1 | ; $Id: VBoxGuestAdditionsW2KXP.nsh 107394 2024-12-20 09:20:36Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; VBoxGuestAdditionsW2KXP.nsh - Guest Additions installation for Windows 2000/XP.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | ;
27 |
28 | Function W2K_SetVideoResolution
29 |
30 | ; NSIS only supports global vars, even in functions -- great
31 | Var /GLOBAL i
32 | Var /GLOBAL tmp
33 | Var /GLOBAL tmppath
34 | Var /GLOBAL dev_id
35 | Var /GLOBAL dev_desc
36 |
37 | ; Check for all required parameters
38 | StrCmp $g_iScreenX "0" exit
39 | StrCmp $g_iScreenY "0" exit
40 | StrCmp $g_iScreenBpp "0" exit
41 |
42 | ${LogVerbose} "Setting display parameters ($g_iScreenXx$g_iScreenY, $g_iScreenBpp BPP) ..."
43 |
44 | ; Enumerate all video devices (up to 32 at the moment, use key "MaxObjectNumber" key later)
45 | ${For} $i 0 32
46 |
47 | ReadRegStr $tmp HKLM "HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\VIDEO" "\Device\Video$i"
48 | StrCmp $tmp "" dev_not_found
49 |
50 | ; Extract path to video settings
51 | ; Ex: \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{28B74D2B-F0A9-48E0-8028-D76F6BB1AE65}\0000
52 | ; Or: \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\vboxvideo\Device0
53 | ; Result: Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{28B74D2B-F0A9-48E0-8028-D76F6BB1AE65}\0000
54 | Push "$tmp" ; String
55 | Push "\" ; SubString
56 | Push ">" ; SearchDirection
57 | Push ">" ; StrInclusionDirection
58 | Push "0" ; IncludeSubString
59 | Push "2" ; Loops
60 | Push "0" ; CaseSensitive
61 | Call StrStrAdv
62 | Pop $tmppath ; $1 only contains the full path
63 | StrCmp $tmppath "" dev_not_found
64 |
65 | ; Get device description
66 | ReadRegStr $dev_desc HKLM "$tmppath" "Device Description"
67 | !ifdef _DEBUG
68 | ${LogVerbose} "Registry path: $tmppath"
69 | ${LogVerbose} "Registry path to device name: $temp"
70 | !endif
71 | ${LogVerbose} "Detected video device: $dev_desc"
72 |
73 | ${If} $dev_desc == "VirtualBox Graphics Adapter"
74 | ${LogVerbose} "VirtualBox video device found!"
75 | Goto dev_found
76 | ${EndIf}
77 | ${Next}
78 | Goto dev_not_found
79 |
80 | dev_found:
81 |
82 | ; If we're on Windows 2000, skip the ID detection ...
83 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "2000"
84 | Goto change_res
85 | ${EndIf}
86 | Goto dev_found_detect_id
87 |
88 | dev_found_detect_id:
89 |
90 | StrCpy $i 0 ; Start at index 0
91 | ${LogVerbose} "Detecting device ID ..."
92 |
93 | dev_found_detect_id_loop:
94 |
95 | ; Resolve real path to hardware instance "{GUID}"
96 | EnumRegKey $dev_id HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video" $i
97 | StrCmp $dev_id "" dev_not_found ; No more entries? Jump out
98 | !ifdef _DEBUG
99 | ${LogVerbose} "Got device ID: $dev_id"
100 | !endif
101 | ReadRegStr $dev_desc HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\$dev_id\0000" "Device Description" ; Try to read device name
102 | ${If} $dev_desc == "VirtualBox Graphics Adapter"
103 | ${LogVerbose} "Device ID of $dev_desc: $dev_id"
104 | Goto change_res
105 | ${EndIf}
106 |
107 | IntOp $i $i + 1 ; Increment index
108 | goto dev_found_detect_id_loop
109 |
110 | dev_not_found:
111 |
112 | ${LogVerbose} "No VirtualBox video device (yet) detected! No custom mode set."
