1 | /* $Id: VBoxGuest-solaris.c 62521 2016-07-22 19:16:33Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VirtualBox Guest Additions Driver for Solaris.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include <sys/conf.h>
32 | #include <sys/modctl.h>
33 | #include <sys/mutex.h>
34 | #include <sys/pci.h>
35 | #include <sys/stat.h>
36 | #include <sys/ddi.h>
37 | #include <sys/ddi_intr.h>
38 | #include <sys/sunddi.h>
39 | #include <sys/open.h>
40 | #include <sys/sunldi.h>
41 | #include <sys/file.h>
42 | #undef u /* /usr/include/sys/user.h:249:1 is where this is defined to (curproc->p_user). very cool. */
43 |
44 | #include "VBoxGuestInternal.h"
45 | #include <VBox/log.h>
46 | #include <VBox/version.h>
47 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
48 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
49 | #include <iprt/process.h>
50 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
51 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
52 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
53 |
54 |
55 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
56 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
57 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
58 | /** The module name. */
59 | #define DEVICE_NAME "vboxguest"
60 | /** The module description as seen in 'modinfo'. */
61 | #define DEVICE_DESC "VirtualBox GstDrv"
62 |
63 |
64 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
65 | * Internal Functions *
66 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
67 | static int vgdrvSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred);
68 | static int vgdrvSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred);
69 | static int vgdrvSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred);
70 | static int vgdrvSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred);
71 | static int vgdrvSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal);
72 | static int vgdrvSolarisPoll(dev_t Dev, short fEvents, int fAnyYet, short *pReqEvents, struct pollhead **ppPollHead);
73 |
74 | static int vgdrvSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pArg, void **ppResult);
75 | static int vgdrvSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd);
76 | static int vgdrvSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd);
77 | static int vgdrvSolarisQuiesce(dev_info_t *pDip);
78 |
79 | static int vgdrvSolarisAddIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip);
80 | static void vgdrvSolarisRemoveIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip);
81 | static uint_t vgdrvSolarisISR(caddr_t Arg);
82 |
83 |
84 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
85 | * Structures and Typedefs *
86 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
87 | /**
88 | * cb_ops: for drivers that support char/block entry points
89 | */
90 | static struct cb_ops g_vgdrvSolarisCbOps =
91 | {
92 | vgdrvSolarisOpen,
93 | vgdrvSolarisClose,
94 | nodev, /* b strategy */
95 | nodev, /* b dump */
96 | nodev, /* b print */
97 | vgdrvSolarisRead,
98 | vgdrvSolarisWrite,
99 | vgdrvSolarisIOCtl,
100 | nodev, /* c devmap */
101 | nodev, /* c mmap */
102 | nodev, /* c segmap */
103 | vgdrvSolarisPoll,
104 | ddi_prop_op, /* property ops */
105 | NULL, /* streamtab */
106 | D_NEW | D_MP, /* compat. flag */
107 | CB_REV /* revision */
108 | };
109 |
110 | /**
111 | * dev_ops: for driver device operations
112 | */
113 | static struct dev_ops g_vgdrvSolarisDevOps =
114 | {
115 | DEVO_REV, /* driver build revision */
116 | 0, /* ref count */
117 | vgdrvSolarisGetInfo,
118 | nulldev, /* identify */
119 | nulldev, /* probe */
120 | vgdrvSolarisAttach,
121 | vgdrvSolarisDetach,
122 | nodev, /* reset */
123 | &g_vgdrvSolarisCbOps,
124 | (struct bus_ops *)0,
125 | nodev, /* power */
126 | vgdrvSolarisQuiesce
127 | };
128 |
129 | /**
130 | * modldrv: export driver specifics to the kernel
131 | */
132 | static struct modldrv g_vgdrvSolarisModule =
133 | {
134 | &mod_driverops, /* extern from kernel */
136 | &g_vgdrvSolarisDevOps
137 | };
138 |
139 | /**
140 | * modlinkage: export install/remove/info to the kernel
141 | */
142 | static struct modlinkage g_vgdrvSolarisModLinkage =
143 | {
144 | MODREV_1, /* loadable module system revision */
145 | &g_vgdrvSolarisModule,
146 | NULL /* terminate array of linkage structures */
147 | };
148 |
149 | /**
150 | * State info for each open file handle.
