; $Id: VBoxGuestAdditionsCommon.nsh 69354 2017-10-26 14:38:32Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; VBoxGuestAdditionsCommon.nsh - Common / shared utility functions. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; Function Common_CopyFiles SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" SetOverwrite on !ifdef VBOX_WITH_LICENSE_INSTALL_RTF ; Copy license file (if any) into the installation directory FILE "/oname=${LICENSE_FILE_RTF}" "$%VBOX_BRAND_LICENSE_RTF%" !endif FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_DIFX%\DIFxAPI.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDrvInst.exe" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.inf" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.cat" !endif FILE "iexplore.ico" FunctionEnd !ifndef UNINSTALLER_ONLY Function ExtractFiles ; @todo: Use a define for all the file specs to group the files per module ; and keep the redundancy low Push $0 StrCpy "$0" "$INSTDIR\$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" ; Root files SetOutPath "$0" !if $%VBOX_WITH_LICENSE_INSTALL_RTF% == "1" FILE "/oname=${LICENSE_FILE_RTF}" "$%VBOX_BRAND_LICENSE_RTF%" !endif ; Video driver SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.inf" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideo.cat" !endif FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDisp.dll" !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" ; crOpenGL FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL.dll" SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo\OpenGL" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\d3d8.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\d3d9.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D8.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3d.dll" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ; Only 64-bit installer: Also copy 32-bit DLLs on 64-bit target SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo\OpenGL\SysWow64" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\d3d8.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\d3d9.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxOGL.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxD3D8.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\VBoxD3D9.dll" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_ADDITIONS_WIN_X86%\wined3d.dll" !endif !endif !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ; WDDM Video driver for Vista and 7 SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideoWddm" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoWddm.cat" !endif FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoWddm.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoWddm.inf" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D.dll" !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9wddm.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3dwddm.dll" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll" !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9wddm-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3dwddm-x86.dll" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" !endif ; $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_W8% == "1" ; WDDM Video driver for Win8 SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideoW8" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoW8.cat" !endif FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoW8.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxVideoW8.inf" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D.dll" !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9wddm.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3dwddm.dll" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDispD3D-x86.dll" !if $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLarrayspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLcrutil-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLerrorspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpackspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLpassthroughspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGLfeedbackspu-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxD3D9wddm-x86.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\wined3dwddm-x86.dll" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_CROGL% == "1" !endif ; $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM_W8% == "1" !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ; Mouse driver SetOutPath "$0\VBoxMouse" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.inf" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouse.cat" !endif !