1 | Downloading and Unpacking
2 | =========================
3 |
4 | Downloading
5 | -----------
6 |
7 | You can download the released versions of Mesa via
8 | `HTTPS <https://archive.mesa3d.org/>`__ or
9 | `FTP <ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/>`__.
10 |
11 | Our release tarballs are GPG-signed, and the public keys are available
12 | here: `release-maintainers-keys.asc <release-maintainers-keys.asc>`__.
13 |
14 | Starting with the first release of 2017, Mesa's version scheme is
15 | year-based. Filenames are in the form ``mesa-Y.N.P.tar.gz``, where ``Y``
16 | is the year (two digits), ``N`` is an incremental number (starting at 0)
17 | and ``P`` is the patch number (0 for the first release, 1 for the first
18 | patch after that).
19 |
20 | When a new release is coming, release candidates (betas) may be found in
21 | the same directory, and are recognizable by the
22 | ``mesa-Y.N.P-rcX.tar.gz`` filename.
23 |
24 | Unpacking
25 | ---------
26 |
27 | Mesa releases are available in two formats: ``.tar.xz`` and ``.tar.gz``.
28 |
29 | To unpack the tarball:
30 |
31 | .. code-block:: console
32 |
33 | tar xf mesa-Y.N.P.tar.xz
34 |
35 | or
36 |
37 | .. code-block:: console
38 |
39 | tar xf mesa-Y.N.P.tar.gz
40 |
41 | Contents
42 | --------
43 |
44 | Proceed to the :doc:`compilation and installation
45 | instructions <install>`.
46 |
47 | Demos, GLUT, and GLU
48 | --------------------
49 |
50 | A package of SGI's GLU library is available
51 | `here <https://archive.mesa3d.org/glu/>`__
52 |
53 | A package of Mark Kilgard's GLUT library is available
54 | `here <https://archive.mesa3d.org/glut/>`__
55 |
56 | The Mesa demos collection is available
57 | `here <https://archive.mesa3d.org/demos/>`__
58 |
59 | In the past, GLUT, GLU and the Mesa demos were released in conjunction
60 | with Mesa releases. But since GLUT, GLU and the demos change
61 | infrequently, they were split off into their own Git repositories:
62 | `GLUT <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/glut>`__,
63 | `GLU <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/glu>`__ and
64 | `Demos <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/demos>`__,