151 | */
152 | typedef struct
153 | {
154 | /** Pointer to the session handle. */
156 | /** The process reference for posting signals */
157 | void *pvProcRef;
158 | } vboxguest_state_t;
159 |
160 |
161 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
162 | * Global Variables *
163 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
164 | /** Device handle (we support only one instance). */
165 | static dev_info_t *g_pDip = NULL;
166 | /** Opaque pointer to file-descriptor states */
167 | static void *g_pvgdrvSolarisState = NULL;
168 | /** Device extention & session data association structure. */
169 | static VBOXGUESTDEVEXT g_DevExt;
170 | /** IO port handle. */
171 | static ddi_acc_handle_t g_PciIOHandle;
172 | /** MMIO handle. */
173 | static ddi_acc_handle_t g_PciMMIOHandle;
174 | /** IO Port. */
175 | static uint16_t g_uIOPortBase;
176 | /** Address of the MMIO region.*/
177 | static caddr_t g_pMMIOBase;
178 | /** Size of the MMIO region. */
179 | static off_t g_cbMMIO;
180 | /** Pointer to the interrupt handle vector */
181 | static ddi_intr_handle_t *g_pIntr;
182 | /** Number of actually allocated interrupt handles */
183 | static size_t g_cIntrAllocated;
184 | /** The pollhead structure */
185 | static pollhead_t g_PollHead;
186 | /** The IRQ Mutex */
187 | static kmutex_t g_IrqMtx;
188 | /** Layered device handle for kernel keep-attached opens */
189 | static ldi_handle_t g_LdiHandle = NULL;
190 | /** Ref counting for IDCOpen calls */
191 | static uint64_t g_cLdiOpens = 0;
192 | /** The Mutex protecting the LDI handle in IDC opens */
193 | static kmutex_t g_LdiMtx;
194 |
195 | /**
196 | * Kernel entry points
197 | */
198 | int _init(void)
199 | {
200 | /*
201 | * Initialize IPRT R0 driver, which internally calls OS-specific r0 init.
202 | */
203 | int rc = RTR0Init(0);
204 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
205 | {
206 | PRTLOGGER pRelLogger;
207 | static const char * const s_apszGroups[] = VBOX_LOGGROUP_NAMES;
208 | rc = RTLogCreate(&pRelLogger, 0 /* fFlags */, "all",
209 | "VBOX_RELEASE_LOG", RT_ELEMENTS(s_apszGroups), s_apszGroups,
211 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
212 | RTLogRelSetDefaultInstance(pRelLogger);
213 | else
214 | cmn_err(CE_NOTE, "failed to initialize driver logging rc=%d!\n", rc);
215 |
216 | mutex_init(&g_LdiMtx, NULL, MUTEX_DRIVER, NULL);
217 |
218 | /*
219 | * Prevent module autounloading.
220 | */
221 | modctl_t *pModCtl = mod_getctl(&g_vgdrvSolarisModLinkage);
222 | if (pModCtl)
223 | pModCtl->mod_loadflags |= MOD_NOAUTOUNLOAD;
224 | else
225 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ": failed to disable autounloading!\n"));
226 |
227 | rc = ddi_soft_state_init(&g_pvgdrvSolarisState, sizeof(vboxguest_state_t), 1);
228 | if (!rc)
229 | {
230 | rc = mod_install(&g_vgdrvSolarisModLinkage);
231 | if (rc)
232 | ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pvgdrvSolarisState);
233 | }
234 | }
235 | else
236 | {
237 | cmn_err(CE_NOTE, "_init: RTR0Init failed. rc=%d\n", rc);
238 | return EINVAL;
239 | }
240 |
241 | return rc;
242 | }
243 |
244 |
245 | int _fini(void)
246 | {
247 | LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":_fini\n"));
248 | int rc = mod_remove(&g_vgdrvSolarisModLinkage);
249 | if (!rc)
250 | ddi_soft_state_fini(&g_pvgdrvSolarisState);
251 |
252 | RTLogDestroy(RTLogRelSetDefaultInstance(NULL));
253 | RTLogDestroy(RTLogSetDefaultInstance(NULL));
254 |
255 | if (!rc)
256 | {
257 | mutex_destroy(&g_LdiMtx);
258 | RTR0Term();
259 | }
260 | return rc;
261 | }
262 |
263 |
264 | int _info(struct modinfo *pModInfo)
265 | {
266 | LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME ":_info\n"));
267 | return mod_info(&g_vgdrvSolarisModLinkage, pModInfo);
268 | }
269 |
270 |
271 | /**
272 | * Attach entry point, to attach a device to the system or resume it.
