1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: icd_forwarders.py 106674 2024-10-24 21:31:30Z vboxsync $
4 |
5 | """
6 | Generates forwards from a .def file.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
14 | available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
15 |
16 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
17 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
18 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
19 | License.
20 |
21 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
22 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 | General Public License for more details.
25 |
26 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
28 |
29 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
30 | """
31 | __version__ = "$Revision: 106674 $"
32 |
33 | # Standard python imports"""
34 | import sys
35 |
36 |
37 | def GenerateForwarders(asArgs):
38 |
39 | if len(asArgs) != 4:
40 | raise Exception('Expected 3 arguments, not %u!' % (len(asArgs) - 1,));
41 |
42 | # Get list of functions.
43 | asNames = []
44 | asParamSizes = []
45 | with open(asArgs[1], "r") as oInFile:
46 | for line in oInFile.readlines():
47 | line = line.strip()
48 | if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != ';' and line != 'EXPORTS':
49 | # Parse 'glAccum = glAccum@8'
50 | words = line.split('=', 1)
51 |
52 | # Function name
53 | asNames.append(words[0].strip())
54 |
55 | # Size of arguments in bytes
56 | words = words[1].split('@')
57 | asParamSizes.append(words[1].strip())
58 |
59 |
60 | #
61 | # Assembler forwarders
62 | #
63 | if asArgs[3] in ('x86', 'amd64',):
64 | asLines = [
66 | '%include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"',
67 | '',
68 | ';;;; Enable ICD_LAZY_LOAD to lazy load the ICD DLL - bird 2024-10-24: it should work again now',
69 | '; %define ICD_LAZY_LOAD 1',
70 | '',
71 | '%ifdef ICD_LAZY_LOAD',
72 | 'extern NAME(g_hmodICD)',
73 | 'extern NAME(VBoxLoadICD)',
74 | '',
75 | 'BEGINPROC VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
76 | ' ; Check if loaded',
77 | ' mov xAX, [NAME(g_hmodICD) xWrtRIP]',
78 | ' test xAX, xAX',
79 | ' jz .needs_loading',
80 | ' ret',
81 | ' ; Save parameter registers',
82 | '.needs_loading:',
83 | ' %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64',
84 | ' push rcx',
85 | ' push rdx',
86 | ' push r8',
87 | ' push r9',
88 | ' %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC',
89 | ' push rsi',
90 | ' push rdi',
91 | ' sub rsp, 8h',
92 | ' %else',
93 | ' sub rsp, 28h',
94 | ' %endif',
95 | ' %endif',
96 | ' ; Make the call',
97 | ' call NAME(VBoxLoadICD)',
98 | ' ; Restore parameter registers',
99 | ' %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64',
100 | ' %ifdef ASM_CALL64_GCC',
101 | ' add rsp, 8h',
102 | ' pop rdi',
103 | ' pop rsi',
104 | ' %else',
105 | ' add rsp, 28h',
106 | ' %endif',
107 | ' pop r9',
108 | ' pop r8',
109 | ' pop rdx',
110 | ' pop rcx',
111 | ' %endif',
112 | ' ret',
113 | 'ENDPROC VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
114 | '%endif ; ICD_LAZY_LOAD',
115 | ];
116 |
117 | for iFn, sFnNm in enumerate(asNames):
118 | cbRet = asParamSizes[iFn]
119 | asLines.extend([
120 | '',
121 | 'BEGINPROC_EXPORTED %s' % sFnNm,
122 | ' extern NAME(g_pfn_%s)' % sFnNm,
123 | '; int3',
124 | '%ifdef ICD_LAZY_LOAD',
125 | ' call VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
126 | '%endif',
127 | ' mov xAX, [NAME(g_pfn_%s) xWrtRIP]' % sFnNm,
128 | ' test xAX, xAX',
129 | ' jz .return',
130 | ' jmp xAX',
131 | '.return:',
132 | '%ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64',
133 | ' ret',
134 | '%else ; X86',
135 | ' ret %s' % cbRet,
136 | '%endif',
137 | 'ENDPROC %s' % sFnNm,
138 | ]);
139 |
140 | elif asArgs[3] == 'arm64':
141 | asLines = [
143 | '#include "iprt/asmdefs-arm.h"',
144 | '',
145 | '/** Enable ICD_LAZY_LOAD to lazy load the ICD DLL */',
146 | '/* #define ICD_LAZY_LOAD 1*/',
147 | '',
148 | '#ifdef ICD_LAZY_LOAD',
149 | ' .p2align 4',
150 | 'BEGINPROC VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
151 | ' ; Check if loaded',
152 | ' adrp x8, PAGE(NAME(g_hmodICD))',
153 | ' ldr x8, [x8, PAGEOFF(NAME(g_hmodICD))]',
154 | ' cbz x8, Lneeds_loading',
155 | ' ret',
156 | 'Lneeds_loading:',
157 | ' /* Save parameter registers */',
158 | ' stp x0, x1, [sp, #-0x50]!',
159 | ' stp x2, x3, [sp, #0x10]',
160 | ' stp x4, x5, [sp, #0x20]',
161 | ' stp x6, x7, [sp, #0x30]',
162 | ' stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40]',
163 | ' /* Make the call */',
164 | ' bl NAME(VBoxLoadICD)',
165 | ' /* Restore parameter registers */',
166 | ' ldp x0, x1, [sp, #0x00]',
167 | ' ldp x2, x3, [sp, #x10]',
168 | ' ldp x4, x5, [sp, #x20]',
169 | ' ldp x6, x7, [sp, #x30]',
170 | ' ldp x29, x30, [sp, #x40]',
171 | ' add sp, sp #0x50',
172 | ' ret',
173 | 'ENDPROC VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
174 | '#endif /* ICD_LAZY_LOAD */',
175 | ];
176 |
177 | for sFnNm in asNames:
178 | asLines.extend([
179 | '',
180 | ' .p2align 3',
181 | 'BEGINPROC_EXPORTED %s' % (sFnNm,),
182 | '; brk #0x8888',
183 | '#ifdef ICD_LAZY_LOAD',
184 | ' bl VBoxLoadICDWrapper',
185 | '#endif',
186 | ' adrp x8, PAGE(NAME(g_pfn_%s))' % (sFnNm,),
187 | ' ldr x8, [x8, PAGEOFF(NAME(g_pfn_%s))]' % (sFnNm,),
188 | ' cbz x8, Lreturn_%s' % (sFnNm,),
189 | ' br x8',
190 | 'Lreturn_%s:' % (sFnNm,),
191 | ' ret',
192 | 'ENDPROC %s' % (sFnNm,),
193 | ]);
194 |
195 | else:
196 | raise Exception('Unsupported target architecture: %s' % (asArgs[3],));
197 |
198 | #
199 | # Write it out.
200 | #
201 | with open(asArgs[2], "w") as oOutFile:
202 | oOutFile.write('\n'.join(asLines));
203 |
204 | return 0;
205 |
206 | if __name__ == '__main__':
207 | sys.exit(GenerateForwarders(sys.argv));
208 |