1 | SkQP
2 | ====
3 |
4 | `SkQP <https://skia.org/docs/dev/testing/skqp/>`__ stands for SKIA Quality
5 | Program conformance tests. Basically, it has sets of rendering tests and unit
6 | tests to ensure that `SKIA <https://skia.org/>`__ is meeting its design specifications on a specific
7 | device.
8 |
9 | The rendering tests have support for GL, GLES and Vulkan backends and test some
10 | rendering scenarios.
11 | And the unit tests check the GPU behavior without rendering images, using any of the GL/GLES or Vulkan drivers.
12 |
13 | SkQP reports
14 | ------------
15 |
16 | SkQP generates reports after finishing its execution, and deqp-runner collects
17 | them in the job artifacts results directory under the test name. Click the
18 | 'Browse' button from a failing job to get to them.
19 |
20 | SkQP failing tests
21 | ------------------
22 |
23 | SkQP rendering tests will have a range of pixel values allowed for the driver's
24 | rendering for a given test. This can make the "expected" image in the result
25 | output look rather strange, but you should be able to make sense of it knowing
26 | that.
27 |
28 | In SkQP itself, testcases can have increased failing pixel thresholds added to
29 | them to keep CI green when the rendering is "correct" but out of normal range.
30 | However, we don't support changing the thresholds in our testing. Because any
31 | driver rendering not meeting the normal thresholds will trigger Android CTS
32 | failures, we treat them as failures and track them as expected failures the
33 | ```*-fails.txt`` file.`