273 | *
274 | * @param pDip The module structure instance.
275 | * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t)
276 | *
277 | * @return corresponding solaris error code.
278 | */
279 | static int vgdrvSolarisAttach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_attach_cmd_t enmCmd)
280 | {
281 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisAttach:\n"));
282 | switch (enmCmd)
283 | {
284 | case DDI_ATTACH:
285 | {
286 | if (g_pDip)
287 | {
288 | LogRel(("vgdrvSolarisAttach: Only one instance supported.\n"));
289 | return DDI_FAILURE;
290 | }
291 |
292 | int instance = ddi_get_instance(pDip);
293 |
294 | /*
295 | * Enable resources for PCI access.
296 | */
297 | ddi_acc_handle_t PciHandle;
298 | int rc = pci_config_setup(pDip, &PciHandle);
299 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
300 | {
301 | /*
302 | * Map the register address space.
303 | */
304 | caddr_t baseAddr;
305 | ddi_device_acc_attr_t deviceAttr;
306 | deviceAttr.devacc_attr_version = DDI_DEVICE_ATTR_V0;
307 | deviceAttr.devacc_attr_endian_flags = DDI_NEVERSWAP_ACC;
308 | deviceAttr.devacc_attr_dataorder = DDI_STRICTORDER_ACC;
309 | deviceAttr.devacc_attr_access = DDI_DEFAULT_ACC;
310 | rc = ddi_regs_map_setup(pDip, 1, &baseAddr, 0, 0, &deviceAttr, &g_PciIOHandle);
311 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
312 | {
313 | /*
314 | * Read size of the MMIO region.
315 | */
316 | g_uIOPortBase = (uintptr_t)baseAddr;
317 | rc = ddi_dev_regsize(pDip, 2, &g_cbMMIO);
318 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
319 | {
320 | rc = ddi_regs_map_setup(pDip, 2, &g_pMMIOBase, 0, g_cbMMIO, &deviceAttr,
321 | &g_PciMMIOHandle);
322 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
323 | {
324 | /*
325 | * Add IRQ of VMMDev.
326 | */
327 | rc = vgdrvSolarisAddIRQ(pDip);
328 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
329 | {
330 | /*
331 | * Call the common device extension initializer.
332 | */
333 | rc = VGDrvCommonInitDevExt(&g_DevExt, g_uIOPortBase, g_pMMIOBase, g_cbMMIO,
334 | #if ARCH_BITS == 64
335 | VBOXOSTYPE_Solaris_x64,
336 | #else
337 | VBOXOSTYPE_Solaris,
338 | #endif
340 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
341 | {
342 | rc = ddi_create_minor_node(pDip, DEVICE_NAME, S_IFCHR, instance, DDI_PSEUDO, 0 /* fFlags */);
343 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
344 | {
345 | g_pDip = pDip;
346 | pci_config_teardown(&PciHandle);
347 | return DDI_SUCCESS;
348 | }
349 |
350 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: ddi_create_minor_node failed.\n"));
351 | VGDrvCommonDeleteDevExt(&g_DevExt);
352 | }
353 | else
354 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: VGDrvCommonInitDevExt failed.\n"));
355 | vgdrvSolarisRemoveIRQ(pDip);
356 | }
357 | else
358 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: vgdrvSolarisAddIRQ failed.\n"));
359 | ddi_regs_map_free(&g_PciMMIOHandle);
360 | }
361 | else
362 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: ddi_regs_map_setup for MMIO region failed.\n"));
363 | }
364 | else
365 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: ddi_dev_regsize for MMIO region failed.\n"));
366 | ddi_regs_map_free(&g_PciIOHandle);
367 | }
368 | else
369 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: ddi_regs_map_setup for IOport failed.\n"));
370 | pci_config_teardown(&PciHandle);
371 | }
372 | else
373 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Attach: pci_config_setup failed rc=%d.\n", rc));
374 | return DDI_FAILURE;
375 | }
376 |
377 | case DDI_RESUME:
378 | {
379 | /** @todo implement resume for guest driver. */
380 | return DDI_SUCCESS;
381 | }
382 |
383 | default:
384 | return DDI_FAILURE;
385 | }
386 | }
387 |
388 |
389 | /**
390 | * Detach entry point, to detach a device to the system or suspend it.