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" SetOutPath "$0\VBoxMouse\NT4" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMouseNT.sys" !endif ; Guest driver SetOutPath "$0\VBoxGuest" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.inf" !ifdef VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuest.cat" !endif FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxTray.exe" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxHook.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxControl.exe" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" SetOutPath "$0\VBoxGuest\NT4" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestNT.sys" !endif ; VBoxService SetOutPath "$0\Bin" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxService.exe" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxServiceNT.exe" !endif ; Shared Folders SetOutPath "$0\VBoxSF" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxSF.sys" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP.dll" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ; Only 64-bit installer: Also copy 32-bit DLLs on 64-bit target FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxMRXNP-x86.dll" !endif ; Auto-Logon SetOutPath "$0\AutoLogon" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGINA.dll" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxCredProv.dll" ; Misc tools SetOutPath "$0\Tools" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxDrvInst.exe" FILE "$%VBOX_PATH_DIFX%\DIFxAPI.dll" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" SetOutPath "$0\Tools\NT4" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGuestDrvInst.exe" FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\RegCleanup.exe" !endif Pop $0 FunctionEnd !endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY !macro CheckArchitecture un Function ${un}CheckArchitecture Push $0 System::Call "kernel32::GetCurrentProcess() i .s" System::Call "kernel32::IsWow64Process(i s, *i .r0)" ; R0 now contains 1 if we're a 64-bit process, or 0 if not !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" IntCmp $0 0 wrong_platform !else ; 32-bit IntCmp $0 1 wrong_platform !endif Push 0 Goto exit wrong_platform: Push 1 Goto exit exit: FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro CheckArchitecture "" !insertmacro CheckArchitecture "un." ; ; Macro for retrieving the Windows version this installer is running on. ; ; @return Stack: Windows version string. Empty on error / ; if not able to identify. ; !macro GetWindowsVersionEx un Function ${un}GetWindowsVersionEx Push $0 Push $1 ; Check if we are running on Windows 2000 or above ; For other windows versions (> XP) it may be necessary to change winver.nsh Call ${un}GetWindowsVersion Pop $0 ; Windows Version Push $0 ; The windows version string Push "NT" ; String to search for. W2K+ returns no string containing "NT" Call ${un}StrStr Pop $1 ${If} $1 == "" ; If empty -> not NT 3.XX or 4.XX ; $0 contains the original version string ${Else} ; Ok we know it is NT. Must be a string like NT X.XX Push $0 ; The windows version string Push "4." ; String to search for Call ${un}StrStr Pop $1 ${If} $1 == "" ; If empty -> not NT 4 ;; @todo NT <= 3.x ? ; $0 contains the original version string ${Else} StrCpy $0 "NT4" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} Pop $1 Exch $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro GetWindowsVersionEx "" !insertmacro GetWindowsVersionEx "un." !macro GetAdditionsVersion un Function ${un}GetAdditionsVersion Push $0 Push $1 ; Get additions version ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" "Version" ; Get revision ReadRegStr $g_strAddVerRev HKLM "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" "Revision" ; Extract major version Push "$0" ; String Push "." ; SubString Push ">" ; SearchDirection Push "<" ; StrInclusionDirection Push "0" ; IncludeSubString Push "0" ; Loops Push "0" ; CaseSensitive Call ${un}StrStrAdv Pop $g_strAddVerMaj ; Extract minor version Push "$0" ; String Push "." ; SubString Push ">" ; SearchDirection Push ">" ; StrInclusionDirection Push "0" ; IncludeSubString Push "0" ; Loops Push "0" ; CaseSensitive Call ${un}StrStrAdv Pop $1 ; Got first part (e.g. "1.5") Push "$1" ; String Push "." ; SubString Push ">" ; SearchDirection Push "<" ; StrInclusionDirection Push "0" ; IncludeSubString Push "0" ; Loops Push "0" ; CaseSensitive Call ${un}StrStrAdv Pop $g_strAddVerMin ; Extracted second part (e.g. "5" from "1.5") ; Extract build number Push "$0" ; String Push "." ; SubString Push "<" ; SearchDirection Push ">" ; StrInclusionDirection Push "0" ; IncludeSubString Push "0" ; Loops Push "0" ; CaseSensitive Call ${un}StrStrAdv Pop $g_strAddVerBuild exit: Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion "" !insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion "un." !macro StopVBoxService un Function ${un}StopVBoxService Push $0 ; Temp results Push $1 Push $2 ; Image name of VBoxService Push $3 ; Safety counter StrCpy $3 "0" ; Init counter ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxService ..." svc_stop: ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxService via SCM ..." ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4" nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\net.exe" stop VBoxService' ${Else} nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\SC.exe" stop VBoxService' ${EndIf} Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit exe_stop: !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxService (as exe) ..." !endif exe_stop_loop: IntCmp $3 10 exit ; Only try this loop 10 times max IntOp $3 $3 + 1 ; Increment !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Stopping attempt #$3" !endif ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4" StrCpy $2 "VBoxServiceNT.exe" ${Else} StrCpy $2 "VBoxService.exe" ${EndIf} ${nsProcess::FindProcess} $2 $0 StrCmp $0 0 0 exit ${nsProcess::KillProcess} $2 $0 Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit Goto exe_stop_loop exit: ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxService done" Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro StopVBoxService "" !insertmacro StopVBoxService "un." !macro StopVBoxTray un Function ${un}StopVBoxTray Push $0 ; Temp results Push $1 ; Safety counter StrCpy $1 "0" ; Init counter ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxTray ..." exe_stop: IntCmp $1 10 exit ; Only try this loop 10 times max IntOp $1 $1 + 1 ; Increment ${nsProcess::FindProcess} "VBoxTray.exe" $0 StrCmp $0 0 0 exit ${nsProcess::KillProcess} "VBoxTray.exe" $0 Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit Goto exe_stop exit: ${LogVerbose} "Stopping VBoxTray done" Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro StopVBoxTray "" !insertmacro StopVBoxTray "un." !macro StopVBoxMMR un Function ${un}StopVBoxMMR Push $0 ; Temp results Push $1 ; Safety counter StrCpy $1 "0" ; Init counter DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxMMR ..." exe_stop: IntCmp $1 10 exit ; Only try this loop 10 times max IntOp $1 $1 + 1 ; Increment ${nsProcess::FindProcess} "VBoxMMR.exe" $0 StrCmp $0 0 0 exit ${nsProcess::KillProcess} "VBoxMMR.exe" $0 Sleep "1000" ; Wait a bit Goto exe_stop exit: DetailPrint "Stopping VBoxMMR done." Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro StopVBoxMMR "" !insertmacro StopVBoxMMR "un." !macro WriteRegBinR ROOT KEY NAME VALUE WriteRegBin "${ROOT}" "${KEY}" "${NAME}" "${VALUE}" !macroend !macro AbortShutdown un Function ${un}AbortShutdown ${If} ${FileExists} "$g_strSystemDir\shutdown.exe" ; Try to abort the shutdown ${CmdExecute} "$\"$g_strSystemDir\shutdown.exe$\" -a" "true" ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "Shutting down not supported: Binary $\"$g_strSystemDir\shutdown.exe$\" not found" ${EndIf} FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro AbortShutdown "" !insertmacro AbortShutdown "un." !macro CheckForWDDMCapability un Function ${un}CheckForWDDMCapability !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ; If we're on a 32-bit Windows Vista / 7 / 8 we can use the WDDM driver ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "Vista" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "7" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8_1" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "10" StrCpy $g_bCapWDDM "true" ${LogVerbose} "OS is WDDM driver capable" ${EndIf} ; If we're on Windows 8 we *have* to use the WDDM driver, so select it ; by default ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "8" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8_1" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "10" StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "true" ${LogVerbose} "OS needs WDDM driver by default" ${EndIf} !endif FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability "" !insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability "un." !macro CheckForCapabilities un Function ${un}CheckForCapabilities Push $0 ; Retrieve system mode and store result in System::Call 'user32::GetSystemMetrics(i ${SM_CLEANBOOT}) i .r0' StrCpy $g_iSystemMode $0 ; Does the guest have a DLL cache? ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "2000" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "XP" StrCpy $g_bCapDllCache "true" ${LogVerbose} "OS has a DLL cache" ${EndIf} ; Check whether this OS is capable of handling WDDM drivers Call ${un}CheckForWDDMCapability Pop $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro CheckForCapabilities "" !insertmacro CheckForCapabilities "un." ; Switches (back) the path + registry view to ; 32-bit mode (SysWOW64) on 64-bit guests !macro SetAppMode32 un Function ${un}SetAppMode32 !