1 | //
6 | //
7 | // Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
8 | //
9 | // Modifications (c) 2009-2010 Oracle Corporation
10 | //
11 |
12 | #ifndef WIN32_NO_STATUS
13 | #include <ntstatus.h>
14 | #define WIN32_NO_STATUS
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include "VBoxCredProv.h"
18 | #include "VBoxCredential.h"
19 | #include "guid.h"
20 |
21 | #include <lm.h>
22 |
23 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
24 | #include <iprt/string.h>
25 |
26 |
28 | {
29 | NTSTATUS ntsStatus;
30 | NTSTATUS ntsSubstatus;
31 | PWSTR pwzMessage;
33 | };
34 |
35 | static const REPORT_RESULT_STATUS_INFO s_rgLogonStatusInfo[] =
36 | {
37 | { STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE, STATUS_SUCCESS, L"Incorrect password or username.", CPSI_ERROR, },
39 | };
40 |
41 |
42 | VBoxCredential::VBoxCredential(VBoxCredProv *pProvider) : m_cRef(1),
43 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents(NULL)
44 | {
45 | Log(("VBoxCredential::VBoxCredential\n"));
46 |
47 | DllAddRef();
48 |
49 | AssertPtr(pProvider);
50 | m_pProvider = pProvider;
51 |
52 | ZeroMemory(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors, sizeof(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors));
53 | ZeroMemory(m_rgFieldStatePairs, sizeof(m_rgFieldStatePairs));
54 | ZeroMemory(m_rgFieldStrings, sizeof(m_rgFieldStrings));
55 | }
56 |
57 |
58 | VBoxCredential::~VBoxCredential()
59 | {
60 | Log(("VBoxCredential::~VBoxCredential\n"));
61 |
62 | Reset();
63 |
64 | for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgFieldStrings); i++)
65 | {
66 | CoTaskMemFree(m_rgFieldStrings[i]);
67 | CoTaskMemFree(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors[i].pszLabel);
68 | }
69 |
70 | DllRelease();
71 | }
72 |
73 |
74 | void VBoxCredential::WipeString(const PWSTR pwszString)
75 | {
76 | if (pwszString)
77 | SecureZeroMemory(pwszString, wcslen(pwszString) * sizeof(WCHAR));
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | void VBoxCredential::Reset(void)
82 | {
83 | WipeString(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME]);
84 | WipeString(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD]);
85 | WipeString(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME]);
86 |
87 | if (m_pCredProvCredentialEvents)
88 | {
89 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->SetFieldString(this, SFI_USERNAME, NULL);
90 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->SetFieldString(this, SFI_PASSWORD, NULL);
91 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->SetFieldString(this, SFI_DOMAINNAME, NULL);
92 | }
93 | }
94 |
95 |
96 | int VBoxCredential::Update(const char *pszUser,
97 | const char *pszPw,
98 | const char *pszDomain)
99 | {
100 | Log(("VBoxCredential::Update: User=%s, Password=%s, Domain=%s\n",
101 | pszUser ? pszUser : "NULL",
102 | pszPw ? pszPw : "NULL",
103 | pszDomain ? pszDomain : "NULL"));
104 |
105 | PWSTR *ppwszStored;
106 |
107 | /*
108 | * Update domain name (can be NULL) and will
109 | * be later replaced by the local computer name in the
110 | * Kerberos authentication package or by the first part
111 | * of the principcal name.
112 | */
113 | if (pszDomain && strlen(pszDomain))
114 | {
115 | ppwszStored = &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME];
116 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
117 | SHStrDupA(pszDomain, ppwszStored);
118 | }
119 |
120 | /* Update user name. */
121 | if (pszUser && strlen(pszUser))
122 | {
123 | ppwszStored = &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME];
124 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
125 | SHStrDupA(pszUser, ppwszStored);
126 |
127 | /*
128 | * In case we got a "display name" (e.g. "John Doe")
129 | * instead of the real user name (e.g. "jdoe") we have
130 | * to translate the data first ...
