counted and EditorCheckState should be called to
501 | * check these after editing has completed.
502 | */
503 | static void EditorCheckString(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pchString, size_t cchString, const char *pszCaller)
504 | {
505 | for (size_t off = 0; off < cchString; off++)
506 | {
507 | if ( RT_C_IS_CNTRL(pchString[off])
508 | && pchString[off] != '\t')
509 | {
510 | static char s_szHex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
511 | char szDigits[3] = { s_szHex[pchString[off] >> 4], s_szHex[pchString[off] & 0xf], '\0' };
512 | ErrorNStrings(pszCaller, -1, RT_STR_TUPLE(": Bogus control character in "),
513 | pEditor == &g_ConfigSys ? "Config.sys: " : "Startup.cmd: ", -1, szDigits, 2, NULL, 0);
514 | pEditor->cBogusChars++;
515 | }
516 | }
517 | }
518 |
519 |
520 | /**
521 | * Adds a line to the output buffer.
522 | *
523 | * A CRLF is appended automatically.
524 | *
525 | * @returns true on success, false on overflow (error displayed and sets
526 | * fOverflowed on the editor).
527 | *
528 | * @param pEditor Pointer to the editor.
529 | * @param pchLine Pointer to the line string.
530 | * @param cchLine The length of the line (sans newline).
531 | */
532 | static bool EditorPutLine(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pchLine, size_t cchLine)
533 | {
534 | EditorCheckString(pEditor, pchLine, cchLine, "EditorPutLine");
535 |
536 | size_t offNew = pEditor->cbNew;
537 | if (offNew + cchLine + 2 < pEditor->cbNewAlloc)
538 | {
539 | char *pszNew = pEditor->pszNew;
540 | memcpy(&pszNew[offNew], pchLine, cchLine);
541 | offNew += cchLine;
542 | pszNew[offNew++] = '\r';
543 | pszNew[offNew++] = '\n';
544 | pszNew[offNew] = '\0';
545 | pEditor->cbNew = offNew;
546 | return true;
547 | }
548 | pEditor->fOverflowed = true;
549 | return false;
550 | }
551 |
552 |
553 | /**
554 | * Writes a string to the output buffer.
555 | *
556 | * @returns true on success, false on overflow (error displayed and sets
557 | * fOverflowed on the editor).
558 | *
559 | * @param pEditor Pointer to the editor.
560 | * @param pchString Pointer to the string.
561 | * @param cchString The length of the string.
562 | */
563 | static bool EditorPutStringN(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pchString, size_t cchString)
564 | {
565 | EditorCheckString(pEditor, pchString, cchString, "EditorPutStringN");
566 |
567 | size_t offNew = pEditor->cbNew;
568 | if (offNew + cchString < pEditor->cbNewAlloc)
569 | {
570 | char *pszNew = pEditor->pszNew;
571 | memcpy(&pszNew[offNew], pchString, cchString);
572 | offNew += cchString;
573 | pszNew[offNew] = '\0';
574 | pEditor->cbNew = offNew;
575 | return true;
576 | }
577 | pEditor->fOverflowed = true;
578 | return false;
579 | }
580 |
581 |
582 | /**
583 | * Checks the editor state and makes the editing was successful.
584 | */
585 | static RTEXITCODE EditorCheckState(FILEEDITOR *pEditor, const char *pszFilename)
586 | {
587 | if (pEditor->fOverflowed)
588 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Editor overflowed while modifying \""), pszFilename, -1, RT_STR_TUPLE("\""));
589 | if (pEditor->cBogusChars > 0)
590 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Editing failed because \""), pszFilename, -1,
591 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\" contains bogus control characters (see above)"));
593 | }
594 |
595 |
596 | /**
597 | * Simplistic case-insensitive memory compare function.
598 | */
599 | static int MyMemICmp(void const *pv1, void const *pv2, size_t cb)
600 | {
601 | char const *pch1 = (const char *)pv1;
602 | char const *pch2 = (const char *)pv2;
603 | while (cb-- > 0)
604 | {
605 | char ch1 = *pch1++;
606 | char ch2 = *pch2++;
607 | if ( ch1 != ch2
608 | && RT_C_TO_UPPER(ch1) != RT_C_TO_UPPER(ch2))
609 | return (int)ch1 - (int)ch2;
610 | }
611 | return 0;
612 | }
613 |
614 |
615 | /**
616 | * Matches a word deliminated by space of @a chAltSep.
617 | *
618 | * @returns true if matched, false if not.
619 | * @param pchLine The line we're working on.
620 | * @param poff The current line offset. Updated on match.
621 | * @param cchLine The current line length.
622 | * @param pszWord The word to match with.
623 | * @param cchWord The length of the word to match.
624 | * @param chAltSep Alternative word separator, optional.
625 | */
626 | static bool MatchWord(const char *pchLine, size_t *poff, size_t cchLine, const char *pszWord, size_t cchWord, char chAltSep = ' ')
627 | {
628 | size_t off = *poff;
629 | pchLine += off;
630 | cchLine -= off;
631 | if (cchWord <= cchLine)
632 | if (MyMemICmp(pchLine, pszWord, cchWord) == 0)
633 | if ( cchWord == cchLine
634 | || RT_C_IS_BLANK(pchLine[cchWord])
635 | || pchLine[cchWord] == chAltSep)
636 | {
637 | *poff += cchWord;
638 | return true;
639 | }
640 | return false;
641 | }
642 |
643 |
644 | /**
645 | * Checks if the path @a pchLine[@a off] ends with @a pszFilename, ignoring case.
646 | *
647 | * @returns true if filename found, false if not.
648 | * @param pchLine The line we're working on.
649 | * @param off The current line offset where the image path of
650 | * a DEVICE or IFS statement starts.
651 | * @param cchLine The current line length.
652 | * @param pszFilename The filename (no path) to match with, all upper
653 | * cased.
654 | * @param cchFilename The length of the filename to match with.
655 | */
656 | static bool MatchOnlyFilename(const char *pchLine, size_t off, size_t cchLine, const char *pszFilename, size_t cchFilename)
657 | {
658 | pchLine += off;
659 | cchLine -= off;
660 |
661 | /*
662 | * Skip ahead in pchString till we get to the filename.
663 | */
664 | size_t offFilename = 0;
665 | size_t offCur = 0;
666 | if ( cchLine > 2
667 | && pchLine[1] == ':'
668 | && RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pchLine[0]))
669 | offCur += 2;
670 | while (offCur < cchLine)
671 | {
672 | char ch = pchLine[offCur];
673 | if (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pchLine[offCur]))
674 | offFilename = offCur + 1;
675 | else if (RT_C_IS_BLANK(ch))
676 | break;
677 | offCur++;
678 | }
679 | size_t const cchLeftFilename = offCur - offFilename;
680 | #ifdef DEBUG_MATCHING
681 | WriteNStrings(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("debug: MatchOnlyFilename: '"), &pchLine[offFilename], cchLeftFilename,
682 | RT_STR_TUPLE("' vs '"), pszFilename, cchFilename, RT_STR_TUPLE("'\r\n"), NULL, 0);
683 | #endif
684 |
685 | /*
686 | * Check if the length matches.