391 | *
392 | * @param pDip The module structure instance.
393 | * @param enmCmd Attach type (ddi_attach_cmd_t)
394 | *
395 | * @return corresponding solaris error code.
396 | */
397 | static int vgdrvSolarisDetach(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_detach_cmd_t enmCmd)
398 | {
399 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisDetach:\n"));
400 | switch (enmCmd)
401 | {
402 | case DDI_DETACH:
403 | {
404 | vgdrvSolarisRemoveIRQ(pDip);
405 | ddi_regs_map_free(&g_PciIOHandle);
406 | ddi_regs_map_free(&g_PciMMIOHandle);
407 | ddi_remove_minor_node(pDip, NULL);
408 | VGDrvCommonDeleteDevExt(&g_DevExt);
409 | g_pDip = NULL;
410 | return DDI_SUCCESS;
411 | }
412 |
413 | case DDI_SUSPEND:
414 | {
415 | /** @todo implement suspend for guest driver. */
416 | return DDI_SUCCESS;
417 | }
418 |
419 | default:
420 | return DDI_FAILURE;
421 | }
422 | }
423 |
424 |
425 | /**
426 | * Quiesce entry point, called by solaris kernel for disabling the device from
427 | * generating any interrupts or doing in-bound DMA.
428 | *
429 | * @param pDip The module structure instance.
430 | *
431 | * @return corresponding solaris error code.
432 | */
433 | static int vgdrvSolarisQuiesce(dev_info_t *pDip)
434 | {
435 | for (int i = 0; i < g_cIntrAllocated; i++)
436 | {
437 | int rc = ddi_intr_disable(g_pIntr[i]);
438 | if (rc != DDI_SUCCESS)
439 | return DDI_FAILURE;
440 | }
441 |
442 | /** @todo What about HGCM/HGSMI touching guest-memory? */
443 |
444 | return DDI_SUCCESS;
445 | }
446 |
447 |
448 | /**
449 | * Info entry point, called by solaris kernel for obtaining driver info.
450 | *
451 | * @param pDip The module structure instance (do not use).
452 | * @param enmCmd Information request type.
453 | * @param pvArg Type specific argument.
454 | * @param ppvResult Where to store the requested info.
455 | *
456 | * @return corresponding solaris error code.
457 | */
458 | static int vgdrvSolarisGetInfo(dev_info_t *pDip, ddi_info_cmd_t enmCmd, void *pvArg, void **ppvResult)
459 | {
460 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisGetInfo:\n"));
461 |
462 | int rc = DDI_SUCCESS;
463 | switch (enmCmd)
464 | {
466 | *ppvResult = (void *)g_pDip;
467 | break;
468 |
470 | *ppvResult = (void *)(uintptr_t)ddi_get_instance(g_pDip);
471 | break;
472 |
473 | default:
474 | rc = DDI_FAILURE;
475 | break;
476 | }
477 |
478 | NOREF(pvArg);
479 | return rc;
480 | }
481 |
482 |
483 | /**
484 | * User context entry points
485 | */
486 | static int vgdrvSolarisOpen(dev_t *pDev, int fFlag, int fType, cred_t *pCred)
487 | {
488 | int rc;
490 |
491 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisOpen:\n"));
492 |
493 | /*
494 | * Verify we are being opened as a character device.
