1 | EGL
2 | ===
3 |
4 | The current version of EGL in Mesa implements EGL 1.4. More information
5 | about EGL can be found at https://www.khronos.org/egl/.
6 |
7 | The Mesa's implementation of EGL uses a driver architecture. The main
8 | library (``libEGL``) is window system neutral. It provides the EGL API
9 | entry points and helper functions for use by the drivers. Drivers are
10 | dynamically loaded by the main library and most of the EGL API calls are
11 | directly dispatched to the drivers.
12 |
13 | The driver in use decides the window system to support.
14 |
15 | Build EGL
16 | ---------
17 |
18 | #. Configure your build with the desired client APIs and enable the
19 | driver for your hardware. For example:
20 |
21 | .. code-block:: console
22 |
23 | $ meson configure \
24 | -D egl=enabled \
25 | -D gles1=enabled \
26 | -D gles2=enabled \
27 | -D dri-drivers=... \
28 | -D gallium-drivers=...
29 |
30 | The main library and OpenGL is enabled by default. The first two
31 | options above enables :doc:`OpenGL ES 1.x and 2.x <opengles>`. The
32 | last two options enables the listed classic and Gallium drivers
33 | respectively.
34 |
35 | #. Build and install Mesa as usual.
36 |
37 | In the given example, it will build and install ``libEGL``, ``libGL``,
38 | ``libGLESv1_CM``, ``libGLESv2``, and one or more EGL drivers.
39 |
40 | Configure Options
41 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
42 |
43 | There are several options that control the build of EGL at configuration
44 | time
45 |
46 | ``-D egl=enabled``
47 | By default, EGL is enabled. When disabled, the main library and the
48 | drivers will not be built.
49 |
50 | ``-D platforms=...``
51 | List the platforms (window systems) to support. Its argument is a
52 | comma separated string such as ``-D platforms=x11,wayland``. It decides
53 | the platforms a driver may support. The first listed platform is also
54 | used by the main library to decide the native platform.
55 |
56 | The available platforms are ``x11``, ``wayland``,
57 | ``android``, and ``haiku``. The ``android`` platform
58 | can either be built as a system component, part of AOSP, using
59 | ``Android.mk`` files, or cross-compiled using appropriate options.
60 | Unless for special needs, the build system should select the right
61 | platforms automatically.
62 |
63 | ``-D gles1=enabled`` and ``-D gles2=enabled``
64 | These options enable OpenGL ES support in OpenGL. The result is one
65 | big internal library that supports multiple APIs.
66 |
67 | ``-D shared-glapi=enabled``
68 | By default, ``libGL`` has its own copy of ``libglapi``. This options
69 | makes ``libGL`` use the shared ``libglapi``. This is required if
70 | applications mix OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
71 |
72 | Use EGL
73 | -------
74 |
75 | Demos
76 | ~~~~~
77 |
78 | There are demos for the client APIs supported by EGL. They can be found
79 | in mesa/demos repository.
80 |
81 | Environment Variables
82 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
83 |
84 | There are several environment variables that control the behavior of EGL
85 | at runtime
86 |
88 | This variable specifies the native platform. The valid values are the
89 | same as those for ``-D platforms=...``. When the variable is not set,
90 | the main library uses the first platform listed in
91 | ``-D platforms=...`` as the native platform.
92 |
93 | Extensions like ``EGL_MESA_drm_display`` define new functions to
94 | create displays for non-native platforms. These extensions are
95 | usually used by applications that support non-native platforms.
96 | Setting this variable is probably required only for some of the demos
97 | found in mesa/demo repository.
98 |
99 | ``EGL_LOG_LEVEL``
100 | This changes the log level of the main library and the drivers. The
101 | valid values are: ``debug``, ``info``, ``warning``, and ``fatal``.
102 |
103 | Packaging
104 | ---------
105 |
106 | The ABI between the main library and its drivers are not stable. Nor is
107 | there a plan to stabilize it at the moment.
108 |
109 | Developers
110 | ----------
111 |
112 | The sources of the main library and drivers can be found at
113 | ``src/egl/``.
114 |
115 | The code basically consists of two things:
116 |
117 | 1. An EGL API dispatcher. This directly routes all the ``eglFooBar()``
118 | API calls into driver-specific functions.
119 |
120 | 2. Two EGL drivers (``dri2`` and ``haiku``), implementing the API
121 | functions handling the platforms' specifics.
122 |
123 | Two of API functions are optional (``eglQuerySurface()`` and
124 | ``eglSwapInterval()``); the former provides fallback for all the
125 | platform-agnostic attributes (i.e. everything except ``EGL_WIDTH``
126 | & ``EGL_HEIGHT``), and the latter just silently pretends the API call
127 | succeeded (as per EGL spec).
128 |
129 | A driver _could_ implement all the other EGL API functions, but several of
130 | them are only needed for extensions, like ``eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT()``.
131 | See ``src/egl/main/egldriver.h`` to see which driver hooks are only
132 | required by extensions.
133 |
134 | Bootstrapping
135 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
136 |
137 | When the apps calls ``eglInitialize()``, the driver's ``Initialize()``
138 | function is called. If the first driver initialization attempt fails,
139 | a second one is tried using only software components (this can be forced
140 | using the ``LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE`` environment variable). Typically,
141 | this function takes care of setting up visual configs, creating EGL
142 | devices, etc.
