1 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | ; GetServicePack
3 | ; Author: Alessio Garbi (e-Project srl) <agarbi@e-project.it>
4 | ;
5 | ; input:
6 | ; none
7 | ; output:
8 | ; top of stack: last service pack major version
9 | ; top of stack-1: last service pack minor version
10 | ; note:
11 | ; If no service pack installed returns major ver "0" and minor ver "0"
12 | ; Function tested with Win 95, 98SE, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 (lang ITA and ENG)
13 |
14 | !macro GetServicePack un
15 | Function ${un}GetServicePack
16 | Push $R0
17 | Push $R1
18 |
19 | ReadRegDWORD $R0 HKLM "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" "CSDVersion"
20 | IntOp $R1 $R0 % 256 ;get minor version
21 | IntOp $R0 $R0 / 256 ;get major version
22 |
23 | Exch $R1
24 | Exch
25 | Exch $R0
26 | FunctionEnd
27 | !macroend
28 | !insertmacro GetServicePack ""
29 | !insertmacro GetServicePack "un."