1 |
3 | Function ExtractFiles
4 |
5 | ; @todo: Use a define for all the file specs to group the files per module
6 | ; and keep the redundancy low
7 |
8 | Push $0
10 |
11 | ; Video driver
12 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo"
13 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.sys"
14 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.inf"
16 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.cat"
17 | !endif
18 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDisp.dll"
19 |
20 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1"
21 | ; crOpenGL
22 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll"
23 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll"
24 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll"
25 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll"
26 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll"
27 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll"
28 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL.dll"
29 |
30 | ; Do *not* install 64-bit d3d files - they don't work yet
31 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
32 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo\OpenGL"
33 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\d3d8.dll"
34 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\d3d9.dll"
35 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\libWine.dll"
36 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D8.dll"
37 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9.dll"
38 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3d.dll"
39 | !endif
40 |
41 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
42 | ; Only 64-bit installer: Also copy 32-bit DLLs on 64-bit target
43 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo\OpenGL\SysWow64"
44 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\d3d8.dll"
45 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\d3d9.dll"
46 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\libWine.dll"
47 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll"
48 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll"
49 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll"
50 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll"
51 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll"
52 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll"
56 | FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\wined3d.dll"
57 | !endif
58 | !endif
59 |
60 | ; Mouse driver
61 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxMouse"
62 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.sys"
63 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.inf"
65 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.cat"
66 | !endif
67 |
68 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
69 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxMouse\NT4"
70 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouseNT.sys"
71 | !endif
72 |
73 | ; Guest driver
74 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxGuest"
75 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.sys"
76 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.inf"
78 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.cat"
79 | !endif
80 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBCoInst.dll"
81 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxTray.exe"
82 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxHook.dll"
83 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxControl.exe"
84 |
85 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
86 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxGuest\NT4"
87 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestNT.sys"
88 | !endif
89 |
90 | ; VBoxService
91 | SetOutPath "$0\Bin"
92 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxService.exe"
93 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
94 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxServiceNT.exe"
95 | !endif
96 |
97 | ; Shared Folders
98 | SetOutPath "$0\VBoxSF"
99 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSF.sys"
100 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP.dll"
101 |
102 | ; Auto-Logon
103 | SetOutPath "$0\AutoLogon"
104 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGINA.dll"
105 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxCredProv.dll"
106 |
107 | ; Misc tools
108 | SetOutPath "$0\Tools"
109 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDrvInst.exe"
110 |
111 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
112 | SetOutPath "$0\Tools\NT4"
113 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestDrvInst.exe"
114 | FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\RegCleanup.exe"
115 | !endif
116 |
117 | Pop $0
118 |
119 | FunctionEnd
120 | !endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY
121 |
122 | !macro EnableLog un
123 | Function ${un}EnableLog
124 |
125 | !ifdef _DEBUG
126 | Goto log
127 | !endif
128 |
129 | StrCmp $g_bLogEnable "true" log
130 | Goto exit
131 |
132 | log:
133 |
134 | LogSet on
135 | LogText "Start logging."
136 |
137 | exit:
138 |
139 | FunctionEnd
140 | !macroend
141 | !insertmacro EnableLog ""
142 | !insertmacro EnableLog "un."
143 |
144 | !macro WriteLogUI un
145 | Function ${un}WriteLogUI
146 |
147 | IfSilent exit
148 |
149 | !ifdef _DEBUG
150 | Goto log
151 | !endif
152 |
153 | StrCmp $g_bLogEnable "true" log
154 | Goto exit
155 |
156 | log:
157 |
158 | ; Dump log to see what happened
159 | StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\${un}install_ui.log"
160 | Push $0
161 | Call ${un}DumpLog
162 |
163 | exit:
164 |
165 | FunctionEnd
166 | !macroend
167 | !insertmacro WriteLogUI ""
168 | !insertmacro WriteLogUI "un."
169 |
170 | !macro WriteLogVBoxTray un
171 | Function ${un}WriteLogVBoxTray
172 |
173 | ; Pop function parameters off the stack
174 | ; in reverse order
175 | Exch $1 ; Message type (0=Info, 1=Warning, 2=Error)
176 | Exch
177 | Exch $0 ; Body string
178 |
179 | ; @todo Add more paramters here!
181 | ${If} $g_bPostInstallStatus == "true"
182 | ; Parameters:
183 | ; - String: Description / Body
184 | ; - String: Title / Name of application
185 | ; - Integer: Type of message: 0 (Info), 1 (Warning), 2 (Error)
186 | ; - Integer: Time (in msec) to show the notification
187 | VBoxGuestInstallHelper::VBoxTrayShowBallonMsg "$0" "VirtualBox Guest Additions Setup" $1 5000
188 | Pop $0 ; Get return value (ignored for now)
189 | ${EndIf}
190 | !endif
191 | Pop $0
192 | Pop $1
193 |
194 | FunctionEnd
195 | !macroend
196 | !insertmacro WriteLogVBoxTray ""
197 | !insertmacro WriteLogVBoxTray "un."
198 |
199 | !macro GetWindowsVer un
200 | Function ${un}GetWindowsVer
201 |
202 | ; Check if we are running on w2k or above
203 | ; For other windows versions (>XP) it may be necessary to change winver.nsh
204 | Call ${un}GetWindowsVersion
205 | Pop $R3 ; Windows Version
206 |
207 | Push $R3 ; The windows version string
208 | Push "NT" ; String to search for. Win 2k family returns no string containing 'NT'
209 | Call ${un}StrStr
210 | Pop $R0
211 | StrCmp $R0 '' nt5plus ; Not NT 3.XX or 4.XX
212 |
213 | ; Ok we know it is NT. Must be a string like NT X.XX
214 | Push $R3 ; The windows version string
215 | Push "4." ; String to search for
216 | Call ${un}StrStr
217 | Pop $R0
218 | StrCmp $R0 "" nt5plus nt4 ; If empty -> not NT 4
219 |
220 | nt5plus: ; Windows 2000+ (XP, Vista, ...)
221 |
222 | StrCpy $g_strWinVersion $R3
223 | goto exit
224 |
225 | nt4: ; NT 4.0
226 |
227 | StrCpy $g_strWinVersion "NT4"
228 | goto exit
229 |
230 | exit:
231 |
232 | FunctionEnd
233 | !macroend
234 |
235 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
236 | !insertmacro GetWindowsVer ""
237 | !insertmacro GetWindowsVer "un."
238 |
239 | !macro GetAdditionsVersion un
240 | Function ${un}GetAdditionsVersion
241 |
242 | Push $0
243 | Push $1
244 |
245 | ; Get additions version
246 | ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" "Version"
247 |
248 | ; Get revision
249 | ReadRegStr $g_strAddVerRev HKLM "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" "Revision"
250 |
251 | ; Extract major version
252 | Push "$0" ; String
253 | Push "." ; SubString
254 | Push ">" ; SearchDirection
255 | Push "<" ; StrInclusionDirection
256 | Push "0" ; IncludeSubString
257 | Push "0" ; Loops
258 | Push "0" ; CaseSensitive
259 | Call ${un}StrStrAdv
260 | Pop $g_strAddVerMaj
261 |
262 | ; Extract minor version
263 | Push "$0" ; String
264 | Push "." ; SubString
265 | Push ">" ; SearchDirection
266 | Push ">" ; StrInclusionDirection
267 | Push "0" ; IncludeSubString
268 | Push "0" ; Loops
269 | Push "0" ; CaseSensitive
270 | Call ${un}StrStrAdv
271 | Pop $1 ; Got first part (e.g. "1.5")
272 |
273 | Push "$1" ; String
274 | Push "." ; SubString
275 | Push ">" ; SearchDirection
276 | Push "<" ; StrInclusionDirection
277 | Push "0" ; IncludeSubString
278 | Push "0" ; Loops
279 | Push "0" ; CaseSensitive
280 | Call ${un}StrStrAdv
281 | Pop $g_strAddVerMin ; Extracted second part (e.g. "5" from "1.5")
282 |
283 | ; Extract build number
284 | Push "$0" ; String
285 | Push "." ; SubString
286 | Push "<" ; SearchDirection
287 | Push ">" ; StrInclusionDirection
288 | Push "0" ; IncludeSubString
289 | Push "0" ; Loops
290 | Push "0" ; CaseSensitive
291 | Call ${un}StrStrAdv
292 | Pop $g_strAddVerBuild
293 |
294 | exit:
295 |
296 | Pop $1
297 | Pop $0
298 |
299 | FunctionEnd
300 | !macroend
301 |
302 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
303 | !insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion ""
304 | !insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion "un."
305 |
306 | !macro IsUserAdmin un
307 | Function ${un}IsUserAdmin
308 |
309 | ; Check if current user has admin rights
310 | UserInfo::GetAccountType
311 | Pop $0
312 | StrCmp $0 "Admin" is_admin 0
314 | Abort
315 |
316 | is_admin:
317 |
318 | FunctionEnd
319 | !macroend
320 |
321 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
322 | !insertmacro IsUserAdmin ""
323 | !insertmacro IsUserAdmin "un."
