1 | /** @file
2 | *
3 | * instdrvmain - Install guest drivers on NT4
4 | *
5 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation
6 | *
7 | * Oracle Corporation confidential
8 | * All rights reserved
9 | */
10 |
11 | /**
12 | * @todo
13 | * The spacing in this file is horrible! Here are some simple rules:
14 | * - tabs are forbidden
15 | * - indentation is 4 spaces
16 | */
17 |
18 |
19 | #include <windows.h>
20 | #include <setupapi.h>
21 | #include <regstr.h>
22 | #include <DEVGUID.h>
23 | #include <stdio.h>
24 |
25 | #include "tchar.h"
26 | #include "string.h"
27 |
28 |
29 | /*******************************************************************************
30 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
31 | *******************************************************************************/
32 |
33 | /** The video service name. */
34 | #define VBOXGUEST_VIDEO_NAME "VBoxVideo"
35 |
36 | /** The video inf file name */
37 | #define VBOXGUEST_VIDEO_INF_NAME "VBoxVideo.inf"
38 |
39 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Do some cleanup of data we used. Called by installVideoDriver()
45 | */
46 | void closeAndDestroy(HDEVINFO hDevInfo, HINF hInf)
47 | {
48 | SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER);
49 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
50 | SetupCloseInfFile(hInf);
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 | /**
55 | * Install the VBox video driver.
56 | *
57 | * @returns TRUE on success.
58 | * @returns FALSE on failure.
59 | * @param szDriverDir The base directory where we find the INF.
60 | */
61 | BOOL installVideoDriver(TCHAR* szDriverDir)
62 | {
63 | HDEVINFO hDevInfo;
64 | SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS DeviceInstallParams={0};
65 | SP_DRVINFO_DATA drvInfoData={0};
66 | SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA DriverInfoDetailData={0};
67 |
68 | DWORD cbReqSize;
69 |
70 | /* Vars used for reading the INF */
71 | HINF hInf;
72 | TCHAR szServiceSection[LINE_LEN];
73 | INFCONTEXT serviceContext;
74 | TCHAR szServiceData[LINE_LEN];
75 | TCHAR deviceRegStr[1000];//I'm lazy here. 1000 ought to be enough for everybody...
76 |
77 | SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData;
78 | DWORD configFlags;
79 |
80 | HKEY hkey;
81 | DWORD disp;
82 | TCHAR regKeyName[LINE_LEN];
83 |
84 | BOOL rc;
85 |
86 | /* Create an empty list */
87 | hDevInfo = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList((LPGUID) &GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY,
88 | NULL);
89 |
90 | if (hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
91 | return FALSE;
92 |
93 | memset(&DeviceInstallParams, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS));
94 | DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS);
95 |
96 | rc=SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(hDevInfo,
97 | NULL,
98 | &DeviceInstallParams);
99 |
100 | if(!rc)
101 | return FALSE;
102 |
103 | DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS);
104 | DeviceInstallParams.Flags |= DI_NOFILECOPY | /* We did our own file copying */
106 | DI_ENUMSINGLEINF; /* .DriverPath specifies an inf file */
107 |
108 |
109 | /* Path to inf file */
110 | wsprintf(DeviceInstallParams.DriverPath,
111 | TEXT("%ws\\%ws"),
113 |
114 | rc=SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(hDevInfo,
115 | NULL,
116 | &DeviceInstallParams);
117 | if(!rc)
118 | return FALSE;
119 |
120 | /* Read the drivers from the inf file */
121 | if (!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER))
122 | {
123 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
124 | return FALSE;
125 | }
126 |
127 | /* Get the first found driver.
