1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 | # Copyright © 2022 Collabora Ltd.
3 | # Authors:
4 | # David Heidelberg <[email protected]>
5 | #
6 | # For the dependencies, see the requirements.txt
7 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
8 |
9 | """
10 | Helper script to update traces checksums
11 | """
12 |
13 | import argparse
14 | import bz2
15 | import glob
16 | import re
17 | import json
18 | import sys
19 | from ruamel.yaml import YAML
20 |
21 | import gitlab
22 | from colorama import Fore, Style
23 | from gitlab_common import get_gitlab_project, read_token, wait_for_pipeline
24 |
25 |
28 |
29 |
30 | def gather_results(
31 | project,
32 | pipeline,
33 | ) -> None:
34 | """Gather results"""
35 |
36 | target_jobs_regex = re.compile(".*-traces([:].*)?$")
37 |
38 | for job in pipeline.jobs.list(all=True, sort="desc"):
39 | if target_jobs_regex.match(job.name) and job.status == "failed":
40 | cur_job = project.jobs.get(job.id)
41 | # get variables
42 | print(f"👁 {job.name}...")
43 | log: list[str] = cur_job.trace().decode("unicode_escape").splitlines()
44 | filename: str = ''
45 | dev_name: str = ''
46 | for logline in log:
47 | desc_file = re.search(DESCRIPTION_FILE, logline)
48 | device_name = re.search(DEVICE_NAME, logline)
49 | if desc_file:
50 | filename = desc_file.group(1)
51 | if device_name:
52 | dev_name = device_name.group(1)
53 |
54 | if not filename or not dev_name:
55 | print(Fore.RED + "Couldn't find device name or YML file in the logs!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
56 | return
57 |
58 | print(f"👁 Found {dev_name} and file {filename}")
59 |
60 | # find filename in Mesa source
61 | traces_file = glob.glob('./**/' + filename, recursive=True)
62 | # write into it
63 | with open(traces_file[0], 'r', encoding='utf-8') as target_file:
64 | yaml = YAML()
65 | yaml.compact(seq_seq=False, seq_map=False)
66 | yaml.version = 1,2
67 | yaml.width = 2048 # do not break the text fields
68 | yaml.default_flow_style = None
69 | target = yaml.load(target_file)
70 |
71 | # parse artifact
72 | results_json_bz2 = cur_job.artifact(path="results/results.json.bz2", streamed=False)
73 | results_json = bz2.decompress(results_json_bz2).decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
74 | results = json.loads(results_json)
75 |
76 | for _, value in results["tests"].items():
77 | if (
78 | not value['images'] or
79 | not value['images'][0] or
80 | "image_desc" not in value['images'][0]
81 | ):
82 | continue
83 |
84 | trace: str = value['images'][0]['image_desc']
85 | checksum: str = value['images'][0]['checksum_render']
86 |
87 | if not checksum:
88 | print(Fore.RED + f"{dev_name}: {trace}: checksum is missing! Crash?" + Style.RESET_ALL)
89 | continue
90 |
91 | if checksum == "error":
92 | print(Fore.RED + f"{dev_name}: {trace}: crashed" + Style.RESET_ALL)
93 | continue
94 |
95 | if target['traces'][trace][dev_name].get('checksum') == checksum:
96 | continue
97 |
98 | if "label" in target['traces'][trace][dev_name]:
99 | print(f'{dev_name}: {trace}: please verify that label {Fore.BLUE}{target["traces"][trace][dev_name]["label"]}{Style.RESET_ALL} is still valid')
100 |
101 | print(Fore.GREEN + f'{dev_name}: {trace}: checksum updated' + Style.RESET_ALL)
102 | target['traces'][trace][dev_name]['checksum'] = checksum
103 |
104 | with open(traces_file[0], 'w', encoding='utf-8') as target_file:
105 | yaml.dump(target, target_file)
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | def parse_args() -> None:
110 | """Parse args"""
111 | parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
112 | description="Tool to generate patch from checksums ",
113 | epilog="Example: update_traces_checksum.py --rev $(git rev-parse HEAD) "
114 | )
115 | parser.add_argument(
116 | "--rev", metavar="revision", help="repository git revision", required=True
117 | )
118 | parser.add_argument(
119 | "--token",
120 | metavar="token",
121 | help="force GitLab token, otherwise it's read from ~/.config/gitlab-token",
122 | )
123 | return parser.parse_args()
124 |
125 |
126 | if __name__ == "__main__":
127 | try:
128 | args = parse_args()
129 |
130 | token = read_token(args.token)
131 |
132 | gl = gitlab.Gitlab(url="https://gitlab.freedesktop.org", private_token=token)
133 |
134 | cur_project = get_gitlab_project(gl, "mesa")
135 |
136 | print(f"Revision: {args.rev}")
137 | (pipe, cur_project) = wait_for_pipeline([cur_project], args.rev)
138 | print(f"Pipeline: {pipe.web_url}")
139 | gather_results(cur_project, pipe)
140 |
141 | sys.exit()
142 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
143 | sys.exit(1)