495 | */
496 | if (fType != OTYP_CHR)
497 | return EINVAL;
498 |
499 | vboxguest_state_t *pState = NULL;
500 | unsigned iOpenInstance;
501 | for (iOpenInstance = 0; iOpenInstance < 4096; iOpenInstance++)
502 | {
503 | if ( !ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, iOpenInstance) /* faster */
504 | && ddi_soft_state_zalloc(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, iOpenInstance) == DDI_SUCCESS)
505 | {
506 | pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, iOpenInstance);
507 | break;
508 | }
509 | }
510 | if (!pState)
511 | {
512 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisOpen: too many open instances."));
513 | return ENXIO;
514 | }
515 |
516 | /*
517 | * Create a new session.
518 | */
519 | rc = VGDrvCommonCreateUserSession(&g_DevExt, &pSession);
520 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
521 | {
522 | pState->pvProcRef = proc_ref();
523 | pState->pSession = pSession;
524 | *pDev = makedevice(getmajor(*pDev), iOpenInstance);
525 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisOpen: pSession=%p pState=%p pid=%d\n", pSession, pState, (int)RTProcSelf()));
526 | return 0;
527 | }
528 |
529 | /* Failed, clean up. */
530 | ddi_soft_state_free(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, iOpenInstance);
531 |
532 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::Open: VGDrvCommonCreateUserSession failed. rc=%d\n", rc));
533 | return EFAULT;
534 | }
535 |
536 |
537 | static int vgdrvSolarisClose(dev_t Dev, int flag, int fType, cred_t *pCred)
538 | {
539 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisClose: pid=%d\n", (int)RTProcSelf()));
540 |
542 | vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, getminor(Dev));
543 | if (!pState)
544 | {
545 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisClose: failed to get pState.\n"));
546 | return EFAULT;
547 | }
548 |
549 | proc_unref(pState->pvProcRef);
550 | pSession = pState->pSession;
551 | pState->pSession = NULL;
552 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisClose: pSession=%p pState=%p\n", pSession, pState));
553 | ddi_soft_state_free(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, getminor(Dev));
554 | if (!pSession)
555 | {
556 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisClose: failed to get pSession.\n"));
557 | return EFAULT;
558 | }
559 |
560 | /*
561 | * Close the session.
562 | */
563 | VGDrvCommonCloseSession(&g_DevExt, pSession);
564 | return 0;
565 | }
566 |
567 |
568 | static int vgdrvSolarisRead(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred)
569 | {
570 | LogFlow((DEVICE_NAME "::Read\n"));
571 |
572 | vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, getminor(Dev));
573 | if (!pState)
574 | {
575 | Log((DEVICE_NAME "::Close: failed to get pState.\n"));
576 | return EFAULT;
577 | }
578 |
579 | PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession = pState->pSession;
580 | uint32_t u32CurSeq = ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&g_DevExt.u32MousePosChangedSeq);
581 | if (pSession->u32MousePosChangedSeq != u32CurSeq)
582 | pSession->u32MousePosChangedSeq = u32CurSeq;
583 |
584 | return 0;
585 | }
586 |
587 |
588 | static int vgdrvSolarisWrite(dev_t Dev, struct uio *pUio, cred_t *pCred)
589 | {
590 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisWrite:\n"));
591 | return 0;
592 | }
593 |
594 |
595 | /** @def IOCPARM_LEN
596 | * Gets the length from the ioctl number.
597 | * This is normally defined by sys/ioccom.h on BSD systems...
598 | */
599 | #ifndef IOCPARM_LEN
600 | # define IOCPARM_LEN(Code) (((Code) >> 16) & IOCPARM_MASK)
601 | #endif
602 |
603 |
604 | /**
605 | * Driver ioctl, an alternate entry point for this character driver.
606 | *
607 | * @param Dev Device number
608 | * @param Cmd Operation identifier
609 | * @param pArg Arguments from user to driver
610 | * @param Mode Information bitfield (read/write, address space etc.)