128 | Our Inf file only contains one so this is fine */
129 | drvInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);
130 | if(FALSE==SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER,
131 | 0, &drvInfoData)){
132 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
133 | return FALSE;
134 | }
135 |
136 | /* Get necessary driver details */
137 | DriverInfoDetailData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA);
138 | if (!(!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(hDevInfo,
139 | NULL,
140 | &drvInfoData,
141 | &DriverInfoDetailData,
142 | DriverInfoDetailData.cbSize,
143 | &cbReqSize)
144 | &&GetLastError()== ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) )
145 | {
146 | SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER);
147 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
148 | return FALSE;
149 | }
150 |
151 | hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(DriverInfoDetailData.InfFileName,
153 |
154 | if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
155 | {
156 | SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER);
157 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo);
158 | return FALSE;
159 | }
160 |
161 | /* First install the service */
162 | wsprintf(szServiceSection, TEXT("%ws.Services"),
163 | DriverInfoDetailData.SectionName);
164 |
165 | if(!SetupFindFirstLine(hInf, szServiceSection, NULL, &serviceContext))
166 | {
167 | /* No service line?? Can't be... */
168 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
169 | return FALSE;
170 | }
171 |
172 | /* Get the name */
173 | SetupGetStringField(&serviceContext,
174 | 1,
175 | szServiceData,
176 | sizeof(szServiceData),
177 | NULL);
178 |
179 | wsprintf(deviceRegStr, TEXT("Root\\LEGACY_%ws\\0000"), szServiceData);
180 |
181 | memset(&deviceInfoData, 0, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
182 | deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
183 |
184 | if (SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, deviceRegStr, NULL, 0, &deviceInfoData) //Check for existing
185 | ||(SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, deviceRegStr, //Create new
187 | NULL, //Do we need a description here?
188 | NULL, //No user interface
189 | 0,
190 | &deviceInfoData) &&
191 | SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(hDevInfo,
192 | &deviceInfoData,
193 | 0,
194 | NULL,
195 | NULL,
196 | NULL)) )
197 | {
198 | /* We created a new key in the registry */
199 |
200 | memset(&DeviceInstallParams, 0,sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS));
201 | DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS);
202 |
203 | SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(hDevInfo,
204 | &deviceInfoData,
205 | &DeviceInstallParams);
206 |
207 | DeviceInstallParams.Flags |= DI_NOFILECOPY | //We already copied the files
209 | DI_ENUMSINGLEINF; //Use our INF file only
210 |
211 | /* Path to inf file */
212 | wsprintf(DeviceInstallParams.DriverPath,
213 | TEXT("%ws\\%ws"),
215 |
216 | SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(hDevInfo,
217 | &deviceInfoData,
218 | &DeviceInstallParams);
219 |
220 |
221 | if(!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(hDevInfo,
222 | &deviceInfoData,
224 | {
225 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
226 | return FALSE;
227 | }
228 |
229 | drvInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);
230 | if (!SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(hDevInfo,
231 | &deviceInfoData,
233 | 0,
234 | &drvInfoData))
235 | {
236 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
237 | return FALSE;
238 | }
239 |
240 | if(!SetupDiSetSelectedDriver(hDevInfo,
241 | &deviceInfoData,
242 | &drvInfoData))
243 | {
244 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
245 | return FALSE;
246 | }
247 |
248 | if(!SetupDiInstallDevice(hDevInfo,
249 | &deviceInfoData))
250 | {
251 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
252 | return FALSE;
253 | }
254 | }
255 |
256 | /* Make sure the device is enabled */
257 | if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo,
258 | &deviceInfoData, SPDRP_CONFIGFLAGS,
259 | NULL, (LPBYTE) &configFlags,
260 | sizeof(DWORD),
261 | NULL)
262 | && (configFlags & CONFIGFLAG_DISABLED))
263 | {
264 | configFlags &= ~CONFIGFLAG_DISABLED;
265 |
266 | SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo,
267 | &deviceInfoData,
269 | (LPBYTE) &configFlags,
270 | sizeof(DWORD));
271 | }
272 |
273 | wsprintf(regKeyName,
274 | TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%ws\\Device%d"),
275 | szServiceData, 0); //We only have one device
276 |
277 | if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
278 | regKeyName,
279 | 0,
280 | NULL,
283 | NULL,
284 | &hkey,
285 | &disp) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
286 | {