113 | Goto exit
114 |
115 | change_res:
116 |
117 | !ifdef _DEBUG
118 | ${LogVerbose} "Device description: $dev_desc"
119 | ${LogVerbose} "Device ID: $dev_id"
120 | !endif
121 |
122 | Var /GLOBAL reg_path_device
123 | Var /GLOBAL reg_path_monitor
124 |
125 | ${LogVerbose} "Custom mode set: Platform is Windows $g_strWinVersion"
126 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "2000"
127 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "Vista"
128 | StrCpy $reg_path_device "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\VBoxVideo\Device0"
129 | StrCpy $reg_path_monitor "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\VBoxVideo\Device0\Mon00000001"
130 | ${ElseIf} $g_strWinVersion == "XP"
131 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "7"
132 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8"
133 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8_1"
134 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "10"
135 | StrCpy $reg_path_device "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\$dev_id\0000"
136 | StrCpy $reg_path_monitor "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\VIDEO\$dev_id\0000\Mon00000001"
137 | ${Else}
138 | ${LogVerbose} "Custom mode set: Windows $g_strWinVersion not supported yet"
139 | Goto exit
140 | ${EndIf}
141 |
142 | ; Write the new value in the adapter config (VBoxVideo.sys) using hex values in binary format
143 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" registry write HKLM $reg_path_device CustomXRes REG_BIN $g_iScreenX DWORD" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
144 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" registry write HKLM $reg_path_device CustomYRes REG_BIN $g_iScreenY DWORD" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
145 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" registry write HKLM $reg_path_device CustomBPP REG_BIN $g_iScreenBpp DWORD" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
146 |
147 | ; ... and tell Windows to use that mode on next start!
148 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_device "DefaultSettings.XResolution" "$g_iScreenX"
149 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_device "DefaultSettings.YResolution" "$g_iScreenY"
150 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_device "DefaultSettings.BitsPerPixel" "$g_iScreenBpp"
151 |
152 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_monitor "DefaultSettings.XResolution" "$g_iScreenX"
153 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_monitor "DefaultSettings.YResolution" "$g_iScreenY"
154 | WriteRegDWORD HKCC $reg_path_monitor "DefaultSettings.BitsPerPixel" "$g_iScreenBpp"
155 |
156 | ${LogVerbose} "Custom mode set to $g_iScreenXx$g_iScreenY, $g_iScreenBpp BPP on next restart."
157 |
158 | exit:
159 |
160 | FunctionEnd
161 |
162 | !macro W2K_CleanupCerts un
163 | ;;
164 | ; Removes certificates and the certificate utility.
165 | ;
166 | ; Since the certificate collection depends on the build config and have
167 | ; changed over time, we always clean it up before installation.
168 | ;
169 | Function ${un}W2K_CleanupCerts
170 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox.cer"
171 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-root.cer"
172 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-timestamp-root.cer"
173 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha1.cer"
174 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha1-root.cer"
175 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha1-timestamp-root.cer"
176 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256.cer"
177 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256-root.cer"
178 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256-timestamp-root.cer"
179 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256-r3.cer"
180 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256-r3-root.cer"
181 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-sha256-r3-timestamp-root.cer"
182 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\vbox-legacy-timestamp-ca.cer"
183 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\root-versign-pca3-g5.cer" ; only for a while during 7.0 beta phase
184 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\root-digicert-assured-id.cer" ; ditto
185 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\root-digicert-high-assurance-ev.cer" ; ditto
186 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert\VBoxCertUtil.exe"
187 | RMDir /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\cert"
188 | FunctionEnd
189 | !macroend
190 | !insertmacro W2K_CleanupCerts ""
191 | !insertmacro W2K_CleanupCerts "un."
192 |
193 |
194 | !macro W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles un
195 | ;;
196 | ; Removes files we're no longer shipping.
197 | ;
198 | ; During installation this step should be taken before copy files over in case
199 | ; the list gets out of sync and we start shipping files on it. That way it
200 | ; doesn't much matter as the file will be restore afterwards.
201 | ;
202 | Function ${un}W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles
203 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxWHQLFake.exe" ; Removed in r152293 (runup to 7.0).
204 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxICD.dll" ; Removed in r151892 (runup to 7.0).
205 | FunctionEnd
206 | !macroend
207 | !insertmacro W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles ""
208 | !insertmacro W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles "un."