131 | */
132 | PWSTR pwszAcount;
133 | if (TranslateAccountName(*ppwszStored, &pwszAcount))
134 | {
135 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
136 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME] = pwszAcount;
137 | }
138 | else
139 | {
140 | /*
141 | * Oky, no display name, but mabye it's a
142 | * principal name from which we have to extract the
143 | * domain from? ([email protected] -> jdoe in
144 | * domain my-domain.sub.net.com.)
145 | */
146 | PWSTR pwszDomain;
147 | if (ExtractAccoutData(*ppwszStored, &pwszAcount, &pwszDomain))
148 | {
149 | /* Update user name. */
150 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
151 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME] = pwszAcount;
152 |
153 | /* Update domain. */
154 | ppwszStored = &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME];
155 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
156 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME] = pwszDomain;
157 | }
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | /* Update password. */
162 | if (pszPw && strlen(pszPw))
163 | {
164 | ppwszStored = &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD];
165 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
166 | SHStrDupA(pszPw, ppwszStored);
167 | }
168 |
169 | Log(("VBoxCredential::Update: Finished - User=%ls, Password=%ls, Domain=%ls\n",
170 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME] ? m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME] : L"NULL",
171 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD] ? m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD] : L"NULL",
172 | m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME] ? m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_DOMAINNAME] : L"NULL"));
173 | return S_OK;
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | /*
178 | * Initializes one credential with the field information passed in.
179 | * Set the value of the SFI_USERNAME field to pwzUsername.
180 | * Optionally takes a password for the SetSerialization case.
181 | */
184 | const FIELD_STATE_PAIR* rgfsp)
185 | {
186 | Log(("VBoxCredential::Initialize: cpus=%ld, rgcpfd=%p, rgfsp=%p\n", cpus, rgcpfd, rgfsp));
187 |
188 | HRESULT hr = S_OK;
189 |
190 | m_cpUS = cpus;
191 |
192 | /*
193 | * Copy the field descriptors for each field. This is useful if you want to vary the
194 | * field descriptors based on what Usage scenario the credential was created for.
195 | */
196 | for (DWORD i = 0; SUCCEEDED(hr) && i < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors); i++)
197 | {
198 | m_rgFieldStatePairs[i] = rgfsp[i];
199 | hr = FieldDescriptorCopy(rgcpfd[i], &m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors[i]);
200 | }
201 |
202 | /* Fill in the default value to make winlogon happy. */
203 | hr = SHStrDupW(L"Submit", &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_SUBMIT_BUTTON]);
204 |
205 | return S_OK;
206 | }
207 |
208 |
209 | /*
210 | * LogonUI calls this in order to give us a callback in case we need to notify it of anything.
211 | * Store this callback pointer for later use.
212 | */
213 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::Advise(ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents* pcpce)
214 | {
215 | Log(("VBoxCredential::Advise\n"));
216 |
217 | if (m_pCredProvCredentialEvents != NULL)
218 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->Release();
219 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents = pcpce;
220 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->AddRef();
221 | return S_OK;
222 | }
223 |
224 |
225 | /* LogonUI calls this to tell us to release the callback. */
226 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::UnAdvise()
227 | {
228 | Log(("VBoxCredential::UnAdvise\n"));
229 |
230 | /*
231 | * We're done with the current iteration, trigger a refresh of ourselves
232 | * to reset credentials and to keep the logon UI clean (no stale entries anymore).
233 | */
234 | Reset();
235 |
236 | /*
237 | * Force a re-iteration of the provider (which will give zero credentials
238 | * to try out because we just resetted our one and only a line above.
239 | */
240 | if (m_pProvider)
241 | m_pProvider->OnCredentialsProvided();
242 |
243 | if (m_pCredProvCredentialEvents)
244 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->Release();
245 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents = NULL;
246 | return S_OK;
247 | }
248 |
249 |
250 | /*
251 | * LogonUI calls this function when our tile is selected (zoomed).
252 | * If you simply want fields to show/hide based on the selected state,
253 | * there's no need to do anything here - you can set that up in the
254 | * field definitions. But if you want to do something
255 | * more complicated, like change the contents of a field when the tile is
256 | * selected, you would do it here.