611 | * @param pCred User credentials
612 | * @param pVal Return value for calling process.
613 | *
614 | * @return corresponding solaris error code.
615 | */
616 | static int vgdrvSolarisIOCtl(dev_t Dev, int Cmd, intptr_t pArg, int Mode, cred_t *pCred, int *pVal)
617 | {
618 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisIOCtl: iCmd=%#x\n", Cmd));
619 |
620 | /*
621 | * Get the session from the soft state item.
622 | */
623 | vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, getminor(Dev));
624 | if (!pState)
625 | {
626 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: no state data for %d\n", getminor(Dev)));
627 | return EINVAL;
628 | }
629 |
630 | PVBOXGUESTSESSION pSession = pState->pSession;
631 | if (!pSession)
632 | {
633 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: no session data for %d\n", getminor(Dev)));
634 | return EINVAL;
635 | }
636 |
637 | /*
638 | * Read and validate the request wrapper.
639 | */
640 | VBGLBIGREQ ReqWrap;
641 | if (IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd) != sizeof(ReqWrap))
642 | {
643 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: bad request %#x size=%d expected=%d\n", Cmd, IOCPARM_LEN(Cmd), sizeof(ReqWrap)));
644 | return ENOTTY;
645 | }
646 |
647 | int rc = ddi_copyin((void *)pArg, &ReqWrap, sizeof(ReqWrap), Mode);
648 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc))
649 | {
650 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: ddi_copyin failed to read header pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%#x.\n", pArg, Cmd, rc));
651 | return EINVAL;
652 | }
653 |
654 | if (ReqWrap.u32Magic != VBGLBIGREQ_MAGIC)
655 | {
656 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: bad magic %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%#x.\n", ReqWrap.u32Magic, pArg, Cmd));
657 | return EINVAL;
658 | }
659 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(ReqWrap.cbData > _1M*16))
660 | {
661 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: bad size %#x; pArg=%p Cmd=%#x.\n", ReqWrap.cbData, pArg, Cmd));
662 | return EINVAL;
663 | }
664 |
665 | /*
666 | * Read the request payload if any; requests like VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CANCEL_ALL_WAITEVENTS have no data payload.
667 | */
668 | void *pvBuf = NULL;
669 | if (RT_LIKELY(ReqWrap.cbData > 0))
670 | {
671 | pvBuf = RTMemTmpAlloc(ReqWrap.cbData);
672 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(!pvBuf))
673 | {
674 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: RTMemTmpAlloc failed to alloc %d bytes.\n", ReqWrap.cbData));
675 | return ENOMEM;
676 | }
677 |
678 | rc = ddi_copyin((void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, Mode);
679 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc))
680 | {
681 | RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf);
682 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: ddi_copyin failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n", pvBuf, pArg, Cmd, rc));
683 | return EFAULT;
684 | }
685 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(!VALID_PTR(pvBuf)))
686 | {
687 | RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf);
688 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: pvBuf invalid pointer %p\n", pvBuf));
689 | return EINVAL;
690 | }
691 | }
692 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisIOCtl: pSession=%p pid=%d.\n", pSession, (int)RTProcSelf()));
693 |
694 | /*
695 | * Process the IOCtl.
696 | */
697 | size_t cbDataReturned = 0;
698 | rc = VGDrvCommonIoCtl(Cmd, &g_DevExt, pSession, pvBuf, ReqWrap.cbData, &cbDataReturned);
699 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
700 | {
701 | rc = 0;
702 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(cbDataReturned > ReqWrap.cbData))
703 | {
704 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: too much output data %d expected %d\n", cbDataReturned, ReqWrap.cbData));
705 | cbDataReturned = ReqWrap.cbData;
706 | }
707 | if (cbDataReturned > 0)
708 | {
709 | rc = ddi_copyout(pvBuf, (void *)(uintptr_t)ReqWrap.pvDataR3, cbDataReturned, Mode);
710 | if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc))
711 | {
712 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::IOCtl: ddi_copyout failed; pvBuf=%p pArg=%p cbDataReturned=%u Cmd=%d. rc=%d\n",
713 | pvBuf, pArg, cbDataReturned, Cmd, rc));
714 | rc = EFAULT;
715 | }
716 | }
717 | }
718 | else
719 | {
720 | /*
721 | * We Log() instead of LogRel() here because VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_WAITEVENT can return VERR_TIMEOUT,
722 | * VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CANCEL_ALL_EVENTS can return VERR_INTERRUPTED and possibly more in the future;
723 | * which are not really failures that require logging.