209 |
210 |
212 | ;;
213 | ; Run VBoxCertUtil to install the given certificate if absent on the system.
214 | ;
215 | ; @param pop1 The certificate file.
216 | ; @param pop2 Short description.
217 | ;
218 | Function W2K_InstallRootCert
219 | ; Prolog: Save $0 & $1 and move the parameters into them.
220 | Push $0
221 | Exch 2
222 | Push $1
223 | Exch 2
224 | Pop $0 ; Filename
225 | Pop $1 ; Description.
226 |
227 | ; Do the work.
228 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing $1 ('$0') if missing ..."
229 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\cert\VBoxCertUtil.exe$\" add-root --add-if-new $\"$INSTDIR\cert\$0$\"" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
230 |
231 | ; Epilog: Restore $0 & $1 (we return nothing).
232 | Pop $2
233 | Pop $1
234 | Pop $0
235 | FunctionEnd
236 | !endif
237 |
238 | Function W2K_Prepare
239 | ; Save registers
240 | Push $R0
241 | Push $R1
242 | Push $R2
243 | Push $R3
244 | Push $R4
245 |
246 | ${If} $g_bNoVBoxServiceExit == "false"
247 | ; Stop / kill VBoxService
248 | Call StopVBoxService
249 | ${EndIf}
250 |
251 | ${If} $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit == "false"
252 | ; Stop / kill VBoxTray
253 | Call StopVBoxTray
254 | ${EndIf}
255 |
256 | ; Delete VBoxService from registry
257 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxService"
258 |
259 | ; Delete old VBoxService.exe from install directory (replaced by VBoxTray.exe)
260 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxService.exe"
261 |
262 | ; Ditch old certificates and stuff to avoid confusion if we now ship fewer / different files.
263 | Call W2K_CleanupCerts
264 |
266 | ;
267 | ; When installing signed GAs, we need to make sure that the associated root
268 | ; certs are present, we use VBoxCertUtil for this task.
269 | ;
270 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing VBoxCertUtil.exe ..."
271 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\cert"
272 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxCertUtil.exe"
273 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1%" != "none"
274 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1%"
275 | !endif
276 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1_TS%" != "none"
277 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1_TS%"
278 | !endif
279 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2%" != "none"
280 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2%"
281 | !endif
282 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_TS%" != "none"
283 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_TS%"
284 | !endif
285 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3%" != "none"
286 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3%"
287 | !endif
288 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3_TS%" != "none"
289 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3_TS%"
290 | !endif
291 |
292 | ;
293 | ; Install the certificates if missing.
294 | ;
295 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1%" != "none"
296 | Push "SHA-1 root"
297 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1%"
298 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
299 | !endif
300 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1_TS%" != "none"
302 | ; If not explicitly specified, let the detected Windows version decide what
303 | ; to do. On guest OSes < Windows 10 we always go for the PreW10 security
304 | ; catalog files (.cat) and there we install our legacy timestamp CA by default.
305 | ${If} $g_bInstallTimestampCA == "unset"
306 | ${AndIf} $g_strWinVersion != "10"
307 | StrCpy $g_bInstallTimestampCA "true"
308 | ${EndIf}
309 | ${If} $g_bInstallTimestampCA == "true"
310 | Push "SHA-1 timestamp root"
311 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1_TS%"
312 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
313 | ${EndIf}
314 | !else
315 | Push "SHA-1 timestamp root"
316 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1_TS%"
317 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
319 | !endif
320 |
321 | ; XP sp3 and later can make use of SHA-2 certs. Windows 2000 cannot.
322 | ; Note that VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA1 may be a SHA-2 cert, the hash algorithm
323 | ; refers to the windows signature structures not the certificate.
324 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion != "2000"
325 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2%" != "none"
326 | Push "SHA-2 root"
327 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2%"
328 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
329 | !endif
330 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_TS%" != "none"
331 | Push "SHA-2 timestamp root"
332 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_TS%"
333 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
334 | !endif
335 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3%" != "none"
336 | Push "SHA-2 ring-3 root"
337 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3%"
338 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
339 | !endif
340 | !if "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3_TS%" != "none"
341 | Push "SHA-2 ring-3 timestamp root"
342 | Push "$%VBOX_GA_CERT_ROOT_SHA2_R3_TS%"
343 | Call W2K_InstallRootCert
344 | !endif
345 | ${EndIf}
346 | !endif ; VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS
347 |
348 | ; Restore registers
349 | Pop $R4
350 | Pop $R3
351 | Pop $R2
352 | Pop $R1
353 | Pop $R0
354 | FunctionEnd
355 |
356 | Function W2K_CopyFiles
357 |
358 | Push $0
359 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
360 |
361 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% != "arm64" ;; @todo win.arm64: Make VBoxVideo and friends build on arm.
