1 | Command Pools
2 | =============
3 |
4 | The Vulkan runtime code provides a common ``VkCommandPool`` implementation
5 | which makes managing the lifetimes of command buffers and recycling their
6 | internal state easier. To use the common command pool a driver needs to
7 | fill out a :c:struct:`vk_command_buffer_ops` struct and set the
8 | ``command_buffer_ops`` field of :c:struct:`vk_device`.
9 |
10 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_command_buffer_ops
11 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_command_buffer.h
12 | :members:
13 |
14 | By reducing the entirety of command buffer lifetime management to these
15 | three functions, much of the complexity of command pools can be implemented
16 | in common code, providing better, more consistent behavior across Mesa.
17 |
18 |
19 | Command Buffer Recycling
20 | ------------------------
21 |
22 | The common command pool provides automatic command buffer recycling as long
23 | as the driver uses the common ``vkAllocateCommandBuffers()`` and
24 | ``vkFreeCommandBuffers()`` implementations. The driver must also provide the
25 | ``reset`` function pointer in :c:struct:`vk_command_buffer_ops`.
26 |
27 | With the common command buffer pool, when the client calls
28 | ``vkFreeCommandBuffers()``, the command buffers are not immediately freed.
29 | Instead, they are reset with
31 | recycled, and they are added to a free list inside the pool. When the
32 | client then calls ``vkAllocateCommandBuffers()``, we check the free list
33 | and return a recycled command buffer, if any are available. This provides
34 | some basic command buffer pooling without the driver doing any additional
35 | work.
36 |
37 |
38 | Custom command pools
39 | --------------------
40 |
41 | If a driver wishes to recycle at a finer granularity than whole command
42 | buffers, they can do so by providing their own command pool implementation
43 | which wraps :c:struct:`vk_command_pool`. The common use-case here is if
44 | the driver wants to pool command-buffer-internal objects at a finer
45 | granularity than whole command buffers. The command pool provides a place
46 | where things like GPU command buffers or upload buffers can be cached
47 | without having to take a lock.
48 |
49 | When implementing a custom command pool, drivers need only implement three
50 | entrypoints:
51 |
52 | - ``vkCreateCommandPool()``
53 | - ``vkDestroyCommandPool()``
54 | - ``vkTrimCommandPool()``
55 |
56 | All of the other entrypoints will be handled by common code so long as the
57 | driver's command pool derives from :c:struct:`vk_command_pool`.
58 |
59 | The driver implementation of the command buffer ``recycle()`` function
60 | should respect ``VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT`` and, when
61 | set, return any recyclable resources to the command pool. This may be set
62 | by the client when it calls ``vkResetCommandBuffer()``, come from a
63 | whole-pool reset via ``VK_COMMAND_POOL_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT``, or
64 | come from the common command buffer code when a command buffer is recycled.
65 |
66 | The driver's implementation of ``vkTrimCommandPool()`` should free any
67 | resources that have been cached within the command pool back to the device
68 | or back to the OS. It **must** also call :c:func:`vk_command_pool_trim`
69 | to allow the common code to free any recycled command buffers.
70 |
71 | Reference
72 | ---------
73 |
74 | .. c:autostruct:: vk_command_pool
75 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_command_pool.h
76 | :members:
77 |
78 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_command_pool_init
79 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_command_pool.h
80 |
81 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_command_pool_finish
82 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_command_pool.h
83 |
84 | .. c:autofunction:: vk_command_pool_trim
85 | :file: src/vulkan/runtime/vk_command_pool.h