257 | */
258 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::SetSelected(BOOL* pbAutoLogon)
259 | {
260 | Log(("VBoxCredential::SetSelected\n"));
261 |
262 | /*
263 | * Don't do auto logon here because it would retry too often with
264 | * every credential field (user name, password, domain, ...) which makes
265 | * winlogon wait before new login attempts can be made.
266 | */
267 | *pbAutoLogon = FALSE;
268 | return S_OK;
269 | }
270 |
271 |
272 | /*
273 | * Similarly to SetSelected, LogonUI calls this when your tile was selected
274 | * and now no longer is. The most common thing to do here (which we do below)
275 | * is to clear out the password field.
276 | */
277 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::SetDeselected()
278 | {
279 | Log(("VBoxCredential::SetDeselected\n"));
280 |
281 | HRESULT hr = S_OK;
282 | if (m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD])
283 | {
284 | // CoTaskMemFree (below) deals with NULL, but StringCchLength does not.
285 | size_t lenPassword;
286 | hr = StringCchLengthW(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD], 128, &(lenPassword));
287 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
288 | {
289 | SecureZeroMemory(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD], lenPassword * sizeof(*m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD]));
290 |
291 | CoTaskMemFree(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD]);
292 | hr = SHStrDupW(L"", &m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD]);
293 | }
294 |
295 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_pCredProvCredentialEvents)
296 | {
297 | m_pCredProvCredentialEvents->SetFieldString(this, SFI_PASSWORD, m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD]);
298 | }
299 | }
300 |
301 | return hr;
302 | }
303 |
304 |
305 | /*
306 | * Gets info for a particular field of a tile. Called by logonUI to get information to
307 | * display the tile.
308 | */
309 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetFieldState(DWORD dwFieldID,
312 | {
313 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetFieldState: dwFieldID=%ld, pcpfs=%p, pcpfis=%p\n", dwFieldID, pcpfs, pcpfis));
314 |
315 | HRESULT hr;
316 |
317 | if ( (dwFieldID < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgFieldStatePairs))
318 | && pcpfs
319 | && pcpfis)
320 | {
321 | *pcpfs = m_rgFieldStatePairs[dwFieldID].cpfs;
322 | *pcpfis = m_rgFieldStatePairs[dwFieldID].cpfis;
323 |
324 | hr = S_OK;
325 | }
326 | else
327 | {
328 | hr = E_INVALIDARG;
329 | }
330 | return hr;
331 | }
332 |
333 |
334 | /*
335 | * Searches the account name based on a display (real) name (e.g. "John Doe" -> "jdoe").
336 | * Result "ppwszAccoutName" needs to be freed with CoTaskMemFree!
337 | */
338 | BOOL VBoxCredential::TranslateAccountName(PWSTR pwszDisplayName, PWSTR *ppwszAccoutName)
339 | {
340 | Log(("VBoxCredential::TranslateAccountName\n"));
341 |
342 | AssertPtr(pwszDisplayName);
343 | Log(("VBoxCredential::TranslateAccountName: Getting account name for '%ls' ...\n", pwszDisplayName));
344 |
345 | /** @todo Do we need ADS support (e.g. TranslateNameW) here? */
346 | BOOL fFound = FALSE; /* Did we find the desired user? */
347 | NET_API_STATUS nStatus;
348 | DWORD dwLevel = 2; /* Detailed information about user accounts. */
350 | DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;
351 | DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;
352 | DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0;
353 | LPUSER_INFO_2 pBuf = NULL;
354 | LPUSER_INFO_2 pCurBuf = NULL;
355 | do
356 | {
357 | nStatus = NetUserEnum(NULL, /* Server name, NULL for localhost. */
358 | dwLevel,
360 | (LPBYTE*)&pBuf,
361 | dwPrefMaxLen,
362 | &dwEntriesRead,
363 | &dwTotalEntries,
364 | &dwResumeHandle);
365 | if ( (nStatus == NERR_Success)
366 | || (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA))
367 | {
368 | if ((pCurBuf = pBuf) != NULL)
369 | {
370 | for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwEntriesRead; i++)
371 | {
372 | /*
373 | * Search for the "display name" - that might be
374 | * "John Doe" or something similar the user recognizes easier
375 | * and may not the same as the "account" name (e.g. "jdoe").