362 | ; Video driver
363 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.sys"
364 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDisp.dll"
365 | !endif ; $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% != "arm64"
366 |
367 | ; Mouse driver
368 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.sys"
369 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.inf"
371 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "arm64"
372 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.cat"
373 | !else
374 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "10"
375 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.cat"
376 | ${Else}
377 | FILE "/oname=VBoxMouse.cat" "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse-PreW10.cat"
378 | ${EndIf}
379 | !endif
380 | !endif
381 |
382 | ; Guest driver
383 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.sys"
384 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.inf"
385 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
386 | ${If} $g_strEarlyNTDrvInfix != ""
387 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestEarlyNT.inf"
389 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestEarlyNT.cat"
390 | !endif
391 | ${EndIf}
392 | !endif
394 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "arm64"
395 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.cat"
396 | !else
397 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "10"
398 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.cat"
399 | ${Else}
400 | FILE "/oname=VBoxGuest.cat" "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest-PreW10.cat"
401 | ${EndIf}
402 | !endif
403 | !endif
404 |
405 | ; Guest driver files
406 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxTray.exe"
407 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxControl.exe"
408 |
409 | ; Misc
411 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxAudioTest.exe"
412 | !endif
413 |
414 | SetOutPath $g_strSystemDir
415 |
416 | ; VBoxService
417 | ${If} $g_bNoVBoxServiceExit == "false"
418 | ; VBoxService has been terminated before, so just install the file
419 | ; in the regular way
420 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxService.exe"
421 | ${Else}
422 | ; VBoxService is in use and wasn't terminated intentionally. So extract the
423 | ; new version into a temporary location and install it on next reboot
424 | Push $0
425 | ClearErrors
426 | GetTempFileName $0
427 | IfErrors 0 +3
428 | ${LogVerbose} "Error getting temp file for VBoxService.exe"
429 | StrCpy "$0" "$INSTDIR\VBoxServiceTemp.exe"
430 | ${LogVerbose} "VBoxService is in use, will be installed on next reboot (from '$0')"
431 | File "/oname=$0" "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxService.exe"
432 | IfErrors 0 +2
433 | ${LogVerbose} "Error copying VBoxService.exe to '$0'"
434 | Rename /REBOOTOK "$0" "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxService.exe"
435 | IfErrors 0 +2
436 | ${LogVerbose} "Error renaming '$0' to '$g_strSystemDir\VBoxService.exe'"
437 | Pop $0
438 | ${EndIf}
439 |
440 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
441 | ${If} $g_bWithWDDM == "true"
442 | ; WDDM Video driver
443 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
444 |
446 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "arm64"
447 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxWddm.cat"
448 | !else
449 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "10"
450 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxWddm.cat"
451 | ${Else}
452 | FILE "/oname=VBoxWddm.cat" "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxWddm-PreW10.cat"
453 | ${EndIf}
454 | !endif
455 | !endif
456 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxWddm.sys"
457 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxWddm.inf"
458 |
459 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D.dll"
460 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_DX% == "1"
461 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDX.dll"
462 | !endif
463 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_MESA3D% == "1"
464 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxNine.dll"
465 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSVGA.dll"
466 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGL.dll"
467 | !endif
468 |
469 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
470 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll"
471 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_DX% == "1"
472 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDX-x86.dll"
473 | !endif
474 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_MESA3D% == "1"
475 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxNine-x86.dll"
476 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSVGA-x86.dll"
477 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGL-x86.dll"
478 | !endif
479 | !endif ; $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
480 |
481 | ${EndIf}
482 | !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
483 |
484 | Pop $0
485 |
486 | FunctionEnd
487 |
488 |
489 | Function W2K_InstallFiles
490 |
491 | ; The Shared Folder IFS goes to the system directory
492 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
493 | ; On x86 we have to use a different shared folder driver linked against an older RDBSS for Windows 7 and older.
