1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 | #
3 | # Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
4 | #
5 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | #
9 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 | #
11 | # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 | # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 | # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 | # limitations under the License.
16 | """Creates the boot image."""
17 | from argparse import (ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError,
18 | FileType, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
19 | from hashlib import sha1
20 | from os import fstat
21 | from struct import pack
22 | import array
23 | import collections
24 | import os
25 | import re
26 | import subprocess
27 | import tempfile
28 | # Constant and structure definition is in
29 | # system/tools/mkbootimg/include/bootimg/bootimg.h
32 | BOOT_NAME_SIZE = 16
33 | BOOT_ARGS_SIZE = 512
54 | # Names with special meaning, mustn't be specified in --ramdisk_name.
56 | PARSER_ARGUMENT_VENDOR_RAMDISK_FRAGMENT = '--vendor_ramdisk_fragment'
57 | def filesize(f):
58 | if f is None:
59 | return 0
60 | try:
61 | return fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
62 | except OSError:
63 | return 0
64 | def update_sha(sha, f):
65 | if f:
66 | sha.update(f.read())
67 | f.seek(0)
68 | sha.update(pack('I', filesize(f)))
69 | else:
70 | sha.update(pack('I', 0))
71 | def pad_file(f, padding):
72 | pad = (padding - (f.tell() & (padding - 1))) & (padding - 1)
73 | f.write(pack(str(pad) + 'x'))
74 | def get_number_of_pages(image_size, page_size):
75 | """calculates the number of pages required for the image"""
76 | return (image_size + page_size - 1) // page_size
77 | def get_recovery_dtbo_offset(args):
78 | """calculates the offset of recovery_dtbo image in the boot image"""
79 | num_header_pages = 1 # header occupies a page
80 | num_kernel_pages = get_number_of_pages(filesize(args.kernel), args.pagesize)
81 | num_ramdisk_pages = get_number_of_pages(filesize(args.ramdisk),
82 | args.pagesize)
83 | num_second_pages = get_number_of_pages(filesize(args.second), args.pagesize)
84 | dtbo_offset = args.pagesize * (num_header_pages + num_kernel_pages +
85 | num_ramdisk_pages + num_second_pages)
86 | return dtbo_offset
87 | def write_header_v3_and_above(args):
88 | if args.header_version > 3:
89 | boot_header_size = BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V4_SIZE
90 | else:
91 | boot_header_size = BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V3_SIZE
92 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE}s', BOOT_MAGIC.encode()))
93 | # kernel size in bytes
94 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.kernel)))
95 | # ramdisk size in bytes
96 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.ramdisk)))
97 | # os version and patch level
98 | args.output.write(pack('I', (args.os_version << 11) | args.os_patch_level))
99 | args.output.write(pack('I', boot_header_size))
100 | # reserved
101 | args.output.write(pack('4I', 0, 0, 0, 0))
102 | # version of boot image header
103 | args.output.write(pack('I', args.header_version))
104 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_ARGS_SIZE + BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE}s',
105 | args.cmdline))
106 | if args.header_version >= 4:
107 | # The signature used to verify boot image v4.
108 | args.output.write(pack('I', BOOT_IMAGE_V4_SIGNATURE_SIZE))
109 | pad_file(args.output, BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V3_PAGESIZE)
110 | def write_vendor_boot_header(args):
111 | if filesize(args.dtb) == 0:
112 | raise ValueError('DTB image must not be empty.')