376 | */
377 | if ( pCurBuf
378 | && pCurBuf->usri2_full_name
379 | && StrCmpI(pwszDisplayName, pCurBuf->usri2_full_name) == 0)
380 | {
381 | /*
382 | * Copy the real user name (e.g. "jdoe") to our
383 | * output buffer.
384 | */
385 | LPWSTR pwszTemp;
386 | HRESULT hr = SHStrDupW(pCurBuf->usri2_name, &pwszTemp);
387 | if (hr == S_OK)
388 | {
389 | *ppwszAccoutName = pwszTemp;
390 | fFound = TRUE;
391 | }
392 | else
393 | Log(("VBoxCredential::TranslateAccountName: Error copying data, hr=%08x\n", hr));
394 | break;
395 | }
396 | pCurBuf++;
397 | }
398 | }
399 | if (pBuf != NULL)
400 | {
401 | NetApiBufferFree(pBuf);
402 | pBuf = NULL;
403 | }
404 | }
405 | } while (nStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA && !fFound);
406 |
407 | if (pBuf != NULL)
408 | {
409 | NetApiBufferFree(pBuf);
410 | pBuf = NULL;
411 | }
412 |
413 | Log(("VBoxCredential::TranslateAccountName: Returned nStatus=%ld, fFound=%s\n",
414 | nStatus, fFound ? "Yes" : "No"));
415 | return fFound;
416 |
417 | #if 0
418 | DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
419 | ULONG cbLen = 0;
420 | if ( TranslateNameW(pwszName, NameUnknown, NameUserPrincipal, NULL, &cbLen)
421 | && cbLen > 0)
422 | {
423 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetAccountName: Translated ADS name has %u characters\n", cbLen));
424 |
425 | ppwszAccoutName = (PWSTR)RTMemAlloc(cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
426 | AssertPtrReturn(pwszName, FALSE);
427 | if (TranslateNameW(pwszName, NameUnknown, NameUserPrincipal, ppwszAccoutName, &cbLen))
428 | {
429 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetAccountName: Real ADS account name of '%ls' is '%ls'\n",
430 | pwszName, ppwszAccoutName));
431 | }
432 | else
433 | {
434 | RTMemFree(ppwszAccoutName);
435 | dwErr = GetLastError();
436 | }
437 | }
438 | else
439 | dwErr = GetLastError();
440 | /* The above method for looking up in ADS failed, try another one. */
441 | if (dwErr != NO_ERROR)
442 | {
443 | dwErr = NO_ERROR;
444 |
445 | }
446 | #endif
447 | }
448 |
449 |
450 | /*
451 | * Extracts the actual account name & domain from a (raw) account data string. This might
452 | * be a prncipal or FQDN string.
453 | */
454 | BOOL VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData(PWSTR pwszAccountData, PWSTR *ppwszAccoutName, PWSTR *ppwszDomain)
455 | {
456 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData\n"));
457 |
458 | AssertPtr(pwszAccountData);
459 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData: Getting account name for '%ls' ...\n", pwszAccountData));
460 | HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
461 |
462 | /* Try to figure out whether this is a principal name (user@domain). */
463 | LPWSTR pPos = NULL;
464 | if ( (pPos = StrChrW(pwszAccountData, L'@')) != NULL
465 | && pPos != pwszAccountData)
466 | {
467 | DWORD cbSize = (pPos - pwszAccountData) * sizeof(WCHAR);
468 | LPWSTR pwszName = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(cbSize + sizeof(WCHAR)); /* Space for terminating zero. */
469 | LPWSTR pwszDomain = NULL;
470 | AssertPtr(pwszName);
471 | hr = StringCbCopyN(pwszName, cbSize + sizeof(WCHAR), pwszAccountData, cbSize);
472 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
473 | {
474 | *ppwszAccoutName = pwszName;
475 | *pPos++; /* Skip @, point to domain name (if any). */
476 | if ( pPos != NULL
477 | && *pPos != L'\0')
478 | {
479 | hr = SHStrDupW(pPos, &pwszDomain);
480 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
481 | {
482 | *ppwszDomain = pwszDomain;
483 | }
484 | else