494 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "2000"
495 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "XP"
496 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "2003"
497 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "Vista"
498 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "7"
499 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSFW2K.sys" "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxSF.sys" "$INSTDIR"
500 | ${Else}
501 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSF.sys" "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxSF.sys" "$INSTDIR"
502 | ${EndIf}
503 | !else
504 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSF.sys" "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxSF.sys" "$INSTDIR"
505 | !endif
506 |
507 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP.dll" "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxMRXNP.dll" "$INSTDIR"
508 | AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxMRXNP.dll" "(BU)" "GenericRead"
509 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
510 | ; Only 64-bit installer: Copy the 32-bit DLL for 32 bit applications.
511 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP-x86.dll" "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxMRXNP.dll" "$INSTDIR"
512 | AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxMRXNP.dll" "(BU)" "GenericRead"
513 | !endif
514 |
515 | ; The VBoxTray hook DLL also goes to the system directory; it might be locked
516 | !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxHook.dll" "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxHook.dll" "$INSTDIR"
517 | AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxHook.dll" "(BU)" "GenericRead"
518 |
519 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing drivers ..."
520 |
521 | Push $0 ; For fetching results
522 |
523 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
524 |
525 | ${If} $g_bNoGuestDrv == "false"
526 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing guest driver ..."
527 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$INSTDIR\install_drivers.log$\" install --inf-file $\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuest$g_strEarlyNTDrvInfix.inf$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
528 | ${Else}
529 | ${LogVerbose} "Guest driver installation skipped!"
530 | ${EndIf}
531 |
532 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% != "arm64" ;; @todo win.arm64: Make VBoxVideo and friends build on arm.
533 | ${If} $g_bNoVideoDrv == "false"
534 | ${If} $g_bWithWDDM == "true"
535 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing WDDM video driver..."
536 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$INSTDIR\install_drivers.log$\" install --inf-file $\"$INSTDIR\VBoxWddm.inf$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
537 | ${Else}
538 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing video driver ..."
539 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$INSTDIR\install_drivers.log$\" install --inf-file $\"$INSTDIR\VBoxVideo$g_strEarlyNTDrvInfix.inf$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
540 | ${EndIf}
541 | ${Else}
542 | ${LogVerbose} "Video driver installation skipped!"
543 | ${EndIf}
544 | !endif ; $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% != "arm64"
545 |
546 | ;
547 | ; Mouse driver.
548 | ;
549 | ${If} $g_bNoMouseDrv == "false"
550 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing mouse driver ..."
551 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$INSTDIR\install_drivers.log$\" install --inf-file $\"$INSTDIR\VBoxMouse.inf$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
552 | ${Else}
553 | ${LogVerbose} "Mouse driver installation skipped!"
554 | ${EndIf}
555 |
556 | ;
557 | ; Create the VBoxService service
558 | ; No need to stop/remove the service here! Do this only on uninstallation!
559 | ;
560 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing VirtualBox service ..."
561 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service create $\"VBoxService$\" $\"VirtualBox Guest Additions Service$\" 16 2 $\"%SystemRoot%\System32\VBoxService.exe$\" $\"Base$\"" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
562 |
563 | ; Set service description
564 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxService" "Description" "Manages VM runtime information, time synchronization, remote sysprep execution and miscellaneous utilities for guest operating systems."
565 |
566 |
567 | ;
568 | ; Shared folders.
569 | ;
570 | ${LogVerbose} "Installing Shared Folders service ..."
571 |
572 | ; Create the Shared Folders service ...
573 | ; No need to stop/remove the service here! Do this only on uninstallation!