324 |
325 | !macro StopVBoxService un
326 | Function ${un}StopVBoxService
327 |
328 | Push $0 ; Temp results
329 | Push $1
330 | Push $2 ; Image name of VBoxService
331 | Push $3 ; Safety counter
332 |
333 | StrCpy $3 "0" ; Init counter
334 | DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxService ..."
335 |
336 | svc_stop:
337 |
338 | LogText "Stopping VBoxService (as service) ..."
339 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4"
340 | nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\net.exe" stop VBoxService'
341 | ${Else}
342 | nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\SC.exe" stop VBoxService'
343 | ${EndIf}
344 | Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit
345 |
346 | exe_stop:
347 |
348 | !ifdef _DEBUG
349 | DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxService (as exe) ..."
350 | !endif
351 |
352 | exe_stop_loop:
353 |
354 | IntCmp $3 10 exit ; Only try this loop 10 times max
355 | IntOp $3 $3 + 1 ; Increment
356 |
357 | LogText "Try: $3"
358 |
359 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4"
360 | StrCpy $2 "VBoxServiceNT.exe"
361 | ${Else}
362 | StrCpy $2 "VBoxService.exe"
363 | ${EndIf}
364 |
365 | ${nsProcess::FindProcess} $2 $0
366 | StrCmp $0 0 0 exit
367 |
368 | ${nsProcess::KillProcess} $2 $0
369 | Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit
370 | Goto exe_stop_loop
371 |
372 | exit:
373 |
374 | DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxService done."
375 |
376 | Pop $3
377 | Pop $2
378 | Pop $1
379 | Pop $0
380 |
381 | FunctionEnd
382 | !macroend
383 |
384 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
385 | !insertmacro StopVBoxService ""
386 | !insertmacro StopVBoxService "un."
387 |
388 | !macro StopVBoxTray un
389 | Function ${un}StopVBoxTray
390 |
391 | Push $0 ; Temp results
392 | Push $1 ; Safety counter
393 |
394 | StrCpy $1 "0" ; Init counter
395 | DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxTray ..."
396 |
397 | exe_stop:
398 |
399 | IntCmp $1 10 exit ; Only try this loop 10 times max
400 | IntOp $1 $1 + 1 ; Increment
401 |
402 | ${nsProcess::FindProcess} "VBoxTray.exe" $0
403 | StrCmp $0 0 0 exit
404 |
405 | ${nsProcess::KillProcess} "VBoxTray.exe" $0
406 | Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit
407 | Goto exe_stop
408 |
409 | exit:
410 |
411 | DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxTray done."
412 |
413 | Pop $1
414 | Pop $0
415 |
416 | FunctionEnd
417 | !macroend
418 |
419 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
420 | !insertmacro StopVBoxTray ""
421 | !insertmacro StopVBoxTray "un."
422 |
423 | !macro WriteRegBinR ROOT KEY NAME VALUE
424 | WriteRegBin "${ROOT}" "${KEY}" "${NAME}" "${VALUE}"
425 | !macroend
426 |
427 | !macro AbortShutdown un
428 | Function ${un}AbortShutdown
429 |
430 | Push $0
431 |
432 | ; Try to abort the shutdown
433 | nsExec::ExecToLog '"$g_strSystemDir\shutdown.exe" -a' $0
434 |
435 | Pop $0
436 |
437 | FunctionEnd
438 | !macroend
439 |
440 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
441 | !insertmacro AbortShutdown ""
442 | !insertmacro AbortShutdown "un."
443 |
444 | !macro CheckForWDDMCapability un
445 | Function ${un}CheckForWDDMCapability
446 |
447 | ; Note: This is done early at startup of the installer, so
448 | ; DetailPrint and friends won't work here!
449 |
450 | !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1"
451 | !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
452 | ; If we're on a 32-bit Windows Vista / 7 we can use the WDDM driver
453 | ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "Vista"
454 | ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "7"
455 | StrCpy $g_bCapWDDM "true"
456 | ${EndIf}
457 | !endif
458 | !endif
459 |
460 | FunctionEnd
461 | !macroend
462 |
463 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
464 | !insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability ""
465 | !insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability "un."
466 |
467 | !macro CheckForCapabilities un
468 | Function ${un}CheckForCapabilities
469 |
470 | Call ${un}CheckForWDDMCapability
471 |
472 | FunctionEnd
473 | !macroend
474 |
475 | ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
476 | !insertmacro CheckForCapabilities ""
477 | !insertmacro CheckForCapabilities "un."
478 |