687 | */
688 | if (cchLeftFilename != cchFilename)
689 | return false;
690 |
691 | /*
692 | * Check if the filenames matches (ASSUMES right side is uppercased).
693 | */
694 | pchLine += offFilename;
695 | while (cchFilename-- > 0)
696 | {
697 | if (RT_C_TO_UPPER(*pchLine) != *pszFilename)
698 | return false;
699 | pchLine++;
700 | pszFilename++;
701 | }
702 | #ifdef DEBUG_MATCHING
703 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "debug: MatchOnlyFilename: -> true\r\n", NULL);
704 | #endif
705 | return true;
706 | }
707 |
708 |
709 | static bool MatchPath(const char *pchPath1, size_t cchPath1, const char *pchPath2, size_t cchPath2)
710 | {
711 | #ifdef DEBUG_MATCHING
712 | WriteNStrings(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("debug: MatchPath: '"), pchPath1, cchPath1,
713 | RT_STR_TUPLE("' vs '"), pchPath2, cchPath2, RT_STR_TUPLE("'\r\n"), NULL, 0);
714 | #endif
715 |
716 | while (cchPath1 > 0 && cchPath2 > 0)
717 | {
718 | char const ch1 = *pchPath1++;
719 | cchPath1--;
720 | char const ch2 = *pchPath2++;
721 | cchPath2--;
722 |
723 | /* Slashes are special as it generally doesn't matter how many are in
724 | a row, at least no on decent systems. */
725 | if (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch1))
726 | {
727 | if (!RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch2))
728 | return false;
729 | while (cchPath1 > 0 && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pchPath1))
730 | pchPath1++, cchPath1--;
731 | while (cchPath2 > 0 && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pchPath2))
732 | pchPath2++, cchPath2--;
733 | }
734 | /* Just uppercase before comparing to save space. */
735 | else if (RT_C_TO_UPPER(ch1) != RT_C_TO_UPPER(ch2))
736 | return false;
737 | }
738 |
739 | /* Ignore trailing slashes before reaching a conclusion. */
740 | while (cchPath1 > 0 && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pchPath1))
741 | pchPath1++, cchPath1--;
742 | while (cchPath2 > 0 && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pchPath2))
743 | pchPath2++, cchPath2--;
744 |
745 | #ifdef DEBUG_MATCHING
746 | if (cchPath1 == 0 && cchPath2 == 0)
747 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "debug: MatchPath: -> true\r\n", NULL);
748 | #endif
749 | return cchPath1 == 0 && cchPath2 == 0;
750 | }
751 |
752 |
753 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
754 | * Installation Steps. *
755 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
756 |
757 | /**
758 | * Checks that the necessary GRADD components are present.
759 | */
760 | static RTEXITCODE CheckForGradd(void)
761 | {
762 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], "OS2\\DLL\\GENGRADD.DLL");
763 | FILESTATUS3 FileSts;
764 | APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo(g_szBootDrivePath, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts));
765 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
766 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosQueryPathInfo(\"", g_szBootDrivePath, "\",,,) [installed gengradd?] ");
767 |
768 | /* Note! GRADD precense in Config.sys is checked below while modifying it. */
770 | }
771 |
772 |
773 | /** Adds DEVICE=[path]\VBoxGuest.sys to the modified Config.sys. */
774 | static bool ConfigSysAddVBoxGuest(void)
775 | {
776 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("DEVICE="));
777 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath);
778 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxGuest.sys"));
779 | return true;
780 | }
781 |
782 |
783 | /** Adds IFS=[path]\VBoxFS.IFS to the modified Config.sys. */
784 | static bool ConfigSysAddVBoxSF(void)
785 | {
786 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("IFS="));
787 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath);
788 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxSF.ifs"));
789 | return true;
790 | }
791 |
792 |
793 | /** Adds DEVICE=[path]\VBoxMouse.sys to the modified Config.sys. */
794 | static bool ConfigSysAddVBoxMouse(void)
795 | {
796 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("DEVICE="));
797 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath);
798 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxMouse.sys"));
799 | return true;
800 | }
801 |
802 |
803 | /**
804 | * Strips leading and trailing spaces and commas from the given substring.
805 | *
806 | * This is for GRADD_CHAINS and friends.
807 | */
808 | static size_t StripGraddList(const char **ppch, size_t cch)
809 | {
810 | const char *pch = *ppch;
811 | while ( cch > 0
812 | && ( RT_C_IS_BLANK(pch[0])
813 | || pch[0] == ',') )
814 | cch--, pch++;
815 | *ppch = pch;
816 |
817 | while ( cch > 0
818 | && ( RT_C_IS_BLANK(pch[cch - 1])
819 | || pch[cch - 1] == ',') )
820 | cch--;
821 | return cch;
822 | }
823 |
824 |
825 | /**
826 | * Prepares the config.sys modifications.
827 | */
828 | static RTEXITCODE PrepareConfigSys(void)
829 | {
830 | if (g_fSkipMask & SKIP_CONFIG_SYS)
832 |
833 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], "CONFIG.SYS");
834 | RTEXITCODE rcExit = EditorReadInFile(&g_ConfigSys, g_szBootDrivePath, 4096, true /*fMustExist*/);
835 | if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
836 | return rcExit;
837 |
838 | /*
839 | * Figure out which IFS we should place ourselves after by examining the
840 | * destination path's file system, assuming HPFS if we cannot figure it out.
841 | */
842 | const char *pszAfterIfs = "HPFS.IFS";
843 | size_t cchAfterIfs = sizeof("HPFS.IFS") - 1;
844 |
845 | union
846 | {
847 | FSQBUFFER2 FsQBuf;
848 | uint8_t abPadding[1024];
849 | } u;
850 | memset(&u, 0, sizeof(u));
851 | ULONG cbBuf = sizeof(u) - 8 /* for adding .IFS */;
852 |
853 | char szDrv[4];
854 | szDrv[0] = g_szDstPath[0];
855 | szDrv[1] = g_szDstPath[1];
856 | szDrv[2] = '\0';
857 |
858 | APIRET rc = DosQueryFSAttach(szDrv, 0 /*iOrdinal*/, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, &u.FsQBuf, &cbBuf);
859 | if ( rc == NO_ERROR
860 | || (rc == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName > 2 && u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName <= 7))
861 | {
862 | char *pszFsdName = (char *)&u.FsQBuf.szName[u.FsQBuf.cbName + 1];
863 | if ( RT_C_IS_ALNUM(pszFsdName[0])
864 | && RT_C_IS_ALNUM(pszFsdName[1])
865 | && pszFsdName[u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName] == '\0')
866 | {
867 | /* MatchOnlyFilename requires it to be all uppercase (should be the case already). */
868 | size_t off = u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName;
869 | while (off-- > 0)
870 | pszFsdName[off] = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pszFsdName[off]);
871 |
872 | /* Add the IFS suffix. */
873 | strcpy(&pszFsdName[u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName], ".IFS");
874 | pszAfterIfs = pszFsdName;
875 | cchAfterIfs = u.FsQBuf.cbFSDName + sizeof(".IFS") - 1;
876 |
877 | if (g_fVerbose)
878 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Found \"IFS=", pszFsdName, "\" for ", pszFsdName, "\r\n", NULL);
879 | }
880 | else
881 | {
882 | pszFsdName[10] = '\0';
883 | ApiErrorN(ERROR_INVALID_NAME, 5, "Bogus FSD name \"", pszFsdName, "\" for ", szDrv, " - assuming HPFS");
884 | }
885 | }
886 | else
887 | ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosQueryFSAttach(", szDrv, ") - assuming HPFS");
888 |
889 | /*
890 | * Do a scan to locate where to insert ourselves and such.