113 | if args.header_version > 3:
114 | vendor_ramdisk_size = args.vendor_ramdisk_total_size
115 | vendor_boot_header_size = VENDOR_BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V4_SIZE
116 | else:
117 | vendor_ramdisk_size = filesize(args.vendor_ramdisk)
118 | vendor_boot_header_size = VENDOR_BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V3_SIZE
119 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack(f'{VENDOR_BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE}s',
120 | VENDOR_BOOT_MAGIC.encode()))
121 | # version of boot image header
122 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.header_version))
123 | # flash page size
124 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.pagesize))
125 | # kernel physical load address
126 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.base + args.kernel_offset))
127 | # ramdisk physical load address
128 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.base + args.ramdisk_offset))
129 | # ramdisk size in bytes
130 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', vendor_ramdisk_size))
131 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack(f'{VENDOR_BOOT_ARGS_SIZE}s',
132 | args.vendor_cmdline))
133 | # kernel tags physical load address
134 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.base + args.tags_offset))
135 | # asciiz product name
136 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack(f'{VENDOR_BOOT_NAME_SIZE}s', args.board))
137 | # header size in bytes
138 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', vendor_boot_header_size))
139 | # dtb size in bytes
140 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', filesize(args.dtb)))
141 | # dtb physical load address
142 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('Q', args.base + args.dtb_offset))
143 | if args.header_version > 3:
144 | vendor_ramdisk_table_size = (args.vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_num *
146 | # vendor ramdisk table size in bytes
147 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', vendor_ramdisk_table_size))
148 | # number of vendor ramdisk table entries
149 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', args.vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_num))
150 | # vendor ramdisk table entry size in bytes
151 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', VENDOR_RAMDISK_TABLE_ENTRY_V4_SIZE))
152 | # bootconfig section size in bytes
153 | args.vendor_boot.write(pack('I', filesize(args.vendor_bootconfig)))
154 | pad_file(args.vendor_boot, args.pagesize)
155 | def write_header(args):
156 | if args.header_version > 4:
157 | raise ValueError(
158 | f'Boot header version {args.header_version} not supported')
159 | if args.header_version in {3, 4}:
160 | return write_header_v3_and_above(args)
161 | ramdisk_load_address = ((args.base + args.ramdisk_offset)
162 | if filesize(args.ramdisk) > 0 else 0)
163 | second_load_address = ((args.base + args.second_offset)
164 | if filesize(args.second) > 0 else 0)
165 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE}s', BOOT_MAGIC.encode()))
166 | # kernel size in bytes
167 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.kernel)))
168 | # kernel physical load address
169 | args.output.write(pack('I', args.base + args.kernel_offset))
170 | # ramdisk size in bytes
171 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.ramdisk)))
172 | # ramdisk physical load address
173 | args.output.write(pack('I', ramdisk_load_address))
174 | # second bootloader size in bytes
175 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.second)))
176 | # second bootloader physical load address
177 | args.output.write(pack('I', second_load_address))
178 | # kernel tags physical load address
179 | args.output.write(pack('I', args.base + args.tags_offset))
180 | # flash page size
181 | args.output.write(pack('I', args.pagesize))
182 | # version of boot image header
183 | args.output.write(pack('I', args.header_version))
184 | # os version and patch level
185 | args.output.write(pack('I', (args.os_version << 11) | args.os_patch_level))
186 | # asciiz product name
187 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_NAME_SIZE}s', args.board))
188 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_ARGS_SIZE}s', args.cmdline))
189 | sha = sha1()
190 | update_sha(sha, args.kernel)
191 | update_sha(sha, args.ramdisk)
192 | update_sha(sha, args.second)
193 | if args.header_version > 0:
194 | update_sha(sha, args.recovery_dtbo)
195 | if args.header_version > 1:
196 | update_sha(sha, args.dtb)
197 | img_id = pack('32s', sha.digest())
198 | args.output.write(img_id)
199 | args.output.write(pack(f'{BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE}s', args.extra_cmdline))
200 | if args.header_version > 0:
201 | if args.recovery_dtbo:
202 | # recovery dtbo size in bytes
203 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.recovery_dtbo)))
204 | # recovert dtbo offset in the boot image
205 | args.output.write(pack('Q', get_recovery_dtbo_offset(args)))
206 | else:
207 | # Set to zero if no recovery dtbo
208 | args.output.write(pack('I', 0))
209 | args.output.write(pack('Q', 0))
210 | # Populate boot image header size for header versions 1 and 2.
211 | if args.header_version == 1:
212 | args.output.write(pack('I', BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V1_SIZE))
213 | elif args.header_version == 2:
214 | args.output.write(pack('I', BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V2_SIZE))
215 | if args.header_version > 1:
216 | if filesize(args.dtb) == 0:
217 | raise ValueError('DTB image must not be empty.')
218 | # dtb size in bytes
219 | args.output.write(pack('I', filesize(args.dtb)))
220 | # dtb physical load address
221 | args.output.write(pack('Q', args.base + args.dtb_offset))
222 | pad_file(args.output, args.pagesize)
223 | return img_id
224 | class AsciizBytes:
225 | """Parses a string and encodes it as an asciiz bytes object.
226 | >>> AsciizBytes(bufsize=4)('foo')
227 | b'foo\\x00'
228 | >>> AsciizBytes(bufsize=4)('foob')
229 | Traceback (most recent call last):
230 | ...
231 | argparse.ArgumentTypeError: Encoded asciiz length exceeded: max 4, got 5
232 | """
233 | def __init__(self, bufsize):
234 | self.bufsize = bufsize
235 | def __call__(self, arg):
236 | arg_bytes = arg.encode() + b'\x00'
237 | if len(arg_bytes) > self.bufsize:
238 | raise ArgumentTypeError(
239 | 'Encoded asciiz length exceeded: '
240 | f'max {self.bufsize}, got {len(arg_bytes)}')
241 | return arg_bytes
242 | class VendorRamdiskTableBuilder:
243 | """Vendor ramdisk table builder.
244 | Attributes:
245 | entries: A list of VendorRamdiskTableEntry namedtuple.
246 | ramdisk_total_size: Total size in bytes of all ramdisks in the table.
247 | """
248 | VendorRamdiskTableEntry = collections.namedtuple( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
249 | 'VendorRamdiskTableEntry',
250 | ['ramdisk_path', 'ramdisk_size', 'ramdisk_offset', 'ramdisk_type',
251 | 'ramdisk_name', 'board_id'])
252 | def __init__(self):
253 | self.entries = []
254 | self.ramdisk_total_size = 0
255 | self.ramdisk_names = set()
256 | def add_entry(self, ramdisk_path, ramdisk_type, ramdisk_name, board_id):
257 | # Strip any trailing null for simple comparison.
258 | stripped_ramdisk_name = ramdisk_name.rstrip(b'\x00')
259 | if stripped_ramdisk_name in VENDOR_RAMDISK_NAME_BLOCKLIST:
260 | raise ValueError(
261 | f'Banned vendor ramdisk name: {stripped_ramdisk_name}')
262 | if stripped_ramdisk_name in self.ramdisk_names:
263 | raise ValueError(
264 | f'Duplicated vendor ramdisk name: {stripped_ramdisk_name}')
265 | self.ramdisk_names.add(stripped_ramdisk_name)
266 | if board_id is None:
267 | board_id = array.array(
269 | else:
270 | board_id = array.array('I', board_id)
272 | raise ValueError('board_id size must be '
274 | with open(ramdisk_path, 'rb') as f:
275 | ramdisk_size = filesize(f)
276 | self.entries.append(self.VendorRamdiskTableEntry(
277 | ramdisk_path, ramdisk_size, self.ramdisk_total_size, ramdisk_type,
278 | ramdisk_name, board_id))
279 | self.ramdisk_total_size += ramdisk_size
280 | def write_ramdisks_padded(self, fout, alignment):
281 | for entry in self.entries:
282 | with open(entry.ramdisk_path, 'rb') as f:
283 | fout.write(f.read())
284 | pad_file(fout, alignment)
285 | def write_entries_padded(self, fout, alignment):
286 | for entry in self.entries:
287 | fout.write(pack('I', entry.ramdisk_size))
288 | fout.write(pack('I', entry.ramdisk_offset))
289 | fout.write(pack('I', entry.ramdisk_type))
290 | fout.write(pack(f'{VENDOR_RAMDISK_NAME_SIZE}s',
291 | entry.ramdisk_name))
292 | fout.write(entry.board_id)
293 | pad_file(fout, alignment)
294 | def write_padded_file(f_out, f_in, padding):
295 | if f_in is None:
296 | return
297 | f_out.write(f_in.read())
298 | pad_file(f_out, padding)
299 | def parse_int(x):
300 | return int(x, 0)
301 | def parse_os_version(x):
302 | match = re.search(r'^(\d{1,3})(?:\.(\d{1,3})(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?)?', x)
303 | if match:
304 | a = int(match.group(1))
305 | b = c = 0
306 | if match.lastindex >= 2:
307 | b = int(match.group(2))
308 | if match.lastindex == 3:
309 | c = int(match.group(3))
310 | # 7 bits allocated for each field
311 | assert a < 128
312 | assert b < 128
313 | assert c < 128
314 | return (a << 14) | (b << 7) | c
315 | return 0
316 | def parse_os_patch_level(x):
317 | match = re.search(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?', x)
318 | if match:
319 | y = int(match.group(1)) - 2000
320 | m = int(match.group(2))
321 | # 7 bits allocated for the year, 4 bits for the month
322 | assert 0 <= y < 128
323 | assert 0 < m <= 12
324 | return (y << 4) | m
325 | return 0
326 | def parse_vendor_ramdisk_type(x):
327 | type_dict = {
332 | }
333 | if x.lower() in type_dict:
334 | return type_dict[x.lower()]
335 | return parse_int(x)
336 | def get_vendor_boot_v4_usage():
337 | return """vendor boot version 4 arguments:
338 | --ramdisk_type {none,platform,recovery,dlkm}
339 | specify the type of the ramdisk
340 | --ramdisk_name NAME
341 | specify the name of the ramdisk
342 | --board_id{0..15} NUMBER
343 | specify the value of the board_id vector, defaults to 0
344 | --vendor_ramdisk_fragment VENDOR_RAMDISK_FILE
345 | path to the vendor ramdisk file
346 | These options can be specified multiple times, where each vendor ramdisk
347 | option group ends with a --vendor_ramdisk_fragment option.