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${EnableX64FSRedirection} SetRegView 32 !endif FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro SetAppMode32 "" !insertmacro SetAppMode32 "un." ; Because this NSIS installer is always built in 32-bit mode, we have to ; do some tricks for the Windows paths + registry on 64-bit guests !macro SetAppMode64 un Function ${un}SetAppMode64 !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${DisableX64FSRedirection} SetRegView 64 !endif FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro SetAppMode64 "" !insertmacro SetAppMode64 "un." ; ; Retrieves the vendor ("CompanyName" of FILEINFO structure) ; of a given file. ; @return Stack: Company name, or "" on error/if not found. ; @param Stack: File name to retrieve vendor for. ; !macro GetFileVendor un Function ${un}GetFileVendor ; Preserve values Exch $0 ; Stack: $0 (Get file name into $0) Push $1 IfFileExists "$0" found Goto not_found found: VBoxGuestInstallHelper::FileGetVendor "$0" ; Stack: $1 $0 Pop $0 ; Get vendor Pop $1 ; Restore $1 Exch $0 ; Restore $0, push vendor on top of stack Goto end not_found: Pop $1 Pop $0 Push "File not found" Goto end end: FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro GetFileVendor "" !insertmacro GetFileVendor "un." ; ; Retrieves the architecture of a given file. ; @return Stack: Architecture ("x86", "amd64") or error message. ; @param Stack: File name to retrieve architecture for. ; !macro GetFileArchitecture un Function ${un}GetFileArchitecture ; Preserve values Exch $0 ; Stack: $0 (Get file name into $0) Push $1 IfFileExists "$0" found Goto not_found found: VBoxGuestInstallHelper::FileGetArchitecture "$0" ; Stack: $1 $0 Pop $0 ; Get architecture string Pop $1 ; Restore $1 Exch $0 ; Restore $0, push vendor on top of stack Goto end not_found: Pop $1 Pop $0 Push "File not found" Goto end end: FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro GetFileArchitecture "" !insertmacro GetFileArchitecture "un." ; ; Verifies a given file by checking its file vendor and target ; architecture. ; @return Stack: "0" if valid, "1" if not, "2" on error / not found. ; @param Stack: Architecture ("x86" or "amd64"). ; @param Stack: Vendor. ; @param Stack: File name to verify. ; !macro VerifyFile un Function ${un}VerifyFile ; Preserve values Exch $0 ; File; S: old$0 vendor arch Exch ; S: vendor old$0 arch Exch $1 ; Vendor; S: old$1 old$0 arch Exch ; S: old$0 old$1 arch Exch 2 ; S: arch old$1 old$0 Exch $2 ; Architecture; S: old$2 old$1 old$0 Push $3 ; S: old$3 old$2 old$1 old$0 IfFileExists "$0" check_vendor Goto not_found check_vendor: Push $0 Call ${un}GetFileVendor Pop $3 ${If} $3 == $1 Goto check_arch ${EndIf} StrCpy $3 "1" ; Invalid Goto end check_arch: Push $0 Call ${un}GetFileArchitecture Pop $3 ${If} $3 == $2 StrCpy $3 "0" ; Valid ${Else} StrCpy $3 "1" ; Invalid ${EndIf} Goto end not_found: StrCpy $3 "2" ; Not found Goto end end: ; S: old$3 old$2 old$1 old$0 Exch $3 ; S: $3 old$2 old$1 old$0 Exch ; S: old$2 $3 old$1 Pop $2 ; S: $3 old$1 old$0 Exch ; S: old$1 $3 old$0 Pop $1 ; S: $3 old$0 Exch ; S: old$0 $3 Pop $0 ; S: $3 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro VerifyFile "" !insertmacro VerifyFile "un." ; ; Macro for accessing VerifyFile in a more convenient way by using ; a parameter list. ; @return Stack: "0" if valid, "1" if not, "2" on error / not found. ; @param Un/Installer prefix; either "" or "un". ; @param Name of file to verify. ; @param Vendor to check for. ; @param Architecture ("x86" or "amd64") to check for. ; !macro VerifyFileEx un File Vendor Architecture Push $0 Push "${Architecture}" Push "${Vendor}" Push "${File}" ${LogVerbose} "Verifying file $\"${File}$\" ..." Call ${un}VerifyFile Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "0" ${LogVerbose} "Verification of file $\"${File}$\" successful (Vendor: ${Vendor}, Architecture: ${Architecture})" ${ElseIf} $0 == "1" ${LogVerbose} "Verification of file $\"${File}$\" failed (not Vendor: ${Vendor}, and/or not Architecture: ${Architecture})" ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "Skipping to file $\"${File}$\"; not found" ${EndIf} ; Push result popped off the stack to stack again Push $0 !macroend !define VerifyFileEx "!insertmacro VerifyFileEx" ; ; Macro for copying a file only if the source file is verified ; to be from a certain vendor and architecture. ; @return Stack: "0" if copied, "1" if not, "2" on error / not found. ; @param Un/Installer prefix; either "" or "un". ; @param Name of file to verify and copy to destination. ; @param Destination name to copy verified file to. ; @param Vendor to check for. ; @param Architecture ("x86" or "amd64") to check