287 | /* Insert description */
288 | RegSetValueEx(hkey,
289 | TEXT("Device Description"),
290 | 0,
291 | REG_SZ,
292 | (LPBYTE) DriverInfoDetailData.DrvDescription,
293 | (lstrlen(DriverInfoDetailData.DrvDescription) + 1) *
294 | sizeof(TCHAR) );
295 |
296 | TCHAR szSoftwareSection[LINE_LEN];
297 |
298 | wsprintf(szSoftwareSection,
299 | TEXT("%ws.SoftwareSettings"),
300 | szServiceData);
301 |
302 | if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection(NULL,
303 | hInf,
304 | szSoftwareSection,
306 | hkey,
307 | NULL,
308 | 0,
309 | NULL,
310 | NULL,
311 | NULL,
312 | NULL))
313 | {
314 | RegCloseKey(hkey);
315 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
316 | return FALSE;
317 | }
318 |
319 | RegCloseKey(hkey);
320 | }
321 |
322 | /* Install OpenGL stuff */
323 | if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
324 | TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\OpenGLDrivers"),
325 | 0,
326 | NULL,
329 | NULL,
330 | &hkey,
331 | &disp) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
332 | {
333 | /* Do installation here if ever necessary. Currently there is no OpenGL stuff */
334 |
335 | RegCloseKey(hkey);
336 | }
337 |
338 |
339 | /* Cleanup */
340 | closeAndDestroy(hDevInfo, hInf);
341 |
342 | #if 0
343 | /* If this key is inserted into the registry, windows will show the desktop
344 | applet on next boot. We decide in the installer if we want that so the code
345 | is disabled here. */
346 | /* Set registry keys so windows picks up the changes */
347 | if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
348 | TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\NewDisplay"),
349 | 0,
350 | NULL,
353 | NULL,
354 | &hkey,
355 | &disp) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
356 | {
357 | RegCloseKey(hkey);
358 | }
359 | #endif
360 |
361 | /* We must reboot at some point */
362 | if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
363 | TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\RebootNecessary"),
364 | 0,
365 | NULL,
368 | NULL,
369 | &hkey,
370 | &disp) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
371 | {
372 | RegCloseKey(hkey);
373 | }
374 |
375 | return TRUE;
376 | }
377 |
378 |
379 | void displayHelpAndExit(char *programName)
380 | {
381 | printf("Installs VirtualBox Guest Additions for Windows NT 4.0\n\n");
382 | printf("Syntax: %s [/i|/u]\n", programName);
383 | printf("\n\t/i - perform Guest Additions installation\n");
384 | printf("\t/u: - perform Guest Additions uninstallation\n");
385 | exit(1);
386 | }
387 |
388 | /**
389 | * Check if we are running on NT4.
390 | *
391 | * @returns TRUE if NT 4.
392 | * @returns FALSE otherwise.
393 | */
394 | BOOL isNT4(void)
395 | {
396 | OSVERSIONINFO osVersion;
397 |
398 | osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
399 | GetVersionEx(&osVersion);
400 |
401 | switch (osVersion.dwPlatformId)
402 | {
403 | case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s:
405 | return FALSE;
406 | case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
407 | if (osVersion.dwMajorVersion == 4)
408 | return TRUE;
409 | else
410 | return FALSE;
411 | default:
412 | break;
413 | }
414 | return FALSE;
415 | }
416 |
417 | /**
418 | * Video driver uninstallation will be added later if necessary.
419 | */
420 | int uninstallDrivers(void)
421 | {
422 | return 0;
423 | }
424 |
425 |
426 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
427 | {
428 | BOOL rc=FALSE;
429 | TCHAR szInstallDir[MAX_PATH];
430 | HMODULE hExe = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
431 |
432 | /** @todo r=bird:
433 | * And by the way, we're only missing the coding style dmik uses now
434 | * and this file would contain the complete set. */
435 | if(2!=argc || (stricmp(argv[1], "/i") && stricmp(argv[1], "/u")))
436 | displayHelpAndExit(argv[0]);
437 |
438 | /* This program is only for installing drivers on NT4 */
439 | if(!isNT4()){
440 | printf("This program only runs on NT4\n");
441 | return -1;
442 | }
443 |
444 | if (!GetModuleFileName(hExe, &szInstallDir[0], sizeof(szInstallDir)))
445 | {
446 | printf("GetModuleFileName failed! rc = %d\n", GetLastError());
447 | return -1;
448 | }
449 |
450 | TCHAR *lastBackslash = wcsrchr(szInstallDir, L'\\');
451 |
452 | if (!lastBackslash)
453 | {
454 | printf("Invalid path name!\n");
455 | return -1;
456 | }
457 |
458 | *lastBackslash=L'\0';
459 |
460 | /* Install video driver. Mouse driver installation is done by overwriting
461 | the image path in the setup script. */
462 | if(!stricmp(argv[1], "/i")){
463 | rc=installVideoDriver(szInstallDir);
464 | }
465 | else{
466 | /* No video driver uninstallation yet. Do we need it? */
467 | }
468 |
469 | if(FALSE==rc)
470 | printf("Some failure occurred during driver installation.\n");
471 | return !rc; /* Return != 0 on failure. */
472 | }