348 | Each option group appends an additional ramdisk to the vendor boot image.
349 | """
350 | def parse_vendor_ramdisk_args(args, args_list):
351 | """Parses vendor ramdisk specific arguments.
352 | Args:
353 | args: An argparse.Namespace object. Parsed results are stored into this
354 | object.
355 | args_list: A list of argument strings to be parsed.
356 | Returns:
357 | A list argument strings that are not parsed by this method.
358 | """
359 | parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
360 | parser.add_argument('--ramdisk_type', type=parse_vendor_ramdisk_type,
362 | parser.add_argument('--ramdisk_name',
363 | type=AsciizBytes(bufsize=VENDOR_RAMDISK_NAME_SIZE),
364 | required=True)
366 | parser.add_argument(f'--board_id{i}', type=parse_int, default=0)
367 | parser.add_argument(PARSER_ARGUMENT_VENDOR_RAMDISK_FRAGMENT, required=True)
368 | unknown_args = []
369 | vendor_ramdisk_table_builder = VendorRamdiskTableBuilder()
370 | if args.vendor_ramdisk is not None:
371 | vendor_ramdisk_table_builder.add_entry(
372 | args.vendor_ramdisk.name, VENDOR_RAMDISK_TYPE_PLATFORM, b'', None)
374 | idx = args_list.index(PARSER_ARGUMENT_VENDOR_RAMDISK_FRAGMENT) + 2
375 | vendor_ramdisk_args = args_list[:idx]
376 | args_list = args_list[idx:]
377 | ramdisk_args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args(vendor_ramdisk_args)
378 | ramdisk_args_dict = vars(ramdisk_args)
379 | unknown_args.extend(extra_args)
380 | ramdisk_path = ramdisk_args.vendor_ramdisk_fragment
381 | ramdisk_type = ramdisk_args.ramdisk_type
382 | ramdisk_name = ramdisk_args.ramdisk_name
383 | board_id = [ramdisk_args_dict[f'board_id{i}']
385 | vendor_ramdisk_table_builder.add_entry(ramdisk_path, ramdisk_type,
386 | ramdisk_name, board_id)
387 | if len(args_list) > 0:
388 | unknown_args.extend(args_list)
389 | args.vendor_ramdisk_total_size = (vendor_ramdisk_table_builder
390 | .ramdisk_total_size)
391 | args.vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_num = len(vendor_ramdisk_table_builder
392 | .entries)
393 | args.vendor_ramdisk_table_builder = vendor_ramdisk_table_builder
394 | return unknown_args
395 | def parse_cmdline():
396 | version_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
397 | version_parser.add_argument('--header_version', type=parse_int, default=0)
398 | if version_parser.parse_known_args()[0].header_version < 3:
399 | # For boot header v0 to v2, the kernel commandline field is split into
400 | # two fields, cmdline and extra_cmdline. Both fields are asciiz strings,
401 | # so we minus one here to ensure the encoded string plus the
402 | # null-terminator can fit in the buffer size.
