1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | # shellcheck disable=SC1091
3 | # shellcheck disable=SC2034
4 | # shellcheck disable=SC2059
5 | # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # we want word splitting
6 |
7 | . "$SCRIPTS_DIR"/setup-test-env.sh
8 |
9 | # Boot script for devices attached to a PoE switch, using NFS for the root
10 | # filesystem.
11 |
12 | # We're run from the root of the repo, make a helper var for our paths
13 | BM=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/bare-metal
14 | CI_COMMON=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/install/common
16 |
17 | # Runner config checks
18 | if [ -z "$BM_SERIAL" ]; then
19 | echo "Must set BM_SERIAL in your gitlab-runner config.toml [[runners]] environment"
20 | echo "This is the serial port to listen the device."
21 | exit 1
22 | fi
23 |
24 | if [ -z "$BM_POE_ADDRESS" ]; then
25 | echo "Must set BM_POE_ADDRESS in your gitlab-runner config.toml [[runners]] environment"
26 | echo "This is the PoE switch address to connect for powering up/down devices."
27 | exit 1
28 | fi
29 |
30 | if [ -z "$BM_POE_INTERFACE" ]; then
31 | echo "Must set BM_POE_INTERFACE in your gitlab-runner config.toml [[runners]] environment"
32 | echo "This is the PoE switch interface where the device is connected."
33 | exit 1
34 | fi
35 |
36 | if [ -z "$BM_POWERUP" ]; then
37 | echo "Must set BM_POWERUP in your gitlab-runner config.toml [[runners]] environment"
38 | echo "This is a shell script that should power up the device and begin its boot sequence."
39 | exit 1
40 | fi
41 |
42 | if [ -z "$BM_POWERDOWN" ]; then
43 | echo "Must set BM_POWERDOWN in your gitlab-runner config.toml [[runners]] environment"
44 | echo "This is a shell script that should power off the device."
45 | exit 1
46 | fi
47 |
48 | if [ ! -d /nfs ]; then
49 | echo "NFS rootfs directory needs to be mounted at /nfs by the gitlab runner"
50 | exit 1
51 | fi
52 |
53 | if [ ! -d /tftp ]; then
54 | echo "TFTP directory for this board needs to be mounted at /tftp by the gitlab runner"
55 | exit 1
56 | fi
57 |
58 | # job config checks
59 | if [ -z "$BM_ROOTFS" ]; then
60 | echo "Must set BM_ROOTFS to your board's rootfs directory in the job's variables"
61 | exit 1
62 | fi
63 |
64 | if [ -z "$BM_BOOTFS" ] && { [ -z "$BM_KERNEL" ] || [ -z "$BM_DTB" ]; } ; then
65 | echo "Must set /boot files for the TFTP boot in the job's variables or set kernel and dtb"
66 | exit 1
67 | fi
68 |
69 | if [ -z "$BM_CMDLINE" ]; then
70 | echo "Must set BM_CMDLINE to your board's kernel command line arguments"
71 | exit 1
72 | fi
73 |
74 | set -ex
75 |
76 | date +'%F %T'
77 |
78 | # Clear out any previous run's artifacts.
79 | rm -rf results/
80 | mkdir -p results
81 |
82 | # Create the rootfs in the NFS directory. rm to make sure it's in a pristine
83 | # state, since it's volume-mounted on the host.
84 | rsync -a --delete $BM_ROOTFS/ /nfs/
85 |
86 | date +'%F %T'
87 |
88 | # If BM_BOOTFS is an URL, download it
89 | if echo $BM_BOOTFS | grep -q http; then
90 | curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 \
91 | "${FDO_HTTP_CACHE_URI:-}$BM_BOOTFS" -o /tmp/bootfs.tar
92 | BM_BOOTFS=/tmp/bootfs.tar
93 | fi
94 |
95 | date +'%F %T'
96 |
97 | # If BM_BOOTFS is a file, assume it is a tarball and uncompress it
98 | if [ -f "${BM_BOOTFS}" ]; then
99 | mkdir -p /tmp/bootfs
100 | tar xf $BM_BOOTFS -C /tmp/bootfs
101 | BM_BOOTFS=/tmp/bootfs
102 | fi
103 |
104 | # If BM_KERNEL and BM_DTS is present
105 | if [ -n "${FORCE_KERNEL_TAG}" ]; then
106 | if [ -z "${BM_KERNEL}" ] || [ -z "${BM_DTB}" ]; then
107 | echo "This machine cannot be tested with external kernel since BM_KERNEL or BM_DTB missing!"