891 | */
892 | char szLineNo[32];
893 | char szNumBuf[32];
894 | bool fInsertedGuest = false;
895 | bool fInsertedMouse = RT_BOOL(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_MOUSE);
896 | bool fPendingMouse = false;
897 | bool fInsertedIfs = RT_BOOL(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_SHARED_FOLDERS);
898 | unsigned cPathsFound = 0;
899 | const char *pchGraddChains = "C1";
900 | size_t cchGraddChains = sizeof("C1") - 1;
901 | const char *pchGraddChain1 = NULL;
902 | size_t cchGraddChain1 = NULL;
903 | unsigned iLine = 0;
904 | size_t offSrc = 0;
905 | const char *pchLine;
906 | size_t cchLine;
907 | while ((offSrc = EditorGetLine(&g_ConfigSys, offSrc, &pchLine, &cchLine)) != 0)
908 | {
909 | iLine++;
910 |
911 | size_t off = 0;
912 | #define SKIP_BLANKS() \
913 | while (off < cchLine && RT_C_IS_BLANK(pchLine[off])) \
914 | off++
915 |
916 | bool fDone = false;
917 | SKIP_BLANKS();
918 |
919 | /*
920 | * Add the destination directory to the PATH.
921 | * If there are multiple SET PATH statements, we add ourselves to all of them.
922 | */
923 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("SET")))
924 | {
925 | SKIP_BLANKS();
926 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("PATH"), '='))
927 | {
928 | SKIP_BLANKS();
929 | if (cchLine > off && pchLine[off] == '=')
930 | {
931 | off++;
932 | SKIP_BLANKS();
933 |
934 | if (g_fVerbose)
935 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), ": SET PATH\r\n", NULL);
936 |
937 | /* Strip trailing spaces and semicolons. */
938 | while (cchLine > off && (RT_C_IS_BLANK(pchLine[cchLine - 1]) || pchLine[cchLine - 1] == ';'))
939 | cchLine--;
940 |
941 | /* Remove any previous entries of the destination directory. */
942 | unsigned iElement = 0;
943 | char chLast = 0;
944 | uint32_t cchWritten = 0;
945 | while (off < cchLine)
946 | {
947 | iElement++;
948 | const char *pszElement = &pchLine[off];
949 | const char *pszSemiColon = (const char *)memchr(&pchLine[off], ';', cchLine - off);
950 | size_t cchElement = (pszSemiColon ? pszSemiColon : &pchLine[cchLine]) - pszElement;
951 | if (MatchPath(pszElement, cchElement, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath - (g_cchDstPath > 3 ? 1 : 0)))
952 | {
953 | if (g_fVerbose)
954 | WriteNStrings(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("info: Config.sys line "),
955 | MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), -1, RT_STR_TUPLE(": Removing PATH element #"),
956 | MyNumToString(szNumBuf, iElement), -1, RT_STR_TUPLE(" \""), pszElement, cchElement,
957 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\"\r\n"), NULL, 0);
958 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, &pchLine[cchWritten], off - cchWritten);
959 | chLast = pchLine[off - 1];
960 | cchWritten = off + cchElement + (chLast == ';');
961 | }
962 | off += cchElement + 1;
963 | }
964 |
965 | /* Write out the rest of the line and append the destination directory to it. */
966 | if (cchLine > cchWritten)
967 | {
968 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, &pchLine[cchWritten], cchLine - cchWritten);
969 | chLast = pchLine[cchLine - 1];
970 | }
971 | if (chLast != ';')
972 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE(";"));
973 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath - (g_cchDstPath > 3 ? 1 : 0));
974 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE(";"));
975 | fDone = true;
976 |
977 | cPathsFound += 1;
978 | }
979 | }
980 | /*
981 | * Look for the GRADD_CHAINS variable.
982 | *
983 | * It is a comma separated list of chains (other env.vars.), however
984 | * we can only deal with a single element. This shouldn't be an issue
985 | * as GRADD_CHAINS is standardized by COMGRADD.DSP to the value C1, so
986 | * other values can only be done by users or special drivers.
987 | */
988 | else if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("GRADD_CHAINS"), '='))
989 | {
990 | SKIP_BLANKS();
991 | if (cchLine > off && pchLine[off] == '=')
992 | {
993 | off++;
994 |
995 | const char *pchNew = &pchLine[off];
996 | size_t cchNew = StripGraddList(&pchNew, cchLine - off);
997 |
998 | const char *pszComma = (const char *)memchr(pchNew, ',', cchNew);
999 | if (pszComma)
1000 | {
1001 | cchNew = StripGraddList(&pchNew, pchNew - pszComma);
1002 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "warning: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine),
1003 | "GRADD_CHAINS contains more than one element. Ignoring all but the first.\r\n", NULL);
1004 | }
1005 |
1006 | /* If it differs from the default "C1" / previous value, we must
1007 | restart the search for the primary chain environment variable.
1008 | This means that chains values other than "C1" must come after
1009 | the GRADD_CHAINS statement, since we're not doing an extra pass. */
1010 | if ( cchGraddChains != cchNew
1011 | || MyMemICmp(pchNew, pchGraddChains, cchNew) == 0)
1012 | {
1013 | pchGraddChains = pchNew;
1014 | cchGraddChains = cchNew;
1015 | pchGraddChain1 = NULL;
1016 | cchGraddChain1 = 0;
1017 | }
1018 |
1019 | if (g_fVerbose)
1020 | WriteNStrings(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("info: Config.sys line "), MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), - 1,
1021 | RT_STR_TUPLE(": SET GRADD_CHAINS="), &pchLine[off], cchLine - off,
1022 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"), NULL, 0);
1023 | }
1024 | }
1025 | /*
1026 | * Look for the chains listed by GRADD_CHAINS.