724 | */
725 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisIOCtl: VGDrvCommonIoCtl failed. Cmd=%#x rc=%d\n", Cmd, rc));
726 | if (rc == VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED) /* RTErrConvertToErrno() below will ring-0 debug assert if we don't do this. */
728 | rc = RTErrConvertToErrno(rc);
729 | }
730 | *pVal = rc;
731 | if (pvBuf)
732 | RTMemTmpFree(pvBuf);
733 | return rc;
734 | }
735 |
736 |
737 | static int vgdrvSolarisPoll(dev_t Dev, short fEvents, int fAnyYet, short *pReqEvents, struct pollhead **ppPollHead)
738 | {
739 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisPoll: fEvents=%d fAnyYet=%d\n", fEvents, fAnyYet));
740 |
741 | vboxguest_state_t *pState = ddi_get_soft_state(g_pvgdrvSolarisState, getminor(Dev));
742 | if (RT_LIKELY(pState))
743 | {
745 | uint32_t u32CurSeq = ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&g_DevExt.u32MousePosChangedSeq);
746 | if (pSession->u32MousePosChangedSeq != u32CurSeq)
747 | {
748 | *pReqEvents |= (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
749 | pSession->u32MousePosChangedSeq = u32CurSeq;
750 | }
751 | else
752 | {
753 | *pReqEvents = 0;
754 | if (!fAnyYet)
755 | *ppPollHead = &g_PollHead;
756 | }
757 |
758 | return 0;
759 | }
760 | else
761 | {
762 | Log(("vgdrvSolarisPoll: no state data for %d\n", getminor(Dev)));
763 | return EINVAL;
764 | }
765 | }
766 |
767 |
768 | /**
769 | * Sets IRQ for VMMDev.
770 | *
771 | * @returns Solaris error code.
772 | * @param pDip Pointer to the device info structure.
773 | */
774 | static int vgdrvSolarisAddIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip)
775 | {
776 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisAddIRQ: pDip=%p\n", pDip));
777 |
778 | int IntrType = 0;
779 | int rc = ddi_intr_get_supported_types(pDip, &IntrType);
780 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
781 | {
782 | /* We won't need to bother about MSIs. */
783 | if (IntrType & DDI_INTR_TYPE_FIXED)
784 | {
785 | int IntrCount = 0;
786 | rc = ddi_intr_get_nintrs(pDip, IntrType, &IntrCount);
787 | if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS
788 | && IntrCount > 0)
789 | {
790 | int IntrAvail = 0;
791 | rc = ddi_intr_get_navail(pDip, IntrType, &IntrAvail);
792 | if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS
793 | && IntrAvail > 0)
794 | {
795 | /* Allocated kernel memory for the interrupt handles. The allocation size is stored internally. */
796 | g_pIntr = RTMemAlloc(IntrCount * sizeof(ddi_intr_handle_t));
797 | if (g_pIntr)
798 | {
799 | int IntrAllocated;
800 | rc = ddi_intr_alloc(pDip, g_pIntr, IntrType, 0, IntrCount, &IntrAllocated, DDI_INTR_ALLOC_NORMAL);
801 | if ( rc == DDI_SUCCESS
802 | && IntrAllocated > 0)
803 | {
804 | g_cIntrAllocated = IntrAllocated;
805 | uint_t uIntrPriority;
806 | rc = ddi_intr_get_pri(g_pIntr[0], &uIntrPriority);
807 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
808 | {
809 | /* Initialize the mutex. */
810 | mutex_init(&g_IrqMtx, NULL /* pszDesc */, MUTEX_DRIVER, DDI_INTR_PRI(uIntrPriority));
811 |
812 | /* Assign interrupt handler functions and enable interrupts. */
813 | for (int i = 0; i < IntrAllocated; i++)
814 | {
815 | rc = ddi_intr_add_handler(g_pIntr[i], (ddi_intr_handler_t *)vgdrvSolarisISR,
816 | NULL /* pvArg1 */, NULL /* pvArg2 */);