485 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData/Principal: Error copying domain data, hr=%08x\n", hr));
486 | }
487 | else
488 | {
489 | hr = E_FAIL;
490 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData/Principal: No domain name found!\n"));
491 | }
492 | }
493 | else
494 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData/Principal: Error copying account data, hr=%08x\n", hr));
495 |
496 | if (hr != S_OK)
497 | {
498 | CoTaskMemFree(pwszName);
499 | if (pwszDomain)
500 | CoTaskMemFree(pwszDomain);
501 | }
502 | }
503 | else
504 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ExtractAccoutData/Principal: No valid prinicipal account name found!\n"));
505 |
506 | return (hr == S_OK);
507 | }
508 |
509 |
510 | /* Sets ppwsz to the string value of the field at the index dwFieldID. */
511 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetStringValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
512 | PWSTR *ppwszString)
513 | {
514 | /* Check to make sure dwFieldID is a legitimate index. */
515 | HRESULT hr;
516 | if ( dwFieldID < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors)
517 | && ppwszString)
518 | {
519 | switch (dwFieldID)
520 | {
521 | /** @todo Add more specific field IDs here if needed. */
522 |
523 | default:
524 |
525 | /*
526 | * Make a copy of the string and return that, the caller is responsible for freeing it.
527 | * Note that there can be empty fields (like a missing domain name); handle them
528 | * by writing an empty string.
529 | */
530 | hr = SHStrDupW(m_rgFieldStrings[dwFieldID] ? m_rgFieldStrings[dwFieldID] : L"",
531 | ppwszString);
532 | break;
533 | }
534 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
535 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetStringValue: dwFieldID=%ld, ppwszString=%ls\n", dwFieldID, *ppwszString));
536 | }
537 | else
538 | hr = E_INVALIDARG;
539 | return hr;
540 | }
541 |
542 |
543 | /*
544 | * Sets pdwAdjacentTo to the index of the field the submit button should be
545 | * adjacent to. We recommend that the submit button is placed next to the last
546 | * field which the user is required to enter information in. Optional fields
547 | * should be below the submit button.
548 | */
549 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetSubmitButtonValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
550 | DWORD* pdwAdjacentTo)
551 | {
552 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetSubmitButtonValue: dwFieldID=%ld\n", dwFieldID));
553 |
554 | HRESULT hr;
555 |
556 | /* Validate parameters. */
557 | if ((SFI_SUBMIT_BUTTON == dwFieldID) && pdwAdjacentTo)
558 | {
559 | /* pdwAdjacentTo is a pointer to the fieldID you want the submit button to appear next to. */
560 | *pdwAdjacentTo = SFI_PASSWORD;
561 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetSubmitButtonValue: dwFieldID=%ld, *pdwAdjacentTo=%ld\n", dwFieldID, *pdwAdjacentTo));
562 | hr = S_OK;
563 | }
564 | else
565 | {
566 | hr = E_INVALIDARG;
567 | }
568 | return hr;
569 | }
570 |
571 |
572 | /*
573 | * Sets the value of a field which can accept a string as a value.
574 | * This is called on each keystroke when a user types into an edit field.
575 | */
576 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::SetStringValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
577 | PCWSTR pcwzString)
578 | {
579 | Log(("VBoxCredential::SetStringValue: dwFieldID=%ld, pcwzString=%ls\n",
580 | dwFieldID, pcwzString));
581 |
582 | HRESULT hr;
583 |
584 | /*
585 | * We don't set any values into fields (e.g. the password, hidden
586 | * by dots), instead keep it secret by resetting all credentials.
