1 | OpenGL ES
2 | =========
3 |
4 | Mesa implements OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0. More information about
5 | OpenGL ES can be found at https://www.khronos.org/opengles/.
6 |
7 | OpenGL ES depends on a working EGL implementation. Please refer to
8 | :doc:`Mesa EGL <egl>` for more information about EGL.
9 |
10 | Build the Libraries
11 | -------------------
12 |
13 | #. Run ``meson configure`` with ``-D gles1=enabled -D gles2=enabled`` and
14 | enable the Gallium driver for your hardware.
15 | #. Build and install Mesa as usual.
16 |
17 | Alternatively, if XCB-DRI2 is installed on the system, one can use
18 | ``egl_dri2`` EGL driver with OpenGL|ES-enabled DRI drivers
19 |
20 | #. Run ``meson configure`` with ``-D gles1=enabled -D gles2=enabled``.
21 | #. Build and install Mesa as usual.
22 |
23 | Both methods will install libGLESv1_CM, libGLESv2, libEGL, and one or
24 | more EGL drivers for your hardware.
25 |
26 | Run the Demos
27 | -------------
28 |
29 | There are some demos in ``mesa/demos`` repository.