403 | cmdline_size = BOOT_ARGS_SIZE + BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE - 1
404 | else:
405 | cmdline_size = BOOT_ARGS_SIZE + BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE
406 | parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
407 | epilog=get_vendor_boot_v4_usage())
408 | parser.add_argument('--kernel', type=FileType('rb'),
409 | help='path to the kernel')
410 | parser.add_argument('--ramdisk', type=FileType('rb'),
411 | help='path to the ramdisk')
412 | parser.add_argument('--second', type=FileType('rb'),
413 | help='path to the second bootloader')
414 | parser.add_argument('--dtb', type=FileType('rb'), help='path to the dtb')
415 | dtbo_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
416 | dtbo_group.add_argument('--recovery_dtbo', type=FileType('rb'),
417 | help='path to the recovery DTBO')
418 | dtbo_group.add_argument('--recovery_acpio', type=FileType('rb'),
419 | metavar='RECOVERY_ACPIO', dest='recovery_dtbo',
420 | help='path to the recovery ACPIO')
421 | parser.add_argument('--cmdline', type=AsciizBytes(bufsize=cmdline_size),
422 | default='', help='kernel command line arguments')
423 | parser.add_argument('--vendor_cmdline',
424 | type=AsciizBytes(bufsize=VENDOR_BOOT_ARGS_SIZE),
425 | default='',
426 | help='vendor boot kernel command line arguments')
427 | parser.add_argument('--base', type=parse_int, default=0x10000000,
428 | help='base address')
429 | parser.add_argument('--kernel_offset', type=parse_int, default=0x00008000,
430 | help='kernel offset')
431 | parser.add_argument('--ramdisk_offset', type=parse_int, default=0x01000000,
432 | help='ramdisk offset')
433 | parser.add_argument('--second_offset', type=parse_int, default=0x00f00000,
434 | help='second bootloader offset')
435 | parser.add_argument('--dtb_offset', type=parse_int, default=0x01f00000,
436 | help='dtb offset')
437 | parser.add_argument('--os_version', type=parse_os_version, default=0,
438 | help='operating system version')
439 | parser.add_argument('--os_patch_level', type=parse_os_patch_level,
440 | default=0, help='operating system patch level')
441 | parser.add_argument('--tags_offset', type=parse_int, default=0x00000100,
442 | help='tags offset')
443 | parser.add_argument('--board', type=AsciizBytes(bufsize=BOOT_NAME_SIZE),
444 | default='', help='board name')
445 | parser.add_argument('--pagesize', type=parse_int,
446 | choices=[2**i for i in range(11, 15)], default=2048,
447 | help='page size')
448 | parser.add_argument('--id', action='store_true',
449 | help='print the image ID on standard output')
450 | parser.add_argument('--header_version', type=parse_int, default=0,
451 | help='boot image header version')
452 | parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=FileType('wb'),
453 | help='output file name')
454 | parser.add_argument('--gki_signing_algorithm',
455 | help='GKI signing algorithm to use')
456 | parser.add_argument('--gki_signing_key',
457 | help='path to RSA private key file')
458 | parser.add_argument('--gki_signing_signature_args',
459 | help='other hash arguments passed to avbtool')
460 | parser.add_argument('--gki_signing_avbtool_path',
461 | help='path to avbtool for boot signature generation')
462 | parser.add_argument('--vendor_boot', type=FileType('wb'),
463 | help='vendor boot output file name')
464 | parser.add_argument('--vendor_ramdisk', type=FileType('rb'),
465 | help='path to the vendor ramdisk')
466 | parser.add_argument('--vendor_bootconfig', type=FileType('rb'),
467 | help='path to the vendor bootconfig file')
468 | args, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args()
469 | if args.vendor_boot is not None and args.header_version > 3:
470 | extra_args = parse_vendor_ramdisk_args(args, extra_args)
471 | if len(extra_args) > 0:
472 | raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized arguments: {extra_args}')
473 | if args.header_version < 3:
474 | args.extra_cmdline = args.cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE-1:]
475 | args.cmdline = args.cmdline[:BOOT_ARGS_SIZE-1] + b'\x00'
476 | assert len(args.cmdline) <= BOOT_ARGS_SIZE
477 | assert len(args.extra_cmdline) <= BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE
478 | return args
479 | def add_boot_image_signature(args, pagesize):
480 | """Adds the boot image signature.
481 | Note that the signature will only be verified in VTS to ensure a
482 | generic boot.img is used. It will not be used by the device
483 | bootloader at boot time. The bootloader should only verify
484 | the boot vbmeta at the end of the boot partition (or in the top-level
485 | vbmeta partition) via the Android Verified Boot process, when the
486 | device boots.
487 | """
488 | args.output.flush() # Flush the buffer for signature calculation.
489 | # Appends zeros if the signing key is not specified.
