1 | @echo off
2 | rem $Id: VBoxSFInst.cmd 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
3 | rem rem @file
4 | rem Windows NT batch script for manually installing the shared folders guest addition driver.
5 | rem
6 |
7 | rem
8 | rem Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
9 | rem
10 | rem This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
11 | rem available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
12 | rem
13 | rem This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 | rem modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15 | rem as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
16 | rem License.
17 | rem
18 | rem This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 | rem WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 | rem General Public License for more details.
22 | rem
23 | rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 | rem along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
25 | rem
26 | rem SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
27 | rem
28 |
29 |
31 | setlocal
32 |
33 | rem
34 | rem VBoxSF.sys should be in the same directory as this script or in the additions output dir.
35 | rem
36 | set MY_VBOXSF_SYS=%~dp0VBoxSF.sys
37 | if exist "%MY_VBOXSF_SYS%" goto found_vboxsf
38 | set MY_VBOXSF_SYS=%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\VBoxSF.sys
39 | if exist "%MY_VBOXSF_SYS%" goto found_vboxsf
40 | echo VBoxSFInst.cmd: failed to find VBoxSF.sys in either "%~dp0" or "%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\".
41 | goto end
42 | :found_vboxsf
43 |
44 | rem
45 | rem VBoxMRXNP.dll should be in the same directory as this script or in the additions output dir.
46 | rem
47 | set MY_VBOXMRXNP_DLL=%~dp0VBoxMRXNP.dll
48 | if exist "%MY_VBOXMRXNP_DLL%" goto found_vboxmrxnp
49 | set MY_VBOXMRXNP_DLL=%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP.dll
50 | if exist "%MY_VBOXMRXNP_DLL%" goto found_vboxmrxnp
51 | echo VBoxSFInst.cmd: failed to find VBoxMRXNP.dll in either "%~dp0" or "%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\".
52 | goto end
53 | :found_vboxmrxnp
54 |
55 | rem 32-bit version of same.
56 | if not "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" goto found_vboxmrxnp_x86
57 | set MY_VBOXMRXNP_X86_DLL=%~dp0VBoxMRXNP-x86.dll
58 | if exist "%MY_VBOXMRXNP_X86_DLL%" goto found_vboxmrxnp_x86
59 | set MY_VBOXMRXNP_X86_DLL=%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP-x86.dll
60 | if exist "%MY_VBOXMRXNP_X86_DLL%" goto found_vboxmrxnp_x86
61 | echo VBoxSFInst.cmd: failed to find VBoxMRXNP-x86.dll in either "%~dp0" or "%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\".
62 | goto end
63 | :found_vboxmrxnp_x86
64 |
65 | rem
66 | rem VBoxDrvInst.exe should be in the same directory as this script or in the additions output dir.
67 | rem
68 | set MY_VBOXDRVINST=%~dp0VBoxDrvInst.exe
69 | if exist "%MY_VBOXDRVINST%" goto found_vboxdrvinst
70 | set MY_VBOXDRVINST=%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\VBoxDrvInst.exe
71 | if exist "%MY_VBOXDRVINST%" goto found_vboxdrvinst
72 | echo VBoxSFInst.cmd: failed to find VBoxDrvInst.exe in either "%~dp0" or "%~dp0..\..\..\..\..\out\win.%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%\%KBUILD_TYPE%\bin\additions\".
73 | goto end
74 | :found_vboxdrvinst
75 |
76 | rem
77 | rem Deregister the service, provider and delete old files.
78 | rem
79 | echo "Uninstalling..."
80 | sc stop VBoxSF
81 | reg delete /f "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "DeviceName"
82 | reg delete /f "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "Name"
83 | reg delete /f "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "ProviderPath"
84 |
85 | "%MY_VBOXDRVINST%" service delete VBoxSF
86 |
87 | del "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\VBoxSF.sys"
88 | del "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
90 |
91 |
92 | rem
93 | rem Install anything?
94 | rem
95 | if "%1" == "-u" goto end
96 | if "%1" == "--uninstall" goto end
97 |
98 | rem
99 | rem Copy the new files to the system dir.
100 | rem
101 | echo "Copying files..."
102 | copy "%MY_VBOXSF_SYS%" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\"
103 | copy "%MY_VBOXMRXNP_DLL%" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\"
105 |
106 | rem
107 | rem Register the service.
108 | rem
109 | echo "Installing service..."
110 | "%MY_VBOXDRVINST%" service create VBoxSF "VirtualBox Shared Folders" 2 1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\drivers\VBoxSF.sys" NetworkProvider
111 |
112 | echo "Configuring network provider..."
113 | reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "DeviceName" /d "\Device\VBoxMiniRdr"
114 | reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "Name" /d "VirtualBox Shared Folders"
115 | reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" /v "ProviderPath" /d "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
116 |
117 | "%MY_VBOXDRVINST%" netprovider add VBoxSF 0
118 |
119 | rem
120 | rem Start the service?
121 | rem
122 | if "%1" == "-n" goto end
123 | if "%1" == "--no-start" goto end
124 | sc start VBoxSF
125 |
126 | :end
127 | endlocal
128 | endlocal
129 |