1 | /** @file
2 | * IPRT - Named shared memory.
3 | */
4 |
5 | /*
6 | * Copyright (C) 2018 Oracle Corporation
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
9 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
10 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
11 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
12 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
13 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
14 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
15 | *
16 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
17 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
18 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
19 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
20 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
21 | *
22 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
23 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
24 | */
25 |
26 | #ifndef ___iprt_shmem_h
27 | #define ___iprt_shmem_h
29 | # pragma once
30 | #endif
31 |
32 | #include <iprt/types.h>
33 |
35 |
36 | /** @defgroup grp_rt_shmem RTShMem - Shared memory.
37 | * @ingroup grp_rt
38 | */
39 |
40 | /** @name Open flags for RTShMemOpen().
41 | * @{
42 | */
43 | /** Creates a new shared memory object or opens an already existing one. */
44 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_CREATE RT_BIT_32(0)
45 | /** Creates a new shared memory object failing if one with the same name exists already. */
47 | /** Opens the shared memory object for read access. */
48 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_READ RT_BIT_32(2)
49 | /** Opens the shared memory object for write access. */
50 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_WRITE RT_BIT_32(3)
51 | /** Opens the shared memory object for read and write access. */
53 | /** Truncates the shared memory object to 0 bytes on open. */
54 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_TRUNCATE RT_BIT_32(4)
55 | /** Mappings may be created with executable access right (required to be known on Windows beforehand). */
56 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_MAYBE_EXEC RT_BIT_32(5)
57 | /** Mask of all valid flags. */
58 | #define RTSHMEM_O_F_VALID_MASK UINT32_C(0x0000003f)
59 | /** @} */
60 |
61 | /**
62 | * Creates or opens a new shared memory object with the given name.
63 | *
64 | * @returns IPRT status code.
65 | * @retval VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE if the mapping hint count is too big.
66 | * @param phShMem Where to store the handle to the shared memory object on success.
67 | * @param pszName Name of the shared memory object to open or create.
68 | * @param fFlags Combination of RTSHMEM_O_F_* flags.
69 | * @param cbMax Maximum number of bytes to reserve for the shared memory object.
70 | * On some platforms this can be 0 and set to another value using RTShMemSetSize() afterwards.
71 | * Giving 0 on Windows results in an error as shared memory objects there do not support
72 | * changing the size afterwards.
73 | * @param cMappingsHint Hint about the possible number of mappings created later on, set to 0 for a default value.
74 | */
75 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemOpen(PRTSHMEM phShMem, const char *pszName, uint32_t fFlags, size_t cbMax, uint32_t cMappingsHint);
76 |
77 | /**
78 | * Closes the given shared memory object.
79 | *
80 | * @returns IPRT status code.
81 | * @retval VERR_INVALID_STATE if there is still a mapping active for the given shared memory object.
82 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
83 | *
84 | * @note The shared memory object will be deleted if the creator closes it.
85 | */
86 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemClose(RTSHMEM hShMem);
87 |
88 | /**
89 | * Returns the number of references (i.e. mappings) held for the given shared memory object.
90 | *
91 | * @returns Reference count or 0 on invalid handle.
92 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
93 | */
94 | RTDECL(uint32_t) RTShMemRefCount(RTSHMEM hShMem);
95 |
96 | /**
97 | * Sets the size of the given shared memory object.
98 | *
99 | * @returns IPRT status code.
100 | * @retval VERR_INVALID_STATE if there are mappings active for the given shared memory object.
101 | * @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED on some hosts which do not support changing the size after creation.
102 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
103 | * @param cbMem Size of the memory object handle in bytes.
104 | */
105 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemSetSize(RTSHMEM hShMem, size_t cbMem);
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * Queries the current size of the shared memory object.
109 | *
110 | * @returns IPRT status code.
111 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
112 | * @param pcbMem Where to store the size of the shared memory object on success.
113 | */
114 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemQuerySize(RTSHMEM hShMem, size_t *pcbMem);
115 |
116 | /** @name Region mapping flags for RTShMemMapRegion().
117 | * @{
118 | */
119 | /** Read access. */
120 | #define RTSHMEM_MAP_F_READ RT_BIT_32(0)
121 | /** Write access. */
122 | #define RTSHMEM_MAP_F_WRITE RT_BIT_32(1)
123 | /** Execute access. */
124 | #define RTSHMEM_MAP_F_EXEC RT_BIT_32(2)
125 | /** Copy on write, any write creates a new page private to the callers address space and changes
126 | * in that area are not shared with other processes using the hsared memory object. */
127 | #define RTSHMEM_MAP_F_COW RT_BIT_32(3)
128 | /** Mask of all valid flags. */
129 | #define RTSHMEM_MAP_F_VALID_MASK UINT32_C(0x0000000f)
130 | /** @} */
131 |
132 | /**
133 | * Maps a region of the given shared memory object into the callers address space.
134 | *
135 | * @returns IPRT status code.
136 | * @retval VERR_SHMEM_MAXIMUM_MAPPINGS_REACHED if the maximum number of mappings was reached (host dependent).
137 | * @retval VERR_ACCESS_DENIED if the requested memory access rights do not line up with the flags given when opening
138 | * the memory object (requesting write access for a readonly shared memory object for example).
139 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
140 | * @param offRegion Offset into the shared memory object to start mapping at.
141 | * @param cbRegion Size of the region to map.
142 | * @param fFlags Desired properties of the mapped region, combination of RTSHMEM_MAP_F_* defines.
143 | * @param ppv Where to store the start address of the mapped region on success.
144 | */
145 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemMapRegion(RTSHMEM hShMem, size_t offRegion, size_t cbRegion, uint32_t fFlags, void **ppv);
146 |
147 | /**
148 | * Unmaps the given region of the shared memory object.
149 | *
150 | * @returns IPRT status code.
151 | * @param hShMem The shared memory object handle.
152 | * @param pv Pointer to the mapped region obtained with RTShMemMapRegion() earlier on.
153 | */
154 | RTDECL(int) RTShMemUnmapRegion(RTSHMEM hShMem, void *pv);
155 |
156 | /** @} */
158 |
159 | #endif
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