490 | if not args.gki_signing_key or not args.gki_signing_algorithm:
491 | zeros = b'\x00' * BOOT_IMAGE_V4_SIGNATURE_SIZE
492 | args.output.write(zeros)
493 | pad_file(args.output, pagesize)
494 | return
495 | avbtool = 'avbtool' # Used from otatools.zip or Android build env.
496 | # We need to specify the path of avbtool in build/core/Makefile.
497 | # Because avbtool is not guaranteed to be in $PATH there.
498 | if args.gki_signing_avbtool_path:
499 | avbtool = args.gki_signing_avbtool_path
500 | # Need to specify a value of --partition_size for avbtool to work.
501 | # We use 64 MB below, but avbtool will not resize the boot image to
502 | # this size because --do_not_append_vbmeta_image is also specified.
503 | avbtool_cmd = [
504 | avbtool, 'add_hash_footer',
505 | '--partition_name', 'boot',
506 | '--partition_size', str(64 * 1024 * 1024),
507 | '--image', args.output.name,
508 | '--algorithm', args.gki_signing_algorithm,
509 | '--key', args.gki_signing_key,
510 | '--salt', 'd00df00d'] # TODO: use a hash of kernel/ramdisk as the salt.
511 | # Additional arguments passed to avbtool.
512 | if args.gki_signing_signature_args:
513 | avbtool_cmd += args.gki_signing_signature_args.split()
514 | # Outputs the signed vbmeta to a separate file, then append to boot.img
515 | # as the boot signature.
516 | with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_out_dir:
517 | boot_signature_output = os.path.join(temp_out_dir, 'boot_signature')
518 | avbtool_cmd += ['--do_not_append_vbmeta_image',
519 | '--output_vbmeta_image', boot_signature_output]
520 | subprocess.check_call(avbtool_cmd)
521 | with open(boot_signature_output, 'rb') as boot_signature:
522 | if filesize(boot_signature) > BOOT_IMAGE_V4_SIGNATURE_SIZE:
523 | raise ValueError(
524 | f'boot sigature size is > {BOOT_IMAGE_V4_SIGNATURE_SIZE}')
525 | write_padded_file(args.output, boot_signature, pagesize)
526 | def write_data(args, pagesize):
527 | write_padded_file(args.output, args.kernel, pagesize)
528 | write_padded_file(args.output, args.ramdisk, pagesize)
529 | write_padded_file(args.output, args.second, pagesize)
530 | if args.header_version > 0 and args.header_version < 3:
531 | write_padded_file(args.output, args.recovery_dtbo, pagesize)
532 | if args.header_version == 2:
533 | write_padded_file(args.output, args.dtb, pagesize)
534 | if args.header_version >= 4:
535 | add_boot_image_signature(args, pagesize)
536 | def write_vendor_boot_data(args):
537 | if args.header_version > 3:
538 | builder = args.vendor_ramdisk_table_builder
539 | builder.write_ramdisks_padded(args.vendor_boot, args.pagesize)
540 | write_padded_file(args.vendor_boot, args.dtb, args.pagesize)
541 | builder.write_entries_padded(args.vendor_boot, args.pagesize)
542 | write_padded_file(args.vendor_boot, args.vendor_bootconfig,
543 | args.pagesize)
544 | else:
545 | write_padded_file(args.vendor_boot, args.vendor_ramdisk, args.pagesize)
546 | write_padded_file(args.vendor_boot, args.dtb, args.pagesize)
547 | def main():
548 | args = parse_cmdline()
549 | if args.vendor_boot is not None:
550 | if args.header_version not in {3, 4}:
551 | raise ValueError(
552 | '--vendor_boot not compatible with given header version')
553 | if args.header_version == 3 and args.vendor_ramdisk is None:
554 | raise ValueError('--vendor_ramdisk missing or invalid')
555 | write_vendor_boot_header(args)
556 | write_vendor_boot_data(args)
557 | if args.output is not None:
558 | if args.second is not None and args.header_version > 2:
559 | raise ValueError(
560 | '--second not compatible with given header version')
561 | img_id = write_header(args)
562 | if args.header_version > 2:
563 | write_data(args, BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_V3_PAGESIZE)
564 | else:
565 | write_data(args, args.pagesize)
566 | if args.id and img_id is not None:
567 | print('0x' + ''.join(f'{octet:02x}' for octet in img_id))
568 | if __name__ == '__main__':
569 | main()