1027 | */
1028 | else if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, pchGraddChains, cchGraddChains, '='))
1029 | {
1030 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1031 | if (cchLine > off && pchLine[off] == '=')
1032 | {
1033 | off++;
1034 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1035 |
1036 | /* Just save it, we'll validate it after processing everything. */
1037 | pchGraddChain1 = &pchLine[off];
1038 | cchGraddChain1 = StripGraddList(&pchGraddChain1, cchLine - off);
1039 |
1040 | if (g_fVerbose)
1041 | WriteNStrings(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("info: Config.sys line "), MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), - 1,
1042 | RT_STR_TUPLE(": Found GRADD chain "), pchGraddChains, cchGraddChains,
1043 | RT_STR_TUPLE(" with value: "), pchGraddChain1, cchGraddChain1,
1044 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"), NULL, 0);
1045 | }
1046 | }
1047 | }
1048 | /*
1049 | * Look for that IFS that should be loaded before we can load our drivers.
1050 | */
1051 | else if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("IFS"), '='))
1052 | {
1053 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1054 | if (cchLine > off && pchLine[off] == '=')
1055 | {
1056 | off++;
1057 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1058 | if (MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, pszAfterIfs, cchAfterIfs))
1059 | {
1060 | if (g_fVerbose)
1061 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine),
1062 | ": Found IFS=", pszAfterIfs, "\r\n", NULL);
1063 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, pchLine, cchLine);
1064 | fDone = true;
1065 |
1066 | if (!fInsertedGuest)
1067 | fInsertedGuest = ConfigSysAddVBoxGuest();
1068 | if (!fInsertedIfs)
1069 | fInsertedIfs = ConfigSysAddVBoxSF();
1070 | if (fPendingMouse && !fInsertedMouse)
1071 | fInsertedMouse = ConfigSysAddVBoxMouse();
1072 | }
1073 | /* Remove old VBoxSF.IFS lines */
1074 | else if ( !(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_SHARED_FOLDERS)
1075 | && ( MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXFS.IFS"))
1076 | || MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXSF.IFS")) ) )
1077 | {
1078 | if (g_fVerbose)
1079 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine),
1080 | ": Removing old VBoxSF.ifs statement\r\n", NULL);
1081 | fDone = true;
1082 | }
1083 | }
1084 | }
1085 | /*
1086 | * Look for the mouse driver we need to comment out / existing VBoxMouse.sys,
1087 | * as well as older VBoxGuest.sys statements we should remove.
1088 | */
1089 | else if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("DEVICE"), '='))
1090 | {
1091 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1092 | if (cchLine > off && pchLine[off] == '=')
1093 | {
1094 | off++;
1095 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1096 | if ( !(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_MOUSE)
1097 | && MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("MOUSE.SYS")))
1098 | {
1099 | if (g_fVerbose)
1100 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine),
1101 | ": Found DEVICE=<path>\\MOUSE.SYS\r\n", NULL);
1102 | EditorPutStringN(&g_ConfigSys, RT_STR_TUPLE("REM "));
1103 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, pchLine, cchLine);
1104 | fDone = true;
1105 |
1106 | if (!fInsertedMouse)
1107 | {
1108 | if (fInsertedGuest) /* means we've found the IFS and can access the destination dir */
1109 | fInsertedMouse = ConfigSysAddVBoxMouse();
1110 | else
1111 | fPendingMouse = true;
1112 | }
1113 | }
1114 | /* Remove or replace old VBoxMouse.IFS lines */
1115 | else if ( !(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_MOUSE)
1116 | && MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXMOUSE.SYS")))
1117 | {
1118 | if (g_fVerbose)
1119 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), ": ",
1120 | fInsertedMouse || !fInsertedGuest ? "Removing" : "Replacing",
1121 | " old VBoxMouse.sys statement\r\n", NULL);
1122 | if (!fInsertedMouse)
1123 | {
1124 | if (fInsertedGuest) /* means we've found the IFS and can access the destination dir */
1125 | fInsertedMouse = ConfigSysAddVBoxMouse();
1126 | else
1127 | fPendingMouse = true;
1128 | }
1129 | fDone = true;
1130 | }
1131 | /* Remove old VBoxGuest.sys lines. */
1132 | else if (MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXGUEST.SYS")))
1133 | {
1134 | if (g_fVerbose)
1135 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Config.sys line ", MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine),
1136 | ": Removing old VBoxGuest.sys statement\r\n", NULL);
1137 | fDone = true;
1138 | }
1139 | }
1140 | }
1141 | #undef SKIP_BLANKS
1142 |
1143 | /*
1144 | * Output the current line if we didn't already do so above.
1145 | */
1146 | if (!fDone)
1147 | EditorPutLine(&g_ConfigSys, pchLine, cchLine);
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | /*
1151 | * If we've still got pending stuff, add it now at the end.
1152 | */
1153 | if (!fInsertedGuest)
1154 | fInsertedGuest = ConfigSysAddVBoxGuest();
1155 | if (!fInsertedIfs)
1156 | fInsertedIfs = ConfigSysAddVBoxSF();
1157 | if (!fInsertedMouse)
1158 | fInsertedMouse = ConfigSysAddVBoxMouse();
1159 |
1160 | if (!cPathsFound)
1161 | WriteStrings(g_hStdErr, "warning: Found no SET PATH statement in Config.sys.\r\n", NULL);
1162 |
1163 | /*
1164 | * If we're installing the graphics driver, check that GENGRADD is in the
1165 | * primary GRADD chain.
1166 | */
1167 | if (!(g_fSkipMask & SKIP_GRAPHICS))
1168 | {
1169 | if (cchGraddChain1 > 0 && cchGraddChains > 0)
1170 | {
1171 | int idxGenGradd = -1;
1172 | for (size_t off = 0, idx = 0; off < cchGraddChain1;)
1173 | {
1174 | const char *psz = &pchGraddChain1[off];
1175 | size_t cch = cchGraddChain1 - off;
1176 | const char *pszComma = (const char *)memchr(psz, ',', cchGraddChain1 - off);
1177 | if (!pszComma)
1178 | off += cch;
1179 | else
1180 | {
1181 | cch = pszComma - psz;
1182 | off += cch + 1;
1183 | }
1184 | while (cch > 0 && RT_C_IS_BLANK(*psz))
1185 | cch--, psz++;
1186 | while (cch > 0 && RT_C_IS_BLANK(psz[cch - 1]))
1187 | cch--;
1188 | if ( cch == sizeof("GENGRADD") - 1
1189 | && MyMemICmp(psz, RT_STR_TUPLE("GENGRADD")) == 0)
1190 | {
1191 | idxGenGradd = idx;
1192 | break;
1193 | }
1194 | idx += cch != 0;
1195 | }
1196 | if (idxGenGradd < 0)
1197 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Primary GRADD chain \""), pchGraddChains, cchGraddChains,
1198 | RT_STR_TUPLE("="), pchGraddChain1, cchGraddChain1,
1199 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\" does not contain a GENGRADD entry."), NULL, 0);
1200 | if (idxGenGradd != 0)
1201 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("GENGRADD is not the first entry in the primary GRADD chain \""),
1202 | pchGraddChains, cchGraddChains, RT_STR_TUPLE("="), pchGraddChain1, cchGraddChain1, NULL, 0);
1203 | }
1204 | else if (cchGraddChains > 0)
1205 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("Primary GRADD chain \""), pchGraddChains, cchGraddChains,
1206 | RT_STR_TUPLE("\" not found (only searched after SET GRADD_CHAINS)."), NULL, 0);
1207 | else
1208 | return ErrorNStrings(RT_STR_TUPLE("No SET GRADD_CHAINS statement found in Config.sys"), NULL, 0);
1209 | }
1210 |
1211 | return EditorCheckState(&g_ConfigSys, g_szBootDrivePath);
1212 | }
1213 |
1214 |
1215 | /** Puts the line starting VBoxService to Startup.cmd. */
1216 | static void StartupCmdPutLine(const char *pszLineNo)
1217 | {
1218 | if (g_fVerbose)
1219 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Starting VBoxService at line ", pszLineNo, " of Startup.cmd\r\n", NULL);
1220 | EditorPutStringN(&g_StartupCmd, g_szDstPath, g_cchDstPath);
1221 | EditorPutLine(&g_StartupCmd, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBoxService.exe"));
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 |
1225 | /**
1226 | * Prepares the startup.cmd modifications.