587 | */
588 | #if 0
589 | /* Validate parameters. */
590 | if ( dwFieldID < ARRAYSIZE(m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors)
591 | && ( CPFT_EDIT_TEXT == m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors[dwFieldID].cpft
592 | || CPFT_PASSWORD_TEXT == m_rgCredProvFieldDescriptors[dwFieldID].cpft))
593 | {
594 | PWSTR* ppwszStored = &m_rgFieldStrings[dwFieldID];
595 | CoTaskMemFree(*ppwszStored);
596 | hr = SHStrDupW(pwz, ppwszStored);
597 | }
598 | else
599 | {
600 | hr = E_INVALIDARG;
601 | }
602 | #else
603 | hr = E_NOTIMPL;
604 | #endif
605 | return hr;
606 | }
607 |
608 |
609 | /*
610 | * The following methods are for logonUI to get the values of various UI elements and then communicate
611 | * to the credential about what the user did in that field. However, these methods are not implemented
612 | * because our tile doesn't contain these types of UI elements.
613 | */
614 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetBitmapValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
615 | HBITMAP* phbmp)
616 | {
619 |
620 | /* We don't do own bitmaps */
621 | return E_NOTIMPL;
622 | }
623 |
624 |
625 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetCheckboxValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
626 | BOOL* pbChecked,
627 | PWSTR* ppwszLabel)
628 | {
632 | return E_NOTIMPL;
633 | }
634 |
635 |
636 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetComboBoxValueCount(DWORD dwFieldID,
637 | DWORD* pcItems,
638 | DWORD* pdwSelectedItem)
639 | {
642 | UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwSelectedItem);
643 | return E_NOTIMPL;
644 | }
645 |
646 |
647 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetComboBoxValueAt(DWORD dwFieldID,
648 | DWORD dwItem,
649 | PWSTR* ppwszItem)
650 | {
654 | return E_NOTIMPL;
655 | }
656 |
657 |
658 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::SetCheckboxValue(DWORD dwFieldID,
659 | BOOL bChecked)
660 | {
663 | return E_NOTIMPL;
664 | }
665 |
666 |
667 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::SetComboBoxSelectedValue(DWORD dwFieldId,
668 | DWORD dwSelectedItem)
669 | {
672 | return E_NOTIMPL;
673 | }
674 |
675 |
676 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::CommandLinkClicked(DWORD dwFieldID)
677 | {
679 | return E_NOTIMPL;
680 | }
681 |
682 |
683 | /*
684 | * Collect the username and password into a serialized credential for the correct usage scenario
685 | * LogonUI then passes these credentials back to the system to log on.
686 | */
687 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::GetSerialization(CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE *pcpGetSerializationResponse,
689 | PWSTR *ppwszOptionalStatusText,
690 | CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON *pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon)
691 | {
692 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetSerialization: pcpGetSerializationResponse=%p, pcpCredentialSerialization=%p, ppwszOptionalStatusText=%p, pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon=%p\n",
693 | pcpGetSerializationResponse, pcpCredentialSerialization, ppwszOptionalStatusText, pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon));
694 |
695 | UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppwszOptionalStatusText);
696 | UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon);
697 |
699 | ZeroMemory(&kil, sizeof(kil));
700 |
701 | HRESULT hr;
702 |
704 | DWORD cch = ARRAYSIZE(wszComputerName);
705 | if (GetComputerNameW(wszComputerName, &cch))
706 | {
707 | /* Is a domain name missing? Then use the name of the local computer. */
708 | if (NULL == m_rgFieldStrings [SFI_DOMAINNAME])
709 | hr = UnicodeStringInitWithString(wszComputerName, &kil.LogonDomainName);
710 | else
711 | hr = UnicodeStringInitWithString(m_rgFieldStrings [SFI_DOMAINNAME],
712 | &kil.LogonDomainName);
713 |
714 | /* Fill in the username and password. */
715 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
716 | {
717 | hr = UnicodeStringInitWithString(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_USERNAME], &kil.UserName);
718 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
719 | {
720 | hr = UnicodeStringInitWithString(m_rgFieldStrings[SFI_PASSWORD], &kil.Password);
721 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
722 | {
723 | /* Allocate copies of, and package, the strings in a binary blob. */
724 | kil.MessageType = KerbInteractiveLogon;
725 | hr = KerbInteractiveLogonPack(kil,
726 | &pcpCredentialSerialization->rgbSerialization,
727 | &pcpCredentialSerialization->cbSerialization);
728 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
729 | {
730 | ULONG ulAuthPackage;
731 | hr = RetrieveNegotiateAuthPackage(&ulAuthPackage);
732 | if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
733 | {
734 | pcpCredentialSerialization->ulAuthenticationPackage = ulAuthPackage;
735 | pcpCredentialSerialization->clsidCredentialProvider = CLSID_VBoxCredProvider;
736 |
737 | /*
738 | * At this point the credential has created the serialized credential used for logon
739 | * By setting this to CPGSR_RETURN_CREDENTIAL_FINISHED we are letting logonUI know
740 | * that we have all the information we need and it should attempt to submit the
741 | * serialized credential.
