1 | #ifndef VULKAN_DIRECTFB_H_
2 | #define VULKAN_DIRECTFB_H_ 1
3 |
4 | /*
5 | ** Copyright 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
6 | **
7 | ** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 | */
9 |
10 | /*
11 | ** This header is generated from the Khronos Vulkan XML API Registry.
12 | **
13 | */
14 |
15 |
16 | #ifdef __cplusplus
17 | extern "C" {
18 | #endif
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 | // VK_EXT_directfb_surface is a preprocessor guard. Do not pass it to API calls.
23 | #define VK_EXT_directfb_surface 1
25 | #define VK_EXT_DIRECTFB_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME "VK_EXT_directfb_surface"
26 | typedef VkFlags VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT;
27 | typedef struct VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT {
28 | VkStructureType sType;
29 | const void* pNext;
30 | VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT flags;
31 | IDirectFB* dfb;
32 | IDirectFBSurface* surface;
33 | } VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT;
34 |
35 | typedef VkResult (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkCreateDirectFBSurfaceEXT)(VkInstance instance, const VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator, VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface);
36 | typedef VkBool32 (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceDirectFBPresentationSupportEXT)(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, IDirectFB* dfb);
37 |
38 | #ifndef VK_NO_PROTOTYPES
39 | VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkCreateDirectFBSurfaceEXT(
40 | VkInstance instance,
41 | const VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT* pCreateInfo,
42 | const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
43 | VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface);
44 |
45 | VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL vkGetPhysicalDeviceDirectFBPresentationSupportEXT(
46 | VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
47 | uint32_t queueFamilyIndex,
48 | IDirectFB* dfb);
49 | #endif
50 |
51 | #ifdef __cplusplus
52 | }
53 | #endif
54 |
55 | #endif