817 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
818 | rc = ddi_intr_enable(g_pIntr[i]);
819 | if (rc != DDI_SUCCESS)
820 | {
821 | /* Changing local IntrAllocated to hold so-far allocated handles for freeing. */
822 | IntrAllocated = i;
823 | break;
824 | }
825 | }
826 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
827 | return rc;
828 |
829 | /* Remove any assigned handlers */
830 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":failed to assign IRQs allocated=%d\n", IntrAllocated));
831 | for (int x = 0; x < IntrAllocated; x++)
832 | ddi_intr_remove_handler(g_pIntr[x]);
833 | }
834 | else
835 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to get priority of interrupt. rc=%d\n", rc));
836 |
837 | /* Remove allocated IRQs, too bad we can free only one handle at a time. */
838 | for (int k = 0; k < g_cIntrAllocated; k++)
839 | ddi_intr_free(g_pIntr[k]);
840 | g_cIntrAllocated = 0;
841 | }
842 | else
843 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to allocated IRQs. count=%d\n", IntrCount));
844 | RTMemFree(g_pIntr);
845 | }
846 | else
847 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to allocated IRQs. count=%d\n", IntrCount));
848 | }
849 | else
850 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to get or insufficient available IRQs. rc=%d IntrAvail=%d\n", rc, IntrAvail));
851 | }
852 | else
853 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to get or insufficient number of IRQs. rc=%d IntrCount=%d\n", rc, IntrCount));
854 | }
855 | else
856 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: invalid irq type. IntrType=%#x\n", IntrType));
857 | }
858 | else
859 | LogRel((DEVICE_NAME "::AddIRQ: failed to get supported interrupt types\n"));
860 | return rc;
861 | }
862 |
863 |
864 | /**
865 | * Removes IRQ for VMMDev.
866 | *
867 | * @param pDip Pointer to the device info structure.
868 | */
869 | static void vgdrvSolarisRemoveIRQ(dev_info_t *pDip)
870 | {
871 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisRemoveIRQ:\n"));
872 |
873 | for (int i = 0; i < g_cIntrAllocated; i++)
874 | {
875 | int rc = ddi_intr_disable(g_pIntr[i]);
876 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
877 | {
878 | rc = ddi_intr_remove_handler(g_pIntr[i]);
879 | if (rc == DDI_SUCCESS)
880 | ddi_intr_free(g_pIntr[i]);
881 | }
882 | }
883 | g_cIntrAllocated = 0;
884 | RTMemFree(g_pIntr);
885 | mutex_destroy(&g_IrqMtx);
886 | }
887 |
888 |
889 | /**
890 | * Interrupt Service Routine for VMMDev.
891 | *
892 | * @param Arg Private data (unused, will be NULL).
893 | * @returns DDI_INTR_CLAIMED if it's our interrupt, DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED if it isn't.
894 | */
895 | static uint_t vgdrvSolarisISR(caddr_t Arg)
896 | {
897 | LogFlow(("vgdrvSolarisISR:\n"));
898 |
899 | mutex_enter(&g_IrqMtx);
900 | bool fOurIRQ = VGDrvCommonISR(&g_DevExt);
901 | mutex_exit(&g_IrqMtx);
902 |
904 | }
905 |
906 |
907 | void VGDrvNativeISRMousePollEvent(PVBOXGUESTDEVEXT pDevExt)
908 | {
909 | LogFlow(("VGDrvNativeISRMousePollEvent:\n"));
910 |
911 | /*
912 | * Wake up poll waiters.
913 | */
914 | pollwakeup(&g_PollHead, POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
915 | }
916 |
917 |
918 | /* Common code that depend on g_DevExt. */
919 | #include "VBoxGuestIDC-unix.c.h"
920 |