742 | */
743 | *pcpGetSerializationResponse = CPGSR_RETURN_CREDENTIAL_FINISHED;
744 | }
745 | }
746 | }
747 | }
748 | }
749 | }
750 | else
751 | {
752 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
753 | hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr);
754 | }
755 |
756 | Log(("VBoxCredential::GetSerialization: Returned 0x%08x\n", hr));
757 | return hr;
758 | }
759 |
760 |
761 | /*
762 | * ReportResult is completely optional. Its purpose is to allow a credential to customize the string
763 | * and the icon displayed in the case of a logon failure. For example, we have chosen to
764 | * customize the error shown in the case of bad username/password and in the case of the account
765 | * being disabled.
766 | */
767 | HRESULT VBoxCredential::ReportResult(NTSTATUS ntsStatus,
768 | NTSTATUS ntsSubstatus,
769 | PWSTR* ppwszOptionalStatusText,
770 | CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON* pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon)
771 | {
772 | *ppwszOptionalStatusText = NULL;
773 | *pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon = CPSI_NONE;
774 |
775 | DWORD dwStatusInfo = (DWORD)-1;
776 |
777 | /* Look for a match on status and substatus. */
778 | for (DWORD i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgLogonStatusInfo); i++)
779 | {
780 | if (s_rgLogonStatusInfo[i].ntsStatus == ntsStatus && s_rgLogonStatusInfo[i].ntsSubstatus == ntsSubstatus)
781 | {
782 | dwStatusInfo = i;
783 | break;
784 | }
785 | }
786 |
787 | if ((DWORD)-1 != dwStatusInfo)
788 | {
789 | if (SUCCEEDED(SHStrDupW(s_rgLogonStatusInfo[dwStatusInfo].pwzMessage, ppwszOptionalStatusText)))
790 | *pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon = s_rgLogonStatusInfo[dwStatusInfo].cpsi;
791 | }
792 |
793 | /* Try to lookup a text message for error code. */
794 | LPVOID lpMessageBuffer = NULL;
795 | HMODULE hNtDLL = LoadLibrary(L"NTDLL.DLL");
796 | if (hNtDLL)
797 | {
801 | hNtDLL,
802 | ntsStatus,
804 | (LPTSTR) &lpMessageBuffer,
805 | 0,
806 | NULL);
807 | FreeLibrary(hNtDLL);
808 | }
809 |
810 | Log(("VBoxCredential::ReportResult: ntsStatus=%ld, ntsSubstatus=%ld, ppwszOptionalStatusText=%p, pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon=%p, dwStatusInfo=%ld, Message=%ls\n",
811 | ntsStatus, ntsSubstatus, ppwszOptionalStatusText, pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon, dwStatusInfo, lpMessageBuffer ? lpMessageBuffer : L"<None>"));
812 |
813 | /* Print to user-friendly message to release log. */
814 | if (FAILED(ntsStatus))
815 | {
816 | if (lpMessageBuffer)
817 | LogRel(("VBoxCredProv: %ls\n", lpMessageBuffer));
818 | /* Login attempt failed; reset and clear all data. */
819 | Reset();
820 | }
821 |
822 | if (lpMessageBuffer)
823 | LocalFree(lpMessageBuffer);
824 |
825 | /*
826 | * Since NULL is a valid value for *ppwszOptionalStatusText and *pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon
827 | * this function can't fail
828 | */
829 | return S_OK;
830 | }