574 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service create $\"VBoxSF$\" $\"VirtualBox Shared Folders$\" 2 1 $\"\SystemRoot\System32\drivers\VBoxSF.sys$\" $\"NetworkProvider$\"" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
575 |
576 | ; ... and the link to the network provider
577 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "DeviceName" "\Device\VBoxMiniRdr"
578 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "Name" "VirtualBox Shared Folders"
579 | WriteRegStr HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxSF\NetworkProvider" "ProviderPath" "$SYSDIR\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
580 |
581 | ; Add default network providers (if not present or corrupted)
582 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" netprovider add WebClient" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
583 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" netprovider add LanmanWorkstation" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
584 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" netprovider add RDPNP" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
585 |
586 | ; Add the shared folders network provider
587 | ${LogVerbose} "Adding network provider (Order = $g_iSfOrder) ..."
588 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" netprovider add VBoxSF $g_iSfOrder" 'non-zero-exitcode=abort'
589 |
590 |
591 | Pop $0
592 |
593 | FunctionEnd
594 |
595 | Function W2K_Main
596 |
597 | SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
598 | SetOverwrite on
599 |
600 | Call W2K_Prepare
601 | Call W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles
602 | Call W2K_CopyFiles
603 | Call W2K_InstallFiles
604 | Call W2K_SetVideoResolution
605 |
606 | FunctionEnd
607 |
608 | !macro W2K_UninstallInstDir un
609 | Function ${un}W2K_UninstallInstDir
610 |
611 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideo.sys"
612 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideo.inf"
613 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideo.cat"
614 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoEarlyNT.inf"
615 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoEarlyNT.cat"
616 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxDisp.dll"
617 |
618 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxMouse.sys"
619 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxMouse.inf"
620 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxMouse.cat"
621 |
622 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxTray.exe"
623 |
624 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuest.sys"
625 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuest.inf"
626 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuest.cat"
627 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestEarlyNT.inf"
628 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestEarlyNT.cat"
629 |
630 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBCoInst.dll" ; Deprecated, does not get installed anymore
631 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxControl.exe"
632 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxService.exe" ; Deprecated, does not get installed anymore
633 |
634 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
635 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxWddm.cat"
636 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxWddm.sys"
637 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxWddm.inf"
638 | ; Obsolete files begin
639 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoWddm.cat"
640 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoWddm.sys"
641 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoWddm.inf"
642 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoW8.cat"
643 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoW8.sys"
644 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxVideoW8.inf"
645 | ; Obsolete files end
646 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxDispD3D.dll"
647 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_DX% == "1"
648 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxDX.dll"
649 | !endif
650 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_MESA3D% == "1"
651 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxNine.dll"
652 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxSVGA.dll"
653 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxICD.dll"
654 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGL.dll"
655 | !endif
656 |
657 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxD3D9wddm.dll"
658 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\wined3dwddm.dll"
659 | ; Try to delete libWine in case it is there from old installation
660 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\libWine.dll"
661 |
662 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
663 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll"
664 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_DX% == "1"
665 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxDX-x86.dll"
666 | !endif
667 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_MESA3D% == "1"
668 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxNine-x86.dll"
669 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxSVGA-x86.dll"
670 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxICD-x86.dll"
671 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxGL-x86.dll"
672 | !endif
673 |
674 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\VBoxD3D9wddm-x86.dll"
675 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\wined3dwddm-x86.dll"
676 | !endif ; $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
677 | !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
678 |
679 | ; Certificates, utility and directory.
680 | Call ${un}W2K_CleanupCerts
681 |
682 | ; Log files
683 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\install.log"
684 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\install_ui.log"
685 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\install_drivers.log"
686 |
687 | ; Obsolete stuff.
688 | Call ${un}W2K_CleanupObsoleteFiles
689 |
690 | FunctionEnd
691 | !macroend
692 | ;!insertmacro W2K_UninstallInstDir "" - only .un version used
693 | !insertmacro W2K_UninstallInstDir "un."
694 |
695 | !macro W2K_Uninstall un
696 | Function ${un}W2K_Uninstall
697 |
698 | Push $0
699 |
700 | ; Remove VirtualBox video driver
701 | ${LogVerbose} "Uninstalling video driver ..."
702 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxVideo*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
703 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxVideo" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
704 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxVideo.sys"
705 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxDisp.dll"
706 |
707 | ; Remove video driver
708 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
709 |
710 | ${LogVerbose} "Uninstalling WDDM video driver..."
