1 | Graphics state
2 | ==============
3 |
4 | The Mesa Vulkan runtime provides helpers for managing the numerous pieces
5 | of graphics state associated with a ``VkPipeline`` or set dynamically on a
6 | command buffer. No such helpers are provided for compute or ray-tracing
7 | because they have little or no state besides the shaders themselves.
8 |
9 |
10 | Pipeline state
11 | --------------
12 |
13 | All (possibly dynamic) Vulkan graphics pipeline state is encapsulated into
14 | a single :c:struct:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state` structure which contains
15 | pointers to sub-structures for each of the different state categories.
16 | Unlike :c:type:`VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo`, the pointers in
17 | :c:struct:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state` are guaranteed to be either be
18 | NULL or point to valid and properly populated memory.
19 |
20 | When creating a pipeline, the
21 | :c:func:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill()` function can be used to
22 | gather all of the state from the core structures as well as various ``pNext``
23 | chains into a single state structure. Whenever an extension struct is
24 | missing, a reasonable default value is provided whenever possible.
25 |
26 |
27 | :c:func:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill()` automatically handles both
28 | the render pass and dynamic rendering. For drivers which use
29 | :c:struct:`vk_render_pass`, the :c:struct:`vk_render_pass_state`
30 | structure will be populated as if for dynamic rendering, regardless of
31 | which path is used. Drivers which use their own render pass structure
32 | should parse the render pass, if available, and pass a
33 | :c:struct:`vk_render_pass_state` to the `driver_rp` argument of
34 | :c:func:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill()` with the relevant information
35 | from the specified subpass. If a render pass is available,
36 | :c:struct:`vk_render_pass_state` will be populated with the
37 | the information from the :c:struct:`driver_rp`. If dynamic
38 | rendering is used or the driver provides a `NULL`
39 | :c:struct:`driver_rp`, the :c:struct:`vk_render_pass_state`
40 | structure will be populated for dynamic rendering, including color, depth,
41 | and stencil attachment formats.
42 |
43 | The usual flow for creating a full graphics pipeline (not library) looks
44 | like this:
45 |
46 | .. code-block:: c
47 |
48 | struct vk_graphics_pipeline_state state = { };
49 | struct vk_graphics_pipeline_all_state all;
50 | vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill(&device->vk, &state, pCreateInfo,
51 | NULL, &all, NULL, 0, NULL);
52 |
53 | /* Emit stuff using the state in `state` */
54 |
55 | The :c:struct:`vk_graphics_pipeline_all_state` structure exists to allow
56 | the state to sit on the stack instead of requiring a heap allocation. This
57 | is useful if you intend to use the state right away and don't need to store
58 | it. For pipeline libraries, it's likely more useful to use the dynamically
59 | allocated version and store the dynamically allocated memory in the
60 | library pipeline.
61 |
62 | .. code-block:: c
63 |
64 | /* Assuming we have a vk_graphics_pipeline_state in pipeline */
65 | memset(&pipeline->state, 0, sizeof(pipeline->state));
66 |
67 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lib_info->libraryCount; i++) {
68 | VK_FROM_HANDLE(drv_graphics_pipeline_library, lib, lib_info->pLibraries[i]);
69 | vk_graphics_pipeline_state_merge(&pipeline->state, &lib->state);
70 | }
71 |
72 | /* This assumes you have a void **state_mem in pipeline */
73 | result = vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill(&device->vk, &pipeline->state,
74 | pCreateInfo, NULL, NULL, pAllocator,
76 | &pipeline->state_mem);
77 | if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
78 | return result;
79 |
80 | State from dependent libraries can be merged together using
81 | :c:func:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state_merge`.
82 | :c:func:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill` will then only attempt to
83 | populate missing fields. You can also merge dependent pipeline libraries
84 | together but store the final state on the stack for immediate consumption:
85 |
86 | .. code-block:: c
87 |
88 | struct vk_graphics_pipeline_state state = { };
89 |
90 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lib_info->libraryCount; i++) {
91 | VK_FROM_HANDLE(drv_graphics_pipeline_library, lib, lib_info->pLibraries[i]);
92 | vk_graphics_pipeline_state_merge(&state, &lib->state);
93 | }
94 |
95 | struct vk_graphics_pipeline_all_state all;
96 | vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill(&device->vk, &state, pCreateInfo,
97 | NULL, &all, NULL, 0, NULL);
98 |
99 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_graphics_pipeline_state_fill
100 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
101 |
102 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_graphics_pipeline_state_merge
103 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
104 |
105 |
106 | Dynamic state
107 | -------------
108 |
109 | All dynamic states in Vulkan, regardless of which API version or extension
110 | introduced them, are represented by the
111 | :c:enum:`mesa_vk_dynamic_graphics_state` enum. This corresponds to the
112 | :c:type:`VkDynamicState` enum in the Vulkan API only it's compact (has no
113 | holes due to extension namespacing) and a bit better organized. Each
114 | enumerant is named with the name of the state group to which the dynamic
115 | state belongs as well as the name of the dynamic state itself. The fact
116 | that it's compact allows us to use to index bitsets.