1227 | */
1228 | static RTEXITCODE PrepareStartupCmd(void)
1229 | {
1230 | if (g_fSkipMask & SKIP_STARTUP_CMD)
1232 |
1233 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], "STARTUP.CMD");
1234 | RTEXITCODE rcExit = EditorReadInFile(&g_StartupCmd, g_szBootDrivePath, 1024, false /*fMustExist*/);
1235 | if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1236 | return rcExit;
1237 |
1238 | /*
1239 | * Scan startup.cmd and see if there is an [@]ECHO OFF without anything other
1240 | * than REM statements preceding it. If there is we'll insert ourselves after
1241 | * that, otherwise we'll just jump in at the top.
1242 | */
1243 | unsigned iInsertBeforeLine = 0;
1244 | unsigned iLine = 0;
1245 | size_t offSrc = 0;
1246 | const char *pchLine;
1247 | size_t cchLine;
1248 | while ((offSrc = EditorGetLine(&g_StartupCmd, offSrc, &pchLine, &cchLine)) != 0)
1249 | {
1250 | iLine++;
1251 |
1252 | size_t off = 0;
1253 | #define SKIP_BLANKS() \
1254 | while (off < cchLine && RT_C_IS_BLANK(pchLine[off])) \
1255 | off++
1256 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1257 | if (off < cchLine && pchLine[off] == '@')
1258 | {
1259 | off++;
1260 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1261 | }
1262 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("ECHO")))
1263 | {
1264 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1265 |
1266 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("OFF")))
1267 | {
1268 | iInsertBeforeLine = iLine + 1;
1269 | break;
1270 | }
1271 | }
1272 | else if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("REM")))
1273 | { /* skip */ }
1274 | else
1275 | break;
1276 | }
1277 |
1278 | /*
1279 | * Make the modifications.
1280 | */
1281 | if (iInsertBeforeLine == 0) /* Necessary to do this outside the loop in case startup.cmd is empty or non-existing. */
1282 | StartupCmdPutLine("1");
1283 |
1284 | offSrc = iLine = 0;
1285 | while ((offSrc = EditorGetLine(&g_StartupCmd, offSrc, &pchLine, &cchLine)) != 0)
1286 | {
1287 | char szLineNo[32];
1288 | iLine++;
1289 | if (iLine == iInsertBeforeLine)
1290 | StartupCmdPutLine(MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine));
1291 |
1292 | /*
1293 | * Filter out old VBoxService lines. To be on the safe side we skip
1294 | * past DETACH, CALL, and START before checking for VBoxService.
1295 | */
1296 | size_t off = 0;
1297 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1298 | if (off < cchLine && pchLine[off] == '@')
1299 | {
1300 | off++;
1301 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1302 | }
1303 |
1304 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("DETACH")))
1305 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1306 |
1307 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("CALL")))
1308 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1309 |
1310 | if (MatchWord(pchLine, &off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("START")))
1311 | SKIP_BLANKS();
1312 |
1313 | if ( MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXSERVICE.EXE"))
1314 | || MatchOnlyFilename(pchLine, off, cchLine, RT_STR_TUPLE("VBOXSERVICE")) )
1315 | {
1316 | if (g_fVerbose)
1317 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Removing old VBoxService statement on line ",
1318 | MyNumToString(szLineNo, iLine), "\r\n", NULL);
1319 | }
1320 | else
1321 | EditorPutLine(&g_StartupCmd, pchLine, cchLine);
1322 |
1323 | #undef SKIP_BLANKS
1324 | }
1325 |
1326 | return EditorCheckState(&g_StartupCmd, g_szBootDrivePath);
1327 | }
1328 |
1329 |
1330 | /**
1331 | * Tells the loader to cache all the pages in @a pszFile and close it, so that
1332 | * we can modify or replace it.
1333 | */
1334 | static void CacheLdrFile(const char *pszFile)
1335 | {
1336 | if (g_fVerbose)
1337 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("info: Sharing violation - applying DosReplaceModule...\r\n"));
1338 |
1339 | APIRET rc = DosReplaceModule(pszFile, NULL, NULL);
1340 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
1341 | ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosReplaceModule(\"", pszFile, "\",,)");
1342 | }
1343 |
1344 |
1345 | /**
1346 | * Worker for CopyFiles that handles one copying operation.
1347 | */
1348 | static RTEXITCODE CopyOneFile(const char *pszSrc, const char *pszDst)
1349 | {
1350 | FILESTATUS3 FileSts;
1351 | if (g_fVerbose)
1352 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Copying \"", pszSrc, "\" to \"", pszDst, "\"...\r\n", NULL);
1353 |
1354 | if (g_fRealRun)
1355 | {
1356 | /* Make sure the destination file isn't read-only before attempting to copying it. */
1357 | APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo(pszDst, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts));
1358 | if (rc == NO_ERROR && (FileSts.attrFile & FILE_READONLY))
1359 | {
1360 | FileSts.attrFile &= ~FILE_READONLY;
1361 |
1362 | /* Don't update the timestamps: */
1363 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.fdateCreation = 0;
1364 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.ftimeCreation = 0;
1365 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.fdateLastAccess = 0;
1366 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.ftimeLastAccess = 0;
1367 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.fdateLastWrite = 0;
1368 | *(USHORT *)&FileSts.ftimeLastWrite = 0;
1369 |
1370 | rc = DosSetPathInfo(pszDst, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts), 0 /*fOptions*/);
1372 | {
1373 | CacheLdrFile(pszDst);
1374 | rc = DosSetPathInfo(pszDst, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts), 0 /*fOptions*/);
1375 | }
1376 |
1377 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
1378 | ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosSetPathInfo(\"", pszDst, "\",~READONLY,)");
1379 | }
1380 |
1381 | /* Do the copying. */
1382 | rc = DosCopy(pszSrc, pszDst, DCPY_EXISTING);
1383 | if (rc == NO_ERROR)
1386 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "Failed copying to \"", pszDst, "\"");
1387 |
1388 | CacheLdrFile(pszDst);
1389 | rc = DosCopy(pszSrc, pszDst, DCPY_EXISTING);
1390 | if (rc == NO_ERROR)
1392 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "Failed copying to \"", pszDst, "\"");
1393 | }
1394 | /*
1395 | * Dry run: just check that the source file exists.
1396 | */
1397 | else
1398 | {
1399 | APIRET rc = DosQueryPathInfo(pszSrc, FIL_STANDARD, &FileSts, sizeof(FileSts));
1400 | if (rc == NO_ERROR)
1402 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosQueryPathInfo failed on \"", pszSrc, "\"");
1403 | }
1404 | }
1405 |
1406 |
1407 | /**
1408 | * Copies the GA files.
1409 | */
1410 | static RTEXITCODE CopyFiles(void)
1411 | {
1412 | if (g_fRealRun)
1413 | {
1414 | /*
1415 | * Create the install directory. We do this from the root up as that is
1416 | * a nice feature and saves us dealing with trailing slash troubles.
1417 | */
1418 | char *psz = g_szDstPath;
1419 | if (psz[1] == ':' && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(psz[2]))
1420 | psz += 3;
1421 | else if (psz[1] == ':')
1422 | psz += 2;
1423 | else
1424 | return ApiError("Unexpected condition", __LINE__);
1425 |
1426 | for (;;)
1427 | {
1428 | char ch;
1429 | while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
1430 | psz++;
1431 | if (ch != '\0')
1432 | *psz = '\0';
1433 | APIRET rc = DosMkDir(g_szDstPath, 0);
1434 | if (rc != NO_ERROR && rc != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED /*HPFS*/ && rc != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS /*what one would expect*/)
1435 | return ApiErrorN(rc, 3, "DosMkDir(\"", g_szDstPath, "\")");
1436 | if (ch == '\0')
1437 | break;
1438 | *psz++ = ch;
1439 | while ((ch = *psz) != '\0' && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
1440 | psz++;
1441 | if (ch == '\0')
1442 | break;
1443 | }
1444 | }
1445 |
1446 | /*
1447 | * Start copying files. We copy all files into the directory regardless
1448 | * of whether they will be referenced by config.sys, startup.cmd or whatever.
1449 | */
1450 | static struct
1451 | {
1452 | const char *pszFile;
1453 | const char *pszAltDst;
1454 | uint8_t fSkipMask;
1455 | } const s_aFiles[] =
1456 | {
1457 | { "VBoxService.exe", NULL, 0 }, /* first as likely to be running */
1458 | { "VBoxControl.exe", NULL, 0 },
1459 | { "VBoxReplaceDll.exe", NULL, 0 },
1460 | { "gengradd.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\gengradd.dll", SKIP_GRAPHICS },
1461 | { "libc06.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc06.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1462 | { "libc061.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc061.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1463 | { "libc062.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc062.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1464 | { "libc063.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc063.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1465 | { "libc064.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc064.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1466 | { "libc065.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc065.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1467 | { "libc066.dll", "OS2\\DLL\\libc066.dll", SKIP_LIBC_DLLS },
1468 | { "VBoxGuest.sys", NULL, 0 },
1469 | { "VBoxSF.ifs", NULL, 0 },
1470 | { "vboxmouse.sys", NULL, 0 },
1471 | { "readme.txt", NULL, 0 },
1472 | };
1473 |
1474 | RTEXITCODE rcExit;
1475 | for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aFiles); i++)
1476 | {
1477 | /* Always copy files to the destination folder. */
1478 | strcpy(&g_szSrcPath[g_cchSrcPath], s_aFiles[i].pszFile);
1479 | strcpy(&g_szDstPath[g_cchDstPath], s_aFiles[i].pszFile);
1480 | RTEXITCODE rcExit2 = CopyOneFile(g_szSrcPath, g_szDstPath);
1481 | if (rcExit2 != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1482 | rcExit = rcExit2;
1483 |
1484 | /* Additional install location and this not being skipped? */
1485 | if ( s_aFiles[i].pszAltDst
1486 | && !(s_aFiles[i].fSkipMask & g_fSkipMask) /* ASSUMES one skip bit per file */)
1487 | {
1488 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], s_aFiles[i].pszAltDst);
1489 |
1490 | rcExit2 = CopyOneFile(g_szSrcPath, g_szBootDrivePath);
1491 | if (rcExit2 != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1492 | rcExit = rcExit2;
1493 | }
1494 | }
1495 |
1496 | return rcExit;
1497 | }
1498 |
1499 |
1500 | /**
1501 | * Writes out the modified config.sys.
1502 | */
1503 | static RTEXITCODE WriteConfigSys(void)
1504 | {
1505 | if (g_fSkipMask & SKIP_CONFIG_SYS)
1507 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], "CONFIG.SYS");
1508 | return EditorWriteOutFile(&g_ConfigSys, g_szBootDrivePath);
1509 | }
1510 |
1511 |
1512 | /**
1513 | * Writes out the modified startup.cmd.