143 |
144 | Teardown
145 | ~~~~~~~~
146 |
147 | When ``eglTerminate()`` is called, the ``driver->Terminate()`` function
148 | is called. The driver should clean up after itself.
149 |
150 | Subclassing
151 | ~~~~~~~~~~~
152 |
153 | The internal libEGL data structures such as ``_EGLDisplay``,
154 | ``_EGLContext``, ``_EGLSurface``, etc. should be considered base classes
155 | from which drivers will derive subclasses.
156 |
157 | EGL Drivers
158 | -----------
159 |
160 | ``egl_dri2``
161 | This driver supports several platforms: ``android``, ``device``,
162 | ``drm``, ``surfaceless``, ``wayland`` and ``x11``. It functions as
163 | a DRI driver loader. For ``x11`` support, it talks to the X server
164 | directly using (XCB-)DRI3 protocol when available, and falls back to
165 | DRI2 if necessary (can be forced with ``LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE``).
166 |
167 | This driver can share DRI drivers with ``libGL``.
168 |
169 | ``haiku``
170 | This driver supports only the `Haiku <https://haiku-os.org>`__
171 | platform. It is also much less feature-complete than ``egl_dri2``,
172 | supporting only part of EGL 1.4 and none of the extensions beyond it.
173 |
174 | Lifetime of Display Resources
175 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
176 |
177 | Contexts and surfaces are examples of display resources. They might live
178 | longer than the display that creates them.
179 |
180 | In EGL, when a display is terminated through ``eglTerminate``, all
181 | display resources should be destroyed. Similarly, when a thread is
182 | released through ``eglReleaseThread``, all current display resources
183 | should be released. Another way to destroy or release resources is
184 | through functions such as ``eglDestroySurface`` or ``eglMakeCurrent``.
185 |
186 | When a resource that is current to some thread is destroyed, the
187 | resource should not be destroyed immediately. EGL requires the resource
188 | to live until it is no longer current. A driver usually calls
189 | ``eglIs<Resource>Bound`` to check if a resource is bound (current) to
190 | any thread in the destroy callbacks. If it is still bound, the resource
191 | is not destroyed.
192 |
193 | The main library will mark destroyed current resources as unlinked. In a
194 | driver's ``MakeCurrent`` callback, ``eglIs<Resource>Linked`` can then be
195 | called to check if a newly released resource is linked to a display. If
196 | it is not, the last reference to the resource is removed and the driver
197 | should destroy the resource. But it should be careful here because
198 | ``MakeCurrent`` might be called with an uninitialized display.
199 |
200 | This is the only mechanism provided by the main library to help manage
201 | the resources. The drivers are responsible to the correct behavior as
202 | defined by EGL.
203 |
205 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
206 |
207 | In EGL, the color buffer a context should try to render to is decided by
208 | the binding surface. It should try to render to the front buffer if the
209 | binding surface has ``EGL_RENDER_BUFFER`` set to ``EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER``;
210 | If the same context is later bound to a surface with
211 | ``EGL_RENDER_BUFFER`` set to ``EGL_BACK_BUFFER``, the context should try
212 | to render to the back buffer. However, the context is allowed to make
213 | the final decision as to which color buffer it wants to or is able to
214 | render to.
215 |
216 | For pbuffer surfaces, the render buffer is always ``EGL_BACK_BUFFER``.
217 | And for pixmap surfaces, the render buffer is always
218 | ``EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER``. Unlike window surfaces, EGL spec requires their
219 | ``EGL_RENDER_BUFFER`` values to be honored. As a result, a driver should
220 | never set ``EGL_PIXMAP_BIT`` or ``EGL_PBUFFER_BIT`` bits of a config if
221 | the contexts created with the config won't be able to honor the
222 | ``EGL_RENDER_BUFFER`` of pixmap or pbuffer surfaces.
223 |
224 | It should also be noted that pixmap and pbuffer surfaces are assumed to
225 | be single-buffered, in that ``eglSwapBuffers`` has no effect on them. It
226 | is desirable that a driver allocates a private color buffer for each
227 | pbuffer surface created. If the window system the driver supports has
228 | native pbuffers, or if the native pixmaps have more than one color
229 | buffers, the driver should carefully attach the native color buffers to
230 | the EGL surfaces, re-route them if required.
231 |
232 | There is no defined behavior as to, for example, how ``glDrawBuffer``
233 | interacts with ``EGL_RENDER_BUFFER``. Right now, it is desired that the
234 | draw buffer in a client API be fixed for pixmap and pbuffer surfaces.
235 | Therefore, the driver is responsible to guarantee that the client API
236 | renders to the specified render buffer for pixmap and pbuffer surfaces.
237 |
238 | ``EGLDisplay`` Mutex
239 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
240 |
241 | The ``EGLDisplay`` will be locked before calling any of the dispatch
242 | functions (well, except for GetProcAddress which does not take an
243 | ``EGLDisplay``). This guarantees that the same dispatch function will
244 | not be called with the same display at the same time. If a driver has
245 | access to an ``EGLDisplay`` without going through the EGL APIs, the
246 | driver should as well lock the display before using it.