1 | Glossary
2 | ========
3 |
4 | .. glossary::
5 | :sorted:
6 |
7 | MSAA
8 | Multi-Sampled Anti-Aliasing. A basic anti-aliasing technique that takes
9 | multiple samples of the depth buffer, and uses this information to
10 | smooth the edges of polygons.
11 |
12 | TCL
13 | Transform, Clipping, & Lighting. The three stages of preparation in a
14 | rasterizing pipeline prior to the actual rasterization of vertices into
15 | fragments.
16 |
17 | NPOT
18 | Non-power-of-two. Usually applied to textures which have at least one
19 | dimension which is not a power of two.
20 |
21 | LOD
22 | Level of Detail. Also spelled "LoD". The value that determines when the
23 | switches between mipmaps occur during texture sampling.
24 |
25 | layer
26 | This term is used as the name of the "3rd coordinate" of a resource.
27 | 3D textures have zslices, cube maps have faces, 1D and 2D array textures
28 | have array members (other resources do not have multiple layers).
29 | Since the functions only take one parameter no matter what type of
30 | resource is used, use the term "layer" instead of a resource type
31 | specific one.
32 |
33 | GLSL
34 | GL Shading Language. The official, common high-level shader language used
35 | in GL 2.0 and above.