1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # we want word splitting
3 |
4 | set -ex
5 |
6 | if [[ -z "$VK_DRIVER" ]]; then
7 | exit 1
8 | fi
9 |
10 | # Useful debug output, you rarely know what envirnoment you'll be
11 | # running in within container-land, this can be a landmark.
12 | ls -l
13 |
14 | INSTALL=$(realpath -s "$PWD"/install)
15 | RESULTS=$(realpath -s "$PWD"/results)
16 |
17 | # Set up the driver environment.
18 | # Modifiying here directly LD_LIBRARY_PATH may cause problems when
19 | # using a command wrapper. Hence, we will just set it when running the
20 | # command.
22 |
23 | # Sanity check to ensure that our environment is sufficient to make our tests
24 | # run against the Mesa built by CI, rather than any installed distro version.
25 | MESA_VERSION=$(sed 's/\./\\./g' "$INSTALL/VERSION")
26 |
27 | # Force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered in python.
29 |
30 | # Set the Vulkan driver to use.
31 | export VK_ICD_FILENAMES="$INSTALL/share/vulkan/icd.d/${VK_DRIVER}_icd.x86_64.json"
32 | if [ "${VK_DRIVER}" = "radeon" ]; then
33 | # Disable vsync
34 | export MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE=mailbox
35 | export vblank_mode=0
36 | fi
37 |
38 | # Set environment for Wine.
39 | export WINEDEBUG="-all"
40 | export WINEPREFIX="/dxvk-wine64"
41 | export WINEESYNC=1
42 |
43 | # Wait for amdgpu to be fully loaded
44 | sleep 1
45 |
46 | # Avoid having to perform nasty command pre-processing to insert the
47 | # wine executable in front of the test executables. Instead, use the
48 | # kernel's binfmt support to automatically use Wine as an interpreter
49 | # when asked to load PE executables.
50 | # TODO: Have boot2container mount this filesystem for all jobs?
51 | mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
52 | echo ':DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine64:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
53 |
54 | # Set environment for DXVK.
55 | export DXVK_LOG_LEVEL="info"
56 | export DXVK_LOG="$RESULTS/dxvk"
57 | [ -d "$DXVK_LOG" ] || mkdir -pv "$DXVK_LOG"
58 | export DXVK_STATE_CACHE=0
59 |
60 | # Set environment for replaying traces.
61 | export PATH="/apitrace-msvc-win64/bin:/gfxreconstruct/build/bin:$PATH"
62 |
63 | SANITY_MESA_VERSION_CMD="vulkaninfo"
64 |
65 | # Set up the Window System Interface (WSI)
66 | # TODO: Can we get away with GBM?
67 | if [ "${TEST_START_XORG:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then
68 | "$INSTALL"/common/start-x.sh "$INSTALL"
69 | export DISPLAY=:0
70 | fi
71 |
72 | wine64 --version
73 |
74 | SANITY_MESA_VERSION_CMD="$SANITY_MESA_VERSION_CMD | tee /tmp/version.txt | grep \"Mesa $MESA_VERSION\(\s\|$\)\""
75 |
77 |
78 | set +e
79 | if ! eval $RUN_CMD;
80 | then
81 | printf "%s\n" "Found $(cat /tmp/version.txt), expected $MESA_VERSION"
82 | fi
83 | set -e
84 |
85 | # Just to be sure...
86 | chmod +x ./valvetraces-run.sh
87 | ./valvetraces-run.sh