108 | exit 1
109 | fi
110 |
111 | curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 \
113 | curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 \
115 | curl -L --retry 4 -f --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 60 \
116 | "${FDO_HTTP_CACHE_URI:-}${KERNEL_IMAGE_BASE}/${DEBIAN_ARCH}/modules.tar.zst" -o modules.tar.zst
117 | fi
118 |
119 | date +'%F %T'
120 |
121 | # Install kernel modules (it could be either in /lib/modules or
122 | # /usr/lib/modules, but we want to install in the latter)
123 | if [ -n "${FORCE_KERNEL_TAG}" ]; then
124 | tar --keep-directory-symlink --zstd -xf modules.tar.zst -C /nfs/
125 | rm modules.tar.zst &
126 | elif [ -n "${BM_BOOTFS}" ]; then
127 | [ -d $BM_BOOTFS/usr/lib/modules ] && rsync -a $BM_BOOTFS/usr/lib/modules/ /nfs/usr/lib/modules/
128 | [ -d $BM_BOOTFS/lib/modules ] && rsync -a $BM_BOOTFS/lib/modules/ /nfs/lib/modules/
129 | else
130 | echo "No modules!"
131 | fi
132 |
133 |
134 | date +'%F %T'
135 |
136 | # Install kernel image + bootloader files
137 | if [ -n "${FORCE_KERNEL_TAG}" ] || [ -z "$BM_BOOTFS" ]; then
138 | mv "${BM_KERNEL}" "${BM_DTB}.dtb" /tftp/
139 | else # BM_BOOTFS
140 | rsync -aL --delete $BM_BOOTFS/boot/ /tftp/
141 | fi
142 |
143 | date +'%F %T'
144 |
145 | # Set up the pxelinux config for Jetson Nano
146 | mkdir -p /tftp/pxelinux.cfg
147 | cat <<EOF >/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default-arm-tegra210-p3450-0000
148 | PROMPT 0
149 | TIMEOUT 30
150 | DEFAULT primary
151 | MENU TITLE jetson nano boot options
152 | LABEL primary
153 | MENU LABEL CI kernel on TFTP
154 | LINUX Image
155 | FDT tegra210-p3450-0000.dtb
156 | APPEND \${cbootargs} $BM_CMDLINE
157 | EOF
158 |
159 | # Set up the pxelinux config for Jetson TK1
160 | cat <<EOF >/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default-arm-tegra124-jetson-tk1
161 | PROMPT 0
162 | TIMEOUT 30
163 | DEFAULT primary
164 | MENU TITLE jetson TK1 boot options
165 | LABEL primary
166 | MENU LABEL CI kernel on TFTP
167 | LINUX zImage
168 | FDT tegra124-jetson-tk1.dtb
169 | APPEND \${cbootargs} $BM_CMDLINE
170 | EOF
171 |
172 | # Create the rootfs in the NFS directory
173 | . $BM/rootfs-setup.sh /nfs
174 |
175 | date +'%F %T'
176 |
177 | echo "$BM_CMDLINE" > /tftp/cmdline.txt
178 |
179 | # Add some options in config.txt, if defined
180 | if [ -n "$BM_BOOTCONFIG" ]; then
181 | printf "$BM_BOOTCONFIG" >> /tftp/config.txt
182 | fi
183 |
184 | set +e
185 | STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE=job_detail.json
186 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --update dut_job_type "${DEVICE_TYPE}"
187 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --update farm "${FARM}"
188 | ATTEMPTS=3
189 | first_attempt=True
190 | while [ $((ATTEMPTS--)) -gt 0 ]; do
191 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --create-dut-job dut_name "${CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION}"
192 | # Update subtime time to CI_JOB_STARTED_AT only for the first run
193 | if [ "$first_attempt" = "True" ]; then
194 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --update-dut-time submit "${CI_JOB_STARTED_AT}"
195 | else
196 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --update-dut-time submit
197 | fi
198 | python3 $BM/poe_run.py \
199 | --dev="$BM_SERIAL" \
200 | --powerup="$BM_POWERUP" \
201 | --powerdown="$BM_POWERDOWN" \
202 | --test-timeout ${TEST_PHASE_TIMEOUT:-20}
203 | ret=$?
204 |
205 | if [ $ret -eq 2 ]; then
206 | echo "Did not detect boot sequence, retrying..."
207 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --close-dut-job
208 | first_attempt=False
209 | else
210 | ATTEMPTS=0
211 | fi
212 | done
213 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --close-dut-job
214 | python3 $CI_INSTALL/custom_logger.py ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} --close
215 | set -e
216 |
217 | date +'%F %T'
218 |
219 | # Bring artifacts back from the NFS dir to the build dir where gitlab-runner
220 | # will look for them.
221 | cp -Rp /nfs/results/. results/
222 | if [ -f "${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE}" ]; then
223 | cp -p ${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE} results/
224 | echo "Structured log file is available at ${ARTIFACTS_BASE_URL}/results/${STRUCTURED_LOG_FILE}"
225 | fi
226 |
227 | date +'%F %T'
228 |
229 | exit $ret