for. ; !macro CopyFileEx un FileSrc FileDest Vendor Architecture Push $0 Push "${Architecture}" Push "${Vendor}" Push "${FileSrc}" Call ${un}VerifyFile Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "0" ${LogVerbose} "Copying verified file $\"${FileSrc}$\" to $\"${FileDest}$\" ..." ClearErrors SetOverwrite on CopyFiles /SILENT "${FileSrc}" "${FileDest}" ${If} ${Errors} CreateDirectory "$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}" ${GetFileName} "${FileSrc}" $0 ; Get the base name CopyFiles /SILENT "${FileSrc}" "$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\$0" ${LogVerbose} "Immediate installation failed, postponing to next reboot (temporary location is: $\"$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\$0$\") ..." ;${InstallFileEx} "${un}" "${FileSrc}" "${FileDest}" "$TEMP" ; Only works with compile time files! System::Call "kernel32::MoveFileEx(t '$TEMP\${PRODUCT_NAME}\$0', t '${FileDest}', i 5)" ${EndIf} ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "Skipping to copy file $\"${FileSrc}$\" to $\"${FileDest}$\" (not Vendor: ${Vendor}, Architecture: ${Architecture})" ${EndIf} ; Push result popped off the stack to stack again Push $0 !macroend !define CopyFileEx "!insertmacro CopyFileEx" ; ; Macro for installing a library/DLL. ; @return Stack: "0" if copied, "1" if not, "2" on error / not found. ; @param Un/Installer prefix; either "" or "un". ; @param Name of lib/DLL to copy to destination. ; @param Destination name to copy the source file to. ; @param Temporary folder used for exchanging the (locked) lib/DLL after a reboot. ; !macro InstallFileEx un FileSrc FileDest DirTemp ${LogVerbose} "Installing library $\"${FileSrc}$\" to $\"${FileDest}$\" ..." ; Try the gentle way and replace the file instantly !insertmacro InstallLib DLL NOTSHARED NOREBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${FileSrc}" "${FileDest}" "${DirTemp}" ; If the above call didn't help, use a (later) reboot to replace the file !insertmacro InstallLib DLL NOTSHARED REBOOT_NOTPROTECTED "${FileSrc}" "${FileDest}" "${DirTemp}" !macroend !define InstallFileEx "!insertmacro InstallFileEx" ; ; Macro for installing a library/DLL. ; @return Stack: "0" if copied, "1" if not, "2" on error / not found. ; @param Un/Installer prefix; either "" or "un". ; @param Name of lib/DLL to verify and copy to destination. ; @param Destination name to copy verified file to. ; @param Temporary folder used for exchanging the (locked) lib/DLL after a reboot. ; @param Vendor to check for. ; @param Architecture ("x86" or "amd64") to check for. ; !macro InstallFileVerify un FileSrc FileDest DirTemp Vendor Architecture Push $0 Push "${Architecture}" Push "${Vendor}" Push "${FileSrc}" ${LogVerbose} "Verifying library $\"${FileSrc}$\" ..." Call ${un}VerifyFile Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "0" ${InstallFileEx} ${un} ${FileSrc} ${FileDest} ${DirTemp} ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "File $\"${FileSrc}$\" did not pass verification (Vendor: ${Vendor}, Architecture: ${Architecture})" ${EndIf} ; Push result popped off the stack to stack again. Push $0 !macroend !define InstallFileVerify "!insertmacro InstallFileVerify" ; Prepares the access rights for replacing ; a WRP (Windows Resource Protection) protected file !macro PrepareWRPFile un Function ${un}PrepareWRPFile Pop $0 Push $1 ${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$0" ${LogVerbose} "WRP: File $\"$0$\" does not exist, skipping" Return ${EndIf} ${Switch} $g_strWinVersion ${Case} "NT4" ${Case} "2000" ${Case} "XP" ${LogVerbose} "WRP: changing ownership or permissions is not required on NT4, 2000, XP." ${Break} ${Default} ${CmdExecute} "$\"$g_strSystemDir\takeown.exe$\" /A /F $\"$0$\"" "true" Pop $1 ${LogVerbose} "WRP: Changing ownership for $\"$0$\" returned: $1" ${CmdExecute} "icacls.exe $\"$0$\" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F" "true" Pop $1 ${LogVerbose} "WRP: Changing DACL for $\"$0$\" returned: $1" Sleep 1000 ; TrustedInstaller needs some time to forget about the file ${EndSwitch} !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1" !ifdef WFP_FILE_EXCEPTION VBoxGuestInstallHelper::DisableWFP "$0" Pop $1 ; Get return value (ignored for now) ${LogVerbose} "WRP: Setting WFP exception for $\"$0$\" returned: $1" !endif !endif Pop $1 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro PrepareWRPFile "" !insertmacro PrepareWRPFile "un." ; ; Macro for preparing the access rights for replacing ; a WRP (Windows Resource Protection) protected file. ; @return None. ; @param Path of file to prepare. ; !macro PrepareWRPFileEx un FileSrc Push $0 Push "${FileSrc}" Call ${un}PrepareWRPFile Pop $0 !macroend !define PrepareWRPFileEx "!insertmacro PrepareWRPFileEx" ; ; Validates backed up and replaced Direct3D files; either the d3d*.dll have ; to be from Microsoft or the (already) backed up msd3d*.dll files. If both ; don't match we have a corrupted / invalid installation. ; @return Stack: "0" if files are valid; otherwise "1". ; !macro ValidateFilesDirect3D un Function ${un}ValidateD3DFiles Push $0 ; We need to switch to 64-bit app mode to handle the "real" 64-bit files in ; "system32" on a 64-bit guest Call ${un}SetAppMode64 ; Note: Not finding a file (like *d3d8.dll) on Windows Vista/7 is fine; ; it simply is not present there. ; Note 2: On 64-bit systems there are no 64-bit *d3d8 DLLs, only 32-bit ones ; in SysWOW64 (or in system32 on 32-bit systems). !