117 |
118 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_get_dynamic_graphics_states
119 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
120 |
121 | We also provide a :c:struct:`vk_dynamic_graphics_state` structure which
122 | contains all the dynamic graphics states, regardless of which API version
123 | or extension introduced them. This structure can be populated from a
124 | :c:struct:`vk_graphics_pipeline_state` via
125 | :c:func:`vk_dynamic_graphics_state_init`.
126 |
127 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state_init
128 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
129 |
130 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state_copy
131 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
132 |
133 | There is also a :c:struct:`vk_dynamic_graphics_state` embedded in
134 | :c:struct:`vk_command_buffer`. Should you choose to use them, we provide
135 | common implementations for all ``vkCmdSet*()`` functions. Two additional
136 | functions are provided for the driver to call in ``CmdBindPipeline()`` and
137 | ``CmdBindVertexBuffers2()``:
138 |
139 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_cmd_set_dynamic_graphics_state
140 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
141 |
142 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_cmd_set_vertex_binding_strides
143 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
144 |
145 | To use the dynamic state framework, you will need the following in your
146 | pipeline structure:
147 |
148 | .. code-block:: c
149 |
150 | struct drv_graphics_pipeline {
151 | ....
152 | struct vk_vertex_input_state vi_state;
153 | struct vk_sample_locations_state sl_state;
154 | struct vk_dynamic_graphics_state dynamic;
155 | ...
156 | };
157 |
158 | Then, in your pipeline create function,
159 |
160 | .. code-block:: c
161 |
162 | memset(&pipeline->dynamic, 0, sizeof(pipeline->dynamic));
163 | pipeline->dynamic->vi = &pipeline->vi_state;
164 | pipeline->dynamic->ms.sample_locations = &pipeline->sl_state;
165 | vk_dynamic_graphics_state_init(&pipeline->dynamic, &state);
166 |
167 | In your implementation of ``vkCmdBindPipeline()``,
168 |
169 | .. code-block:: c
170 |
171 | vk_cmd_set_dynamic_graphics_state(&cmd->vk, &pipeline->dynamic_state);
172 |
173 | And, finally, at ``vkCmdDraw*()`` time, the code to emit dynamic state into
174 | your hardware command buffer will look something like this:
175 |
176 | .. code-block:: c
177 |
178 | static void
179 | emit_dynamic_state(struct drv_cmd_buffer *cmd)
180 | {
181 | struct vk_dynamic_graphics_state *dyn = &cmd->vk.dynamic_graphics_state;
182 |
183 | if (!vk_dynamic_graphics_state_any_dirty(dyn))
184 | return;
185 |
188 | /* Re-emit viewports */
189 | }
190 |
193 | /* Re-emit scissors */
194 | }
195 |
196 | /* etc... */
197 |
198 | vk_dynamic_graphics_state_clear_dirty(dyn);
199 | }
200 |
201 | Any states used by the currently bound pipeline and attachments are always
202 | valid in ``vk_command_buffer::dynamic_graphics_state`` so you can always
203 | use a state even if it isn't dirty on this particular draw.
204 |
205 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state_dirty_all
206 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
207 |
208 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state_clear_dirty
209 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
210 |
211 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state_any_dirty
212 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
213 |
214 |
215 | Depth stencil state optimization
216 | --------------------------------
217 |
218 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_optimize_depth_stencil_state
219 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
220 |
221 |
222 | Reference
223 | ---------
224 |
225 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_graphics_pipeline_state
226 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
227 | :members:
228 |
229 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_vertex_binding_state
230 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
231 | :members:
232 |
233 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_vertex_attribute_state
234 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
235 | :members:
236 |
237 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_vertex_input_state
238 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
239 | :members:
240 |
241 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_input_assembly_state
242 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
243 | :members:
244 |
245 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_tessellation_state
246 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
247 | :members:
248 |
249 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_viewport_state
250 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
251 | :members:
252 |
253 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_discard_rectangles_state
254 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
255 | :members:
256 |
257 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_rasterization_state
258 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
259 | :members:
260 |
261 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_fragment_shading_rate_state
262 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
263 | :members:
264 |
265 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_sample_locations_state
266 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
267 | :members:
268 |
269 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_multisample_state
270 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
271 | :members:
272 |
273 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_stencil_test_face_state
274 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
275 | :members:
276 |
277 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_depth_stencil_state
278 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
279 | :members:
280 |
281 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_color_blend_state
282 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
283 | :members:
284 |
285 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_render_pass_state
286 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
287 | :members:
288 |
289 | .. c:autoenum:: mesa_vk_dynamic_graphics_state
290 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
291 |
292 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_dynamic_graphics_state
293 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_graphics_state.h
294 | :members: