1 | Mesa 23.0.0 Release Notes / 2023-02-22
2 | ======================================
3 |
4 | Mesa 23.0.0 is a bug fix release which fixes bugs found since the 23.0.0-rc5 release.
5 |
6 | Mesa 23.0.0 implements the OpenGL 4.6 API, but the version reported by
7 | glGetString(GL_VERSION) or glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION) /
8 | glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION) depends on the particular driver being used.
9 | Some drivers don't support all the features required in OpenGL 4.6. OpenGL
10 | 4.6 is **only** available if requested at context creation.
11 | Compatibility contexts may report a lower version depending on each driver.
12 |
13 | Mesa 23.0.0 implements the Vulkan 1.3 API, but the version reported by
14 | the apiVersion property of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties struct
15 | depends on the particular driver being used.
16 |
17 | SHA256 checksum
18 | ---------------
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20 | ::
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22 | 01f3cff3763f09e0adabcb8011e4aebc6ad48f6a4dd4bae904fe918707d253e4 mesa-23.0.0.tar.xz
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24 |
25 |
26 | New features
27 | ------------
28 |
29 | - VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer on RADV, Turnip
30 |
31 | - VK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests on RADV
32 |
33 | - VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter on RADV/RDNA3
34 |
35 | - VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace on RADV, ANV, Turnip
36 |
37 | - Enabled VK_EXT_mesh_shader by default on RADV/RDNA2
38 |
39 | - Implemented more VK_EXT_dynamic_state3 features on RADV, Turnip
40 |
41 | - Various raytracing, graphics pipeline library and RDNA3 improvements on RADV
42 |
43 | - Radeon Memory Visualizer support with RADV.
44 |
45 | - VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product on V3DV
46 |
47 | - VK_KHR_present_wait on ANV, RADV, Turnip
48 |
49 | - VK_KHR_push_descriptor on Venus
50 |
51 | - VK_KHR_pci_bus_info on Venus
52 |
53 | - GL_ARB_clip_control on panfrost
54 |
55 | - GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic on panfrost, asahi
56 |
57 | - GL_ARB_occulsion_query2 on asahi
58 |
59 | - GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export on asahi
60 |
61 | - GL_ARB_draw_instanced on asahi
62 |
63 | - GL_ARB_instanced_ararys on asahi
64 |
65 | - GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map on asahi
66 |
67 | - GL_NV_conditional_render on asahi
68 |
69 | - GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge on asahi
70 |
71 | - None
72 |
73 |
74 | Bug fixes
75 | ---------
76 |
77 | - mesa: _mesa_glthread_upload crash
78 | - Rise of the Tomb Raider's Ambient Occlusion pass misrenders (swimming shadows)
79 | - Minecraft: spec related compile errors
80 | - radv: (Using mesh shader) NIR validation failed after nir_lower_io_to_scalar_early
81 | - wine + dxvk + Rise of the Tomb Raider crashes in Soviet Installation 20% with VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
82 | - Sometimes VLC player process gets stuck in memory after closure if video output used is Auto or OpenGL
83 | - kwin_wayland crashes involving dri2_create_drawable when Plasma starts and the llvmpipe driver from Mesa 23.0-rc3 and 23.0-rc4 is used
84 | - anv: VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_READ_BIT doesn't seem to be handled correctly
85 | - Iris corruptions in zoom calls
86 | - Sampling with aux enabled with ISL_AUX_STATE_PASS_THROUGH seems broken on Tigerlake+
87 | - anv: incorrect task shader payload
88 | - radv: Hi-Fi Rush incorrectly rendering face shadows with DCC on 7900 XTX
89 | - DG2: incorrect rendering in Sascha Willems raytracing callable demo
90 | - Some blackouts / rendering issues with RADV_PERFTEST=gpl in Battlefield 1 (DX11)
91 | - radv: Segfault during createAccelerationStructure when the backing buffer is not bound to memory
92 |
93 |
94 | Changes
95 | -------
96 |
97 | Alan Coopersmith (1):
98 |
99 | - util/disk_cache: Handle OS'es without d_type in struct dirent
100 |
101 | Bas Nieuwenhuizen (1):
102 |
103 | - nir: Apply a maximum stack depth to avoid stack overflows.
104 |
105 | Charmaine Lee (3):
106 |
107 | - svga: fix resource_get_handle from resource created without SHARED bind flag
108 | - svga: fix compatible formats for shareable surfaces
109 | - svga: use upload buffer if texture has pending changes
110 |
111 | Chia-I Wu (3):
112 |
113 | - radv: fix a hang with binning on CHIP_RENOIR
114 | - turnip: fix a major leak with GPL LTO
115 | - turnip: fix a null descriptor set dereference
116 |
117 | Constantine Shablya (1):
118 |
119 | - anv,hasvk: flush what UNIFORM_READ flushes on SHADER_READ
120 |
121 | Danylo Piliaiev (3):
122 |
123 | - tu: Prevent using stale value of RB_UNKNOWN_88D0 on BLIT
124 | - tu: Prevent using stale value of GRAS_SC_CNTL in sysmem clear
125 | - turnip: Disable draw states after dyn renderpass in all cases
126 |
127 | Dave Airlie (2):
128 |
129 | - crocus: disable Y tiling for render targets properly.
130 | - crocus: switch gen4/5 tiling flags to follow suggestions.
131 |
132 | Dylan Baker (7):
133 |
134 | - .pick_status.json: Update to bd848ac92d9d77d72a1edb5645488639df91937e
135 | - .pick_status.json: Mark 6af3a12e700065ca4b8b3a5d12b97a75142dd185 as denominated
136 | - .pick_status.json: Update to e050a00b9f4d057e93f61f79019b5cf8bcd04e49
137 | - .pick_status.json: Update to 4e09d37f3bd4b2f5837040cb1695d151672944e1
138 | - .pick_status.json: Update to 4459668b6e74094b93f13da377077c4f26c9b7b9
139 | - .pick_status.json: Update to dd3b67b9746f1d0f2766d6c39bb23e59d6548aba
140 | - VERSION: bump for 23.0.0
141 |
142 | Emma Anholt (2):
143 |
144 | - Revert "freedreno/a5xx: Fix clip_mask"
145 | - hasvk: Fix SPIR-V warning about TF unsupported on gen7.
146 |
147 | Eric Engestrom (1):
148 |
149 | - panfrost: drop no-longer-needed libglsl
150 |
151 | Erik Faye-Lund (1):
152 |
153 | - zink: remove incorrect trailing comma
154 |
155 | Faith Ekstrand (3):
156 |
157 | - nir/from_ssa: Only re-locate values that are destinations
158 | - nir/from_ssa: Move the loop bounds check in resolve_parallel_copy
159 | - nir/deref: Preserve alignments in opt_remove_cast_cast()
160 |
161 | Georg Lehmann (2):
162 |
163 | - aco: don't allow output modifiers for v_cvt_pkrtz_f16_f32
164 | - aco: Don't use vcmpx with DPP.
165 |
166 | Hans-Kristian Arntzen (3):
167 |
168 | - radv: Fix invalid 64-bit shift.
169 | - radv: Fix missing VK_ACCESS_2_SHADER_SAMPLED_READ_BIT.
171 |
172 | Italo Nicola (1):
173 |
174 | - panfrost: fix tiny sample_positions BO memory leak
175 |
176 | Jesse Natalie (2):
177 |
178 | - clc: Include opencl-c-base.h with LLVM 15 (using builtins)
179 | - microsoft/clc: Set features that are used by CL tests
180 |
181 | Konstantin Seurer (3):
182 |
183 | - radv: Fix creating accel structs with unbound buffers
185 | - radv: Make accel struct meta state initialization thread safe
186 |
187 | Lionel Landwerlin (4):
188 |
189 | - intel/fs: fix mesh indirect movs
190 | - anv/hasvk: handle a SAMPLED_READ/STORAGE_READ access flags
191 | - intel/fs: bound subgroup invocation read to dispatch size
192 | - intel/perf: also add the oa timestamp shift on MTL
193 |
194 | Marcin Ślusarz (2):
195 |
196 | - anv: enable task redistribution
197 | - intel/compiler/mesh: use slice id of task urb handles in mesh shaders
198 |
199 | Marek Olšák (2):
200 |
201 | - mesa: ignore indices[i] if count[i] == 0 for MultiDrawElements
202 | - glthread: ignore non-VBO vertex arrays with NULL data pointers
203 |
204 | Michel Dänzer (4):
205 |
206 | - glsl/standalone: Fix up _mesa_reference_shader_program_data signature
207 | - glsl/standalone: Do not pass memory allocated with ralloc_size to free
208 | - anv/grl: Use union for reinterpreting integer as float
209 | - frontend/dri: Initialize callbacks in dri_swrast_kms_init_screen
210 |
211 | Mike Blumenkrantz (11):
212 |
213 | - zink: add newlines to some debug printfs
214 | - zink: unset gfx shader read when unbinding shader images
215 | - zink: unref image buffer descriptors on unbind
216 | - zink: sync LTO compiles for GPL pipelines on shader free
217 | - zink: fix descriptor pool free iterating
218 | - zink: always use NEAREST for zs blits
219 | - zink: block LINEAR filtered blits for zs formats
220 | - dri3: avoid deadlocking when polling deleted windows for events
221 | - vulkan/wsi: avoid deadlocking dri3 when polling deleted windows for events
222 | - kopper: fix loop iterating for msaa texture creation
223 | - driconf: add zink glthread disable for a game
224 |
225 | Nanley Chery (3):
226 |
227 | - iris: Update comment in iris_cache_flush_for_render
228 | - iris: Flush caches for aux-mode changes more often
229 | - iris: Drop iris_cache_flush_for_render
230 |
231 | Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer (1):
232 |
233 | - amd/surface: fix base_mip_width of subsampled formats
234 |
235 | Samuel Pitoiset (3):
236 |
237 | - radv: disable DCC for mipmaps on GFX11
238 | - Revert "radv: acquire pstate on-demand when capturing with RGP"
239 | - radv/amdgpu: only set a new pstate if the current one is different
240 |
241 | Sebastian Wick (1):
242 |
243 | - loader: do not check the mesa DRI_Mesa version if it was not found
244 |
245 | Sil Vilerino (1):
246 |
247 | - d3d12: Video Encode - Fix ID3D12CommandAllocator leak
248 |
249 | SoroushIMG (3):
250 |
251 | - zink: relax bresenhamLines requirement for non-strictLine drivers
252 | - zink: allocate program shader caches from the program's mem ctx
253 | - zink: free resource objects' views array during destruction
254 |
255 | Sviatoslav Peleshko (2):
256 |
257 | - anv: Handle VkAccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR::transformOffset
258 | - driconf/anv: Apply limit_trig_input_range WA to Rise of the Tomb Raider
259 |
260 | Tapani Pälli (2):
261 |
262 | - intel/blorp: disable REP16 for gfx12+ with R10G10B10_FLOAT_A2
263 | - iris: disable preemption for 3DPRIMITIVE during streamout
264 |
265 | Tatsuyuki Ishi (1):
266 |
267 | - radv: Fix missing rbplus_allowed check for dynamic PS epilogs.
268 |
269 | Timothy Arceri (2):
270 |
271 | - glsl: add _token_list_prepend() helper to the parser
272 | - glsl: isolate object macro replacments
273 |
274 | Timur Kristóf (2):
275 |
276 | - ac/nir/ngg: Include culled primitives in query.
277 | - radv: Call nir_lower_array_deref_of_vec in radv_lower_io_to_scalar_early.
278 |
279 | Vincent Davis Jr (1):
280 |
281 | - gbm/backend: fix gbm compile without dri