711 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxWddm*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
712 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxWddm" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
713 | ;misha> @todo driver file removal (as well as service removal) should be done as driver package uninstall
714 | ; could be done with "VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe /u", e.g. by passing additional arg to it denoting that driver package is to be uninstalled
715 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxWddm.sys"
716 |
717 | ; Obsolete files begin
718 | ${LogVerbose} "Uninstalling WDDM video driver for Windows 8..."
719 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxVideoW8*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
720 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxVideoW8" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
721 | ;misha> @todo driver file removal (as well as service removal) should be done as driver package uninstall
722 | ; could be done with "VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe /u", e.g. by passing additional arg to it denoting that driver package is to be uninstalled
723 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxVideoW8.sys"
724 |
725 | ${LogVerbose} "Uninstalling WDDM video driver for Windows Vista and 7..."
726 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxVideoWddm*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
727 | ; Always try to remove both VBoxVideoWddm & VBoxVideo services no matter what is installed currently
728 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxVideoWddm" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
729 | ;misha> @todo driver file removal (as well as service removal) should be done as driver package uninstall
730 | ; could be done with "VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe /u", e.g. by passing additional arg to it denoting that driver package is to be uninstalled
731 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxVideoWddm.sys"
732 | ; Obsolete files end
733 |
734 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxDispD3D.dll"
735 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
736 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll"
737 | !endif
738 |
739 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_DX% == "1"
740 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxDX.dll"
741 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
742 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxDX-x86.dll"
743 | !endif
744 | !endif
745 |
746 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_MESA3D% == "1"
747 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxNine.dll"
748 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxSVGA.dll"
749 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxICD.dll"
750 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxGL.dll"
751 |
752 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
753 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxNine-x86.dll"
754 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxSVGA-x86.dll"
755 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxICD-x86.dll"
756 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxGL-x86.dll"
757 | !endif
758 | !endif
759 | !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
760 |
761 | ; Remove mouse driver
762 | ${LogVerbose} "Removing mouse driver ..."
763 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxMouse*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
764 | ; @todo Fix VBoxMouse.inf to also take care of the next line!
765 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" registry delmultisz $\"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}$\" $\"UpperFilters$\" $\"VBoxMouse$\"" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
766 |
767 | ; Delete the VBoxService service
768 | Call ${un}StopVBoxService
769 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxService" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
770 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxService"
771 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxService.exe"
772 |
773 | ; VBoxGINA
774 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxGINA.dll"
775 | ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL"
776 | ${If} $0 == "VBoxGINA.dll"
777 | ${LogVerbose} "Removing auto-logon support ..."
778 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL"
779 | ${EndIf}
780 | DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify\VBoxGINA"
781 |
782 | ; Delete VBoxTray
783 | Call ${un}StopVBoxTray
784 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxTray"
785 |
786 | ; Remove guest driver. Needs to be done last.
787 | ${LogVerbose} "Removing guest driver ..."
788 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxDrvInst.exe$\" --logfile $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\uninstall_drivers.log$\" uninstall --model $\"VBoxGuest*$\" --ignore-reboot" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
789 |
790 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxGuest" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
791 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxGuest.sys"
792 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBCoInst.dll" ; Deprecated, does not get installed anymore
793 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxTray.exe"
794 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxHook.dll"
795 | DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "VBoxTray" ; Remove VBoxTray autorun
796 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxControl.exe"
797 |
798 | ; Remove shared folders driver
799 | ${LogVerbose} "Removing shared folders driver ..."
800 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" netprovider remove VBoxSF" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
801 | ${CmdExecute} "$\"$INSTDIR\VBoxGuestInstallHelper.exe$\" service delete VBoxSF" 'non-zero-exitcode=log'
802 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxMRXNP.dll" ; The network provider DLL will be locked
803 | !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
804 | ; Only 64-bit installer: Also remove 32-bit DLLs on 64-bit target arch in Wow64 node
805 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSysWow64\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
806 | !endif ; amd64
807 | Delete /REBOOTOK "$g_strSystemDir\drivers\VBoxSF.sys"
808 |
809 | Pop $0
810 |
811 | FunctionEnd
812 | !macroend
813 | !ifndef UNINSTALLER_ONLY
814 | !insertmacro W2K_Uninstall ""
815 | !endif
816 | !insertmacro W2K_Uninstall "un."