1514 | */
1515 | static RTEXITCODE WriteStartupCmd(void)
1516 | {
1517 | if (g_fSkipMask & SKIP_CONFIG_SYS)
1519 | strcpy(&g_szBootDrivePath[g_cchBootDrivePath], "STARTUP.CMD");
1520 | return EditorWriteOutFile(&g_StartupCmd, g_szBootDrivePath);
1521 | }
1522 |
1523 |
1524 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
1525 | * Option parsing and such. *
1526 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
1527 |
1528 | static RTEXITCODE ShowUsage(void)
1529 | {
1530 | static const char g_szUsage[] =
1531 | VBOX_PRODUCT " OS/2 Additions Installer " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\r\n"
1532 | "(C) 2005-" VBOX_C_YEAR " " VBOX_VENDOR "\r\n"
1533 | "\r\n"
1534 | "This is a very barebone OS/2 guest additions installer which main purpose is\r\n"
1535 | "to help with unattended installation. Do not expect it to handle complicated\r\n"
1536 | "situations like upgrades and similar. It also does not understand arguments\r\n"
1537 | "that are placed in double quotes.\r\n"
1538 | "\r\n"
1539 | "Usage: VBoxIs2AdditionsInstall.exe [options]\r\n"
1540 | " or VBoxIs2AdditionsInstall.exe <-h|-?|--help>\r\n"
1541 | " or VBoxIs2AdditionsInstall.exe <-v|--version>\r\n"
1542 | "\r\n"
1543 | "Options:\r\n"
1544 | " -i, --do-install / -z, --dry-run\r\n"
1545 | " Controls whether to do a real install or not. Default: --dry-run\r\n"
1546 | " -s<path>, --source[=]<path>\r\n"
1547 | " Specifies where the files to install are. Default: Same as installer\r\n"
1548 | " -d<path>, --destination[=]<path>\r\n"
1549 | " Specifies where to install all the VBox OS/2 additions files.\r\n"
1550 | " Default: C:\VBoxAdd (C is replaced by actual boot drive)\r\n"
1551 | " -b<path>, --boot-drive[=]<path>\r\n"
1552 | " Specifies the boot drive. Default: C: (C is replaced by the actual one)\r\n"
1553 | " -F, --no-shared-folders / -f, --shared-folders (default)\r\n"
1554 | " Controls whether to put the shared folders IFS in Config.sys.\r\n"
1555 | " -G, --no-graphics / -g, --graphics (default)\r\n"
1556 | " Controls whether to replace OS2\\DLL\\GENGRADD.DLL with the VBox version.\r\n"
1557 | " -M, --no-mouse / -m, --mouse (default)\r\n"
1558 | " Controls whether to add the VBox mouse driver to Config.sys and disable\r\n"
1559 | " the regular OS/2 one.\r\n"
1560 | " -S, --no-service / -s, --service (default)\r\n"
1561 | " Controls whether to add starting VBoxService from Startup.cmd.\r\n"
1562 | " -T, --no-startup-cmd / -t, --startup-cmd (default)\r\n"
1563 | " Controls whether to modify Startup.cmd.\r\n"
1564 | " -C, --no-config-sys / -c, --config-sys (default)\r\n"
1565 | " Controls whether to modify Config.sys.\r\n"
1566 | " -L, --no-libc-dlls / -l, --libc-dlls (default)\r\n"
1567 | " Controls whether copy the kLibC DLLs to OS2\\DLLS.\r\n"
1568 | " -q, --quiet / -V, --verbose (default)\r\n"
1569 | " Controls the installer noise level.\r\n"
1570 | "\r\n"
1571 | "Exit Codes:\r\n"
1572 | " 0 - Success. Reboot required.\r\n"
1573 | " 1 - Failure.\r\n"
1574 | " 2 - Syntax error.\r\n"
1575 | ;
1576 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE(g_szUsage));
1578 | }
1579 |
1580 |
1581 | static RTEXITCODE ShowVersion(void)
1582 | {
1583 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE(VBOX_VERSION_STRING " r"));
1584 |
1585 | const char *pszRev = "$Rev: 93145 $";
1586 | while (!RT_C_IS_DIGIT(*pszRev))
1587 | pszRev++;
1588 | size_t cchRev = 1;
1589 | while (RT_C_IS_DIGIT(pszRev[cchRev]))
1590 | cchRev++;
1591 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdOut, pszRev, cchRev);
1592 |
1593 | DoWriteNStr(g_hStdOut, RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"));
1595 | }
1596 |
1597 |
1598 | static bool MatchOptWord(PSZ *ppsz, const char *pszWord, size_t cchWord, bool fTakeValue = false)
1599 | {
1600 | PSZ psz = *ppsz;
1601 | if (strncmp(psz, pszWord, cchWord) == 0)
1602 | {
1603 | psz += cchWord;
1604 | CHAR ch = *psz;
1605 | if (ch == '\0')
1606 | {
1607 | /* No extra complaining needed when fTakeValue is true, as values must be non-empty strings. */
1608 | *ppsz = psz;
1609 | return true;
1610 | }
1611 | if (RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch))
1612 | {
1613 | if (fTakeValue)
1614 | do
1615 | {
1616 | ch = *++psz;
1617 | } while (RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch));
1618 | *ppsz = psz;
1619 | return true;
1620 | }
1621 | if (fTakeValue && (ch == ':' || ch == '='))
1622 | {
1623 | *ppsz = psz + 1;
1624 | return true;
1625 | }
1626 | }
1627 | return false;
1628 | }
1629 |
1630 |
1631 | static PSZ GetOptValue(PSZ psz, const char *pszOption, char *pszValue, size_t cbValue)
1632 | {
1633 | PSZ const pszStart = psz;
1634 | CHAR ch = *psz;
1635 | if (ch != '\0' && RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch))
1636 | {
1637 | do
1638 | ch = *++psz;
1639 | while (ch != '\0' && !RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch));
1640 |
1641 | size_t const cchSrc = psz - pszStart;
1642 | if (cchSrc < cbValue)
1643 | {
1644 | memcpy(pszValue, pszStart, cchSrc);
1645 | pszValue[cchSrc] = '\0';
1646 | return psz; /* Do not skip space or we won't get out of the inner option loop! */
1647 | }
1648 | SyntaxError("Argument value too long", pszOption);
1649 | }
1650 | else
1651 | SyntaxError("Argument value cannot be empty", pszOption);
1652 | return NULL;
1653 | }
1654 |
1655 |
1656 | static PSZ GetOptPath(PSZ psz, const char *pszOption, char *pszValue, size_t cbValue, size_t cchScratch, size_t *pcchValue)
1657 | {
1658 | psz = GetOptValue(psz, pszOption, pszValue, cbValue - cchScratch);
1659 | if (psz)
1660 | {
1661 | /* Only accept drive letters for now. This could be a UNC path too for CID servers ;-) */
1662 | if ( !RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pszValue[0])
1663 | || pszValue[1] != ':'
1664 | || (pszValue[2] != '\0' && pszValue[2] != '\\' && pszValue[2] != '/'))
1665 | SyntaxError("The path must be absolute", pszOption);
1666 |
1667 | *pcchValue = RTPathEnsureTrailingSeparator(pszValue, cbValue);
1668 | if (*pcchValue == 0)
1669 | SyntaxError("RTPathEnsureTrailingSeparator overflowed", pszValue);
1670 | }
1671 | return psz;
1672 | }
1673 |
1674 |
1675 |
1676 | /**
1677 | * This is the main entrypoint of the executable (no CRT).
1678 | *
1679 | * @note Considered doing a main() wrapper by means of RTGetOptArgvFromString,
1680 | * but the dependencies are bad and we definitely need a half working heap
1681 | * for that. Maybe later.
1682 | */
1683 | extern "C" int __cdecl VBoxOs2AdditionsInstallMain(HMODULE hmodExe, ULONG ulReserved, PSZ pszzEnv, PSZ pszzCmdLine)
1684 | {
1686 |
1687 | /*
1688 | * Correct defaults.
1689 | */
1690 | ULONG ulBootDrv = 0x80;
1691 | DosQuerySysInfo(QSV_BOOT_DRIVE, QSV_BOOT_DRIVE, &ulBootDrv, sizeof(ulBootDrv));
1692 | g_szBootDrivePath[0] = g_szDstPath[0] = 'A' + ulBootDrv - 1;
1693 |
1694 | /*
1695 | * Parse parameters, skipping the first argv[0] one.