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} !endif ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} !endif ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${EndIf} !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto verify_msd3d ${EndIf} ${EndIf} !endif Goto valid verify_msd3d: !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\msd3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} !endif ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\msd3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\msd3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} !endif ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\msd3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${EndIf} !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\msd3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\msd3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\msd3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${VerifyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\msd3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" Goto invalid ${EndIf} ${EndIf} !endif Goto valid valid: StrCpy $0 "0" ; Installation valid Goto end invalid: StrCpy $0 "1" ; Installation invalid / corrupted Goto end end: Exch $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro ValidateFilesDirect3D "" !insertmacro ValidateFilesDirect3D "un." ; ; Restores formerly backed up Direct3D original files, which were replaced by ; a VBox XPDM driver installation before. This might be necessary for upgrading a ; XPDM installation to a WDDM one. ; @return Stack: "0" if files were restored successfully; otherwise "1". ; !macro RestoreFilesDirect3D un Function ${un}RestoreFilesDirect3D Push $0 ; We need to switch to 64-bit app mode to handle the "real" 64-bit files in ; "system32" on a 64-bit guest Call ${un}SetAppMode64 ; Note: Not finding a file (like *d3d8.dll) on Windows Vista/7 is fine; ; it simply is not present there. ; Note 2: On 64-bit systems there are no 64-bit *d3d8 DLLs, only 32-bit ones ; in SysWOW64 (or in system32 on 32-bit systems). ${LogVerbose} "Restoring original D3D files ..." !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\d3d8.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\msd3d8.dll" "$SYSDIR\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" !endif ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\d3d9.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\msd3d9.dll" "$SYSDIR\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d8.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\msd3d8.dll" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" !endif ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d9.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\msd3d9.dll" "$SYSDIR\dllcache\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%" ${EndIf} !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d8.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\msd3d8.dll" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d9.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\msd3d9.dll" "$g_strSysWow64\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" ${If} $g_bCapDllCache == "true" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d8.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\msd3d8.dll" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d8.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" ${PrepareWRPFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d9.dll" ${CopyFileEx} "${un}" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\msd3d9.dll" "$g_strSysWow64\dllcache\d3d9.dll" "Microsoft Corporation" "x86" ${EndIf} !endif ; Do a re-validation afterwards. Call ${un}ValidateD3DFiles Pop $0 ${If} $0 == "1" ; D3D files are invalid ${LogVerbose} $(VBOX_UNINST_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_D3D) MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP|MB_OK $(VBOX_UNINST_UNABLE_TO_RESTORE_D3D) /SD IDOK ${EndIf} Exch $0 FunctionEnd !macroend !insertmacro RestoreFilesDirect3D "" !insertmacro RestoreFilesDirect3D "un."