1696 | */
1697 | PSZ pszArgs = &pszzCmdLine[strlen(pszzCmdLine) + 1];
1698 | CHAR ch;
1699 | while ((ch = *pszArgs++) != '\0')
1700 | {
1701 | if (RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch))
1702 | continue;
1703 | if (ch != '-')
1704 | return SyntaxError("Non-option argument", pszArgs - 1);
1705 | ch = *pszArgs++;
1706 | if (ch == '-')
1707 | {
1708 | if (!pszArgs[0])
1709 | break;
1710 | if ( MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("boot"), true)
1711 | || MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("boot-drive"), true))
1712 | ch = 'b';
1713 | else if ( MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("dst"), true)
1714 | || MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("destination"), true) )
1715 | ch = 'd';
1716 | else if ( MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("src"), true)
1717 | || MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("source"), true))
1718 | ch = 's';
1719 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("do-install")))
1720 | ch = 'i';
1721 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("dry-run")))
1722 | ch = 'z';
1723 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("shared-folders")))
1724 | ch = 'f';
1725 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-shared-folders")))
1726 | ch = 'F';
1727 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("graphics")))
1728 | ch = 'g';
1729 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-graphics")))
1730 | ch = 'G';
1731 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("mouse")))
1732 | ch = 'm';
1733 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-mouse")))
1734 | ch = 'M';
1735 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("service")))
1736 | ch = 's';
1737 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-service")))
1738 | ch = 'S';
1739 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("startup-cmd")))
1740 | ch = 't';
1741 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-startup-cmd")))
1742 | ch = 'T';
1743 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("config-sys")))
1744 | ch = 'c';
1745 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-config-sys")))
1746 | ch = 'C';
1747 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("libc-dlls")))
1748 | ch = 'l';
1749 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("no-libc-dlls")))
1750 | ch = 'L';
1751 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("quiet")))
1752 | ch = 'q';
1753 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("verbose")))
1754 | ch = 'V';
1755 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("help")))
1756 | ch = 'h';
1757 | else if (MatchOptWord(&pszArgs, RT_STR_TUPLE("version")))
1758 | ch = 'v';
1759 | else
1760 | return SyntaxError("Unknown option", pszArgs - 2);
1761 | }
1762 |
1763 | for (;;)
1764 | {
1765 | switch (ch)
1766 | {
1767 | case '-':
1768 | while ((ch = *pszArgs) != '\0' && RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch))
1769 | pszArgs++;
1770 | if (ch == '\0')
1771 | break;
1772 | return SyntaxError("Non-option argument", pszArgs);
1773 |
1774 | case 'b':
1775 | pszArgs = GetOptPath(pszArgs, "--boot-drive / -b",
1776 | g_szBootDrivePath, sizeof(g_szBootDrivePath), 64, &g_cchBootDrivePath);
1777 | if (!pszArgs)
1778 | return RTEXITCODE_SYNTAX;
1779 | break;
1780 |
1781 | case 'd':
1782 | pszArgs = GetOptPath(pszArgs, "--destination / -d", g_szDstPath, sizeof(g_szDstPath), 32, &g_cchDstPath);
1783 | if (!pszArgs)
1784 | return RTEXITCODE_SYNTAX;
1785 | break;
1786 |
1787 | case 's':
1788 | pszArgs = GetOptPath(pszArgs, "--source / -s", g_szSrcPath, sizeof(g_szSrcPath), 32, &g_cchSrcPath);
1789 | if (!pszArgs)
1790 | return RTEXITCODE_SYNTAX;
1791 | break;
1792 |
1793 | case 'i':
1794 | g_fRealRun = true;
1795 | break;
1796 |
1797 | case 'z':
1798 | g_fRealRun = false;
1799 | break;
1800 |
1801 | #define SKIP_OPT_CASES(a_chSkip, a_chDontSkip, a_fFlag) \
1802 | case a_chDontSkip: g_fSkipMask &= ~(a_fFlag); break; \
1803 | case a_chSkip: g_fSkipMask |= (a_fFlag); break
1806 | SKIP_OPT_CASES('M', 'm', SKIP_MOUSE);
1811 | #undef SKIP_OPT_CASES
1812 |
1813 | case 'q':
1814 | g_fVerbose = false;
1815 | break;
1816 |
1817 | case 'V':
1818 | g_fVerbose = true;
1819 | break;
1820 |
1821 | case 'h':
1822 | case '?':
1823 | return ShowUsage();
1824 | case 'v':
1825 | return ShowVersion();
1826 |
1827 | default:
1828 | return SyntaxError("Unknown option", pszArgs - 2);
1829 | }
1830 |
1831 | ch = *pszArgs;
1832 | if (RT_C_IS_SPACE(ch) || ch == '\0')
1833 | break;
1834 | pszArgs++;
1835 | }
1836 | }
1837 |
1838 | if (g_szSrcPath[0] == '\0')
1839 | {
1840 | APIRET rc = DosQueryModuleName(hmodExe, sizeof(g_szSrcPath), g_szSrcPath);
1841 | if (rc != NO_ERROR)
1842 | return ApiError("DosQueryModuleName", rc);
1843 | RTPathStripFilename(g_szSrcPath);
1844 | g_cchSrcPath = RTPathEnsureTrailingSeparator(g_szSrcPath, sizeof(g_szSrcPath));
1845 | if (g_cchSrcPath == 0)
1846 | return ApiError("RTPathEnsureTrailingSeparator", ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
1847 | }
1848 |
1849 | /*
1850 | * Do the installation.
1851 | */
1852 | rcExit = CheckForGradd();
1853 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1854 | rcExit = PrepareConfigSys();
1855 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1856 | rcExit = PrepareStartupCmd();
1857 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1858 | rcExit = CopyFiles();
1859 | if (g_fRealRun)
1860 | {
1861 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1862 | rcExit = WriteConfigSys();
1863 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1864 | rcExit = WriteStartupCmd();
1865 |
1866 | /*
1867 | * Status summary.
1868 | */
1869 | if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1870 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Installation successful\r\n", NULL);
1871 | else
1872 | WriteStrings(g_hStdErr, "info: Installation failed!\r\n", NULL);
1873 | }
1874 | else if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
1875 | WriteStrings(g_hStdOut, "info: Trial run successful\r\n", NULL);
1876 | else
1877 | WriteStrings(g_hStdErr, "info: Trial run failed!\r\n", NULL);
1878 | return rcExit;
1879 | }
1880 |
1881 |
1882 | #if 0 /* Better off with the assembly file here. */
1883 | /*
1884 | * Define the stack.
1885 | *
1886 | * This \#pragma data_seg(STACK,STACK) thing seems to work a little better for
1887 | * 32-bit OS2 binaries than 16-bit. Wlink still thinks it needs to allocate
1888 | * zero bytes in the file for the abStack variable, but it doesn't looks like
1889 | * both the starting ESP and stack size fields in the LX header are correct.
1890 | *
1891 | * The problem seems to be that wlink will write anything backed by
1892 | * LEDATA32/LIDATA32 even it's all zeros. The C compiler emits either of those
1893 | * here, and boom the whole BSS is written to the file.
1894 | *
1895 | * For 16-bit (see os2_util.c) it would find the stack, but either put the
1896 | * correct obj:SP or stack size fields in the NE header, never both and the
1897 | * resulting EXE would either not start or crash immediately.
1898 | */
1899 | #pragma data_seg("STACK", "STACK")
1900 | static uint64_t abStack[4096];
1901 | #endif
1902 |